Home A fish Technological map of fish ear. The technology for preparing a hot dish is Fisherman's Ear. Raw material requirements

Technological map of fish ear. The technology for preparing a hot dish is Fisherman's Ear. Raw material requirements

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6. Technical and technological map (TTK)

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products- those that are developed and sold only in this enterprise. The term of the TTC is determined by the enterprise itself. TTK includes sections:

1. Name of the product and scope of the TTK. Specify the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval.

2. List of raw materials for making the dish.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a record that the raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for this dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TUs) and have certificates and quality certificates.

4. Bookmark rates, raw materials in gross and net weight, output rates for semi-finished products and finished products.

5. Description technological process, cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish, lead the used nutritional supplements, dyes, etc.

6. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage. The design features, the rules for filing, the procedure for selling, storing

7. Indicators of quality and safety. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, texture), physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.

8. Indicators nutritional composition And energy value. They provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish, which is important for the organization of nutrition of certain consumer groups (dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, children food and etc.)

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the company's file cabinet. The TTK is signed by the responsible developer. The TTC for Fisherman's Fish Ear is presented below.

I approve:

Director ……….

"_____" _________ 200 ....


"Fishing Ear"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map applies to the product "Fishing fish soup" produced by the enterprise.

2 List of raw materials

For the preparation of the product "Fishing fish soup" use the following raw materials:

The raw materials used for the manufacture of Fisherman's Fish Soup must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

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Ukha - national Russian dish

There are many varieties of fish soup, in Russia you can find black, and white, and red fish soup, fish soup, triple fish soup, and a dozen more varieties of this soup. But first things first.

The term "ukha" originates from the ancient Indo-European root jus, meaning "decoction" or "liquid". From this root the word jucha and subsequently known to us "ukha" were formed. An analogue of the word "ukha" can also be found among neighboring peoples, Ukrainians and Belarusians have the word "yushka", which also originates from this root.

Ukha is one of the oldest dishes of Russian cuisine, but in the 11th-12th centuries this term was used to refer to any soup (chicken, pea, fish, meat) and only at the end of the 17th century the name "ukha" was assigned to fish soup.

Fish soup recipe

Classical fish soup is fish broth. There is no exact definition of what type of fish should be used to prepare traditional fish soup. Recently, it has been widely believed that several types of fish should be used when preparing fish soup. According to this technology, you first need to boil small fish, boil it thoroughly, strain the broth and only then add large pieces of more valuable fish.

When cooking fish soup, you need to know some tricks that will allow you to make an excellent dish.

The choice of fish for soup

1. For fish soup, choose very fresh or even live fish.
2. Preference should be given to those types of fish that have gluten and tenderness - this is primarily pike perch, perch, ruff. Less suitable for fish soup will be carp, crucian carp, carp, rudd. And bream, gudgeon, roach, vobla, ram, mackerel, gobies, as well as herring of all varieties are absolutely not suitable for cooking fish soup. Fresh is also suitable for fish soup. sea ​​fish: cod, halibut, grenadier, icefish, sea bass.

Choice of utensils for fish soup

For fish soup, choose enameled or earthenware, that is, one in which there is no oxidation. Aluminum, cast iron, metal utensils are not suitable for cooking fish soup.

Fish soup technology

As a result of cooking the fish soup, you should get a transparent concentrated broth with a delicate aroma and juicy, not boiled fish. To obtain such an ear, you must follow a few rules.
1. The ear is boiled over low heat, in an open dish without a lid. You can not allow the rapid boiling of the soup.
2. Fish should be placed in a boiling salted vegetable broth, for which onions, carrots, potatoes are used, which are then thrown away.
3. It is necessary to observe a strictly defined cooking time for fish. Freshwater fish usually cooks for 7 to 20 minutes depending on the size, and saltwater fish for 8-12 minutes.
4. When preparing fish soup, it is necessary to use a variety of spices and spices, such as black pepper, parsley root and greens, bay leaf, dill, green onion, leek, parsnip, tarragon. In some types of fish soup add ginger, saffron, fennel, nutmeg, anise. The fatter the fish, the more you need to add spices and spices to the ear. But you also need not to overdo it with spices, otherwise you can kill the smell and taste of fish.
5. After cooking, the ear should be infused for 7-10 minutes.

Ukha can be eaten both hot and cold.

Fish soup varieties

For white fish soup such varieties of fish as perch, pike perch, ruff are used.

black ear prepared using carp, crucian carp, carp, rudd.

red ear is made from red varieties of fish - sturgeon, salmon, beluga, stellate sturgeon.

triple ear prepared from three types of fish.

prefabricated ear intended to be used in the preparation different varieties fish (for example, river and sea).

sweet ear obtained by doubling the dose of finely chopped carrots.

crucian ear prepared from carp with the addition of barley or rice.

Ear with crayfish involves the addition of crayfish and fish in a ratio of 2:1.

Fisherman's ear does not have a specific recipe and cooking technology. A fisherman's catch goes into such an ear, while the fish is usually alive. Such an ear is cooked on a fire and may not involve the use of vegetables.

Fish soup ingredients:
fish - 1 kg;
potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
onion - 1-2 pcs.;
carrots - 1 pc.;
parsley root - 1 pc.;
bay leaf - 2-3 pcs. (optional);
black pepper - 6-8 peas;
spices, onion, garlic, parsley, dill;


Ear Rostov

Product name

The consumption rate of products for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Cod fillet (or haddock, or saithe, or pollock, or hake, or sea ​​bass, or pike perch, or mullet) ice cream DP

Potato fresh peeled semi-finished product

or fresh food potatoes

Dried parsley roots

or fresh onion


Drinking water


Parsley (greens)


Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

* Gross weight of fish is based on glaze content of 5%, if glaze content is different, gross weight of fish fillets must be recalculated.

Cooking technology: peeled vegetables, parsley washed in batches in running water for 5 minutes. Fish fillet with skin is washed, cut into portions, 1-2 cuts are made on the skin so that the skin does not deform during cooking. Fresh peeled potatoes (semi-finished product sulphated) are placed in boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes, the broth is drained. Prepared potatoes are cut into slices. Potatoes, parsley root, onion chopped into strips are placed in boiling water, and boiled at a slow boil. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, put the prepared fillet, salt, sliced ​​​​tomatoes. 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, put boiled butter, chopped parsley in the ear.

Serving temperature: 65±5°С.

Implementation period:


Pea soup

Product name

The consumption rate of products for 1 serving with a net weight of 100g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

split peas

Peeled table carrots semi-finished product

or fresh table carrots

Onion fresh peeled semi-finished product

or fresh onion

Parsley (greens)


Drinking water

Salt enriched with reduced sodium content

Wheat flour 1 grade


100 grams of this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: dried peas are sorted, washed, put in cold water(50% of the prescription rate) for 3-4 hours, then boiled in the same water without salt with the lid closed until tender.

Peeled vegetables and parsley are washed under running water. Prepared carrots, onions are cut, stewed in a small amount of water (10% of the prescription rate) with the addition of butter for 10 minutes, then the stewed vegetables and prepared peas are rubbed through a mashing machine.

Wheat flour is slightly dried in a pan, a small amount of water is added to it, kneaded well at a low boil until a homogeneous mass is formed for 3-5 minutes, after which the mashed vegetables and peas are combined with white sauce, diluted with water (40% of the prescription rate) , add salt, bring to a boil with stirring.

Ready puree soup is stored until tempering in a water bath or stove at a temperature of 80-85°C.

Serving temperature: 70±5° С.

Implementation period: no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.

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  • Technical and technological map No. 2

    fish soup

    Application area

    This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish Fisherman's soup, produced and sold in a catering establishment.

    Raw material requirements

    Food raw materials, foodstuffs and semi-finished products used to prepare fish soup must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality, etc.)

    Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.

    The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for catering establishments and technological recommendations for raw materials.


    Technological process

    Bouillon is boiled from fish and filtered. Potatoes with whole tubers, onion heads, parsley, cut into thin slices, are placed in boiling broth and boiled until tender. 15 minutes before the soup is ready, prepared portions of fish are placed. At the end of cooking, put butter in the ear. Released in a broth cup heated to 40 0C. Broth is poured into a cup, put on a saucer, small fish and greens, a circle of lemon are served separately.

    Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

    The dish is released in portioned dishes immediately after cooking.

    According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not be lower than 70°C.

    The allowable shelf life of fish soup before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2 hours at a storage temperature of at least 70 ° C.

    Quality and safety indicators

    The organoleptic characteristics of the fish soup dish must meet the following requirements:

    The microbiological parameters of the fish soup dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index

    The nutritional value

    The nutritional value of fish soup for the output of 500 g of the product is:

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