Home Product Ratings Dark goat beer how many degrees. Brewery Velkopopovicky Kozel - self-guided tour

Dark goat beer how many degrees. Brewery Velkopopovicky Kozel - self-guided tour

Velké Popovice is located 20 kilometers from Prague. If you are in the area, be sure to sign up for a tour of the Velkopopovicky Kozel brewery. You should prepare for such a visit, because if you do not know in English, which the guide speaks, it will be difficult for you to understand his words, but they give out the text of the tour in Russian […]

Velké Popovice is located 20 kilometers from Prague. If you are in the area, be sure to sign up for a tour of Velkopopovicky Kozel brewery. You should prepare for such a visit, because if you do not know the English language spoken by the guide, it will be difficult for you to understand his words, but they give out the text of the tour in Russian in a test form.

The tour starts with lunch at Kozlovna - this place is located approximately 50 meters from the plant itself. Most importantly, a hearty lunch, represented by a vegetable salad, chicken soup with noodles, potatoes chicken thigh so no one goes hungry. And as a pleasant addition, 0.5 l of fresh dark beer. Everyone can go to the vychep and buy a tasting set of Velkopopovický Kozel beer, which will cost you only 50 kroons.

After a hearty lunch, you have to go to the plant itself. First, a group of tourists is invited to go to a special room where you can buy souvenirs with the factory's symbols and entrance tickets.

Then, the path lies through the courtyard to the building, inside which a full-fledged tour of the plant will begin.

After a group of tourists enters a room that looks like a museum, an escort comes out to the visitors, who gives each member of the tour group a plastic cup, and then the real beer tasting begins.

After all the tourists have tasted light beer, the group is invited to go up to the second floor, where there is an exposition of working rooms belonging to the first owners of the plant.

As you know, the history of the brewery began in 1874. Then tourists are shown several more expositions with cabinets from a later period.

For example, one of them is made in bright red colors. You can also look at the modern equipment that is used at the plant, old wooden barrels and glass containers with different labels.

Of course, no one will tell you detailed information about the secrets of brewing and the recipe, but you will have a more or less understanding of the brewing process.

The symbol of the Czech beer "Velkopopovicky Goat" is a two-horned animal with a beard - a goat. The image of this bearded beast will accompany you throughout the excursion program. And after you leave the room with the tanks, you will be shown a real goat, whose name is Old. This goat is an active participant in the creation of an advertising campaign for beer trademark"Velkopopovitsky Goat". All tourists who want to capture this wonderful animal as a keepsake can take a picture with it. It is not prohibited. The goat lives behind a metal fence and, apparently, feels great. The most interesting thing is that in front of the house in which the goat lives, there is a triangular sign with the image of a goat. It means: attention is a goat.

In addition, you will be shown where hops grow on the territory of the plant, which are added, according to a certain recipe, in the brewing process to a beer drink.

After that, you will be allowed to go down to the factory workshop, where there is perfect cleanliness and accuracy. The production of beer is fully automated.

You will see the process of bottling beer, the conveyor, through which the bottles are stacked in boxes and rise further to the exit.

Going out into the street, you can see how the car is loaded, which is sent to deliver finished products to the shops of the city.

When we say the Czech Republic, we often mean beer and vice versa. The fates of this small Eastern European country and the beer are closely intertwined. Beer in the Czech Republic is not an easy low-alcohol drink. This is a real pride, a cult, a religion.

Today, Velkopopovicky Kozel is one of the most famous brewing brands, if not in the world, then in Europe for sure. The name was given to it by the tiny Czech town of Velke Popovice, which is located near Prague.

Beer Velkopopovitsky Kozel is of high quality and excellent traditional taste. This fact is confirmed by numerous awards won at international brewing competitions. What are only 4 gold medals that this brand received from 1995 to 1999 at the beer championship in Chicago.

In Russia, Velkopopovicky Kozel enjoys truly popular love. And I'm talking about a foamy drink brewed in our country. Of course, imported beer wins in taste. However, domestic brewers also produce worthy products of this brand.

Main characteristics

Country of origin - Czech Republic.

The manufacturer is SUBMiller.

Existing container:

  • glass bottle 0.5 liters;
  • tin can 0.5 liters.

To date, the manufacturer produces several varieties of this foamy drink. The most popular are light and dark beer. In addition to them, the Medium and Premium brands are also produced. However, they are quite difficult to buy in Russia.

Velkopopovicky Kozel Svetly

It is a classic bottom-fermented Czech pale beer or, in other words, a lager. Its strength is 4 degrees, and the initial density of the must is 10%.

Pale lager has a traditional composition. It is brewed from pure drinking water, barley malt and hops with the addition of bottom-fermenting brewer's yeast. The combination of these components is a kind of standard of purity and quality.

Pale lager Velkopopovicky Kozel has a beautiful golden color. The flavor is not overly complex, but interesting. It has bread, coriander and malt tones. The taste is balanced and dryish with a slight hop bitterness. The main roles in it are played by grain, malt and herbal notes. The aftertaste is medium in duration.

It is a traditional Czech bottom-fermented dark beer or lager. The drink contains 3.2% ethyl alcohol. Extractivity of the initial wort is 9%.

Dark lager is also distinguished by the correct brewing composition. It does not contain anything extra. It is made from drinking water, dark barley malt, quality hops and yeast.

Beer has a rich dark brown color with beautiful ruby ​​flashes. Pleasant notes of Czech hops are easily guessed in the aroma. Its taste is based on caramel nuances. Drinking intoxicating drink is very easy. For the complete absence of bitterness, it is especially popular among women.

Write in the comments which Velkopopovicky Kozel beer is your favorite. Light or dark? Which side are you on?

History reference

The first mention of the town of Velke Popovice dates back to the already distant XIV century. Now it is difficult to say when beer was brewed in it. The first written evidence dates back to the 16th century. At that time, the Popovice brewery functioned in the city. Her owners were the Hysrl family.

Subsequently, the brewery changed owners more than once. It was owned by the Catholic Church, the military Berditsch Scheidburg and the mayor of Smikow, Franciszek Ringofer.

In 1874, the Velkopopovicky Kozel brand officially appeared. The creation of the well-known emblem, which depicts a goat, also dates back to this time.

After 1945 the brewery was nationalized. Despite this, he remained one of the largest specialized enterprises in Czechoslovakia.

The company returned to private hands in 1991.

A year ago, I could not help but drink at least a bottle of beer in the evening, at home, after work or with friends in a noisy company, with loud obscene jokes. I drank until I finally realized that our Ukrainian beer had come to naught, many breweries, of course, were sent by me a long time ago, but still there were a couple that I could rely on and when buying beer, I always took the same brand.

But I wanted to try as much as possible different varieties beer, I started with German, Russian, Belarusian, Czech, in short, I tried it in my life. There is good beer in Russia, even Belarus produces a tolerable, good taste, without any impurities and excess water.

Noi, there is a lot of so disgusting beer that, having opened a bottle, you can safely pour it into the sink, sometimes without tasting it, everything is clear. There were also more expensive favorites on my list, in principle, they still remain, for example, a Belgian beer called "Leffe", of course, not everyone can afford it, and I drink it every two months if it's a good day .

I tried beer "Kozel" a long time ago, I don't even remember what year it was. I can’t drink dark beer at all, I don’t know, maybe I’m just not used to it, but I don’t like dark beer under this brand, but now it has completely deteriorated. It is clear that the beer that we buy in supermarkets can hardly be called beer at all, a more beer drink, but we drink what we eat. It is produced in our factories, but still I can’t buy real Czech beer, which is imported.

I liked the “goat” light beer, I often used it at one time, firstly, they don’t shove anything superfluous into it, only hops and malt, and secondly, the price doesn’t bite, it doesn’t particularly hit the wallet, unless, of course, everyone sour day. The beer is light, soft and pleasant to the taste, even warm it can be drunk without wry nose, the taste remains almost unchanged.

I want to say that there is bad news, alcohol in light beer "Kozel" is only 4.0 percent, although real light beer should have at least 5.0, but in principle, for a higher degree there is "Kozel Premium" - 4, 8 percent, but I almost don’t see it in stores, somehow I managed to try it once, but I constantly drink light.

In general, good beer, you can drink a lot of it, you won’t feel sick if you don’t overdo it, but I don’t feel very good from dark. And for small company, for fish or cards - quite a tolerable beer.

Video review

beer goat

As a connoisseur of exquisite and multifaceted Czech beer, you will definitely not pass by the branded Velkopopovitsky Kozel in the store. This is an incredibly charismatic collection of intoxicating products, in which every consumer can find products that satisfy all his requirements and wishes. Such drinks can be enjoyed for hours under any circumstances and in any company.

Tasting characteristics

Beer Kozel is an excellent collection of hop products, in which you will find both light and dark beer, made according to original recipes invented several centuries ago. Moreover, in these drinks you will definitely meet your standard, because they are made from the best consumable ingredients, taking into account the established European quality standards. In fact, in every product of the brand, you will find alcohol worthy of respect.

Fortress of dark and light beer Kozel

The strength of drinks of a famous brand varies from 3.8 to 4.7%. Therefore, they can all be attributed to representatives of light alcoholic products.


The visual performance of the intoxicated Velkopopovitsky Goat varies from light gold with straw reflections to velvety dark with caramel tints.


In the aromatic indicators of drinks, notes of fruits and spices are heard.


The gastronomic basis of the hoppy Velkopopovicky Kozel is built on a variety of shades and balance. The consumer is waiting for exceptionally original and unique flavor combinations.

Did you know? In 2017, Velkopopovicky Kozel Dark received a gold medal at the International Brewing Awards.

How to choose original product

Often, when buying intoxicating drinks in a store, we do not think about the fact that the alcohol market is rapidly filled with fakes. Hence, consumers have the first wrong impressions about the products of a particular brand. If you do not want to make a mistake when choosing dark and light Kozel beer, pay attention to the following points:

  • Consistency. Czech hoppy, just like German, English or Polish beer, must have a clean structure without impurities and neoplasms. Noticing the sediment in the intoxicating, immediately return it to the shelf.
  • Bottle. Velkopopovicky Kozel is supplied to the market in original bottles with a slightly concave bottom. There must be two labels with a goat and beer on the container. One of them is in the center, and the other is on the neck.
  • Design quality. The factories of the Czech company have the most modern bottling equipment. Therefore, factory defects in the form of asymmetrically located labels, uneven seams, glass chips and other things are unacceptable. Experienced technologists monitor the release of each batch of alcohol, preventing the appearance of goods that do not meet quality standards.

How to serve

To feel original recipe provided by one or another representative of the Velkopopovicky Kozel line, be sure to pay attention to the fundamental classic canons of serving dark and light beer. In particular, the unifying features for these drinks is the temperature, which should not exceed 5-10 degrees.

Too cold drink will hide its exquisite intoxicating nature, and overheated will upset with a sharp and unpleasant aroma. The spill of Velkopopovitsky Kozel should be carried out in large glasses at an angle of 45 degrees. Moreover, a large head of foam forms in the intoxicating one, which is why the spill often takes place in two stages.

Did you know? According to legend, the label for the Velkopopovitsky Kozel was invented by a wandering French artist who wandered into the very outback of the Czech Republic in search of a beautiful nature.

What products are combined with

As befits a good intoxicating beer, Velkopopovicky Kozel beer goes well with a wide variety of snacks, ranging from dried fish and ending with hot and meat dishes.

In this case, the ideal pair is selected directly for the purchased intoxicating and personal preferences of the taster.

Other uses

Do you want to diversify your acquaintance with the eminent Czech beer? Pay attention to the cocktails Bishop, Cranes, Green Dragon, Three Comrades, Royal Purple, Hoof Kick and Beer Dragon. Regardless of the degrees of dark and light Kozel, the above-mentioned drinks are guaranteed to surprise you with a variety of aromatic and gastronomic shades.

What are the types of this drink

Aiming for an exquisite tasting experience good beer and paying attention to the products of the Velkopopovicky Kozel brand, you will come across an impressive variety of products worthy of respect. The most popular branded products include:

  • Velkopopovicky Kozel Cerny (Dark). Dark beer Kozel has a strength of 3.8% and a brown-ruby color. The aromatic bouquet is based on notes of cherry, caramel, chocolate and blackcurrant, while delicate bitterness and sweetness can be traced in gastronomic indicators.
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel Svetly (Pale). A drink with a strength of 4%, showing a light golden color and an aroma that is saturated with notes of meadow herbs and honey. Taste ambitions are revealed by pineapple. Citrus and mango plumes.
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel 11°. Original hop alcohol 4.6%. It has a rich golden color and a multi-layered aroma, in which halftones of wild flowers appear, apple pie and grains. The taste is based on pleasant hints of hops and nuts.
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel Premium. One of the strongest representatives of the line (4.8%). This is a lager with the aroma of a freshly baked pie on yeast dough. The taste is pleasing light citrus note.
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel Bohaty Chmel. Strong 4.7% alcohol with a fragrant hop aroma. The taste envelops with freshness and slight bitterness, echoing with a slight sourness.

Did you know? In 1999, Velkopopovicky kozel Premium won gold at the World Beer Championships.

History reference

All Velkopopovicky Kozel brand products are today produced in two factories: Velkopopovicky pivovar and Plzensky Prazdroj. The history of the company dates back to the 14th century, when the first small beer brewery was built in the town of the same name. For a long time this enterprise remained in the shadows and was known only to local residents.

In 1870 the situation changed radically. The company was bought out by Baron Frantisek Ringhoffer II. He completely rebuilt the brewery and equipped it according to last word technology at the time. Already in 1874, the first batch of Velkopopovicky Kozel beer was brewed and sold.

As for modern history, then in 1991 Velkopopovicky Kozel becomes a joint-stock company, and in 2002 the English corporation SABMiller buys the rights to manufacture products of the eminent brand. In 2016, the brand was bought by the Japanese manufacturer Asahi Breweries.

Drinks for large parties and individual relaxation

The collection of Velkopopovicky Kozel hop products is a color of flavor and aroma incarnations, each of which is guaranteed to give you unforgettable vivid impressions from every minute of tasting. Such drinks can be enjoyed during large feasts and parties, as well as relaxing in the evenings, sitting in front of the TV.

Over the years of its existence, the brand's products have repeatedly received the highest praise from experienced professionals. She is known, loved and respected on all continents of our planet. Head to the nearest store for a bottle of an excellent intoxicating drink that can win you over from the first sip.

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