Home desserts Is it possible to coffee with milk of a nursing mother. Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding: effects on the body

Is it possible to coffee with milk of a nursing mother. Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding: effects on the body

Many women cannot imagine their life without a cup of fresh fragrant coffee. But what if the girl became a mother and breastfeeds the baby? Can coffee be breastfeeding? Will your favorite drink harm your baby?

Myths about drinking coffee while breastfeeding?

There were many myths around this drink and its effect on newborns with hepatitis B, which modern medicine has successfully debunked. The most common myths:

  • Caffeine is harmful to the nervous system of the crumbs. The baby becomes more excited, restless, cries a lot. Modern studies have shown that the effect of caffeine on the child's nervous system is minimal, but there is a danger that the baby's body is not yet able to remove this substance and it gradually accumulates.
  • Harmful coffee is better to replace with healthy green tea. In fact, green tea contains even more caffeine than regular coffee. Therefore, such a replacement does not make sense and will not bring the expected result.
  • Decaffeinated coffee is safe for breastfeeding. This is not entirely true. The drink still contains caffeine, albeit in small quantities. Yes, small doses of the substance will not affect the mother, but for the baby their content will be noticeable. In addition, a "decaffeinated" drink increases blood cholesterol levels.
  • When breastfeeding, you need to eat and drink everything, including coffee, in order to “accustom” the child to the tastes of “adult food”. This statement is fundamentally wrong! The digestive and enzyme systems of the baby are not yet fully formed and do not function like in an adult. A young mother needs to carefully monitor the diet and select only healthy hypoallergenic foods.
  • Instant coffee has nothing to do with a real drink, so it is safe. This is not true! An instant product is made from cheap varieties of coffee beans, chemicals are added, the caffeine content in such a drink is maximum. This version of the drink is definitely not recommended for a nursing mother!

The body of an adult removes caffeine within 10 hours. A child's body up to two years cannot remove this substance at all, and it, gradually accumulating, causes many negative reactions (allergies, developmental delays, agitation, hyperactivity)!

Why is it better for a nursing mother to give up coffee for a while?

A few years ago, doctors categorically forbade drinking coffee while breastfeeding. Now the attitude towards this drink is becoming more and more loyal, but some experts still insist that it is better to refuse it for the duration of the GW. There are several reasons for this:

  • Caffeine is not excreted from the child's body. This ability will appear only at the age of two years.
  • Excess coffee consumption while breastfeeding contributes to constipation in the baby.
  • Coffee is a strong allergen! There is a high probability that the crumbs will have an allergy if mommy abuses a fragrant drink.
  • Coffee promotes the excretion of calcium from the body. For a young mom who is already deficient in calcium after pregnancy and childbirth, it is better to avoid this drink.
  • Although the effect of caffeine on the baby's nervous system is minimal, there is still a risk that an individual child will be more susceptible to this substance. If mommy decided to drink coffee for breastfeeding, then you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby. Everything is individual!

It is not only coffee that should be feared while breastfeeding. Caffeine is also found in chocolate, Coca-Cola, green and black tea, cocoa. Of course, you should not completely abandon these products, but you need to use them carefully and introduce them into the diet gradually in small doses.

If you really want to, then you can! Rules for drinking coffee on GV

Any stresses and prohibitions negatively affect the mood of a nursing woman. This may help reduce lactation. To prevent this from happening, you should not sharply and categorically limit yourself in food and drinks. Coffee is not alcohol, so the ban on it is not so categorical. When and how to drink coffee for a nursing mother so that it does not harm the baby:

  • You only need to choose quality product. It is better to prepare the drink yourself, and before that, grind whole grains, and not use purchased ground coffee.
  • The drink should not be brewed, but brewed by pouring boiling water over the ground grains. This method significantly reduces the caffeine content in the cup.
  • Drink the drink in moderation. Optimal - 1 cup a day.
  • It is better to drink coffee immediately after feeding, so that the concentration of caffeine in breast milk is as low as possible by the next meal of the child.
  • If mom drinks coffee, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the dose of other caffeinated products in the diet is minimal.
  • With regular use of this invigorating drink, more calcium-containing foods (cheeses, sesame seeds, cottage cheese) should be added to the diet.
  • Caffeine dehydrates the body, which negatively affects lactation, so you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink (at least 2 liters per day).
  • It is better to postpone the use of coffee and products containing caffeine until the moment when the baby is at least a month old. Until this time, it is better not to take risks and give the baby the opportunity to adapt to a new environment and new food.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee with milk?

Milk is categorically contraindicated for infants, since their enzyme system has not yet matured and the body does not absorb it. But many mothers cannot imagine their life without a cup of coffee with milk. What to do in this situation?

If the baby is allergic to milk protein, then any presence of milk in the mother's diet is contraindicated. If the baby is not prone to allergies, is healthy, develops well, then a small amount of milk in the mother's menu (30-50 ml per cup) will not harm him at all.

In any case, include in your diet natural milk, if the baby is on breastfeeding, it is not earlier than the third month of the child's life. This should be done gradually and in small doses, then it will be safe and will not harm the baby.

Choice of coffee for GW

If mommy decided to drink coffee for breastfeeding, then you need to choose the product carefully. Cheap instant drink option is not suitable! Instant varieties often use substandard grains. In addition, they are subjected to chemical treatment. Such a drink is most likely to cause allergies in the crumbs.

It is better to choose premium varieties necessarily in grains. You can also ground, but only if there is a strong confidence in the quality of the product.

Real connoisseurs dislike decaffeinated coffee, but for a nursing mom, this is a good option. Yes, it loses a little in taste, but due to the reduced caffeine content, it becomes more preferable for GW.

It should be noted that "caffeine-free" varieties also undergo chemical processing, as well as soluble ones. Therefore, choosing this option, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs.

What can replace coffee?

If mom herself decided to give up coffee for the period of breastfeeding or the baby has an allergy, then you should think about replacing the drink with something more suitable. Do not lean on black or green tea. Even if the baby is not allergic to it, there is plenty of caffeine in these drinks, and it is this substance that tends to accumulate in the child's body.

An ideal substitute for an invigorating drink would be chicory. The drink is very similar in taste to natural coffee and does not contain caffeine at all. Chicory is much less likely to cause allergic reactions in an infant.

Preparing a drink is very simple: you just need to pour the powder with boiling water (a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water). This is a definite plus, since a young mother often does not have time for complex cooking food and drinks.

Chicory is contraindicated for young mothers who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids after pregnancy.

And also it is better to refrain from using it for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers). If these ailments are not present, then you can safely introduce the drink into the diet.

Of course, it is necessary to observe the measure and not to abuse chicory, since the basis includes a natural component, and the baby still has small risks of allergies. A couple of cups of this drink, drunk by mom, definitely won't hurt the baby. For large doses, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

To drink or not to drink coffee, each mom decides for herself. It is necessary to approach the matter wisely and correlate all possible risks. If the dose of the drink is small and the baby feels good, then mommy's weakness in the form of a cup of espresso is quite forgivable.

For a long time, there has been an opinion among the people that it is very harmful to drink coffee not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. Doctors still insist that the caffeine contained in this drink passes into breast milk and has a detrimental effect on the health of the baby. Is this really so or is it all just another myth, we will figure it out in this article.

What brings us drinking coffee

If you drink this drink while breastfeeding, it can affect the health of the baby as follows:

  1. An outbreak of an allergic reaction.
  2. Increased excitability of the nervous system of the crumbs.
  3. Removal of fluid from the baby's body.
  4. Deprivation of the baby's body of calcium and nutrients.

Important. If you are breastfeeding and require caffeine-based medication, you should tell your doctor that you are drinking coffee. In most cases, dose adjustment is required.

However, all of the above can be safely called only the possible consequences of mom drinking coffee during pregnancy and breastfeeding (if you don’t drink a bucket of coffee a day). Therefore, coffee lovers can relax a little, and if there is a desire to drink a cup of an invigorating drink, then you can do it immediately after feeding. Until the next meal of the baby, there will be practically no traces of coffee in the body. But it is worth remembering that caffeine accumulates in the body in babies up to a year old, so you should not abuse coffee in the first 12 months of breastfeeding.

Rules for breastfeeding mothers

Be that as it may, mothers should also be aware of the general rules that are best observed while breastfeeding a baby.

  1. Try to exclude coffee from your diet at least for the first 3 months after the baby is born.
  2. It is best to drink coffee in the morning and immediately after feeding.
  3. The optimal amount of coffee drunk per day is one cup.
  4. Drink more regular water.
  5. Don't mix coffee with caffeinated foods.
  6. Eat as many foods as possible that have calcium in their “composition” - cheese and cottage cheese, milk and cream.
  7. When deciding to drink coffee for the first time after giving birth, look at the reaction of the baby. If you notice a rash appearing on the child's body, or he becomes irritable and restless, then it is better to postpone "savoring" this drink.

Drinking green coffee while breastfeeding

As before, today some women after childbirth want to return to normal as soon as possible, to regain those forms that they had before pregnancy. Therefore, women are ready to use anything, just to achieve their cherished goal. Instead of doing it, young mothers are looking for easier methods. It is to them that the use of green coffee with ginger belongs. In fact, this drink is nothing more than another trick of manufacturers of weight loss products. It is also important that green coffee can play a cruel joke not only with you, but also with your child. After all, this drink reduces appetite and leads to the fact that a woman stops eating normally. And this, in turn, negatively affects both the composition of milk and the life of the baby.

Losing weight after childbirth is almost useless. Indeed, during this period, certain hormones begin to be produced in the body of a woman, which return to normal only at the end of lactation. Therefore, it is better to engage in your figure after you breastfeed your baby.

Useful properties of coffee

This product, despite all the negative reviews, has a number of positive properties. It contains many useful amino acids, macroelements and microelements, as well as vitamins of the PP, B1, B2 groups. Natural coffe is an excellent diuretic, and is able to have a laxative effect. But its most valuable advantage is the tonic effect. This drink will give you energy in the morning, will have a beneficial effect on concentration, and relieve depression. And there is also evidence that coffee contains substances that can help restore liver cells. It is worth noting separately the ability of caffeine to relieve headaches with low blood pressure and migraines.

Instant coffee and breastfeeding

Previously it was thought that instant coffee is less harmful to the child. But recent studies have shown that it is coffee for quick brewing that contains more caffeine. Therefore, it is better for nursing mothers to refuse this drink altogether, preferring a natural drink in grains.

It is worth remembering that cheap instant coffee is a product that contains quite a lot of chemicals in its composition. Although manufacturers do not write about it on the packaging, all grains (of the lowest grades of coffee) undergo chemical processing to improve palatability. Therefore, this drink almost always causes negative reactions in children and you should not drink it.

Decaffeinated coffee

Now it is very fashionable to drink coffee without caffeine. But only a few think about how useful this product is. In fact, this type of invigorating drink cannot do you any good. After all, ground grains are chemically processed to eliminate caffeine from them. Therefore, the use of this drink can be considered not only useless, but also in some way dangerous.

All doctors, and even such famous personalities as Dr. Komarovsky, are still arguing about the benefits and harms of coffee during breastfeeding. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether it is worth risking for the sake of your own habit and drinking a tonic drink, or it is better to wait a little.

It is invigorating and fragrant, alluring and teasing. How hard it is for a connoisseur to resist the temptation to take a sip of a burning tart drink. And a whole cup of this thick, velvety-brown elixir can do wonders for a depressed body. Coffee - "it" or "he" no longer matters when it is said that one can refrain from drinking a magical drink. When everyone around claims that coffee while breastfeeding is a bad and even dangerous habit.

If you are a young mother. If you are lucky and managed to establish breastfeeding, then one of the problems associated with feeding the baby is left behind. There are many happy moments ahead associated with this process, as this is the most intimate way for mother and child to communicate. But joys are joys, and desires are desires. Known fact- A young mother needs a strict diet. And so you want a mug of hot, fragrant coffee. And here it is the moment of truth - to succumb to desires to give the body the desired dose of caffeine, to feel a surge of strength, or in desperation to think that it is so harmful to the baby!

Is "HE" as scary as they say about him

Let's figure out if you can drink coffee during lactation. What is the main complaint? Caffeine is the main substance for which the drink got into the "black lists" of breastfeeding diets. When it enters the body, it has a certain effect:

  • General excitation
  • uplifting mood
  • As an antioxidant, prolongs youthfulness of cells
  • Relieves muscle tension

It can be assumed that these properties are only beneficial to the mother's body. And then, sleepless nights, restless child - isn't this a reason to drink another cup of aromatic coffee to raise the general tone.

And here is the main catch. The wonderful drink has a downside. If you have a habit of constantly cheering yourself up with coffee doping, then it's time to think about the consequences:

  • Depression without a coffee cup
  • Loss of energy after a sharp rise
  • Emotional instability
  • Desire to sleep

Is breastfeeding plum harmful or beneficial for a mother with a baby?

And if coffee for mommy brings such a controversial result, then how will it affect her child. All books vying with each other report that everything that mom eats gets into milk in an hour. It turns out that the baby, along with mother's milk, will take a few sips. Of course, this is not the most healthy drink for a newborn. And all the disturbing properties can affect the condition of the child. If you don’t have the strength to give up coffee joy, watch carefully how your small body reacts to such a gift from your mother.

Competent opinion

But here's what's interesting. All mothers are familiar with the children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, his opinion is first of all taken as correct. He believes that the dangers of coffee are exaggerated. This does not mean that the drink can be drunk 10 cups a day, but he identified only three important reasons why you should say “No” to coffee:

  • After milk with the addition of caffeine, the child behaves restlessly, does not fall asleep, and shows general restlessness.
  • Redness on the skin, rashes, stool disorders - refer to the manifestation of an allergic reaction to caffeine.
  • The use of drugs containing caffeine (eufillin) for the treatment of asthmatic conditions is dangerous with an overdose if the mother drinks coffee.

It is necessary to explain that caffeine tends to accumulate in the body. And if in an adult the system is debugged for the removal of substances, then in the baby these functions have not yet been configured.

If a mother drinks coffee, then in a few hours its active ingredient will penetrate into the milk, and with milk - immediately to the baby.

And there, due to the impossibility of its removal, the process of caffeine accumulation will begin. It is at this point that Dr. Komarovsky draws attention. If there is an appointment of aminophylline, then the mother should report that she drinks coffee, and the dosage of the drug can be adjusted based on this information. Otherwise, the pediatrician points out that if there were no allergies and anxiety on the part of the baby, then there is no objective reason for the ban.

When and what exactly can you start eating after childbirth for a nursing mother

World with coffee: simple rules

If you decide that you will drink coffee during lactation, try to use a few simple rules:

  • It is better to drink in the morning. Until the evening, caffeine is completely eliminated from the body. It will take about 5 hours for an adult.
  • If possible, it is better for a nursing mother to drink coffee immediately after feeding. This will allow the child not to get the main dose of caffeine with mom's milk.
  • You can drink the drink with milk. The taste will be milder, and the dose can be reduced.
  • Try not to consume soluble surrogates while breastfeeding. For their manufacture, low-quality raw materials are used, and the dose of caffeine is artificially increased.
  • Coarse grains, brewed with your own hands, will bring more pleasure. Such coffee during breastfeeding will cause much less harm to mom and baby.
  • If you really want coffee while breastfeeding, and not one cup, but several, be sure to drink water. This drink is an active diuretic. Don't dehydrate your body. Replenish fluids.

Attention is a myth

The publicity stunt is decaffeinated coffee. Dear girls, don't believe it. Coffee is caffeine. Even if they say otherwise. Yes, the content of the substance in this drink is reduced artificially, but due to changes in chemical composition, the new product triggers the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. And it still has caffeine in it. Therefore, if you want to drink a cup, you need to drink a good natural drink.

Another myth says that you can’t drink coffee while breastfeeding, it is better to replace it with cocoa or green tea. There is no caffeine - advisers say. And this is another misconception. It is there, both in chocolate and in Coca-Cola. Green tea has more of it than coffee. But tea was not banned.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat ice cream and how it can affect the baby

Well, the delusion that moms came up with to allow themselves to drink coffee. You can drink a cup, immediately decant, then nothing will get into the milk during feeding. Don't suffer. The peak absorption of the substance will occur an hour or two after your cup. Your efforts will go to waste. Decided to drink coffee - enjoy it calmly!

To drink or not to drink is the question. Each mother must answer it herself. If you are an experienced coffee lover, then, of course, it will be difficult for you to defend the principled position of the unhealthy effect of the drink. If you have never had a coffee addiction before, then you should not start now. But be that as it may, there are no objective reasons for a complete ban on coffee while breastfeeding. Be careful, evaluate your baby's reaction to the first cup you drink. Did everything go smoothly? Give yourself a small gift - sometimes enjoy this incredibly addictive drink.

In this article you will find answers to such questions: is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee, can a nursing mother have coffee with milk, when can I drink coffee while breastfeeding? Find out which is better - instant or grain, black or green, pure or with milk. Also, is a caffeine-free product really that harmless?

Coffee is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. There are suggestions that it began to be used as a drink already in the ninth century, but the real mention of it came down to us from the seventeenth century. Africa and, in particular, Ethiopia is considered its homeland. Later spread to Egypt and Yemen.

If a woman has given birth to a child and is breastfeeding, this does not mean that her diet now consists only of chicken breast and boiled buckwheat. If a mom often drank coffee before giving birth and is upset that her favorite drink will be prohibited during breastfeeding, there is good news. Recall that drinking coffee has:

  1. Invigorating action. This is true for a young woman when the baby requires attention. Caffeine, the so-called alkaloid, helps to cope with the constant sleepiness associated with lack of sleep.
  2. The substances it contains help fight depression, improve mood. A problem that can affect any woman is postpartum depression, and regular use of an invigorating mixture while breastfeeding reduces this risk, or helps to get out of depression with minimal consequences.
  3. Its regular use also stimulates memory, reduces the risk of brain diseases. This is true for women with small children - so as not to forget to simply turn off the porridge on the stove or start washing.
  4. Reduces the amount of carcinogens in the blood. Why not useful property? Firstly, the risk of getting cancer is significantly reduced with frequent, but not excessive consumption of the drink. And secondly, due to the fact that the mother's body is cleansed of harmful substances, the baby receives only the best from her. This also contributes to the diuretic property.
  5. In addition, with promotes more productive mental activity and reduces headaches.

5 "CONS" for mom and baby

5 reasons why you should not consume in large quantities while breastfeeding:

Do not be afraid that a cup of coffee drunk by the mother will not allow the child to fall asleep with GV. Its effect on the CNS is minimal
  1. The alkaloid in the grains is harmful to the nervous system of the child. Is it so? Let's just say no. It has some harmful effect on the baby, this fact is not subject to any doubts. This is due to the fact that it is not absorbed, and is not excreted from the body of a little man. Therefore, this alkaloid accumulates in the tissues. But influence on the nervous system is minimal. You should not be afraid that the baby will be overexcited and suffer from nervous disorders in the future.
  2. "Invigorating Blend" removes calcium and vitamin C from the tissues. This is bad even for healthy people, and especially for a nursing mother. Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding cause a colossal calcium deficiency in the mother's bone skeleton, and if it is further strengthened by regular excessive use of the product, then the situation can become critical.
  3. There is a myth that a child can become constipated. This is an individual reaction of a small organism, and not necessarily for this particular product. The cause of constipation can be nervous strain, lack of sleep, unhealthy food for the mother and others.
  4. The product is a strong allergen, and this is true. In infancy, all children are very susceptible to allergies and an extremely negative reaction to coffee is possible with breastfeeding.
  5. It is a strong diuretic, and because of this, there is a lack of water in the body. But this problem is easily solved, it is enough just to increase the volume of water consumption.

Safe Use Guidelines

Is it possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother without compromising health? The answer is yes! There are situations when there is nowhere without a “energy drink”, and it is better to drink it than torturing yourself.

For such cases, there are 5 tricks to ease the load on the baby's body:

1 Express breast milk ahead of time, and if the baby asks to eat - give it to him. After a while, the alkaloids will leave the body. But there is a possibility that the child will not want to take the bottle, so you need to check this outcome in advance.

2 Do not boil freshly ground grains, but only brew with boiling water- in this case, fewer alkaloids will get into the water, and the effect on the baby will be less negative.

3 Also add more cow's milk, its use allows you to neutralize excess harmful substances. But, please note that before that you need to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to milk. Allergy to lactose is one of the most common in infancy. Is it possible to drink milk while breastfeeding, we tell in detail. Coffee with milk while breastfeeding in the absence of an allergy to lactose is a very good solution.

4 In addition, you can use the following psychological technique. If you are used to drinking several cups a day, and it’s hard for you to give up your usual norm - replace large cups with smaller ones. In this case, even with the use of several cups a day, an extremely negative effect will not be observed.

5 Drink not very strongArabica beans exclusively. The answer to the question "Is it possible for lactating mothers to have instant coffee?" unambiguously negative. A real noble drink, made from good grains in compliance with all technologies, will not be very useful, but still it will not have a negative impact on health, unlike a soluble one.

Decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding

It is widely believed that such a product is much safer than usual when breastfeeding. This fact is fairly easy to disprove.

Firstly, the content of alkaloids in such a drink is still present, but slightly less than in the usual one.

Secondly, such a drink is completely useless, because due to the low content of stimulating substances, the necessary invigorating effect will not be exerted. Therefore, it is best not to drink it at all.

Regular heavy coffee consumption increases the development of cholesterol plaques..

It is also widely believed that green tea is completely harmless. In this case, it's rather the opposite. If coffee is not recommended during breastfeeding due to the fact that caffeine has a negative effect on the baby, then green tea contains no less, but on the contrary, much more. So it will be extremely difficult to achieve the absence of influence with this replacement.

Chicory is a golden alternative for those for whom the product is contraindicated

Chicory - very useful product and is an excellent replacement for grains during pregnancy and lactation.

An excellent coffee substitute is chicory. And in terms of usefulness, he is far ahead

Why is it useful:

  • does not contain alkaloids, so it will not have any negative impact on the health of the baby;
  • contains insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in the blood, which means it is useful for diabetics.
  • chicory also adds energy to the body, only it does this at the expense of B vitamins that are beneficial to humans;
  • contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

Green grains: benefit or harm

This type of grain contains many times less alkaloids, which means that it can be assumed that it is less harmful than the usual one. The negative quality of the drink is that due to the effect of reducing appetite, there is a possibility that the child will not receive useful elements.

And besides, because of the hype for "fashionable" green grains, a large number of fakes are sold that can cause irreparable harm to the baby's immunity.

The practice of nutrition for nursing mothers abroad

In no developed country is the mother’s nutrition after childbirth in any way limited, and even more so, the question “Can a nursing mother have coffee?”

For example, in a maternity hospital in the United States, they can safely bring orange fresh for breakfast. And no one believes that good nutrition can harm the baby. On the contrary, doctors are of the opinion that the mother's body knows better what it needs for a speedy recovery after childbirth.

From the first day of a baby's life, mothers are allowed to eat absolutely everything in small doses., but food that can cause allergies should be introduced gradually so that in the event of an undesirable reaction, the allergen can be quickly identified. Therefore, breastfeeding coffee abroad is not at all uncommon, but rather even the norm.

It will also be useful to know about the harm and benefit, as well as such a popular food product as.


Coffee is actually not as bad a drink as it seems. If you use it correctly, then there should not be any problems for a nursing mother.

Chicory will serve as a worthy replacement, but if there is no allergic reaction to it. But if the product is from green grains, decaffeinated or soluble, then it is better to avoid it. So the answer to the question "Is it possible to coffee while breastfeeding?" - you can, but with the mind!

What kind of food should a nursing mother have, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Where does the perfect day start? Almost everyone will answer that with a cup of hot coffee for breakfast.

For modern people living in a frantic pace, this is a daily ritual that gives strength, vigor, helps to wake up, gather one's thoughts, and increases efficiency several times.

Many young mothers cannot deny themselves this pleasure, while others, on the contrary, fearing to harm the child, refuse an invigorating drink.

Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding, how will this affect the condition of the baby? Let's consider this question in more detail.

There are many myths about the dangers of caffeine during lactation. Most of all, young mothers are afraid that damage will be done nervous system baby, and the child will lag behind in development from their peers. But this is an erroneous opinion.

Coffee, indeed, is not included in the list of products that are useful for a newborn. On the body of a little man, this drink can have the following negative effects:

  1. Allergic reaction. It will manifest itself in the form of redness, the appearance of a rash on the skin of the child, as well as in stool retention. In this case, it is better to completely stop drinking the drink.
  2. Dehydration. Everyone knows that coffee has a strong diuretic effect. In addition, along with the fluid that leaves naturally, useful elements are removed that are necessary for a growing organism, for example, calcium, without which there will be problems with strengthening bones, growth, and muscle function.
  3. Excessive excitability, nervousness. Unlike a small child, an adult's body is able to process caffeine without much harm. The baby still does not know how to do this, so the side effect of caffeine can be expressed in restless behavior, sleep disturbance, bad mood.
  4. Not compatible with certain medications. Carefully analyze the composition of the funds that your doctor has prescribed for you. If there is caffeine in it, then it is better not to consume the drink, otherwise it may cause an overdose. Possible consequences of abuse: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, frequent urination, headache, shortness of breath. In this case, rest is recommended, and drinking more clean water.
  5. Reduces appetite, which can lead to underweight newborn, and this is highly undesirable for a developing baby.
  6. Causes addiction.

Can a breastfeeding mother drink coffee? Based on the foregoing, we conclude that for the safety of the child, it is better to refuse the drink, to less harmful analogues.

What can replace coffee during lactation

Without exception, all new products should be introduced into the daily diet very carefully, observing the change in the baby's condition. This also applies to safer “substitutes” for coffee, which include:

  • chicory;
  • herbal tea;
  • barley and acorn coffee.

A barley-based drink is considered an excellent alternative to classic coffee. It tastes milder, but at times safer and healthier. Barley has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the microflora, is allowed for use in certain diseases: gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis.

Thanks to this drink, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, which helps to maintain a normal figure. The load from the pancreas is also removed, the level of glucose in the human blood does not increase, and the risk of diabetes is reduced. Magnesium, calcium and vitamins contained in cereal have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Also, a drink from barley grains is taken for colds, inflammatory processes.

Barley coffee is useful for athletes, as it increases strength, endurance, but at the same time does not affect the nervous system.

Cocoa can also be consumed in small amounts, as it improves lactation, but be aware that this is an allergenic product.

Many mistakenly believe that green tea during lactation, it is much more useful to drink, but few people know that the caffeine content in it is higher. Therefore, without measure, it should not be used.

Tips for moms who drink coffee while breastfeeding

If you still decide that you cannot refuse this product and live without coffee for a day, then try to always fulfill the following conditions:

  • Do not drink coffee for at least the first 2-3 months after the birth of a child: a newborn girl, like a boy, is simply not ready for such loads. For a one-month-old baby, this will cause stress, as well as problems with the digestive tract.
  • Do not drink coffee immediately before breastfeeding! The ideal time is after the morning feed. Then it will be possible not to be afraid of the baby's hyperactivity, he will be able to fall asleep without problems.
  • To reduce the risk of negative manifestations, it is recommended to drink brewed coffee with milk (if the newborn does not have lactose intolerance).
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.
  • Include cottage cheese and other dairy products containing calcium in your diet.
  • Drink no more than 1 cup per day.
  • Try to limit your intake of other caffeinated foods: dark chocolate, green or black tea, cocoa.
  • Brew a weak drink.

How to choose the right coffee for a nursing mother

Not so long ago, many of us learned about another advertised "miracle" product that can cure diseases and help lose weight - green coffee. What does he represent himself? These are grains that have not undergone heat treatment, that is, unroasted. Raw coffee has a much higher amount of caffeine, so drinking this drink can cause indigestion, increase the level of acidity in it, which will lead to gastritis and ulcers.

Postpone worries about your figure to a later date, now the most important thing is your health and your baby.


Absolute contraindications include the following:

  • prematurity of the baby;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased pressure (arterial and intraocular);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • insomnia;
  • anemia.

If the newborn has been diagnosed with this, then coffee should be excluded from the diet, as it causes iron deficiency in breast milk. The consequences can be very disappointing: developmental delay (physical and mental), insufficient weight gain, poor growth and hair loss, brittle nails, frequent colds, reduced immunity.

Before introducing a new food into your diet, you must understand all the risks and possible outcome events. Observe the state of the child, his reaction to what is happening. The characteristics of the parent and the baby should be taken into account: the state of physical health, individual tolerance of the components.

Remember that the main thing is moderation in everything. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink coffee, but not often and in very small quantities. Try, if possible, to replace the flavored drink with safer counterparts.

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