Home General issues Mannik on kefir with cherries step by step. Mannik with cherries on kefir. Semolina and yogurt

Mannik on kefir with cherries step by step. Mannik with cherries on kefir. Semolina and yogurt

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Mannik is convenient because it is prepared from everyday products that can always be found in the house, and it is also good for its ease of preparation. Plus, the recipe can always be slightly modified to suit your tastes or based on the availability of ingredients, time of year and mood. For example, thanks to various additives, even the basic recipe for manna with kefir has a lot of options: manna with apples, manna with cherries, with jam or marmalade, with lemon, candied fruits, cocoa, fresh or frozen berries. By slightly changing or supplementing the composition of the ingredients, we get new baked goods every time.

The recipe for manna with cherries is relevant at any time of the year - after all, you can bake a crumbly, aromatic pie with fresh cherries, frozen, canned ones, or add cherries from compote to baked goods. Since fresh cherries are not in season yet, we will use frozen cherries for the pie.

Recipe of the day: kefir manna with cherries.

- semolina – 1 glass;
- sugar – 1 glass;
- vegetable oil - a third of a glass;
- frozen cherries;
- thick kefir – 250 ml. (2.5% fat);
- wheat flour – half a glass;
- starch – 1.5 teaspoons;
- vanillin – 1 sachet;
- ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
- baking powder – 1.5 teaspoons.

How to cook with photos step by step

Semolina must be poured with kefir so that it swells and becomes soft. In an hour it will completely swell, but if you want the semolina to be more uniform and delicate in structure, leave the semolina for 1.5-2 hours. Remove the cherries from the freezer and leave to thaw at room temperature. It is better to place the cherries in a colander or sieve to allow the juice to drain.

When the semolina becomes soft, add sugar to it and mix.

Then pour in odorless vegetable oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly, the oil should completely combine with the swollen semolina, without leaving oil stains near the walls.

Add half a glass of sifted wheat flour to the semolina. For now this is enough, if the dough turns out to be runny, you can add flour later.

To make the kefir manna with cherries fragrant, add ground cinnamon and a bag of vanilla sugar (or vanillin) to the dough.

Using a spoon, mix all ingredients until a homogeneous dough is obtained. The consistency will be like a thick cream. If the dough is runny, add a little more flour. Add baking powder when the dough is ready and immediately mix it with the dough. By this time the oven needs to be preheated to +180 degrees.

Lightly squeeze the juice from the cherries and sprinkle with starch. The starch will absorb the juice, then the manna will not turn out wet and will bake well.

Grease a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm with oil. Pour the dough, level the top from the center to the edges. Place the cherries in a circle, lightly pressing the berries into the dough.

bake for 45 minutes

Place the manna in a hot oven on a medium level. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Then we move the manna with cherries to the top tier and continue baking until the top is browned. In time it's another 10-12 minutes. We check the readiness of the manna with a wooden stick - it comes out of the baked pie easily, without crumbs or sticky dough.

Remove the manna from the mold and cool on a wire rack. Cut the pie into portions, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve

Mannika is an incredibly tasty and hassle-free pastry. They are prepared from simple, affordable ingredients and are a perfect addition to homemade tea. I suggest preparing a delicious manna with cherries mixed with kefir. Berries can be used fresh or frozen. Highly recommend!


To prepare cherry manna with kefir we will need:

semolina - 1.5 cups;
sugar - 1 glass;
kefir - 1 glass;
egg - 3 pcs.;
soda - 1 tsp;
vanillin - 1 pinch;
salt - 1 pinch;
fresh cherries (or frozen) - 0.5 cups.

Cooking steps

Mix semolina, vanillin, salt and sugar. Add soda to kefir, stir and pour into dry ingredients.

Mix all ingredients well and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Add eggs to the resulting mass and stir well.

Remove pits from cherries. If the cherry is frozen, then it should be thawed. Dip the cherries in flour and add to the dough.

Mix well and pour the dough into the mold.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the manna for 45-50 minutes until dry. Let cool completely and cut into portions. Manna with cherries mixed with kefir turns out very tasty and will decorate a home tea party.

Step 1: prepare the cherries.

To begin with, take the required amount of cherries; if frozen, pitted, simply unseal the packaging, place the berries in a deep plate and leave in this form for about 30–40 minutes, so that the excess liquid thaws and drips off, it is not needed at all in the pie! If the cherry is fresh, then rinse it, remove the seeds using a pin, place it in a clean bowl for the same amount of time and allow the excess juice to drain.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

After this, pour semolina into a deep bowl, fill it with kefir, mix them with a silicone kitchen spatula until smooth and leave to swell for 30 minutes. After the required time has passed, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a heatproof or non-stick baking dish with a sheet of baking paper. Next, using a whisk or mixer, beat the eggs and sugar in a separate bowl until fluffy.

Then pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with swollen semolina. Add vanilla sugar, baking powder and sifted wheat flour. Mix these products until smooth; the result should be a medium-thick dough without lumps. If it is too runny, don't worry, the cereal will absorb all the excess while baking.

Step 3: form manna with cherries.

Now pour the semolina dough into the prepared pan and level it with a silicone spatula. After this, we place the defrosted berries on its surface; this can be done in artistic disorder, in the form of a pattern, rows, or as you like.

Step 4: bake manna with cherries.

Next, place the pan with the still raw dessert in a preheated oven for 30–35 minutes. We check the readiness of the pie with a wooden toothpick, match or skewer. Just insert its end into the pastry pulp and take it out. If the stick is wet, finish baking! If it’s dry, put oven mitts on your hands, remove the pan from the oven and place it on a cutting board previously placed on the countertop.

Cool our product to room temperature. Then, using a fine mesh sieve, sprinkle the manna with powdered sugar. Then, using a sharp kitchen knife, we cut it into portions, pry them up with a metal kitchen spatula, put the deliciousness on plates and go ahead and taste it!

Step 5: serve manna with cherries.

Mannik with cherries is served at room temperature. If desired, before serving, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, topped with honey, sugar syrup, or decorated with whipped cream or cream. This airy and delicious instant dessert will decorate any table! Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

The pie tastes quite sweet, so the amount of sugar can be adjusted;

Very often, vanilla sugar is replaced with liquid vanilla extract (1 teaspoon) or pure vanilla (on the tip of a knife);

If you don't have baking paper, use parchment paper. Or simply grease the bottom and inner sides of the mold with a piece of butter or margarine, crush the layer of fat with wheat flour and then pour the dough into the prepared dish;

An ideal replacement for kefir is yogurt without fillers, and baking powder is baking soda (1/2 teaspoon);

In the same way, you can prepare manna with any frozen or fresh berries and fruits.

Mannik is a pie that is made on the basis of semolina; wheat flour is also added to it, but as a rule, its quantity is either less or the same as semolina. Mannik with cherries tastes like a cupcake or casserole. This pie can be called “I’m too lazy to get a mixer” or “I don’t know how to cook.” This is even the “I just spent the weekend at the cottage and my brain is still in the garden” pie. A foolproof recipe with no hassles. You will bake cherry manna again and again. A pie made with sour cream and a small amount of flour turns out moist and grainy. Berry sourness adds piquancy to the popular taste of semolina pie. Instead of cherries, you can use red or black currants or raspberries.
We use frozen cherries in our recipe, but you can use fresh cherries.

Taste Info Mannik and cheesecake


  • 2 cups semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 180 grams butter
  • 150 grams frozen or 200 grams fresh cherries
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (can be replaced with slaked soda)

We will also need a springform baking pan with a diameter of 23 cm and 20 grams of butter to grease the pan.

How to cook manna with cherries

Remove the butter from the refrigerator until it softens. Thaw the cherries to drain off excess juice. Remove pits if using fresh cherries.

Beat eggs with granulated sugar. Add softened butter, sour cream, flour and mix with a mixer.

Add baking powder and semolina. If you use slaked soda instead of baking powder, add it to the dough just before baking. Leave the dough for 30-50 minutes so that the semolina swells and becomes softer. It is better to use fine semolina, then it will swell faster.

Grease the mold with butter and place the dough.

Lightly press the thawed cherries into the dough.

Bake manna with cherries in an oven preheated to 180 - 200 degrees Celsius for at least half an hour. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

Cherry manna can be served both at a dinner party and for evening tea in a warm family circle.

Want to add some juiciness to your pie? Put cherries not only in the filling, but also on top - pour thick cherry sauce over the manna, it will turn out even tastier and more aromatic!

Total time: 1 hour + 30 minutes for semolina to swell / Cooking time: 45 minutes / Shape 20 cm


For manna:

  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 50 g
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 1 chip.

For the filling and sauce:

  • fresh or frozen cherries - 300 g
  • sugar - 100 g or to taste
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • water - 3 tbsp. l.


    I pour the semolina into a bowl and fill it with kefir (1 tbsp. = 200 ml, all products, including kefir, should be at room temperature). Mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. I leave it for 30 minutes so that the semolina swells, becomes airy and soft.

    In the meantime, I prepare the cherries. I wash the fresh ones and remove the seeds. I give the frozen one time to thaw and put it in a saucepan. I add 100 g of sugar. To make fresh berries produce juice faster, add 2-3 tablespoons of water. Frozen cherries will already release enough liquid. I put the saucepan on the fire and boil for 3-5 minutes from the moment of boiling, until the cherries become soft and release all their juice. I leave it to cool.

    I'm preparing the dough. To do this, break the eggs into a deep bowl or food processor bowl, add salt, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat with a mixer for 2-3 minutes until a fluffy foam forms.

    I add the semolina-kefir mixture, as well as melted and cooled butter, and mix with a spatula. The semolina should spread evenly, but it is important to maintain the airiness of the dough.

    At the very end I add sifted baking powder and wheat flour. If you want the manna to be fluffy and loose, then add 1 cup of flour; if you like a moister and heavier cake - 0.5 cups of flour. Mix gently again until smooth. The result is a very soft and bubbly dough.

    I grease the mold (diameter 20 cm) with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. I pour the finished dough into it. On top I spread some of the cherries, strained through a strainer, in an even layer. I “sink” the berries a little so that they sink deeper into the dough.

    I put it in a preheated oven and bake for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees. I check for doneness with a toothpick; if it’s dry, you can remove the pie from the oven. I cool it in the form.

    In principle, at this stage you can complete the preparation - carefully remove the manna from the mold and sprinkle with powder. But in order to enhance the presence of cherries and enjoy their taste to the fullest, I suggest making a sauce from the remaining berries. To do this, I strain out about 3-4 tablespoons of cherry syrup and dilute corn starch in it.

    I bring the remaining cherry juice and berries to a boil again and pour the diluted starch into them in a thin stream, stirring with a spoon. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

I serve manna with cherry sauce warm or cold, with a cup of aromatic tea. Bon appetit!

— more pies with semolina on kefir.

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