Home Fish Five-minute blackcurrant jam. Five-minute jam and blackcurrant jelly

Five-minute blackcurrant jam. Five-minute jam and blackcurrant jelly

At the same time, she is a real storehouse of useful things. And in terms of vitamin C content, it will surpass all other berries, and contains rutin, which, in combination with ascorbic acid, will strengthen your blood vessels. The high content of pectin and fiber will ensure the removal of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

In addition, it is rich in minerals: potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese. This is useful for hematopoiesis, and will also have a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In winter, preparations made from this berry will help you successfully fight colds. And finally, it's simply delicious.

Currant jam "Pyatiminutka": recipe

How to preserve all the wealth contained in a modest-looking, but very healthy berry? After all, you yourself know that it is simply necessary. I will offer the usual and not quite regular recipes, which will allow you not only to preserve vitamins in preparations as much as possible, but will also help diversify your winter menu.

Let's start with the simplest: "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant jam. Our great-grandmothers had to cook the jam for a long time, so that the sugar began to caramelize, because in those days it was difficult to store the jam so that it would not spoil when cooked. room temperature. There were no seamers or screw caps.

Now all this is available to us, thanks to this heat treatment of fruits, vegetables and berries can be minimized and everything can be preserved to the maximum useful material contained in them.

It is on this principle that we will prepare "Five-minute" blackcurrant. Let's stock up on pre-sterilized jars and lids.

From my point of view, it is convenient to take small jars so that the contents are used as quickly as possible. And the beneficial substances preserved in the jam will not be lost when storing an already open jar, and the refrigerator will not be cluttered. Perhaps at first it will cost more than large-volume jars, but we stock up on containers more than once, they will serve us for many years.

In addition, small jars are often available on the farm after purchase. different products. The jars are prepared, and the only ingredients we need are a little water, sugar and currants. Wash the berries, let them drain thoroughly and separate them from the bunch.


    1/2 cup white granulated sugar;

    2 teaspoons of water;

    1 cup blackcurrants (separated from the bunch).

Dissolve sugar and water in a jam pan. As soon as it begins to dissolve, add the berries and, as soon as it boils, cook for no more than five minutes. We remove the foam, otherwise the workpiece may become moldy with it. Pour the finished jam into a sterile jar and close it. Turn it over onto the lid and let it cool under a towel. No sterilization required. As you can see, the recipe is very simple and accessible even to novice cooks. But I like it better when the berries are crushed into puree. Therefore, as a variant of the recipe, the same ingredients can be placed in a blender, and the resulting mixture can then be cooked as whole berries. At the same time, you can do without water. will retain vitamins in its composition as much as possible.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam jelly

To improve the separation of the pulp from the skin, place the berries in a colander, rinse, and then immerse the colander in a bowl of boiling water for a minute. After this, take it out and cool quickly under running water, then rub it through a sieve with a masher or spoon.

Mix the resulting puree with granulated sugar, put the pan on the fire and wait until the mixture boils. Let it simmer for 4-5 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to remove the foam. Our jelly is ready and you can pour it into sterile jars.

It will keep well at room temperature. The ratio of berries and sugar can be 1:0.8. That is, per kilogram of berries we need 800 grams of granulated sugar.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam-jelly It can be prepared with other fruits, for example, by adding apples, which also contain a lot of pectin, and a small amount of blackcurrant liqueur will emphasize the taste and aroma of the preparation. To prepare the workpiece we will need:

    1/2 kg of peeled berries;

    1/2 kg of apples with dense pulp (Antonovka type);

    kilogram of white granulated sugar;

    2 teaspoons blackcurrant liqueur.

First peel and core the apples, grate them or chop them in a blender. Mix chopped apples with currants and liqueur in a saucepan. If the apple is not juicy enough, add a few tablespoons of water and heat the whole mixture over low heat to soften. Heat without sugar for about 10-15 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

As soon as the fruits have softened, gradually add sugar to the mixture, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for no more than five minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal tightly with lids.

Next, as usual: turn the lids down, cover with a towel and let cool. After this, we put the mixture away for storage. If the pectin content in apples was high enough, then you will succeed five-minute currant jelly. In general, currant puree often gels on its own after cooking. If you want to enhance the consistency, then agar-agar or pectin will come to the rescue (some companies call it Quittin); buying them in stores is not a problem now, and the proportions are indicated on the pack.

Currant five-minute jelly

Americans are big fans of jelly, and they prepare it quite sweet, but at the same time with the addition hot pepper. It turns out to be such a spicy and at the same time sweet seasoning. It is most often used on sandwiches on top of soft cream cheese. Why don't we prepare something similar. Currant jam "Five-minute jelly" when performed according to American traditions, it will look somewhat unusual, but this will not make it any less tasty.

In this recipe you can use any currant: black, red, white or golden. Wash the berries and let them stand in a sieve or colander to drain the water. We grind them with a blender or you can simply mash them with a potato masher in the pan in which we will cook. Peel sweet and bitter peppers from stalks and cores and chop finely (you can also chop them in a blender without fanaticism). Add pepper to the berries. Then add sugar, mix and put on fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 4-5 minutes. You can add spices to taste: cinnamon, mustard seeds, a couple of star anise or others that seem appropriate to you. But this is not at all necessary. After this, rub the mixture through a sieve. Pour pectin or agar-agar into the resulting puree, pour in apple or white vinegar(you can add regular table salt, but the taste will be rougher), bring to a boil and simmer for no more than a minute while stirring.

If there is foam, remove it, and then immediately pour the product into prepared, sterilized jars. Next, let them cool on the lids and put them away for storage when cooled.

The ingredients are:

    ripe Bell pepper 1 PC.;

    hot pepper to taste (if you, like me, prefer not very hot seasoning, then a couple of large, moderately hot peppers are enough);

    berries 1.5 cups;

    white or brown granulated sugar 3 cups;

    apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar? cups;

    quittin 1 pack.

Since peppers vary in size, let me clarify that when crushed there should be about a cup of it all together.

While cooking, you can taste what you get and adjust the sugar and seasonings if you add them. You can prepare it in the same way, but you will have to slightly change the proportions of sugar and vinegar.

This is not quite normal currant jam "Pyatiminutka". This seasoning is very rich in vitamin C, although it will be destroyed a little when cooked. After all, pepper, especially not in technical, but in biological ripeness, that is, fully ripe pods, even surpasses currants in its content. The preparation should not be consumed immediately, but should be allowed to stand for 2-3 weeks.

Five-minute currant jam

Since we're talking about not really in the usual ways preparations from currants "Pyatiminutki" for the winter, then you can’t keep silent about chutney. This dish Indian cuisine, of course, adapted to our conditions, can be considered jam and sauce at the same time. Sweet and sour currants are perfect for making it. Considering the spiciness of the preparation, a red or white berry that does not have its own distinct aroma would probably be more appropriate. Let's take

    700g of berries, already picked from the bunches, washed and placed on a sieve;

    half a large or one medium red onion, finely chopped;

    half a glass of grated ginger root;

    a glass of raisins, dark or light;

    half a glass of apple or white wine vinegar;

    half a glass of white granulated sugar;

    a quarter glass of brown sugar or honey;

    large clove of garlic;

    red hot pepper flakes or freshly chopped, to taste or about one and a half teaspoons;

    mustard seeds half a teaspoon;

Put everything in a saucepan, bring it to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, place it hot in sterile jars. Chutney goes well with meat, poultry and meat pies. Or you can just spread it on bread - that’s also good.

Instead of bread, crispbread will also work.

If your berries are frozen, lightly blanch them over heat with 1 tablespoon of water, just until they become slightly soft. While heating, add half a vanilla pod to the bowl. Next, cool slightly, remove the vanilla and grind the berries and dates in a blender. It’s even easier with fresh berries: just mix them in a blender with pitted dates and chia seeds.

In principle, the raw mixture is quite suitable for consumption and can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. If you have the opportunity to keep the berries frozen in the refrigerator, you can cook all this at any time. But if you want to save the preparation for the winter, simply sterilize the jars with the preparation for 10 minutes in boiling water.

That is, immerse the filled jars in a pan of warm water, bring it to a boil and start counting the time. Of course, the beneficial properties will still be partially lost during such processing. You can try cooking it in a similar way.

Now let’s talk about what kind of beast this chia is. This is a plant from the Lamiaceae family (its most famous representatives are mint, lemon balm, sage, marjoram, rosemary, thyme and oregano), well known in Latin America, it is also called Spanish sage. It is becoming a real bestseller among vegans and healthy food lovers in general.

These seeds contain protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, moreover, omega 3 in just two tablespoons of chia seeds is more than in 200 g of salmon, and the calcium content is 6 times more than in 200 ml of milk. It is enough to eat just a pinch a day to feel energetic and lose weight.

The taste of the grains is pleasant, nutty. In big cities it’s not so difficult to buy them, and if you can’t find them in your retail chain, then online stores can help you. The plant is an annual, so growing it in a garden in the south of our country should not be difficult.

Many “lazy” housewives prefer to simply cover the berries with sugar and freeze them in this form so that they can enjoy the berries in the winter, while others decide to grind the fruits in a meat grinder to obtain a berry puree, which is perfectly stored at low temperatures. But there is a more interesting option for preparing black currants for the winter: making “five-minute” jam from black currants.
This preparation is done in a matter of minutes, and you can store the sweetness all winter without worrying about the freshness of the berries. There are a large number of recipes that will make it possible to make jelly from sweetness, or simply keep each berry intact, as if it had never been boiled. This type of jam can be made not only from currants; today housewives use raspberries, strawberries, cherries and cherries for preparations different varieties, as well as honeysuckle and gooseberries.

This article will present various cooking options, and also combine currant preparations with other berries, which will make it possible to make jam that is unique in taste. In this case, the cooking technology in most cases is no different, but the amount of sugar in the sand can vary from less to more.

The following recipe will make it possible to prepare Pyatiminutka jam from black currants so as to obtain a fairly thick mass. This blank will be an ideal option for starting pies and pies, buns or buns.

Blackcurrant jam made in 5 minutes

Ingredients for preparing the product:

Sugar - no more than 2 kilograms;
Blackcurrant - about 1.5 kilograms;
1 glass of filtered water.

Cooking process:

If you look at the composition of the ingredients, you will notice that to prepare Pyatiminutka jam from black currants you will not have to use a lot of products, because it contains only a little water, sugar and fresh berries currants You can start preparing the delicacy; for this, take one and a half kilograms of berries and rinse them well in clean water, then all the fruits along with the water are placed in a colander to drain the liquid.

While the berries are resting, you can begin preparing the syrup. To do this, take a large saucepan; you need to take a container much larger than the volume of the future jam, since the delicacy will foam a lot. Filtered water is poured into a saucepan, two kilograms of white sugar in the sand are poured into it, and syrup is boiled from the resulting mass.

As soon as the syrup acquires a slightly yellow color, the hostess dips the prepared berries into it, and wait until the jam begins to boil; it is important to stir the future sweetness every thirty seconds.

To get “five-minute” jam from black currants with whole fruits, you need to count five minutes after the start of boiling, turn off the heat and leave the jam for a while. The delicacy should stand until completely cooled, but before leaving it, you should shake the container so that the fruits sink to the bottom and the jelly moves to the top.

As soon as the delicacy has cooled completely, they begin to cook the jam again, leave the pan on low heat until the liquid begins to boil again, after which the delicacy will have to be shaken again so that the jelly moves to the top.

As soon as the mass has cooled to the desired temperature, the jam will have to be put on the fire and cooked for no more than five minutes. Thus, it turns out that the jam is cooked exactly three times for five minutes each; you should not leave the sweetness on the fire longer, otherwise the fruits will be boiled.

You don’t have to cover the jars with metal lids; you just need to make nylon lids and cover the glass containers with them, but in this case the jam should be stored only in the refrigerator.

“Pyatiminutka” blackcurrant and raspberry jam


Blackcurrant – 2 kilograms;
Raspberries – 2 kilograms;
Sugar – 3 kilograms;
Water – 1 liter;
Citric acid - a quarter of a teaspoon (can be replaced with juice from one lemon).


First sort out the chokeberries, remove leaves, twigs and damaged crushed berries. Wash large fruits thoroughly in running water and pour into a colander to drain excess liquid. Then spread the currants on parchment paper and leave for an hour or two so that the berries dry; sort the raspberries, selecting whole and undamaged berries; pour the fruits into a large basin or saucepan, and cover with two kilograms of sugar.

Do not wash raspberries under any circumstances, otherwise they will lose their shape and integrity. Next, you will have to make syrup; to do this, add sugar in the form of sand to the water, making sure that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, and cool. To really get delicious jam“Five-minute” black currant, you should strictly follow the recipe.

Place dry currants into a thick-bottomed cooking container and pour sugar syrup and put on fire. After winter delicacy starts to boil, cook it for five minutes over low heat; during cooking you will have to constantly skim the foam from the delicacy and stir the jam. After five minutes of cooking, add raspberries and sugar to the currants, add citric acid in granules and leave the delicacy on the fire for a minute or two. Do not boil raspberries for a long time, otherwise they will lose color and that’s it. healthy vitamins.

Pour hot jam into pre-sterilized and dry jars and close with plastic lids. So fast and the easy way it turns out unusually tasty and healthy jam. It is best to store five-minute blackcurrant jam in a place where there is no access to sunlight.

Currant and raspberry jam


Blackcurrant – 3 kilograms;
Ripe raspberries - 2 kilograms;
Sugar – 5 kilograms;
Citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Process of creation:

Sort the currants from leaves and damaged berries. Rinse the currant berries under running water cold water and drain in a colander to remove excess moisture. Place the currants on a clean towel or parchment paper and dry.

Sort through the raspberries, sorting only whole and undamaged berries. Grind the currants in a meat grinder, adding sugar. For three kilograms of currant berries, take no more than three kilograms of white granulated sugar. Also grind the raspberries using a meat grinder along with two kilograms of sugar.

In a deep saucepan or thick-bottomed bowl, mix chopped currants and raspberries, add a pinch citric acid and cook over medium heat. After boiling, cook the jam for five minutes, removing foam and noise. As soon as the delicacy is cooked, it is transferred to washed jars and closed with regular lids. Best stored in the refrigerator.

Blackcurrant jam "Pyatiminutka"

Required ingredients:

Water – 1 liter;
Citric acid - a quarter teaspoon.

Cooking process:

Carefully sort blackcurrant berries from twigs and leaves, selecting the ripest and whole berries. Rinse the currants under running water and pour the berries into a colander to drain excess water. You can also use frozen berries, but they will need to be thawed well before washing.

Spread the berries in an even layer on a clean towel and leave to dry. Boil water, add sugar and prepare syrup over medium heat. When all the sugar has dissolved, the syrup is ready and can be removed from the stove and cooled.

Pour cold syrup over dried blackcurrants, add a pinch of citric acid and bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as winter sweetness starts to boil, you can reduce the heat to low and simmer for five minutes, skimming off the foam.

As soon as the sweet currant delicacy is cooked, you can transfer it into small jars and close the lids. You can enjoy the jam right away, or you can store it in a cool, dark place where there is no access to sunlight.

As it is stored, currant jam becomes jelly-like, which only improves it taste qualities. Five-minute jam prepared in this way from frozen black currants retains a maximum of vitamins.

Simple jam from sweet currants in 5 minutes

Required ingredients:

Black currant – 5 kilograms;
Granulated sugar – 5 kilograms.

Cooking process:

Sort the blackcurrant berries and remove leaves and twigs. Even slightly mashed berries are suitable for this recipe. Wash the currants, preferably with clean running water, because the jam will not undergo heat treatment. Dry the washed berries on a towel or parchment, since if the currants are wet, the shelf life of the jam can be significantly reduced.

Grind the prepared currants using a meat grinder; for the same purpose, you can use a blender, it will be faster. Add granulated sugar to the currant puree, adding it in portions and stirring until the mixture is homogeneous.

To speed up the sugar dissolution process, you can warm the jam a little over low heat, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour the currant jam into clean and dry jars and close with regular plastic lids.

If the jam has been warmed up, then before pouring it into the jar, it should be completely cooled. Black currant jam "Pyatiminutka", prepared in this way, can be stored all winter in the refrigerator or cold cellar.

Berry jam with citrus fruits

Required ingredients:

Black currant berries – 3 kilograms;
Granulated sugar – 3 kilograms;
Orange or lemon zest;
2 tablespoons (from about two oranges or lemons);
Water – 1.5 liters.

Cooking process:

Sort out the blackcurrant berries, carefully cleaning the berries from twigs and leaves, and selecting only whole and undamaged fruits. Wash the currants and dry them on a clean towel. While the berries are drying, you can start preparing the syrup. Pour water into enamel pan, add sugar, and cook the syrup over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved, then cool the finished syrup.

Pour dried blackcurrants into a saucepan, pour chilled syrup and add orange or lemon zest. Place the saucepan with the syrup over medium heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook the jam for five to seven minutes, skimming off any foam that forms.

Pour the finished jam into clean, sterilized jars and seal tightly. Store blackcurrant jam with orange zest in a cool dry place. The taste of this black currant jam “Pyatiminutka” for the winter is amazing, with a subtle note and aroma of citrus.

An easy way to make currant jam


Currant berries - no more than 2 kilograms;
About three glasses of water (200 ml each);
White sugar in sand - approximately 3 kilograms.

How to make blackcurrant jam:

Three glasses of water are poured into a large saucepan; you should get no more than six hundred milliliters of filtered liquid; three kilograms of sanded white sugar are also poured into it. The resulting mass is mixed well, but since the sugar will not be completely mixed in this amount of water, you will have to let the syrup stand for a while so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, you can pour syrup over two kilograms of washed black currant berries, the whole mass is sent to low heat until it boils.

Housewives often wonder how to cook blackcurrant jam for five minutes, but everything is very simple, because you just need to bring the berries with sugar to a boil and constantly skim off the foam, which will rise in a large head. After boiling, you should immediately turn off the heat, since there is no point in cooking the berries longer; it is important that no more than five minutes pass after boiling, otherwise the currants will boil.

There is a slightly different option for preparing sweets, you can simply pour water over the jam, and then after boiling, add more than two kilograms of granulated sugar, only 1-1.5 kg of white sugar. In this case, the result is jam that will not have a cloying sweet taste; it will retain the pleasant sourness of currants.

As they say experienced housewives, this jam does not like to be actively stirred, as the berries quickly lose their shape. It is recommended to immediately pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, but if you don’t want to sterilize, you can simply wash them well.

The most delicious and simple currant jam

Ingredients for cooking:

Purified filtered water - 1 glass;
Blackcurrant - 1 kilogram;
Granulated sugar - about 1.5 kilograms (you can take 1 kg).

The process of preparing the delicacy:

To prepare five-minute blackcurrant jam according to the recipe from this article, you need to select the largest berries from this shrub plant. Rinse all the fruits thoroughly, remove the stems and excess debris, after which it is recommended to drain the berries in a colander, this will help get rid of excess water. Next, all the berries are transferred to a dry towel and left for a while, this is necessary to dry the fruits.

While the berries are drying, the housewife should start preparing the syrup. To do this, take a large saucepan that has a thick bottom, pour no more than a glass of filtered water into it, add the amount of white sugar in the sand required according to the recipe and light a low fire. The syrup must be boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved; if you want to get a more liquid delicacy, then not one, but one and a half or two glasses of clean water are added to the syrup.

Most often, no water is added to this jam, but the five-minute delicacy still needs a small amount of liquid, since the berries do not have time to release liquid, so the syrup can turn into a hard jelly after cooling. The advantage of this delicacy is that the vitamins in this jam are retained in greater quantities than during prolonged cooking. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, the housewife takes no more than five minutes, after which she adds clean and dry currants there.

While the delicacy is cooking, it is constantly necessary to skim off the foam that forms in large quantities due to the concentrated syrup. As soon as the syrup with berries boils, cook it for no more than five minutes and remove from the heat. After this, the jam is immediately sent into sterilized glass containers.

This sweetness is stored only in a cool place, a cellar or basement is suitable. You can create such delicious jam using different methods, because if you add a little more granulated sugar, the jam will be sweeter, but if you add less sugar, the sweetness will have a noticeable sourness. You can also add fresh strawberries, raspberries or cherries to the treat; this helps diversify the recipe.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

This recipe for five-minute currant jam is convenient because the berries and sugar for it can be measured in glasses and do not need to be weighed at all. A faceted glass or any other container is used as a measuring stick: bowl, cup, jar. It’s easy to calculate the proportions for your container - if we take three glasses of currants and two sugars, then we measure the same amount in a cup or jar. The dishes should be the same for all jam ingredients. If you measure currants with a glass, then measure both sugar and water with the same glass. The currants need to be measured before the berries are placed in the syrup so that you do not have to recalculate the proportions. The recipe is proven, this is how our mothers and grandmothers made jam when we didn’t even dream of electronic scales for the kitchen, and it always turned out rich, tasty and was perfectly stored at room temperature. It’s also very easy to prepare, try it too!


- black currant – 1 glass;
- sugar – 1.5 cups;
- water – 0.5 cups.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Pour the currants into a bowl of cold water. Shake with your hand, select the berries in a colander and rinse under running water.

To prepare the syrup, pour sugar into a ladle or pan, measuring out the required amount with glasses.

Pour in water using the same container used to measure sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for several minutes, avoiding excessive boiling.

Pour currants into boiling syrup. Without stirring, leave to warm up over low heat. When heated, the berries will begin to burst and release juice, turning the syrup a bright color.

As it heats up, the boiling will begin to intensify and foam will appear on the surface. At this moment, reduce the heat and carefully remove the foam, trying not to pick up the berries. If we still hit it, we return it back.

Cook for five minutes, counting the time from the moment bubbles appear on the entire surface of the jam. To prevent the berries from boiling too much, do not stir the jam and cook at the lowest heat possible.

We prepare the jars before starting cooking. Rinse hot water, pour boiling water, then sterilize over steam or place in the oven or microwave. Be sure to boil the lids for a few minutes. By the end of cooking, the jars should be hot, the lids should simmer gently. Pour the hot jam into jars and immediately seal tightly.

There is no need to wrap the jam; it contains enough acid and sugar, which will facilitate better storage. After cooling completely, we rearrange the jars in the pantry or place them in a cabinet and take them to the basement. Good luck with your preparations!
With this preparation it turns out very tasty

Currants are the most healthy berry, containing many useful properties and vitamins. It is rich in vitamins such as E and C. When consuming 40 berries black currant per day you will provide for yourself daily norm these vitamins. If you properly prepare jam from this berry, it will not lose its beneficial properties. By consuming jam, you:

  1. Enrich your body with vitamins C and E;
  2. Strengthen your immunity;
  3. Improve digestion processes;
  4. Get over colds and flu faster;
  5. Improve metabolism in cells.

Currant delicacy can be served with tea as a stand-alone dessert, use for filling pies and pies, muffins, cakes and other baked goods.

How to make jam correctly: recipes and features

The process of making jam is a simple task for any housewife. The main thing is to have in stock: sugar, currants, the necessary equipment and, most importantly, the desire to prepare the product.

Five-minute currant jam - recipe

To prepare this recipe for blackcurrant delicacies, you The following ingredients are needed:

  1. Black currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Granulated sugar - 0.75 kg;
  3. Filtered water -0.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation for this recipe:

Recipe for making classic currant jam

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Sugar - 3 kg;
  2. Currant berries - 3 kg;
  3. Filtered purified water - 1.5 cups.

Method of preparing the treat That's why classic recipe is as follows:

  • Sort the berries, remove the bad ones, rinse in slightly warm running water and dry;
  • Pour water into a jam container and dissolve one glass of sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil. When it boils, pour a glass of currants into the container. Cook for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Don't forget to skim the foam from the jam;
  • When 5 minutes have passed, pour another glass of berries and sugar into the boiling mass and boil again for 5 minutes;
  • Repeat this procedure until all the berries and sugar are gone. Boiling time interval 5 minutes:
  • Prepare the jars: wash them well with soda solution or detergent, then rinse under running water and sterilize. The lids also need to be sterilized;
  • Pour the finished hot treat into jars and seal them. Turn the jars over and wait until they cool completely.

Five-minute recipe for making jelly-like currant jam

To prepare the jelly-like treat according to the recipe you need to take:

  1. Ripe currants - 5 cups;
  2. Sugar - 5 glasses;
  3. Filtered water - 1.25 cups.

For this recipe:

Raw five-minute currant jam - recipe

For this five-minute currant jam recipe, take:

  1. Currants - 2 kg;
  2. Medium size orange - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.

To prepare currant delicacy according to the recipe, you need:

  • Wash the orange well and, without peeling it, grind it with a meat grinder or blender;
  • The currant berries must be sorted, washed and also pureed;
  • Combine two types of puree in one container and cover it with sugar;
  • Stir well to obtain a homogeneous mass and let it brew for several hours at room temperature;
  • You will need to stir the jam several times and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • When the sugar is no longer visible, place the jam in pre-sterilized jars and seal with lids;
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for making currant jam without cooking

To prepare this recipe without cooking you will need:

  1. Fresh black currants - 2 kg;
  2. Sugar - 3 kg.

Step-by-step preparation jam according to this recipe:

Recipe for blackcurrant jam with lemon added

In order to make such jam, you The following components will be needed:

  1. Ripe black currants - 1.5 kg;
  2. Small lemon - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Making this recipe includes the following stages:

  • We sort out the currant berries, remove all the bad ones and stalks, rinse and let the excess moisture drain;
  • Wash the lemon well too (no need to peel the zest) and cut to remove the seeds. Grind it into a puree using a meat grinder or blender;
  • Immerse the resulting lemon mass into the container where you will cook your delicacy and add sugar. Place the container over low heat to melt the sugar;
  • Place currants in sugar-lemon puree and bring everything to a boil;
  • After boiling, cook for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time and removing foam from the surface;
  • Place the finished jam into prepared jars and seal tightly with clean lids;
  • Wait until the jam has completely cooled in the jars and take it to a cool, dark place for further storage.

Recipe for raspberry and blackcurrant jam

To prepare such a classic, but extremely tasty jam, according to the recipe you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.9 kg;
  2. Ripe juicy raspberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sand-sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Filtered water - 0.15 l.

How to cook a delicacy correctly according to this recipe:

Recipe for currant jam made using a slow cooker

To prepare, take the ingredients:

  1. Ripe currants - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar - 0.75 kg.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare the berries: sort them and rinse them well in running water. Then pour into the multicooker bowl;
  • Cover the berries with sugar and let them brew for about 3 hours;
  • When the berries release juice, mix your mixture well and set the multicooker to “stew” mode for 1 hour;
  • When one hour has passed, put the hot jam into pre-prepared sterile jars and roll them up.

Raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this assortment you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.75 kg;
  2. Whole gooseberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Raspberries - 0.2 kg;
  5. Water - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method assorted berries according to this recipe:

Apple and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this jam take these ingredients:

  1. Juicy apples - 4 kg;
  2. Fresh black currants - 4 kg;
  3. Sugar - 8 kg;
  4. Water - 4 liters.

Preparation includes:

  • Wash the apples well and cut them thinly. We also wash the berries well;
  • Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour currant berries into the syrup and wait for them to release juice;
  • When the water takes on the color of berries, add apples to the container and cook until the mixture thickens completely. The mass must be stirred constantly;
  • Wash and sterilize the jars and pour the prepared hot jam into them. Close with lids.

One of our favorite recipes is blackcurrant jam for 5 minutes, which we cook without water. Everything about it is extremely simple and concise: we collect (or buy) fragrant currants, sort them, wash them, add sugar and immediately set them to cook. From the name it is clear that cooking will last only five minutes. This is enough for the berries to soften, syrup to form from juice and sugar, and pectin, which is contained in large quantities in currants, to thicken it. As it cools, the jam will become even thicker, jelly-like, dizzyingly aromatic and incredibly tasty.

Recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam


  • Black currant berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g.

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant

Going through and sorting small berries for jam is still a lot of work! Painstaking, requiring accuracy and patience. We pick the currants from the branches, separate the remnants of the stalks, and leave the dried noses. Although there are recommendations to cut them too, then a whole day will not be enough just to prepare the berries. We transfer the sorted currants into cold water, after two minutes we catch them and place them in a colander. Pour over a gentle stream of water, shaking the colander lightly so that all the berries are clean.

Let the water drain and pour the currants into the pan. Based on the experience of previous preparations, I can say that it is more convenient to cook even a small five-minute portion of blackcurrant in a spacious container, when the berries are arranged freely and do not crush one another. In addition, it is also more convenient to control the cooking process; everything heats up evenly and does not overcook.

Cover the currants with sugar. We don’t use a spoon yet; the berries are tender and mash easily even with gentle stirring.

Shake the pan several times to mix the currants and granulated sugar.

Immediately put on low heat. Why small - firstly, so that the sugar crystals do not burn; they will begin to dissolve only after a while. Secondly, with strong heating, cold berries will burst and the jam will turn out liquid. Quite quickly the sugar will melt and a lot of syrup will appear. And along with it comes the foam, which will need to be collected with a spoon so that the berries do not get into it.

As soon as bubbles appear along the edges of the dish near the walls, note the time and increase the heat to medium so that boiling is noticeable in the center. Cook for five minutes as expected - exactly five minutes. We remove the foam. With strong heating, the jam will bubble and rise strongly, but in order to prevent anything from escaping, you need a spacious container.

Let's prepare the jars in advance: scald them with boiling water and sterilize them (we keep them over steam for several minutes). Boil the lids. During cooking, the currants will already begin to thicken, and it is more convenient not to pour them into jars, but to lay them out so that each contains both syrup and berries. Immediately tighten the lids with screws or under a seaming machine. Tilt or turn over to check the tightness of the twist.

For additional warming (sterilization), we wrap the jars with something warm: an old coat, jacket, wool blanket, or hide them in pillows. The next day they will cool down and transfer to storage.

Our delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam is ready for the winter! Under the influence of natural pectin, the syrup will thicken and after a while it will become thick, like jelly. Have a delicious winter and good luck with your preparations!

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