Home Salads and appetizers Is it dangerous to drink energy drinks. Death from energy drinks - what harm do they carry? Is it possible to get poisoned by an energy drink and is it possible to die

Is it dangerous to drink energy drinks. Death from energy drinks - what harm do they carry? Is it possible to get poisoned by an energy drink and is it possible to die

Unlike alcoholic beverages, energy drinks are advertised on TV quite freely. But many people say that drinking them is not worth it. Although there are many supporters of such drinks. But why are energy drinks harmful to the body? After all, many people drink them, and nothing bad happens. There are 2 sides to this situation. Both the harm and the benefits of such drinks are palpable.

Why are energy drinks harmful?

The harm of such products lies in the fact that they affect the human nervous system. This effect causes a short-term increased performance. After that, there is a big decline in brain activity. Such a "shake" can threaten:

  1. insomnia;
  2. Rapid heartbeat;
  3. Pain in the muscles;
  4. Irritability;
  5. Depression and so on.

And if you drink several cans of energy drinks at once (without food), you can even die from a heavy load on your heart. Contrary to myths, there are no toxic substances in such drinks. But they contain stimulants that are in any food. Only here such norm is exceeded in tens of times.

What makes energy drinks harmful?

All energy drinks are rich in the following substances:

  • Caffeine;
  • Theobromine (mental stimulant);
  • L-carnitine;
  • preservatives;
  • Dyes;
  • acidity regulators.

Some of these substances are not harmful. But they are combined with other substances. Their norm is markedly exceeded. This allows the drink to act instantly. As a result, you get a negative effect on the nervous system. And dyes and regulators do the same thing to the stomach as Coca-Cola or other lemonade.

When are energy drinks useful?

The benefits of such drinks are manifested in emergency situations. For example, you need to drive all night or study for an exam. In such a situation, you can drink a little energy. And you will be able to complete the task.

But you should not resort to such drinks every day. They are addictive and addictive. It will seem to you that you want to sleep, and you need to cheer up. This will force you to open all new banks.

Remember that drinks are especially bad for children, pregnant women and the elderly. They are contraindicated for these categories of citizens. A healthy person may well drink 1 jar from time to time.

To drink or not to drink?

Many "health fans" scream that energy drinks are evil. But it's not. They don't bring any real benefit. But there is no harm from them. Harm can occur only with their constant use or when used in large doses.

Don't buy obscure products or items from dubious outlets. Such a product is often counterfeited. And unlicensed jars are really harmful.

Remember that this product increases the heart rate. Do not use it in an excited state, after training or hard work. Also, do not drink these drinks if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Do not guess why energy drinks are harmful, but control life on your own. Do a normal sleep pattern, increase your efficiency, be confident in yourself. And you do not need to drink something every day to get joy in life.

Quickly recharge your batteries and almost instantly get a powerful boost of energy for several hours is quite convenient and even tempting. However, every action should have a downside, and not always the same rosy and attractive.

We have been hearing about the miraculous effects of energy drinks on various areas of perception for many years, but we don’t think at all about what consequences these “magic” drinks can bestow on our body.

Origin and original composition of energy drinks

Even in ancient times, there was information about the miraculous effects of various elixirs and herbal infusions, helping to stay awake for a long time and feel full of energy. At the same time, the harm from such drinks was minimal - largely due to the natural origin and ecological purity of the components.

First energy composition appeared in England and was launched for mass sale under the name "Lukozade". The second manufacturing country was Japan, which is now rightfully considered the leader in the production of such products.

Modern energy drinks have appeared relatively recently, and all manufacturers of original products of this type unanimously talk about the complete safety of their brainchildren. At the same time, it is worth considering how individual components can be harmless or, conversely, make a negative contribution to the vital activity of various organs.

Energy drink ingredients

The components of energy drinks from different manufacturers are almost the same, at least the main ones are the same. The main components of the energy elixirs of our time are:

  • Taurine. The synthesis of the substance occurs in the gallbladder, participating in a number of metabolic processes and improving cell nutrition. It is considered harmless in small quantities, but not in those in which it can be used as part of modern energy drinks.
  • Caffeine. Can be replaced by theine or mateine. It mainly serves to increase mental and physical performance, enhancing reaction and memory. At the same time, the pulse rate increases, the level of blood pressure (BP) rises, in many cases, the development of arrhythmia is possible.
  • Theobromine. Pretty strong stimulant.
  • Melatonin. Provides the level of vital activity, activity, circadian rhythm of a person.
  • vitamins and glucose.

It can also be noted that energy drinks are highly carbonated drinks with carbonic acid in their composition. Thanks to it, the components that make up the drinks are absorbed much faster, and the desired effect is achieved quite quickly. By law, manufacturers indicate on labels or containers the exact composition of the drink produced, as well as the safe amount of the product for consumption.

To drink or not to drink? That's the question!

The benefits of drinking energy drinks seem to be significant, but at the same time, the effect is temporary - with a duration, depending on the specific product and its composition. The most harmless and even useful components of drinks are glucose and various vitamins, as well as carbohydrates. Even many famous athletes do not hide their preferences in terms of energy drinks.

But constant research tirelessly confirms the negative, extremely negative impact on individual zones and the body as a whole. The excited, often euphoric state of a person after drinking energy drinks is replaced by even greater fatigue, insomnia and nervous irritation.

A number of proven factors are considered clear indicators that an energy drink is extremely harmful. The main ones among them are:

  1. Rapid increase in blood pressure and blood sugar.
  2. The effect of addiction and the ability to significantly deplete the nervous system.
  3. The presence of multiple side effects in overdose, of which the most unpleasant depressive state, disruption of the heart, psychomotor overexcitation.
  4. High calorie drink.

The dark side of the coin - why are energy drinks harmful?

It is worth considering the moment that many representatives of today's youth, with excessive use of energy drinks, simply do not pay attention. This is a highly undesirable mixing of energy drinks with alcohol or caffeinated drinks. Such abuse can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to think about what and at what time you can use the energy drink.

In addition, energy drinks in any manifestations and quantities are absolutely contraindicated for certain groups of people: pregnant women, adolescents, children, the elderly, as well as people prone to various heart or chronic diseases. You can not drink energy drinks during medical intervention and the use of medications.

Of the lesser evils that the abuse of energy drinks leads to, one can name a violation of the acid-base balance in the mouth and the destruction of tooth enamel. And in some cases it was possible to observe the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Therefore, they still continue to argue about the benefits or harms of modern energy drinks, without coming to a common denominator. At the same time, it should be noted unambiguously and irrevocably: you can use energy drinks only in small doses, not too often, and only for those people who do not have obvious contraindications.

The intense rhythm of life, the lack of proper rest are the main reasons why teenagers and adults turn to different stimulants. For some, a contrast shower helps to cheer up, for others, sports or a cup of strong coffee. Among modern harmful addictions that help to feel cheerful for a while, we can single out the frequent use of energy drinks. Before eliminating fatigue with the help of such drinks, it is worthwhile to figure out whether there is a benefit and what is their harm.

What is an energy drink

This is a drink that stimulates the emergence of a feeling of cheerfulness and increases mental activity. The main purpose of energy drinks is to make the body and brain work in an intensive mode, removing the feeling of fatigue. Anti-sedative cocktails appeared in 1938, their first representative was the isotonic Lukozade, intended to stimulate athletes. The product gave the promised effect, but then the athletes ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. Energy production was stopped for a long time.

In 1994, the Redbull company appeared, which offered, at first glance, high-quality products, which later became one of the most popular energy drinks on the market. The drink did not cause poisoning, so it became more and more popular. Gradually, other companies producing stimulants arose, to date, more than a hundred of them have been recorded (these are only the most famous in the CIS countries).

A lot of research is being done on the effects of drinking cocktails that cause a surge of energy and euphoria. Some are convinced that they are no more harmful than ordinary sweet soda, others argue that the banks contain a narcotic substance that is addictive and addictive. Nevertheless, doctors warn that the frequent use of such drugs can cause problems with the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems. Even fatal outcomes of an overdose of energy drinks have been recorded.

Composition of energy drinks

The influence of energy drinks on the human body is due to the properties of the components contained in vigor cocktails. Each serving contains a large amount of sucrose and glucose. The first is the main nutrient of the body, which is formed during the breakdown of disaccharides and starch (they come with food), the second is ordinary sugar (D-ribose). Additionally, various psychostimulating substances are added. The composition of the energy includes the following ingredients:

  1. Caffeine. Contained in all energy drinks and is the most famous psychostimulant. Caffeine reduces drowsiness, accelerates the pulse, raises blood pressure, activates brain activity, but only at a certain dosage. So, to increase mental activity, you need 100 mg of a substance. To get this effect, you need to drink at least 3 cans, but cocktail manufacturers recommend limiting yourself to 1-2 servings per day. The side effects of caffeine intake are exhaustion. nervous system, sleep disorders, problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Taurine. This amino acid is produced during the metabolism of cysteine ​​and methionine, it is found mainly in meat and fish, therefore, a person, as a rule, consumes the required dose of the substance per day. One can of an energy cocktail contains up to 1000 mg of taurine, while a total of 400 mg per day should be limited. Amino acid accumulates in muscle tissues and, with its normal amount, improves heart function. Excessive amounts of taurine do not affect the feeling of cheerfulness, according to doctors.
  3. L-Carnitine. It is a component of the cells of the human body, contributing to the rapid oxidation of fatty acids. The substance accelerates metabolic processes and reduces muscle fatigue.
  4. Ginseng. Plant extract increases endurance, improves memory, improves mood, stimulates psychotropic activity of a person. This useful plant added to teas, infusions are prepared from it that strengthen the immune system, however, in laboratory conditions, the benefits of ginseng as a component for vigor and stimulation of mental activity have not been established.
  5. Guarana. This is an analogue of caffeine, which is extracted from the seeds of the Amazonian creeper. Guarana and coffee have similar properties, but the effectiveness of the first is many times higher. So, 1 g of guarana is equivalent to 40 g of caffeine. Many manufacturers combine both substances to prolong the action of energy drinks, to make it more pronounced. Thanks to this, the body feels cheerful for 5 hours, but then even more fatigue piles up, to the point that a person begins to fall asleep on the go.
  6. Vitamins B. Needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, especially the brain. The composition of energy drinks contains such an amount of vitamins that exceeds the daily dose by 360-2000%. Despite this, unnecessary substances are removed from the body naturally, without adversely affecting it, however, their presence in energy drinks is just as unjustified as the presence of taurine.
  7. Melatonin. Contained in the human body, is responsible for the daily rhythm of life.
  8. Matein. The component is extracted from South American green tea mate. The extract helps to suppress hunger, promotes weight loss.
  9. Theobromine. A substance isolated from cocoa beans chemical composition similar to caffeine. Theobromine causes excitation of the heart muscle, increases the production of urine by irritating the epithelium of the kidneys.
  10. Glucuronolactone. It is a metabolite of glucose, regulates the formation of glycogen. Energy drinks contain 2000-2400 mg of the substance. According to studies, even high doses of glucuronolactone are relatively safe for the body. The component reduces the risk of muscle injuries and reduces the intensity of pain associated with them.

Effect on the body

It is generally accepted that when drinking a stimulating cocktail, the energy resources of the body are replenished, but this is not true. Energetic drinks only stimulate the heart, blood vessels, nervous, endocrine systems. As a result, the body is under severe stress and begins to work with increased stress, releasing large doses of adrenaline into the blood. The latter causes the effect of euphoria, hyperactivity. In this state, the wear resistance of the body is significantly worsened, the resource of internal organs is reduced.

Stimulating action

Manufacturers of energy drinks claim that their products increase efficiency by releasing the energy of the body's internal reserves. For example, glucose, like other carbohydrates, is quickly absorbed into the blood, takes part in oxidative processes and transports energy to the brain, muscles and other important organs. Sometimes advertising says that caffeine is present in the drink in its pure form, and is not associated with other substances, as in tea and coffee, so the effect of the component is stronger.

Stimulants act according to a single scheme - they take a large amount of energy from the body at once, which leads to depletion of the nervous system and disruption of metabolic processes. This is the main harm of energy drinks. Cocktail manufacturers claim that the stimulating effect of their product lasts 3-4 hours (compared to coffee, which provides vigor for only 1-2 hours), but do not provide links to the results of clinical trials, so these data are unfounded and doubtful.

Harm of power engineers

In fact, an energy drink is a small bomb, the explosion of which causes damage to all body systems. Soda contains a lot of useless and harmful substances. One serving of the drink includes a large dose of caffeine (comparable to 3 cups of coffee), as well as 14 teaspoons of sugar. Doctors are convinced that frequent consumption of energy cocktails causes insomnia, fatigue, problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and rapid depletion of the body's resources.

The harm from energy drinks outweighs the benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that the components of such drinks have not been tested on children and there is no reason to consider them safe. Nearly 5,000 cases were recorded in the US in 2010-2011 alcohol poisoning due to the consumption of energy drinks along with alcohol. In 2017, due to careless use of a stimulant, an American teenager (Davis Creep) died, who developed a severe cardiac arrhythmia.

Alcohol compatibility

It is highly undesirable to mix energy shakes with alcohol or caffeine-based drinks. This combination can cause the most unpleasant consequences. When combining energy drinks with vodka and other alcohol, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • a strong jump in pressure;
  • arrhythmia (violation of the heart rhythm);
  • tachycardia;
  • epilepsy attack;
  • deterioration of the liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • suffocation;
  • severe dizziness.

Today, energy drinks are very popular, because it's so nice to be in good shape all day. However, not everyone realizes that there is a huge danger behind the use of such synthetic drinks. In this article, we will consider and also learn how you can use it without harm to your health. Please read this information carefully for your own safety.

What are energy drinks

Before considering how harmful the energy drink is, you need to understand why this drink was invented at all. Depending on what ingredients are included in its composition, it can be either non-alcoholic or low-alcohol. Each of them is designed to stimulate the nervous system and provide an anti-sedative effect.

Power engineers are able to very quickly give a feeling of cheerfulness, increase efficiency and make it possible to feel an inexhaustible surge of strength. Most often, these drinks are used by students during the session, truckers, office workers, as well as those who like to visit nightclubs.

Since the liquid is highly carbonated, this leads to the fact that the active substances are absorbed by the body as quickly as possible, which means that the desired effect is achieved as soon as possible.

A few words about the composition

Not many people are wondering why energy drinks are harmful. Of course, if you use this product in moderation, then this will not cause significant harm to health. But abuse can play a bad joke on you. The composition of the tonic drink primarily depends on the manufacturer. However, caffeine and stimulants can be found most often in the composition of the liquid. It's no secret that caffeine is found in many plants, so the composition of the drink may include ingredients such as guarana, mate or green tea extract.

First of all, the energy drink is harmful because the dosage of caffeine in it is significantly exceeded. The optimal amount is 150 mg per liter, while in most tonic drinks this figure reaches 350-400 mg.

Quite often, manufacturers add various vitamins to their products, which is a definite plus. However, do not think that they will be enough for normal life. Therefore, carefully read the composition and be sure to pay attention to all the little things.

The composition of the drink may also include adaptogens that strengthen the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to the harmful effects of the environment. Also, the composition may include taurine, which has a positive effect on the body.

Types of drinks

Many people wonder if energy drinks are harmful. In fact, everything in this world is harmful, which is in excess. The modern market is simply amazing in its abundance. On the shelves of supermarkets you can find just a huge number of energy drinks. However, it is not so easy to find useful ones among them. Despite this, energy drinks are able to cheer up and increase overall vitality. Consider two main groups of energy drinks:

Improving mood and adding vigor due to the carbohydrates and vitamins included in the composition;

Having an effect due to the caffeine included in the composition. Such power engineers will be appreciated by people working at night, as well as students preparing for exams, and truckers.

What is the use

The safer the composition of such a drink, the more useful it is. Of course, it is harmful to drink energy drinks, but if this is not done systematically, then it will not bring much harm to health. Try to choose those tonics, which include adaptogens and vitamins. They will boost your energy levels naturally. Drinks based on caffeine can very quickly cheer you up, but at the same time they have a negative effect on the nervous system as a whole. The gases included in the composition are able to maximize the effect of the energy drink on the body, which is a definite plus.

Be sure to think about how harmful alcohol-based energy drinks are. Alcohol by itself has a negative effect on the nervous system, and in combination with caffeine, you will cause irreparable harm to your health.

As you can see, the benefit can only be if you are taking non-caffeine-based tonics. Caffeinated drinks have a very strong effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if you are still forced to use this type of energy drink, then take the smallest possible portion.

The convenience of the energy drink is that you can drink it absolutely anywhere. It does not need to be brewed like coffee and wait for it to cool down. All that is required of you is to open the bottle and enjoy the pleasant taste.

What harm does caffeine do?

Once again, it is worth paying attention to whether the energy drink is harmful. Despite the fact that the drink will contain the same caffeine that is also part of the coffee, the second drink will be less dangerous. After all, the concentration of caffeine in energy will be incredibly large. Of course, this ingredient in small quantities can have a positive effect on the body. But large doses will not lead to anything good.

The energy drink is unhealthy precisely because it contains high doses of caffeine, which have an irritating effect on all organ systems as a whole. For example, a drink can increase arterial pressure and also increase the heart rate. With the constant use of such a tonic, the heart begins to wear out prematurely, which means that diseases of the cardiovascular system occur.

It is very important to think about whether energy drinks are harmful to health. The drink is able to destroy bone tissue, as well as affect the state of the digestive system. The components included in the composition increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to heartburn. Also, the drink has a direct effect on the central nervous system. Excessive use of tonic can cause insomnia and depression.

The influence of sugar

Do not forget that energy drinks contain sugar, which causes a lot of harm to the human body. Light carbohydrates contribute to rapid weight gain, damage to tooth enamel, and excitation of the central nervous system. In addition to sugars, the composition usually includes various dyes, the benefits of which are also few.

How bad is energy

As mentioned above, excessive consumption of energy drinks adversely affects the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure rises, and this, in turn, leads to constant headaches and dizziness. The vascular tone also decreases.

Do not forget that energy drinks have a negative effect on the nervous system. Under their influence, the nervous activity of our body slows down, so we feel constant drowsiness, fatigue, aggressiveness, irritability, and also become prone to the development of depressive states.

With regular use of tonic drinks, the body spends too much energy reserves, which are not so easy to restore. This requires proper nutrition and sleep. Caffeine will give you energy, but it will borrow it from the reserves prepared by your smart body for the future.

Energy also have a negative impact on metabolic processes. Metabolism slows down, digestion deteriorates significantly, and decay products are excreted from the body with difficulty. In addition, such a product will worsen the health of the liver and kidneys.

habituation effect

Think about whether it is harmful to drink energy drinks if this drink can lead to addiction. After all, the body simply gets used to the additional stimulation. After the jar delicious drink you will feel a surge of strength and good mood. However, there will soon come a time when one portion will not be enough for you. And soon two will not be enough.

And then in an instant you decide that you no longer want to drink energy drinks, but it will not be so easy to cheer up without them. That is why it is very important to know the measure and not to abuse it.

Who can't drink

In fact, even such, at first glance, healthy drink, as an energy drink, not everyone can drink. One serving of an energy drink contains just a huge dosage of caffeine, as well as other energy components. Not every body can withstand such a load. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications in which drinking this drink is strictly prohibited.

So, it is best to refrain from using energy drinks in such cases:

  • people suffering from changes in blood pressure;
  • in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • do not drink energy drinks for people suffering from insomnia, as well as those with an excitable nervous system;
  • in no case should the product be used by children, adolescents and the elderly;
  • it is also worth refusing to drink the drink for pregnant and lactating women, since caffeine will have a negative impact on the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn baby.

Application rules

If you are wondering if a non-alcoholic energy drink is harmful, then believe me, it is safer than a drink containing alcohol. However, in order for the tonic to cause a minimum of harm to your health, you need to drink it correctly.

Maximum daily rate should be 250 ml of drink per day. On sale you can see a large number of half-liter and liter cans and bottles. Beware of such containers, as they contain an excessively high dosage of caffeine.

In no case do not drink such drinks after sports, and also before training. The consequences of such an action can be extremely deplorable. Also, do not combine energy with alcoholic drinks and any other fluid that increases energy levels. First of all, coffee and tea should be included here.

If you still decide to drink an energy drink, then it is best to do it in the morning. A few sips of the miraculous drink will be enough for you. Of course, almost all energy drinks have a very pleasant taste, but you should not drink them to quench your thirst, because they are not intended for this.


Of course, after drinking an energy drink, you can cheer up for a while and cheer yourself up. However, even one jar of such a delicious drink can cause irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, it is better not to use energy at all. And if you still do it, then know the measure and do not abuse it.

Don't forget that your health is in your hands. Only you are responsible for yourself, so take care of yourself. Do not forget that there are a huge number of other methods to cheer up. Drinking an energy drink is not the best option. Take care of your health and it will take care of you.

The problem of the harm of energy drinks is becoming more and more discussed in the scientific community and in the press, due to their incredible popularity, the rapid multiplication of the product range on store shelves and the real facts of the serious consequences of use, especially by the younger generation.

Someone will object: Hey! they are no more dangerous and harmful than a regular cup of coffee!"

Most "fire" drinks do contain NO more caffeine than a cup of coffee from Starbucks.

However, the question is not only in caffeine, but also in other ingredients, or rather their combination.

Below we present scientific facts about the dangers of energy drinks, as well as expert opinions on this matter.

Expert reviews about the dangers of energy drinks

The following expert opinions are taken from the CNN website from a material devoted to a study by journalists of the problem of the harm of energy workers:

"Over the years of research, we have become closer to understanding the dangers of energy drinks for health.”, says Dr. John Higgins, a sports cardiologist at McGregor Medical School.

To which the American Beverage Association objects: "... we are confident in their absolute harmlessness, since the ingredients in their composition found in other products and are natural, and their safety has been thoroughly investigated.

Energy drink manufacturers: " ingredients in their composition found in other products and their safety has been thoroughly investigated"

The benefit, harm and uselessness of a particular product is determined by what is inside it.

Most energy drinks contain a considerable dose and Sahara; also B vitamins; legal stimulants such as guarana(a plant from the forests of the Amazon); taurine- an amino acid that is naturally found in fish and meat; a popular fat burner - a substance, one of the functions of which in the body is to convert fats into energy (scientific studies, by the way, the effectiveness of L-carnitine for weight loss).

The reason for concern is that all these vitamins, amino acids and herbal ingredients are contained in them. in large quantities than in its natural form in food or plants, and also in the fact that their combination with caffeine significantly enhances the stimulating effect”, says Katherine Zeratsky, nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Higgins, who has already for a long time studies the harm of energy drinks for the body:

As for caffeine, sugar and stimulants, more thorough research is needed what negative consequences their joint action can lead to.It's kind of like a black hole... we know very little about how the combination works.”.

Dr. Higgins: " The ingredients in energy drinks and how they work when combined is like a black hole.. we know very little about how their combination works."

People should be aware of this. For some categories of energy can be very dangerous; speech first of all about teenagers under 18, pregnant women, those who are sensitive to caffeine, or who do not consume caffeine regularly, or who are taking certain medications.

Representatives of the American Beverage Association object:

People all over the world have been using energy drinks for 25 years and no one has been harmed yet… all of their ingredients are found in many other natural products.

When it comes to the dangers of energy drinks, of great importance is the quantity and it is precisely their uncontrolled use in too large a volume that leads to dangerous consequences. Remember this thought.

Too much, how much?

The main reason for the dangerous side effects of energy tonics is their use in too large volumes.

If you do not fully understand what energy drinks or energy drinks are in sports nutrition, then first study our material

13 facts about the harm of energy drinks based on scientific evidence

The side effects of energy drinks have much in common in nature with, but they also have their own specifics.

1 Harm of energy drinks for the heart

You have probably noticed that after taking energy drinks, the heart begins to beat faster.

The effect of energy drinks is manifested in violation of the heart rate, as well as distortion of the cardiogram(duration of intervals of contraction and relaxation of individual areas of the heart), both in adolescents and adults 3.4.

How dangerous is it?

One scientific report cites the fact that from 2009 to 2011, there were about 5,000 cases of emergency medical visits due to serious harm to the heart after taking energy drinks 2 . 51% of victims are teenagers under 18 years old (US statistics).

Almost all energy drinks contain caffeine, a powerful stimulant of the nervous system.

Caffeine has a lethal dose. It is individual for each person.

It can come even after two cans of energy drinks. This applies to those who have heart problems.

"Heart palpitations can pose a real and serious risk, as energy drinks not only increase stress levels, heart rate, and blood pressure, but also make the blood more viscous.”- says the same Dr. Higgins.

Blood viscosity increases, probably due to the specific combined action of caffeine and taurine: the amino acid taurine is known for its ability to remove fluids from the body and, along with it, some minerals.

Guarana, which is very often found in energy drinks, is a natural source of caffeine: its addition further increases its concentration.

More than 5,000 hospitalizations in the ambulance due to serious harm to the heart of energy workers have been registered in the United States in 2 years

Real Examples

Several cases are known when, after consuming more than one can of energy drinks, cardiac arrest occurred 14,15: in the first of them, a young man was saved, in the second, death occurred. When scientists analyzed the autopsy results and blood tests, they found no other cause other than very high levels of caffeine and taurine in the blood.

In another case, a 28-year-old young man was hospitalized with cardiac arrest after drinking 8 cans of energy drinks. According to the doctors, the arteries of his heart were completely closed. After rehab, all tests showed that the only thing that was wrong with him was a very high level of caffeine and taurine in the blood 16 .

One of the side effects of caffeine and other ingredients in energy drinks may be that the function of the arteries, namely their ability to relax and dilate, can be impaired, especially during exercise.. When you exercise, your arteries relax and widen to allow more blood to pass through..”

At autopsy after the death of a young man, doctors found no other reason than a very high level of insulin and taurine in the blood. The same result in the rehabilitation of a young man after a complete cardiac arrest

2 Headaches and migraines

The use of large doses of energy drinks can lead to severe headaches.

Moreover, it seems that the frequency of occurrence of headaches affects not the size of the dosage, but its sharp change(drank, drank, got used to, then abruptly stopped).

This phenomenon is called "caffeine withdrawal syndrome" and in its essence is very similar to a hangover after alcohol.

3 State of unreasonable anxiety, fear and stress

The state of internal anxiety is a characteristic psychological side effect caffeine.

Energy drinks can also cause stress. One reason is hormonal: scientists have found that their use increases levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine by 74% 9 .

4 Insomnia

One of the reasons why energy drinks are taken is the fight against sleep. This is what they do well. The problem, however, is that even after stopping the use, the effect can continue.

Lack of healthy full sleep disrupts performance, especially mental activity.

It is especially important to keep this in mind for drivers, for example, since a sleepless night on power plants today can lead to an accident tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

5 Type 2 diabetes

According to scientific studies, those who drink 1-2 sugary drinks a day have 26% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes 5 .

The reason for this is a kind of "wear and tear" of the pancreatic gland, which is responsible for the release of insulin, the function of which is to control blood sugar levels.

Chronic "sweetening" of the body over time can lead to development of insulin resistance better known as type 2 diabetes.

Regular intake of sugary energy drinks increases ~30% risk of developing diabetes

6 Drug interactions

Energy drink ingredients can interact with medications, most commonly antidepressants.

7 Addictive

Those who regularly consume caffeine can become addicted to it. This also applies to power engineers.

Habituation is manifested in the lack of intrinsic motivation to do something without taking a dose.

An indirect side effect of this condition is the creation of a serious financial hole in the wallet due to the need to buy several cans of energy drinks every day.

8 Formation of bad habits and socially dangerous behavior

According to scientific studies, regular intake of energy drinks provokes:

  • addiction to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol,
  • makes behavior more aggressive, increases the tendency to sort things out with fists rather than tongues,
  • encourages other forms of risky behavior in the form of unprotected sex, extreme sports and other forms of risk 6 .

How it can end - everyone knows.

9 Hand shaking and nervousness

The consequences of the use of energy drinks can be uncontrolled hand shaking and emotional instability 7 .

As a result, it is difficult to perform certain types of work that require fine motor skills, and emotional temper harms the person himself and the society surrounding him.

10 Vomit

If you drink too many energy drinks at once, it can cause a vomiting reaction.

The harm of this action is not limited to an unpleasant characteristic aftertaste; Vomiting dehydrates the body, and acids from the stomach destroy tooth enamel. This is especially dangerous if it happens regularly.

11 Allergy

Numerous overt and covert ingredients in energy drinks can cause an allergic reaction, ranging from simple itching to airway obstruction.

12 High blood pressure

For healthy people, this change is not a big problem. And for those who regularly "jump" the pressure, too large doses of energy drinks can lead to a significant increase in the risk of heart attack 8 .

If we compare the negative impact of energy drinks on blood pressure and other caffeinated drinks with an equivalent caffeine content (for example, coffee or tea), then the harm of power engineers is much greater 10 .

This fact indicates that in energy drinks the combination of ingredients amplifies the negative effect.

The effect of energy drinks on blood pressure is significantly stronger than that of coffee or tea with an equivalent dose of caffeine.

13 Vitamin B3 Overdose

B vitamins, along with caffeine and sugar, are added to almost all energy drinks.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is found in them in small doses, which may even be beneficial to health.

However, if other nutritional supplements or multivitamin complexes are taken in addition to energy drinks, then the risk of an overdose of vitamin B3 increases.

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin B3 11:

  • skin redness;
  • dizziness;
  • fast heart rate;
  • vomit;
  • gout;
  • diarrhea.

An overdose of vitamin B3 can even cause the development non-viral hepatitis. One case was in a man who drank 5-6 cans of energy drink every day for three weeks 13 .

Regular consumption of energy drinks can lead to an overdose of vitamin B3 and even the development of hepatitis.

Summary of the dangers of energy drinks

Too much of any food or substance can be harmful to the body. This is true for energy drinks as well.

Energy drinks contain predominantly natural substances that, when consumed in moderation, should not pose serious harm to health. And they might even be useful. This applies to caffeine, L-carnitine, B vitamins.

At the same time, caffeine and guarana are stimulants of the nervous system and should be treated with due respect.

To avoid the negative effects of energy drinks, it is important to understand which ingredients are harmful and avoid overdosing them. This is primarily about caffeine, sugar, guarana (a source of caffeine), vitamin B3 (niacin).

Take into account their intake from other products and food additives and do not exceed recommended amounts.

Scientific references

1 Daniele Menci, Francesca Maria Righini. Acute Effects of an Energy Drink on Myocardial Function Assessed by Conventional Echo-Doppler Analysis and by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography on Young Healthy Subjects. Journal of Amino Acids, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 646703
2 Sara M. Seifert, Steven A. Seifert. An analysis of energy-drink toxicity in the National Poison Data System. Clinical Toxicology, Vol.51, 2013, Issue 7
3 Fabian Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian Sanchis-Gomar. Energy Drink Overconsumption in Adolescents: Implications for Arrhythmias and Other Cardiovascular Events. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, Vol.31, issue 5
4 Sachin A.Shah, Anthony E.DargushPharmD. Effects of Single and Multiple Energy Shots on Blood Pressure and Electrocardiographic Parameters. The American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 117, Issue 3 react-text: 68 , /react-text react-text: 69 1 February 2016 /react-text react-text: 70 , Pages 465-468
5 Malik VS1, Popkin BM. Sugar-sweetened beverages and risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care. 2010 Nov;33(11):2477-83
6 http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2008/07/9545.html
7 Philip G Sand. Association Between A2a Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Caffeine-Induced Anxiety. Neuropsychopharmacology September 2003
8 Asma Usman and Ambreen Jawaid. Hypertension in a young boy: an energy drink effect. BMC Research Notes 2012
9 Anna Svatikova, Naima Covassin. A Randomized Trial of Cardiovascular Responses to Energy Drink Consumption in Healthy Adults. JAMA. 2015;314(19):2079-2082
10 Emily A. Fletcher, Carolyn S. Randomized Controlled Trial of High-Volume Energy Drink Versus Caffeine Consumption on ECG and Hemodynamic Parameters. Randomized Controlled Trial of High-Volume Energy Drink Versus Caffeine Consumption on ECG and Hemodynamic Parameters
11 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/expert-answers/niacin-overdose/faq-20058075
12 Jennifer Nicole Harb, Zachary A Taylor. Rare cause of acute hepatitis: a common energy drink. BMJ Case Reports 2016
13 http://www.bmj.com/company/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/BCR-01112016.pdf
14 Rafay Khan, Mohammed Osman. Energy Drink Induced Ventricular Fibrillation and Cardiac Arrest: A Successful Outcome.Volume 6, Number 9, September 2015, pages 409-412
15 Avci, Sema; Sarikaya, Ridvan. Death of a young man after overuse of energy drink. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine; Philadelphia Vol. 31, Iss. 11, (2013): 1624.e3-4.
16 Adam J Berger and Kevin Alford. Cardiac arrest in a young man following excess consumption of caffeinated “energy drinks”. Med JAust 2009; 190(1):41-43.

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