Home Drinks and cocktails Homemade gooseberry wine, simple recipes. How to make black gooseberry wine

Homemade gooseberry wine, simple recipes. How to make black gooseberry wine

It is no secret that wine is rightfully considered one of the best alcoholic drinks. Not a single feast is complete without this sparkling drink, which excites the blood and uplifts the mood.

We are used to drinking this amazing drink made from grapes. It turns out that it can be prepared from a variety of fruits, and in terms of quality it is not inferior to grape wine.

Gooseberry wine with the addition of various fruits is especially successful. It turns out fragrant and tender.

And if you diversify it with other berries, the finished drink will sparkle with new colors, and the taste will turn out to be rich. How can you refuse such a wine? It is easy to cook, even a beginner can make it, as long as there is a proven recipe at hand.

Winemakers advise making wine from ripe gooseberries. It tastes almost indistinguishable from a grape drink, but it is no less useful.

Reference! Gooseberries contain B vitamins, a lot of organic acids, rich in amino acids that cleanse the body of toxic substances.

To make quality wine mature gooseberries needed:

  • It has been observed that the best wines come from varieties with large and juicy berries.
  • It is undesirable to keep the berries for a long time, it is better to immediately begin the cooking process so that the taste of the drink is not affected. It is advisable to do this within 24 hours.
  • At first, you need to carefully sort out the berries, unripe, rotten and moldy - throw them away, get rid of the rubbish.
  • It is impossible to wash the berries, so as not to eliminate the yeast on the skin of the berries. If the berries are too dirty, then wash and dry them, add a handful of dirty raisins for fermentation.

Imagine some, especially successful recipes wines based on gooseberries of various colors.

The best recipe with a unique flavor

Let's share best recipe. This wine is prepared exclusively on the basis of gooseberries, without extraneous additives, however, it compares favorably with others with its unique taste.

How is it prepared?

  1. Chopped ripe fruits of any variety are crushed and poured into the right dish, covered with gauze and left to stand out the juice.
  2. Transfer the pulp to a linen bag and squeeze the juice well. Do not throw away the pomace - pour water in a ratio of 1:10 to the initial volume of gooseberries.
  3. Grind the pomace well, squeeze it through the bag again.
  4. Add 7-8 liters of water and 1,750 - 2 kg of sugar (sugar can be replaced with honey).
  5. Pour the wort into a barrel with a water seal and keep until the end of fermentation at a temperature of 13-15 degrees.
  6. Remove from the sediment, strain, pour into bottles, stand for a month and you can enjoy the taste.

Ways without yeast

From green

Crush the berries well (you can use a rolling pin), put them in a glass container, preferably with a spacious neck, or in an enamel pan.

Since gooseberries have a higher acidity level than grapes, and the sugar content is low, you should definitely add sugar and water.

For 1.5 kg. fruits you need to take 1.5 liters of water and 1 kg. Sahara.

Sugar and water are the necessary components in the preparation of syrup:

  • Stir water with sugar, put on low heat, stirring constantly, cook for 5-10 minutes, regularly removing foam, cool, mix with berries.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly, cover with gauze so that insects do not climb into the container.
  • Put on fermentation in a room with a temperature of 17-24 degrees.

Stir the must with a wooden spatula 2-3 times a day. When the end of fermentation is found, squeeze out the pulp, pour the juice into a container.

Attention! Fill the container to 75% of the volume, since the carbon dioxide that appeared during the fermentation process will destroy the vessel. The presence of turbidity and slight sediment in the juice is within the normal range.

Close the container tightly with a hydraulic seal, having previously made a puncture in the finger of the glove.

Important! You can not allow air to penetrate inside, otherwise the drink will turn sour. A hydraulic seal is a special plug with a hole for the tube in the middle. This is necessary to remove gas from the tank.

Transfer the container to a dark room, leave to ferment for 30-40 days.

After the fermentation process is completed, the bubbles will disappear, the glove will swell, and sediment will appear on the bottom. The wine will become lighter and more transparent every day. It remains for us to clean the sediment from the wine and pour it into another container. Then move the wine to a dark room for the final maturation of 100-120 days.

Systematically, every 15-20 days, it is necessary to purify the drink by pouring it into another container using a tube until the sediment disappears. After 3 - 5 months, you can bottle the wine and cork tightly. The optimum storage temperature for gooseberry wine is 6-10 degrees.

How to make wine from green gooseberries is described in the video:

From red

A wonderful red table wine is made from ripe red gooseberries.

To make 11 liters of gooseberry wine, you need:

  • red gooseberries - 7 kg;
  • water - 3.5 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Clean the berries from debris, knead well in a way convenient for you, you can use a meat grinder.
  2. Prepare syrup from 7 cups of water and the same amount of sugar - cook for about 7 minutes, skimming from time to time. Cool the finished syrup.
  3. Boil the rest of the water and let it cool down.
  4. Pour syrup and water into a container with mashed berries, mix, cover with gauze and leave to ferment in a room at a temperature of 15-25 degrees for 4 days. Two to three times a day, use a wooden spade to stir the contents.
  5. Strain the mixture, pour into jars, close with an ordinary rubber glove, after piercing the finger of the glove. Put in a dark warm place for 35 - 45 days to ferment. During this period of time, it is necessary to add sugar twice a day.
  6. After 2 weeks from the beginning of the process, drain the wort, add 6 cups of sugar, stir well so that the sugar is completely dissolved, pour back.
    After another week, repeat this process with the remaining sugar.

If the fermentation is over, drain the wine from the sediment, transfer to a cold room in order to ripen for 80-90 days. If a precipitate appears, periodically transfuse. Pour the finished wine into prepared bottles, close, store in a dark, cool place (possibly in the basement) for no more than a year.

From black

Black gooseberry wine comes out so refined and aromatic that it can compete with any elite grape wine. There are several recipes for its manufacture.

It can be prepared according to the above recipes for making wine from green or red gooseberries, but O especially delicious wine can be obtained using the following recipe.


  • 3 kilograms of black gooseberries
  • 1 - 2 liters of purified water
  • 80 - 90 ml. wine yeast.

First you need to sort out the berries, throw out the garbage and spoiled berries.

The berries should not be washed, as the "wild yeast" necessary for fermentation will be washed off.

  1. Spread the fabric, evenly sprinkle selected healthy berries on it, leave to dry for 5-6 days, systematically turning the berries over.
  2. Mash the berries, add water, stir.
  3. Introduce wine yeast, for 1 kg of berries it is customary to take 25 - 30 grams of yeast.
  4. Close the container with a glove with a hole in the finger so that gases are expelled through it.
  5. After about 12-16 days, fermentation will be completed (the glove will swell, the sediment will stick to the bottom, the wine will clear up). During the entire fermentation period, it is necessary to mix the mash every day with a wooden shovel.
  6. If the wine is very dry, you can add a little sugar, then drain the drink into another container and let it stand in a warm place for about 30-40 days - for clarification.
  7. Every 7-12 days systematic transfusions of wine are necessary.
  8. Pour into bottles, close tightly and send to ripen in a cold, well-ventilated room, this will take approximately 100-120 days.
  9. Pour the finished aromatic wine into containers, close hermetically and send for long-term storage.

Reference! To diversify the taste of gooseberry wine, to give different shades of taste, it is customary to add other berries or products to the main product. Here are some of these recipes.

The video tells about the technology for making red wine from black gooseberries:

With the addition of red currant


  • 3 kg gooseberries,
  • 1 kg currant,
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 3 liters of water.


  1. Sort the berries and crush them thoroughly.
  2. From 2 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water, boil the syrup, cool.
  3. Put the berries in an enameled container, pour them with the cooled syrup.
  4. Cover the container with gauze and ferment for 6 - 7 days, while not forgetting to mix daily with a wooden shovel.
  5. After the completion of the fermentation process, pour the liquid into a cleaned container, install a hydraulic seal.
  6. After a week, it is necessary to drain the brightened wine from the sediment and pour it into containers.

Leave the young wine to mature for 70-90 days in a cool and dry place. During this period, fully open taste qualities and the aroma of wine.

With black currant

We need:

  • 6 kg gooseberries,
  • 2 kg blackcurrant,
  • 7 kg sugar
  • 6 liters of water.


  1. Prepare the berries, chop them well.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar, cool, pour berries.
  3. Cover tightly with gauze and leave to ferment for 6 to 10 days, stirring regularly with a wooden shovel.
  4. If the fermentation process is over, pour the drink into another container, install a hydraulic lock, leave 5-7 days until the final completion of the fermentation process.
  5. Pour the drink into bottles, place in a cold room for 45-55 days.

How to make fragrant gooseberry wine with the addition of currants and raspberries is described in the video:

Simple Method

For getting 20 liters of delicious dry wine necessary:

  • 6 kg. gooseberry,
  • 6 liters of water
  • 6 kg. Sahara,
  • wine yeast.

Reference! Instead of wine yeast, you can add 2 green apples.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Sort through the berries, take only healthy ones, do not wash.
  2. Knead thoroughly, put all the sugar and 4.5 liters of water, add the remaining 2 liters later.
  3. Mix everything well and fill in the prepared container.
  4. Add wine yeast, if not, then take 2 green apples, peel them from the middle with pits, chop and add instead of yeast.
  5. We cover the container with a water seal, put it in a dark room for 5-7 days, put it on fermentation.
  6. After that, pour the liquid into a cleaned vessel, and again put it on fermentation, for about 45-60 days.
  7. During this period of time, gradually, 100 ml per day, every week we add cold water. In total, it should take 2 liters of water.
  8. After fermentation is complete, drain from the sediment, strain and pour into bottles.

Place the bottles in a cool place for 50 days. For this purpose, a basement or other cold room is suitable.

With honey

This recipe is original in that it contains no sugar at all, instead of it there is honey.

For 3 kg of gooseberries, 0.3 liters of honey and 0.3 kg of bread are needed.


  1. Prepare berries, mash cold water pour berries.
  2. Spread bread slices with honey and mix with berries.
  3. Put a hydraulic seal on the neck, place in a dark place for 100 - 120 days.

Drain the finished wine, filter, pour into containers, close tightly, place in a cool place.

About the benefits and proper use of the drink

Homemade gooseberry wine is very valuable, it contains a wide range of healing substances.

It helps to restore the salt balance in the body, significantly stimulates digestion, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

But in order for wine to bring only benefits to the body, it must be consumed in moderation:

  • women can take 1 glass of wine per day,
  • men - 2 glasses.

Attention! This wine is contraindicated for pregnant women and adolescents.

As you can see, making gooseberry wine is easy. Anyone can handle this, it is not at all necessary to be a professional winemaker to make this drink, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. There is one more condition - do everything with love!

A little work, but in a few months you will be drinking a delicious aromatic drink, and your work will be rewarded.

One of the ancient legends says: after tasting wine, a person feels light, like a bird soaring in the sky, whoever does not stop there becomes bold like a lion, who even this is not enough, becomes like a donkey.

Important! Up to 60 percent of cirrhosis of the liver is due to alcohol abuse, dependence does not arise from drinking bad wine, but from the abuse of good.

Use wine wisely, treat your relatives and friends, be healthy!

Gooseberry wine, which many people make at home, resembles white wine from southern grape varieties with its bouquet. Despite the fact that it acquires full maturity only after a year, or even a year and a half, the wine is very popular among winemakers. Moreover, the fermentation process is quite fast, and you can drink young gooseberry wine without waiting until it acquires the noble shades characteristic of good grape wines.

Technology Features

Gooseberry wine can be prone to disease. If you violate the technology of its preparation, as a result, it can acquire the smell of rotten eggs. It is impossible to drink such a drink, so all the work of the winemaker will go to waste. To prevent this from happening, you need to know some subtleties.

  • Gooseberries for wine should not be taken overripe. The fact is that this berry quickly becomes moldy and deteriorates. Just ripened gooseberries are suitable for winemaking, and even they need to be carefully sorted out so as not to leave a single spoiled berry or stuck leaves.
  • Washing gooseberries is not recommended: they make excellent wine without the addition of wine yeast, if wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the berries.
  • It is not worth postponing the start of making gooseberry wine until tomorrow, because during storage it loses its aroma, which will cause the bouquet of future wine to suffer. You need to process the berry on the same day that it was harvested.
  • It is unacceptable to strongly dilute gooseberry juice with water, as this will greatly increase the risk of must disease. The maximum allowable amount of water is twice the volume of pure juice obtained from gooseberries. If you want to get more wine from a small amount of gooseberries, it is better to dilute its juice with currant or apple.

Any wines are obtained from gooseberries, but dessert wines are most valued.

Gooseberry dessert wine: a classic recipe

  • gooseberries - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After going through the gooseberries, mash them with a wooden pestle.
  • Cook the syrup from the total amount of sugar and water indicated in the recipe.
  • Pour the berry with syrup that has cooled to 30 degrees.
  • Cover with cheesecloth and leave to ferment to improve juice separation. Every 8 hours, the mass must be well mixed to avoid souring.
  • After 2 days, squeeze the pulp and pour the wort into a clean, dry bottle with a narrow neck. Install a water seal on it. In the absence of such, it is not forbidden to use a rubber glove with a pierced finger - the main thing is that the place of its junction with the neck of the bottle is well smeared and does not let air through.
  • After the end of fermentation, do not rush to pour the wine into bottles - it must also settle. When the sediment goes down, and the wine itself becomes transparent, then it's time to bottle it.

Bottles of gooseberry wine should be stored in a horizontal position in a room where the temperature does not exceed 18 degrees.

Gooseberry wine with lemon

  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sprinkle well-mashed berries with sugar in the amount of 0.75 kg. Let stand for 30 minutes in a warm place, cover with water.
  • Place this mass in a fermentation tank and keep it under a water seal for 10 days.
  • Cut the lemons into slices, cover with the remaining sugar and let it brew for half an hour in a glass jar.
  • After 10 days, put the lemons with sugar into the must bottle through the funnel, return the water seal to its place.
  • After another 10 days, pour the wine through a straw into another bottle, trying not to get the pulp into a clean bottle. Close the water seal and wait for the end of fermentation.
  • Drain from the sediment, filter well, pour into a bottle, cork it well and place in a cool place for 2-3 weeks until completely clarified.
  • Drain again from the sediment and strain, bottle.

According to this recipe, you can get a dessert wine with a pronounced sweet and sour taste, very aromatic.

Gooseberry honey wine

  • gooseberries - 5 kg;
  • bread - 0.5 kg;
  • honey - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the gooseberries, pour the whole berries into a bottle.
  • Fill the berries with water, close the bottle with a water seal and put in a warm place.
  • After 4 months, cut the bread into small pieces, spread honey on each. Dip the pieces in the bottle into the wort. Install the water seal in its original place. We leave to wander for another 4 months.
  • After the specified time, drain the liquid from the sediment and strain several times, bottle.

The process of making wine according to this recipe cannot be called short, but the result is worth the wait.

Blend of gooseberries and red currants

  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Boil and cool the syrup.
  • Pass the gooseberries and currants through a meat grinder.
  • Pour berry puree with syrup, cover with a cloth and put in heat for a week. Stir twice a day so that the berry does not sour.
  • Pour into a bottle where the wort will ferment, install a water seal.
  • Fermentation will take 7-10 days. After its completion, the wine must be drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into a clean bottle for settling. The wine should settle for three months in a cool place in a well-closed container.
  • Pour, filtered, into bottles.

This is one of the most quick options making gooseberry wine at home.

Sparkling wine from their gooseberries

  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the sorted, but not washed berries into a bottle, cover with sugar, fill with water heated to 35 degrees.
  • Close the bottle with a water seal and place in a warm place for 40 days.
  • Drain from the sediment, strain, bottle.
  • Cork the bottles and place in the refrigerator for a month.

Homemade wine made according to this recipe resembles champagne. long storage it is not subject.

Gooseberries on cognac

  • gooseberries - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • cognac - 0.5 l;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and wash the berries, crush them and put in the cold.
  • After 4 days, squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Add 1 liter of water to the pulp, stir well and squeeze it again. Combine the juices of the first and second extraction.
  • Add sugar to juice and stir. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
  • Cover the container with cheesecloth and leave to ferment. Stir the liquid twice a day, add 100 ml of water to it every other day.
  • After 2.5–3 months, when intensive fermentation is over, drain the wort from the sediment and pour into a bottle with a water seal.
  • Leave the wine to ferment and settle for another 3-4 months, then filter, mix with cognac and leave for another month.

The drink according to this recipe is unusual in taste and stronger than other gooseberry wines.

The range of wines that can be made from gooseberries at home is quite wide: from champagne to fortified. Dessert wines are especially popular classic recipe and blended wines.

Such alcoholic drink how wine is one of the most popular drinks that can be produced at home. However, many are accustomed to the fact that grapes are the main raw material, but this is not entirely true, wine can also be prepared on the basis of other juicy and fragrant berries, for example, currants, cherries, gooseberries, etc.

As for the latter, gooseberries are very tasty and useful berry. It consists of minerals, organic acids, trace elements. These small berries are perfect for making natural drinks such as juices, liqueurs, tinctures and, of course, wine.

Gooseberry wine is quite in demand and popular, because it turns out to be of high quality. This drink is able to conquer with its unique aroma, and in taste it resembles wine from grapes.

Wine prepared at home according to the following recipe will pleasantly surprise you with a combination of sweet taste and rich aroma.

gooseberry dessert wine recipe

  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.


First, mash the berries with a spoon, put in a glass container. After that, proceed to the preparation of sugar syrup, namely, dissolve sugar in the indicated amount of water. Add the resulting liquid to the berry mixture, mix everything well, cover the container with gauze and leave for a week at a temperature of 16-18 C.

Please note that in the container it is necessary to leave at least 1/5 of the container free so that the juice that is released during fermentation does not overflow. In addition, to avoid the formation of mold, it is necessary to stir the drink two to three times every day with a wooden spoon. Then separate the juice from our berry mass, pour it into another container, put a water seal and leave to ferment for a month and a half.

After that, the young wine must be filtered, poured into another container, corked, or put a water seal again and put it again for 2 months in a cool place.

Here is the simplest and affordable recipe gooseberry wine at home.

Wine recipe with gooseberries and currants

For cooking you need:

  • Gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • Redcurrant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Water - 3 liters.


Berries must be sorted out, washed, passed through a meat grinder. Then prepare syrup from water and sugar, add to the berry mass. Pour our drink into a container, filling it ¾ parts and place for a week in a warm place for a week. Stir periodically. After that, the wine must be drained into another bottle, put a water seal on it. The fermentation process itself lasts for another week, as a result, sediment forms at the bottom of the container, and the wine brightens. Pour the wine into bottles and put away for two to three months for aging.

Recipe for gooseberry wine with beets

For cooking you will need:

  • Red gooseberry 30 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Cold water - 15 l;
  • Red beets - 400 g;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Red wine stone - 40 g.

First, mash the gooseberries, add cold water, filter our drink with cheesecloth. Pour the gooseberry juice into the barrel, add sugar, red beets, cut into circles, a bottle of vodka and red cream of tartar. Now you need to give our wine time to ferment, then strain and bottle it.

yellow gooseberry wine recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 6 kg of yellow gooseberries;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 4 lemons;
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


Ripe golden-colored berries must be washed, chopped with a pusher, add 1 kg of sugar, water. Close the container with a breathable stopper and leave at a temperature of 20-22 C for 10 days. Then add another 4 kg of sugar (pour off part of the wort and dissolve the sugar in it, also add the zest of four lemons and squeezed lemon juice).

Put the resulting mixture under a water seal, hold until the end of the fermentation process. Then remove the wine from the sediment and strain, the cake must be squeezed out and discarded. Keep the wine poured into a clean container for 2 days in a cool place. And the last stage of preparation is the process of removing the sediment and bottling.

Unripe gooseberry wine recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 5 kg of unripe gooseberries;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • wine yeast
  • 10 liters of water.

Rinse the gooseberries, chop them with a crusher, add sugar and wine yeast, keep at room temperature for 10 days. Add another 4 kg of sugar, dissolve it first in part of the must, after which put our wine under a water lock and wait until the fermentation process is over. Then remove the wine from the sediment, strain and place for another two days in a cool place.

Now it remains for you to remove the wine from the sediment again, pour it into clean bottles and put it in storage.

So, if gooseberry bushes grow in your garden, now you know what you can cook in addition to a drink or jam. This wine will perfectly complement any holiday, suitable for any company and will pleasantly surprise your friends and relatives.

Don't be afraid to experiment and enjoy your wine!

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Without a doubt, wine is the most common drink that is prepared at home. After all, everyone has at hand, even in winter period, there may be a few berries or fruits, squeezing which you can make a miracle drink. Without a doubt, grapes are the main raw material for wine, but a drink made from other berries is valued much higher, often being much sweeter and more palatable.

There are a lot of simple recipes for making gooseberry wines, from honey to raspberry, but the main ingredient is gooseberry - a sweet berry with sourness, containing many B vitamins. In addition, it contains trace elements and organic acids, the combination of which creates such an unusual taste, remotely reminiscent of kiwi.

About the drink

Gooseberries have many varieties that ripen at different stages of a sunny summer, so wine from this berry can be made all summer long, as it ripens. Gooseberry wine at home almost always turns out well, even for novice masters. In appearance, taste and smell, this wine is close to white grape, sherry - it is not for nothing that gooseberries are called northern grapes.

Wine made from Indian gooseberries is called amla.

Benefit: restores the supply of B vitamins in case of their deficiency in the body; contains pectin and amino acids, with the help of which it exclusively cleanses the body of industrial poisons and various toxins.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, age restrictions.

General cooking rules:

  • Homemade gooseberry wine is made from ripe, but not overripe, yellow, green or red berries. Bad berries with mold, rot, or underripe can ruin the whole thing.
  • It is not worth storing the collected berries, it is better to use them immediately, but if for some reason this is not possible, the maximum period of “idle” berries is 24 hours.

If the raw materials are clean, then you should not wash them, but if the berries have even the slightest hint of contamination (for example, they fell during the harvest), then it is better to wash them and dry them thoroughly. Since after that there will be no wild yeast left on the skin of the berries, and the recipes provide for the preparation of a drink without yeast (wine or bakery), then simply add a handful of unwashed raisins to the composition from the initial stage, which will solve the problem of fermentation of future wine.

Inventory and containers that will be used in the process are best sterilized, or at least poured over with boiling water and allowed to dry. Metal utensils (inventory) cannot be used at any of the stages of making wine.

The strength of the finished unfortified wine is approximately 11-12%, fortified - 25-27%. Gooseberry wine is kept cool for no more than a year, fortified wine can be stored for up to 2 years.

Homemade gooseberry wine is served chilled to the table.

Preparation of berries, fermentation

To begin with, the collected gooseberries need to be carefully sorted out, get rid of rotten berries, sick with fungal diseases, and remove rubbish. Then they need to be mashed, crushed to the maximum to get the juice. Gooseberries give juice very poorly, so the pulp remaining after pressure can be left for 2-3 days in a cold place and only after that it is pressed, squeezing out the remaining juice. It is safer to do this: squeeze the juice in full, and pour the pulp with water (part of the recipe, at your discretion, but you need to remember this amount of water), add any sourdough with yeast and put in a warm place for 2-3 days.

The initial fermentation will destroy the fiber and then there will be more juice, and it will be more aromatic. But the pulp, which should collect on the surface, must be stirred several times a day so that it does not become moldy.

It is important to use glass or enameled dishes at all stages of wine preparation, and in no case metal ones - the juice will darken upon contact with metal, and the wine will turn out to be ugly.

  • Sourdough can be prepared independently from the same gooseberries.
  • To do this, you need to get a glass of hop cones, pour them with 2 glasses of water and boil for 15 minutes.
  • After that, still hot hop water should be filtered, add 3 tablespoons of sugar or glucose, mix well and let cool to room temperature.
  • After that, add a glass of unwashed, crushed gooseberries to the syrup (and this is best done in a jar), tie the neck of the jar with a dense, clean cloth and leave it in a warm place until fermentation begins.
  • Periodically, the starter can be shaken.

Setting the wort for fermentation, rapid fermentation

After fermentation, the gooseberry juice, already strained from the pulp, must be poured into a clean, dry glass or enameled container, where a water seal can be installed. Add sugar to it, at the rate of 300-400 g per 1 liter of juice, and water: take the right amount of sugar and add warm water (35-40 o C) to it, so that you end up with 1/3 of the pure volume of juice ( To do this, you need to measure the volume of our juice and subtract from it the amount of water that we added at the stage of fermentation).

Table for compiling 10 liters of must for making 8 liters of wine from gooseberries of "domestic" varieties with an acidity of 2.25% and a sugar content of 9%.

So, put the mixed juice with sugar syrup under a water seal and provide the must with a constant temperature necessary for rapid fermentation (for gooseberries, you can reduce the recommended temperature to +17 o C, but not lower). Next, we proceed according to the scheme described in the article about apple wine, namely: on the 4th, 7th, 10th day of fermentation, add sugar in portions, 70 g for each 1 liter of must (we dilute it in a small amount of must).

  • Of course, this is done until all the sugar in the recipe is used up. If you are preparing light table wines, then sugar can be added immediately in full.
  • When setting the must for fermentation, it should be taken into account that the must for table wines, highly diluted with water, is very prone to diseases.
  • Therefore, it is not recommended to dilute the wort with water more than twice. If the acidity still remains high (and we dilute the juice with water, first of all, to reduce the acidity of the must), water can be replaced with juice of non-acidic summer berries and fruits.
  • Often, gooseberry table wines are prepared with whitecurrant juice, but apples, pears, and other non-acidic fruits / berries are also suitable.

Technology Features

Gooseberry wine can be prone to disease. If you violate the technology of its preparation, as a result, it can acquire the smell of rotten eggs. It is impossible to drink such a drink, so all the work of the winemaker will go to waste. To prevent this from happening, you need to know some subtleties.

  • Gooseberries for wine should not be taken overripe. The fact is that this berry quickly becomes moldy and deteriorates. Just ripened gooseberries are suitable for winemaking, and even they need to be carefully sorted out so as not to leave a single spoiled berry or stuck leaves.
  • Washing gooseberries is not recommended: they make excellent wine without the addition of wine yeast, if wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the berries.
  • It is not worth postponing the start of making gooseberry wine until tomorrow, because during storage it loses its aroma, which will cause the bouquet of future wine to suffer. You need to process the berry on the same day that it was harvested.
  • It is unacceptable to strongly dilute gooseberry juice with water, as this will greatly increase the risk of must disease. The maximum allowable amount of water is twice the volume of pure juice obtained from gooseberries. If you want to get more wine from a small amount of gooseberries, it is better to dilute its juice with currant or apple.

Any wines are obtained from gooseberries, but dessert wines are most valued.

Quiet fermentation of gooseberry wine

Vigorous fermentation with wild yeast lasts about 3-4 weeks. After that, a yeast, protein precipitate should fall out, the water seal will stop blowing bubbles, and the match, when brought to the wort, will stop going out. We recommend that you wait another week so that the wine becomes as light as possible, but do not delay it, because after 10-14 days the yeast will begin to decompose and an unpleasant bitter aftertaste will be transferred to the wine.

So, the fermented, partially clarified must must be removed from the sediment and poured into a clean, dry container again, a water seal installed and sent to the cellar (any cool place with a temperature of about 12 o C) for about a month and a half. This is the stage of the so-called silent fermentation.

Wine made from the Indian gooseberry, known as amla.

  • During this time, the wine should be completely clarified, and fermentation should be completed completely.
  • We try, add sugar if desired and pour into clean bottles almost to the very neck.
  • In bottles, homemade gooseberry wine can be kept for another month and a half until it is fully ripened, and only after that it can be served at the table.
  • By the way, if it seems to you that the drink is still carbonated, pour it into a saucepan and heat it to 60 o C to remove carbon dioxide.
  • However, a longer exposure of wine in a cool place will do the same in a natural way.

Our wine can be stored at room temperature for 1 to 1.5 years (it will last much longer in the cellar, but it is believed that after one year of storage it begins to lose its taste). As mentioned earlier, dessert and strong gooseberry wines have a great sherry taste. Table wine, on the other hand, has a sharp taste with a specific aftertaste, for an amateur, in general.

Easy Gooseberry Wine Recipe

Mentally divide a three-liter jar into 3 parts and fill it with 1/3 of the volume with gooseberries, then 1/3 of sugar and carefully, along the walls of the jar, so as not to break through the layer of sugar with a jet, add water to the hangers in a thin stream. Then cover with a plastic lid and put on a window or table in the kitchen. The gooseberries must be very ripe and should not be washed, only rinsed, otherwise the wine yeast will be washed away.

If the gooseberries are sweet, then the amount of sugar can be reduced and berries can be added.

  • Slow fermentation lasts an average of about a month (depending on the room temperature). The berries will shrivel and float, the sugar will be used up.
  • After that, strain the wine through a x / 6 cloth into bottles, cork with corks and let it reach a cold place (cellar, underground, refrigerator) for another month and a half.
  • The wine picks up the bouquet and clarifies. Amazing taste and aroma! If the gooseberries are not green, a pinch of citric or ascorbic acid can be added to preserve the color of the wine and not stored in sunlight.

traditional recipe

Prepared in two stages:

  • preliminary fermentation of the pulp (1-1.5 weeks);
  • fermentation of wine (1.5-2 months).

The result is achieved much faster if you use wine yeast concentrate homemade. Best obtained when using raspberries, sea buckthorn or grapes. In a mayonnaise jar in layers, sprinkling with sugar, fold the berries, close with a loose cotton swab wrapped in gauze, and put in a warm sunny place.

After a few days (usually 5-7), the juice will stand out, the berries will settle, the mixture will foam. So the yeast is ready. If the wine will be preparing in a few days, remove the yeast in the refrigerator.

Mash gooseberries or pass through a meat grinder, place the resulting pulp in a bottle, add homemade wine yeast, sugar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for each 1 liter of pulp, mix, close with a cotton plug and put in a warm, dry place. When the berries emerge with an almost dry cap, strain the contents of the bottle through several layers of gauze, squeeze out the pulp and leave part of it for sourdough - for a new batch of yeast (if they are needed again), adding sugar (1: 0) and water (1: 1) to the pulp. ).

For 1 liter of filtered liquid, add 1-1.6 liters of water and 300-350 g of sugar (less water for dessert wines, more for dry ones). Another 50 g of sugar is added to 1 liter of wort in a week and 2 weeks after the start of fermentation.

Dissolving sugar

  • Dissolve sugar in the wort cast for this purpose and introduce it as a solution. The bottle is equipped with a water seal (a rubber tube inserted into the cork of the bottle, the end of which is lowered into a jar of water).
  • You can use a rubber glove tightly tied to the neck of the bottle. The end of fermentation is determined by the cessation of the release of gas bubbles or by the dangling “sluggish” glove.
  • On average, fermentation is completed in 1.5-2 months. If the room is cold and fermentation is sluggish at the beginning of the process, it can be stimulated by throwing in 5-7 raisins at the time the sugar is added (after a week or two), so that there is no unnecessary contact with air.

The finished wine must be filtered through a thick x / 6 cloth into bottles, corked and kept for ripening and final clarification for 1.5-2 months in a cold place. At this stage, if you see fit, you can sweeten the wine by dissolving the sugar in the poured wine.

It should be remembered that semi-sweet and sweet wines are unstable and begin to ferment easily. This is dealt with by pasteurizing the bottles (30 minutes at 75°).

From the semi-finished product of wine obtained after fermentation, you can prepare "champagne" by adding half a glass for each liter lemon syrup. Pour the mixture into champagne bottles, seal and store lying down in the cellar. Wrap each bottle in a towel so that in case of rupture when high blood pressure not be injured by fragments. I recommend to start with “champagne” already experienced winemakers.

We make tincture with our own hands

Pour a glass bottle about 3/4 with gooseberries and pour vodka. Insist in a dark place for about 4 months. Cut into 3-4 slices rye bread, like on croutons, soak them with thick sugar syrup, dry on a sieve and put in bottles, close tightly and keep for another 4 months in a dark place. After that, strain the tincture through x / 6 cloth and bottle.


An easy way to make wine

Usually homemade wine is prepared with sugar syrup. You can simplify the recipe, take dry granulated sugar or even honey.

To make wine you will need:

  • Fresh gooseberries - 1.5 kg;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 kg:
  • Water for wort preparation - 1.5 liters.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Sort the gooseberries, you need only ripe fruits, without signs of spoilage, you do not need to wash them;
  2. Mash the berries with a pusher;
  3. Transfer the berry puree to a suitable container, it should be deep enough, this recipe assumes a layout of at least 5 liters;
  4. Pour the berries with half of the sugar and leave for several hours in a warm room, then fill with water;
  5. Now the wort needs to stand for 4-7 days, a cap of pulp will form on the surface, it must be stirred;
  6. After a week, strain the liquid into another container;
  7. Now it is necessary to exclude the ingress of oxygen into the fermenting drink, and at the same time provide an outlet for carbon dioxide. You can use an ordinary medical glove with a small hole, but it is better to make a water seal;
  8. Place the container in a dark place, it is important that the temperature is not lower than 16 ° C, but not more than 25 ° C, at home it can be a cellar or a cool pantry;
  9. After a week, you need to carefully mix the remaining sugar into the liquid, so the wine will turn out with a brighter taste;
  10. The cessation of the release of gas and the precipitation of sediment indicates that the young wine is ready, now it must be carefully removed from the sediment;
  11. Cork bottles with ready-made alcohol and put away for storage.

This is a recipe for a weak, dessert wine. Thanks to the gradual addition of sugar, its taste is very rich. If it is necessary to store this drink for more than a year, it should be fixed with vodka or alcohol.

Fortifying gooseberry wine

  • The alcohol content in homemade wines is usually low, 8-12° on average. To increase the degree in a natural way, you need to create special conditions, this is possible in industrial production.
  • For long-term storage homemade wine should be fixed, increase the percentage of alcohol. Usually, the introduction of alcohol or vodka is used for this, the addition of other strong alcoholic beverages is acceptable: cognac, whiskey, brandy, rum.
  • Adding vodka or alcohol stops the fermentation process. This is the final, but optional stage of winemaking. With such a natural preservative, under certain conditions, a gooseberry fortified alcoholic drink can easily stand for several years without losing its taste.
  • Mounting technology is simple. It is necessary to calculate the required amount of strong alcohol to be introduced, dilute it in part of the wine, and then mix it with the bulk. If home production wine has become your hobby - get an alcoholmeter. Then you definitely will not be mistaken in proportions.

To get fortified alcohol from gooseberries, prepare a base drink, you can use any recipe. When the fermentation process is over, you can immediately proceed to the final stage:

  1. Measure the degree of the drink, if there is no alcohol meter, then we will conditionally consider it equal to 10 °;
  2. The taste of gooseberry wine is very rich, do not interrupt it with cognac or brandy, take vodka good quality or alcohol;
  3. Now we need to calculate the amount of strong alcohol introduced - in order to bring a liter of wine to 20 °, about 500 ml of vodka must be introduced into it;
  4. Dilute strong alcohol in a small part of the wine, and then gently mix with the main drink;
  5. Now the fortified drink needs to stand for a couple of days, then you can taste it and clog it for long-term storage.

Fortified wine can be made from gooseberries with the addition of alcohol, wormwood notes and other herbs. The composition of the herbs depends on personal preference, but the presence of alcohol, sugar and herbal flavors greatly ennobles even unstable wines such as gooseberry wine.


  • For strong gooseberry table wine:
  • Wine yeast 300 g (1 sachet)
  • Sugar 1.8 kg
  • Gooseberry juice 3.5 l
  • Water 5.3 l
  • Dry bird cherry (berries) 150 g

For tincture:

  • Alcohol, purified (96%) 1.0 l
  • Herbs, dry:
  • Wormwood, alpine
  • Lemongrass
  • Melissa
  • Nutmeg
  • chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla
  • Cardamom
  • Coffee, roasted


  1. Pound all dry herbs into powder, composing the composition as you like. At the end of the infusion, you should get a strong drink with a very rich aroma and taste: Remember that they will need to add wine.
  2. Duration of preparation of strong gooseberry wine reaches two months. All this time, the alcohol tincture must be stored in a tightly closed container, in a dark place and shaken regularly. Before adding to the wine, it must be carefully filtered.
  3. For wine, prepare the berries, mash them and combine with half the sugar. Boil the water, cool it to 22 degrees, add the second part of the sugar and stir until the lumps are removed. Add water with yeast to the wort heated to the same temperature. Add cherry berries to the wort. Mix thoroughly before fermentation begins, and immediately install the shutter. After fermentation is complete, remove the wine from the sediment and add the purified liqueur. Stir and, tightly closing the container, remove the vermouth for a couple of months to ripen in a dark place. At this time, storage at room temperature is already allowed. If necessary, carry out a second removal from the sediment, after which the drink can be sealed in bottles.

Gooseberries and red currants for home winemaking

Homemade fragrant wine can be obtained from any fruit, as well as from their combinations. It turns out a unique bouquet of flavors. cook light alcoholic gooseberry and red currant drink. They are perfectly combined and emphasize the taste of each other.

Redcurrant wine in its purest form, it turns out with a rather weak, not pronounced bouquet. It is usually combined with other fruits. Gooseberries are perfect, because the ripening time of these berries is about the same.

For cooking you will need:

  • Redcurrant - 1 kg;
  • Gooseberries (red or rose variety) - 3 kg;
  • Syrup of 2 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Collect berries from the bushes, preferably on a dry day, select only ripe fruits without signs of spoilage;
  2. Weld sugar syrup– dissolve sugar in boiling water and heat at a low temperature for 5-7 minutes;
  3. Grind gooseberries and currants in any way possible;
  4. Pour the berries into a sufficiently large container and pour them with the cooled syrup;
  5. Leave the wort to ferment in a dark, cool room for about a week, stir it daily so that the liquid does not turn sour;
  6. After 7 days, strain what happened into another container, make sure that it is no more than a third full;
  7. Install a water seal and remove the container in a dark, cool room, the wine will infuse for about 2 months;
  8. After 50-60 days, the liquid will noticeably brighten, which means that it is time to pour it into bottles;
  9. Carefully remove the wine from the sediment, take a sample, bottle and cork them.

After pouring into bottles, the fermentation process does not stop, and after a while the wine will become a slightly different taste. However, do not store it for more than a year. If necessary, fix with vodka.

This recipe suggests using red currants with gooseberries, but other mild-tasting berries can be used as well.

Using Lemons as a Supplement

Home winemaking has many positive aspects. One of them is an incredible wealth of variations. You can take any recipe as a base and supplement it with various ingredients - fruits, spices, spices, strong alcohol.

Gooseberry wine is quite mild in taste, it can be made more tart with lemon juice and skins. Please note, to avoid bitterness, peel the zest very thinly. It can be prepared in advance in a sufficiently large quantity.


  • Gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • Zest and juice of 2 lemons;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Boiled water - 5 liters.


  1. iterate over fresh berries, chop them and add half the sugar, let stand for a couple of hours;
  2. Fill the berries with sugar with water and put in a cool dark place for a week, stir the wort daily;
  3. After 7 days, strain the wort, add lemon juice and zest, and sugar residues to it, install a water lock;
  4. Leave the liquid to ferment for 2 months;
  5. After the release of carbon dioxide, the wine must be removed from the sediment, and then bottled.

This is a fairly simple recipe for blended wine, in addition to lemons, you can add limes or oranges - it will turn out delicious.

Home winemaking is an exciting and rewarding hobby. Choose any recipe, harvest gooseberries and delight your loved ones with not only delicious, but also healthy drinks.


honey wine

  • gooseberries - 5 kg;
  • bread - 0.5 kg;
  • honey - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the gooseberries, pour the whole berries into a bottle.
  • Fill the berries with water, close the bottle with a water seal and put in a warm place.
  • After 4 months, cut the bread into small pieces, spread honey on each. Dip the pieces in the bottle into the wort. Install the water seal in its original place. We leave to wander for another 4 months.
  • After the specified time, drain the liquid from the sediment and strain several times, bottle.

The process of making wine according to this recipe cannot be called short, but the result is worth the wait.


  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Boil and cool the syrup.
  • Pass the gooseberries and currants through a meat grinder.
  • Pour berry puree with syrup, cover with a cloth and put in heat for a week. Stir twice a day so that the berry does not sour.
  • Pour into a bottle where the wort will ferment, install a water seal.
  • Fermentation will take 7-10 days. After its completion, the wine must be drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into a clean bottle for settling. The wine should settle for three months in a cool place in a well-closed container.
  • Pour, filtered, into bottles.

This is one of the fastest options for making gooseberry wine at home.

A sparkling wine

  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the sorted, but not washed berries into a bottle, cover with sugar, fill with water heated to 35 degrees.
  • Close the bottle with a water seal and place in a warm place for 40 days.
  • Drain from the sediment, strain, bottle.
  • Cork the bottles and place in the refrigerator for a month.

Homemade wine made according to this recipe resembles champagne. It is not subject to long-term storage.

Gooseberries on cognac

  • gooseberries - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • cognac - 0.5 l;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and wash the berries, crush them and put in the cold.
  • After 4 days, squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Add 1 liter of water to the pulp, stir well and squeeze it again. Combine the juices of the first and second extraction.
  • Add sugar to juice and stir. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
  • Cover the container with cheesecloth and leave to ferment. Stir the liquid twice a day, add 100 ml of water to it every other day.
  • After 2.5–3 months, when intensive fermentation is over, drain the wort from the sediment and pour into a bottle with a water seal.
  • Leave the wine to ferment and settle for another 3-4 months, then filter, mix with cognac and leave for another month.

The drink according to this recipe is unusual in taste and stronger than other gooseberry wines.

The range of wines that can be made from gooseberries at home is quite wide: from champagne to fortified. Dessert wine according to the classic recipe and blended wines are especially popular.

Dessert house wine

Dessert homemade gooseberry wine is a wonderful drink that will become a real decoration of any festive feast.

Ripe berries need to be sorted out, but not washed and kneaded well.

  • Boil syrup from sugar and water, remove from heat and cool. Transfer the pulp with juice to a convenient glass jar and pour over the syrup. Mix the resulting mixture well with a wooden spoon, cover with gauze or a piece of light linen cloth and put in a warm place for 6-7 days.
  • Since fermentation will be quite intense, put the jar in a basin or pan. To prevent the juice from spilling out, the jar should be filled no more than two-thirds.
  • Carefully remove the pulp that has risen to the surface with a wooden spoon, and pour the liquid into a clean jar and close the lid with a water seal.

Leave the drink to ferment in a warm place for 5-6 weeks. The exact time when fermentation will stop, you can determine by the water seal.

Drain the sediment from the young wine, strain and pour into bottles. Put the drink to ripen in a cool place for 2 months.

According to this recipe, homemade gooseberry wine turns out to be incredibly fragrant and fragrant, with a pronounced taste. The longer the wine ages, the richer it will be.


Fortified dessert wines contain more sugar than table wines - up to 20%, but this does not mean that all the necessary sugar should be added at once. Everyone knows that fruit and sugar are also present in jams and jams, but fermentation does not occur. Why?

Excess sugar inhibits the work of yeast, and its addition in large volumes gives the effect of preservation. Even the simplest living organisms are programmed by nature in such a way that an overly favorable habitat, an excess of supplies, has a relaxing effect on them. Simply, sufficient supplies of food and energy suppress the spirit of competition and “fighting for a place in the sun”: why rush and push each other in line when there is an abundance of sugar and enough for everyone. Therefore, to create semi-sweet, sweet and dessert wines, add sugar in parts, with an interval of 7-10 days, so that the yeast is not “lazy”.


  • Pulp (crushed berries) 7.1 kg
  • Water 3.6 l
  • Sugar 3.8 kg
  • Fortress - 15-17%;
  • Acidity - 0.8%
  • Output: 12 l


  1. From a kilogram of gooseberries comes the same amount of pulp - crushed or crushed berries. From the same amount of raw materials, you can get up to 550 - 600 ml of juice. The amount of loss of finished wine will depend on the method and quality of pressing and subsequent clarification, filtration, but should not exceed 10%.
  2. 7.1 kg of berries = 4.44 liters of juice, not clarified. The color of the finished wine resembles the color of freshly brewed black tea.
  3. Sugar must be divided into approximately 3 equal parts. From the first portion, boil the syrup by adding an equal amount of water by volume. The color of the syrup is golden brown. Remove the foam while cooking. That is, you need to take 1.25 kg of sugar, add the same amount of water, boil the syrup and cool it to 20 degrees, pour it into the pulp. Boil the rest of the water, cool to the same temperature, mix with the contents of the bottle and keep the bottle sealed with a gauze filter or cotton swab. Within 3-4 days, before the start of the active phase of fermentation, mix the wort 2-3 times a day. If bubbles appear, install a hermetically sealed shutter, allowing air to move only to the outlet. After 10-12 days, add the second part of the sugar, and after a week - the rest.
  4. During the fermentation process, keep the wine at a temperature of at least 16 degrees. The optimum temperature is 20-22 degrees. Keep out of direct sunlight. When active fermentation is completed, that is, visible signs of gas release disappear, try the wine. At this time, if desired, you can increase the sugar content and remove the bottle in a cooler room for clarification. When sediment appears at the bottom, pour the wine with a tube, being careful not to stir up the settled small particles. If necessary, repeat the operation after a couple of weeks. Bottle the wine, seal and store in the cellar.

refreshing cocktail

Sometimes a well-made homemade wine falls short in terms of taste or alcohol content. The problem can be solved by mixing two or three types of fruit and berry wine, selecting them depending on the properties that need to be obtained in the final drink. For example, to flavor gooseberry wine, you can combine it with raspberry or strawberry wine, in equal parts or adding more raspberry flavor. Mixing finished wines can lead to re-fermentation, especially if they have different strengths and sugar content. To prevent this from happening, the wine is sealed by adding alcohol or vodka to it. You can use other, stronger drinks, giving the wine a new taste.


  • Gooseberry wine, table (12%) 3 l
  • Mint liqueur (40%) 0.7 l
  • Lemon tincture (93.6%) 300 ml
  • Sugar 1.2 kg
  • Water 1.0 l


Boil the syrup, removing the foam. Purified and cooled to 25 degrees, mix the syrup with wine, liquor and tincture. Soak the drink for at least 7-10 days, placing it in a place inaccessible to sunlight.

From gooseberries and raspberries


  • Gooseberry 3 kg
  • Raisins (for sourdough) 400 g
  • Honey 2.2
  • Raspberry 5 kg
  • Water 4 l


  1. In advance (5-7 days), put the raisins for fermentation in a jar, fill it with warm boiled water and close the jar with a cotton-gauze napkin.
  2. Mash the berries in an enamel bowl, add liquid honey and sourdough. Tie the container with gauze folded in four layers. Stir in the morning and evening, placing in optimal temperature conditions (22-25 degrees), away from drafts. After the start of fermentation, clean the wort with a press and filter, after combining it with warm boiled water. Pour into a bottle and install the shutter.
  3. The description of the further cooking process is described in detail above.

Liqueur strong


  • Sugar 6.0 kg
  • Gooseberries 10.0 kg
  • Tea, black (large leaf) 20 g
  • Water 0.25 l
  • Vodka 2 l


  1. The volume of juice from the indicated number of berries is approximately 6.0-6.3 liters. To this volume you need to add 4 liters - the volume of sugar. For fermentation of wine, you must choose a bottle with a volume of at least 12 liters.
  2. All preparatory steps for making liqueur wine are similar to those described above. The prepared pulp is mixed with sugar in stages, dividing it into three parts. After the start of fermentation, the pulp is squeezed out. The cake is poured with vodka (40%) and infused until the end of the fermentation of the juice. After the alcohol tincture is filtered and added to the purified and clarified liquor.
  3. In this recipe, water is practically not used, with the exception of a glass of boiling water for brewing strong black tea, which is then cooled and added to the finished liquor at the end of fermentation. Warm tea is added to clarify the liquor. In addition, the tannins contained in it improve the quality of the liquor, extending its shelf life.
  4. After clarification, the liquor is removed from the sediment and alcohol tincture is added to it. If necessary, after a week, the removal from the sediment can be repeated and the drink bottled. It is better to store liquor in a dark place.

Easy Beetroot Recipe

  • Red gooseberry 30 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Cold water - 15 l;
  • Red beets - 400 g;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Red wine stone - 40 g.

First, mash the gooseberries, add cold water, filter our drink with cheesecloth. Pour the gooseberry juice into the barrel, add sugar, red beets, cut into circles, a bottle of vodka and red cream of tartar. Now you need to give our wine time to ferment, then strain and bottle it.

yellow berry recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 6 kg of yellow gooseberries;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


Ripe golden-colored berries must be washed, chopped with a pusher, add 1 kg of sugar, water. Close the container with a breathable stopper and leave at a temperature of 20-22 C for 10 days. Then add another 4 kg of sugar (pour off part of the wort and dissolve the sugar in it, also add the zest of four lemons and squeezed lemon juice).

Put the resulting mixture under a water seal, hold until the end of the fermentation process. Then remove the wine from the sediment and strain, the cake must be squeezed out and discarded. Keep the wine poured into a clean container for 2 days in a cool place. And the last stage of preparation is the process of removing the sediment and bottling.

Recipe from unripe berries

For cooking you will need:

  • 5 kg of unripe gooseberries;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • wine yeast
  • 10 liters of water.

Rinse the gooseberries, chop them with a pusher, add sugar and wine yeast, keep at room temperature for 10 days. Add another 4 kg of sugar, dissolve it first in part of the must, after which put our wine under a water lock and wait until the fermentation process is over. Then remove the wine from the sediment, strain and place for another two days in a cool place.

Now it remains for you to remove the wine from the sediment again, pour it into clean bottles and put it in storage.

So if gooseberry bushes grow in your garden, now, in addition to preparing a drink or jam, you know what needs to be done. After all, such a drink will perfectly complement any holiday, is suitable for any company, and will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise your friends and relatives.


First cooking option

We collect ripe gooseberries (red or yellow are suitable for wine), one and a half kilograms will be enough for the sample. My berries and dry a little. In a glass container, crush them in mashed potatoes (this is done with a pusher).

  • Separately, boil one and a half liters of water, add a kilogram of granulated sugar to it. Boil for a few minutes to dissolve the sugar and form a syrup.
  • Fill them with berries, at least a third of the total volume should remain in the container so that there is room for gas. If you do everything wrong, then part of the wine will simply flow out of the container under pressure.
  • We send the jar or vessel to a cool place (not higher than 18 ° C), periodically stirring the mixture. The duration of fermentation is at least a week. By the way, so that midges do not get into the wine, the neck must be tied with gauze, gas will come out through it and no one will make their way to feast on wine.
  • After a week has passed, strain the juice from the thick (of course, you can use gauze). If you do not like any sediment, repeat the procedure several times, while the gauze must be folded 4-6 times, this will trap even the smallest particles.

Next is the most interesting. Pour the juice into a bottle, close it with a lid or cork, in the center of which we make a hole for a rubber tube. One end of it is in a bottle of wine, the other must be lowered into a jar of water. This is done so that air does not get into the bottle, otherwise, instead of wine, after the fermentation process, you can get gooseberry vinegar.

The duration of juice infusion is 6 days. During this time, the liquid will become transparent, and sediment will appear at the bottom. Now the wine can be poured into clean bottles and closed with lids. In this state, it stands for another 60 days.

After that, the wine can be tasted, treated to friends and used in cooking meat. It is not recommended to store it for a long time, but it is tasty enough, so it will not last a year.

Second option

Two kilograms of red gooseberries need to be crushed and put in a glass or enameled container for 4 days (leave in a cool place) to extract the juice. We drain it, and pour the cake (or, as it is also called, “pulp”) with a liter of warm already boiled water, let the mixture stand for a while and again squeeze it thoroughly.

Drain both liquids (pure juice and pulp liquid) into a bottle and pour two kilograms of sugar into it. Mix well, waiting for the complete dissolution of the sweet component.

  • The duration of fermentation is from 3 to 4 months.
  • At this time, regularly (every four days) pour cooled boiled water into the juice in an amount of 125 ml.
  • After the specified time, the bottle is closed with a special valve and left for another 4-5 months.
  • At this time, fermentation will not be as active, but oxygen must go somewhere, this is why a valve is needed.

After 5 months, the juice must be drained. Add two glasses of cognac to it and leave to infuse and gain strength for 30 days. After that, pour into glass bottles and after 14 days you can treat yourself to wine.

The best containers for storing and aging wines are oak barrels. But at home, it is difficult to use such containers, not only because they are expensive, but also because it is not always possible to place them.

Try to resort to a little trick: buy oak bark in a pharmacy and, having packed it in gauze bags, put it in a container with wine.

Wine is an alcoholic drink obtained by fermenting berries and fruits. Preparing this drink at home is not difficult. Most often they are made from grapes of white and red varieties, but in our country grapes are found only in the south. Therefore, a gooseberry wine recipe will be very useful. This type of wine is useful for people with a lack of B vitamins and some amino acids.

Ripe, juicy, fragrant gooseberries are great for cooking house wine

General information about gooseberry wine

Homemade gooseberry wine resembles white grape wine in all its qualities. To make wine, you need to pick the berries correctly. Suitable for any, preferably large varieties. It is important not to let the berry overripe, otherwise the wine will turn out to be of poor quality. An unripe gooseberry will also not give a result. Harvest should be on a warm, dry day, after picking the berries do not wash. But sorting out and removing rotten, overripe ones is a must. Processing should be started immediately, otherwise in a day the gooseberries will no longer be suitable for winemaking. The grapes do not have exact ripening dates, since the varieties are very diverse. For this reason, several can be made in one season. different types wines When making wine, you should not get too carried away with adding water - it is she who can greatly spoil the original must. At the same time, if you correctly calculate the amount of water, you can adjust the strength of the drink.

Making wine is the main way

To make gooseberries at home, a clear algorithm has been developed, following which you can get a fragrant unique drink. You will need:

  • Gooseberries - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1.5 liters

To give the wine transparency, it can be clarified. For this, egg white is used, which is in contact with yeast and tannins.

It is important at the stage of pouring into clean containers and separating the sediment to ensure that protein residues do not fall into the bottles.

Wine recipes with various additives

To give the wine special notes, there is gooseberry wine at home, a recipe that involves additives. Here are the most common recipes:

Gooseberry Lemon Wine Recipe

For 3 kg of gooseberries, take 10 cups of sugar, 2 lemons and 5 liters of water. Mash the berries and mix with three glasses of sugar. Put the mixture for 30 minutes in a warm place, pour water. We close the bottle with a glove and set it for fermentation. At this time, mix the lemon and the remaining sugar and add to the main wort. After the end of fermentation, strain off the sediment and pour into bottles. It is better to drink such wine after two months. Then his bouquet will be fully opened.

Gooseberry and currant wine

To prepare such a wine, you will need: gooseberries 3 kg, sugar 2 kg, red 1 kg, and sugar syrup. To prepare the syrup, you need to mix 2 kg of sugar with 3 liters of water and put on fire. Boil. Pour berry puree with chilled syrup. Put to ferment in a warm place. After a week, pour the wine into another vessel.

An excellent addition to gooseberries is currants, for those who love variety.

Gooseberries with honey homemade wine recipe

An interesting recipe for which you need gooseberries 5 kg, bread - 0.5 kg, honey 0.5 l. This recipe is different from the rest. It does not require sugar. Berries should simply be filled with water, put on a glove on the bottle and put in a warm room. After 4 months, add bread to the bottle, after lubricating it with honey. Then put on a glove in place and leave for another 4 months. After that, strain the sediment and bottle.

Sugar free gooseberry wine recipe

Gooseberries with cognac

For the preparation of stronger wine, a recipe with the addition of cognac is suitable. Gooseberries preferably red varieties:

  • Gooseberries - 4 kg.
  • Cognac - 2 glasses.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

After harvesting, the berries are kneaded and placed in a clean dish, preferably enameled. For grinding, a wooden pusher is used, you can just use your hands. Chopped gooseberries are placed in a cool place. After four days, the juice will stand out. Separate it from the pulp. In the latter, add a liter of pre-boiled water, and squeeze. Add the resulting liquid to the juice. Then pour in the sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar should be completely dissolved. Pour into bottle and cover. Then leave to ferment for a period of about 3-4 months. Every day, half a glass of cold water is added to the container. Then you should remove the gauze and close the neck of the container with a latex glove. With a water seal, the wine matures for about 5 more months. Then you should separate the wine from the sediment and pour in the cognac. After a month, you can bottle and store.

Sparkling gooseberry wine

In terms of the quality and taste of the drink, the homemade wine recipe resembles a full-fledged champagne. The only negative is that such a drink cannot be stored for a long time.

You can’t store sparkling gooseberries for a long time

To make sparkling wine you will need:

  • Gooseberries - 3 kg.
  • Water - 5l
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

It is not necessary to wash the berries, nor is it necessary to crush them. Simply fill with water, which is preheated to 35 degrees. We add sugar there. Put a water seal on a glass container and place it in heat for 1.5 months. Then separate the sediment from the wine and bottle. Store unopened wine in the refrigerator for about a month.

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