Home Meat Recipe for soft caramel made from honey, condensed milk and milk: at home. Cooked lingonberry pastille. Halva with honey and nuts

Recipe for soft caramel made from honey, condensed milk and milk: at home. Cooked lingonberry pastille. Halva with honey and nuts


To prepare them, you will need 1 tablespoon of honey, 250 grams of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 300 grams of water.

Mix all the ingredients and boil until you get the consistency of fudge (like thick sour cream). Remove from heat and put on a greased dish, smooth the surface with a knife dipped in water.
After cooling, cut into pieces of different shapes, as your fantasy tells you.


To prepare 1kg of sweets, you will need 5 cups of honey.
Boil honey in a cast iron bowl for 20 minutes, stirring continuously until dark brown.
Cook over low heat and be sure to stir continuously, otherwise it will burn!
Then put on a greased (any, both vegetable oil and butter are useful) tray.
I take vegetable oil.

We grease our hands in oil so that they do not bake, and quickly crush the cooked mass and pull it out in weight until flagella form. From these bundles you can make rings, curls, or simply cut into pieces in the form of pillows. If there are forms in the form of cockerels or bears (remember, they used to be sold), then you can pour it into forms that have been oiled in advance. I also make balls and stick toothpicks into them and get candy on a stick.

Much tastier than bought, and most importantly, natural and without dyes!
You can add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 5 drops of fir oil or eucalyptus to honey, and you get a cure for colds and sore throats.

I remember when my mom used to make these sweets for us when we were kids, they were delicious. We had an apiary and my mother took care of the bees and always had her own honey, so we had honey sweets: both healthy and tasty.
How much you want to go back to childhood, run barefoot on soft knotweed and have your mother nearby.


We take 200 grams of candied honey, 50 grams of sugar and 75 grams of sour cream or milk, chocolate or coconut flakes, to taste.

Heat honey in a water bath and add sugar, sour cream and shavings to it. Bring to a boil and boil until a thick mass is obtained.

Put the finished mass on a dish greased with butter and a knife dipped in water, level the surface to make a layer 1 cm thick.

When the mass has cooled, cut into small squares and wrap in cellophane. Put in refrigerator or cool place.


To prepare them, we take 100 grams of honey, 100 grams of crackers powder, 150 grams of minced walnuts, 100 grams of powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons of cocoa, 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon or cloves (as you like), a little milk, if necessary.

Put nuts in a saucepan, add warmed honey and other ingredients, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender). Pour milk in a thin stream until a thick mass is obtained.

Roll out the mass into a layer 1 cm thick on a wooden board sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Using metal molds, cut out different shapes.
Decorate each piece with nuts. Let the candy dry at room temperature.


You need to take 2 cups of honey, 2 cups of sugar, 0.5 cup vegetable oil, a glass of powdered milk, a pinch of salt.

Heat honey, add sugar and salt to it, cook over high heat, stirring occasionally.

Gradually add butter and milk powder. Boil until the mass hardens, stirring constantly.

Put the hot mass on a greased dish, smooth the surface.
When the mass has cooled, cut it into squares and wrap it in cellophane or wax paper.

Today we will analyze an amazing thing, or rather, what is soft caramel and how to cook it? The recipe is new to me, but when I cooked it, I was simply stunned. And immediately found a lot of use. I gave the kids just how to spread on cookies. Used to make cakes, rolls. When you think about it, there are many uses.

And he began to cook it often. I want you to definitely try to cook a wonderful delicacy. Caramel can be both liquid and thick. It all depends on what you want to do with it. If it’s just for tea, then you can make it thicker. If the filler is naturally liquid. By the way, it will well replace the famous condensed milk.

It is also called caramel sauce. Great stuffing for pancakes.

Soft caramel at home

Now let's analyze interesting recipe. I assure you it is very simple. As a result, you get delicious treat. And the taste is similar to toffee, which we ate in childhood, and even now.

For cooking we need:

  • Honey - 100 grams
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Sugar - 50 grams

cooking caramel

1 Take a deep frying pan or pan. You need to melt butter in it.

2 Once the butter has melted, add honey and sugar. Now we need to reduce the fire to a minimum. And stir constantly. Wait for it to boil. Once it boils, cook for 2 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

3 Then add condensed milk.

4 Continue to cook, stirring constantly. Cook until golden brown.

5 If desired, the color can be changed: from golden to brown.

6 Cook for 7 minutes. Then transfer to another container, such as a jar. Let cool. Serve immediately or refrigerate until further use.

Do not forget to stir constantly, otherwise your caramel will burn!

The resulting cream can be used to make a cake. can buy ready-made cakes in the store and spread with layers of soft caramel. Gets very tasty.

milk caramel recipe

There are many options for making caramel. Now I want to share with another amazing recipe.

We take the following products:

  • Milk - 100 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Vanillin - 1 gram
  • Salt - one pinch

Step by step cooking with photo:

1 First you need to melt the sugar. We will need a frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom. I usually use a frying pan. Pour sugar into it. You need to melt over medium heat. Sugar will melt gradually from bottom to top. To prevent it from burning, shake the pan or place it. If lumps form, don't worry. They will eventually grow too. Just keep stirring. Keep on fire until it acquires a golden amber color.

The main thing is that the sugar does not burn. It will then be bitter and smell burnt.

2 Remove the dissolved sugar from the heat. Now we take the milk and gradually pour in the milk. At the same time, we constantly interfere. It must be done carefully.

And you need to do it carefully because when you add milk, the dissolved sugar will hiss and splash! Be careful. And you need to pour it in gradually.

3 But if you accidentally poured a lot of milk, then a lump will form. Stop, don't be scared. We just put it back on fire. Here you need to know. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the milk will curdle. And flakes form. Place over medium heat until completely dissolved. If necessary, turn down the fire.

5 Density depends on the ratio of milk and sugar. If there is more sugar, then the caramel immediately turns thick. But if equal parts, then respectively liquid. It will become thicker as it cools.

6 Liquid caramel or caramel sauce is ready. Now you can pour into containers or serve on the table for tea drinking.

Watch the video of making soft caramel

I suggest watching a video where caramel is made from cream.

The treat is ready. Good addition to your table. Two simple prescription make for a super tasty treat. Thank you for your attention. Please rate or like. I look forward to your comments on how soft caramel turned out. If any points are not clear, feel free to ask questions. Follow the blog "First Culinary", which is now. It was created specifically to share with you the best recipes. Happy preparations!

I remember a frosty winter morning, when I'm not even 8 yet, and I, wrapped in three scarves, trudge behind my mother, holding on to the edge of her winter woolen coat. We walk through the crowded market, winding between onlookers and passers-by, and then stop at the counter with sweets. This wonderful smell of sweets captivated the children's mind and did not want to let go. My eyes ran wide, I wanted everything at once, but my eyes always stopped at toffees in a faded yellow candy wrapper. Mom bought them a little and rarely, because they "spoil the teeth." But with a little toffee in my pocket, I still happened to return home. This is a taste from childhood and the share of fear with which you tried to open your teeth, which seemed to be tightly fastened with toffee, and how nice it is to remember them again, but only now experimenting in your own kitchen. I assure you that this honey-creamy taste will not leave anyone indifferent, and large flakes of salt will add that very freshness and modernity.

250 ml cream with 33% fat
250 grams of sugar
25 grams butter
60 grams of honey
1 tsp cinnamon
Coarse salt flakes

1. In a saucepan (it is better not to take a small one), put all the ingredients, except for cinnamon and salt, and put on a small fire, stir.
2. Bring to a boil and cook until the mixture reaches 122 C. This process may take 10-20 minutes. If there is no thermometer, then you can check the readiness as follows: pour a drop of caramel into a glass with cold water if it hardens and is elastic, then the mixture is ready. I, without a thermometer, always rely on the color of caramel, but if you took cane or dark-colored honey instead of regular sugar, then this must be taken into account.
3. While the caramel is being prepared, you can prepare a form (no more than 20 cm) into which we will fill it, it must be lined with parchment.
4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add a teaspoon of cinnamon. You can also add chopped nuts, zest, or other spices like cardamom or even some pepper. Mix well and pour into mold.
5. After 3 hours, take out the caramel with parchment from the mold so as not to damage it, and cut it with a lightly oiled knife into sweets, after which each can also be wrapped in parchment or transparent film.

P. S. — Two gifts from the @entresolka vintage shop flew under my Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve, and you can see one of them in the photo — this is a wonderful copper mold with a fruit pattern for baking, which I have not yet used for its intended purpose, I decided to click as
dishes / bowls / coasters. The second gift - an old tray is still waiting in the wings, I hope to brag about it soon!

Caramel exists in several forms: caramel sweets, dessert caramel crust, lollipop, etc. Caramel is prepared from a sufficiently large amount of sugar with the addition of chocolate, honey, nuts, fruit syrups, and berries. Honey caramel is unusual in taste. The composition of honey caramel, despite the sugary-sweet taste of honey, still includes sugar. Due to honey, caramel reaches the desired consistency faster and is better formed.

Honey caramel with chocolate

Ingredients: 90 g honey, 50 g butter, 3 chocolate bars, 12 tbsp. l. sugar, walnut or hazelnut kernels.

Cooking method. Thoroughly mix all the necessary components, except nuts, add 1 tbsp. l. water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil. After cooling, cut the candy mass into squares of about 3 x 3 cm. Put a walnut kernel slice or half a hazelnut on each square. Wrap each caramel in cellophane, thin foil or parchment paper.

Honey caramel with dried fruits

Ingredients: 250 g butter, 250 g granulated sugar, 250 g honey, dried fruit.

Cooking method. Melt the butter, add sugar, honey and crushed dried fruits. Boil over medium heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the mass does not stick to the walls of the pan. Put the finished candy mass on a baking sheet greased with butter and put it in a cool place. After cooling, cut the mass into small squares and wrap each in parchment paper or cellophane.

Honey caramel with milk and chocolate

Ingredients: 400 g of sugar, 1 chocolate bar, 150 g of powdered milk, 150 g of honey, a little butter, 100 g of crushed walnuts, 1 tbsp. l. water.

Cooking method. Mix sugar with grated chocolate and dry milk, pour in 1 tbsp. l of water and boil everything for 5 minutes on low heat. Remove the mass from the heat, let it cool slightly and add chalk and butter to it. Mix everything well and, after cooling, add the crushed kernels of nuts. Spread the finished mass in an even layer on a baking sheet or board, previously greased with butter, let it harden well and then cut into squares of the desired size. Roll each in crushed nuts if the candies are to be used immediately, or wrap each in cellophane.

Honey caramel in rum glaze

Ingredients: 100 g honey, 100 g nuts, 200 g ground gingerbread crackers, 2 tbsp. l. rum, ½ tsp cinnamon and cloves.

Cooking method. Steam the honey slightly, add chopped nuts, ground gingerbread crackers, rum, cinnamon and cloves. Mix the whole mixture well and put on a wooden board sprinkled with powdered sugar. Form a tourniquet from the mass and leave until the next day in a dry and cool place. Then cut into pieces about 1 cm thick and decorate with rum glaze. Additionally, you can decorate honey caramel with toasted almonds.

Wonderful by palatability Spanish dessert cream caramel is easy to make at home. Taste cream caramel with honey is so thin and tender that you can eat a lot of such a dessert. Those who follow their figure should not get carried away too much cream caramel with honey.

To prepare a wonderful foreign dessert, which is on a par with our ice cream in our kitchen. To prepare cream caramel with honey, you need one hundred grams buckwheat honey, 250 grams of butter, 200 milliliters of black coffee without sugar, 200 milliliters of milk, 150 grams of sugar, a tablespoon of rum and three tablespoons of premium flour.

We put the sugar in a saucepan and begin to turn it into caramel, mix thoroughly and add a little coffee with rum. Cook over low heat until the sugar caramel is completely dissolved. In a separate bowl, mix milk and flour. Pour the flour gradually so that there are no lumps, now add the cooked coffee caramel. Keep on low heat until empty. When the mixture thickens, remove from heat and let it cool down a bit. During the cooling process cream caramel with honey Add a little honey and melted butter. It remains to beat everything with a whisk until smooth and pour into cups and put in the oven for 5-7 minutes. You can serve cream caramel in cups or take it out of the dish and put it on a saucer.

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