Home A fish How useful is horse meat and can it harm the body? Horse sausage kazy - a description of the product with a photo, its composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; how to cook and cook at home

How useful is horse meat and can it harm the body? Horse sausage kazy - a description of the product with a photo, its composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; how to cook and cook at home

To be honest, horse meat is not the most common meat in our area. You can buy it only in halal stores. Or receive as a gift from friends from somewhere near Kazan. We only know horse meat in the form of makhan or some other not the cheapest sausage. However, one must be prepared for any twists of fate. Suddenly, horse meat will somehow get to you. Benefit or harm will enter the house with it - this is the first question asked by people who are not used to such meat. And secondly, they are puzzled by how to cook it.

What is the use of horse meat?

First of all, it is nutritious. And given that meat is completely digested in just three hours (as opposed to the day that beef needs), then we can safely advise it even for baby food- horsemeat will not harm the baby at all. Benefit or harm? In this dispute, good will most likely win. Moreover, with a high nutritional value, the meat is completely lean, which is why it is recommended in the fight against excess weight.

Another advantage of horse meat is that it does not cause allergies in anyone: neither in babies under one year old, nor in the elderly, nor in experienced allergy sufferers. And it can help a lot, because it reduces bad cholesterol in the body and stimulates blood flow. Horse meat is especially recommended for patients with anemia due to the large amount of hemoglobin and iron in it. Horse meat is also prescribed for those who are recovering from chemotherapy: it reduces the effects of radiation.

How can horse meat harm?

The main drawback that horse meat suffers, the benefits or harms of which are discussed, is that it is extremely poorly stored. Exactly what meat is valued by nutritionists for - low carbohydrate content - stimulates an avalanche-like reproduction of microorganisms, therefore it quickly deteriorates.

Those who have an excess of bile in the body should not get involved in horse meat, since meat has a choleretic effect.

Its distinctive taste can be considered a disadvantage - but this is a matter of habit or seasoning. But the difficulties of cooking concern everyone. Horse meat is very tough, so it has to be marinated for a long time before cooking, and then boiled for a long time. Otherwise, horsemeat does not have any harmful effect. So in the problem of “horse meat: benefit or harm”, the advantage will clearly be on the side of the first. And if you come across it - fight hardness and feed your family with unusual dishes.

Lena-style horse meat

As already mentioned, all horse meat recipes require pre-soaking or pickling. The uniqueness of this dish is that it does not require long additional manipulations: due to the “packing” in the dough, the dish turns soft quite quickly. Horse meat is cleaned of tendons (if they are in a piece), cut into very small bars (not longer than 4 centimeters), rolled in salt, pepper and finely chopped onions. Every piece is sprinkled citric acid or weak vinegar, the contents of the bowl are mixed to evenly distribute the marinade and left for half an hour. The batter is prepared in the most usual way, from flour and eggs. Pieces are dipped into it and deep-fried. Of course, a wok is best suited for this purpose, but an ordinary deep frying pan will do just fine - as long as the oil completely covers the meat.

with horse meat

Recipes from horse meat do not differ in such a huge variety as types of meat that are more familiar to us. Nevertheless, most often horse meat is put in sausages. However, the first dish from it can be prepared simply amazingly tasty. Since horse meat is cooked for a long time, it must be finely chopped before putting it into the water. Peas are pre-soaked in warm water; it is taken half as much as meat. The swollen beans are poured into the pan at the same time as the horsemeat, since they also boil for a long time. The pot will stay on the fire for about two and a half hours. When you are sure that the horse meat is ready, throw potatoes, onions and carrots into cubes into the soup. You don't need to roast for this recipe. After boiling, the soup is salted and seasoned with parsley and pepper. Already poured on plates, it is flavored with a small piece of butter.

Horse meat cutlets

So that they do not turn out to be tough, there is a certain trick. The meat is cut into small cubes (smaller than required for a meat grinder) and lies in a bowl under a flowing bowl for an hour. cold water. After that, new portions are poured and left for the whole night - soak. Since horse meat is almost lean meat, a third of a kilo of bacon is added to the minced meat per kilogram (ordinary lard is also quite suitable). Horsemeat, bacon, bread soaked in milk and garlic (a whole head cut into slices) are ground. The onion is not passed through a meat grinder, it crumbles extremely finely and is added later - this is how horse meat cutlets turn out to be more juicy. In minced meat, in addition to traditional salt and pepper, another teaspoon of cumin is poured. BUT breadcrumbs mixed with sesame. The rest of the steps are standard: stick cutlets, bread them and fry. Believe me, all your efforts are not in vain: the family will require supplements and repetition more than once.

July 21, 2018

People say that horse meat can be used to treat many ailments. The benefits and harms of such food did not go unnoticed by graduates. Doctors also often recommend that their patients start eating horse meat. But the line between beneficial effects and possible harm very thin, so before a new product appears on the table, you need to arrange "information intelligence".

Horse meat is not only easily digestible: it is digested almost ten times faster than cattle fillet, although it contains a significant amount of protein - 25%. This property is provided as a result of optimal volumes of the most useful amino acids.

Horse meat will not rot in the stomach and disturb the digestive process, confirming the well-known opinion that meat is a “heavy” food. Losing weight are wary of animal products. But they will have no complaints about horse meat: the fats identified by chemists in this product have special qualities. They are more like vegetable fat than animal fat, and in addition, they are contained in an amount of only 5%.

It turns out that horse meat is a real find for people who do not want to leave excess weight with a single chance to spoil their beauty. Horse meat does not form fatty deposits, so even those who are diagnosed with obesity can boldly use it.

The calorie content of the product confirms that it is not a source of unwanted kilos - in 100 g of fillet - 167 Kcal.

Horse Meat Components

A whole vitamin-mineral complex was found in the composition of horse meat. These are vitamins A, E, C, group B, organic compounds and a huge list of minerals. Do you eat horse meat? So they said "yes"

  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

To strengthen the child's body, you can gradually feed him horse meat, starting from the age of one year - children respond well to this product.

Why is horse meat called medicinal? What happens to the body with its regular use?

Dishes from such a fillet affect our body as follows:

  • improve metabolism;
  • reduce weight;
  • normalize the work of the digestive organs;
  • restore liver function;
  • beneficial effect on the heart;
  • restore healthy elasticity to the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • do not allow the development of anemia and eliminate this disease, if it has already appeared;
  • have a choleretic effect and alleviate the condition with lesions of the biliary tract;
  • stop and prevent dystrophic changes in the muscles;
  • establish a normal hormonal background;
  • limit the harmful effects of radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer;
  • prevent an increase in the risk of oncology;
  • activate immunity.

Any doctor is ready to subscribe to this information. But there are also unexplored, so to speak - "legendary" properties of horse meat.

"Horse" products in folk medicine

Exists interesting story that the nomads, who, due to their way of life, became the first connoisseurs of unusual meat, thanks to such food became fantastically vigorous and strong, never suffered from the cold. They also believed that in some cases even the skin of a horse should be eaten - this solves problems with potency.

Folk healers constantly stock up on horse fat. When used externally, this remedy acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and warming - they manage to cure trauma, burns, frostbite, otitis media. Internal use allows you to clean the vessels and heal the stomach.

The first trouble that a person who wants to try horse meat faces is its specific smell. If it seems too repulsive to you, try to get rid of it by marinating or canning horse meat, or cooking horse meat from it homemade sausage. It will take a long time to cook such a fillet, at least 3 hours, since it is quite tough.

In Sweden and France, this product is eaten raw, generously watered. spicy sauces and are very satisfied. But if you want to follow the example of foreigners, you need to doubly worry about the quality of the meat, because horse meat is not stored for long. A stale fillet can infect you with salmonella and trichiasis - the absence of carbohydrates in the product allows them to develop intensively. Such bacteria are a direct threat to life, so it is safer to buy exclusively fresh meat, preferably a young horse, and immediately heat it thoroughly.

I am glad that horse meat almost never causes allergic reactions and rarely provokes the manifestation of individual intolerance. But in some diseases, the amount of such food should be significantly reduced.

Eat horse meat in small portions if you have had a stroke or heart attack, or have to be treated for the following ailments.

Ailments in which horse meat is harmful:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • tumor in the intestine.

In case of acute kidney failure or excessive bile production, it is better to refuse horse meat dishes altogether. In case of kidney problems, proteins are harmful - you need a special dietary diet, and excess bile does not go well with the choleretic effect of the product - most likely, you will provoke an attack by eating horsemeat, be careful.

Horse meat is the meat of horses when eaten. Usually the meat of young horses 2-3 years of age is consumed, the meat is boiled for about two hours. Horse meat has a specific taste and is a common but favorite dish among nomadic peoples.

The meat of foals under the age of one year has the highest nutritional value, as well as tenderness and aromaticity. For the production of horse meat, super-repair young stock and adult culled horses are used.

Horse meat has always been an important part (sometimes a key one) of the diet of the nomadic Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Asia ( boiled sausage kazy, shuzhuk or chuchuk), as well as the sour milk of horses - koumiss. Currently, horse meat is most widely consumed in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The main one is grazing, which requires significant land. Short (maximum 15-30 days) stall keeping for fattening is allowed. Longer captivity has the most negative effect on palatability meat, its consistency and is not practiced anywhere. Among settled agricultural peoples, the use of horse meat for meat, as a rule, is not widespread.

Horse meat is used in the manufacture of certain types of sausages (for example, servelat) to impart some viscosity and elasticity, as well as a spicy aftertaste.

The agricultural value of horse meat depends very much on local natural and geographical conditions; for example, in all of Europe it is profitable to breed horses for meat only in Hungary. In Japan, where there are no natural pastures, which makes breeding horses very expensive, in the Middle Ages, horse meat was sometimes served at daimyo feasts, the value of which consisted in its fabulously high cost.

Horse sausage is also known to be a delicacy. The myth about the vile taste of horse meat, common among Europeans, may be due to the fact that during the retreat from Moscow, Napoleon's soldiers ate fallen horses, using gunpowder instead of salt and spices, which caused numerous food poisoning.

Calorie content of horse meat

This type of meat contains an increased amount of proteins and fats. In 100 g of raw horse meat - 187 kcal. In 100 g of boiled horse meat - 240 kcal, and in 100 g of stew - 214 kcal. The energy value of fried horse meat is 293 kcal per 100 g. Eating horse meat in excessive amounts can lead to overweight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of horse meat

Among all types of meat, horse meat contains the most complete protein from 20-25%, as well as water from 70-74%, fat from 2.5-5% and ash 1%. Horse meat contains potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, amino acids, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, group vitamins,, PP,.

Many nomadic peoples have long understood that horse meat is very useful as a camping food - when consumed cold, it exhibits warming properties. That is why in many Asian countries horse meat is sold almost everywhere.

The nutritional value horse meat is very high. Unlike the meat of other animals, there is little cholesterol in horse meat, which determines its dietary value (meat has an anti-sclerotic effect).

Fat in herd horses is mainly deposited on the abdominal part and on the ribs, so the rib part of the carcass has the highest calorie content - up to 4949 kcal. With the age of the horse, the water content in the meat decreases, the amount of fat increases.

Dairy products horses - koumiss, chigyan contain a whole bunch of components important for the body: lactic acid, acetic acid, antibiotics. These compounds improved digestion and prevented gastrointestinal diseases. Fermented milk products also made up for the deficiency of an important vitamin for human metabolism - ascorbic acid.

Horse meat contains more organic acids than beef, which have the ability to activate metabolism, improve the activity of the digestive tract, and improve the composition of the intestinal microflora.

The benefits and harms of horse meat are well known to representatives of South Asian nomadic peoples and residents of the northern regions of Russia. The meat of mares, geldings is part of the national dishes, which are served both raw and prepared in various ways: from boiling to stewing, salting and using in the form of semi-finished products. At various ways serving, the quantitative composition of useful biologically active substances in meat changes. It is not difficult to cook horse meat competently, while preserving the beneficial properties of the product.

The chemical composition of horse meat

Horse meat is a dietary low-fat meat obtained by slaughtering mares, geldings that have reached the age of 1-2 years (the meat of individuals older than 3 years has distinctive properties). The product has the following unique composition:

  • macronutrients (calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium);
  • trace elements (copper, manganese, cobalt, iron);
  • vitamins (B1, B2, E, PP).

In terms of taste characteristics, composition and calorie content, the product in question is superior to some other types of meat (lamb, pork, beef).

It is advisable to eat horse meat 2-3 times a week in the following portions: 120-150 g - the weight of the finished portion for an adult and 50-70 g - a portion for a child and an elderly person.

Important! Horse meat is a source of purines, so it is not recommended for people suffering from gout or high levels of uric acid.

Nutritional value and calorie content of horse meat

Horse meat is considered a lean product, with a low energy value. This indicator varies with different methods of preparing the final dish.

The calorie content of boiled-smoked sausages made from horse meat is equal to 349 kcal, and basturma - to 239 kcal.

The benefits of horse meat for the human body

Horse meat is a low-fat, easily digestible product that can be consumed even by people with diseases of the digestive tract. Due to the high water content (70%), the horse slaughter product is easily digested, so it can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children and the elderly.

Horse meat is indicated for persons whose activities are associated with high physical exertion (for example, athletes, miners), active mental activity, employees of enterprises and residents of areas with a high radiation background. It would be useful to include mares and geldings in meat for people during the period of postoperative recovery, rehabilitation, in order to prevent injuries (especially in the elderly).

For adults

Beneficial features horse meat for adults, as well as for children, is determined by the composition of the product and consists in:

  1. No negative impact on the vascular system (low cholesterol).
  2. Stimulates the absorption of sugar, so horse meat is useful in diabetes.
  3. Normalization of metabolic processes. The presence of a high concentration of vitamin B 1 in the product puts it in a leading position in the ranking of "metabolism boosters". Therefore, the meat of geldings and mares is useful for losing weight.
  4. Improving potency, so horse meat is useful for men.
  5. beneficial effect on nervous system. The trace elements that make up the product have a positive effect on nerve cells, helping to eliminate somnological disorders (insomnia, anxiety).
  6. Strengthening the protective functions of the human body. The content of vitamin E in meat helps to increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses.
  7. Improving the state of connective tissue in the human body.
  8. Improving the outflow of pancreatic secretions. The fat is rich in vegetable fats, therefore, horse meat is useful for pancreatitis, liver diseases and biliary dyskinesia (use with the permission of the attending physician).
  9. Improving the state of the hematopoietic system and blood composition, due to the content of iron. The product is intended for use by people suffering from anemia.
  10. Strengthening the heart muscle and normalizing the work of the heart.

This is only a small part of the useful properties of horse meat, which allows you to put it in high positions in the Healthy Meat Products rating.

For children

Horse meat practically does not contain allergens, so this product is allowed for use by children (even with allergies), but only after consulting a pediatrician. The benefits of horse meat for children:

  1. Immunity boost.
  2. Acceleration of bone tissue regeneration, due to the high content of phosphorus.
  3. Compensation for the lack of protein in the body during the period of active growth.
  4. Warming effect (when cold horsemeat is consumed).
  5. Combating the consequences of radiation exposure.

In the absence of contraindications, the pediatrician allows the introduction of the product into complementary foods for a child who has reached 6 months. The initial portion - no more than 5 g. In the absence of allergic reactions, the portion size gradually increases.

Important! Do not introduce complementary foods without consulting your pediatrician. If an allergic reaction occurs, notify the medical facility immediately.

Is it possible to eat horse meat for pregnant and lactating women

Permission to consume horse meat for women who are carrying or nursing a child can only be given by a doctor observing the expectant mother and her child. Although this product is hypoallergenic and has a mass positive properties, it can also be harmful in large quantities and if the preparation rules are not followed.

Pregnant and lactating women are most often allowed to use boiled, stewed horse meat, since such meat is soft, rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins and does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract.

Important! If the doctor allows the specified product, he himself sets the norms and frequency of horse meat consumption for women, the benefits of which do not harm the baby.

The use of horse meat for weight loss

During the period of weight loss, it is possible and even necessary to consume horse meat, as it dietary product, rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins, animal fats. The main thing is to know the rules of preparation and features of use.

To lose about 5 kg of excess weight, it is enough to adhere to the following diet for 7-10 days:

How to cook horse meat deliciously

Raw meat is quite tough, so it is better to eat it boiled (when cooked, it becomes soft, like pickling and soaking). Cooking meat is simple: put the washed piece in boiling, salted water and cook for about 3 hours.

Important! In the process of preparing the product, it is imperative to remove fat from the surface of the boiling broth. The benefits of horse meat broth have not been proven, so it is better not to use it, as examples of gastrointestinal disorders are known.

Stewed horse meat goes well with carrots, garlic, bell pepper, celery, turnips, onions, tomatoes. By mixing the ingredients and adding spices (rosemary, salt, pepper), you can get an excellent vegetable stew with meat - a dish that will not leave indifferent even gourmet gourmets.

Horse meat harm and contraindications

This product may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (Trichinella, Salmonella). To protect yourself from this kind of microflora, it is enough:

  • choose only fresh, high-quality meat (purchase from trusted persons and check the pieces for signs of mustiness);
  • subject the product to heat treatment before use.

The meat of geldings and mares should be taken with caution by people with increased secretion of bile acids, due to the choleretic effect.

Dried horsemeat should also be used with caution, especially for people with kidney, heart failure, prone to obesity. This product contains a large amount of salt (sodium chloride).

How to choose and store horse meat

The benefits of horse meat are preserved only when only a fresh product is used in the cooking process, the distinguishing features of which are: crimson color, shiny, moist surface, elastic texture. Signs of stale horse meat include: discoloration (brownish or grayish), mucus on the surface, Strong smell and staining of fatty layers in yellow.

Important! Fresh meat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. The use of a freezer during storage extends its shelf life (at temperatures from -12 to -17 ° C - up to six months, not higher than -18 ° C - up to 10 months).


The benefits and harms of horse meat, familiar to the peoples of the South Asian and northern parts of the Eurasian continent, are adopted by many peoples. The positive qualities of the product are: rich mineral composition, easy digestibility, the ability to increase immunity, normalize metabolism, improve the state of the hematopoietic system, and regenerate bone tissue. The disadvantages of meat include: rigidity, requiring mandatory heat treatment, with the additional destruction of pathogens, the product is a source of purines that provoke the development of gout.

Kazy horse sausage(see photo) is one of the most beloved meat products Turkic people. In large metropolitan areas, this product can only be found in special stores, while in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, horse sausage is sold exclusively on the market.

Basically, kazy sausage is prepared only for the holidays, since this product is considered not just meat delicacy, but national dish two states (Uzbekistan and Tajikistan). This sausage can be presented in smoked, dried or boiled form. For its manufacture go only organic products(horse meat, lard, intestines).

To make the sausage very tasty and juicy, for its preparation they take the meat of fattened horses that have reached the age of three.


The composition of horse sausage kazy includes many substances useful for the body:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins fats carbohydrates.
  • vitamins of groups A, B and E;
  • minerals (potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium).

The calorie content of kazy sausage is quite high, therefore, do not abuse it, so as not to cause harm to health.

Useful properties and harm

The beneficial properties of horse sausage kazy have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Since it contains many useful substances, it is used for:

  • increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening the immune system.

The only contraindication to the use of kazy sausage is its high calorie content, so you need to eat it in moderation so as not to harm your health.

How to cook and cook kazy sausage at home?

Cooking and cooking kazy sausage at home is very simple. The main thing is to follow the recipe step by step, and then everything will work out. To make it, you will need horse meat, lard, intestines and spices.. This product is considered truly natural, because it does not contain any food additives.

To make horse sausage, you need to take one kilogram of horse meat, wash it thoroughly and cut into small strips. Then take about five hundred grams of horse fat and also cut into strips. Fold the finished meat products into a deep container and add a pinch of ground black pepper, two teaspoons of cumin and salt to taste. Mix all the ingredients well, cover with a towel and refrigerate for about two hours. Next, you need to prepare the horse intestines (thoroughly wash and clean). After that, it is good to tie one end of the intestine with threads, and from the other end fill it with horse meat, alternating it with lard. Next, the filled intestines are tied up and placed in a deep pan covered with enamel. It is necessary to fill the sausage with water and put to boil for about two hours. After the time has elapsed, the product must be cooled.

Ready horse sausage will have an excellent aroma and amazing taste. Perfect for serving on the holiday table.

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