Home desserts How to sell homemade sauerkraut. Scheme for the production of sauerkraut. How much can you earn in the production of sauerkraut

How to sell homemade sauerkraut. Scheme for the production of sauerkraut. How much can you earn in the production of sauerkraut

For sauerkraut, white cabbage of mid-season, mid-late and late-ripening varieties is used - Late Moscow, Slava, Belarusian, Winter Gribovskaya, Gift, Snow White, etc. Early varieties of cabbage have loose heads and contain little sugar, so sauerkraut is of poor quality. Carrots are necessarily used as raw materials, and depending on the recipe, apples, cranberries, lingonberries, caraway seeds (seeds), bay leaves, sweet vegetable peppers, etc.

According to the method of preparation, sauerkraut is divided into:



head with shredded or chopped,

whole-headed, etc.

Each type of cabbage is prepared according to special recipes in accordance with the current technological instructions, but most often cabbage is fermented with the addition of 3% carrots and 2% salt, and sometimes up to 8% apples, 0.05% cumin, 0.03% bay leaves, 2% cranberries and 2% lingonberries, depending on the recipe. Whole cabbage during pickling is poured with 4% brine. Sometimes, according to the recipe, cabbage is fermented with sweet vegetable peppers and carrots (or without it), table beets and carrots, etc.

Production scheme sauerkraut includes stripping heads, removing stumps, shredding or chopping cabbage, preparing auxiliary raw materials, packing and compacting (self-pressing or vacuum pressing), fermentation, storage, unloading and packaging.

Cabbage, stripped of green and damaged leaves, trimmed flush with the head of cabbage, after sorting by quality, is fed to a shredding machine, which shreds it into narrow strips no more than 5 mm wide, the particle size of chopped cabbage should be no more than 12 mm in the largest dimension. Cabbage is also fermented in whole heads or in the form of half-heads, as well as with a layer of shredded or chopped cabbage.

At the same time, carrots are prepared, which improves the taste, appearance and nutritional value of sauerkraut. Carrots are washed, peeled on root peelers, cleaned by hand, chopped into strips, columns or circles of certain sizes. Apples, cranberries, lingonberries, bay leaves (sorted and washed), cumin (cleaned from twigs and impurities), salt (sieved) are also prepared. Apples are laid whole or in halves or quarters without seed chambers.

At the bottom of the doshnik put clean cabbage leaves. Shredded cabbage, together with auxiliary materials, is loaded into a doshnik, leveled, tightly tamped and sprinkled with table salt in layers. Dense tamping contributes to the creation of anaerobic conditions during fermentation.

When using the leaven of pure cultures of lactic acid microorganisms, it is poured with a watering can on each layer of cabbage, placed in doshniks. For the preparation of starter cultures, non-gas-forming lactic acid bacteria and yeasts are used.

Pure cultures of microorganisms and yeasts are propagated separately. Cabbage broth, which is obtained by boiling fresh shredded cabbage in water, is used as a medium for obtaining sourdough. When the cabbage softens, the broth is filtered and added to the juice.

Cabbage loaded into the doshnik is covered with leaves with a layer of about 5 cm, and on top with plastic wrap or gauze, a pressure circle is applied, pressure is set with a screw press until juice appears.

The most promising is the non-damping method, in which losses are reduced and product quality is improved.

Sauerkraut is carried out in specialized box pallets with polyethylene liners with a capacity of 500 kg. A feature of the technology is the separation of fermentation and storage processes, which allows maintaining optimal temperature conditions for each of them. Prepared cabbage and auxiliary raw materials according to the recipe, as well as the leaven of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, are loaded into containers with strong and dense polyethylene liners (200 microns thick). A container with cabbage is installed under the head of the vacuum unit, and air is sucked out of it using a vacuum pump, which is in the gaps between the pieces of vegetables and partially dissolved in the cell juice of the cabbage. The total volume occupied by cabbage is sharply reduced. The liner is tightly tied, leaving free space for the gases released during fermentation, and from above, in order to prevent air from entering from the outside, they are clamped with special clamps, consisting of two wooden planks fastened with bolts.

The containers are placed by loaders into the fermentation chamber and kept there at a temperature of 20-24°C for 3-4 days. Then, when the total acidity of the cabbage reaches 0.7-0.8%, the containers are transported to a storage room at a temperature of 0...+2°C, where it can be stored for several months. Before sale, sauerkraut is packaged in polyethylene film bags.

The fermentation process that occurs during sauerkraut includes three periods. In the first period there is an intensive reproduction of lactic acid bacteria; in the second - the accumulation of lactic acid - this is the main period of fermentation; in the third period, fermentation takes place.

In the first period, table salt causes plasmolysis of the cabbage cells and extracts the moisture contained in the cabbage. The extractive substances in the cells of the cabbage pass into the brine. During this fermentation period, the salt concentration in the brine is high and microorganisms cannot develop in it. As moisture is further released from the cabbage, the salt concentration in the brine decreases and conditions for microbiological processes are created. There is slight turbidity of the juice and strong gas formation caused by the activity of yeast, coli bacteria and other microorganisms. The resulting foam is removed, as it serves as a good environment for the development of foreign microorganisms. At the same time, lactic acid bacteria also begin to act, which gradually occupy a predominant position. The rate of fermentation, and hence the quality of the product, depends on the temperature. The most favorable temperature is 17-22°C. At lower temperatures, fermentation is slow, which degrades the quality of the finished product. Higher temperatures are also undesirable, as this will contribute to the development of extraneous microflora.

The beginning of reproduction of lactic acid bacteria ends the first stage of the process. This step should be carried out quickly so that the resulting lactic acid suppresses the development of foreign microorganisms as soon as possible.

The second period - the main fermentation - is characterized by the accumulation of lactic acid as a result of the decomposition of sugars.

The most favorable temperature for the second period of the process is also about 20°C, at which fermentation continues for 5-7 days. At this fermentation temperature, a relatively rapid development of lactic acid bacteria is ensured and side processes are inhibited. Sauerkraut is obtained with a lower content of alcohol and volatile acids, with a greater preservation of ascorbic acid.

Lactic acid fermentation stops when 1.5-2.0% lactic acid is formed in the product. The most pleasant to taste is cabbage with an acidity of 0.7-1.3%, containing 1.2-1.8% of salt.

The third period of the fermentation process is characterized by the fact that the accumulated lactic acid begins to suppress the activity of lactic acid bacteria. At the same time, under conditions of high acidity, molds and membranous yeasts develop well, which destroy lactic acid. To prevent their development, sauerkraut is stored at a temperature of 0 ... -2 ° C, using natural and artificial cold for this. Cabbage is stored in the same doshniks in which it was fermented, at a relative humidity of 90-95%, which significantly reduces the evaporation of moisture from the surface. The best are doshniks, the lower part of which is located in an artificially cooled basement.

Ideas with minimal investment and risks can be safely attributed to such an idea as the production of sauerkraut. The product is certainly popular, especially among urban residents in the autumn winter period. What we see today on the shelves of supermarkets often does not correspond to high quality. If you learn how to make sauerkraut really tasty, you will truly home recipe, - buyers will stand in line.

Organization of production

This business has two ways: legal and illegal. The first option is more expensive and justified only if good distribution channels are established (for example, a distribution network). We are talking about the production of at least 1 ton of cabbage per day. The legalization of a business involves registration of entrepreneurial activity (IP), tax registration, registration of all permits (Rospotrebnadzor, Pozhnadzor), strict adherence to all sanitary rules in the room (ceiling height, walls, appropriate equipment, sanitary books, etc.). You will definitely need to obtain a declaration of conformity for products (not to be confused with certification). All possible engineering networks must be connected in the room: sewerage, water supply, ventilation, electricity. The cost of starting a business will be at least $ 20 - 35 thousand.

Illegal business can be run at home, but there can be no talk of serious turnovers and large contracts. This option is suitable for market testing (see product distribution channels), as it does not involve high start-up costs and serious risks. “This type of business is good only in informal execution. Room, tables, bathtubs or plastic barrels, Tajiks. Here is a cost-effective production,” says the user “welikii” from the “ideas of business” forum.

Pickling equipment and technology

It is better to use oak barrels for pickling, as the quality of cabbage is better. A new oak barrel of 200 liters will cost from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. If there are problems with the budget, you can buy plastic barrels, but in them the product will turn out to be a slightly different taste and quality.

Calculations from business forums show that for the daily sale of 100 kg of sauerkraut, 3 barrels with a capacity of 200 kg each will be required. This is necessary in order to support all technological process: bookmark, ripening, packaging, etc.

Immediately it is worth considering the issue of storing raw materials (cabbages, carrots, etc.). A sufficiently capacious warehouse (not less than 50 sq. m.) is required, as well as well-established channels for the supply of products.

financial calculation

As for the raw material issue itself, for the production of 10 tons of sauerkraut you will need:

  • Fresh cabbage - 11,800 kg.
  • Salt - 25 kg.
  • Carrots - 30 kg.
  • Cranberries and lingonberries - 30 kg.
  • Seasonings - 10 kg.

The estimated cost of production for raw materials alone is 600,000 rubles. The sale of 10 tons of sauerkraut will give 1,000,000 rubles. The difference will be 400,000 rubles. We subtract the costs of wages, taxes, utility and transport costs and get a profit of about 250,000 rubles.

Sale of goods

The main sales markets for sauerkraut will be retail stores, vegetable bases, retail chains, kindergartens and public catering organizations. Let's dwell briefly on each.

Small grocery stores a good option, but there are fewer and fewer such outlets, as they are being replaced by retail chains. In addition, they will not be able to take large volumes (maximum 15 kg at a time), so the road to small settlements is closed (unprofitable in terms of logistics). You can only develop cities where there are many such points.

Trade networks are ideal, as they can take as much as you can't even produce. But there is one well-known problem - an expensive entrance ticket. To get on the supermarket shelves, you will have to satisfy the requests of purchasing managers. And they are very big. Also, you will have to comply with all the requirements of the network: labeling, packaging and no problems with specialists.

Kindergartens are also a good option, but there may be difficulties in obtaining a state order (tender). If you win the tender, you can get admission to many kindergartens in your city.

In the absence of an agreement with shops or cafes, you can sell cabbage on your own in the market. “I know a guy from Ryazan, he sells sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes and other pickles at the market in Zhulebino. He comes three times a week. People take from him very actively, although there are still several points on the market. But he tastes better. He doesn’t sell in the summer (apparently, he grows vegetables on his own), he trades somewhere from October to May, ”says the user“ mouse ”from the biznet.ru forum.

Business prospects - what else can you earn

The production of sauerkraut is successfully combined with the production of other vegetable products: pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, Korean-style carrots and cabbage, salads and pickled mushrooms, etc. This is convenient because vegetables can be taken from the same suppliers (farms).

With the expansion of the range, you can open your own outlets at grocery stores, markets or trade from a mobile shop.

Often people want to have the usual additional income that does not require large financial investments.

This article will focus on the production and sale of homemade sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a traditional Russian delicacy that everyone loves, regardless of age and gender. Such cabbage will find a place on any table, and will be especially relevant in the winter, when vitamins, vegetables and fruits are in short supply for most people.

Selling homemade sauerkraut can give you a nice addition to your basic income, which is especially true for older people with low pensions.

You can buy cabbage from farmers or wholesalers.

Now let's calculate how much 1 kilogram of sauerkraut will cost us

To get 10 kg of sauerkraut, you need:

1. 11 kg of cabbage (1 kg - waste) x 5-50 = 60-50 rubles

2. 0.4 kg of carrots x 10-00 = 4-00 rubles.

3. 0.2 kg of coarse salt x 2-50 \u003d 0-50 rubles.

TOTAL: 65-00 rubles, or 1 kg of the product costs 6-50 rubles.

In markets and bazaars - a similar product at low prices for packaging diverges in quantities equal to 100-200 kg per week.

If you provide customers with a wide range of four to five varieties of cabbage (for example, regular, with cranberries, with apples or with spices), the goods will be sold out instantly.

The market margin can be 30-50 percent. Accordingly, if you wish, you can earn about 15-20 thousand per month selling sauerkraut without special costs and labor, and this is a decent income for a person who wants to work at home.

Shredders for cabbage

Make your own cabbage shredder

For shredding, you need a board, preferably from a dense wood species, which is leveled with a planer and cut into two approximately identical parts at an angle of 60 °. On one of the sawn halves on the “oblique” end over the entire thickness of the board, we chamfer at an angle of 30 ° and select a platform for the knife on the upper edge of the board (along the edge of the “oblique” end) (hereinafter we will call this part of the board a knife board). Then we cut out two side planks measuring 30 x 60 x 600 mm, make up both halves of the board with "oblique" ends to each other, leaving a gap of 5 ... 8 mm between the ends, and connect the halves by nailing the planks on the sides. In this case, the knife board is installed 2 ... 3 mm higher than the other half of the board. Further, in the slats (above the junction of the "oblique" ends of the boards), rectangular cutouts are made to the depth of the plane of the knife board and inserts for the cutouts are prepared (Fig.).

The knife is made from a conventional hacksaw blade, which is sharpened on one side. After that, the ends of the knife are pressed against the knife board with inserts and long screws with nuts. Now you have to form folds in the side strips and inserts with a zenzubel. Perform this operation by installing the inserts, but removing the knife. The depth of the fold is made such that its "bottom" does not reach the surface of the knife board by 2 ... 3 mm. On the ledges in the side slats I install a square carriage, into which a head of cabbage is placed. When the carriage moves, the head of cabbage is crushed. When “working”, the shredder is installed above the tub or above the tank. For 1 hour with its help it is easy to chop up to 40 kg of cabbage.

You can buy a shredder for cabbage: prices in stores are from 300 - 500 rubles.

Cabbage shredding machines: approximate cost 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

And if you make a shredder, install it in the basement or garage, hire additional people, then your income will increase significantly. You can order the machine in any workshop where there is a welding machine and it will cost you about $ 200.

If you don’t have the desire or ability to make an electric cabbage shredder yourself, then now you can easily buy a cabbage shredder. True, it will cost you about 50,000 rubles, but it will last more than one year, and you will beat off this money in two weeks, a maximum of a month.

That's all I wanted to tell you in this article. I wish you good luck and successful home business!!!

A business that even women of advanced years can do. The idea for a small business is quite simple, and the products are in demand all year round. One of the few types of business in which the sale of finished products is guaranteed. Sauerkraut in our country has been popular for a long time. It's not only tasty dish, but a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances.

At the same time, it is quite suitable even for people who control their weight, as it is non-caloric. In winter, sauerkraut can be found on the table of almost every inhabitant of our country. But not everyone has the time and desire to cook cabbage.

This is especially true for residents of large cities, who find it easier to buy the required amount of sauerkraut for the table at the market or store, and not engage in pickling it. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to start sauerkraut for sale, why not try this type of money making.

Since the process of sauerkraut falls on the autumn period, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. It will be determined in advance where and in what quantity it will be purchased fresh cabbage. Then you need to draw up all the documents: register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and, of course, draw up documents confirming the quality of your products. Then choose a room where you will be engaged in production and purchase everything that is required for sauerkraut.

In this business, special attention must be paid to the container in which the kaputa fermentation process will take place. It is desirable that these were wooden tubs. You can also ferment cabbage in polyethylene containers if they are intended for food products. But in wooden tubs, cabbage will turn out tastier.

Before laying cabbage, wooden tubs must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water so that the tree is well saturated with water and does not take in the juice from salting. After everything else and steam. In poorly soaked tubs, cabbage can turn out to be rather dry. It is also necessary to purchase polyethylene food buckets for transporting cabbage for sale and food containers for small packaging for sale.

Seasonings that are planned to be used in the process of fermenting cabbage must be of high quality, table salt for pickling is not iodized. Iodized salt is not used in any type of canning and pickling of vegetables. During the preliminary work, it is necessary to look for places to sell your products: offer them for sale in shops, cafes and canteens.

In order to acquire a large clientele for the future development of your business, it is not bad to enter the market with your products. It is best to pickle cabbage different recipes because consumers have different tastes. Someone loves classic sauerkraut, someone with various additives: cranberries, lingonberries, apples or red beets. The number of customers and, of course, your income for the season will depend on how tasty the first batch of sauerkraut will be cooked.

Over time, you can expand your production and harvest not only cabbage, but also pickle cucumbers, as well as cook pickled apples. With the purchase price for fresh cabbage from farmers 5 rubles per kg and the cost of a kilogram of sauerkraut from 50 rubles to 160 rubles, you can calculate whether it is worth doing this type of business. Moreover, to receive income from this business idea, you can combine it with your main job and consider it as an additional type of income.

You won't believe how much unsold fresh cabbage is fed to livestock in peasant farms, where formic acid from www.urzol.ru/hcooh.shtml is also required to ferment colostrum when feeding calves. Let's help farmers by buying cabbage from them right on the spot, until it has risen in price (beneficial to you) or simply rotted in piles due to improper organization of the sale (beneficial to farmers). Everyone benefits from the processing of agricultural products.

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Sauerkraut production as a business is an interesting idea for entrepreneurs. Grown cabbage is much more profitable to sell not in raw, but in canned form. In addition, the fermented product is better stored, which lengthens the implementation period and increases profits.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut?

The production of sauerkraut is especially beneficial for people who have their own vegetable gardens.

These can be household plots or farm fields where vegetables are grown on an industrial scale. The main advantages of such a business:

  • production can be organized in small areas;
  • the cost of the product is low, the margin will be significant;
  • sauerkraut is always in demand, demand does not depend on the season;
  • it is possible to produce a product with various natural additives, expanding the range.

When planning to organize a business on sauerkraut, it is worth considering some features:

  • it is necessary to establish a distribution network that guarantees constant sales and minimizes disposal;
  • in autumn, competition from private traders increases, offering goods in the markets;
  • when buying raw materials from manufacturers, profits are significantly reduced.

How to start the production of sauerkraut?

Make a detailed business plan, taking into account upcoming expenses and possible income. Consider the possibility of expansion, as well as the attraction of borrowed funds.

Decide where you will purchase raw materials. It is most profitable to ferment cabbage,. If you decide to rely on production, rather than cultivation, buy heads of cabbage at the base, trying to find regular suppliers with the lowest prices.

Find the right space. Small batches can be made in the kitchen itself, but when reaching a larger volume, you will have to organize a mini-workshop. A 20-30 m² area is enough for a production workshop, as well as a small warehouse for raw materials and finished products prepared for shipment. According to the norms of SES, the premises must be equipped with a water supply and sewerage system.

Register a legal entity. The easiest way to work as an individual entrepreneur, this will help save on taxes. Registration of a legal entity is necessary if you plan to work with retail and catering. Selling products on the market does not require official registration. However, in any case, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station confirming the safety of the goods.

Purchase the necessary equipment: cutting tables, cutters, wooden or enamel containers for pickling. If you plan to pack products yourself, you will need a line for the production of packaging and sealing bags. It is possible to purchase used equipment, it will not cost too much.

1-2 employees per shift are enough to work. It is desirable to have a person on staff who can sell and distribute finished products, as well as think through new forms of sales. This function can be taken over by the business owner.

Cabbage sourdough technology

For the basic recipe, you only need White cabbage and salt. For 100 kg of raw materials without upper leaves and stalks, 3-4 kg of large non-iodized salt will be needed. It is advisable to use medium-late varieties of cabbage, which have a pleasant rich taste. Early heads of cabbage have a rich green color unusual for the consumer, late varieties are not too juicy.

Clean the heads of heads from the top leaves, cut the stalks. Cut the heads into thin ribbons using household or industrial cutters. In portions, fold the cabbage into large enamel pots, sprinkle it with salt and knead with your hands so that the leaves give juice. Then the raw material is transferred to wooden or enameled barrels with a volume of 25-30 liters. When the containers are filled so that 10 cm remain to the edge, cover the contents with a clean cotton cloth, put a wooden circle on top of the size of the barrel and press it down with a 10 kg oppression.

The fermentation process takes place at room temperature. From time to time, the contents of the barrels are pierced with a thin wooden stick to release gases. Do not use metal knitting needles, the cabbage may darken and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

The product will be ready in about 2 weeks. Don't forget to taste it. Cabbage should be juicy, crispy, dazzling white, with a pleasant delicate taste and aroma. In the process of fermentation, it should not peroxide, become too soft or acquire foreign odors and tastes.

Having mastered basic recipe, you can diversify it by adding grated carrots, beets, parsley, celery, garlic, apples, cranberries or cranberries. Such products are especially liked by customers and increase sales.

The subtleties of sales

The sale of finished products should be thought out at the initial stage during the preparation of a business plan. Cabbage can be sold through:

  • own counter in the market;
  • , own or cooperative;
  • wholesalers;
  • catering establishments;
  • retail chains;
  • shops of the adjoining format;
  • vegetable stalls;
  • seasonal food fairs.

Cabbage can be packed in plastic containers or thick plastic bags. To make products more attractive, packages should be labeled with full information about the product.

Another way to increase sales is to expand production, using sauerkraut as fillings for homemade pies, kulebyaks, and dumplings. Pastries can be sold in cafes and small shops, sold through their own kiosks. It is possible to produce frozen semi-finished products from dough and cabbage with subsequent sale through retail chains or online stores.

A sauerkraut business can be quite successful. It is important to proceed gradually, starting with small volumes and gradually expanding production. Do not forget about advertising and constantly look for new distribution channels.

How much can you earn in the production of sauerkraut

The profit of the activity depends on the result obtained, which is calculated according to the formula: funds for the purchase of cabbage * labor = profit. In other words, this direction has no restrictions. In business, you can earn from 5 thousand rubles. per month up to several hundred thousand rubles.

With the production of 10 tons of the product, the income will be more than 250 thousand rubles.

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How much money do you need to start

You can practically start a business project. You can start production in your own kitchen. To open a full-fledged production workshop, you will need:

  • Rent a room - 20 thousand rubles;
  • To equip the workshop in accordance with the standards - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Buy an electric vegetable cutter - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Buy barrels for ripening - from 30 thousand rubles.

For the production of 1 ton of cabbage per day, it is necessary to invest 2 million rubles. But such costs are expedient in the presence of a sales market.

How to choose business equipment

The production of sauerkraut can be organized with a minimum set of equipment. At first, kitchen knives are used. But shredding cabbage is easier, faster and more beautiful with an electric vegetable cutter.

Barrels are needed for pickling - it is better to use oak products. Cabbage from plastic containers has a different taste, it is worth considering when purchasing the appropriate containers.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering the production of sauerkraut

The registration documentation indicates the OKVED code 55.52 and 15.33.

What documents are required to set up a business

Activities can be registered both as an individual entrepreneur and LLC. For registration of activities, a standard package of documents is provided to the tax office: a copy of the passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

What system of taxation to indicate when registering an activity

As a taxation system, it is rational to use the simplified tax system of 6% or 15%. Moreover, this method of paying mandatory payments can be used for both small and large-scale production.

Do I need a permit to open a business

Before proceeding with obtaining permits for activities, it is necessary to equip the workshop in accordance with existing sanitary standards (SanPins 2.3.6 1079-01,, 2.3.2 560-96. Special permits are issued at the fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor.

The production of sauerkraut does not require a license.

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