Home Main courses Soup from babies in China. In Chinese restaurants, you can order a dish of babies

Soup from babies in China. In Chinese restaurants, you can order a dish of babies

Recipes of Chinese comrades
In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from babies who are 6-7 months old from the moment of conception. This dish costs from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan ($428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman by the name of Wang, who is already over 62 years old, told the correspondent that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, emphasized that the dish of babies helps him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone really cooks such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a manager he knew if they could make this dish for them. The manager said that they don't have babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen or they would not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work, and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon the children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

The reporter still didn't quite believe it all. For several weeks, he conducted an investigation in the city, heard many stories about it, but he could not get any concrete evidence. Then Wang called him and said that the product was already available and that now the weather had become cold and several of his friends wanted to improve their health.

This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already waiting. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go to the kitchen and look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him about the fact that the baby was very small.

The cook said that they usually receive babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depended on the size of the baby and whether he was alive or dead. Mostly they are girls.

Wang, in turn, told his friend that he pays more than 3,000 yuan and all these details about how they get babies are of no interest to him.

Everyone sitting at the table that evening in the restaurant poured soup into bowls for themselves, divided the baby meat and ate everything with relish. The correspondent himself could not overcome himself and try this dish.

In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also called himself a Christian, and stated that neither in the Bible nor in the laws of the country is there a ban on feeding babies.

We all think: cannibalism in the civilized world is destroyed. And we are wrong. Rumors of cannibalism in China began to spread in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend the “dinner”, during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article stating that dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy".

The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at the banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, are a way for the Chinese to improve health and beauty. The young human body, according to her, has much more useful properties than the placenta. However, this delicacy is not available to everyone. Those who do not have certain connections have to sign up for long lists while waiting for a human body.

Male fetuses are considered the most valuable. By the way, in previous media reports on the problem of "embryo-eating" in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese only eat girls and demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China, without persecution by the law, you can only have one child. Women are thus generally treated as second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.

Obstetricians attending births tell reporters that all newborns from mothers who do not have permission to give birth are injected with alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. In this way, they get rid of many problems of "unlicensed" children on a daily basis.

At the request of the staff of the magazine, Liu showed the place where the embryos are being prepared. In front of the astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.

Don't worry, it's just meat, and nothing more than a highly developed animal, she said during the process. According to the customs of the region, before being cooked, the embryos are fired in kilns. However, some Chinese cannibals prefer not newborns, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: soup from a six- to seven-month-old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3000 to 4000 yuan.

The predilection of the Chinese for cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, a group of smugglers carrying babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old, were detained by the police in Guangxi province. The children were crammed three or four into sacks and were practically at death's door. None of them had a missing persons report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other horrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and on TV screens in China.

Human babies are harder to get for food, and I believe China has laws regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there doesn't seem to be a law against eating aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small uterine fruits are boiled for soup. Late uterine fruits are eaten like roasted suckling pigs. It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese do with cats and dogs. But it is needless to worry: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would have a negative effect on public enthusiasm for a closer rapprochement with the Chinese.

Reports that dead fetuses are being used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Physicians defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses are good for skin condition and general health.

It was soon said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetal fruit as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other for the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, went to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, the reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asking the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they had run out in their department and asked to come another time.

The next day, the reporter came to lunch break. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle full of thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and give them away for free. "...

The reporter found out that fetal fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when the supply of the product is insufficient, the price could go up to $20. But this money is pennies, compared to the prices in private clinics, which are reported to make a lot of money on fetal fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 per fetus. The director of the clinic is a man of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked if the fetuses were edible, she enthusiastically stated, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they're good for your kidneys. When I was in Jiangti Province Military Hospital, I often brought the fetuses home.”...

One Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong states that he ate fetal soup for more than six months. He is in his 40s and often has to travel to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to the fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of the fetuses. “At first I felt uncomfortable, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetuses will help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” said Cheng...

Zou Keen, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a fetal diet. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; the best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They'll be uselessly lost if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions don't need these fetuses. Also, fetuses are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of having fetuses..."

Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. “Eating fetal fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore...,” he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. from the Eastern Express, a newspaper published on English language in Hong Kong, there is much more information. If this is not enough for you, you can try to dig into Chinese folklore yourself. As the man said, eating fetal fruit is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition.

delicacy recipe Cooking process. For 4 servings:
300 g of small potatoes, 1 onion, 2 table each. spoons of fat for frying (sunflower oil will do) and mustard, 150 g of embryonic flesh, 1 table. spoons of tomato paste, 4 table. spoons of honey, 1 can of tomatoes 850 ml, 400 ml of vegetable broth, 250 g each of canned white and red beans (or - better - you can just boil 2 cups of beans), hot pepper, garlic. Boil the beans, drain the water, pour vegetable broth(you can make it from a bouillon cube), cook further along with peeled and chopped potatoes until the latter is ready. Fry the onion in a frying pan, after - the chopped unborn baby. After that, mustard, honey and tomato paste. Simmer for a few minutes until honey and paste dissolve. All this is poured into a saucepan, where the potatoes have already been cooked. While it acquires a common mystical component there, we open a jar of tomatoes in our own sweat, pour the sweat into a saucepan, peel the tomatoes, cut them if desired and throw them there too. Add garlic (3-4 large cloves) and pepper in quantity. It is determined by taste the best way- when the eyes on the forehead climb (not worth it lovely dish spoil with a small amount of pepper!). We turn it off and wait until it cools down to a temperature suitable for consumption. It is recommended to drink beer (yes, soup - beer!). We do not stain with bread and mayanesic. Bon appetit!

In China, soup is being prepared from dead babies, and journalists from a South Korean TV channel have uncovered the clandestine production in China of capsules with powder from babies, batches of which are smuggled into South Korea.

The South Korean channel SBS broke the shocking news about the manufacture of baby powder capsules in China. Photo from epochtimes.com

On August 6, SBS, one of South Korea's largest TV channels, broke the shocking news that Chinese hospitals were supplying abortion babies to clandestine workshops, where they were then made into "nourishing powder" and packaged in capsules. Such capsules with human meat are sold both in China and smuggled to other countries, in particular to South Korea.

The correspondents of the TV channel visited China, where they managed to contact the people involved in this "black" business, as well as film the entire process of preparing baby powder on camera.

The authors of the report saw with their own eyes how dead babies were taken out of an ordinary household refrigerator, then they were dried in a special microwave oven, after which they were ground in a meat grinder and packed into capsules.

The price of such capsules in South Korea is ten times more expensive than in China, 100 pieces cost 748 US dollars.

Recently, Korean customs confiscated a contraband shipment of these human meat capsules. Laboratory research confirmed that the DNA and genes of the powder in capsules are 99.7% identical to human ones. In addition, hair and nails of human babies were found in the powder.

The South Korean customs authorities are currently investigating how these capsules could be brought into the country.

It is believed that eating the meat of babies increases potency and tone. However, South Korean doctors say that such a statement is unscientific, and that, on the contrary, there is a danger of contracting any hereditary disease that was in the baby's genes.

Many South Korean media outlets have also reported on this, making the public excited about the existence of such a phenomenon. Some outright call this "wellness culture" a "crime against humanity."

For several years, there have been periodic reports in China of the use of dead babies for food, of which there are many in China due to birth control policies. In the PRC, forced abortions of "excess children" are carried out in large numbers. In addition, many couples believe that if they have one child, it is better that it be a boy, so they also resort to abortion if the fetus is female.

In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from 6-7-month-old babies. This dish costs from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan ($428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman by the name of Wang, who is already over 62 years old, told the correspondent that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, emphasized that the dish of babies helps him a lot.

The correspondent did not believe that someone really cooks such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

The process of preparing babies. Photo from qzone.qq.com

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a manager he knew if they could make this dish for them. The manager said that they don't have babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen or they would not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work, and that the woman was pregnant with twins - both girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon the children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

The reporter still did not believe what he heard. For several weeks, he conducted an investigation in the city, heard many stories about it, but he could not get any concrete evidence. Then Wang called him and said that the product was already available, and that the weather had turned cold now, and several of his friends wanted to improve their health.

This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already waiting. And while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him about the fact that the baby was very small.

The cook also said that they usually receive babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but noted that it depends on the size of the baby and whether he is alive or dead. Basically, they are girls.

Wang, in turn, told his friend that he pays more than 3,000 yuan, and he is not interested in all the details about how they get babies.

Everyone sitting at the table that evening in the restaurant poured soup into their bowls, divided the baby's meat and ate everything with relish. The correspondent himself could not overcome himself and try this dish.

In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also called himself a Christian, and stated that neither in the Bible nor in the laws of the country is there a ban on feeding babies.

The Chinese make pills from dead children.

Korean journalists found a hospital in China that, for a fee, supplied drug companies with dead children - abortion materials. Correspondents also managed to reveal the "recipe" of pills from children.

There have been rumors in the Asian media that China is allegedly producing drugs from dead newborns or abortion materials. Korean TV decided to conduct its own investigation and find out if this is true. As a result, a hospital was found that sold dead children to pharmaceutical companies. Clinic employees immediately inform pharmaceutical companies that a child has died, Rosbalt reports.

The business of selling pills from dead children is expensive and secret, but everything does not happen without the consent of the mothers of the deceased. According to MedDaily, the process of manufacturing medicines from children was also disclosed. Allegedly, drug companies store dead children in the refrigerator, and then put them in a special microwave dryer. There the material is dried and prepared for grinding. In this way, the filling for capsules is obtained.

Journalists were able to buy such pills at a high price, and the examination showed that 99.7 percent of the drug consisted of parts of the human body: nails, hair. Scientists were even able to determine the sex of the child, they write "Arguments and Facts".

In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from babies who are 6-7 months old.

In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from babies who are 6-7 months old from the moment of conception. This dish costs from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan ($428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

To the correspondent, one of his acquaintances, a businessman named Van who is already over 62 years old, said that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, stressed that the dish of babies helps him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone really cooks such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a manager he knew if they could make this dish for them. The manager said that they don't have babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen or they would not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work, and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon the children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already waiting. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go to the kitchen and look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him about the fact that the baby was very small.

The cook said that they usually receive babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depended on the size of the baby and whether he was alive or dead. Mostly they are girls. Wang, in turn, told his friend that he pays more than 3,000 yuan and all these details about how they get babies are of no interest to him.

Everyone sitting at the table that evening in the restaurant poured soup into bowls for themselves, divided the baby meat and ate everything with relish. The correspondent himself could not overcome himself and try this dish.

In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also called himself a Christian, and stated that neither in the Bible nor in the laws of the country is there a ban on feeding babies.

We all think: cannibalism in the civilized world is destroyed. And we are wrong. Rumors of cannibalism in China began to spread in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend the "dinner", during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article stating that dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy". The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at a Taiwanese businessman's banquet. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, are a way for the Chinese to improve health and beauty. The young human body, according to her, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, this delicacy is not available to everyone. Those who do not have certain connections have to sign up for long lists while waiting for a human body.

Male fetuses are considered the most valuable. By the way, in previous media reports on the problem of "embryo-eating" in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese only eat girls and demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China, without persecution by the law, you can only have one child. Women are thus generally treated as second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.
Obstetricians attending births tell reporters that all newborns from mothers who do not have permission to give birth are injected with alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many problems of "unlicensed" children every day.
At the request of the staff of the magazine, Liu showed the place where the embryos are being prepared. In front of the astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.

-Don't worry, it's just meat, and nothing more than a highly evolved animal., she said during the process. According to the customs of the region, before being cooked, the embryos are fired in kilns. However, some Chinese cannibals prefer not newborns, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: soup from a six- to seven-month-old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3000 to 4000 yuan.

The predilection of the Chinese for cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, a group of smugglers carrying babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old, were detained by the police in Guangxi province. The children were crammed three or four into sacks and were practically at death's door. None of them had a missing persons report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other horrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and on TV screens in China.
Human babies are harder to get for food, and I believe China has laws regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there doesn't seem to be a law against eating aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small uterine fruits are boiled for soup. Late uterine fruits are eaten like roasted suckling pigs. It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese do with cats and dogs. But it is needless to worry: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would have a negative effect on public enthusiasm for a closer rapprochement with the Chinese. \

Reports that dead fetuses are being used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Physicians defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses are good for skin condition and general health.

It was soon said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetal fruit as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other for the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, went to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, the reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asking the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they had run out in their department and asked to come another time.

The next day, the reporter came to lunch break. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle full of thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor said: There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and give them away for free»...

The reporter found out that fetal fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when the supply of the product is insufficient, the price could go up to $20. But this money is pennies, compared to the prices in private clinics, which are reported to make a lot of money on fetal fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 per fetus. The director of the clinic is a man of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Young... from the Xing Hua Clinic asked if the fetuses are edible, she passionately stated: " Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they're good for your kidneys. When I was in Jiangti Province Military Hospital, I often brought the fetuses home»...

Some Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong states that he ate fetal soup for more than six months. He is in his 40s and often has to travel to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to the fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of the fetuses. “At first I felt uncomfortable, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetuses will help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” said Cheng...

Zou Keen, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a fetal diet. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. " Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; the best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They'll be wasted uselessly if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions don't need these fetuses. Also, fetuses are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of having fetuses...»

Dr. Warren Lee, president of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. " Eating fetal fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore....,” he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. from the Eastern Express, an English-language newspaper in Hong Kong, there is much more information. If this is not enough for you, you can try to dig into Chinese folklore yourself. As the man said, eating fetal fruit is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition.

I am in deep shock, because this phenomenon cannot be justified by any laws or their absence! How can you even eat THIS? Or those who eat for a long time already not people?!

The information that the Chinese eat the meat of babies has already excited the minds of the public more than once. Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article stating that dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy"

The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at the banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, are a way for the Chinese to improve health and beauty. The young human body, according to her, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, this delicacy is not available to everyone. Those who do not have certain connections have to sign up for long lists while waiting for a human body. Male fetuses are considered the most valuable.

At the request of the staff of the magazine, Liu showed the place where the embryos are being prepared. In front of the astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.
“Don't worry, it's just meat, and nothing more than a highly developed animal,” she said during the process.

According to the customs of the region, before being cooked, the embryos are fired in kilns. The predilection of the Chinese for cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, a group of smugglers carrying babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old, were detained by the police in Guangxi province. The children were crammed three or four into sacks and were practically at death's door. None of them had a missing persons report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other horrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and on TV screens in China.

To increase tolerance towards different peoples, it is useful to learn about their customs. About them national cuisine, For example. You are used to eating raw fish in Japanese? You have to get used to eating premature babies the Chinese way.
I must say that in the Chinese Internet there was a big resonance quite recently, since they tried to attribute the eating of children to the entire province of Guangdong.
The Chinese eat human embryos, but in most cases, eating the placenta is said to be healthy. In large cities this is not the case, but in small villages it is practiced. Many things have been canceled by law in China, but they still continue in remote places, they still use the brains of monkeys, and they cut them alive and while she screams, they eat.
The Chinese government is trying to combat this phenomenon, as well as the publicity of this custom outside the country.
Despite the prohibitions that the government of the republic imposes on the content of web pages, the shocking ins and outs still overcomes the cordons of the country.

The text and photographs translated below belong to the journalist Juan Treminio, he visited a family of cannibals, where he was told and shown all the cannibal cuisine in detail.
The text and photos are given with large abbreviations, but the rest is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to be viewed by persons with a weakened psyche.

You need to have a psyche like serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer to take a knife, stab a person, take out the insides, boil them and eat them, Juan Treminio begins, a normal person under normal conditions would never think about eating his own kind.

I thought so too, until I visited a Chinese family of cannibals. That's right, the proud citizens of China still eat each other. More precisely, not quite each other (I have not seen adults eat adults), adults eat babies. More precisely - only girls.

I think population policy is partly to blame, because in China, without legal persecution, you can only have one child.

Women are thus generally treated as second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food. And such a market exists in China.

When I was collecting material for the article, of course, I wondered what human meat tastes like. To stop the blood from a small wound from the finger, you need to suck the blood - it tastes salty.

Since blood is in almost every part of our body, I thought that human flesh was also salty. However, it is not. Cannibals from China say: we taste like beef, in addition, the younger the person, the softer his meat.

The rest of the report is in illustrative style and NOT INTENDED FOR PEOPLE WITH WEAK NERVES!
Juan Treminio tells how he visited the cannibal kitchen.

Chinese G., personal chef of one of the Chinese cannibals. Since 2002, he claims to have cooked about 60-70 babies for the owner.

G. says that he does not see anything indecent in the preparation of a child, because if he is not eaten, then the meat will still be thrown away, and why throw away good meat?

However, some Chinese cannibals prefer the placenta to the placenta, which is more affordable and sells for as little as $10 (US$10).

In the photo above - the placenta is ready for use. In the photo below - the colorful box in which it is sold

Ready-to-eat placenta

But the family at dinner, it consists mainly of men, placenta soup is one of the most popular dishes among cannibals, in the soup it becomes softer and easier to eat.

(Although the eblets are smeared in the top photo, the shape of the ear of the cannibal close to us is clearly visible. It is typically pronounced Jewish. The Chinese are also not a homogeneous nation. In any nation there are always two nations - Jews and goyim.)
Other Chinese cannibals believe that the placenta is not nutritious enough, and add ...

Add a small child when cooking.

The most popular method for a cook to kill food before cooking it is:

This is immersing the baby in a container of alcohol.
After the baby is dead, the cook makes a small incision to drain the blood.

Cook G. says - you need to cook wisely, that is, using the recommendations of Chinese medicine.

Completely cooked meal

Chinese eat meat

As far as the evidence for all of this is concerned, there is a lot of evidence on the subject, but linguistic differences, along with the characteristic Chinese suspicion of strangers, do present certain difficulties in collecting evidence. For this reason, we will confine our evidence to a Chinese source in English, the Hong Kong newspaper Eastern Express. All excerpts quoted are from a lengthy article that appeared in the April 12, 1995 issue of Eastern Express. A newspaper reporter visited several clinics in mainland China looking for aborted fetuses to eat and found them freely available.

Quote from Eastern Express: Reports that dead fetuses are being used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Physicians defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses are good for skin condition and general health.

It was soon said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetal fruit as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other for the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, went to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, the reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asking the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they ran out of them in their department, and asked to come another time.

The next day, the reporter came to lunch break. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle full of thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and give them away free of charge "...

The reporter found out that fetal fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when the supply of the product is insufficient, the price could go up to $20. But this money is pennies, compared to the prices in private clinics, which are reported to make a lot of money on fetal fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 per fetus. The director of the clinic is a man of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked if the fetuses were edible, she enthusiastically stated, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they're good for your kidneys. When I was in Jiangti Province Military Hospital, I often brought the fetuses home.”...

One Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong states that he ate fetal soup for more than six months. He is in his 40s and often has to travel to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to the fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of the fetuses. “At first I felt uncomfortable, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetuses will help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” said Cheng...

Zou Keen, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a fetal diet. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; the best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They'll be uselessly lost if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions don't need these fetuses. Also, fetuses are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of having fetuses..."

Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. “Eating fetal fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore…” he says.

The Chinese and in Russia ate children (1918-1937)

In foreign film and newspaper chronicles during the civil war in Russia, as well as in the memoirs of eyewitnesses of that time, there is a mention that in the restaurants of "Bolshevik Russia" they could offer dishes from freshly prepared ... babies. This has always amazed me. It was thought: slander, the intrigues of the ideological opponents of the communists. But after I read an article by contemporary American publicist William Pierce, “Shocking Differences” (see Sat. Revisionist History: A View from the Right. M., 2003; In the newspaper “Secret” No. 1/18, 2003 there was a reprint entitled different, and this is forever!”) my opinion changed dramatically.

V. Pierce describes the gastronomic cannibalistic habits of the Chinese and cites, as confirmation of the above, a photograph of a young Chinese devouring an aborted, freshly prepared human fetus of a late term in a restaurant. I understood why the Western press, describing the horrors of the revolution and civil war, periodically mentioned fried babies in the restaurants of "Bolshevik Russia." The phenomenon took place! Unfortunately, there was no clarification, necessary in such cases, that these culinary preferences concern only the Chinese, since in China the aborted human fetus, especially late pregnancy, is considered a culinary delicacy.

And the fact that during the period of the revolution and the civil war these dishes OPENLY appeared on the menu of some restaurants of "Bolshevik Russia" is explained by this. that 50,000 young Chinese served as punitive mercenaries in parts of the Cheka. Apparently, quite a few of them at that time simply enriched themselves in Russia. The Chinese punishers of the Cheka units in terms of their cruelty significantly exceeded the representatives of any other nationality who were in the service of the new government. The leadership of the new government was openly satanic, criminal; at first, the Jewish-Bolsheviks even depicted their main symbol, the five-pointed star, with two rays up. In addition, the leadership of the new government officially declared the criminals "a socially close element."

It is clear that with regard to the Chinese, the authorities gladly met them in their culinary passions and allowed the Chinese to eat Russian babies for food. Moreover, she advised me to do it openly, and not hiding, as under the tsarist government. The goal is to exert a frighteningly overwhelming moral pressure on the population of Russia, they say, that's what we serve. Be afraid, normal people, and those with mental disabilities come to serve us. See what we allow!

Guided by high favor, the Chinese began, without hiding from anyone, to eat not only aborted fetuses, but, obviously, just born babies. Distinguish them after heat treatment only an experienced expert can. Getting both into the revolution and the civil war was as easy as shelling pears in connection with the mass destruction by the Bolsheviks and their mercenary servants, in particular, by the same Chinese of all those who did not accept the power of the Jewish commissars, including a large number of women. If they were pregnant, at the request of the Chinese, they had a forced abortion before being shot, or they gave the Chinese babies born behind barbed wire.

In addition, aborted fetuses were taken from hospitals where different ways women were lured to have an abortion. For example, a bribed or intimidated doctor during an examination could tell a woman that her fetus is dead, or complicate a woman’s pregnancy by prescribing a poisonous “medicine” for her and thereby provoking an abortion. If the child was still born, then bribed or intimidated doctors could say that the child was born dead. The "dead" children then went to those restaurants where the Chinese worked as cooks.

All the horror ended only in 1937 after I.V. Stalin convinced the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks that, in connection with the end of the civil war, military units from hired foreigners in the Red Army were no longer needed. This is how the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks No. 1428-326 of August 21, 1937 appeared, according to which the Chinese were deported to their historical homeland.

But the current officials from the democratic government, apparently, either did not study history, or quite meaningfully carry out someone’s satanic order to populate Russia with the Chinese (for example, build a “Chinatown” in St. time will get to them. Or will they have time to hide abroad? For us, Russia is the only Motherland - and we have nowhere to run. In St. Petersburg's restaurants, Slavic babies have already been included in the menu. Did not know?

In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from babies who are 6-7 months old from the moment of conception. This dish costs from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan ($430-570) per serving...

It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency, according to the Russian portal Southern Federal.

The reporter's first stop was at a restaurant in Foshan, Guangdong Province, where he went with an acquaintance, a businessman named Wang, who is over 62 years old and is therefore a frequent visitor to such restaurants. Wang asked a friend of the manager if he could make this dish for him. The manager said that they don't have babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen or they would not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work, and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon the children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

As a result, the clients went to Taishan, in the same province of Guangdong. We found the right restaurant and while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go to the kitchen and look at the cooking process. There, for the first time, the journalist saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him that the baby was very small and told him that they usually get babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depended on the size of the baby and whether he was alive or dead. Mostly they are girls.

Wang, in turn, told his journalist friend that he pays more than 3,000 yuan and all these details about how they get babies are of no interest to him. Everyone sitting at the table that evening in the restaurant poured soup into bowls for themselves, shared the baby's meat and ate with relish. The journalist could not overcome himself and try this dish.

Rumors of cannibalism in China began to spread in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend the “dinner”, during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article stating that dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy".

Male embryos are considered the most valuable, although earlier media reports on the problem of "embryo-eating" in China reported the opposite information - that the Chinese eat only girls and the country's demographic policy is to blame, since in China you can have only one child. Women here are treated more as second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.

Obstetricians attending births tell reporters that all newborn babies from mothers without permission to give birth are given an alcohol injection in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, the Chinese society gets rid of many problems of "unlicensed" children on a daily basis.

At a Taiwanese businessman's banquet, his maid Liu, at the request of the magazine's staff, showed him the place where the embryos are being prepared. In front of the astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.

“Don't worry, it's just meat, and nothing more than a highly developed animal,” she said during the process. According to the customs of the region, before being cooked, the embryos are fired in kilns. However, some Chinese cannibals prefer not newborns, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: soup from a six- to seven-month-old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3000 to 4000 yuan.

The predilection of the Chinese for cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, a group of smugglers carrying babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old, were detained by the police in Guangxi province. The children were crammed three or four into sacks and were practically at death's door. None of them had a missing persons report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other horrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and on TV screens in China.

Human babies are harder to get for food and apparently there are laws in China regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there doesn't seem to be a law against eating aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food. However, this delicacy is not available to everyone. Those who do not have certain connections have to sign up for long lists while waiting for a human body.

As a rule, small uterine fruits are boiled for soup, and late uterine fruits are eaten like roasted suckling pigs.

Last month, reporters from East Week, a branch of Hong Kong's English-language newspaper The Eastern Express, went to Shenzhen clinics to check on rumors that post-abortion drugs in the province can be purchased as food product dead fetal fetuses. The reporter came to the Shenjiang National Women's and Children's Health Center at lunchtime and asked for fetuses, explaining that it was to improve his health. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle full of thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and give them away for free.”

The reporter found out that fetal fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when there is not enough stock, the price can go up to $20. However, this money is almost nothing compared to the prices in private clinics, which are reported to be doing big business on fetal fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 per fetus. The director of the clinic is a man of about 60 years old. When he saw a reporter complaining of being unwell, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When asked if the fetuses are edible, a female doctor named Yang from the Xing Hua Clinic fervently stated, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they're good for your kidneys. When I was in Jiangti Province Military Hospital, I often brought the fetuses home.”

Zou Keen, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a fetal diet. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She believes that the fetuses are very nutritious and claims that she has eaten more than a hundred of them in the last six months. Zou takes out a fetal sample in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually people prefer the fetuses of young women; the best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They'll be wasted uselessly if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions don't need these fetuses. Also, fetuses are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of having fetuses…”

Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association (capital that was taken over from the UK by China in 1997), is aware of these nasty rumors. “Eating fetal fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore,” he said. The April 12, 1995 article from the Eastern Express also has a lot of other information on this topic.

In the course of their investigation, the journalists managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also called himself a Christian and stated that neither in the Bible nor in the laws of the country is there a ban on feeding babies.

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