Home A fish Coffee while feeding a newborn. Rules for drinking coffee while breastfeeding

Coffee while feeding a newborn. Rules for drinking coffee while breastfeeding

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For many people, the morning begins with a fragrant invigorating drink. A young mother also wants to drink a cup of coffee to recharge her energy for the whole day. However, the nutrition of a nursing woman should be thoughtful and balanced so as not to harm the baby in any way. And, if you can somehow decide on food, then with drinks the situation is a little more complicated. Unfortunately, women have to limit themselves to drinking this drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Experts have not yet come to a consensus on the question - does coffee during breastfeeding bring any benefit or only harm? Some argue that mothers can drink coffee as before, without limiting themselves in volumes, others are sure of its negative impact on the baby's body. Therefore, every woman herself has the right to decide whether to drink coffee during lactation or refuse. But it will be useful for women to get some information about coffee, then it will be easier to make a decision.

How does caffeine affect the baby, why is it harmful?

In fact, mothers are wary of drinking coffee because of fears that the baby will become nervous, restless, and start sleeping poorly. However, coffee will not benefit the baby for a completely different reason: the body of a newborn is simply not able to absorb and remove this product from its fragile body. Moreover, the harmful effects of the drink can affect the health of the baby when it accumulates in the child's body, and this will be possible if the mother regularly and in large quantities consumes it. Caffeine is found in both cocoa and chocolate, and green tea, for example, has a much higher caffeine content than coffee. Of course, like any other new product, the drink can cause allergic manifestations in the baby, so in the next few hours after feeding, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child.

And yet, the presence of caffeine in the drink raises the concerns of doctors who warn of the possible consequences of drinking coffee on a child:

Excitation nervous system baby;
allergic manifestations;
accelerated excretion of nutrients and calcium from the baby's body.

All these consequences are unlikely to appear after a cup of coffee drunk by a mother, and if a nursing mother drinks this drink immediately after feeding, then the likelihood of consequences will become even lower. And yet, since the child's body cannot cope with the excretion of caffeine, which tends to accumulate, an overdose can indeed be fraught with danger to the baby.

Rules for nursing mothers

Given all of the above, mothers should follow some rules when drinking a drink:

Drink natural coffee;
the caffeine content will decrease if the coffee is not brewed, but poured with boiling water and let it brew;
it is advisable to drink a drink after feeding, so that by the next application of the child to the breast, the concentration of caffeine has decreased;
try to drink no more than two cups of the drink in two days;
when drinking coffee, avoid other products containing caffeine;
increase your daily water intake - an extra cup of water per cup of coffee you drink;
you can replace coffee with a chicory drink;
try to eat more foods containing calcium.

Quitting coffee completely, as well as ignoring all the warnings, will be wrong. It is better to stick to the golden mean and just do not abuse the drink. Then the mother will be able to treat herself with a cup of fragrant drink without harm to the baby.

After drinking coffee for the first time, carefully monitor the reaction of the baby. If anxiety, stool disorder, poor sleep are observed, then further coffee consumption should be abandoned. After a few weeks, you can try again when the baby's body is a little stronger.

Which coffee to choose?

When breastfeeding, it is better to choose natural coffee beans. If you make a drink from freshly ground grains, then the caffeine content in it will be lower than in a drink made from commercially ground beans.

Doctors do not advise drinking instant coffee at all - for its production, low-quality coffee is taken, with a high content of caffeine, and instant coffee subjected to special processing, therefore, the risk of negative consequences increases. In addition, instead of high-quality coffee in the store, there may be a surrogate powder containing artificial caffeine, the content of which is twice the norm compared to natural grains.

Alternatively, you can treat yourself to decaffeinated coffee, which is not uncommon these days. Taste qualities it is practically not inferior to a regular drink, but it has a delicate effect on the body.

Green coffee while breastfeeding - will there be any benefit?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, some women gain excess weight, which they want to get rid of as soon as possible after childbirth. To do this, mothers are ready to make any sacrifices: torturing themselves with different diets, torturing themselves with regular exercises to exhaustion in the gyms. Recently, you can hear about a new method: green coffee with ginger, which can instantly get rid of extra pounds. However, I would like to tell nursing mothers that during this period cardinal hormonal changes take place in a woman's body, so there is no need to try to immediately lose weight. It is better to take care of the health of your baby, and then improve your figure.

Green coffee is a semi-finished product that must be roasted to develop its characteristic aroma and caffeine. Changed hormonal levels may not bring the expected results of losing weight. When it is used, the appetite really decreases, but this will not bring any benefit to the baby. After the lactation period, hormones will return to normal, then you can achieve your goal with peace of mind, lose weight for health, without fear of harming the child. Moreover, green coffee is really an excellent antioxidant and you can not only use it for weight loss, but also improve your health.

That is, it is up to you to decide whether you will drink coffee or refuse to use it. The main thing in this matter is the health of your baby. If his body perceives the drink without any surprises, then you, taking into account our recommendations, will be able to enjoy your favorite drink.

When a child is born, a new mother must still monitor her diet, which was formed during pregnancy. You can’t relax, but there is a temptation to drink a mug fragrant coffee after morning awakening. Many are looking for answers on forums and blogs, but definitely no one says anything. After all, everything is purely individual, and if you do not want to ask this question to the doctor, let's figure it out together. So let's look at the impact coffee drink on the body of a nursing woman.

The effect of coffee on the body of an adult and a baby

The influence of any drink must be considered from the side of what substances are present in its basis. As everyone knows, the main ingredient is caffeine. It invigorates, raises blood pressure, which is incredibly useful for hypotensive patients.

But at the same time, the drink can increase blood viscosity and lead to thrombosis. Therefore, varicose veins and those who have problems with blood channels, such a drug is contraindicated. As for breastfeeding mothers, you first need to study the effect of the drink on the baby's body.

So, everyone already knows that a child, eating mother's milk, receives all the necessary minerals through breastfeeding. From this it is worth concluding that coffee is not included in the diet of a child. If it enters the baby's body in the manner described, serious consequences may develop.

The presented product leaches calcium from the bones, which the child does not need at all. After all, it is still growing, respectively, the musculoskeletal system is strengthening and forming. If you drink coffee, the bone tissue will become fragile, voids will appear and the risk of fractures in the future.

It is also worth saying that incoming caffeine invigorates an adult tired person. But a baby whose nervous system is not shaken will sleep restlessly, be capricious a lot, stay awake at the “wrong” hours, as soon as the mother drinks coffee.

Due to the ability of the drink to remove liquid, the child will begin to dehydrate. It follows that the action of all the most important systems and organs of the baby will slow down. Therefore, he may have developmental problems.

Some doctors, due to the characteristics of the female body, prescribe caffeine-based drugs to their patients. If the mother consumes them, and besides, she leans on coffee (or indulges in it periodically), the child will simply overdose on caffeine.

Naturally, it cannot be ruled out adverse reactions of the child's body on the presented raw materials. Often there is a rash, itching, problems with urination and gastrointestinal activity. It should be understood that a growing organism is not yet able to accept and digest coffee.

However, despite the above incontrovertible facts, some "professional pediatricians" assure that new mothers can still drink coffee. They say that nothing will happen to a child from one mug of weakly brewed drink.

Instant coffee while breastfeeding

Not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy real coffee, made from ground beans. Therefore, some resort to instant drinks, wanting to cheer up. But bad luck, the composition of instant coffee is a low-quality raw material obtained from the production of good varieties.

The soluble product is processed chemically, respectively, the risk of developing allergies increases significantly. Also, dependence appears on such a drink, and due to chemistry, the amount of caffeine artificially increases. If you are wondering if you can or not, the answer is "No".

An ordinary healthy person who does not need to be responsible for another life and breastfeed also harms himself by using a soluble composition. Cheerfulness lasts a maximum of half an hour, then a lull begins. There is little sense from such a drink, but there is a lot of harm.

If you want to increase the tone of the body, it is better to use natural herbal teas or, in extreme cases, chicory. Herbal preparations increase milk production, are approved for admission with HB, improve the condition of the mother and help restore strength after childbirth.

Green coffee refers to regular coffee beans that have not been pre-roasted. The composition contains more valuable compounds, since there is no heat treatment.

This type of coffee is allowed to be consumed while breastfeeding, but the amount must be strictly controlled. It is also worth knowing that green coffee allowed to mothers whose child is 6 months old or more.

Green grains contain less caffeine, but it is still present. Therefore, consumption begins literally with one sip, gradually the dosage increases. If the child reacts normally, you can drink such a composition occasionally.

Very often, new mothers use coffee in the form of dietary supplements in order to recover more quickly. In this case, the reception can be allowed only after the approval of the doctor. The choice should fall on a completely natural composition.

Decaffeinated coffee during lactation

  1. Do not think that this type of coffee can protect the baby from negative consequences. A similar product is obtained through several chemical processing. Traces of such procedures are directly reflected in the composition of the drink. Such coffee has an increased allergenicity, but there are much fewer alkaloids.
  2. If you drink a decaffeinated drink, your baby may soon develop a serious disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The child is noticeably more nervous. As an alternative, it is recommended to take a closer look at chicory. Such a product has a similar aroma to coffee, while caffeine is completely absent.
  3. Chicory has a lot of useful enzymes that have a positive effect on the body of the mother and baby. Active substances stabilize the psycho-emotional background of a person. Systematic consumption of the product significantly improves the digestive and metabolic processes.
  4. To prepare a drink based on chicory, you do not need to have any special skills. Please note that the presented product is categorically contraindicated in case of increased acidity of the stomach. When consuming such a drink, it is imperative to observe daily allowance. Otherwise, the baby may be allergic.

  1. If the product is of high quality and really fresh, moderate consumption of the drink is allowed. Keep in mind that it is only allowed to include coffee in a small amount in the diet when the child is at least 1 month old. To reduce the concentration of alkaloids, the drink must be diluted with boiling water.
  2. Real coffee beans contain a lot of useful substances, while the amount of caffeine remains at a low level, unlike instant coffee. When choosing raw materials, give preference to Arabica varieties. Grind the grains just before brewing the drink.
  3. Coffee with milk is also allowed in small quantities. In this case, the baby must also be at least 1 month old. Be extremely careful, casein will be present in such a drink. The protein is highly allergenic. In the body, the baby simply does not have such enzymes that can process casein.

Rules for coffee consumption

  1. Before drinking coffee, feed your baby first without fail. Alternatively, the drink can be drunk a few hours before breastfeeding. The baby should not receive caffeine from mother's milk. Thus, the child's body will be able to cope with small doses of caffeine.
  2. Try to drink no more than 1 cup every 2 weeks. In parallel, you need to lean on dairy products. Such compositions will make it possible to replenish all the washed calcium. The problem is that coffee flushes the mineral out of the body. The baby should be given more water. It is better not to risk and overpower yourself.

You should not drink coffee after childbirth, wait until the time when you stop breastfeeding. The drink can cause significant harm to the baby, you should not take such risks. Chicory can be a great alternative. In any case, consult your doctor.

Video: coffee while breastfeeding

Many do not imagine morning without a cup of aromatic coffee. But with the birth of a child, everything changes, you have to give up many food addictions. Is coffee allowed during breastfeeding, because caffeine is a complex substance that can harm a still fragile body? Or can you drink your favorite drink at least in small quantities?

Everyone has long known that the food that a breastfeeding woman consumes, along with milk, falls into the baby's body. Therefore, there is a fairly wide list of products that are contraindicated for the mother in this situation, since they can be harmful, and coffee in it is not in last place.

Why does this happen, because the drink is not only tasty, it gives vivacity, good mood, adds strength during fatigue? It's all about caffeine, if for a healthy adult the main component of grains helps to improve the condition, for a small child it is harmful. Pediatricians unanimously argue that coffee during breastfeeding is undesirable, it can cause many troubles:

  • Caffeine is considered a strong allergen, it is on a par with citrus fruits and eggs, which was one of the reasons for its ban.
  • The substance has the ability to cause excitement, and therefore they drink coffee in order to cheer up. In a child, this can cause anxiety, sleep disturbance.
  • The drink has a diuretic effect, so a large amount of it washes out useful calcium and other components from the mother's body, impoverishing breast milk.
  • The composition of breast milk changes, it loses iron, the development of anemia in the baby is not excluded.
  • For some women, coffee becomes a reason to reduce lactation.
  • With uncontrolled use of the product during the crucial period of breastfeeding, the internal organs of the baby suffer: the brain, nervous system, heart, liver, kidneys.

Sometimes you can drink a little coffee, but not immediately after giving birth and in small doses. If you really want to enjoy its taste, occasionally you can treat yourself to a cup of hot drink.

Larisa, 25 years old: I didn’t drink coffee for a very long time after giving birth. I think that during this period, the task of the mother is to protect the child from everything that can harm him, and caffeine stimulates the processes of excitation in the brain, the child does not need it. I refused because of a friend, she somehow drank coffee, so the baby cried for 2 days and did not sleep well. If there was a desire to cheer up, she took a contrast shower, did exercises.

E. Komarovsky's point of view

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky is an indisputable authority for many mothers. He also shares the opinion of other doctors, he believes that it is necessary to limit the use of coffee during breastfeeding.

A well-known pediatrician indicates at least several reasons that have a negative effect on the baby's body:

  • in a baby, its presence in the mother's milk provokes a violation of the stool;
    allergic reactions are possible;
  • anxiety appears, the child is excited, sleep disturbances are observed;
  • he considers possible lung diseases in an infant as another good reason for refusing coffee.

The fact is that no one is immune from lung infections, the main drug for treating the disease is aminophylline, otherwise theophylline. The drug contains caffeine, and if a young mother drank coffee during feeding, an overdose of the substance occurs.

Caffeine is excreted from the body of a small person for an extremely long time, the process takes about 3 months, and this affects his well-being. So, when the baby has difficulty with the lungs, Komarovsky believes that the inclusion of coffee in the diet is generally contraindicated.

Rules of use

Since caffeine is an allergen that negatively affects the condition of the child, you can drink coffee for a nursing mother, but this should be done very carefully:

Ksenia, 23 years old: I started drinking coffee when my Nikita was 3 months old. Somewhere in a week 2 times, a cup and with milk. I did not notice any changes, everything was fine. If everything is fine with the child, you can probably do it a little, you just need to carefully observe his behavior.

Decaffeinated coffee

Some moms can't resist delicious coffee and try to use decaffeinated drinks. Can this option be used? Do not forget that this coffee is a product of long-term processing, the result of complex chemical reactions. All these manipulations cannot but affect its contents, it is filled with all kinds of carcinogens and allergens.

As a result, the child develops allergic reactions, digestive disorders, colic and pain, nervousness and anxiety. Therefore, there is no benefit from such a drink, but harm cannot be ruled out. Yes, and doctors also do not recommend getting involved in this option, they do not consider it an acceptable alternative.

As for green coffee, its touted effect on weight loss is highly questionable. Can you drink it? These are ordinary grains, but not roasted. Dietary supplements, in which it is included, should not be consumed. And green grains after six months are allowed to carefully try.

Drinking little or completely giving up coffee while breastfeeding is up to the mother to decide for herself. If you observe the measure and do not allow yourself too much, it is permissible. If it is difficult to do without an invigorating drink, you can pay attention to chicory, it tastes very similar to brewed coffee beans, and there will be no harm from it.

After the birth of a child, a mother's life changes dramatically. The baby does not sleep well, cries, a lot of new things appear, the mother does not get enough sleep, loses strength, and the body is additionally weakened by childbirth. I want to help myself somehow cheer up, drink a cup of my favorite coffee with milk, but it becomes scary: will it harm the child, who receives almost everything that his mother eats through breast milk. Doctors reassure: in most cases, there is nothing to worry about, and drinking coffee with milk for a nursing mother is safe if you use it a little and follow the rules.

The effect of coffee with milk on a child while breastfeeding

Every child reacts differently. Moms who occasionally drank coffee during pregnancy tend to have less caffeine-sensitive babies. If the baby begins to receive caffeine after birth, through breast milk, he will probably react to it more strongly. In general, premature babies with respiratory problems are given caffeine for medical purposes, and its dose is much higher than that found in breast milk after drinking a cup of coffee, so there is nothing particularly terrible about it.

Milk is good to drink, albeit in small quantities. It contains calcium, necessary for the growth and strength of bones, and zinc, which has a beneficial effect on skin, nails and hair. Zinc and folic acid help the mother's body recover faster after childbirth, strengthen the immune system.

If your child does not respond well to coffee, give up your favorite drink for a period. Over time, caffeine sensitivity decreases and you can try again when your baby is 6-9-12 months old.

Can coffee with milk reduce lactation?

No, neither caffeine nor milk alone can affect milk production in a breastfeeding mother. Doctors have repeatedly conducted studies, and one of them, conducted in 1994 by American pediatricians, even showed an increase in the production of milk in the mother's body. The only but: in children under six months of age, caffeine can cause excessive excitability, nervousness, the child may eat less by itself, and take the breast poorly. And in this case, the amount of milk is reduced, since the body does not need so much. But the point is not the effect of caffeine on lactation, but the fact that it is more difficult to feed a nervous child. If the baby is confidently gaining weight, drinks the entire breast, there is nothing to worry about.

When can I drink coffee for a nursing mother

The body of a newborn child is almost unable to process caffeine, and it accumulates, which can lead to excessive excitability, difficulty sleeping, gas and other problems. Doctors advise to start drinking coffee with milk when the child is at least 3-4 months old. Already at six months, the half-life of caffeine in the child's body will be about 3 hours, and the child will be able to sleep normally if the mother drank coffee in the afternoon or in the morning.

Caffeine appears in breast milk within 15 minutes after consumption, the peak of its concentration will be in an hour, and after 2 it will begin to subside.

How to introduce coffee into the diet of a nursing mother?

As with other products, everything must be done gradually, controlling the condition of the child, monitoring his reaction.

  • In the first month of a baby's life, it is better to give up caffeine altogether, as well as milk, which can be an allergen and cause intestinal disorders in a child.
  • For 2-3 months, you can try to treat yourself to a cup of weak coffee after feeding. Doctors advise a proportion of 50 ml of coffee and 50 ml of milk, without sugar. If the baby behaves too actively, or an allergy appears, the drink will have to be abandoned further. If everything is in order, you can sometimes drink a cup, for example, in the morning.
  • Until the age of 6 months, the child should not consume more than 50 ml of milk per day, then, up to a year, you can gradually increase the volume to 200 ml per day.
  • After 9 months, the baby's body processes caffeine at the level of an adult, so you can confidently try coffee with milk if you really want it.

How much caffeine is acceptable when lactating

Most doctors do not object to the nursing mother drinking 2-3 cups of coffee with milk per day if the child is over six months old and does not have allergies or excessive excitability. 1-1.5% of the caffeine consumed by the mother enters the child's body, and this is quite a bit. Moreover, after 9 months, the child's body breaks down caffeine in the same way as in an adult.

If you decide to reduce your daily dose of caffeine, reduce it gradually so that both your body and the infant's body have time to rebuild. This usually takes 2-3 weeks.

When a breastfeeding mom can't drink coffee

If a mother or child has some diseases and predispositions, it is worth abstaining from coffee with milk for at least six months, and preferably up to a year:

  • With iron deficiency or anemia in the mother, caffeine makes it difficult for iron to be absorbed from food into the bloodstream, even when taking vitamins. This can lead to anemia and iron deficiency in the child.
  • With circulatory disorders, problems with blood vessels and capillaries in the mother, caffeine will further narrow the blood vessels, which can make the feeding process painful and long, it will be more difficult for the child to suck out milk.
  • In case of intestinal problems in a baby, coffee and milk should be abandoned, as they can cause gases, upsets, and abdominal pain, which will make the child cry and eat worse.

Always monitor the condition of the child, and if something is wrong, give up your favorite drink, and carefully study the rules for preparing a milk-coffee shake for a nursing mother. Perhaps if you do everything right, the problem will be solved.

How to make coffee with milk while breastfeeding

The following few rules and tips will help you prepare the least harmful drink, which most likely will not harm either mom or baby (if there are no serious health problems).

  • Choose exclusively natural coffee, preferably Arabica, it has less caffeine and more useful trace elements than Robusta.
  • Prefer coffee from a coffee machine, or brewed in a Turkish and filtered to remove the grounds.
  • Forget about instant coffee and sachet drinks like 2 in 1 or 3 in 1. There are a lot of harmful chemical additives that will pass into the baby's body along with mother's milk.
  • Avoid flavored drinks (Irish cream, cherry, hazelnut, etc.).
  • Decaffeinated coffee - you can, but still no more than 2-3 cups per day.

If you are very tired and want to drink a cup of coffee with milk in the evening, feed the baby first, or express milk, and then enjoy the drink.

  • Milk should be natural, not ultra-pasteurized. But you should not buy an unfamiliar product in the markets. Milk from store bags or packages is fine.
  • Let the product be fat enough, from 2.5%. Natural fat contains many nutrients.
  • Cream is a fairly heavy food, and it is harmful for the baby. No whipped cream or fatty additives in coffee, including vegetable ones.
  • Soy milk is a very strong allergen, and if you don’t consume cow’s milk on principle, start introducing soy milk in minimal doses and at least from the baby’s six months.
  • Goat milk is acceptable if there is no allergy.
  • Condensed milk should not be added, as it contains a lot of sugar, and it can also be a strong allergen.

With milk, you need to be careful if the family has cases of lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, allergy to milk protein. These diseases do not appear immediately after drinking coffee with milk, so if you are not going to give up your favorite drink, be prepared to assume such a reaction.


  1. Doctors in general do not prohibit lactating mothers from drinking coffee with milk: it does not reduce lactation.
  2. Up to 1.5% of the caffeine consumed by the mother passes into the child's body.
  3. You should not drink coffee with milk for up to a month, then you can carefully try. It is best to start introducing this product at least from six months or from 9 months, when caffeine is broken down in the body of a child, as in an adult.
  4. choose natural coffee and milk, start with 100 ml of drink, where milk is up to 50 ml.
  5. Monitor the child's condition: if there are any allergies or excessive nervousness.

Hello dear parents. Today we will talk about such a drink as coffee. With the onset of sleepless nights after the birth of a child, a woman willy-nilly thinks that she needs to drink a cup of a caffeinated drink so as not to simply fall with a child in her arms from fatigue and lack of sleep. Therefore, it is important to understand how safe drinking coffee is for a nursing mother. We will try to understand this in this article.

Can I drink coffee while breastfeeding

Interestingly, there are no special contraindications to coffee. The main thing here is to know your measure and not to use it too often. Then everything will go smoothly, without consequences for the baby. However, it should be understood that caffeine tends to accumulate in the body and in particular in milk. Therefore, sooner or later, it will be able to begin to have its negative effect on the health of the child, in addition, you should not forget that, like any other product unfamiliar to the child, coffee can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you decide to drink such a drink, start with small portions and track the reaction of the little one. And only with a successful combination of circumstances, increase the portion and reach three times a week, literally one cup a day.

I could not resist and decided to try drinking coffee (freshly brewed good quality when my son was 4 months old. I wanted to solve the problem of chronic fatigue. However, the baby developed a rash all over his body. That's why I canceled this product. After two months, I was advised to use chicory, but also in moderation. To my surprise, the baby tolerated this drink well.

And now let's look at the value of coffee, as well as what negative consequences for the baby it can cause if the mother consumes this drink excessively.


If coffee is consumed in moderation, then it can not only not harm, but also benefit your body.

What exactly is this drink worth:

  1. Has a tonic effect.
  2. Relieves muscle spasms.
  3. Reduces the risk of developing caries.
  4. Increases antibacterial action.
  5. Acts as an antioxidant.


What in particular is fraught with the use of caffeine by the mother:

  1. The baby becomes nervous, overexcited.
  2. Washing out trace elements, in particular calcium, and removing water from the body.
  3. The occurrence of allergic manifestations.
  4. Indigestion.
  5. Lack of healthy sleep.

As you can see, this drink has both pros and cons. In fact, if you drink coffee in moderation, the body will not be harmed. In addition, you can use an alternative. You can use chicory, anise, dill water, cumin or herbal infusions.

Basic rules for drinking

If you still decide not to exclude coffee from your diet or at least occasionally use it, then you need to know and follow these rules:

  1. It is better to drink such a drink no more than three times a week. At the same time, no more than one cup a day.
  2. Drink coffee before lunch, it is better absorbed in the morning.
  3. You need to drink such a drink immediately after the feeding process in order to win the maximum time for removing caffeine from the mother's body.
  4. With every cup of coffee you drink, you should drink at least a glass of water. This allows you to restore the water balance in the body.
  5. Avoid drinking instant drinks.
  6. If you choose coffee, you need to completely exclude other products that contain caffeine from the diet of a young mother.
  7. It is advisable to consume more dairy and sour-milk products. This is important for increasing the level of calcium in the body, which can partially be washed out of the body of a nursing mother.
  8. To reduce the level of caffeine in the drink, you can not brew coffee, but simply pour boiling water over the beans and let them brew.

Which coffee is preferred

First, you need to buy coffee beans and grind it yourself. Preferably, up to the size of sufficiently large granules. Secondly, do not brew this drink. It is enough just to pour boiling water over it and let it brew a little. Through these two actions, you will reduce the caffeine content in this drink. In addition, purchased instant coffee may not use quality product, as well as add all kinds of dyes and flavors.

Let's take a closer look at the different varieties of coffee drinks.

Decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding

Some mothers will decide to give preference to such a drink. Of course, because the name implies that this product does not contain caffeine. However, it is not.

  • Firstly, caffeine is contained there, albeit in tiny portions.
  • Secondly, such grains are chemically processed and, at the same time, they not only lose their valuable qualities, but can also absorb chemicals. In addition, such a drink affects the increase in cholesterol levels, which in turn can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Green bean drink

Such a product, in fact, still needs to be cooked, fried. It really contains less caffeine, however, when drinking such a drink, mommy begins to lose her appetite, useful material less well absorbed by the intestines. And this leads to the fact that the quality and quantity of breast milk is sharply reduced, and the mother's body gradually weakens. But the child suffers the most in this situation, now he does not have enough mother's milk and he remains hungry.

There is information that when drinking such a drink, it is possible to lose extra pounds, which many gain during pregnancy. But you think about what is more important for you now, a well-fed and healthy child or your figure.

Coffee with milk while breastfeeding

Such a drink will bring less harm only on the condition that you do not just add milk to the usual portion, but use a smaller amount of coffee when preparing. Thus, the concentration of the drink being drunk will decrease.

The very idea of ​​diluting a caffeinated drink is very sound. As we already know, caffeine washes fluid from the body, as well as calcium, and fresh milk perfectly restores the reserves of the first and second.

It is advisable not to add sugar to such a drink at all, so as not to enhance the effect of caffeine, since the first one also flushes out a number of trace elements from the body.

instant drink

It is much easier for a person to buy an already crushed drink - less messing around with it. However, you need to know that instant coffee while breastfeeding will harm both the mother and the baby. Such a drink is prepared using grains of rather low quality and the level of caffeine in such a product is an order of magnitude higher. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee in beans, preferably not the cheapest. Then you need to manually grind to medium-sized granules, so you minimize the effect of caffeine.


To reduce the risk of negative reactions to the body of the mother and child, coffee can be replaced with alternative drinks. These include:

  1. Chicory. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system, strengthens digestion, improves the quality of metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Barley drink. Increases lactation, has a positive effect on the digestive and excretory systems.
  3. Acorn drink. Helps relieve swelling, also has anti-inflammatory and tonic effects, is a preventive measure in the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

The choice to drink or still not drink coffee remains individual for each mom. However, she must understand the risks she exposes her child to. If you still decide to drink such a drink, then follow at least certain rules for this procedure, do not abuse the drink, start with very small portions (so that you can detect allergies and its consequences before they become critical enough) and use only quality product from whole grains.

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