Home Vegetables Stuffing for pies with potatoes. Shamelessly delicious Moldovan placintas on kefir with potatoes. Roasting Ingredients

Stuffing for pies with potatoes. Shamelessly delicious Moldovan placintas on kefir with potatoes. Roasting Ingredients

When it comes to the small country of Moldova, vineyards, an abundance of vegetables and fruits, pastures with sheep and bird farms immediately appear.

It is winemaking, sheep breeding and poultry farming that Moldova is famous for all over the world. All these riches donated by nature are used in national cuisine. Interesting and unique, tasty and hearty Moldovan dishes are becoming more and more popular in different parts of the world.

Hominy and mititei, zama and chorba, and of course the famous Moldavian pies, which we will talk about in more detail. Prepare this simple and tasty dish from the usual unleavened dough, add a variety of fillings and fry in oil.

In winter, the pies are stuffed with potatoes or pumpkin, mushrooms or cabbage. And with the onset of spring, when a lot of fresh herbs appear, they use feta cheese or cottage cheese with finely chopped dill, parsley, and cilantro as a filling. Placindas are cooked in Moldova all year round, almost every week, housewives serve this yummy to their households and guests.

Dough for Moldovan Placinta

The main component of the Moldovan placinta is the dough. And although it is insipid and very simple, still start working with it when a good mood reigns in the house, the dough also loves kind and warm hands.


  • white wheat flour - 400 g,
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon,
  • drinking warm water - 250 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


1. Take a wide and deep bowl. Sift flour into it and sprinkle salt on top.

2. Make a small hole in the center of the flour and gradually pour lukewarm water into it. The stream of water should be thin. At the same time, gently knead the dough with your hand or with a spoon. Knead the dough for a long time (15-20 minutes) until it is soft, elastic, pliable. In this is main secret extract dough - in a long kneading.

3. At the end of the kneading, add vegetable oil, knead everything well again and let the dough rest. In this case, it is necessary to cover the bowl with a towel or tighten with a culinary film, otherwise the dough may become weathered.

Options for fillings for Moldovan placinta

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Below are some of the most popular options.

With potato


  • potatoes - 400 g,
  • onion - 100 g,
  • salt - ½ teaspoon,
  • black ground pepper- according to your taste,
  • fresh parsley and dill - to your taste.


1. Peel and rinse potatoes thoroughly. Cut it into very small cubes.

2. Peel the onion, rinse and also cut into small cubes.

3. Finely chop fresh parsley and dill.

4. Combine all prepared ingredients, add salt, pepper and mix.

with cabbage


  • white cabbage - 400 g,
  • large onions - 2 pieces,
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


1. Rinse the cabbage, pat dry and chop very finely.

2. Peel the onion, wash and cut into thin half rings.

3. Combine cabbage with onion, salt and pepper, add vegetable oil and mix.

with pumpkin


  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g,
  • salt - a pinch
  • sugar - to your taste.


1. Rinse the pulp of the pumpkin, dry it and rub it on a coarse grater. Add a pinch of salt, stir and let stand for about half an hour (during this time the pumpkin will release the juice).

2. Squeeze out the pumpkin juice that has appeared. Now place the pumpkin filling in the middle of the pie and sprinkle some sugar on top (sweet lovers may add more sugar; those on a calorie watch may sprinkle a little sugar on the pumpkin).

With cottage cheese and herbs


  • cottage cheese - 500 g,
  • green onions - 100-150 g,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • fresh dill - 50-70 g,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces.


1. Wash, dry and very finely chop fresh dill and green onions.

2. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese, salt, chopped greens and raw chicken eggs.

Preparing and baking placinta

1. Sprinkle the table with flour, lay out the rested dough and divide it into equal pieces (depending on the size of the cake you want to end up with, and also depending on the size of the pan in which you will bake the pies). Roll each piece of dough into a ball.
2. Take one ball and roll it out very thin (the dough is also called stretched, because when rolling it stretches as much as possible). First roll out with a rolling pin, then continue to stretch the dough with both hands. If suddenly it breaks, carefully close up and level the place of the impulse.

3. Place the filling in the middle of the rolled out dough. At regular intervals, make seven cuts in the dough from the place where the filling is located to the very edge. It turns out something similar to a flower with separate petals.

4. Now wrap the placinta, placing each petal in turn towards the center on the filling. When all the cut pieces of dough are laid on the center with the filling, gently flatten the resulting dough with your hand and then gently roll it out with a rolling pin as thin as possible.

5. Do the same with all prepared dough balls. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry each placinta on both sides until appetizing golden brown. It will take about 5-7 minutes to fry on each side, this should be done on low heat and under the lid (so that the filling has time to cook). Spread the finished pastries with vegetable or melted butter and put in a pile.

- so that the dough does not become weathered during rest, you can grease it with a thin layer vegetable oil and top with a warm bowl. It is not difficult to heat a bowl: pour boiling water into it, when it heats up, drain the water, wipe it dry and cover the bowl with dough with it;

- for the preparation of the extract dough, it is desirable to use flour with a high gluten content;

- so that the petals of the dough, when wrapped, lie better on each other and stick together, you can slightly moisten them with water;

- do not put eggs in the dough for the placenta, it will turn out to be inelastic, it will tear when stretched;

- after rolling out the dough with a rolling pin, grease it lightly with vegetable oil and leave for five minutes. Then stretch with your hands, it will be more pliable and viscous;

- if you are not opponents of cracklings, then you can finely chop them and add them to the potato filling, due to them the pies will turn out to be more juicy;

- if desired, finely chopped boiled eggs can be added to the cabbage filling;

- v curd filling you can combine cottage cheese and cheese in half.

Moldova is famous for its varied cuisine. I take a special place in it placina.
Each hostess knows how to cook them and eat them all with pleasure.
There is no such person in Moldova who does not love them.
Prepare them in different fillings- I have cabbage, with cottage cheese and herbs, with cheese. But with potatoes, it's a classic.
First, peel the potatoes and boil them until tender. Mash it in mashed potatoes, salt and pepper to taste, add to mashed potatoes butter.
Puree should not be runny.

Let her cool down.
Let's take a test.
Pour flour into a bowl with a slide and break 2 eggs there, pour in kefir, salt and mix everything with a knife.

pour in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and continue to knead the dough, add flour.

the dough should not stick to your hands, add flour and knead.

Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
cut it into medium pieces and crush them into balls. The balls should also rest for 20 minutes. The dough will become more elastic and will stretch very well and not tear.

pour flour on the table and roll out a circle, the dough will shrink, we stretch it with our hands. It will be very thin.
The circle is slightly cut from the edge

put a couple of tablespoons of mashed potatoes and lightly press down the potatoes. We pull our edges and bend them inward to the middle of the placenta.

The oil in the pan should be very hot.
We put the placenta in the oil and crush it.

on a dish where we will lay out the placinta with paper napkins so that they absorb excess oil. We spread our pies from the pan on napkins, cover with a towel, be sure to keep them warm and become soft.

Almost all peoples of the world have their own culinary customs and National dishes. Today I propose to get acquainted with Moldovan cuisine, and for this we will prepare Moldovan cakes with potato stuffing which are called placindas. Moldavian pies are a very tasty and colorful dish, similar to ours. fried pies. In addition to potatoes, cottage cheese with herbs is put in the filling, ,. There are also several test options - yeast, yeast-free on water or on kefir. Moldavian housewives fry the pies in a pan, although baking in the oven is also acceptable.
Hot Moldavian flatbread has a thin crispy crust, and if the pies lie down, they become very soft.


for the test:

  • flour - 250 g
  • water - 125 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • medium potatoes - 3-4 pcs
  • canned fish - 1 can (optional)
  • onion or green
  • salt and black pepper - to taste
  • number of servings - 4 pcs

How to cook pies with potatoes:

First of all, to prepare the pies on the water, knead unleavened dough. Pour the flour into a slide, in the center of which we make a recess. Crack an egg into this hole. In warm water, dissolve the salt, mix and carefully pour into the flour. We also add vegetable oil. Knead Enough hard dough, which has a smooth and uniform structure. Cover the dough with a towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

In the meantime, let's get on with the filling. Potato tubers need to be peeled, washed and grated on a coarse grater. WITH canned fish Drain excess oil and then mash with a fork. Greens should be washed and finely chopped. Mix these ingredients, pepper and salt.

Lubricate the working surface with vegetable oil. Take the dough, divide it into four equal pieces. We roll each piece into a ball and, using a rolling pin, roll it out thinly. The thickness of the resulting pancake should not exceed 3-5 mm. Put the filling in the center.

We wrap the cake, bending the free edges in a circle, as indicated in the photo.

Fry separately in a pan using refined sunflower oil without smell. Put the cake in the pan with the side with the seam, then reduce the heat and continue to fry with the lid closed. Then carefully flip the cake over to the other side. It will take a few more minutes to fry the second side. Moldavian pies with potatoes will be ready when a golden crust forms on their surface.

We spread the pies with potatoes on napkins so that they absorb oil from their surface. After that, transfer to a dish, wait for it to cool slightly.

You can try! Bon Appetit!!!

Sincerely, .

Every nation has its own national dishes. Even for such a common product as a pie, everyone approaches it differently. Well, the names of the pies, respectively, are different. For example, in Moldova, hostesses cook pies very well. These are such large round pies with all kinds of fillings: with potatoes, cottage cheese, apples, pumpkin, meat. They are fried in oil and baked in the oven. And the dough is made both yeast and unleavened. The placintas on kefir are especially tasty. These lush tortillas with filling are easy to prepare, which is why they are very popular.

Today I want to invite you to cook pies with potatoes and meat on kefir dough.

For test:

  • 450-500 grams of flour;
  • 400 grams of kefir;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 5 grams of sugar;
  • 5 grams of soda;
  • 20 grams of vegetable oil per dough;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For toppings:

  • 6 potatoes;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 500 grams minced meat;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 30 grams of vegetable oil.

First prepare the dough. To do this, pour flour mixed with soda into a bowl, make a recess. Put salt and sugar in there. Pour kefir into the hole.

Stir with a spoon, and when the dough becomes thick, then put the spoon aside and knead the dough with your hand.

It should be soft for you. Pour oil into the palm of your hand and knead the dough lightly with it.

Leave the dough to rest covered for about one hour.

In the meantime, prepare the fillings for the placinta.

Cut the onion into cubes and fry it in oil.

Boil potatoes in a little water. Make a puree. Divide it into two unequal parts.

Set aside half of the onion in a bowl with most mashed potatoes. Add spices and stir.

And to the remaining onion, add minced meat, salt, pepper and mix.

Bring to readiness and remove from heat.

Grease the table and hands with oil. If you take flour instead of butter, then when frying, the flour will burn, and after the second or third placinta, the butter will become dark, and the products will acquire a burnt aftertaste.

Remove the dough from the bowl and divide into 7 or 8 pieces.

Roll each piece with a rolling pin, also oiled, into a thin cake the size of a plate.

Put the filling in the middle of the juicy. Make cuts in the form of rays on the dough, a little short of the filling.

Roll the dough towards the middle, covering the filling. Flatten the platinum slightly. Do the same with the meat filling.

Pour a tablespoon of oil into a frying pan, heat it up and place the placinta seam side down. Turn the heat down to medium and fry the pies covered with a lid.

Once one side is browned, flip the tortilla over to the other side. Before frying the next placinta, add a little oil.

Place the finished pies in a pile one on top of the other so that they do not cool for a long time.

The cooking itself is simple, but you need to know a few secrets. First, you should figure out how to properly twist the Moldovan placina. It's very easy, but you may have to practice on one flatbread. Below you will find a photo that shows in detail how to do this. Secondly, it is important to properly prepare the potatoes. It should not be liquid, and you need to add a lot of butter to it. Don't forget to pepper and salt to taste. And thirdly, traditionally Moldovan cakes are cooked in a saucepan. But if necessary, you can use the oven. Judging by the reviews, it also turns out very tasty.


  • Kefir (2.5%) 500 ml
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • food salt 0.5 tsp
  • Wheat flour 5 cups
  • Potatoes 1 kg
  • Butter 50 g
  • Spices and seasonings 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil 0.5 cup


    You need to start cooking by cooking potatoes. It should be peeled, washed under running water, put in a pot of water and put on the stove. Potatoes need to be cooked until tender. Then it must be crushed into a puree, add butter, salt and pepper to taste. Too much liquid should not be added so that the puree does not turn out liquid.

    Then there you need to pour kefir and salt.

    After that, the dough must be thoroughly mixed with a knife. (you can also use a fork, but it’s better to do everything according to the traditional recipe).

    Gradually add flour while continuing to mix the dough.

    Add flour and knead the dough until it sticks to your hands. If traces of the workpiece do not remain on the hands, then the dough is ready.

    Now the dough should be allowed to rest for half an hour. After this time, you need to form small blanks. To do this, the dough is cut into pieces of medium size, which are crushed into balls (as in the photo). The balls should also be allowed to lie down for 20 minutes. This will increase elasticity and tear resistance.

    Next, you need to pour a little flour on the table and roll out the first blank. Keep in mind that the dough will shrink. It must be stretched with your hands, achieving a small thickness. The edges should be slightly incised (refer to the photo).

    After that, it is necessary to put a few tablespoons of potatoes in the resulting workpiece, lightly press it down. It remains to twist the cake. To do this, you need to pull the edges and bend them to the middle of the future plinth.

    You should get a cake, as in the photo.

    Now you need to set the pan on the stove, add a little vegetable oil and wait for it to glow. After that, you need to put the cake in a saucepan and slightly crush it.

    When the cake is fried on one side (a characteristic golden crust appears), it must be turned over to the other side.

    When the tortilla is cooked, put it on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. From above, the placenta must be covered with a towel. This will keep it warm and also keep it soft.

    Other pies are prepared similarly. They are laid out on paper napkins under a cotton towel.

    Before serving, cut each cake into four pieces. Of course, you will have to tinker with cooking such a Moldovan dish on kefir at home, but it will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. And if you use the recipe with step by step photos, then the cooking process will pass without difficulties. Bon Appetit!

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