Home Drinks and cocktails Rapeseed oil: benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil: a source of longevity or disease

Rapeseed oil: benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil: a source of longevity or disease

This product is obtained from rapeseed. The oil is mainly edible, but it is also used in some industrial sectors - leather, textile, soap, metallurgical.

Scientists believe that this oil was first produced in the Mediterranean and ancient India. In these areas, in the Middle East and in the Celestial Empire, rapeseed has been cultivated since the 4th century BC. Since the 15th century, it has appeared in the fields of Belgium and Holland, and later spread to Germany, France, Denmark, Poland, Sweden and Russia, since its cultivation is cost-effective, since the seed is almost 50% oil.

However, until the middle of the last century, due to the contents of rapeseed oil thioglucosides And erucic acid, which are considered unsafe for health, it was used exclusively in industry. So, drying oil was obtained from it, soap was made, used in the leather and textile industries. A revolution in industry and applications rapeseed oil occurred in 1961, when a new variety called " Canola» with a low content of toxic substances. And in 1985, the safety of this variety for humans was recognized. Now Canada remains, together with China, the leader in the production of edible oil from rapeseed. Among the producers of this product in Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic are in the lead, followed by Britain, France, Finland and Denmark.

This oil occupies the third line in world production, giving the palm to soybean and cotton. The product is obtained by extraction or by pressing with further processing. The first unrefined and non-deodorized refined varieties are intended for food and sale through retail chains. For food purposes, a product is allowed, the content of erucic acid in which does not exceed 5%, and thioglucosides - 3%.

Rapeseed oil has a specific pleasant taste and aroma, and in its palatability this product is not inferior even to olive oil. That is why this herbal product was able to quickly gain popularity in the States, Europe, Asia and Australia. The oil is especially valued for its ability to maintain transparency for a long time and not change its aroma, as happens with soybean and sunflower.

Oil from the seed of ordinary plant varieties continues to be used in industrial chemical, leather, metallurgical, soap, dyeing, textile and other industries. It is widely used in mechanical engineering. Every year, an environmentally friendly type of biofuel based on rapeseed oil is becoming more and more popular.

How to choose

If you want to try using rapeseed oil, you need to learn how to choose it wisely. First of all, study the label: on it you will see the content erucic acid- is considered the norm of 0.3-0.6%. It may also indicate that the product is hydrogenated - if so, it is not worth buying.

The smell of rapeseed oil should be quite pleasant, and the shade should be light yellow or just yellowish, and it is better if there is no sediment in the bottle - this means that the product has oxidized and rancid.

How to store

Useful qualities of rapeseed oil are better preserved in glass containers. Even if you purchased the product in a plastic bottle, at home it is better to pour it into a jar and close it tightly.

It is advised to store the oil in a dark, fairly cool place, protected from the sun's rays. Of course, it is unlikely that something terrible will happen to the product, but it can become cloudy and lose its delicate aroma. Also, vitamin E retains its properties best in a place inaccessible to light.

In cooking

Rapeseed oil has been used in cooking since recent times. Previously, it was mainly used in industry.

Thanks to the rapeseed variety with a low content of erucic acid, you can use its beneficial properties without harming the body.

This product is great for marinades, salads, mayonnaise. At the same time, frying on it is not advised, since at 180 ° C it begins to burn and forms carcinogenic substances.

Therefore, it is better to use raw rapeseed oil. The most popular dish with this product is carrot salad with prunes and dried apricots. Carrots need to be grated, cut dried fruits prepared in advance - rinse, pour hot water and wait until cool - mix them with carrots, pour oil, salt, add fresh lemon juice, dill or caraway seeds and mix.


The calorie content of rapeseed oil reaches 899 kcal. But since no one eats this product in large quantities, then you should not be afraid of its harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of rapeseed oil is very little studied: it is only known that fats, which are almost 100% in the product, contain unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Of the monounsaturated, the presence of oleic is noted - it is more than others - eicosene and erucic, of the polyunsaturated - linoleic and alpha-linolenic.

In rapeseed oil, among other things, there are many beneficial vitamin E and the phosphorus that our body needs, carotenoids. Also, rapeseed seeds contain a lot of B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium and other elements.

Useful and medicinal properties

It is because of the high content of unsaturated fatty acids that this oil began to be recommended to be added to the diet of patients with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system: the use of this product prevents thrombosis.

Rapeseed oil has a good effect on metabolism, accelerates regeneration in cells and even promotes weight loss, as it lowers cholesterol. The oil, which has undergone a special purification, contains a greater amount of a wide variety of fatty acids, and therefore is more useful than the most expensive olive oil of the highest quality.

Today, rapeseed oil is increasingly used in healthy diets, replacing other vegetable oils, which are of lower quality and less digestible.

There are more essential acids that play the most important role in our body in rapeseed oil than in olive oil: these substances are needed for cell membranes, have strong antioxidant properties, and also guarantee the synthesis of prostaglandins, which perform many important functions in the body, including the function mediators.

This product softens, moisturizes, nourishes and perfectly restores the skin, therefore it is used in dermatology. Sterile oil is also used in pharmacology, preparing injection solutions with it.

The properties of rapeseed oil, useful for women, are considered very interesting. So, it has been proven that it can prevent breast cancer, because it contains a plant analogue of estradiol, the female sex hormone. It is he who is considered the main hormone of women's health, as it is responsible for the readiness for conception, and this is the most important function.

A couple of years ago, scientists from the United States conducted a survey in San Francisco: it turned out that among women who use rapeseed and olive oils when cooking, the risk of breast cancer is several times lower than among those who buy other plant products, and especially hydrogenated fats.

If we evaluate vegetable oils according to the content of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, then olive oil will be in the first place, and rapeseed oil in the second.

Rapeseed oil, whose use is known in the food industry, is made from the seeds of an agricultural plant. Increasingly large sown areas are allotted for rapeseed. Therefore, it is interesting for what purposes the products are used and what is their value.

Rapeseed oil: benefits, harms

Until the 1960s, it was used only for technical purposes. So what is it - rapeseed oil - a technological or food product?

A decade later, Canadian agronomists created a new variety of rapeseed, which they began to use as food additive. This oil is marketed under the name Canola.

Rapeseed oil is no worse than sunflower oil. It contains beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids. The balance between them is 1:2, and this is almost an ideal ratio, according to scientists. In addition, the refined product includes a number of such vitamins: A, D, E. To provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin E, it is enough to consume 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil per day.

Find out what useful properties rapeseed oil has:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and therefore reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.
  • Tones blood vessels, stops the process of thrombosis.
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves eyesight.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • Antioxidants in the composition fight free radicals, therefore they resist the development of tumors.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes healthy metabolism.
  • Tones muscles, prevents aging.

The harm of rapeseed oil lies in the content of erucic acid. It is important to understand that recycling technologies remove almost all harmful substances. But this does not give a 100% guarantee. Here's what's wrong with erucic acid:

  • inhibits the development of the body, disrupts the formation of bones and tissues;
  • negatively affects reproductive function;
  • provokes heart disease;
  • a high concentration of glucosinolate leads to poisoning.

Rapeseed oil: where it is applied

In its usual form, oil is added to food, it becomes the basis of mayonnaise and margarine. The product is stored for a long time, and does not become bitter over time.

Rapeseed oil can be used both for frying and dressing cold dishes. Oleic acid in the composition does not form carcinogens.

In addition, the products are used in cosmetology for the manufacture of masks. Such home remedies help to strengthen hair, give it shine and restore a healthy look. Anti-inflammatory properties help fight acne.

Pharmacologists have evaluated the beneficial effects of the oil. Therefore, the product becomes the basis for therapeutic ointments and injections.

Rapeseed oil produces fatty esters, which are indispensable for biodiesel fuel, a lubricant material. The textile and rubber industries also cannot do without this product. Even plant waste (cake) does not go to waste, but is used as animal feed.

Buy your canola oil the right way to get the most nutrition. Stick to these principles:

  • Carefully inspect the contents of the bottle, there should be no impurities.
  • Study the composition. The capacity of erucic acid should not exceed 0.3-0.6%.
  • Buy products in a light amber color.
  • Don't use hydrogenated oil. Its unstable molecular basis will not give a positive effect.

It is best to keep the oil in glass bottles or jars. Make sure that the container is not exposed to sunlight, store it in a dark and cool room.

Demand creates supply. Today, rapeseed oil is increasingly gaining market share.

Having studied its benefits and harms, you can make an informed choice. Buy quality products and saturate the body with useful substances.

Rapeseed, or "northern olive", as it is also called, oil is extracted from rapeseed seeds. This crop is widely used for the production of vegetable oil and margarine. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil have long been studied, the benefits of this product have long made it popular among people around the world.

Today, rapeseed fields occupy about 2% of the total area of ​​plowed fields in the world. The plant has become so widespread for three reasons:

  1. Cheap production.
  2. Waste-free production: after squeezing, cake remains, which is used as animal feed.
  3. Scientists are trying to use rapeseed oil as a fuel.

A bit of history

People cultivated rape 1500 years ago. Opinions are divided: some believe that the homeland of the plant is Northern India, and some - the Mediterranean.

Despite the fact that rapeseed is one of the first plants that people began to consciously grow for their needs, until the 70s of the last century, they tried not to eat products from it. They contained a large amount of erucic acid, which, in fact, is a poison for the body. We are not able to break down this acid, which leads to its accumulation in the body and causes some diseases.

In the 70s of the XX century, a plant variety containing no more than 2% of this poison was selected in Canada. This amount makes the food suitable for human consumption. Of course, a large part of the population used rapeseed oil in cooking before, but after a sharp increase in the quality of the product, the demand for it has become huge. The oil spread throughout America and Europe. The market has expanded to the Far and Middle East: in just 30 years, China has occupied 1/4 of the market for the production of this product. In Germany, 70-80% of citizens eat rapeseed oil, and in European countries this product has officially become considered a medicine.

Rapeseed oil: benefits and harms


The general composition of the product is optimally balanced and, in terms of properties, resembles the well-known to everyone. A tablespoon of rapeseed oil contains a large amount of monounsaturated fats - as much as 8.2 grams - and 30% of the daily value of vitamin E. Also, the composition contains poly- and monounsaturated acids Omega 3, 6 and 9, which are important for the body. They are not synthesized by the body on its own. What are they needed for? These acids affect the functioning of the circulatory system:

  1. slow down the thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  2. prevent the formation of blood clots;
  3. which also prevent the total accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

For example, a lack of Omega 6, or linoleic acid, in the body often leads to serious malfunctions in the heart: heart attacks and strokes. Eating rapeseed oil is able to maintain the amount of this substance at the required level.

Vitamin E, in turn, is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. It supports the protective functions of the body.

Rapeseed oil also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rapeseed oil: properties especially beneficial for women

The use of the product brings especially many benefits to ladies.

  1. The oil is used in cosmetology and dermatology: it can significantly improve appearance skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
  2. The hormone estradiol contained in the product exactly corresponds to a special female hormone, which is also called the “health hormone”. It helps to reduce the potential risk of breast cancer, and also enhances maternal functions of the body, such as a woman's ability to become a mother and bear a healthy child.


The only, but very serious, disadvantage of rapeseed oil is the presence of erucic acid in it. It has a destructive effect both on the body as a whole and on the work of individual organs and systems: the liver, heart and bone tissues. As we have already said, in the last century a new variety of rapeseed was bred, in which the presence of this poison is minimal, this oil can be eaten without fear. However, you need to choose the product in the store carefully enough.

How to choose a good rapeseed oil?

To choose an oil that will only benefit the body, you need to follow a few simple principles. Before the purchase:

  1. Look at the bottom of the bottle: if there is sediment in it, then the product is of poor quality.
  2. The content of erucic acid should be minimal: from 0.3 to 0.6%. This data is printed on the label. Usually, any product that has been refined has normal indicators, so you need to choose refined oil.
  3. If the label says that the oil is hydrogenated, then it is better not to take it: such a product has an unstable molecular structure and will not bring any benefits.
  4. The color should be a clear amber yellow.

After buying, be sure to check the oil for smell: a good product has a pleasant nutty flavor.


The wonderful qualities of the oil are best preserved in glass containers. Even if you bought liquid in a plastic bottle, at home it is better to pour it into glass jar and close hermetically.

It is better to store the oil in a dark, cool place, protecting it from sunlight. Of course, nothing bad will happen to the product, but the liquid may become cloudy and lose its delicate aroma. In addition, vitamin E is best preserved in a place inaccessible to light.

Application in food

Rapeseed oil, like olive oil, is best for salad dressings. It is not recommended to fry and bake on it, as toxic substances are formed in it at temperatures above 160 degrees.

Rapeseed oil in all its qualities is not inferior to olive oil, has a pleasant smell and taste, and is much cheaper. It is worth thinking about using it for your culinary delights!

Rapeseed is a common agricultural crop cultivated in temperate and subtropical latitudes, primarily for oil production. Rapeseed oil, its harm, benefits and composition are now well studied, various aspects of its use have been analyzed, but so far it remains quite mysterious for humans.

Rapeseed oil is 99.9% vegetable fat, 100 g contains about 19 mg of vitamin E and about 2 mg of phosphorus, there are vitamins A, B, D, F.

The oil is rich in various acids:

Name Mass fraction in %
OleicUp to 70
StearicUntil 3
palmiticUp to 7
Linoleicup to 30
GondoinUp to 4.3
LinolenicUp to 14
ArachinoicUp to 1.2
ErucovayaUp to 5

Depending on the level of erucic acid content, the oil is divided into three types - low-, medium- and high-erucic. Low-erucic oil can be safely eaten, high-erucic oil is recommended for other purposes.

Rapeseed products in the form of oil are refined and divided into refined and unrefined types.

Refined rapeseed oil is very similar in composition to olive oil, contains low levels of erucic acid and is used in cooking.

Beneficial features

Rapeseed oil has only been actively used in the last fifty years, when new varieties of the plant and new ways to remove harmful acids have appeared. Now it is used in cooking, in medicinal purposes, in industry, in alternative energy.

Rapeseed oil (the benefits and harms of which have not been clearly defined before) has the following beneficial properties:

Indications for use

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which are well studied, is used in the prevention of certain diseases and in the treatment of diseases that have already arisen.

Use by men

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time, should be taken by men, especially young ones, without much zeal, despite all its beneficial properties. It improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, has sedative, anti-cancer and many other useful properties.

However, its effect on male potency is still poorly understood. The presence in the composition of vegetable fats, Omega-3, phosphorus, vitamin E has a positive effect on sexual life, on the one hand. However, the composition of the oil includes substances that stimulate the production of the female hormone estrogen.

This can suppress a man's libido, affect the quality of sperm, so it's best to consult an andrologist if in doubt. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil in this case must be especially correlated so that the man's body works harmoniously.

Benefits for women

Rapeseed oil contains an analogue of the female sex hormone - estradiol, so for women, eating it can cause a very good effect. This is true for women who have problems with the production of estrogen in the body.

Beneficial features for women:

During pregnancy and lactation

For the normal course of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the child, it is necessary to receive the optimal amount useful substances. Rapeseed oil, which is sometimes also called “northern olive oil”, contains vitamins E, omega-3, with a lack of which the fetus does not develop quickly enough, and after childbirth, the child may lag behind their peers in development.

When breastfeeding, the product saturates milk with useful substances that support the normal formation of all tissues of the child - bones, internal organs, central nervous system. The oil is especially important for mothers when feeding premature babies.

There is experimental evidence that if a mother took rapeseed oil during pregnancy, then this only brings benefits. Such children grow better, gain weight, develop better coordination of movements and motor skills. For a balanced intake of the necessary fatty vegetable acids, it is enough for a nursing mother to include 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil per day.

For children

Children need fatty acids and other elements, including those found in rapeseed oil, from birth. Infants receive their main diet from mother's milk and baby food. Rapeseed oil is one of the components of modern infant formulas.

"The harm or benefit of rapeseed oil in baby food”- there have been disputes on this topic for a long time, but large-scale studies by German scientists have shown that they are useful in a certain dose. Studies were conducted among children under one year old and it was found that the mass fraction of rapeseed oil in baby food can reach up to a third of all fats.

Vitamin A helps the child grow and is responsible for vision, vitamin D has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and the skeletal system. Vitamin E strengthens muscle tissue, stimulates hair growth, healthy nails and skin. Acids and phospholipids lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and support immunity.

Fatty vegetable acids contribute to the normal development of the nervous system, including the central nervous system, improves the psychological state of the child. Many people remember the use of fish oil in Soviet childhood, now there is an excellent substitute in the form of rapeseed oil.

Starting from the age of 5-6 months of the child, microdoses of rapeseed oil in the form of drops can be seasoned with mashed potatoes, porridge, gradually bringing the volume to a teaspoon.

Contraindications may be:

  • allergic reaction;
  • bowel disorder;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • severe hepatitis.

At a transitional age, caution is required when using the product in boys, because it can suppress the production of testosterone and the formation of the reproductive system.

For joint pain

For the treatment of articular diseases, rapeseed oil is used both in the form of supplements in overhead bandages and as a food supplement. Vegetable fats, taken orally, prevent the formation of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, stop the leaching of calcium from the body, and promote flexibility.

For prevention and treatment, it is required to take a tablespoon of rapeseed oil per day for an adult organism. In case of inflammatory processes, a gauze bandage is impregnated with slightly warmed oil and applied to the diseased joint.

As a rich source of linoleic acid, which can reduce inflammation, rapeseed oil is considered beneficial in arthritis and progressive connective tissue diseases. Painful areas can be massaged using oil to relieve pain and improve flexibility.

When salts are deposited

As is known from chemistry, salts enter into a chemical reaction with acids, new substances are obtained. Rapeseed oil is saturated with various acids, which have already been mentioned, and all of them have different chemical activity. Some acids are able to remove accumulated salts from tissues and the body.

With the preventive use of the product in food, it will become a natural barrier to the deposition of salts in the tissues of the body. You can make gauze bandages soaked in oil in places where salts are deposited - the oil penetrates the skin inside and helps to remove them from the body.

It is also useful to take hot baths with the addition of aromatic additives and two tablespoons of rapeseed oil. The oil easily penetrates heated skin and removes salts that are harmful to tissues.

For burns and wounds

Rapeseed oil has a high beneficial ability to regenerate human tissues, but its use in these situations is not always clear and can be harmful.

For second-degree, third-degree burns, or large areas of damage, seek medical attention. In other cases, when the burn site has already cooled, rapeseed oil will be useful.

For minor burns from fire, hot water, sunburn, the oil will cover the affected areas with a protective membrane. Rich in vegetable minerals and acids, the oil will soften the skin and help the regeneration process. Before lubricating the affected area, it is better to heat the oil in a water bath, cool it, and then use it.

In the case of small wounds and abrasions, the oil can be mixed with beeswax in a ratio of 3:1 and applied to the wound 3 times a day, changing the bandage.

With diaper rash

In the case of diaper rash, rapeseed oil performs the same tasks as in the treatment of wounds and burns:

  • pain reduction;
  • the role of an antioxidant;
  • softening and protecting the skin;
  • regeneration.

The difference is that diaper rash is more common in infants than in adults. The oil should be applied regularly and only on clean, dry skin. There can be only one remark - this is individual intolerance.

For dermatological diseases

For skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or skin rashes in adolescents, rapeseed oil is recommended to take 1 tsp. in the morning. In addition, 2 times a day, lubricate the affected area with warmed in a water bath and then cooled oil. The treated areas of the skin should be bandaged with a clean bandage and changed once a day.

Use in cooking

Rapeseed oil has a pleasant aroma, unlike many others. vegetable oils and tastes like Walnut. Colors range from translucent yellow to dark brown. The oil is not recommended for frying and other thermal cooking. because it loses its useful properties.

The oil is widely used in dressing salads, as a useful component in the manufacture of marinades, pastries, additives to soups and side dishes. As an ingredient, oil is used in the manufacture of margarines, sauces, mayonnaises.

As a food, oil has been used relatively recently, but has already gained wide popularity. Rapeseed oil is, for example, very popular in modern German cuisine– up to 80% of the vegetable oil used in Germany is rapeseed. Apparently there is some correlation between this product and the life expectancy and health of the Germans.

Application in cosmetology

Rapeseed oil is used for cosmetic purposes for several main reasons:

  • it contains many useful minerals, vitamins and active vegetable acids;
  • rejuvenating effect due to the ability to regenerate tissues;
  • neutral, but rather pleasant smell and color;
  • has an effect on hair growth;
  • small price.

It is used in the production of skin, hair, nail care products - balms, shampoos, creams, ointments, lotions. The oil softens, moisturizes the skin and hair, fills them with nutrients. Hair becomes healthy and lush, the skin is rejuvenated, straightened.

Rapeseed oil, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied in cosmetology, must be used in moderation.

Mask for sensitive skin

It is necessary to puree pineapple in a blender and mix in equal proportions with rapeseed oil. After applying to the face, wait half an hour until all active and beneficial substances penetrate the skin pores. Then wash off the mask with water without soap. At the same time, sensitive skin will receive protection from external irritants, and it will be transformed into a healthy color.

Cream with rapeseed oil for dry skin

To give the skin naturalness, in addition to rapeseed oil, lavender and bergamot are needed. For 100 mg of rapeseed oil, 2 mg of lavender is taken and 2 mg of bergamot is added. The cream is applied once a day, and soon the dryness of the skin with characteristic scales gradually disappears.

Mask for aging skin

The recipe for a mask for aging skin is simple - for one tablespoon of rapeseed oil, 100 g of finely chopped oatmeal, 30 g lemon juice and two egg whites. All this is mixed in a blender. Such a mask should not be kept for more than a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be repeated once a day.

Rapeseed oil mask for acne

For oily skin, 50 g of white clay, 100 g of rapeseed oil are used, which are thoroughly mixed. The mask after half an hour of keeping on the face is washed off with warm water.

For dry skin, you need 50 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of oil, which are also mixed into a homogeneous substance. Apply the mask on the face and let it harden a little until a crust forms - it means that the procedure has been completed, and all the active substances have been absorbed by the skin.

For normal skin, mix 100 g of oat flour with 100 g of oil. The mask is kept on the face for half an hour, then washed off.

Mask for dull hair

To prepare the mask, mix the following ingredients in a blender:

  • 20 g fresh parsley;
  • 20 g of rapeseed oil;
  • 10 g olive oil.

The finished mixture in the form of puree should be rubbed from the roots to the very end of the hair. Sit in a warm room for up to 45 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo.


There are several contraindications when rapeseed oil is not recommended for use in any form:

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, which is why high-quality rapeseed oil has become so popular, and 14% of arable land in the world is already sown with rapeseed.

Possible harm and side effects

It is strictly forbidden for a person to consume rapeseed oil with a high level of erucic acid. It tends to accumulate in the body, interfering with its normal functioning. Basically, this applies to unfiltered oil, which goes to the industry, the share of erucic acid there reaches 5%.

Modern varieties contain much less of this component, plus hot or cold filtration of raw materials. Already on store shelves useful product practically free of impurities. Excessive consumption of oil is also harmful, but this applies to any food product. Everything needs balance.

Selection and storage

When choosing an oil, you need to decide for what purposes it is purchased - for culinary, cosmetic, and maybe other needs. There is also a choice in cooking. various kinds oils - for baking, salads, sauces, side dishes, as well as frying.

Light shades of oil goes through large stages of purification, it is quite suitable for all dishes, but especially for heat treatment. The darker-colored oil retains its unique taste and smell, so it is suitable for cold dishes. In addition, these types of oil retain more useful elements.

When purchasing, you need to read the data, compliance with GOST, clarify the expiration date. There should be no sediment in the container. The best packaging is glass containers, storage conditions can be read on the packaging - for different types oil conditions are different.

The popularity of oil in the last 30-40 years has grown exponentially in everyday life, as this product has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and natural quality nutrition. Useful sides of rapeseed oil, almost all are open, but there is always something new, but there is practically no harm for a healthy person.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about rapeseed oil

Features and benefits of rapeseed oil:

Relatively recently, except for sunflower and cottonseed, it was quite difficult to find other types of vegetable oils on sale. Therefore, few housewives could answer what rapeseed oil is made of. But today there are no problems with the choice of goods, so one after another, women began to try this product in their kitchen. Needless to say, a lot of people liked it. The use of rapeseed oil gives you the chance to offer the family a large amount healthy salads. It is similar to olive oil, but much cheaper. This is the determining factor in some cases.


Let's now take a closer look at what rapeseed oil is made from. From the seeds of the plant of the same name. It is predominantly edible oil, although it is also used in some industries. The value of the product so interested the producers that it was necessary to significantly increase the cultivation of raw materials. What rapeseed oil is made of is no longer a secret today. Let's say a few words about the plant itself.

Raw material source

The relative cheapness and ease of cultivation led to the fact that the volume of production began to increase every year. In parallel, the popularity of the product grew, and the demand of consumers. So what is rapeseed oil made from? This is a herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family, that is, a relative of cabbage.

It contains an important set of fatty acids. These are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and some others. It is this composition that determines the properties of rapeseed oil. It was originally used to make margarine. But further studies have shown that this is a pantry of useful substances, and therefore it can be used for a variety of problems, in order to improve the body, and not just as a food product.

Technical subtleties

The production of rapeseed oil is not difficult at all. The procedure is very similar to obtaining similar raw materials from sunflower. Raw materials are inexpensive, so profits will begin to appear pretty quickly. To obtain the final product, it is necessary to clean the seeds from impurities and debris. Then there is drying and pressing, settling of oil in the bunker, filtration and cooling.

Beneficial features

It has already been said above that the composition of rapeseed oil is very similar to olive oil. All the substances included in it are perfectly absorbed by the body. Fatty acids are able to normalize cholesterol levels. This is a very important moment for those over forty.

But this does not exhaust all the useful properties. Here are its merits:

  • Rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E. It is a natural defense against free radical damage. Probably, there is no element more necessary for female beauty and health.
  • The second group of essential elements that are in the composition are B vitamins. Almost all internal processes in the body depend on the timely intake of these substances. Without them, the nervous and circulatory systems of the body will not function normally.
  • Vitamin A - for vision.
  • Vitamin D - for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Minerals are also very necessary and important for the body.

As you can see, there are many reasons to introduce this product into the diet. This will have a positive effect on all organs and systems. Regular use will help improve the condition of the skin. But in fairness, it should be noted that there are much fewer useful substances in it than in more popular types.

For food and more

It was mentioned that it is not only a valuable food product. Oil extracted from rape seeds allows you to heal the human body. The composition contains the female hormone estradiol. Therefore, it is recommended for use by both healthy women and those who have problems with the reproductive system. It is advisable for pregnant women to add a teaspoon to food every day. This will protect the embryo.

On this medicinal properties are not exhausted. Today our goal is to fully reveal the harm and benefits of rapeseed oil. So, it allows you to quickly restore damaged tissues, helps relieve inflammation. It is for this reason that women sometimes replace creams and lotions with them. The effect is no worse, and the cost is many times less.

Use in traditional medicine

Often you can find recipes in which one of the most significant components is rapeseed oil. It has long been used for burns, wounds and cuts. When heated, it is great for treating joints. It relieves pain and inflammation. Doctors note that everything that is included in the composition has a positive effect on health. Its components:

  • Help improve immunity.
  • Break down bad cholesterol.
  • They serve to prevent atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Helps protect against cancer.

Rapeseed oil is used in diets. Of course, this alone will not help you lose weight, but as an addition to your diet, it is a great way to debug your metabolism.

The opinion of official medicine

Today, doctors are in full solidarity with their colleagues who are supporters of folk methods treatment. Of course, rapeseed oil is not a panacea, but it works great for prevention, and in some cases as an adjuvant treatment.

This is a recognized elixir of youth. Among other things, the oil improves the production of collagen. What does it give? It slows down the aging process, allows you to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, as well as correct the appearance of wrinkles. And it's not just about homemade masks. Today, the oil extract is also successfully used in injections. The effectiveness of such treatment is much more effective, since all the nutrients quickly get where they need to be.


Rapeseed oil is a storehouse of useful substances, but in some cases, doctors recommend abandoning it. The reason is that the composition contains erucic acid, which can accumulate in the body, which leads to poor health. It adversely affects the liver, heart and other organs. Of course, in order to fully experience the effects on yourself, you need to use oil regularly and in large quantities. Therefore, adults can use it to dress salads almost fearlessly. But it is better for children to refuse to use rapeseed.

One more moment. When heated, this product begins to release carcinogens. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for frying. But for dressing light salads - that's it.

How to choose and store?

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, then you need to choose only the highest quality from what is offered on the market today. The inscription "rapeseed oil" should not be the only selection criterion. Useful properties and contraindications directly depend on the quality. Let's look at the main points to pay attention to:

  • During the selection, it is worth looking if there is a cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, you have a low-quality product that cannot be used for food.
  • Examine the label. The content of erucic acid must be indicated. If the indicator is more than 0.5%, then refuse to buy.
  • Refined oil is more desirable as it goes through all the stages of refining.
  • The bottle must be made of dark glass.

For storage, it is also necessary to choose a dark and cool place where the rays of the sun do not fall. In this case, the oil will retain its medicinal properties for five years.

Use in cosmetology

This choice was not made by chance. Rapeseed oil is used by cosmetologists for the following reasons. First of all, because of the high content of nutritious micro and macro elements. Also important is affordability, as well as the neutrality of color and smell. It is used for the preparation of various creams and lotions, shampoos and injections, balms. The oil effectively moisturizes and protects the skin from external irritants, gives hair shine and vitality.

Use in cooking

But most often we take oils for use in the kitchen. Today, varieties of rapeseed have been bred, in which the content of harmful acid is minimal. Thanks to this, the product can be used without harming your health. As mentioned above, it is necessary to check the content of erucic acid on the label. This product is perfect for marinades, for making mayonnaise. The most popular dish is a carrot salad with prunes and dried apricots seasoned with rapeseed oil. The calorie content of the dressing is high, but since no one pours it in liters, you should not worry. Usually a plate of salad leaves no more than a tablespoon of oil.

Instead of a conclusion

Rapeseed oil is only gaining popularity today, so you can often find it only in large supermarkets. It's a great alternative to the expensive one olive oil, as many note the similarity in taste. The price differs very significantly. It can be used for filling cold dishes and snacks, preparing sauces and marinades. The remains of rapeseed oil can be used as a mask for the skin of hands and face, hair balm. Due to the low price, you can always keep a bottle of this oil at home and use it at your discretion.

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