Home Nutrition Bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt are a delicious dessert. Curd and yoghurt cake with strawberries

Bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt are a delicious dessert. Curd and yoghurt cake with strawberries

Summer heat. I don't feel like cooking. And I don’t want to eat, I just want to drink. Homemade yogurt helps. I wrote in great detail about how to make yogurt in a yogurt maker or thermos in one of the articles. For those interested, follow the link at the bottom of the article and study the details.

I think that after reading the article and watching the video, you will understand what it is homemade yogurt and other fermented milk products, how to properly make yogurt or kefir for kids, for the whole family and for guests.

I use apples, bananas, kiwis, citrus fruits, but more often - berries: strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and whatever you have. I cover them with honey or sugar.

When fresh is not available, frozen will do. I often place such a bowl of frozen berries in the evening on a warmer shelf in the refrigerator, or I place it in the kitchen early in the morning.

Then in a high container I beat the berries with fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir. I take what I have, in any proportions. But I keep fermented baked milk or kefir in stock, in case someone wants to drink something tasty instead of scooping it out with a spoon.

If the berries have seeds (cherries, dogwoods) - I warn you. And if you want to eat yogurt with pieces of fruit, then I just beat cottage cheese with something, and then add berries and fruits.

Children, of course, should remove the seeds from the berries. If there is no hurry, you can take out the seeds for everyone else you are going to treat with homemade yogurt. It's up to you.

I use it more readily fermented milk products not store-bought, but prepared at home, in a yogurt maker. I prepare bifivit, yogurt, acidolact, vitalact, symbilact or streptosan based on bacterial starters.

It’s always easy, fresh and fast, and most importantly – healthy. A salvation for those who don’t like cottage cheese (it’s almost invisible in yogurt). But you can do it without cottage cheese, with sour cream.

Tasty. They won’t refuse such yoghurts. Even if they are in a hurry.

This creation helps me out in the heat when my grandson doesn’t want to eat. I played outside, popped in for a minute, and then the yogurt was ready. He knocked over the glass and ran off for a walk again.

This yogurt can be prepared without honey or sugar. Then too sour berries are not desirable.

What is important: we prepare a little - for the “here and now”. Especially in the heat. If you want more, we prepare something fresh.

I wrote in great detail and intelligibly about what and how I prepare the original “pure” yogurt in the article ““. Come in, read, study and use it for your health. You can add nuts, honey, cocoa, cinnamon, nuts to this homemade yogurt - in a word, everything you like, and in the proportions you like.

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To the post “For those who don’t want to stand at the stove, homemade yogurt” 14 comments

    Very simple and tasty! Apples with honey are also very tasty. To make the cottage cheese tastier, mix it with pudding or condensed milk. But so simple, tasty and healthy recipes somehow we didn’t think of it ourselves)
    Thanks, tweeted.

    I also have a yogurt maker, I only use it for activiyu ferment and some kind of German store-bought yogurt. It worked, but I want variety. Enlighten the foolish: bifivit, acidolakt, vitalakt - pharmaceutical starters? Or can you also find it in a store with a certain amount of persistence?

  1. I use store-bought yogurt, since I don’t have the necessary equipment. Just like you, Irina, I love such fruit and berry “tricks.” Although I love to cook, I really don’t want to eat “heavy” food in thirty-degree heat. Our family also “leans” on cold drinks.

  2. The easiest way to make real yogurt is in a yogurt maker. But if it is not possible to buy a device, then you can do it as I did before: boiled (in no case heated it, but boiled it, otherwise it wouldn’t be yogurt, but curdled milk) a liter of milk, poured it into liter jar, cooled to 40 degrees, poured in 1 jar of Activia or Biomax, mixed thoroughly, closed the lid, wrapped the jar in a towel and covered it with an old hat. I left it overnight (so as not to shake and disturb the leaven), for about six hours.
    The finished yogurt is dense, does not spill out of the jar, and when stirred has a specific consistency: it “stretches” slightly. But to see this, you need to mix the finished yogurt thoroughly. Now I cook in a yogurt maker: it’s convenient because there are portioned jars and, most importantly, the temperature is maintained. But if you just do it in a bank, following the technology, it’s exactly the same. The only drawback: there is never enough of it 🙂 - the family gets swept away in the fight 🙂
    And in the heat, as you write, this is generally a salvation even with store-bought ones, which, by the way, are too high in calories and expensive, by the way, and cannot be compared. Thanks for the “delicious” post :)

    Just like everything else, mix and the yogurt is ready. Basically, I beat cottage cheese with berries in a blender; for some reason my daughter likes to spread this mixture on black bread. Thanks for such a simple recipe.

    We usually don’t buy store-bought yoghurts, but make them ourselves. I decided to try natural starter cultures Iprovit
    I was captivated by the fact that they consist entirely of natural bacteria, no thickeners or preservatives.
    The price is also very affordable, only 7.50 UAH per bottle, which can be used for 3 liters of milk.
    The package included a handy booklet that explained everything. There are starters that lower cholesterol levels, for children as first complementary foods, to normalize digestion, and others.
    I make yoghurts according to this recipe:
    One bottle of starter is enough for 1-3 liters of milk.
    I take ultra-pasteurized milk, fat content 3.2, heat it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees
    I add a small amount of milk to the bottle with the starter, mix until completely dissolved and pour into the rest of the milk.
    I do all this in a yogurt maker, you can also do it in a thermos, slow cooker or saucepan (the old fashioned way)
    That's it, after 6 hours the yogurt is ready
    Berries, fruits, nuts can be added to taste.
    Do you buy yoghurts or make them yourself?

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Curd and yoghurt The diet is a very simple, pleasant, weight loss system accessible to everyone. This low-cost method of losing excess weight in a relatively short period of time is especially suitable for those who do not have enough time to prepare any dietary dishes.

Duration curd and yogurt diets is only seven days, in this short period of time you easily get rid of 4-5 kilograms excess weight. For many people who want to lose weight, this result is quite acceptable, and for those who decide to continue to “get slimmer,” such a system will become a good preparatory step before starting a more serious shake-up for the body in the future.

Curd and yoghurt The diet falls into the category of low-calorie diets with the consumption of large amounts of foods containing protein. Thanks to this diet, this diet is quite easily tolerated and does not cause various inconveniences.

Main ingredients curd and yogurt diets are only two very useful product- This low-fat cottage cheese and diet yogurt. With the purchase of fresh low-fat cottage cheese no problems usually arise, because in supermarkets and any stores it is very easy to find industrially produced low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese with a reduced fat content. But with the acquisition diet yogurt you need to tinker in order to choose exactly the option that will best meet all the requirements curd and yogurt diets. He's under no circumstances must not contain starchy inclusions, Sahara, sweeteners and others preservatives. The most the best option for such is homemade yogurt, that is, one that is prepared by you only at home. For his proper preparation Requires natural sourdough without added sugar. It is allowed to use a small amount of finely chopped fresh low-calorie fruit to give the drink the desired taste and color.

Among the main advantages curd and yogurt diet, it should be noted that weight loss is mandatory, and during the entire diet you will not have attacks of unpleasant discomfort in gastrointestinal tract, some health problems.

Besides great content in the diet calcium and protein will improve state bone And muscle tissue, teeth, nails And skin. Yogurt prepared by you yourself at home will help bring all functions back to normal. gastrointestinal apparatus, normalization and restoration of the biocenosis of the large intestine. Daily diet curd and yogurt diets enough simple and should definitely please those people who don’t want to see themselves at the stove all day, preparing the next masterpiece of a dietary dish.

Unlike many other popular diets, curd and yoghurt The diet is a cost-effective diet, because its diet does not include expensive foods that can quite empty the family budget even in seven days.

Before introducing you to a simple menu diet curd and yogurt diets It should be noted that preparing one dish for each main meal comes down to the easy and uncomplicated procedure of mixing yogurt with the required amount of cottage cheese. This mixing should be done in a wide container with high sides, in which, using a mixer or a simple fork, two main ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Drinking regime curd and yogurt is also not complicated, you can drink unsweetened tea or natural coffee, canteen mineral water, does not contain gas, any herbal infusions without the addition of natural honey. However, strict taboo superimposed to drink any juices.

Sample daily diet menu curd and yogurt diets

First breakfast:

  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • one cup natural coffee sugarless.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a decoction of mint, lemon balm, currant leaves with the addition of one teaspoon of natural honey.

Afternoon snack:

  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and six tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • one cup of unsweetened green tea with a few drops of lemon juice.

An elegant curd and yogurt cake with strawberries combines a delicate base layer, a “weightless” light layer and a large amount of gelled berries that preserve characteristic taste, aroma and freshness. An unsteady, cool dessert without glaze, thick cream and other confectionery additives is very useful on summer days - it refreshes, tones and allows you to successfully use the seasonal harvest.

Optional sponge cake can be replaced with a base of shortbread cookies and oils according to the cooking principle; store-bought or home-made syrup soaked in syrup is also suitable here. Strawberries can be completely replaced with other seasonal berries, and in winter, canned fruits will come in handy.


For the crust:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • baking powder - ½ teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

For the curd-yogurt layer:

  • cottage cheese (preferably from 9%) - 450 g;
  • drinking natural yogurt(without additives) - 200 g;
  • cream from 33% - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 130 g (or to taste);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • powdered gelatin - 25 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g.

For registration:

  • strawberry jelly for cake - 1-2 bags;
  • strawberries - 300-400 g.

How to prepare a crust for a curd-yogurt cake

  1. Distribute the egg whites and yolks into different clean and perfectly dry bowls. Beat the protein mass, gradually adding half the amount of sugar. To achieve stable peaks, use the mixer until the mass becomes stronger. When the bowl is turned over, properly whipped whites should remain firmly in place and not slide down the walls.
  2. Next, beat the yolk mixture with vanilla sugar and the rest of the regular sugar. We work with the mixer for at least 5 minutes - the mass should noticeably lighten, “grow” and thicken.
  3. Add the yolks in small parts to the bowl with the whites, mixing from bottom to top with light swirling movements.
  4. Having mixed flour, baking powder and starch, sift into the “airy” egg mass in 3 additions. Each time we mix in the flour mixture carefully from bottom to top. It is important not to upset the fluffy dough!
  5. For convenience, we line the bottom of the springform pan (in this example with a diameter of 22 cm) with parchment paper. Spread the dough and level the surface. Having preheated the oven, bake the sponge cake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Hold for 15-20 minutes (until a dry match).
  6. Ready biscuit base let cool. We go along the walls with a knife, and then remove the cake. We rinse and wipe dry the split board, place it on a plate, lining the walls with parchment. Dip the cake into the container and pour over the impregnation - a mixture of sugar and boiling water, cooled to room temperature.

    Curd and yoghurt cake - assembly

  7. Combine cottage cheese with sweet powder and vanilla sugar. Grind with an immersion blender.
  8. Pour in natural unsweetened yogurt and again work with the immersion attachment until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  9. Pour gelatin into 100 ml of cold drinking water. Leave to swell.
  10. Separately, beat the chilled cream until thickened.
  11. Add the creamy mixture to the curd-yogurt mixture and mix. Heat the swollen gelatin until the powder dissolves (do not boil!). Allow the gelatin solution to cool slightly, and then pour it into the curd-yogurt cream in a thin stream with continuous stirring.
  12. Strawberries (200 g), washed, dried and removed, cut into arbitrary pieces. Mix with cream.
  13. Pour the curd mixture onto the biscuit, level it and put it in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  14. To decorate the dessert, choose strawberries of approximately the same size. Cut into thin slices and place in a circle on the frozen curd-yogurt layer.
  15. First, fill the strawberries with a small amount of jelly and put them in the refrigerator - this is necessary to fix the berries.
  16. When the thin layer “sets”, pour the remaining jelly on top and again place the dessert on the refrigerator shelf - wait for the final layer to harden.
  17. Next, unfasten and remove the side, carefully remove the paper.
  18. Enjoy delicate taste curd and yogurt cake with strawberries!

Bon appetit!

Per 100 g: 118 kcal, proteins - 19 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 3 g


Cottage cheese 0% - 170 g

Gelatin - 10 g

Egg - 1 piece

Cocoa powder - 2 tsp. l.

Sweetener to taste


In a blender, mix cottage cheese, gelatin (dissolved in water according to the recipe indicated on the package), cocoa powder, sweetener. Separate the yolk from the white, add the yolk to the curd mass, and beat the white into a foam. Add the protein to the main mass and mix.

Pour into a container and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

2. Curd blancmange with fruit: a light and delicious dessert!

Per 100 g: 67 kcal, proteins - 9 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 5 g


Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g

Natural yogurt - 0.5 tbsp

Milk 1% - 0.5 tbsp

Pineapples - 200 g (canned)

Gelatin - 15 g

Vanillin - 10 g

Sweetener - to taste


We dilute gelatin in cold milk. After 20 minutes, heat it until the swollen granules dissolve. Combine cottage cheese with yogurt, vanilla and sweetener. Whisk. Mix with the cooled gelatin-milk mass. Chop canned pineapples into cubes. We put our dessert in any mold and put it in the refrigerator to harden. In 5 hours our blancmange will be ready!

3. Curd marshmallows: low-calorie dessert!

Per 100 g: 68 kcal, proteins - 13 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 3 g


Low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g

Milk 1% - 300 ml

Gelatin - 25 g

Sweetener - to taste


Soak gelatin in cold milk for 10-15 minutes to swell.

Mix paste-like cottage cheese with sweetener. Heat the milk with the swollen gelatin over low heat until the latter dissolves. Don't boil! Beat with a mixer for 1 minute. Combine with cottage cheese, beat. Pour into molds lined with cling film. Let it harden in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Cut into cubes and sprinkle with cinnamon or cocoa powder if desired.

4. Curd fairy tale: PP-cheesecake

Per 100 g: 97 kcal, proteins - 10 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 8 g


Egg 5 pieces

Natural yoghurt 100 g

Low-fat cottage cheese 500 g

Oranges 2 pieces

Starch 4 tablespoons


Separate the yolks from the whites.

Beat cottage cheese, yolks, yogurt, stevia and 2 tablespoons of starch until smooth.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently mix with the cottage cheese.

Place the prepared curd mass in a baking dish and smooth it out.

Peel the oranges, remove the seeds and white partitions, place them in a blender, add the rest of the starch and beat well. Pour on top of the curd mixture.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes.

Cool directly in the pan and cut into portions.

5. Curd roll with banana: fitness dessert

Per 100 g: 114 kcal, proteins - 11 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 15 g


Oatmeal 5 tbsp. l.

Low-fat cottage cheese 300 g

Two small bananas 200 g

Egg 1 pc.

Stevia to taste


1. Dough: grind the flakes into flour. Combine cottage cheese, stevia, flour and egg. Knead the dough. It sticks slightly to your hands. Divide into 2 parts, for 2 bananas.

2. Roll out the dough, not very thin.

3. Place the banana closer to one of the edges and wrap it in a roll, pinching the edges.

4. Grease a baking sheet with oil. We spread the deliciousness and send it to a preheated oven. Bake for 20 - 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

6. Pancakes with cottage cheese: you can’t find a better breakfast!

Per 100 g: 165 kcal, proteins - 10 g, fats - 7 g, carbohydrates - 15 g


Kefir 1% - 200 ml

Low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g

Whole grain flour - 9 tbsp. l

Soda - 0.5 tsp

Egg - 2 pcs

Olive oil - 30 ml

Vanillin - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Beat the eggs with the sweetener with a fork, add kefir and soda, mix. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then add cottage cheese and flour. Beat with a blender until smooth. Place a spoonful of pancakes into a frying pan with oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

7. Curd cream: sweet joy for the figure

This cream is ideal both as part of a proper cake and as a self-sufficient dessert! Very tender and tasty!

Per 100 g: 110 kcal, proteins - 14 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 7 g


Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g (not sour)

Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l

Milk 1% - 100 ml

Vanillin - 0.5 tsp

Sweetener - to taste

Nuts - to taste


Place cottage cheese, cocoa, sweetener and just a little milk (by eye) into a blender and mix everything until a homogeneous creamy consistency is formed. Place in bowls, sprinkle with nuts and place in the refrigerator until hardened and cooled.

In 1-2 hours chocolate dessert will be ready to eat.

Bon appetit!

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