Home Drinks and cocktails Farfalle with salmon: cooking features, recipe description, photo. Farfalle recipe with salmon in cream sauce Farfalle with smoked salmon in cream sauce

Farfalle with salmon: cooking features, recipe description, photo. Farfalle recipe with salmon in cream sauce Farfalle with smoked salmon in cream sauce

What can be prepared for dinner quickly, without unnecessary hassle and expense? Of course, pasta! Even 30 years ago, at the word “paste”, a resident of the Soviet Union imagined a certain substance ground to a homogeneous consistency, but, fortunately, today everyone already knows that pasta is a common name that came from Italy for all pasta. In total there are more than 500 species, but the most common are, of course, cannelloni, conchigli, linguine, penne, fettuccine and farfalle.

Farfalle (butterflies/bows) are usually served with tomato sauces, vegetables or different types greenery. But now such a dish as farfalle with salmon is becoming more and more popular. This recipe can be found in the most sophisticated restaurants. Pasta prepared in this way is a rather high-calorie dish, since it contains a creamy sauce, but it is simply impossible not to try it.

Bows / butterflies are better, of course, to cook on your own, but now they can also be purchased at the store. Therefore, cooking begins with cutting the fish. Salmon should be washed, gutted, peeled, skinned and cut off the meat from the bones. After that, the resulting fillet should be cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt, pepper and quickly fried in olive oil.

Now you need to peel the onion and garlic, chop and add to the pan to the fish. Mix everything and simmer until the onion becomes transparent. Then you can add cream and finely chopped greens (oregano, basil). For 3-4 minutes, the sauce with salmon is stewed over low heat until thickened. At the same time, it must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

It's time to boil the farfalle. The recipe for this pasta is simple. Salt is added to boiling water (1 liter of water per 100 g of pasta) and farfalle is immediately poured. Salt raises the temperature of the water by several degrees, and the pasta is boiled only at the maximum temperature, so it is poured immediately after the salt. There should be enough space in the pan, you can not cover the pasta with a lid. If purchased farfalle is used, then they are boiled for 8-10 minutes (the exact time should be looked at on the package). The end result should be al dente, which is slightly firm. It will reach the desired condition already under hot sauce.

Ready farfalle can be thrown into a colander and let the water drain, or you can simply remove it from the water with a slotted spoon and put it immediately on portioned plates. In any case, when the pasta is on the plates, they immediately spread the salmon on it in cream sauce and served on the table. In general, it is considered an independent dish for dinner or lunch, but sometimes it can be served green salad. Farfalle, the recipe of which already contained greens as one of the ingredients, can also be combined with a green salad. Since there is fish in the dish, chilled white wine is served on the table.

Farfalle with salmon is tender and beautiful dish. Many mistakenly believe that only a chef can cook it in good restaurant. But it's not. The thing is, this recipe is simple. Anyone can handle it. Why farfalle? This type of pasta looks fancy and is easy to eat, unlike spaghetti. And the salmon is in perfect harmony with the tender and creamy sauce. It is diluted with boiled vegetables, such as carrots, seasoned with spicy cheese. The fish itself is also chosen to your taste. Some people prefer the salted or smoked version, while others prefer the fresh one. For this reason, there are a lot of pasta recipes, everyone can pick up something to their taste.

A simple dish

Farfalle with salmon in this case is cooked quickly. For him, they take cold-smoked salmon, that is, the cooking time is reduced. You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g of paste;
  • 400 g salmon, fillet;
  • 70 g parmesan;
  • 200 ml of cream with a fat content of thirty percent;
  • a couple of teaspoons of Dijon mustard;
  • some salt and pepper.

Farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce looks very tender. However, some also decorate the plate with a small sprig of parsley for brightness. You can also replace the cheese with another, although this is not recommended. The main thing is that he hard grade melted well.

Cooking pasta with salmon

First, prepare the pasta itself. It is boiled in salted water. Traditionally, they take a liter of water per hundred grams of pasta. It is better to read the recommendations on the product packaging. Cook until done.

Salmon is cut into small pieces. It can be cubes or stripes, only the beauty of the presentation depends on this, nothing more. Cheese is rubbed on a fine grater. Cream is poured into the pan, heated and mustard, cheese and pepper with salt are gradually introduced. When the cheese is completely dissolved, add salmon and keep it in the sauce for about five minutes, stirring. At the same time, the fire is made below average.

Spread the farfalle on plates, pour over the creamy sauce with fish. They eat hot.

Salmon with tomato and cream

This option is less common, but farfalle with salmon turns out to be brighter in taste. For this recipe take:

  • 400 grams of pasta;
  • 300 g fish fillet;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • head of red onion;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 70 g butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • some greens for serving.

Also in this case, instead of tomato paste, you can take pureed tomatoes, then the sauce will be thicker.

Tender salmon in sauce: cooking

First, peel the onion and garlic. They cut very finely. The fish is cut into small cubes. Approximately fifty grams of butter is melted in a pan and fried onion and garlic until transparent.

Add salmon, cook for another three minutes, stirring. Add tomato paste, mix again and simmer for about three minutes.

Boil the pasta until cooked, send it to a colander to glass the liquid. Pour in the cream, add any spices and salt. Send pasta to cream sauce with salmon. Divide into serving bowls. Farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce is served with finely chopped greens.

Cream sauce without cheese

For this option, you need to take the minimum number of ingredients. The farfalle dish with salmon turns out very tasty, although the sauce does not turn out thick. For this recipe take:

  • 600 g fish fillet;
  • 300 grams of pasta in the form of bows;
  • cream - 200 ml, with a fat content of at least 20 percent;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a couple of sprigs of parsley;
  • salt to taste.

Farfalle is prepared following the instructions, left in a colander to drain the liquid. A little oil is heated in a frying pan, diced fish is sent. Stirring, cook for about seven minutes. Pour in the cream, season with any spices. Simmer until sauce thickens. Spread the pasta on a plate, thickly pour over the sauce. Chopped parsley and sprinkled ready meal. This salmon farfalle recipe is quick. However, much depends on the fat content of the cream. Otherwise, the sauce will not thicken. The fatter this ingredient, the better.

original vodka recipe

This dish has spicy taste. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 200 grams of pasta;
  • 150 g of cream with a fat content of at least twenty percent;
  • 20 grams olive oil;
  • 50 g of vodka without additives;
  • pinch nutmeg and pepper.

The fish is taken smoked, so you can not add salt. However, much depends on taste preferences.

Farfalle is cooked until cooked, following the instructions on the package. The fish is cut into small cubes. Put a frying pan or saucepan on the fire, add cream and heat it. Pour in oil. If necessary, you can replace the olive oil with butter. After boiling the cream, fish and spices are added. Pour in the vodka and let the sauce simmer for about three minutes. Then remove the sauce from the heat. Put the farfalle in the pan and mix all the ingredients.

This recipe for farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce has a delicate aroma, and there is no alcohol in it.

Pasta with vegetables and fish

Farfalle pasta with salmon can also be cooked with broccoli. The taste will only get better. For this recipe you need to take:

  • 100 grams of broccoli;
  • 1 white onion;
  • small carrots;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • 250 g salmon fillet;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 250 grams of pasta;
  • a tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil.

First, the pasta is sent to cook. The fish is cut into cubes. Carrots and broccoli are boiled until half cooked, they should remain firm inside.

Pour into the pan vegetable oil. Warm it up. Finely chop the onion and fry it on all sides until golden brown. Cream is combined in one bowl with salt. Fish is added to the onion, lightly fried over high heat, then reduced. Add the cream and simmer the sauce for another five minutes.

The pasta is thrown into a colander so that the excess moisture in the glass. Broccoli and carrots cut into cubes. Vegetables are sent to the fish, stew for a few more minutes and turn off the fire. Leave the sauce covered for five minutes. Then paste is added to the fish, stirred and the dish is served in portioned plates. Farfalle with salmon is elegant due to vegetables.

Dish with salted fish

For this delicious recipe take:

  • 500 ml cream;
  • 200 grams of salted salmon;
  • 500 grams, pre-boiled farfalle;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley - large enough, can be replaced with cilantro;
  • a little olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the salmon into thin strips, finely chop the parsley. Peel the garlic and also cut finely. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in the oil and heat it up, add the garlic. Heat the garlic in oil to release the smell, but do not fry it.

Pour in the cream and mix thoroughly. As a result, they should boil down by about a third. Now add spices to taste. They put parsley. Salmon is added, stirred and heated for just a couple of minutes. Pour boiled pasta, mix again. Serve it lovely dish immediately before it cools down.

Farfalle is not only tasty, but also beautiful. Now you can find these beautiful "bows" or "butterflies" not only in one color, but also multi-colored. They really will decorate the table. Dinner based on pasta thick sauce of cheese and cream, seasoned with salmon, will be a great end to the day. Also, many people use smoked salmon, which gives the dish a more tart aroma and deep taste. There are really many recipes, some contain broccoli or carrots, others cheese. And the simplest ones include only cream, pasta and fish. Of particular note is unusual recipe with the addition of vodka. However, this only enhances the taste.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Cozy summer evening. In the morning a thunderstorm passed, the midday heat dried up the puddles, but left them fresh and clean. Breathe easily, think happily. I want to smile, love and share. That's what I propose to do today at dinner. Invite your best friends to visit, let them grab a bottle of white wine along the way. In the yard, under a sprawling pear, put a small table, cover it with a frivolous checkered tablecloth. Arrange the candlesticks - let the lights flicker, whisper about something of their own, wink. Get out those huge glasses - today standard wine glasses are not appropriate, today you need pot-bellied, proud, luxurious handsome men in which wine from Sauvignon or Chardonnay, Muscat or Riesling turns into a special drink - a tart reason for long conversations, an easy basis for heartfelt revelations, an important reason for intimacy and togetherness.
Don't worry, you'll have time to cook dinner. Today you should not force the table with three salads and five appetizers, get by with one very tasty dish that will leave an aftertaste of friendly gatherings, pleasant chatter about everything and nothing, the ease and correctness of what is happening. I offer you a fifteen-minute option - you won’t get tired, you won’t use a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdishes, you won’t run to the table shaggy and in an apron. Cook pasta with salmon - it is unusually tasty, easy and perfectly matches tonight - warm, fresh, joyful and light.


- 400 g of pasta (better - large: farfalle, fettuccine, penne);
- 300 g of red fish fillet (salmon, trout);
- 50 g of butter;
- 100 ml low-fat cream;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- 50 g parmesan;
- salt, white pepper to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. We put a pot of water on the stove - the container should be large enough, the pasta loves when it is spacious and not cramped when cooking. Salt, add olive oil. After boiling water, pour in the pasta, stir, wait for it to boil again, lower the temperature and cook over medium heat until cooked - farfalle should not be soft, leave it al dente - when the pasta seems to be ready, but not quite, when it seems that it is worth boil them for another minute. This is the perfect time to take the pot off the stove and drain the water. Do not pour all the liquid into the sink - leave a glass "in reserve", below I will tell you what it is for.

2. While the pasta is cooking, cut the fish into fairly large pieces.

3. Next, according to the recipe, heat farfalle with salmon in a pan butter and put the fish in. Fry, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until golden brown. Carefully, do not overdry - the salmon family is better to almost fry than to overcook. Be careful not to stir often - the fish is quite tender, and if you disturb it often during frying, it will simply fall apart into pieces. This dish is prepared so simply and quickly that dexterous housewives can even have time to cook while the fish is fried and the pasta is cooked.

4. Pour the cream into the pan, reduce the heat to a minimum. I had heavy country cream, which I diluted a little with milk.

5. If desired, sprinkle the fish farfalle sauce with pepper. Squeeze out the garlic.

6. Put the paste, mix gently. And here, pay attention to the cherished glass of water in which farfalle was cooked - if it seems to you that the pasta sauce is thick, that there is not enough liquid in the pan, add a little water in which the pasta was cooked. It contains a certain amount of starch and therefore “sounds” differently in the sauce than ordinary water, making it thicker, richer, more beautiful.

7. Put the red fish pasta on serving plates, sprinkle with grated parmesan. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy this particular cheese, take any solid “relative”, however, I advise you to still look for parmesan - it unusually “plays” in this dish, gives it a special touch, gives its own characteristic “zest”.

Also if you consider yourself an amateur Italian cuisine we propose to prepare

I present to you all the goodies - the deliciousness and love of our family - Farfalle with salmon! With all my dislike for fish, I gobble up this one by both ears, slightly inferior in speed only to my husband :). This recipe was spotted by my man in a restaurant" Napule". The verdict was not subject to appeal: "I want the same! Cook for me!" I got a dish from the 7th time. Before that, I searched the entire Internet in search of it, but I still didn’t find the recipe. Thanks to Sasha Sobol (Chef of Chamber No. 6) and the chefs from Kings and Cabbage", which answered some of my questions and gave me tips. With their own efforts and other people's advice, the dish succeeded and took root in our family! The dish is prepared very quickly and easily, but without knowing basic things you are unlikely to succeed.

Ingredients (for 3-4 servings):

  • 250 g steak or salmon fillet (salmon or trout) - this time I had salmon fillet (frozen or salted fish will not work)
  • 200 g of fat cooking cream 18% - I buy a liter cream "Na Zdorovye" - enough for Farfall with salmon, and for creme brulee, and for cheesecake. Cream for coffee (even the fattest) will not work.
  • 1/2 pack of farfalle (pasta - bows) of all tried Italian "Pasta Zara" or "Divella" is better in shape and taste - they keep their shape well and do not boil into "vareniki", like, say, Polish "Lubella"
  • spices: salt, pepper, dried basil
  • 100 g of hard cheese - I buy Noir - a la Ukrainian parmesan, although it doesn’t even look like it :) (you can use any hard cheese)
  • Olive oil
Approximate cooking time: 15 minutes

Place a pot of water under the pasta on the stove. Salt the water and bring to a boil. While the water is boiling, cut the fish: use tweezers to pull out all the bones, separate the skin, carefully peel the salmon from the film (if using fillets) and cut the fish into small pieces. Drop the pasta into the boiling water and stir quickly with a slotted spoon. Bring to a boil under the lid, reduce the heat and cook further without the lid, stirring occasionally. While the pasta is cooking, grate the cheese on a fine grater and start heating the pan.

Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the pan, wait until it heats up and quickly fry the salmon over medium heat constantly and carefully (so that the pieces of fish do not start to fall apart) stirring with a spatula. Salmon cooks very quickly - in this dish you do not need to fry it (!) As you are used to doing, say, with steaks. If the red salmon turns pale and then starts to show brownish barrels, you have overcooked it. The dish will lose all tenderness - so be vigilant!

When all the pieces of fish turn white (a sign of readiness), reduce the heat to a minimum and add the cream. Mix well and immediately add grated cheese.

Once cheese is melted, season with salt and pepper. Add a little dried basil to the creamy mass.

Mix well, check for salt and simmer (without lid) for about 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.

Check pasta for doneness. Known fact that Italians do not like boiled pasta - therefore, they do not cook them slightly. Slightly - this is not when the pasta is crunchy on the teeth, but when they are slightly (!) Hard, keep their shape well, and do not spread in all directions! This is when it is clear that in fact they are already ready, although they are not boiled soft! Drain the pasta in a colander and immediately (before the pasta begins to weather and stick to each other) throw them into the creamy fish dressing (directly into the pan). Stir quickly and gently with a spatula and serve immediately!

Bon appetit to you!

How to reheat: This dish is cooked so quickly that it makes no sense to cook it for several days - it is better to make it fresh, but (!) If you have leftover pasta, put it in the refrigerator, and when you reheat, pour in the cream and add quite a bit of salt. When it warms up a bit, start stirring. If you miss the moment, the paste will figuratively burn with all the ensuing consequences - brown stains, etc. Husband almost burned

Ingredients: 30ml olive oil 3 garlic cloves 800g tomato paste or tomato puree 150g feta 3/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp sugar 10 basil leaves 600g farfalle pasta Preparation: 1. Cut the garlic and fry in olive oil for about 1 minute. 2. Add tomato paste (puree) 3. Cut the feta into small cubes. 4. Add feta to sauce and reduce heat to low. 5. Cook the sauce for 20 minutes, add chopped basil a couple of minutes before the end. 6. Boil pasta. 7. Mix and serve with pasta.

My husband's brother Yura has always categorically disliked fish. And, according to him, dislike was caused primarily not by the bones, as with many, but by the taste of the product. Well, we cannot put up with such gastronomic injustice - it is difficult to feed everyone individually. Therefore, through “I don’t want” he had to eat fish. But specifically after this dish, Yura told me that “this is the kind of fish I am ready to eat.” These are the pies. So

I just love foxes. And spaghetti with different creamy sauces. This recipe brings two of my loves together. The dish is prepared very simply and very quickly. The set of ingredients is also minimal. It's just the perfect meal for quick dinner. Read, cook and enjoy. Ingredients for 3-4 servings: 600-700 g chanterelles 300 ml cream 20% fat 300 g spaghetti or other long pasta salt and pepper to taste cheese to serve as desired Wash the chanterelles thoroughly, let the water drain. Large

This is a light, fresh salad with slight variations that I periodically serve to my family as an appetizer before the main course. Each time it is eaten with great delight, so I strongly advise you to cook it. Ingredients: 250 g raw salmon(salmon) 150 g cherry tomatoes 150 g mozzarella 8 boiled quail eggs head lettuce(it is best to take lettuce) For dressing: 2 tbsp. l. olive oil 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Cut the salmon into small pieces and

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delicious recipe Ingredients for the recipe: 250 gr champignons 250 gr chanterelles 3 garlic cloves 120 ml cream 1 egg 40 gr butter 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley Salt, pepper to taste Recipe: Wash mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms on it until they begin to acquire a golden color, and the liquid has not completely evaporated, about 15 minutes. Let's cool down a bit. In a bowl, mix cream, egg, herbs, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Add mushrooms to the mixture, stir. Divide the mixture into

Dear our guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later ask themselves:. A simple recipe has been written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook Farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce at home. Here, all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inept cook can easily cook Farfalle with salmon in creamy sauce. For this, special recipes with detailed photographs and step by step descriptions preparation steps. Following the written recipe, you can easily cook this tasty dish and feel it beneficial features and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material, did not understand, how to cook farfalle with salmon in a creamy sauce, then we invite you to look at our other recipes.

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