Home Bakery Creme brulee ice cream. Calories in creme brulee. Creme brulee ice cream Homemade creme brulee ice cream

Creme brulee ice cream. Calories in creme brulee. Creme brulee ice cream Homemade creme brulee ice cream

So, first, let's figure out how this ice cream differs from others. Creme brulee ice creamprepared on the basis of caramel. It is this that gives it its original, incomparable taste and aroma. And making this caramel is very simple: using regular sugar.

As for the rest of the ice cream ingredients, they must be as fresh as possible. This is the main condition for cream and chicken eggs. Ideally, these products will be completely homemade.

A few words need to be said about the dishes. So, to prepare our delicacy you don’t necessarily need an ice cream maker. We can easily cook it using ordinary utensils. Just some (the recipe will indicate which one and when) needs to be put in the freezer for a certain time before use. Well, now let’s move on directly to the recipe for preparing this yummy dish.

For this we will need the following products:

  • Cream 33% – 600 grams;
  • Eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Sugar – 12 tablespoons;
  • Dark chocolate – 20 grams.

So, first we need to prepare the base, thanks to which the ice cream is obtained with a characteristic taste and smell. This is caramel. To do this, we take 4 tablespoons of sugar and melt it in a fireproof bowl. Important: do not add water. When the sugar has melted, add 100 ml to it. cream and stir quickly. Don't be alarmed if the caramel sets after this. Continue stirring: after a few minutes it will acquire a uniform consistency. When this happens, remove the caramel from the heat and leave to cool. The best way to do this is to place the container of caramel in cold water.

Next, take the eggs and carry out the standard action: separating the yolks from the whites. Beat the first ones well with three tablespoons of sugar. Then we pour the whipped yolks into a container with the now cooled caramel and mix.

Next we make cream. The container in which we will place them should be placed in the freezer half an hour before use. So, when we took the bowl out of the freezer, put the cream in it, add three tablespoons of sugar and beat thoroughly until fluffy. Add them to caramel with yolks. Mix everything again until smooth.

Next is the turn of the proteins: we also beat them, adding the same amount of sugar as in the cream (3 tbsp). Beat the egg whites until they reach a beautiful, fluffy white foam. Next, add the whites to the rest of the caramel-based ingredients mixed together and mix very carefully. This must be done manually, slowly.

Then we take a container, chilled in the refrigerator, of such a size that all the mass obtained during the cooking process can fit there. We transfer the future ice cream into this container. We put our beauty in the freezer. After 40 minutes, stir. We repeat this procedure twice. Mix thoroughly, but very carefully and gently. This is necessary to ensure that the ice cream is homogeneous, without crystals. After this, the ice cream is almost ready. We transfer it into smaller containers, cover with film and put it back in the refrigerator for two hours.

Place the finished dessert in bowls, sprinkle with grated chocolate or topping and serve. Ice cream It turns out to be very rich in taste, tender and homogeneous.

Bon appetit! Have fun cooking with us.

Video recipe for making creme brulee ice cream

Moreover, both the children and the spouse, and myself, are absolutely in agreement on this. And the guests who found themselves at my next birthday party at my house categorically stated that they simply would not leave without a recipe, and most importantly, a step-by-step master class. And although they never carried out their threat, they regularly, with enviable consistency, reminded me of this promise to once again prepare and describe in detail, with photographs, the preparation of creme brulee ice cream. Which is exactly what I do.
In total, to prepare a large volume of creme brulee ice cream, you will need 250 grams of sugar. And from part of it you need to make caramel, which gives that unforgettable taste and original color. If you like darker, almost brown creme brulee ice cream, then you will need 50/50, but I take a third.

In addition, prepare a glass of well-warm, almost hot milk in advance so that it is on hand.

Next comes the most important part. Pour the measured sugar into a stainless saucepan or ladle and place on the fire. Stirring constantly, the sugar should become liquid and caramelize. But don’t burn it out, otherwise you’ll have to start all over again.

When it has become uniformly liquid, but not yet dark and bitter, pour milk over it and continue stirring quickly until it is completely dissolved.

Now we remove the main base of our future creme brulee ice cream and let it cool to room temperature. This will happen quickly, but if you are really impatient, line the container with ice cubes.

From four eggs we take only the yolks (I usually use the whites in casseroles or for making meringues),

and grind it until smooth with the remaining sugar. You will have to beat for a long time, since the sugar must completely dissolve and not squeak on your teeth.

Combine the milk-caramel base and yolks with sugar, mix and set aside.

500 ml heavy cream for whipping,

you need to beat it well. Just don’t get carried away, otherwise you’ll end up not with an airy delicacy, but with semi-finished butter in whey.

We combine them with the other component of our creme brulee ice cream, mix lightly so as not to lose the airiness, and set aside to freeze for an hour.

And then everything is even simpler: take it out - mix it, especially from the bottom - remove it again. And again for an hour.

The procedure is the same, but now we remove it not for one, but for at least six (or better yet, overnight) hours to completely freeze. And in this simple way, we got it - we stopped it, we do not allow the creme brulee ice cream to crystallize and become a single lump of sweet milk, and not a delicious delicacy.

And the last piece of advice: when you take it out, don’t try to immediately put it into bowls. Give it 5-10-15 minutes to slightly freeze just on the table. And then the process itself will be much easier.
Photo 14.

That's all the wisdom, bon appetit.

“Panna cotta”, “blancmange”, “creme brulee” are not only beautiful French words, but also the names of delicious desserts that can be prepared for holidays or various events.

“Creme brulee,” the recipe for which we will look at today, is a sweet made from custard with a caramel crust. The process is practically no different from the technology for preparing pudding, since it is steamed, but this dessert can easily replace ice cream, since it is served cold. Plus, it doesn't contain flour, so it's great for those who eat gluten-free sweets. To prepare it, milk, cream, yolks and sugar are used, and vanilla or zest is often added. The milk is heated and mixed with the remaining ingredients, then baked, the cream hardens and the crust caramelizes. Before we look at several recipes for making this dessert, let’s take a closer look at it.

A few words about the French dessert

“Crème brûlée,” the recipe for which came to us from France, is traditionally prepared with cream, but in the Catalan version it is made with milk. And although the delicacy is considered French all over the world, most often cooks use the Catalan version of its preparation. This dish is easy and quick to prepare. And there is nothing surprising here. All you have to do is mix the yolks with sugar, milk or cream, and then bake this mass in the oven until golden brown. When thinking over the menu for your next birthday, you can use “Creme Brulee” (every chef in France knows the recipe for the cake) as the main dessert. Let's look at how to prepare such a delicious dish.

Cake "Creme Brulee"

This delicacy is similar to Napoleon, but has a chocolate-vanilla taste and a coffee aroma.

Ingredients: one glass of sugar, one spoon of butter, one glass of sour cream, three glasses of flour, two spoons of cocoa, half a spoon of soda (quench with vinegar). For the cream: five hundred grams of milk, one egg, one glass of sugar, three tablespoons of flour, two hundred grams of butter, two tablespoons of cocoa, vanilla.

Preparing the cakes

Sugar is ground with butter. Add sour cream, soda and flour, knead the dough. It is divided in half, cocoa is added to one part. Divide the entire dough into six equal pieces, roll out the cakes and bake for ten minutes each.

Preparing the cream

Put the butter and cocoa aside for now, mix all the other ingredients and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. The cream is cooled. Beat the butter and cocoa, stirring constantly, add the prepared cream. Each cake and its sides are coated, the cake is placed in a cold place to soak.

"Creme Brulee": classic recipe

Ingredients: nine hundred grams of milk, six yolks, two hundred grams of sugar, two tablespoons of flour, four cinnamon sticks, one spoon of vanilla sugar, two shavings of lemon zest.


Seven hundred grams of milk are poured into a bowl, cinnamon and sugar, and lemon zest are added. Bring to a boil, then cook for five minutes. Meanwhile, beat the yolks with one hundred grams of milk (and mix the rest with flour). Add the two prepared masses to the hot mixture, mix everything and put it on the fire, cooking until it thickens. Everything will take about ten minutes. The thick cream is poured into molds and placed in a cool place for an hour.

Delicious feature

The Creme Brulee dessert, the recipe for which we are considering, involves the preparation of caramel. To do this, pour sugar into a small bowl and heat over high heat until it melts and turns brown. All this will take no more than five minutes. The finished caramel is poured hot over the cooled dessert and left for fifteen minutes to harden.

It should be noted that there can be quite a lot of options for such sweetness. For example, lemon can be replaced with orange or grated chocolate. It all depends on the imagination of the cook.

An easy recipe

Ingredients: three hundred grams of medium fat cream, two spoons of honey, two spoons of brown sugar, three yolks.


The cream is poured into a container and brought to a boil, removed from the heat and left to cool for five minutes. Then add the yolks with honey, pre-whipped to a light thick foam, and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting foam is removed using a spoon or slotted spoon. This mixture must be filled into the molds. Next, place a bowl of water in the preheated oven, place a flat dish on top, on which the molds are placed (make a water bath). Prepare Creme Brulee (classic recipe) for half an hour, after which it is removed from the oven and cooled to room temperature. The finished dish should have the consistency of jelly. Melted granulated sugar is poured over it and placed in a cold place.

Cooking using a microwave

Ingredients: one hundred and fifty grams of milk, sixty grams of coconut, two eggs, half a can of condensed milk, three tablespoons of sugar.

“Creme brulee” (recipe with photo provided by experienced chefs) can be cooked in the microwave. To do this, put one spoon of sugar in each mold, moisten it with water and put it in the microwave oven to melt. The resulting caramel is leveled along the walls and bottom of the molds. Then the milk is mixed with condensed milk and coconut flakes, beaten eggs are added, mixed thoroughly and poured into prepared forms. They are placed in the microwave and baked for ten minutes at full power. The readiness of the dish is checked with a toothpick or a match (the stick must remain dry when piercing the dessert). Sweets are served chilled.

Lemon Cinnamon Treat

Ingredients: four yolks, two lemons, one and a half glasses of low-fat cream, one cinnamon stick, a pinch of salt, one spoon of sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon.


“Creme brulee,” the recipe for which we are considering, is prepared as follows: wash the lemons, cut off six strips of peel and squeeze out two tablespoons of juice. The zest along with a cinnamon stick is placed in cream, heated until boiling and removed from heat. The zest and cinnamon are removed from the mass. Separately, beat the yolks with sugar and salt, add the prepared cream and lemon juice. This mixture is poured into molds, which are placed on a baking sheet with a small amount of water. The mass is baked until thickened, after which it is cooled and placed in a cool place.

The finished “Creme Brulee”, the recipe for which we already know, is sprinkled with sugar and ground cinnamon. It is then placed in the oven for a few minutes to caramelize.

Creme Brulee Ice Cream: Recipe

It’s quite possible to make such a dessert yourself, because there is nothing complicated about it. It will please every sweet tooth, since it will differ little from the one made in the factory.

Ingredients: 95 g heavy cream, 330 ml milk, 330 g milk powder, 100 g sugar, 10 g corn starch.


Before making homemade Creme Brulee ice cream, the recipe for which we are now studying, you need to prepare a syrup from fifty grams of milk and the same amount of sugar. To do this, pour sugar into a bowl, heat it until caramel forms and pour in warm milk, mix everything well. Cook the mixture over low heat until the caramel is completely dissolved and the consistency of condensed milk is reached.

Next, starch is diluted in milk. In another bowl, mix sugar and milk powder, add syrup and prepared starch mixture, mix well, strain and heat to a boil, stirring constantly.

Next we prepare Creme Brulee. This homemade recipe makes it quick and easy. The resulting jelly is cooled and placed in a cold place. The cream is cooled and whipped, jelly is added and whipped again. The finished mass is transferred to an ice cream container and placed in the freezer.

Curd delicacy

Ingredients: two hundred grams of homemade full-fat cottage cheese, fifty grams of milk, half a can of boiled condensed milk.


Beat cottage cheese, milk and condensed milk with a blender until smooth. This mixture is placed in molds, which are placed in the refrigerator or freezer for four to five hours. After some time, the dessert is taken out and its pleasant taste is enjoyed.


Chefs all over the world make Creme Brulee, the recipe for which we already know, in a steam bath or in the oven. Today, many people know how to cook this dessert in the microwave, but then it turns out to be more porous than in the classic version. Be that as it may, making this delicacy is not difficult and does not require much time.

"Creme Brulee" is an unusual dessert. Some may think that it is only available to the French or their guests, but, fortunately, this is not at all the case. The whole family can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of this dessert, since it is not so difficult to prepare it at home with your own hands. Your loved ones will certainly appreciate all your culinary efforts. You just need to try so that the dessert does not burn in the oven, but is covered with an appetizing golden crust that crunches so temptingly. Bon appetit!

Creme brulee ice cream Unlike creamy ice cream or ice cream, it has a characteristic caramel-vanilla taste, which many people like so much. Ice cream got its name from the world-famous dessert creme brulee, but unlike this hot dessert, creme brulee is a cooling dessert.

Creme brulee ice cream according to the classic recipe is prepared using the custard method based on caramel mass (burnt sugar) and cream. This recipe for making creme brulee according to GOST is very tasty, but a little time-consuming. I will write the recipe for making it at the end of the article. Today, many housewives simply do not have time to stand at the stove for a long time and therefore simple, or as they are also called “lazy” recipes for many dishes, have become fashionable, with the help of which you can quickly and tasty prepare many complex dishes.

Quite recently, after eating a portion of store-bought creme brulee ice cream, I decided to look up recipes on the Internet and find out how to make Homemade creme brulee ice cream fast and simple. I was pleasantly pleased with the number of recipes for this ice cream on the Internet. There was plenty to choose from. After reviewing and studying the proposed options, I took one of the recipes as a basis and modified it several times to my liking.

Homemade ice cream will be prepared from boiled condensed milk, milk and cream. Boiled condensed milk together with vanillin will give ice cream a fairly bright caramel-vanilla taste, essentially no different from the taste of ice cream prepared using the custard method from milk, caramel syrup and eggs.


  • Cream – 350 ml.,
  • Boiled condensed milk – 400 ml.,
  • Milk – 500 ml.,
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet,
  • Thickener for sour cream and creams – 1 sachet

Creme Brulee Ice Cream – Recipe

Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can start making the creme brulee ice cream. Whip the chilled cream from the refrigerator until sour cream thickens.

Add boiled condensed milk to them. You can boil a can of raw condensed milk on the stove, take ready-made factory-boiled condensed milk, or prepare it yourself at home.

Using a mixer, thoroughly mix the boiled condensed milk with cream until the mixture is homogeneous in consistency and color.

As you can imagine, the mixture turned out to be very sweet and fatty, and in order to make it more neutral in taste, you should dilute it with milk.

Pour milk into a bowl. You can take either homemade milk or pasteurized store-bought milk. Mix the ice cream base again with a mixer.

To add flavor to the ice cream, add a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

For a silkier texture to the finished crème brulee ice cream, add a packet of cream thickener or sour cream.

Mix the mixture again with a mixer. After this, the resulting base for creme brulee ice cream must be poured into a container for freezing.

It's great if you have an ice cream maker, but if you don't, just pour the mixture into a tray and put it in the freezer. After 2 hours, stir. Next, stir the ice cream every hour. In 5-6 hours it will be ready. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if this creme brulee ice cream recipe is useful to you.

Creme brulee ice cream. Photo

Now let's look at how to cook Creme brulee ice cream according to the classic recipe.


  • Sugar – 1 glass,
  • Milk – 500 ml.,
  • Cream – 200 ml.,
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet,
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Egg yolks – 3 pcs.

Creme Brulee Ice Cream - Recipe

Place half the sugar in a small saucepan. Add a tablespoon of water to it. While stirring constantly with a spoon, melt the sugar until you get caramel.

In fact, it is impossible to pinpoint the country where creme brulee ice cream originated. Many European countries consider it their dessert. The French came up with a product of the same name called “creme brulee”, which translates as “burnt cream”, the British are experimenting with the dessert “Trinity cream”, and the Spaniards believe that their recipe for creme catalan was spoiled by “all sorts” of foreigners. Perhaps the producers of creme brulee ice cream actually picked up the idea from the French.

Cooking at home according to GOST

Unfortunately, ice cream manufacturers do not always follow GOST. If you want to prepare a delicacy according to the standard, learn how to make it yourself. This is not such a complex “matter”. Boil caramel syrup and combine it with other ingredients.

How to make creme brulee ice cream at home according to established GOST:

    1. Pour 50 ml of milk into a small bowl, place on low heat and just heat, without boiling;
    2. Prepare the syrup for the crème brûlée: pour 80 g of granulated sugar into a small saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom and melt it over low heat to form a beautiful brown caramel.
    3. Very slowly pour the caramel mixture into the heated milk, stirring continuously to avoid curdling of the milk product. Continue whisking for a while longer;
    4. Prepare the ice cream base: combine the remaining sugar with dry milk, pour 50 ml of fresh milk into this mixture, stir thoroughly. Pour the resulting milk mixture into the syrup, adding another glass of milk, be sure to mix and put on fire.
    5. Stir continuously until mixture thickens, about 3 minutes;
    6. After turning off, the mixture must be strained into another pan using clean gauze or a sieve. Place on the stove again and bring to a boil;
    7. While the future ice cream is boiling, pour the remaining fresh milk into a small container and, adding starch, stir until smooth, carefully add the starch mixture into the pan. Simmer over low heat until thickened, about 1 minute;
    8. Cover the pan with a lid or cover with cling film , leave to cool in this form. Then put it in the refrigerator for two hours;
    9. Beat the cream with a mixer into a fluffy and fairly dense foam, add it to the cooled base and beat everything again.
    10. Transfer the ice cream into containers and place in the freezer for one hour;
    11. After an hour, transfer the ice cream into a bowl and beat using a mixer or food processor. Return to the same container and place in the freezer for two hours.

Creme brulee ice cream according to a simplified recipe

The simplified version of ice cream is based on only 4 ingredients: 35% cream, yolks, sugar and milk.

Required amount:

  • sugar – 190 g;
  • 35% cream – 500 ml;
  • egg yolks – 7 pieces;
  • milk – 250 ml.

Cooking time: 45 min. + freezing. Calorie content of 100 g serving of ice cream: 299 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the cream and milk into a small bowl, heat over low heat until the first bubbles appear, then remove from the stove;
  2. Beat sugar (150 g) with a mixer together with egg yolks. Without stopping whipping, pour in hot milk and cream in a thin stream, beat a little more;
  3. Return the milk-egg mixture to the bowl, stir, and place on the fire. Heat with continuous stirring until the mixture thickens. 3 minutes is enough;
  4. Melt the remaining sugar (40 g) in a bowl with a thick bottom. Pour a little milk-egg cream into the sugar, stir and place back into the bowl with the cream, stir, let the mixture cool thoroughly;
  5. Place the creme brulee in the freezer, remove it periodically and stir well so that there are no ice crystals in the finished dessert and the mixture hardens evenly.

How to make a treat without eggs

The main secret of this recipe is that we will not use ordinary condensed milk, but boiled “Caramel”. It has a thick, viscous consistency and a unique caramel taste.


  • Condensed milk boiled with sugar “Caramel” - 1 soft package or can;
  • gelatin – 2 plates (8 g);
  • cream 33% fat – 950 ml;
  • brown sugar – 90 g;
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract.

Cooking time: 40 min. + cooling time: 1.5 hours. 100 g serving: 305 kcal.

How to make homemade creme brulee ice cream without eggs:

  1. Soak the gelatin in a small amount of chilled water;
  2. In a deep bowl, combine condensed milk, cream, vanilla extract and brown sugar, then beat with a mixer until fluffy;
  3. Blot the swollen gelatin with a paper towel, add to condensed milk with cream and mix well. If lumps remain, rub the mixture through a sieve and beat everything again;
  4. Place the creme brulee into containers and place in the freezer for 1.5 hours;
  5. After this time, transfer the ice cream into the bowl of the device and beat. Place back into containers and place in the freezer.

If you only use the microwave to heat up food, you're wrong! Try our recipes.

A hearty salad with egg pancakes can also be served as a separate dish. Surprise your loved ones with this unusual dish.

Homemade recipes for delicious cookies with milk.

Creme brulee ice cream in an ice cream maker

A large selection of modern ice cream makers allows us to prepare ice cream without leaving home. Using an ice cream maker is quite simple: you need to send the cooling container to the freezer in advance so that the refrigerant between its walls collects cold, then fill it with the prepared mixture, close the device, press the button - and go about your business.


  • 6 yolks;
  • 250 g brown sugar;
  • 550 ml heavy cream;
  • 200 ml milk.

Cooking time required: 45 minutes. + time for freezing. 100 g serving of ice cream: 310 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 400 ml of cream and 200 ml of milk into a saucepan, place on low heat, heat until the first bubbles appear, but do not boil;
  2. Pour 100 g of sugar into a frying pan and melt over low heat to obtain a brown caramel mass. Pour this caramel into the heated cream in a thin stream, stirring constantly to prevent the cream from curdling. After all the caramel mass has dissolved, continue stirring for a couple more minutes;
  3. In a deep bowl with a mixer, beat the egg yolks with 150 g of sugar. While whisking, slowly pour in the creamy caramel mixture and beat a little more;
  4. Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan, stir a little, and put on fire. Heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Approximately 4 min. Then cool;
  5. Place the ice cream maker bowl in the freezer in advance so that the refrigerant located between the walls of the container is thoroughly cooled. Remove and fill with cooled mixture;
  6. Mix the ice cream well in the appliance. After about half an hour, transfer the finished creme brulee into containers and place in the freezer.

On a note

  1. To ensure that the ice cream hardens evenly and there is no ice in it after it is sent to the freezer, it must be periodically removed and mixed thoroughly;
  2. You can do it differently: put the ice cream in a container in the freezer for two hours, then transfer it to the bowl of a food processor and beat. Return to container and freeze;
  3. If you are using an ice cream maker, then fill the bowl only halfway, so during the mixing process the dessert is also saturated with oxygen;
  4. Remove the prepared creme brulee from the bowl using plastic or wooden utensils.

Treat your family and friends to the resulting delicacy - let them enjoy it!

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