Home desserts What can be put on tartlets. Snack tartlets on the festive table: recipes with photos step by step. With ham and cheese

What can be put on tartlets. Snack tartlets on the festive table: recipes with photos step by step. With ham and cheese

In most Russian families, the tradition of baking pancakes has been preserved. Many housewives have turned the process of preparing this dish into a real ritual. The final result depends not only on how experienced the cook is, but also on the dough. Currently, several dozen recipes for this primordial dish are known. After reading this article, you will find out what ingredients for pancakes will be required in a particular case.

What flour is suitable for this dish?

In this situation, it all depends on what you want to get in the end. It is important to remember that flour, like other ingredients for pancakes, must be of high quality. The taste and color of the finished dish depends on what it will be. If you add to the dough:

  • wheat flour, it will acquire a pleasant golden hue;
  • buckwheat, then the dish will have a special nutty flavor;
  • corn, rye or the dough will become darker. In addition, he will have a pronounced specific taste;
  • rice flour and starch, then the pancakes will become unusually tender.

Eggs, salt and sugar

These items are a must for the meal. To prepare the dough, it is recommended to take fresh, well-beaten or pounded eggs with sugar. Regardless of what other ingredients for pancakes need to be added according to the recipe, every housewife should remember the basic rule that one glass of flour requires two small or one large egg.

In the process of preparation, sugar and salt are dissolved in a separate container and only then introduced into the dough. The amount of these components depends on the recipe. If you want sweet pancakes, you can add more sugar. At the same time, do not forget that an overabundance of this product can lead to the fact that the dough will burn in the pan.

What liquid can be added to the dough?

Again, it all depends on the recipe and what you want to end up with. So that yeast pancakes are tastier and fatter, they are made with milk. On beer, a more magnificent, incredibly tasty and aromatic delicacy is obtained. If you don't plan on messing around in the kitchen for a long time, you should have pancake ingredients such as soda and kefir. In this case, you need to have time to use the dough before the reaction with the acid is completed.

Some recipes contain a small amount of alcohol. It is important not to overdo it and add no more than two tablespoons of cognac, rum, wine or vodka to the dough.

Many housewives cook lush yeast pancakes in pre-salted water. This little culinary trick avoids the formation of a large number of lumps.

on milk: recipe

The ingredients that will be required for the preparation of this dish must be fresh and of high quality. The test includes the following components:

  • flour - 250 grams;
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • three tablespoons of sugar.

The technological process of making thin pancakes with milk

A pinch of salt, sugar and two medium chicken eggs. Next, the resulting mass is whipped with a mixer or an ordinary whisk.

After that, flour sifted through a fine sieve and mixed with soda is gradually introduced into the dough. The smaller the amount, the thinner the pancakes will turn out. However, too batter it will be uncomfortable to fry.

At the end, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and mix. In order for the gluten contained in the flour to work in full force, it is recommended to leave the pancake mass for half an hour. After this time, you can properly heat the pan, grease it with vegetable oil and start frying.

As you already understood, all the ingredients for milk pancakes are quite affordable and will not hit your family budget. In addition, they can be purchased at any nearby store. It's inexpensive, tasty and fragrant dish will be a great addition to home tea drinking. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe are moderately sweet and very tasty. They go well with syrups, jams and sour cream.

Kefir pancakes: recipe

The ingredients for this dish can also be bought at any supermarket. In addition, many of them are probably in your refrigerator. For cooking, you will need components such as:

  • one glass of flour;
  • egg;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a bottle of kefir.

In addition, you will need some vegetable oil. It should be used not only for dough, but also for greasing the pan.

Cooking process

To make the ingredients must be fresh. Everything the above components mixed in a pre-prepared container and beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. Ready batter must be poured into a bottle. This can be done using a kitchen funnel. After that, you can start frying pancakes. It is recommended to bake them on medium heat. Readiness can be judged by the completely dried top layer of dough.


Having figured out what ingredients are needed for pancakes, you can think about how and with what to serve. ready meal. Even our distant ancestors stuffed this delicacy with various goodies. Not only jam or jam was used, but also red caviar, fish, mushrooms and chicken meat. It is important that the filling is not too liquid. Otherwise, it will simply flow out of the pancake onto a plate. Will not add convenience and too crumbly stuffing.

Pancakes with red caviar or fish are considered the most delicious. To prepare such a filling, you will need 150 grams of cold-smoked salmon pre-cut into small cubes, 250 grams cream cheese, tea spoon lemon juice and one and a half teaspoons of spicy mustard. All these components must be combined in one container and carefully moved so as not to damage the fish pieces.

The second, no less tasty filling is a mixture consisting of 200 grams thick sour cream, one egg yolk, two tablespoons of finely chopped dill and slightly salted trout. On the surface of the pancake, smeared with this sauce, you need to put thin slices of fish. Then it is rolled up and cut into several pieces with a sharp knife.

The filling made from dried mushrooms. They must first be soaked in water and kept in it for about six hours, and then boiled. For these purposes, chanterelles, boletus and porcini mushrooms are perfect. In addition, you will need two raw egg yolks, two tablespoons of heavy cream, a glass of hot milk, and one tablespoon each of butter and heavy cream. All these components must be poured into a container and brought to the desired consistency over low heat. At the end, two finely chopped boiled eggs, chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper are introduced into the resulting mixture.

Very tasty and satisfying filling is obtained from duck breast and buckwheat porridge. To prepare it, you need to boil one and a half glasses of cereals and 450 grams of meat, peeled from skin and films. Finely chopped duck skin should be fried in butter until dry cracklings. Then you need to mix all the ingredients and add to them a tablespoon of lemon juice, salt, pepper, three tablespoons of heavy heavy cream and finely chopped greens.

For successful cooking, it is not enough to choose high-quality ingredients for pancakes. In order for you to really succeed delicious treat, you need to know a few more little tricks.

Those with a sweet tooth should remember not to add too much sugar to the mixture. Otherwise, instead of thin, you will end up with overly dense products that do not lag behind the pan well.

For getting elastic dough it is recommended to add a little vegetable fat to it. These pancakes will easily turn over and be removed from the pan. To obtain delicate pastries water or milk heated to room temperature. Before baking pancake dough should be infused for at least half an hour.

When you want something unusual and your soul asks for a holiday, cook lace pancakes, tender, transparent, covered with small holes. Aerobatics - openwork pancakes with beautiful patterns that every housewife can make if she masters a few secrets. Thin lace pancakes decorate festive table.

How to make dough for lacy pancakes

Sometimes the dough seems to be done correctly, but the holes do not work out. Pancakes come out ruddy, beautiful, but completely even and not porous. The fact is that the dough for holey pancakes is prepared in a special way, so remember the three main secrets for making delicious lacy pancakes.

First secret: dough with oxygen

Holes are formed from the saturation of the dough with air bubbles, which burst during frying, forming voids in the dough. This can be achieved different ways, for example kneading dough with live yeast. However, the dough with air bubbles can be prepared on anything - on milk, kefir, whey or water, the main thing is to add slaked soda to it. The more soda you put in, the more holes there will be. But do not overdo it, because soda-flavored pancakes are probably not included in your plans. By the way, so that soda is not felt in pancake dough, be sure to extinguish it with vinegar and not in a spoon, but in a small cup, then you will need less vinegar. Porous pancakes can be prepared without soda - on carbonated water, beer, koumiss, ayran or kefir, which is a product of lactic acid fermentation, so it contains gas. However, some housewives argue that kefir is still better to combine with soda. Sifting flour, long-term whipping of the dough with a whisk or blender also gives an excellent result.

The second secret is the infusion of the test

While the oxygenated dough is resting, air bubbles loosen it even more. In addition, the fermentation process continues, and new bubbles are constantly formed. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the dough for an hour, and then bake pancakes.

The third secret is the liquid consistency of the dough

The thinner the layer of dough that you pour into the pan, the more delicate and transparent the pancakes are. It is clear that you cannot bake a thin pancake with holes from a thick dough, you just get a plump and tasty pancake, which is also not bad, but we are now talking about lacy pancakes. So, pancake dough, resembling liquid sour cream in consistency, should be poured into a pan with a thin layer.

Recipe for lace pancakes with milk

Heat a little liter of milk, up to 40 degrees, add 3 eggs, ½ tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar or a little less if the pancakes are served with sweet stuffing. Beat the dough with a blender until fluffy foam, and then enter 1 tsp. slaked soda and 3 cups of flour, continuing to beat - there should not be a single lump in the dough. At the very end, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and leave the dough for an hour. It should infuse, saturate with oxygen and become even more bubbly. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a hot, oiled skillet, flipping as soon as holes appear.

Pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Some housewives cook pancake dough with boiling water, claiming that it is well saturated with oxygen, resulting in thin and delicate pancakes.

Beat well with a blender 2 eggs with a pinch of salt, and then, without stopping whisking, pour in a glass of boiling water. Do not be afraid that the eggs will curdle - this will not happen at a high speed of beating, moreover, a very lush foam will appear. Do not stop and, while continuing to beat, pour in a glass of low-fat yogurt. As you already understood, you need to continue to beat further. At the same time, enter 1 tsp into the dough. slaked soda, then 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. With the blender running, add 1-1½ cups of the sifted wheat flour until the dough resembles liquid sour cream. Pancakes are golden, lacy and very tasty.

Pancakes with holes in mineral water

Mix ½ liter of highly carbonated mineral water with a pinch of salt and 2 tsp. sugar, then enter 3 eggs and 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. After thoroughly kneading, add 1 cup of flour and beat the dough with a whisk or blender until smooth. Soda is not needed in this recipe, as the mineral water will oxygenate the dough, and this will be enough to make lacy pancakes.

Spongy yeast pancakes

Mash well 30 g fresh yeast, dissolve them in a quarter cup of warm milk (50 ml), add 1 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and put the dough in a warm place. After half an hour, beat 2 eggs with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, pour the risen dough into them, mix well, combine with 950 ml of warm milk and 500 g of sifted flour. Beat the mass with a blender and pour into the dough 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cover the bowl of dough with a towel and let it rest for another 2-3 hours, stirring every 30-40 minutes once the dough starts to rise. It is enough to do this 3-4 times, and then you can fry the pancakes in a greased pan.

Openwork lean pancakes without eggs

Lacy pancakes can be baked without eggs. To do this, mix 2½ cups of flour, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, ½ tsp. salt and soda. Add to this mixture ½ liter of milk and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Whisk everything well, and boil ½ liter of milk in a separate saucepan. Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the dough, stirring constantly, and then melt 65 g of butter in a pan and combine with the dough. Fry the pancakes in the same pan where the butter was heated, and it is desirable that it be with non-stick coating otherwise the pancakes may stick.

Patterned lace pancakes: recipe with photo

Let's try to cook pancakes with beautiful openwork patterns. It's not as difficult as you think. The dough for thin lace pancakes for drawing in a pan can be made according to any recipe, so we will cook it with milk.

Ingredients: 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 eggs, 60 g flour, 1 pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Heat the milk, add sugar, salt and eggs to it.
2. Beat the mass with a blender until fluffy foam.
3. Add the sifted flour to the milk-egg mixture and beat thoroughly again so that no lumps remain. The amount of flour can be increased or decreased until the dough resembles liquid sour cream.
4. Pour into the dough vegetable oil and mix well again.
5. Make a small hole in the lid of a plastic bottle with a hot awl, pour the dough into it and twist it tightly. You can use a ketchup bottle - at least you don't have to pierce it.
6. Grease a hot non-stick frying pan with oil and draw something very simple for warming up, such as a grill.

Hearts with curlicues look very beautiful and romantic. For children, you can draw something more interesting and funny to increase your appetite. Lacy pancakes can be served very beautifully and in an original way, for example, decorate holes with berries. Beautiful openwork pancakes with a pattern look festive!

How to draw pancake dough in a hot pan

Tip 1. Make sure there are no lumps in the dough, otherwise one of them will get stuck in the bottle opening and the pattern will not work.

Tip 2. The hole in the bottle should not be very large and not very small - about 2-3 mm in diameter. Thin lines, of course, look more elegant, but such a pancake may tear when turned over.

Tip 3: Don't heat the pan too much, otherwise the pancake will burn long before you draw it.

Tip 4. Draw quickly so that the pancake bakes evenly and does not have time to burn.

Tip 5. Connect curls together more often to make the pattern more stable.

If something went wrong...

Pancakes, especially lacy ones, are a delicate matter, and in the process culinary experiments you may run into difficulties. To avoid possible mistakes, you need to know some tricks.

Why do pancakes burst? Most likely, you did not let the dough brew, so the gluten did not have time to react with other ingredients. Maybe there are few eggs or flour in the dough, because when moisture evaporates from pancakes in a pan, almost nothing remains of them - it is impossible to turn such pancakes over. Excess sugar and vanillin also breaks the integrity of the dough, so do not overdo it with additives. It is better to pour quite a bit of sugar into the dough and serve pancakes with sweet sauce.

Why do pancakes stick? A poorly heated pan can cause all pancakes to turn out lumpy, and if the pan is not suitable for baking pancakes at all, it is better not to use it so as not to transfer the products.

Pancakes can also stick if no butter is added to the batter. In order for the pancakes to turn out appetizing and truly tasty, it is better to use high-quality oil. It is natural, without additives and preservatives and, most importantly, without smell!

Why do pancakes turn out dry and tough? A large number of eggs makes pancakes harsh, although sometimes this is not even the case. Sometimes it’s hard to explain why you do everything according to the recipe, but ready dough looks like rubber. There is an easy way to make lace pancakes tender and soft. As soon as the pancake is baked, grease it butter put on a plate and cover with another plate. Or spread pancakes in a slide in a pan and cover tightly with a lid. Pancakes will sizzle from their own heat, becoming softer and more tender.

Now you know how to make lacy pancakes, all you have to do is practice. It is quite possible that you will have to make many unsuccessful openwork items until you become a real pancake virtuoso. Introduce your children to pancake creativity - they will surely enjoy drawing funny faces in a pan with dough.

The first thing you need to do pancake practice is the right frying pan. Best of all, cast iron with a thick bottom, so that the hand feels - you are holding the Thing. Yes, grandma. Yes, not shiny and not colored. Yes, it heats up slowly. But when the heat picks up, you can’t stop it, and it seems that the pan is already settling in your hand. How appetizing ruddy pancakes look on its black background! Plus, you don't need to wash this pan. It is enough to cool and wipe with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Nuance: over time, the habit of baking pancakes in a cast-iron pan will develop into the ability to “listen” to pancakes: a sharp and loud hiss - the pan is very hot, barely audible - there is still room for heat.

If the dough sticks to the cast iron pan, it must be ignited with salt and cleaned with a soft cloth (do not wash!). And if you still succumbed to fashion trends and used Teflon, try to “brew” the finished dough by adding a little boiling water or milk to it - it helps. Checked!

And by the way, if it’s still not cast iron, pay attention to frying pans without sides - now there are such ones on sale. Pancakes are easier to put on them and easier to turn over.

Pancakes in a cast iron skillet

Step two. Pancake dough

"Pancakes" - that's what we call thin pancakes prepared from yeast dough . The simplest scheme for their preparation: "6 by 1" . One glass of wheat flour, one large pinch potato starch, one large pinch of baking powder, one egg, one glass of milk, one tablespoon of granulated sugar and one small pinch of fine salt. In a large bowl, beat the egg with salt, add milk and sugar. Sift flour with cornstarch and baking powder into the mixture. Beat the dough with a whisk until smooth. Leave on the table for 15 minutes and fry for your pleasure, stirring the dough from time to time. Six ingredients - six medium sized pancakes. Serve warm with sour cream and/or honey.

This basic recipe, and, like any base, it can grow indefinitely, for example, turn into a recipe from Vladimir Mukhin (White Rabbit restaurant) , one of the most famous Russian chefs:

“For 1 liter of milk, you need to take 5 large eggs, sugar and salt to taste, add flour to the desired consistency. Mix with a whisk. Usually, for splendor, kefir is added to such pancakes or mineral water. They can be prepared with whey, or you can use milk. When there is sugar and flour, fermentation will still be. Such a dough is also kneaded to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Let stand for 20 minutes and you are ready to bake. Feel the difference?! For a special subtlety of pancakes, the chef recommends adding more eggs: 6 eggs per 1 liter of milk. And you don’t need a lot of flour, the dough should be liquid, then the pancakes will turn out thin.

  • For better flipping of pancakes (and with this many beginner pancake bakers have the most problems), you can add 2 tbsp to the dough (per 1 liter of liquid). l. vegetable oil plus a little oil add to the pan when frying.
  • If the pancakes are torn, then you need to thicken the dough a little - in small portions, without fanaticism - with sifted flour or heat the pan more. If the pancake in the pan is torn, does not hold its shape and blushes unsightly, it means that there is not enough sugar and eggs. Whisk 1-2 eggs well with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add to the dough and everything will work out.

Nuance: the most popular are pancakes with milk. You can develop a dairy theme using a mixture of condensed milk and water (2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk diluted with water to the desired amount of liquid), milk and cream (milk up to 6% fat and cream 10% in a ratio of 1: 1), milk and water (in a ratio of 1:1). Milk can be taken sour or baked.

Pancakes with milk

Step three. pancake dough

Let's talk about pancakes from yeast dough. Since we strive for the ideal, our choice is sourdough pancakes.

Take fresh pressed yeast, at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 liter of liquid. If you want, replace fresh with dry ones (1 g dry = 3 g fresh), but you don’t need to do this on Maslenitsa - after all, it’s a pancake holiday.

For dough, heat milk with a minimum fat content to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Pour into a bowl and dilute the yeast in it, mix with a whisk. For yeast activity, add a little sugar and flour and leave to rise for 30-45 minutes, covering the dish with a towel. Do not add eggs, they interfere with the rise. When the dough has risen, add the rest of the ingredients.

For 1 liter of milk - 3 eggs, sugar and salt to taste, and add the sifted flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks white with sugar. Whisk the whites separately with a pinch of salt to make the pancakes fluffy. Add flour and mix gently, let the dough stand for another 1-1.5 hours in a warm place. To speed up the rise, place the pan in a large container and fill it with hot water. Did the dough almost double in size? Without stirring, bake pancakes.

Nuance: make a dough, let it rise for 40 minutes, and then immediately put it in the refrigerator, preserving the rise of the dough. Then you can take out the dough and add milk, beaten yolks and whites, and the remaining flour. Such a dough can be used many times. Enough of it for 2-3 days.

Yeast pancakes

Step four. pancake baking

To fluffy pancakes easier to roll over

1. Don't make them too big.

2. Warm the pan well, and then slightly reduce the heat - there should be no smoke in the entire kitchen. How to check the readiness of the pan: a teaspoon of vegetable oil poured into the pan instantly heats up, spreads easily, but does not smoke yet.

3. Grease the bottom of the pan with half a raw potato or onion, dipping it in vegetable oil. So there will be no excess oil.

Nuance: experienced comrades scoop the right amount of dough into a ladle before baking out of habit - by eye. For beginners, this is difficult. If the ladle is classic - the size of a large apple, fill it with about two-thirds of the volume. This amount of dough will be enough to bake pancakes in a pan with a diameter of about 22 cm.

Pancakes and pancakes that have fallen into a heated pan, leave alone for a while. Fry them on the bottom side until the top is dry.

pancake baking

Step five. Serving and toppings

Well, here's the fifth step. And the finish line is near.

Fold the finished pancakes in a pile and coat with melted butter, dipping a brush into it. This important operation can be entrusted to one of the family members - it is especially good for children.

Nuance: if you want to bring the cooking process to the absolute, heat the plate on which you will spread the pancakes.

It is wiser to use the seasonal filling for pancakes for Maslenitsa: honey, jam, sugar, sour cream, caviar, lightly salted trout, herring, baked apples or pears. Carrots, turnips, pumpkins - it is better to take for baking. For him, pour the dough into the pan, bake it on it, turn the pancake over and fry a little on the other side. Some craftsmen do not turn the pancake over, but achieve its readiness by frying only one side. Baking classic - green onion and boiled eggs or mushrooms fried with onions.

Good for pancakes are fruit and berry sauces and almost sauces, for example, freshly frozen berries boiled quickly with a little sugar or honey: lingonberries and cranberries, rubbed through a sieve with powdered sugar.

Brushing pancakes with melted butter

In the microwave to cook - will have to postpone. The TV does not work, the computer ... I thought with regret how we are attached to all this! Here, too, the crows on the street croaked and from their cry it becomes dreary in the soul. She went to the window to close the window, a bright, round pancake of the sun shone in her face. A happy kid of three or four years old is running along the sidewalk hopping after his mother, looking at a tree dotted with screaming crows, and says: “The birds are singing!”
“Be like children…” - I remembered and, with high spirits, I went to cook pancakes.


  • milk 1 liter
  • egg 2 - 4 pcs
  • sugar 1 - 2 tbsp.
  • pinch of salt
  • soda 0.5 tsp and 1 tsp. vinegar to extinguish it (can be omitted)

Step by step photo recipe

Heat the milk to t 40 ° C (tolerates a finger) and divide it into two parts of 0.5 liters. So it will be more convenient to knead the dough and there will be no lumps in it.

Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Beat with a whisk until foam forms.

Add 0.5 liters of warm milk to a bowl with beaten eggs and mix.

Gradually add the sifted flour and mix until smooth, so that there are no lumps. You should have a smooth and thick dough.

Add soda quenched with vinegar to the dough, mix. You can not add soda, then the pancakes will be without holes and more elastic.

Add the remaining 0.5 liters of warm milk and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

This recipe has been kept by me for a long time and further it says that you need to thoroughly wash the pan and heat it well, grease it with oil . .. This is understandable, because before there were no pans with a non-stick coating and baking pancakes was a test of patience - a pancake tightly stuck to a heavy cast-iron pan and, having tore off a lump of hot dough, it had to be thrown away. Hence the saying "The first pancake is lumpy ..." modern technologies this process has turned into a pleasure. If you like pancakes, be sure to purchase a modern pan-pancake pan with a non-stick or ceramic coating.

Heat up the crepe maker , pour the dough on it and bake pancakes, first on one side, then on the other.

Remove the finished pancake to a plate. Pour the next portion of the dough onto the crepe maker and, while it is fried, brush the previous crepe with butter while it is still hot. . This can be done like this, using a fork.

Or melt the butter in the microwave and brush the pancakes with a brush.

Advice: if it seems to you that the pancakes are a bit thick, you can add a little boiled water to the dough. But don't overdo it, if the batter is too thin, the pancake won't stick to the pan when pouring the batter.

That's pancake after pancake - it turned out a whole stack!

Well, don't sigh! And you will definitely succeed!

And this is how I stack the pancakes, if you need to put them in the refrigerator, just cover with cling film. It's so easy to take them out and heat them up in the microwave. And if you put a stack - stick together.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook stuffed pancakes → ,
Recommend to try pancakes with and Try pancakes

V microwave oven I also highly recommend.

Pancakes. Short recipe.


  • milk 1 liter
  • egg 2 - 4 pcs
  • sugar 1 - 2 tbsp.
  • pinch of salt
  • soda 0.5 tsp and 1 tsp. vinegar to quench it
  • refined vegetable oil 2 - 4 tbsp
  • premium wheat flour 3.5 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • butter for greasing ready-made pancakes 200 gr

Heat the milk to t 40 ° C and divide it into two parts of 0.5 liters. Beat eggs with salt and sugar with a whisk until foamy. Add 0.5 liters of warm milk to a bowl with beaten eggs and mix. Gradually add the sifted flour and mix until smooth, so that there are no lumps. Add soda quenched with vinegar to the dough. Mix well and add the remaining 0.5 liters of warm milk and vegetable oil. Mix well. Heat the crepe maker and bake pancakes first on one side, then on the other side. Remove the finished pancake to a plate and, while it is still hot, brush with butter.

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