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What drugs are suitable for the treatment of SARS in nursing mothers?

How to treat SARS for a nursing mother is not such a difficult question. The drugs approved for use during breastfeeding are quite enough. I made a short list, where the drugs are divided by symptoms:

At a temperature. Paracetamol (Panadol) is officially approved for lactation. Only 0.1-0.2% of the accepted dose passes into milk. Ibuprofen (Nurofen) is not prohibited, however, it should be used only if Paracetamol is ineffective, since it has been less studied in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers.

When coughing. For better sputum separation, Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine ​​and Bromhexine are allowed. In pharmacies, they can be called differently: Lasolvan, Halixol, Ambrobene, ACC, and so on. It is better to choose tablets, as syrups contain a lot of sugar, dyes and flavors. Allowed herbal preparations based on thermopsis grass ("Cough", "Termopsol"). Codelac, Codelac Broncho is prescribed with caution only for dry, painful cough, and only a doctor should do this. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers, herbal preparations and decoctions have proven themselves well: Breast collection (No. 1, 2, 3, 4), infusion of lemon balm, anise, marshmallow, linden, raspberry leaves and twigs. They give an expectorant effect and increase the separation of milk.

With a runny nose. Start by rinsing the nose with saline or sea water (Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Salin, Fluimarin, etc.), make sure that the humidity in the room is 60% or more. If congestion does not go away, then how to treat ARVI for a nursing mother with a runny nose? Use oxymetazoline in children's concentrations (Nazivin 0.01%) or Nazol Baby. If it doesn’t help, adult products are also suitable: Otrivin, Afrin, Galazolin, Xymelin. The main thing - do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

For sore throat. Rinses with soda, salt, chamomile, calendula, as well as pharmacy solutions of Chlorhexidine, Furacillin, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt and Rotokan are not contraindicated. Avoid products containing iodine (Yox, Lugol's solution), lozenges with a strong taste and aroma. Well activate local immunity in the throat lozenges Lizobakt, Imudon.

If SARS does not go away, and the doctor has prescribed an antibacterial drug, do not be afraid. Flemoxin, Sumamed and other drugs from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides are officially allowed during lactation.

General rules of conduct for SARS during lactation.

All SARS are airborne. Therefore, the mother must wear a mask so as not to infect the child. Breastfeeding should not be stopped! The virus is not transmitted with milk, but the antibodies that help defeat the common cold and strengthen the immune system are transmitted.

You should not transfer the baby to mixtures while the mother is sick - this will not benefit the baby, on the contrary, it will deprive him of additional protection.

Drink plenty of fluids (about 2.5 liters per day) to quickly remove the toxins produced in the body during SARS. Do not add honey, raspberries and other substances that cause allergies to drinking water. They easily pass into breast milk.

It occurs in almost every person at least once a year. This is a whole group of respiratory pathologies affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract, caused by a viral flora. Less commonly, colds are provoked by microbes, then they are classified as acute respiratory infections. But when breastfeeding, the occurrence of a cold is not an easy situation. On the one hand, you need to quickly get on your feet in order to provide the crumbs with good nutrition and care, on the other hand, there is a risk of infecting the baby with your infection and the need to take pills that can harm the child. A natural question immediately arises - is it possible to breastfeed a baby with ARVI or ARI, and if so, how to take medication?

Colds with HB: causes and course

A nursing cold occurs under the influence of viruses (less often microbes), and proceeds, in principle, in the same way as ordinary women. But it can occur more often than in ordinary women due to the decrease after childbirth due to blood loss, fatigue, and malaise. The duration of a cold on average lasts 5-7 days, and infection occurs by airborne droplets., with droplets of sputum when coughing, mucus when sneezing and communicating with others.


The incubation period for different types of viruses lasts from several hours to a couple of days, the nasal passages and pharynx, bronchi, trachea or larynx can be affected, which determines the clinical picture.

Breastfeeding mothers are susceptible to colds as their respiratory systems work harder to produce milk for the baby. The mother consumes more oxygen and resources, her body works more actively.

Why are SARS dangerous in nursing mothers?

Colds themselves are not dangerous, they are usually mild and do not significantly complicate the life of a nursing mother. But without proper treatment, they can form complications that can become dangerous -, or. In addition, nursing mothers are always afraid to infect their baby with a cold. But regarding the infection of the child, lactation consultants are in a hurry to reassure the mother. If a mother falls ill with ARVI, usually immediately, even before the onset of manifestations, pathogenic agents also penetrate the child. That is, they either become infected, or the child does not get sick. And usually, he does not get sick because, with breast milk, his mother gives him antibodies to viruses or microbes, which allows him to resist colds and attack by pathogenic organisms.

Is it possible to breastfeed with SARS?

Colds of both microbial and viral origin are not contraindications to breastfeeding. You should not immediately wean the child from the breast at the first sign of a cold, this will only harm him. Deprived of breast milk with its protective factors, stressed by weaning and formula, the baby is more likely to get sick. Against the background of continued breastfeeding, he will either endure the infection more easily or not get sick at all, having received maternal antibodies.

Do I need to wear a mask with GV against a cold?

For the same reasons as described above, wearing a mask for a cold while breastfeeding is useless.
. All infections have an incubation period when viruses or microbes are already being shed by the sick, but there are no signs yet. Accordingly, a sick mother, even before the onset of a runny nose and sneezing, coughing, already transmits the infection to the baby, and by the beginning of the first signs of pathology, the baby is either already sick or has immunity.

Methods of treatment of SARS in nursing

It is important not to let the infection take its course, and to begin active therapeutic measures immediately, without waiting for the condition to worsen and complications to form. It is important to see a doctor, as self-medication, especially by taking certain drugs, can harm both the mother herself and her baby. In the treatment of ARVI, both folk, non-drug methods and drugs traditionally used in the treatment of colds are acceptable.

From non-drug methods a plentiful warm drink will be useful - tea with lemon, raspberries, or milk with butter, mineral water without gas in the form of heat. It is necessary to rest as much as possible, to spend more time in bed during the period of malaise and fever. Banks, mustard plasters, which are not recommended in the treatment of nursing today, do not have proven effectiveness. Useful will be in the absence of temperature foot baths with mustard, taking a bath with injuries.

with SARS in lactating

To date, there is no proven effective remedy against ARVI viruses, with the exception of the treatment of influenza with drugs that act on the influenza virus (tamiflu, relenza).

Reception is not indicated for acute respiratory viral infections in lactating drugs such as ribovirin, kagocel and others. Their effectiveness and safety in nursing has not yet been confirmed, although they are widely advertised and promoted by manufacturers. Their effect on infants and their complete safety have not been studied, therefore only individual drugs are applicable under the strict prescription of a doctor.

It is also dangerous to use such widespread drugs as immunal, aflubin - which can give allergic reactions in infants, digestive disorders and anxiety.

Treatment can help inducers, applied both topically in the form of drops in the nose, and systemically - anaferon, gripperon and similar drugs. They are used strictly according to the instructions and under the control of the condition of the crumbs. Viferon or kipferon in candles will be useful, stimulating your own immunity to fight the virus.

Antibiotics in the treatment of SARS in nursing

They are not used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, they do not affect the reproduction and activity of viruses, but can lead to negative reactions from the body of a woman and a child due to their penetration into breast milk.

Antibiotics are applicable strictly according to the doctor's prescription in the presence of complications or severe ARVI with a high temperature that lasts 4-5 days or more, without a tendency to decrease.

Antibiotics are shown in the presence of complications such as otitis, and risk, strictly with the permission of the doctor and taking into account their compatibility with breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden to take tetracyclines, aminoglycosides and biseptol . If, for special indications, it is necessary to take antibiotics that are incompatible with breastfeeding, the child is transferred to expressed milk or mixtures for the time being.

Symptomatic treatment for SARS in nursing

The most basic problem is the fight against high temperature during HW.

Against the background of feeding, such antipyretic and analgesic drugs as aspirin are prohibited, it is permissible to reduce fever only with the help of Nurofen or strictly in prescribed dosages and only if there are numbers over 38.5.

At a temperature, drink plenty of fluids and physical methods of cooling - light clothing, wiping with a damp cloth and water room temperature, cool compresses to large vessels (elbows, knees, armpits) and forehead.


Wiping with vodka, vinegar or alcohol is prohibited in nursing mothers, they lead to toxicosis and an even higher fever.

To reduce the temperature, let's take a decoction of birch buds, and raspberries. At home, frequent ventilation is necessary, the temperature in the rooms is low and wet cleaning, air humidification is at least 55-60%. This helps not only in reducing the temperature, but also in facilitating nasal breathing, softening the sore throat and cough.

Cough and runny nose in mother with HS

It is acceptable to use all the usual remedies for the common cold during breastfeeding, especially useful

ARVI is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets, which contributes to its high incidence. People of any age suffer from it, especially children and the elderly, which is associated with weak immunity in this population group. The task of a nursing mother is not only to get rid of the symptoms of this infection in a short time, but also to protect her child, who is also at risk of being infected.

The disease is transmitted from one person to another by sneezing, coughing. In the same way, infection of a child from a sick mother can occur. To reduce this risk, a woman should wear a mask while breastfeeding. It is also desirable that she use a mask for the rest of the time, since when talking, sneezing or coughing, the virus with air particles spreads around the room and enters the body of a healthy child when breathing.

Therefore, if it is not possible to isolate an infected woman, then it is better for her to adhere to a mask regime outside the feeding period.

In this case, it must be remembered that the mask should be changed every 2 hours. In order to prevent infection of others, a woman, as often as possible, should wash her hands, on which pathogens can also linger.

Preventive measures in the case of a disease of a nursing mother are regular ventilation of the room. Viruses multiply easily and persist for a long time in warm, dry air. Therefore, regular, wet cleaning of the premises will help prevent the disease.

Therapeutic measures

As for the direct therapeutic measures that are necessary for a nursing woman, they do not differ from the means carried out in other population groups, and include the following:

  • plentiful drink;
  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • carrying out symptomatic treatment in the case of pronounced catarrhal manifestations or high hyperthermia.

Due to the dubious effectiveness of antiviral agents and the high risk of developing unwanted side effects they are not recommended for use during the treatment of ARVI with breastfeeding. These drugs can be dangerous for the child. As for symptomatic treatment, antipyretics can be used if the temperature rises to 39 degrees, and also if the woman has concomitant serious illnesses, especially from the cardiovascular or nervous system.

The drug of choice in this case is paracetamol, a very effective antipyretic and the safest drug for both adults and infants.

The use of analgin and aspirin in this case is contraindicated, since they may be unsafe for both the mother and her child.

Aspirin with influenza can even worsen the patient's condition, as it will aggravate the development of hemorrhagic syndrome.

Regarding vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents for the throat, these drugs are ineffective in the case of SARS. They are preferable for the development of a bacterial infection or complications of SARS. For a child, they can also be dangerous, so the treatment of SARS during lactation should include

  • fortified drink (juices, compotes, fruit drinks);
  • decoctions of herbs as a drink, gargle, and also for irrigation of the nose;
  • moisturizing the nose of the mother and child using salted water, saline or pharmaceutical preparations with a similar effect;
  • maintaining the temperature regime in the room at the level of 18-20 degrees, which will ensure a more effective fight against an infectious agent, and will also help to reduce the patient's body temperature.

The need for medical supervision

Treatment of SARS does not require antibiotics. Moreover, as a prophylactic, they are also not prescribed, since they contribute to a decrease in immunity. However, in the case of the addition of a secondary infection and the development of otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, these drugs cannot be dispensed with. In this regard, the treatment of a nursing mother should be under the supervision of a specialist who can correct the treatment in time.

Most antibiotics are contraindicated for the newborn due to toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, when prescribing antibiotic therapy, we can talk about decanting milk.

In another case, prescribing treatment, the doctor will take into account that this patient is a nursing mother. This will determine the choice of drug.

Treatment of a nursing woman is always a very painstaking process, no matter what pathology worries the patient. This is due to the large limitations in the possibility of using medicines. Only some of them can be used to alleviate the condition, including the development of SARS. Drugs should be selected only under the supervision of a pediatrician and therapist. Such cooperation will minimize the risk of problems with the child and the health of the nursing mother.

The main active ingredient of the drug is naphazoline, which has a direct effect on the mucous membrane. Due to this, already after 1-2 uses, the swelling of the nasal cavity decreases, the amount of sputum decreases. Sanorin can be used during lactation in the form of a spray or drops, this will not have any significant effect on the therapeutic result. For treatment, one injection is required or up to 3 drops are instilled into each nostril. You can repeat such manipulations 2-3 times a day. Therapy should not be continued for more than 5 days, because after that comes addiction.

A more powerful drug that comes in the form of a spray. For the treatment of a nursing woman, it is better to use children's dosages, which include one injection in each nostril. Repeat the procedures 2 times a day, as the result of using Knoxprey lasts for 8-12 hours. As in the case of any other vasoconstrictor drops, you should not use the spray for more than 5-7 days, since after that tolerance to treatment develops.

Attention! Do not exceed the doses of these drugs, as they have a depressing effect on the circulatory system of the child, entering his body through breast milk. With poor tolerance of the active substances of these drops, problems with the kidneys and liver of the baby may occur.

Antivirals for breastfeeding mothers

The drug is available in the form of drops and spray. They are instilled directly into the nasal cavity. During the feeding period, there are no restrictions on the use of these drops, as they are well tolerated by patients. For treatment, it is required to drip 3 drops of Grippferon into each nasal passage. The procedure is allowed to be repeated up to 6 times a day after the same amount of time. The maximum course of therapy using antiviral drops is one week, after which it is required to stop treatment with Grippferon.

Treatment is in the form of rectal suppositories. Thanks to this introduction, rapid and maximum absorption of the active substance is ensured. Usually, a nursing woman is recommended to take 1 Viferon suppository in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment can be 5-10 days, it all depends on the severity of the disease and associated symptoms.

Attention! It is required to take these drugs immediately after the first signs of SARS appear. It is in the first 48 hours that the body is most amenable to treatment, which allows you to remove all signs of the disease in 3-5 days. Do not use antivirals in the presence of autoimmune diseases.

Remedies for sore throat with ARVI during lactation

For treatment, up to 3 injections of the drug into any of the nostrils are required. At the same time, a feature of the tool is its application scheme. After one injection, wait 1 minute, then make another injection and wait again for a pause. Repeat such manipulations up to three uses of Kameton per session. This is necessary to inhale well all the active substances of the drug. It is allowed to spray the spray directly into the oral cavity in the same way. The duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient.

Rinse solution should be used during this period, as it is the safest. For the procedure, 15 ml of undiluted solution is taken. If more mucosal treatments are not prescribed, gargle should be done in the morning and evening. Therapy can last up to 7 days, but usually 5 days of treatment is enough. In some cases, the doctor may recommend using Hexoral also at lunchtime, especially on the first three days of treatment.

Attention! During lactation, experts recommend using rinse solutions. They also relieve pain discomfort well, but at the same time they actually do not penetrate into the mother's body, and hence into breast milk.

Preparations for lowering the temperature

The drug is produced in the form of tablets for dissolution in water. Efferalgan is produced in a dose of 250-500 mg of the active substance. Both doses can be used to lower the temperature, taking into account the intensity of the heat. Per day during lactation, it is allowed to take a maximum of 2 g of Efferalgan. You should not take pills for more than 3 days without the supervision of the attending physician, since the cause can be much more serious than the usual SARS.

A classic remedy that can be used to reduce fever at any age, including during breastfeeding. Doses of Paracetamol are also 0.25-0.5 g at a time. At temperatures above 38.5 degrees, you can immediately take 1 g of Paracetamol. But at the same time, the daily dose of tablets of 2 g should not be exceeded.

Attention! These drugs are the safest, since their active substances can even be used to treat infants. But at the same time, you should not abuse them, since a number of them have a direct effect on the kidneys.

Video - How to treat a nursing mother?

To make the treatment more successful, it is required to adhere to a number of mandatory recommendations:

  • do not stop breastfeeding, when using well-chosen products for the baby there will be no consequences;
  • be sure to eat well, saturating the diet with vegetables, white meat and fruits;
  • drink enough water, as even a small temperature can provoke a decrease in breast milk production, and a sufficient amount of fluid will prevent this from happening;
  • be sure to rest with your baby, as it is important to spend more time in bed with SARS, which is not always possible with an infant;
  • spend enough time outdoors, ventilate the room and maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in it.

Attention! It is especially important to consult on the treatment of a nursing woman if she has kidney problems. Since the exacerbation of a chronic disease of this system will force the use of rather aggressive drugs that require the cessation of lactation.

The cost of drugs against ARVI during lactation

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
150-250 5-8 61-102
150 5 5
200 7 82
100 3,2 41
300 10 123
100 3,2 41
50 1,6 21
260 7 160

Attention! These prices are conditional and may differ by 5-20%, taking into account the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the remote settlement. The highest prices are observed in pharmacy chains of large cities.

Folk remedies for the treatment of SARS in nursing

Tea with lemon and honey

This tool has a general tonic effect, which allows you to increase immunity and speed up the recovery period. Drinking such a remedy should be no more than 2-3 times a day, since honey can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. For 200 ml of tea, it is better to take green, you need to put half a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon. If the child tolerates honey well, its amount can be increased to a whole spoonful. It is possible to be treated in this way until the full restoration of health.

Against sore throat

A saline solution with iodine has a good effect. To prepare it, it is enough to take a teaspoon of salt and 2 drops of another substance for 200 ml of warm water. Before starting therapy, you need to make sure that iodine is fully tolerated. You can repeat the rinse procedure up to 4 times a day. If a woman is afraid of iodine, you can do two procedures per day only with salt, and two with two components. You can rinse your throat in this way for up to 7-10 days.

For quick relief of symptoms

The use of iodine as a warming net perfectly restores health. It should be done after the woman has steamed her legs. This can only be done if the nursing mother does not have a temperature! As soon as the legs are well warmed up, it is required to draw a mesh on the heels, put on warm socks, preferably woolen ones, and immediately go to bed. With a quick start of treatment, the mother will need no more than 3-4 procedures, in more complex cases, therapy can be carried out up to one week.

Mustard in socks

Such treatment can also be carried out only in the absence of temperature. For treatment, you need to take 1 teaspoon of mustard in each sock. Pour the substance into the heel area. It is in this area that the best effect of the active substance will be ensured. You can also wear second socks over regular socks, this will greatly enhance the effect of mustard. In some cases, in recipes you can find such advice as adding a little sugar to the main substance or vegetable oil. But you should not do this, because in addition to burns, you will not get anything in the end.

Attention! It is best to use these home remedies in combination with traditional ones. This allows for a faster recovery. If during the use of any of them there are unpleasant sensations, you should immediately stop treatment and, if necessary, consult a therapist.

Video - Taking medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You should not self-medicate during this period, as you can harm the child, causing developmental pathologies in him even after birth. Many active substances easily pass through breast milk into the baby's body. Also, due to the special sensitivity during lactation, even medicines that are safe at first glance can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions and kidney problems, which is especially dangerous for a young mother. Only with the right selection of medicines can you quickly put the patient on her feet and at the same time not harm the newborn baby.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during lactation is a rather serious issue, which should be discussed directly with the doctor at the first signs of the disease. Many drugs used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections are not recommended for lactating patients due to the penetration of active substances into milk. For this reason, the therapy of the respiratory infectious process should be effective, but as sparing as possible for both the mother and her child. How to treat SARS during breastfeeding without harm to the baby?

Is the child often sick?

your child constantly sick?
A week in kindergarten (school), two weeks at home on sick leave?

Many factors are to blame for this. From bad ecology, to weakening of immunity with ANTIVIRAL DRUGS!
Yes, yes, you heard right! By stuffing your child with powerful synthetic drugs, you sometimes do more harm to a small organism.

In order to radically change the situation, it is necessary not to destroy the immune system, but to HELP IT ...

Treatment of SARS during breastfeeding implies compliance withgeneral recommendations:

  • bed rest, which will speed up the healing process;
  • plentiful, warm drink, which allows to alleviate the course of the disease, alleviate the symptoms;
  • some are allowed folk remedies, for example, blackcurrant juice, the product is absolutely harmless when SARS during lactation, helps eliminate signs of nasal congestion, supplies the body with vitamin C;
  • enter fractional nutrition in small portions, all food is preferably steamed or boiled.

Symptomatic treatment is possible to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process.

Tactics of treatment for acute respiratory viral infections during lactation

Taking antiviral drugs

Currently, there is a large selection of antiviral drugs, the purpose of which is to eliminate the virus. However, most of these funds are categorically not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With GV, it is forbidden to take Remantadine and Arbidol, since the effect of the active ingredients on the health of the child has not been studied.

It is also worth refusing to take homeopathic medicines, for example, Aflubin and Anaferon. The drugs have an increased risk of provoking an allergic reaction in a child, and besides, the effectiveness of these drugs has not been proven.

Antiviral drugs based on human interferon - Viferon, Grippferon - have maximum safety and a high percentage of effectiveness. Before use, you should consult with your doctor and choose the optimal dosage.

The use of antipyretics

During lactation, antipyretics should be used in exceptional cases, when the central body temperature has crossed the mark of 38 degrees. The temperature below should not be brought down with medication, as this can aggravate the course of SARS during breastfeeding.

Mom during the feeding period should take an approved drug based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is best to use drugs in their pure form and avoid taking combined ones, for example, Flukold. Combined preparations contain substances whose effect on the child's body has not been studied. Antipyretic drugs are used strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions or the doctor's prescription.

Nasal preparations for ARVI

Why is my child's immune system weakened?

Many people are familiar with these situations:

  • As soon as the season of colds begins - your child is bound to get sick and then the whole family...
  • It seems that you are buying expensive drugs, but they only work while you are drinking them, and after a week or two baby gets sick again...
  • Are you worried that your child's immune system is weak very often disease takes precedence over health ...
  • Afraid of every sneeze or cough...

    It is necessary to strengthen YOUR CHILD'S IMMUNITY!

Cold medications in the form of nasal drops or sprays are quite safe, so almost everyone is allowed to take them, and they suppress the acute viral process well. Can I breastfeed and take antibiotics? No, drugs containing antibiotics should be avoided.

How to treat SARS during breastfeeding:

  • Sanorin, Nafazolin - well help to eliminate the volumetric secretion from the nasal cavity, but the therapeutic effect is quite short;
  • Ksimilin, Otrivin - eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, have a decongestant effect for 6-9 hours;
  • Nazol, Nazivin - the duration of the therapeutic effect is observed up to 12 hours.

Reception of nasal preparations should be carried out no more than 5-6 days, if there is no effect, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary tests and select another treatment regimen.

Sore throat treatment

A nursing mother may have severe sore throats. Before treating inflammation, complications such as tonsillitis, laryngitis should be excluded.

Redness of the throat mucosa and pain syndrome will help eliminate local antiseptics. They are not contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is also recommended to use solutions for gargling - Geksoral, Rotokan (as part of medicinal herbs).

It is possible to reduce the manifestation of pain syndrome with the help of lozenges or lozenges - Trachisan, Strepsils. The drugs have analgesic and antibacterial effects, are used in ENT practice and dentistry. Whether breastfeeding and taking these medications is compatible is indicated in the instructions, and the doctor will also tell about this.

Antitussive drugs for lactation

With the development of cough, the course of treatment should be monitored by a specialist. It is he who will correctly select an antitussive agent depending on the type and variety of the symptom. Please note that the treatment of dry cough and sputum is carried out with different drugs.

So, with a dry cough, funds are prescribed aimed at thinning the bronchial secretion and its further excretion. Most often, ambroxol-based products are prescribed for this purpose, since they are not contraindicated during the feeding period.

Before feeding a child, a woman should put on a protective mask so as not to infect the baby with a cough.

In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor your own well-being and soberly assess the need for the use of certain medications. The treatment regimen, drawn up by a specialist, will help get rid of the signs of the disease as early as 3-4 days.. With the addition of a cough, the duration of the disease varies from 7 to 12 days. In the case of a code, the infection acquires a long course, is accompanied by a volumetric secretion from the nasal cavity, a cough that turns from dry to barking, you should contact a therapist as soon as possible to exclude the development of pneumonia and other pathological processes.

It might be interesting:

If a child is constantly sick, his immunity DOES NOT WORK!

The human immune system is designed to resist viruses and bacteria. In babies, it is still not fully formed and does not work to its full potential. And then there's the parents "finish off" the immune system with antiviral agents, accustoming him to a relaxed state. The poor ecology and the wide distribution of different strains of the influenza virus make their contribution. It is necessary to temper and pump the immune system and you need to do this IMMEDIATELY!

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