Home desserts Czech beer pilsner urquell. The famous Czech Pilsner. How Pilsener Came to Be

Czech beer pilsner urquell. The famous Czech Pilsner. How Pilsener Came to Be

"Pilsner" - beer of all times and peoples, according to true connoisseurs. This is argued by the fact that any beer is divided into ale and lager. The latter is more popular than the former. Almost 90% of fans of this alcoholic drink drink lager beer. The difference is in the yeast from which the drink is made. Temperature also plays a big role. Lager ferments slowly and at low temperatures, while ales ferment quickly and at high temperatures. Most manufacturers use the lager method as it is safer and less predictable. But to put on mass production is almost impossible.

Therefore, such beer is brewed only by private breweries. So we can say that Pilsner Urquell beer is beer handmade, which requires a certain exposure and temperature.

History of appearance

In the 40s of the 19th century, 3600 liters of beer were produced at the Czech brewery, which made a splash in the brewing of that time. New generation beer has completely changed people's perception of taste and taste. appearance drink.

In early October 1842, a drink was presented at the fair, the color of which shimmered from light golden to amber. And after a few months, Pilsner beer became known not only throughout the Czech Republic, but also beyond its borders. With its appearance, the history of many now famous brands of beer begins. At the same time, few people can explain why most lager beer producers began to copy this particular type of Pilsner beer. One version claims that this was due to the color of the drink. Its amber-golden color shimmers so beautifully in the sun that beer lovers began to buy it en masse. Naturally, the level of sales rose significantly, and profits grew. Accordingly, other producers wanted to take advantage of this marketing ploy and began to produce beer similar in color and taste to Pilsner. This information is given by the manufacturer on the back label of the beer.

Beer "Wolters Pilsner" is of good quality, it is perceived by many as German. Its name influences it. Although it should be rightly noted that later this beer began to be produced at German breweries. But, in fact, this is a Czech beer, which laid the foundation for many German brands.


Due to the popularity of Pilsner malt beer, unscrupulous brewers of the time quickly got their bearings and began to brew fakes that looked very much like the original. Copies were sold under the brands "Pils", "Pilsner" and many others. Subsequently, the name "Pilsner" became associated with any golden beer, and was not perceived as a brand of beer.

To protect their product from counterfeiting, manufacturers already at the end of the 19th century added the word "Ekwell" to the original name. As a result, it began to be considered that the original name of the beer was Pilsner Urquel.

Beer of the last century

Before the taste of beer that we can enjoy today, the quality standards and recipes of Pilsner malt beers changed very often over several decades of brewing. This was also due to the rebels of that time. Beer drinkers, when they felt that the taste of their favorite drink was not changing for the better, staged protests. Often, brewers listened to them and began to develop new production technologies.

Already in 1839, a new factory was built, which began to apply Bavarian technologies during the brewing of beer. Experiments were carried out with the aging of beer, during which bottom fermentation was used. The advantage of this method was that the shelf life of beer increased significantly.

This method was so successful that it was published in a Czech-language newspaper.

And only in 1813, Joseph Groll came to the brewery, who began to use new varieties of malt and production technologies. It was he who produced the first batch of Pilsner beer, the taste of which is known to us to this day. At that time, such a drink became revolutionary in brewing, thanks to the Bavarian style of aging.

Soon, thanks to the development of communication and transport, beer became known throughout Europe. And only in 1958 Pilsner beer was officially registered as a trademark.

modern beer

Although the modern fermentation process had begun, the Pilsner plant in the Czech Republic still used open barrel fermentation. And only in the early nineties of the last century, this technology was changed. The use of large cylindrical tanks began. But this did not happen at all Pilsner breweries. Some still use the old methods in order to be able to compare the taste of beer.

Step-by-step production process of the most famous Czech beer

The good quality of Wolters Pilsner beer largely depends on what raw materials it is made from. It is very important that the barley from which the beer is brewed be of the Czech spring variety. It is grown in the regions of Moravia and Bohemia. And already the malt is produced directly in the Pilsen brewery.

The first stage of brewing beer

Malt is made from selected barley. To do this, barley is soaked in purified water. After that, it is necessary to leave the barley for five days until it germinates. Then it is dried. After the germinated barley dries well, it must be ground.

Now the malt turns into malt meal. Now begins the process of meal is mixed with water. The result should be a white mass of liquid consistency, which is called congestion. Mashing is done in order to activate the enzymes.

Saccharification method

This unique method has only been used in the Walter Pilsner brewing process for only a few decades. The third part of the malt is sent to the boiler and heated at a certain constant temperature. The purpose of this process is the dissolution of malt substances to the formation And already as a result of such a long procedure, the wort is obtained.


During the filtering of the malt mass, malt substances are separated, which do not dissolve. They are called pellets. In the filtration procedure, these substances settle to the bottom of the vat. The rest of the mass passes through the filter into the brew kettle.
Hops are then added to the wort while it is boiling.

Adding Hops

For the preparation of this Czech beer use famous variety hops. The secret of the recipe for Pilsner beer is that the Czech brewery uses exclusively the cones of female inflorescences of mid-season Žatec hops to brew it. It is thanks to this that the beer acquires its inherent bitterness and aroma.

So, the addition of hops occurs in three stages. At the first stage, hops are added in the form of granules, which are previously rid of ballast substances. Due to the fact that the hops are granulated, they can be kept fresh all year round.

The process of boiling the wort with the addition of hops must be very intensive in order for the drink to acquire its characteristic bitterness.

At the second stage, both fresh hops and pellets can be added to the wort. It all depends on what period the drink is brewed. The same applies to the third step of adding hops.

An important process is fermentation

Yeast is added at this stage to start the fermentation process. Since 1842, a special kind of yeast has been used for fermentation, which is stored all the time in refrigerators.

Before adding yeast, the liquid must be cooled. This is necessary in order to allow yeast cells to multiply. During the fermentation process, the sugar that appeared during cooking is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide thanks to the yeast.

Fermentation takes place over twelve days. After that, the drink can be safely called young beer, which is poured into large containers and stored in them for another month at low temperatures.

Last step in beer brewing

After the beer has aged for a month, it is filtered and bottled in kegs. In addition to kegs, beer can be bottled in glass bottles, aluminum cans, cisterns or, as they are also called, beer tanks.

Before bottling beer, cans or other containers go through a pasteurization stage. The only exceptions are tanks. Since the beer they store is meant to be consumed in a short time, they do not need to be pasteurized.

But not all produced beer is bottled for sale. A certain amount of the drink is left for storage in oak barrels in the beer cellars of the city of Pilsen.

So if you happen to visit this city, be sure to take a tour of the Pilsner Brewery, where you can taste delicious unfiltered and

Types of beer TM "Pilsner"

Walters Pilsner beer is one of the many Polsner beers produced in Germany. The taste of beer is invigorating and refreshing, slightly bitter. Its color is light golden.

The brewery where this beer is brewed is located in northern Germany. It has existed since the 17th century. But brewing beer on it using modern Czech technologies began only at the beginning of the last century. During the Second World War, the brewery was practically destroyed. But a few years later it was completely restored and sold.

Today, the Voster brewery is independent. Beer "Efes Pilsner" got its name thanks to the city in which it began to be brewed. They began to make it in Turkey in the middle of the last century. The drink has a golden yellow color. Slightly sweet in taste, not bitter. Today it is produced in eleven countries of the world.

Beer "Lida Pilsner" is a Belarusian analogue of a well-known beer brand, which differs significantly from the original in taste, quality and even appearance.

Uniqueness of taste

Since its inception, beer has been valued for its unique taste and harmonious combination of aromas. Among other things, this drink in its own way palatability goes well with many culinary specialties and snacks. This drink is a good aperitif. This makes it possible to enjoy the fullness of its taste and stimulates the appetite.

As a snack for beer, smoked meat, cheeses, bread toast and more are perfect. It is thanks to its bitter aftertaste and lack of sweetish notes that beer can be drunk with many salty dishes.

Pilsner beer is one of the few brands of modern beer that can be served as an alternative to wine. But it is worth noting that beer can not be a substitute for all varieties of wine, but only for those that are usually served with meat dishes lamb or beef. The taste of this beer perfectly emphasizes the taste of such a dish, and in some cases perfectly complements it.

Most gourmets and chefs around the world prefer this brand of beer. When serving such a drink, it is important to consider its temperature. Best of all, it reveals its aroma and taste at a maximum temperature of plus seven degrees. Temperature also affects the consistency of the foam that forms on the beer. At correct presentation the foam remains not only dense, but also thick for a long time, which protects the beer from premature oxidation.

Pilsner beer. Reviews

True connoisseurs of beer can appreciate its slightly bitter, noble taste. It is preferred by men more than women. But those who have tried this beer in the Czech Republic say that it is worth going to a bar or restaurant at least once specifically to taste this beer.

Until the mid-40s of the 19th century, most Bohemian beers were produced using the technology of top fermentation and had a dark, slightly cloudy color.

Taste and quality standards often changed very quickly and dramatically, and in 1838, for example, beer drinkers even staged small riots to show their dissatisfaction. In 1839 the citizens of Pilsen decided to build their own brewery, which was called Burger Brauerei (literally, as a city brewery), which in our time has a name. The beer at this factory had to be brewed according to the Bavarian style of brewing. At the same time, Bavarian brewers began experimenting with cold-tank aging using bottom-fermenting yeast, which improved the beer's color, aroma, and shelf life. Most of the results and insights from this study were published in 1794 (in Czech from 1801) by Frantisek Ondredge Pope from Brno.

Next, the famous Bavarian brewer Josef Groll (1813 – 1887) came to the brewery, who, using new methods and new malts, produced the first batch of modern Pilsener on October 5, 1842. The combination of a new color, Pilsen's wonderfully soft water, noble hops from the nearby Saaz (since 1918 Zatec) and the Bavarian aging style produced a clear, golden beer that was hailed as a brewing sensation.

The development of transport and communications also contributed to the fact that this new beer was soon available throughout Central Europe, and the Pilsner Brauart style of brewing became widely used in the world.

In 1859, "Pilsner Bier" was registered as a trademark with the Chamber of Commerce in Pilsner.

Modern Pilsner

The introduction of modern refrigeration to Germany by Carl von Linde at the end of the 19th century made it possible to preserve beer for a longer period of time, as well as to apply bottom-fermenting technologies where they were previously unavailable. However, even until recently, the Pilsner Urquell brewery still applied fermentation techniques using open barrels in their cellars. This technology was changed in 1993 to the use of large cylindrical tanks; however, small batches of beer are still brewed traditional way for taste comparisons. So Pilsner still holds the title of "world's first golden beer".

Bavarian brewery (Holland)

Bavaria's cafe. The Bavarian brewery was founded by Laurentius Muris in 1719 and then produced about 88 casks of beer annually. Jan Swinkels, born in 1851, great-grandson of Laurentius Muris, inherited the brewery, expanding its production and increasing beer sales. By 1924 the brewery had become too small for the increasing volumes and a new brewery was built. In 1933, a bottling plant was completed, which produced 2,000 bottles per hour. Bavarian beer is currently available in over 100 countries around the world and the plant produces around 580 million liters annually.

Price scandals

April 18, 2007 The European Commission has imposed punitive fines on three major European breweries in order to prevent the price monopoly on beer in the Netherlands. The three plants were (€219.3 million), (€31.65 million) and (€22.85 million). A fourth member of the cartel, InBev (formerly Interbrew), escaped penalties for providing "crucial information" on the cartel's operations between 1996 and 1999. These four companies controlled 95% of the Dutch beer market. Nili Kroes, one of the members of the EU commission, said she was "very disappointed" that the collusion took place at a very high level. She stated, "This is simply unacceptable: the major beer suppliers conspired to artificially raise prices and deceive customers."

2006 FIFA World Cup

In 2006 at the FIFA World Cup, the Bavarian Brewery caused another little scandal. Then 1,000 fans of the Dutch national football team donned orange jumpsuits with the brewery logo on them. FIFA considered such actions illegal and classified them as covert marketing. With a preliminary warning from FIFA officials, the team's headquarters, in the game against Côte d'Ivoire, asked fans to remove the kit with the emblem at the entrance to the stadium and replace it with an orange kit without the emblem.

Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix 2007

On July 12, 2007, at a press conference held in Lieshout, The Netherlands, representatives of the Dutch Champion Automobile Grand Prix and Peer Swinkels, a member of the board of directors of the Bavarian brewery, announced that the Bavarian Brewery, the second largest brewery in the Netherlands, would be the main sponsor of the competition. Representatives also announced the signing of three agreements with additional sponsors - Audi, Gant, and Hertz. The official name of the competition is Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix 2007

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According to statistics, more than half of the products on the beer market are labeled "Pilsener", "Pilsner", "Pils" or similar. However, not all lovers of a foamy drink know what such an inscription means and what it says. So what is a pilsner, or pilsner, how does that sound right?

Pilsner - special

It should be noted that pilsner is in any case, that is, beer. Thus, this variety automatically inherits the traits characteristic of this type of beer. In addition, pilsner is always characterized by a bright hop bitterness in taste and a light malt tone, thanks to which it is drunk softly and with great pleasure, the characteristic aroma of the drink is full and rich. From this point of view, pilsners can be safely called classics of the genre, without a bit of a twist of heart.

A real pilsner is prepared on the basis, and the water is softened before use. But the main and indispensable component of pilsner is the Saaz (more common name is Zhatet) mid-ripening crimson, which gives the drink a characteristic hop bitterness. Although today other varieties are also used to produce pilsners. Belgian, Dutch, and American pils varieties often have a slightly sweet aftertaste, but this is more of an exception than the classic examples, which include products from German and Czech brewers.

The designation Pilsner or Pils is often found on the labels of American breweries today. However, beer sommeliers and even direct producers have repeatedly confirmed that most North American pilsners do not correspond to the classic canons in terms of the ingredients used and the intricacies of the technology. In this case, such marking only emphasizes the status of the product and is thus designed to attract additional interest to it.

How Pilsener Came to Be

Pilsner is a word of German origin, which translates as "Pilsen", that is, brewed in the city of Pilsen.

This type of beer was named after the old western city in the Czech Republic - Pilsen, whose name in German sounds like "Pilsen". It is believed that this is where the pilsner originated. This happened in the middle of the 19th century, when the local authorities, contrary to the then existing traditions, built their own brewery, where invited brewers, under the guidance of the famous Bavarian master Josef Groll, began to experiment in order to obtain a new beer with an attractive taste.

The first result of these experiments was published on October 5, 1842. Thanks to the combination of German traditions, modern advanced technologies at that time and unique properties Zatecki was born a completely new beer. It was the world's first golden light bitter.

Pilsner became a true sensation, quickly gaining recognition in professional circles and the love of ordinary consumers. Within a little over ten years, the whole of Europe knew about pilsner, and a small municipal brewery on the outskirts of Pilsen turned into a large brewery with branches and subsidiaries scattered throughout Europe.

More than 50 years later, in 1898, this already famous received its own name - "Plzeňský Prazdroj" (Pilsen Prazdroj), which literally translates as "Pilsner from the original source." And the German version of the name sounds like "Pilsner Urquell" (Pilzner Urquell) with a similar translation.

Today, the Pilsner Urquell brand belongs to SABMiller and is one of the leading brands at the moment.

Modern pilsner

In the modern boundless variety of Pilsener, there are three varieties, without knowing which it is impossible to figure out what Pilsner beer is. So this is:

  1. Bohemian pilsner- a drink that premiered back in 1842. A beer with a complex malt character based on the Saaz variety. It is potentially the most bitter variety, with possible bitterness levels ranging from 35-45 IBU. The strength of this variety of pils is from 4.2 to 5.4%.
  2. german pilsner- a variation of the Bohemian pilsner with changes that are due to the need to adapt the production of the drink to the brewing conditions in Germany. Bitterness ranges from 25 to 45 units.
  3. Classic American Pilsner- a product that appeared in America thanks to German immigrants. They had to replace traditional ingredients local constituents. For example, in most cases, corn was added to the beer, which fermented well.

You can also tell the difference between German and Bohemian Pilsners by color. If the German varieties are characterized by a shade of dry straw, then the Bohemian beer resembles polished gold - the Bohemian variety is darker and richer, and its foam is dense and persistent. The German pilsner tastes drier, while it is characterized by high carbonation, so when consumed, a persistent feeling of freshness is created.

The presence of corn in the composition of the American pilsner, and in some varieties of rice, adds sweetness to the taste. But at the same time, the character of the American is closer to neutral, and thanks to the carbonization, classic American varieties are well refreshed in hot weather. The bitterness level in American pilsners ranges from 20 to 40 IBU, but most often does not exceed 30 IBU. At the same time, the American classic pilsner can be in this category - the alcohol content is in the range of 4.5-6%.

So what is a pilsner? A special kind of (). For the preparation of this variety, the brewers used Žatec varieties and water from the area of ​​the Czech town of Pilsen, which is characterized by increased softness. A distinctive feature of pilsners is a stable hop bitterness, rich bouquet and original color.

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The famous Pilsner Urquel beer is, in comparison with other types of this intoxicating drink, the most widespread. This lager beer originated in the Czech city of Pilsen, after which it got its name. Let's learn more about it.

In the article:

Features of Pilsner beer

Pilsner is considered the first golden intoxicating drink with a unique taste of a mixture of honey and bitterness. It is this beer that is called legendary all over the world. Pilsner (Pilsner or Pilsner) is a type of intoxicating drink brewed by bottom fermentation. A real Pilsner is made from pale malts, the famous Saaz hops and soft water. This type is brewed according to the technology borrowed from Bavarian brewers.

The most popular varieties of this type of beer produced in Germany and the Czech Republic. In Holland, Pilsner has a slightly sweet aftertaste.

Pilsner has a buttery texture, a bitter taste and an incredible hoppy aroma.

The history of Pilsner beer

In 1839, a decision was made to build a brewery in the city of Pilsen. No one at that time could have thought that this idea would result in the construction of one of the largest concerns in the Czech Republic today.

The plant was equipped with the best production equipment. The only snag was in the production technology. At that time, bottom-fermented beer began to be prepared in Bavaria (see). One of the most popular brewers in this country was Josef Groll. It was he who was invited to Pilsen to develop the future concept of beer production. This talented specialist was put in charge of production in the new Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery.

Josef Groll

Josef Groll was known for his obstinate disposition. And since he was considered an unsurpassed brewer in the field of brewing dark types of intoxicating drinks, he completely refused to brew this beer. Josef Groll stated that he would produce exclusively light varieties. This was his condition.

After 3 years, the first batch of intoxicating drink was produced, prepared according to the latest production technologies. Thanks to selected varieties of hops, specially brought from the city of Zatec, as well as Pilsen water, known for its excellent qualities, the beer turned out to be excellent and made a splash.

The new beer was distinguished by the fact that, unlike all previous varieties - dark and cloudy, it was golden and transparent.

The peculiarity of this drink was also that it was prepared using the technology of triple digestion of the wort, which had not previously been used in the Czech Republic. It is noteworthy that even today this technology has been preserved in the Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery in the production of Pilsner.

In 1859, the Pilsner Bier brand was registered based on a new beer recipe. And after another 39 years, this famous intoxicating drink began to be produced under the brand name Pilsner Urquell, which means Pilsner's Primary Source.

Brewery house in Pilsen

In the 20th century, Plzeňský Prazdroj developed rapidly. Even when the brewery was almost completely destroyed during the war, it was quickly rebuilt and equipped with the best equipment. The production continued to develop.

Today, this company brews beer on modern equipment, uses the latest technology, but at the same time remains true to the classic recipe of Josef Groll.

Brewery products Plzeňský Prazdroj

Pilsner Urquell

Plzeňský Prazdroj's most popular product is Pilsner Urquel. This aromatic drink is distinguished by its amber color and harmonious taste.

Gambrinus svetle vycepni

Gambrinus svetle vycepni

This intoxicating drink has a dense structure, bitter taste and lush lacy foam inherent in almost all Plzeňský Prazdroj drinks.

Gambrinus Premium

Gambrinus Premium

A beer belonging to the Pilsner species. This light strong drink has a subtle hoppy aroma.

Gambrinus se snizenym obsahem cukru

A light-colored beer that differs from other products of the Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery by its low sugar content.


Light pleasant hoppy drink with a delicate sweetish aftertaste.

Pilsner malt and other secrets of Pilsner Urquell

In the production of Pilsner Urquell, Plzeňský Prazdroj also adheres to the recipe. Through tradition and use natural ingredients Pilsner Urquell is the second most famous intoxicating drink in the Czech Republic.

Pilsner barley malt

In one of the French bars, the drinks menu offers 140 types of intoxicating drinks. Opposite one of them is the inscription "The best beer in the world." These words are written opposite the Pilsner Urquell beer.

When brewing Pilsner Urquell, the following ingredients are used:

  • Malted barley from which malt of excellent quality is produced.
  • Zatec hop, characterized by a low level of alpha acids, which gives a specific herbal taste future product and delicate aroma.
  • Pilsen water, famous for its purity chemical composition and softness.
  • Yeast, namely a special type of yeast culture used at the Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery since 1842. It is this component that plays an important role in giving the drink its unique taste.

Pilsner Urquell beer gained its popularity back in the middle of the 19th century, when it began to enjoy unprecedented demand in countries such as France, Germany, Austria, etc. Today, this beer remains one of the most common intoxicating drinks in the world. Most modern breweries use Pilsner as a benchmark for their products..

Pilsner Urquell Brewing Process

The process of making Pilsner Urquell beer begins in the fields of Bohemia and Moravia, where the best varieties barley for future intoxicating drinks. In the Plzeňský Prazdroj brewery, high-quality malt is prepared from this grain crop. To do this, the grain is sent to the malthouse, thoroughly soaked and left to germinate. After five days, the barley is dried.

Fermentation in oak barrels, cellars of the Pilsensky Prazdroj brewery

The prepared malt is crushed and sent for mashing (mixing with water), resulting in a white mixture.

After that, the malt is filtered, due to which all insoluble elements settle at the bottom of the vat. This is how a natural filter apparatus is obtained, through which the wort is purified.

The wort is transferred to the boiler. Hops are being prepared. For brewing Pilsner beer, Žatec hop cones are used, which are carefully crushed and cleaned of ballast elements beforehand. Hops are added in three steps. In order for beer to acquire its characteristic taste, boiling the mixture of wort with hops is very intensive.

The wort is cooled and left to oxidize. After that, yeast is added to it. Thus begins the important fermentation process in brewing. This stage lasts 12 days. During fermentation, yeast cells help convert the available sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The resulting drink is transferred to special tanks, where it matures to the desired state for 30 days. In this case, a low temperature must be maintained.

This is how the production process of the famous Pilsner Urquell beer looks like. After the drink has matured, it is filtered, pasteurized and poured into bottles, aluminum cans and other containers. Part of the beer, which is intended for quick consumption, is not subjected to pasteurization (the so-called live beer).

In order to make sure that the quality of Pilsner Urquell has not changed compared to the original drink, every year the company's brewers brew a small amount in accordance with the principles of Josef Groll on the same equipment on which he brewed. In this way, the classic recipe for Pilsner beer is preserved in the brewery. Brewers are invited to taste the modern drink and beer brewed according to the old technology. It is noteworthy that so far none of them has been able to distinguish between these two intoxicating products.

Combining new bottom fermentation technology with Czech ingredients, the Plzeňský Prazdroj brewers created an incredible quality beer that was a sensation when it first appeared and remains one of the best hop products today.

The classic Czech beer Pilsner Urquell comes from the city of Pilsen. Production of this pale lager began in 1842, and today it is one of the most popular amber brews in the world. The unique refreshing taste of Pilsner Urquell, in which honey malt notes are harmoniously combined with the aromas of meadow grasses, is explained by the use of Saaz Bohemian malt and the unique triple digestion technology. When preparing the drink, pure soft natural water and the best varieties of Moravian barley are used. The beer has an uncompromising taste, a classic malty aroma and a bright golden color, emphasized in the glass with a snow-white head of foam.

The Pilsensky Prazdroj brewery is one of the most famous in the country, its history began in 1839, when local brewers decided to open a new factory that meets the most modern technological requirements. The well-known Bavarian master brewer Josef Groll was invited to introduce bottom fermentation in Pilsen.

In 1842, a pale lager was brewed, called Pilsner. It was he who became the standard for all brewers of the Old World for many decades. They began to copy it everywhere, and this motivated the owners of the brewery to officially register the Pilsner Urquell brand in 1898, which means “Pilsner from the original source”.

Now the Pilsner Prazdroj brewery owns four factories in different regions of the country. This allows it to be the leading Czech exporter of beer and supply amber drink to 50 countries of the world. Pilsner Prazdroj is today one of the main members of the SABMiller group, the largest brewing holding in the world, operating on all continents. This helped Pilsner Urquell enter new markets and win even more fans.

"Pilsner Urquell" — price in WineStyle

Beer "Pilsner Urquell" in WineStyle stores is sold at a price of 98 rubles. Beer from the Czech Republic is more expensive: a bottle or a can costs from 200 rubles. This item is sold in lots of 20-24 pieces.

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