Home Fish What can be cooked from sweet corn flakes. Corn flake cookies. To make corn flake cookies, we need

What can be cooked from sweet corn flakes. Corn flake cookies. To make corn flake cookies, we need

Hello, friends! Today I'm talking about corn flake cookies. I was attacked by a quirk, and I decided to reduce the amount of fat in baking. Bzik passed, the recipe remained, whoever needs it - use it to your health. Losing weight people are always drawn to flour and sweets - in this case, such cookies are indispensable. It is a bit rubbery in texture, and at first it is difficult to give an articulate definition of what it looks like. Have you ever chewed on a raisin silicone dishwashing sponge? Not? Me too. But according to my estimates, the sensations are similar. Just kidding, of course - I can't live without my jokes. And corn flake cookies even taste good - like elastic pancakes, only in the oven.

To make corn flake cookies, we need:

  • 2 cups corn flakes, preferably unsweetened
  • 2 eggs
  • 100-120 g sour cream
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cup flour (glass 250 ml)
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanillin sachet
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • Half an apple, coarsely grated
  • Whole orange zest, finely grated

Note: Half the apple and zest can be safely omitted and replaced with more raisins than indicated in the recipe - for example, not 1/3 cup, but ½ cup ... something like that.

Corn flakes cookies recipe:

  1. From eggs, sour cream, sugar, salt, vanillin and flour with baking powder, knead the dough with a whisk.
  2. Add washed and squeezed raisins, half an apple and orange zest to it, mix.
  3. Lastly add the corn flakes, mix gently and thoughtfully so that the dough evenly envelops them.
  4. Lay baking paper on a baking sheet, grease it well vegetable oil and put future cookies with a spoon at some distance - about one and a half tablespoons per unit or a little less.
  5. Place all this luxury in an oven heated to 180-190 degrees and bake for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the cookies. The dough sets and bakes quite quickly, but remains soft to the touch.


A big box of corn flakes just won't run out. Just kind of oversized. Since I changed jobs, the saving corn flask has lost its relevance: now you can not think about breakfast, especially early in the morning when you don’t feel like eating at all. But don't throw away the box, really! And I remembered the recipe for corn flakes cookies. Baked a hundred years ago. Well, shake the old days? But in a new way!

And, mind you, you will have to shake without problems, very simply and for a very short time.
The dough for pancakes is kneaded in approximately the same way, only we will bake not in a pan, but in the oven.

And just like pancakes, these cookies are not baked for the future. It should be eaten warm, maximum on the same day it was baked.

Therefore, I baked it in two steps, half a serving, at the same time changing the composition.

First, a basic recipe that I've adapted by cutting back on the sugar, removing the cinnamon, and adding natural vanilla extract as a flavoring.
An asterisk marks products that can be changed to your taste.

Products (large portion):
2 large eggs, room temperature
4 tbsp. l. Sahara
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract*
1/2 cup raisins*
1 cup flour
a pinch of salt
1/4 tsp baking powder (baking powder)
2 cups unsweetened corflex (corn flakes)

Measuring cup capacity 250 ml

First portion, basic recipe, baked at 200 degrees, gaped slightly at the finish, and the cookies were very reddened (see photo). In addition to raisins, I added 2 tbsp to the dough. l. coarsely chopped hazelnuts (hazelnuts).

The second portion, or rather, half a portion, was with an apple instead of raisins (half of an apple, grated on a coarse grater and squeezed out - in the squeezed form it is 1/4 measuring cup), as well as with leftovers orange peel boiled in syrup (you can just grate the zest fresh orange or lemon) and small chips from milk chocolate(about one and a half tablespoons)

And now let's shake the old days :)
And this is how it should be done.

Preheat the oven to 190-200 degrees.

Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk, add sugar, sour cream and continue beating until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Add vanilla extract, raisins (or grated apple and zest) and mix with a whisk.

Mix flour, salt and baking powder and sift into the bowl with the egg mixture.

Stir with a whisk or wooden spoon. Lastly, add the flakes and mix thoroughly so that they are covered with a layer of dough.

Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet. You can lightly spray it with cooking spray, although I do not grease the paper.

Slides, leaving a distance between them, spread the mass on a baking sheet with a tablespoon or ice cream spoon.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the cookies.

Remove the tray from the oven and leave for 5 minutes.
Remove the cookies from the paper with a flat spatula. You can sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

I like apple cookies and chocolate chips more.
Soft and juicy, very fragrant, moderately sweet, slightly crunchy on the sides and bottom. It is less ruddy (baked at 190 degrees for about 18 minutes), but still pretty pretty :) And how it smells!

Next time (I say that the box is dimensionless!) I will try to bake these cookies with the new product of Tnuva Yoplait Shtuzim 5.5% (instead of 15% fatter sour cream) - this is a very tasty hybrid of soft curd cheese and yogurt with a smooth and delicate texture.

Bon appetit!

On July 30, 1898, a new dish appeared in the gastronomic world - corn flakes. It was invented by an American, Will Kellogg, and by accident.

Will Kellogg and his brother John owned a sanitarium in Michigan. Once, having kneaded cornmeal for pies, they went away on some urgent business. When we returned, it turned out that the dough had curled up, turned into lumps and flakes. Out of desperation - after all, cornmeal was strictly accounted for - Will decided to fry these lumps. Unexpectedly for the brothers, some of the lumps became airy, and some became crispy, tasty. To enhance the taste, Will added sugar to them, and, at his own peril and risk, cereal with milk and marshmallows was served to the vacationers for breakfast. The success of the new dish was stunning, the guests demanded only it for breakfast. Word of the corn flakes quickly spread across the state and then beyond. The brothers patented their invention, and soon opened their own cereal company, Kellogg's, which is still the market leader to this day.

A breakfast of milk and corn flakes has now become traditional in Russia, so we won't talk about it. We will tell you what else interesting you can cook from corn flakes.

Cookies consist entirely of advantages: they are low-calorie, airy and very easy to prepare.

You will need:

500 g cereal
150 g shelled nuts
100 g raisins
½ tsp baking powder for dough
2 egg whites
150 g sugar
10 g vanilla powder

1. Grind corn flakes and nuts in a blender.
2. Soak raisins in water
3. Beat egg whites with sugar
4. Combine the corn-nut mixture with proteins, add raisins, baking powder and vanillin.
5. Preheat the oven to 140C, lay out baking paper, grease it with oil.
6. Form cookies from the dough and place on a baking sheet.
7. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Corn flakes casserole

Lightweight and healthy breakfast- the ability to diversify the usual dish.

You will need:

400 g cottage cheese
200 g cereal
200 g milk
2 eggs
2 tbsp Sahara
1 tsp baking powder
20 g vanillin
Oil for mold lubrication

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Protein shake with sugar.
2. Grind cottage cheese with yolks, add cereal, milk, vanillin and baking powder.
3. Stir the beaten egg whites into the curd mass.
4. Lubricate the form with oil and lay out the curd mass in an even layer 3-4 cm high.
5. Bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

Fruit salad with corn flakes

This salad can be included in diet menu- only it is better to replace bananas, for example, kiwi, and completely refuse grapes .

You will need:

2 apples
2 pears
2 oranges
2 bananas
grape branch
1/4 cup nuts
2 cups corn flakes
natural (unsweetened) yogurt

1. Apples, pears, banana, orange, peel and cut into cubes.
2. Separate the grapes from the branch.
3. Crush the nuts.
4. Put fruit in a deep plate, add cereal, pour over yogurt and sprinkle with crushed nuts on top.

Corn flakes parfait

An excellent dessert - the taste is not inferior to cakes and pastries, and the calorie content cannot even be compared.

You will need:

Strawberries, raspberries or any other berries
1 kiwi
1 banana
1 cup yogurt
1/4 cup cereal
Sugar or honey to taste

1. Cut the strawberries into halves, cut the kiwi into slices, cut the banana into circles.
2. Put yogurt in a glass - who likes it sweeter, add honey or sugar. 3. Put strawberries, kiwi, banana on top, pour cereal. And again in the same order.
4. Decorate with berries

Corn flakes breading

Corn flakes can be used as a breading. To do this, just crush them in a mortar or grind in a blender. Cutlets, chicken, fish fried in such a breading give the dish a new shade. Children especially like this breading.

Corn flakes can be used for more than just cooking quick breakfasts with milk, but also to cook delicious, crispy pastries - cookies. Baking these crunchy corn flake cookies without flour is not at all difficult. Only four ingredients are needed: sugar-free corn flakes, two egg whites, a small piece of butter, and sugar or powdered sugar. If desired, of course, you can add dried and chopped nuts, raisins, vanillin.

Corn Cookie Ingredients

  1. corn flakes - 150 grams;
  2. 2 egg whites;
  3. sugar - 50 grams;
  4. butter - 20 grams;
  5. vanillin - to taste

Cookies with corn flakes: a step by step recipe with a photo

Use sugar-free corn flakes to make cookies.

Separate the whites from the yolks and add sugar or, even better, powdered sugar to them.

Whisk with a whisk until fluffy.

Add a soft piece to the beaten egg whites. butter and vanillin.

Beat again with a mixer and add corn flakes.

Quickly, but gently, fold the cereal into the beaten egg whites.

Preheat the oven to 180*C for this. Use a large spoon to spoon the mixture onto a greased baking paper or silicone mat.

Bake cookies until light brown.

Let the cookies cool completely on the baking sheet, and then remove it. Crispy, crispy corn flakes cookies will pleasantly surprise you with their taste and ease of preparation. Corn flakes strengthen the immune system, energize. And the fiber, which is part of the flakes, improves digestion, removes toxins, and improves metabolism. Happy tea!

Generally speaking, frankly, what I call corn flake cookies, to call it that can only be a stretch. Tyap-blunder, mixed, laid out, hid in the oven, took it out of the oven - you're done. Not a recipe, but a joke. Nevertheless, children like it - moreover, they also like to cook (yes, I already trust them with almost the entire process), and eat. I still don’t know how to relate to corn flakes that are part of the recipe (in fact, cookies are 90% percent of them) - in the variant of ready-made breakfasts, for example, I don’t recognize them at all, however, in this case, they are convenient and, to be honest, tasty. In general, cornflake cookies are something that can be prepared in a couple of minutes if you really want something homemade and sweet for tea, but there is no mood to stand at the stove and invent something solid. Probably, this is not something that you can brag about at work and not something that the good ones offer guests as a treat, but with all this, the recipe has undoubted advantages: firstly, the cooking speed, and secondly, the relative budget, in thirdly, originality and children's love, proven, believe me, not only on my offspring, but also on dozens of those small and not very mouths that happen from time to time in our house. In general, I will not say anything more: make your own decision: - not at all refined and far from the most useful homemade baking, so think and weigh, I'll just give the recipe and tell you the basic principle.

Have you ever wondered how corn flakes are made? After cleaning the grain and removing excess, the corn is processed into flour, mixed with salt and sugar, diluted with water and cooked to a porridge state. After that, the mass is leveled, divided into pieces of the desired size and shape (flattened into petals) and dried-fried in an oven at a temperature of 140 degrees until crispy.

And also .... you know - this is such a step into childhood that, it seems to me, I sometimes cook it just for myself. To crunch, to remember yourself as a little girl, to feel like a carefree child for a moment, who cheerfully looks at the world and sincerely believes that everything around was created exclusively for him!


300 g corn flakes;

100 g of any nuts;

100 g dried apricots;

100 g of sugar;

a pinch of salt.

So let's start. Into the bowl food processor lay out the egg whites, pour in about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, put the whisk attachment and turn on the assistant. After a minute, add sugar in a thin stream and beat until a stable, tight foam.

Pay attention to the packaging of corn flakes - in particular, the part of it where the composition of the product you bought is written. If you are lucky and it does not contain sugar, I recommend increasing the amount of sugar with which you whip egg whites.

While the processor is running, chop the dried apricots and lightly chop the nuts. Please note that, of course, you can take absolutely any nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts (which, strictly speaking, are not a nut at all, but still beautiful). Dried apricots can also be replaced to taste - prunes, dried cranberries, dried cherries, prunes are equally good in cornflake cookies, however, for my taste, for some reason, there is nothing more ideal than dried apricots in this case.

Grind the third part of the corn flakes into large crumbs - with a blender, rolling pin or hands, whatever you want.

With a spoon, spread the resulting mass on a baking sheet covered with paper - about a tablespoon for each cookie. During the baking process, corn flake cookies do not spread and do not increase - the distance can be made minimal.

And put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - be guided by color, ready-made cookies it turns out caramel and beautiful.

Remove from a sheet of paper immediately after baking, but very carefully - hot cookies are brittle, crumble into pieces, however, after cooling, they become whole and not fragile.

Bon appetit!

P.S. A couple of intermediate photos -

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