Home Bakery Berlin pickled cucumbers for the winter. Hungarian, Finnish, Korean and other pickled cucumber recipes

Berlin pickled cucumbers for the winter. Hungarian, Finnish, Korean and other pickled cucumber recipes

Every housewife is looking forward to the harvest time in order to pamper her loved ones with new delicious preparations. The end of summer is attractive because it is time to harvest, which must also be preserved until winter. Many housewives know firsthand that the sleigh needs to be prepared in the summer, and therefore they only have time to spin around the stove, then in the winter it will be possible to fully taste all this abundance. Each hostess knows many different secrets that allow her to create real culinary masterpieces, although what could be easier than pickling cucumbers. Recipes for canning this vegetable can be easily found in any cookbook, however, there are ways that are little known among housewives, but, nevertheless, give amazing results.

The recipe for pickled cucumbers in German is very simple to make, and the result is amazing. Cucumbers turn out green and crispy, and the taste ... Just lick your fingers! First you need to cook the cucumbers themselves. They should be juicy, green, just picked from the garden, no more than 10 centimeters in length. The greens should also be fresh, just picked from the garden or, in extreme cases, bought on the market. On the three-liter jar it will take a little less than two kilograms of cucumbers (if you take liter jars, then it is better to take very small cucumbers). Spices based on a three-liter jar will require 2-3 dill umbrellas, 1 horseradish leaf, 6-8 peppercorns, 1 head of garlic, cherry or currant leaves.

It is advisable to soak cucumbers for 2-3 hours in cold water, then thoroughly rinse each depression using a soft cloth to remove all dried dirt. Greens and spices are placed at the bottom of sterilized jars, then cucumbers are tightly packed, 3 full teaspoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 130 grams of vinegar are added. To get delicious green cucumbers, it is important not to change the recipe, but to do everything as written above. Next, the actual pickling of cucumbers begins. Recipes prescribe pouring brine into jars, but we will fill cucumbers with ordinary cold water from the tap. This is the beauty of the German recipe, that pickling cucumbers does not require hot brine and prolonged heat treatment.

Jars of cucumbers are placed in a pot of cold water and brought to a boil over low heat. Undoubtedly, each housewife has her own pan for this purpose and each of them will boil differently, therefore, as soon as the water in the pan boils, after two or three minutes the jar can be removed and twisted with a key. Here is a quick pickle of cucumbers. Recipes of this kind were brought from Germany and have never let anyone down - the cucumbers are green and crispy. Rolled jars are turned over with a lid down and wrapped in a warm blanket for a day. Such cucumbers can stand all winter at room temperature, will not lose palatability and stay green and crispy.

Do not worry that the cucumbers boiled a little - subsequently they will reach the desired condition in the bank. You will get which all relatives and friends will ask. In such a cold way, not only pickling cucumbers can be carried out. Recipes for marinated zucchini, squash and even cauliflower using the cold method are also found in cookbooks of prudent Germans. To get tasty and quality workpiece vegetables for the winter, you must strictly adhere to the recipe and do not increase the time heat treatment products. Only then will your cucumbers be green and crispy, zucchini - delicious, squash - beautiful, and cauliflower- juicy and useful.

The energy value

  • calorie content - 14.5 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.0 g.

Servings – 7

Preparation time- 20 minutes

Time for preparing- 7 o'clock


  • small cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • wine vinegar - 150 g;
  • cold water - 1 l;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Step by step cooking

  1. First you need to properly prepare a few jars, sterilize them and rinse them.
  2. Cucumbers should be thoroughly washed, cut off the ends and put into jars.
  3. Next, you need to put mustard, pepper, cloves and garlic in the jar. After that, the preparation of the brine begins.
  4. To do this, pour sugar and salt into cold water, let the mixture boil and pour wine vinegar into it.
  5. The resulting marinade must be poured into jars and left for 5 minutes. Next, the jars are closed with lids, turned upside down and covered with a blanket.
  6. After 7 hours, the jars can be turned over, the blanket removed and placed in a dark, cool place. Your pickles are ready!

Berlin-style pickled cucumbers

Very interesting German recipe. canned cucumbers are tasty and crispy.

The energy value

For 1 serving of the finished product:

  • caloric content - 16.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.7 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g.

Servings – 7

Preparation time- 4 hours

Time for preparing- 2 hours


  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves in each jar;
  • dill - one umbrella in each jar;
  • cold water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • vinegar (not lemon or acetic acid) - 40 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cucumbers should be washed and soaked in cold water for 3 hours. During this, at the bottom of a liter jar, you need to put circles of peeled carrots, chopped onions, garlic and dill.
  2. After that, you need to cut off the tips of the cucumbers and arrange them in clean, sterilized jars. Also, you need to add salt, sugar and vinegar to the jars, and then fill them to the top with cold water.
  3. Next, you need to put jars of cucumbers in a deep saucepan, cover them with lids. Then pour cold water into the pan so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar. The water in the pan is brought to a boil, after which the jars remain in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then removed.
  4. The jars need to be closed with lids, turned upside down, wait until they cool, and then rearranged in a dark, cool room with the lid up.

Polish pickled cucumbers

The energy value

For 1 serving of the finished product:

  • caloric content - 16.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g.

Servings – 7

Preparation time- 4 hours

Time for preparing- 4 hours


  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves in each jar;
  • dill - 4 umbrellas in each jar;
  • horseradish leaves, bay leaf, cherry leaf, currant leaf - 2 pcs. to each bank
  • mustard powder - 1 tsp for each bank
  • black pepper - 2 peas for each jar;
  • cold water - 1 l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vinegar - 200 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the cucumbers, cut off their tips and soak in cold water for 3 hours.
  2. After that, put garlic, dill, horseradish leaves, bay leaf, cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of each jar, put cucumbers, mustard powder, pepper on top, and again currant and cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, dill.
  3. Next, you need to add salt, sugar, vinegar to cold water, boil this mixture and pour it into jars. The jars then need to be put in a saucepan, pour cold water into it and wait 7 minutes after boiling.
  4. After that, the jars with Polish pickled cucumbers are removed from the pan, closed with iron lids, turned over and wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

Chinese pickled cucumbers

The energy value

For 1 serving of the finished product:

  • caloric content - 13.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.4 g.

Servings – 7

Preparation time- 30 minutes

Time for preparing- 12 hours


  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • red chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • rice vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
  • dark sesame oil - 1 tbsp;
  • dark soy sauce- 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sesame - for decoration.

Step by step cooking

  1. Garlic should be peeled and finely chopped, and chili peppers should be washed, cut and seeds and partitions removed (if you like spicy dishes, then the seeds can be left).
  2. In a container, mix sugar and rice vinegar.
  3. Sesame seeds should be put in a cold frying pan, turn on medium heat and fry for 2 minutes. After that, they need to be poured into a bowl.
  4. Next, the cucumbers need to be laid out in turn on the board and lightly hit each with the plane of a wide knife so that the vegetable cracks a little. After that, the cucumber needs to be turned over and cracked again.
  5. Then the cucumbers are cut into thick slices, put in a colander, salted, mixed and left for 10 minutes.
  6. After that, in a container, you need to mix garlic with peppers and a mix of vinegar and sugar, add soy sauce, sesame oil to them and mix the resulting mixture. Cucumbers need to be transferred to this marinade, mix and close the container with a lid.
  7. Marinate Chinese cucumbers it takes 12 hours, and they need to be shaken occasionally.
  8. After marinating, the container must be opened, the cucumbers are laid out on plates and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Cucumbers in Finnish

The energy value

For 1 serving of the finished product:

  • caloric content - 12.1 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.8 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.1 g.

Servings – 7

Preparation time- 10 minutes

Time for preparing- 1 hour


  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • dill - 200 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • French mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 3 tsp;
  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • black pepper - 1 pinch.

Step by step cooking (quick way)

  1. Cucumbers need to be washed and finely chopped, pepper cut and cleaned of seeds, and dill and garlic - finely chopped.
  2. All the ingredients need to be decomposed into jars, close the jar and shake for 20-30 seconds.
  3. Then the cucumbers should be put in the refrigerator for an hour, but shake the jar from time to time. After that, Finnish pickled cucumbers will be ready.

Each of these recipes will give your cucumbers a unique taste and plunge you into the atmosphere of a particular country and its traditions. Bon appetit!

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I love cucumbers, even though they are herbs. But I love not fresh, which are plucked directly from the garden, and pickles. Although there are probably very few vitamins left in pickled cucumbers, you can’t command taste or stomach. Great appetizer or addition to any meal. I like not very spicy and not very salty, and so that the cucumbers are dense, when you bite off - the crunch is worth it.
In order to somehow identify my taste, I will give an example on a well-known brand - "Uncle Vanya" cucumbers in Berlin.

Actually writing this note was "forced" by a recipe found in my old shabby notebook. The book has almost fallen apart and in order to save knowledge, I post it on the Internet, maybe someone will come in handy. I remember in my distant youth I made pickles myself And I don't think I've eaten better anywhere since. This recipe was brought by word of mouth, which means it is trustworthy.

But I immediately warn you that this recipe for pickling cucumbers is a little laborious and I embodied it while in the village, which simplified many points. For example, at hand was well water and all herb seasonings.
I think the quality of water in this case is not the last thing. Therefore, it should not be directly from the city faucet with bleach, but at least passed through a good cleaning filter. But it is better to buy clean bottled water from a well or use a village well.
Cucumbers for pickling are chosen not too small, but not large either, the average length is 9 cm. Naturally, they should not be stale in the garden and have superficial damage or deformities. It is bad if the cucumbers are bitter, for this they must be kept in plain water for several hours.

Recipe, pickled cucumbers with crunch:
Cucumbers should be washed and dried (do not damage the skin). Pour tightly into 3-liter pre-sterilized jars.
Brine: for 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (not iodized) and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. It is poured into a large saucepan, where dill whisks, currant, cherry and horseradish leaves are already lying (naturally, everything should be cleaned and washed). Put on fire, but do not bring to a boil.
Pour jars of cucumbers with brine without greens (through a strainer). Cover with lids and let stand 15 minutes. Then the brine is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil. At this time, jars of cucumbers should be wrapped up from cooling.
Throw 2-3 cloves of garlic into each 3-liter jar, add a teaspoon of oak bark and a teaspoon vinegar essence. Pour boiled, but slightly cooled brine again (again through a strainer).

Roll up the jars with lids, and put them upside down on pieces of paper to see if there are leaks anywhere (which means that the lid did not fit well). After cooling, hide the jars with pickles in a cool and dark place, a basement or underground is better.

Happy crunch!

The harvesting season is in full swing and we are trying to make everything tastier, but more. We made honeysuckle and victoria jam. Prepared eggplant and zucchini. We will eat all this in the winter, remembering the summer. They even made them. But today we will talk about another vegetable.

We all love to open a jar of cucumbers in the cold. You bite them, and they crunch so loudly. And the taste is such that you want more and more. You don’t even notice how half of the jar is already left, or even completely empty. But I'm exaggerating a little, of course, but it is very similar to the truth!

These are suitable for both fried potatoes and just round boiled potatoes. Yes to any meal. Can someone eat them with soups? As if we were adding brine to the hodgepodge. Cucumbers are good for any feast, because they are suitable as an appetizer for strong drinks.

There are a lot of salting recipes and they are all different, some of them we have already prepared, these are cucumbers or. In the same article, I would like to continue this topic. And so that each hostess writes down in her book not one option, but several. You have probably already tried my cooking methods, otherwise why write. Here I want to present recipes that can be made in containers of any volume, the main thing is to keep the proportions. The fruits will be crispy and firm. And the brine won't get cloudy! Shall we start?

In such containers it is better to choose fruits of a small size. So they will enter more, and they are eaten much more willingly than large ones. And it is more convenient to prepare small jars. I took it out, ate it and nothing stagnates in the refrigerator. Especially if you have a small family.

Ingredients for 2 cans of 1 liter:

  • cucumbers;
  • Horseradish leaves - 1 pc.;
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • Allspice - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar 70% - 2 tsp;
  • Water - 1 l.


1. It is desirable to use freshly picked fruits, but this is not always possible. We put them in a large container and fill them with cold water for 1.5 - 2 hours. So they will take in the missing moisture, from which they will be very crispy as a result. Then we wash them under running water and cut off the ends. Small ones can only be cut on one side.

2. Banks also need to be thoroughly washed with soda or detergent. I also wash my greens. We clean the garlic.

3. Put garlic at the bottom of the container - you can cut it into two or four parts; green leaves; dill umbrellas; Bay leaf.

You can take any leaves: horseradish, cherries, currants or grapes. This will only improve the taste.

4. Now we put the cucumbers. Everyone does it in their own way: someone standing, and someone lying down. There is no difference, but large ones will only enter in a standing position. The main thing is that they are close to each other. So there will be more of them, and there will be less space between them. Therefore, the brine will also need little.

5. Now let's prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan and add salt and sugar. also throw black pepper and allspice. Put on fire and boil.

6. Pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar into each jar. And now pour boiling brine up to the neck. Even if it leaks a little. Cover with metal lids and put in a large saucepan, on the bottom of which put a towel. We pour into it hot water on the shoulders of the cans and put on fire. After boiling water in a saucepan, we sterilize our workpiece for exactly 20 minutes.

7. Carefully remove the containers from the water and, without opening the lids, roll them up. Turn over and leave to cool like this.

Such preservation can be stored in any dark place. If you did everything right, then they will delight you with their appearance and taste for a long time.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter - a recipe with citric acid

Every housewife has this recipe. In general, pickling cucumbers is not so difficult. The hardest part is loading the cans. I don't like this process at all. But what can you do? But in winter, eat this yummy with such pleasure! Vinegar is not needed for this method, but you can use it if you wish.

Ingredients for 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • cucumbers;
  • Cherry leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Currant leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Dill umbrella - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Hot pepper - 2 rings;
  • Black peppercorns - 1 pinch;
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


1. Soak the cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water, while we ourselves wash the jars in the meantime. We also rinse the greens and peel the garlic. After the green fruits are thoroughly washed under running water.

2. At the bottom of the container, first put all the greens, then chopped garlic. We also cut off several rings from the hot pepper, about 1 cm long. Pour the pepper with peas.

3. We lay the cucumbers at our discretion. Many do standing up, I decided to lie down. Try to put the largest ones on the bottom.

It is better to lay a rag or towel under the jar so that the table does not scratch and all the moisture is absorbed.

4. Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Still boiling, pour into a jar to the very edge and cover the neck with a metal lid. We leave for 20 - 30 minutes. During this time, the contents will warm up and begin to sterilize.

5. Drain the water back into the pan. Add salt and sugar there. Let it boil again.

6. While the brine is being prepared, put citric acid in a jar. In the place where it is located, the cucumbers will change color. It's okay, they will then become monophonic.

7. Pour the boiling brine back into the jar and roll up the lids. We turn it upside down and put it under a fur coat. In this position, wait until it cools down and store it in a cool and dark place.

Quite easy and fast. Such cucumbers turn out to be hard, crispy and there are no voids inside at all.

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar

In this recipe, I decided to show how to make in two liter jars. There is no need to sterilize here. but we simply process clean cans with vodka. of course, if you are sorry or you do not have such a drink, then just wash and steam. The result will be the same. And your cucumbers will not become cloudy.


  • cucumbers;
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • Currant leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Cherry leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Peppercorns - 1 pinch;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.;
  • Allspice - 3 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Wash cucumbers well. We clean the garlic and, together with the herbs, pour boiling water for 1 - 2 minutes.

2. At the bottom of the jar we add: horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, dill, garlic.

3. Next, add the cucumbers. Fill with boiling water from a kettle. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan. Add the remaining spices, salt and sugar. We put it to boil.

4. Fill the cucumbers with brine. Also pour vinegar into the jar. We roll up metal covers with a special seaming key.

You can also use twist lids. They are easy to use and roll very tightly. If it is not new, then it should not have rust. In this case, use a new one.

Is it just me, or is each option easier and simpler? The main thing is that it turns out very tasty!

Recipe for pickled cucumbers with red currant

Highly unusual way. I have been rolling cucumbers on it for more than a year and I really like it. It does not require vinegar or lemon acid. And this means that the currant gives everything the cucumbers need to keep them all winter. Again I use 1 liter jars. Therefore, the calculation of products is given precisely for this volume. If you do in the spirit and three liter, then increase by two and three times.


  • cucumbers;
  • Redcurrant - 0.5 - 1 cup;
  • Currant leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Cherry leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Carnation - 1 pc.;
  • Black peppercorns - 4 pcs.


1. Wash the jars well and turn them upside down on a towel. So all the water drains from them.

2. Soak cucumbers for two hours. Then rinse thoroughly under running water and cut off the tips from them. Also thoroughly wash and dry the herbs.

3. Put the cherry and currant leaves into the container first. Then dill and garlic. Now cucumbers, and in the voids we place currants along with twigs. Put it down without regret!

4. Fill with boiling water and leave with a covered lid for 15 - 20 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and add salt, sugar and the remaining ingredients. Boil 1 minute.

5. Fill the containers with brine and immediately roll up the lids. Turn over and put under a fur coat until completely cooled.

We store in a cool and dark place: basement, cellar or pantry.

Berlin-style pickled cucumbers, as in the store

There are those who do not make blanks themselves. They just go and buy them at the store. It's certainly easier. Maybe they do it because they like it that way. so let's try to make cucumbers that will be very similar to store-bought ones. Or maybe that's what they are?


  • cucumbers;
  • Currant leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Mustard seed - 1 pinch;
  • Dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • Vinegar 70% - 2 tsp;
  • Water;
  • A mixture of peppercorns - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Wash and sterilize jars: pores, in the oven, microwave. I also wash vegetables and herbs. Dry them well. Dill cut into pieces 2-3 cm long.

2. We put greens in containers first, and then cucumbers. Also add mustard seeds. Pour boiling water over everything. Leave for 15 minutes, and then drain the water back into the pan.

3. Pour the remaining spices into the pan along with salt and sugar. We need the brine to boil well.

These ingredients are given for 1 liter of liquid (water).

4. Pour vinegar and brine into the jar up to the very neck. It would be better if it slightly spills over the edge. We twist the lids and put them under a fur coat.

Cooled can be stored anywhere even at room temperature.

Pickled cucumbers with tomatoes - assorted recipe for 1 liter of water

I offer your video how to prepare cucumbers with tomatoes. But in it the author also adds carrots and onions. Mmm, I think it's very tasty. It turns out such a platter, which in winter will come in handy. It's kind of like a set of vitamins. Although I don’t know how many of them still remain in the blanks. there must be something!

Very interesting and simple, but how beautiful! I haven't tried this recipe yet. But I'm definitely going to do it. If you have already tried this assortment, then share your opinion and the result with us. whether you liked it or not. Or maybe you put something else? For example zucchini. By the way, has anyone tried eggplant. Haven't even heard of this!

That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed our recipes and will share them with your family and friends. Serve them and eat yourself. And I say goodbye to you for today, until we meet again!

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