Home Soups Product catalog cheerful milkman. About the trade mark cheerful milkman

Product catalog cheerful milkman. About the trade mark cheerful milkman

O trademark Happy Milkman

Dairy products under the Merry Milkman brand were first produced by Wimm-Bill-Dann in 2000 in Novosibirsk. Over time, its production was established at the company's enterprises throughout Russia. At the moment, "Merry Milkman" is a federal brand, known everywhere.

The brand is based on the image of a cheerful joker, a joker, a kind "uncle" who brings joy and ... fresh dairy products. The image is cute for both adults and children.

Under the brand name "Merry Milkman" a full-fledged line of dairy products is produced. First of all, this is milk, both sterilized and pasteurized. As well as kefir and biokefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and curd masses, yoghurts, processed and glazed curds, milk porridges.

The manufacturer emphasizes that his enterprises use only local milk produced directly in the region, and the processing technology excludes the addition of preservatives or other additives.

svetlana (November 5, 2013)

An apple core floated in a package of milk "Merry Milkman" 2.5% (manufactured on 02.11.13 at 19.23 2). Switching to another brand


Cheerful milkman - deceivers
I will never buy products again, a cheerful milkman, I am extremely dissatisfied with their promotions and the lack of help technology later (((((I had nothing to do to cut out their badges to store and then on you, refusal, NEVER NEVER and my family will prohibit anything from to buy this product .... there are other products much better ..... the management makes the wrong decisions clearly on the marketing policy, I recommend reconsidering fraudulent promotions ..... and stop FRAUDING people


Lots of food additives harmful to us is contained in the products of the "jolly milkman". Therefore, it does not turn sour at times, since there is nothing to sour. It's better to buy a real one than this.


turns sour
Milk "Merry Milkman" sours very quickly, and the taste is kind of "plastic", perhaps due to the fact that they are sold in plastic containers.

When writing a review, try to describe

Cheerful milkman from Siberia

Story " Happy milkman” originates in the year 2000, it was from this period that the first dairy products under this brand appeared on the shelves of stores in distant Novosibirsk. Produced products " Happy Milkman» famous company « Wimm - Bill - Dunn", which paid great attention not only to the quality" milk”, but also the recognizability of the packaging. A funny character was taken as the basis - a good-natured fat man with a lush mustache, a kind man and a joker who brings fresh milk and joy to people. This image was liked by both children and adults. Over time, the milkman turned into a federal brand, the products of which were sold throughout the country. " Our milkman does not stand still, and constantly increases milk yield to provide you with fresh and high-quality dairy products.", - the company's promo message to customers says. It is profitable to order milk " Happy Milkman» you can in the online store « rural boutique". We will deliver the order to any Moscow address, and to areas adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road ( no more than ten kilometers).

Today the products Happy milkman» is produced at fifteen modern factories located in different cities. Under this brand, classic dairy products are produced: pasteurized and sterilized milk, kefir and biokefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, glazed curds and yoghurts. Separately, it should be said about processed cheeses and cereals " Happy Milkman”, which are in great demand among buyers. To create products under this brand, the freshest milk is used, which is produced in the area where the enterprise is located. That is, if you bought a pack of milk, say, in Krasnodar, be sure that this milk was obtained from Krasnodar Cows. In the factories Happy milkman» unique milk processing technologies are used, which completely exclude the addition of preservatives and other artificial additives. Considerable attention is paid to interactive communication with consumers, which takes place in the form of various promotions with guaranteed prizes.

More about products

« Happy Milkman" comes from Siberia, and this was the basis of his success, since low-quality products do not take root in this harsh region. Siberians are open people who prefer the naturalness bestowed by nature. Siberian pedigree helped the dairyman grow from a small regional brand to one of the largest dairy companies in the country. Without products Happy milkman» It is impossible to imagine the shelves of modern stores, the largest Russian cities. And everywhere " milk» are created from local raw materials, and everywhere from the farm to the factory is within easy reach. Products created close to home are the most delicious and attractive, just a few hours from the assembly line to the store. The brand does not have a leading product, all commodity items are in demand among buyers. Some people prefer short-term storage milk with a rich taste, others like thick sour cream, others prefer to feast on gourmet cottage cheese desserts with selected dried fruits. And you can also choose kefir enriched with probiotics, delicious glazed curds, hearty porridge fast food and much more. A special place in the hearts of gourmets is occupied by the products produced by the company. processed cheeses for every taste. These are classic cream cheeses, as well as delicious cheeses with various additives herbs, mushrooms, ham). The secret of the excellent culinary qualities of these cheeses is hot packing. A special infeed system immediately pours the product into previously aseptically processed packages. The cheese does not come into contact with the open air, and does not cool down, so it remains soft and melts in the mouth. Order Products « Happy Milkman» with home delivery, easy and convenient in « rural boutique". We will promptly deliver the order to the door of the apartment or office.

In the assortment Happy milkman» includes special products that can only be tasted in a certain region. For example, in Novosibirsk these are unique drinking yoghurts, in Nizhny Novgorod - the original juice ( whey based), in the Urals - traditional katyk, etc. The production of regional products distinguishes “ Happy milkman» from competitors. This is because the brand was created for a large country that loves dairy products. In Russia, many things unite people from different regions, but there is also something of its own, unique in taste, in every corner of the country. " Happy Milkman” are products that even a family with a low income can afford, because the company positions itself as a people's brand. The prices are quite democratic, so you can diversify your daily diet with the freshest, high-quality " milk».

It is easy and simple to buy high-quality products from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers in the Rural Boutique. High quality and freshness of the sold goods is guaranteed. We deliver the order in special refrigerated vehicles that ensure the safety of even perishable products. Regular customers are rewarded with attractive discounts, and our weekly promotions will help you save.

Bishkeksut OJSC is part of the PepsiCo group of companies and is one of the largest producers of dairy and juice products in Kyrgyzstan. Today, the Bishkeksut plant produces a wide range of dairy products under the trademarks Cheerful Milkman, House in the Village, BioMax®, Frugurt, Chudo - milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt, dairy desserts.

The company cooperates with three large farms and several traders supplying raw milk to factory. The enterprise has the first laboratory in Kyrgyzstan, accredited in accordance with strict international standards ISO / IEC 17025, which monitors the quality of raw materials and products at all stages of production. The specialists responsible for quality use more than 30 techniques! For the achievement of such significant results in the field of quality and safety, Bishkeksut OJSC was awarded the SAPAT-2016 Quality Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Our journalists went to the factory to find out how kefir, milk and other dairy products are made under the Cheerful Milkman trademark. The production process is automated as much as possible, it takes place in a "closed" flow, starting from the acceptance of milk and up to the receipt of the finished product. Upon acceptance, milk is poured into special tanks, they are also called tanks, where it undergoes primary heat treatment, and only then it is sent through pipes to its destination - for the production of kefir, milk, butter and other products ...

Each batch of milk delivered to the plant undergoes mandatory express testing. First, the specialist determines if there are antibiotics in the milk. If available, the entire batch is returned to the farm. If the test for antibiotics is successful, then the milk is sent for further analysis. The plant uses the "Milkoscan" device, which determines the acidity, fat content, protein and solids content.

Only after all the studies have been carried out, milk is pumped from the machines into tanks (these are tanks with a volume of 25 tons), where it is cooled to 4±2 °C.

Here, in the emergency department, milk passes primary processing. It is sent to a deaerator - an apparatus that frees milk from gases dissolved in it, thereby eliminating specific odors.

Next, the milk is purified on a bactofuge - an apparatus that, under the action of centrifugal forces, purifies it of bacteria and spores. After cleaning, the milk undergoes separation at a temperature of 50-55 ° C, with the help of which the milk is separated into cream and skimmed milk. Then the milk is pasteurized and cooled to a temperature of 4 ± 2 ° C until further use in production. Bactofugation and observance of product sterility at all stages of production ensure long shelf life of milk.

From the next stage, the preparation of products according to recipes begins. The production of kefir or sour cream takes place in huge tanks where milk is fermented, so this production method is also called tank production. From here, the finished product goes through pipes to the bottling line. After bottling and packaging, the products are taken to the warehouse, where they are stored until the laboratory approves them for shipment to stores.

It is no secret that the most important criteria when choosing food are taste, quality and safety. Products "Merry Milkman" are manufactured on high-tech equipment in accordance with high international standards. For the manufacture of dairy products, only fresh milk from farms in the Chui region is used.

Why do consumers choose Jolly Milkman products?

  1. domestic product produced in Kyrgyzstan from the milk of local farms.
  2. Technology production involves the use of only natural ingredients.
  3. Full automation of production. Strict control over the quality of raw materials and finished products.

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