Home Products Yogurt with berries in a yogurt maker. How to make yogurt in a yogurt maker according to recipes with photos. Useful properties of yogurts

Yogurt with berries in a yogurt maker. How to make yogurt in a yogurt maker according to recipes with photos. Useful properties of yogurts

Making yogurt in a yogurt maker is quick and easy. After all, this device will do everything for you, you just need to manage the process and follow the technology of cooking. How to cook yogurt in a yogurt maker is the topic of today's selection. Homemade yogurt is much tastier and better quality than store bought. It does not contain any harmful additives, stabilizers, preservatives or dyes. A yogurt maker is a successful and easy-to-use device for any housewife, especially if there are children in the family.

Prepare all the necessary products: milk (1-3 l, depending on the size of the yogurt maker), yogurt starter. Milk is better to take fatter, then the finished yogurt will turn out thicker. And for lovers of skim milk - you get liquid drinking yogurt. Most often, ready-made starter cultures are used, which are sold in stores and pharmacies. You can also resort to natural yogurt as a starter: buy ready-made yogurt without additives in the store or leave a jar (store no more than two weeks) of homemade yogurt prepared earlier.

Check that the yogurt maker and yogurt container (including spoons, milk pot) are clean and dry.

If the milk is not pasteurized, it must be boiled and cooled to a temperature of about 38-40 C, if ultra-pasteurized, heated to the same temperature. It is better to check the temperature of milk with a special water thermometer or by dropping it on your wrist (should not burn or be cold). Pour the yogurt starter into warm milk and mix thoroughly. Pour milk into jars of yogurt maker, cover with lids. Turn on the yogurt maker according to the instructions.

The preparation time of yogurt varies from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the required density. The less cooking time, the thinner the finished product will turn out. After cooking, leave the jars of yogurt to cool, then place in the refrigerator for final thickening. Store prepared yogurt in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days. In its pure form, yogurt is used for food not only as a main product, but also as a base for salads, breakfast cereals, and confectionery.

To improve the taste, jams, jams, candied fruits, dried fruits, fruit puree or berries ground with sugar can be added to the jars in advance.

Fresh fruits, berries, nuts, cocoa, honey and chocolate are a great addition to a nutritious and healthy yogurt. Fresh fruits and sour additives should only be added to yogurt after it has been prepared to prevent the milk from curdling in the yogurt maker.

Thus, with the help of a kitchen assistant - a yogurt maker (and 5-10 minutes of personal time to prepare and mix the ingredients), a valuable and tasty natural product is obtained.

Yogurt is a very useful product in every sense, because it helps digestion, is non-caloric, and in case of gastritis it is also a healing food. And, of course, it is very tasty - even men, having snorted in words, after a while can no longer do without a jar of homemade yogurt in the morning.

It probably goes without saying that homemade yogurt contains much less preservatives and dyes that are identical to natural, ingredients per 1 jar will cost much less than store-bought yogurt, and, finally, homemade yogurt is simply much tastier.

You can also highlight other undoubted advantages:

1. Homemade yogurt will go great with thawed berries or fresh fruit, while many store-bought yogurt - because they are too sour or taste - natural fruit is not always well suited.
2. You can add any component you want to homemade yogurt - from spices to cocoa, from coconut to syrup, and create the most original taste for yourself. Experiment.
3. You can make yogurt of any density.
4. You can make yogurt with any base - someone likes it from cream, someone from baked milk, someone from Mozhaisk, etc.
5. Buying cow's milk and country sourdough at the market (or taking it from your own farm), you can get perfectly natural yogurt.
6. The opportunity to try fresh still warm yogurt - its taste cannot be compared with anything.

Despite the fact that, it would seem, the cooking process "boil milk (cream) - add sourdough - pour into jars - put in a yogurt maker" does not involve any difficulties, it contains a lot of nuances, thanks to which yogurt can turn out different consistency, it may not turn out at all, or it may take longer to cook than you would like.

Let's start with the stage container preparation- it must be properly washed, dried, and kept closed until the new cooking process, otherwise there is a chance to achieve completely undesirable homemade yogurt instead of the desired yogurt. Kefir can also be obtained in several other cases: if ordinary pasteurized (or rural market natural) milk is not boiled; if you overdo the yogurt; if the leaven has deteriorated; and, finally, if the yogurt maker broke down, and during the time it was turned on, it did not maintain the optimal temperature.

Further selection and preparation of the base. That is, according to your taste: milk, various types of cream. Only full-fat milk is suitable for making yogurt, that is, above three percent - otherwise it tastes a little like standard yogurt, just a kind of fermented milk product. Keep in mind that each brand of milk also has its own flavor, which will undoubtedly affect the taste of yogurt.

Baked milk does not need to be boiled before making yogurt, and this is its undoubted plus. It gives a pleasant original flavor.

Milk Sterilized also, accordingly, does not need to be boiled, but some do not like its taste and degree of usefulness.

Mozhaisk milk needs to be boiled, but it also has its own aftertaste for an amateur.

From 3% pasteurized milk you will get a yogurt very similar to Danone's Activia - just as sour, slimy and just as liquid.

From 5-6%, you will get a much thicker yogurt, almost without sourness.

From 10-11% of cream in classical preparation, a substance will turn out that is already more like a cream, with a very delicate, velvety, but dense texture.

So, if you have cream or pasteurized milk, you need to boil it. When the hat begins to rise - enough, remove from heat, and set to cool. Not completely, but up to about 40-50 degrees. Other bases that do not need to be boiled can be heated to a warm state, then the cooking time in the yogurt maker will be reduced by 2-3 hours!

Then comes selection and addition of sourdough. Someone adds a spoonful to each jar, but it is more convenient to stir the entire volume of the sourdough in a common saucepan. Add more sourdough - you will need to reduce the cooking time, and the yogurt will also turn out to be somewhat thicker (and in the case of Narine, also more viscous).

Drinking yoghurts are absolutely not suitable for cooking. Bio-yogurts (yogurts with beneficial bacteria) are required. Or various types of artificial sourdough, which can be bought at the pharmacy / on the manufacturer's websites. Or village sourdough.

There are many types of sourdough. And the taste and consistency of the finished product also directly depends on it. Any store-bought natural yoghurt without additives will end up with a taste very similar to itself, regardless of the base. For example, Activia natural from Danone is hardly suitable for making cream yogurt, as their soft, fatty, creamy taste is completely incompatible with the pronounced sourness of Activia.

Narine in terms of consistency, it creates excessive ductility and, as it were, viscous stickiness, and not everyone likes the resulting empty, inexpressive taste of yogurt. Also, she and her analogues are artificial (according to experts) and expensive sourdough options, which are far from suitable for many. Plus, Narine powder must first be diluted and prepared separately for 12 hours to obtain a starter.

Therefore, I recommend, for example, as the best option, Bioyogurt Biomax Classic 5 vitamins as having a completely neutral, lively, mild taste. After preparing the first batch, just leave 1 of the jars of homemade yogurt as a future starter.

So, the proportion is about 70 ml of finished sourdough per liter of milk (this is 1 full teaspoon per cup, if your yogurt maker is equipped with portioned glasses). More sourdough - somewhat thicker yogurt and less cooking time. It is necessary to stir properly so that the finished yogurt is homogeneous.

Spilling the foundation in jars after heating / boiling and adding the starter, it is necessary to filter it through a sieve so that the foam and other large particles do not get into the jars.

Together with the sourdough, you can use a number of additives that, in the process, will not allow the yogurt to turn sour and turn it into kefir, for example, regular sugar, cocoa, and so on. With fruits and berries, it is somewhat more complicated - they are also added to jars, then pouring the base with sourdough, but if you are not lucky, you will end up with a mixture of cottage cheese and kefir.

The density of the finished yogurt can be adjusted in three ways:
- density (fat content) of the base;
- the amount of sourdough (more sourdough - also less cooking time);
- the time you leave the yogurt in the yogurt maker. Here you need to remember that if you overdo it, you get a sour-milk lumpy product, partly reminiscent of kefir, partly cottage cheese!

Finally, put necessarily open jars in a yogurt maker / pour the finished mass into a common glass of a yogurt maker. Open - since oxygen is involved in the process of creating a product. Remember that the optimal temperature for making yogurt is around 40 degrees. Usually it is her that the device supports all the time until it is turned off.

- If you use the optimal scheme, and have a heated base with a normal amount of starter, then the cooking time will be 5-6 hours.
- If the starter base was cold, then the time is increased to 8 hours.
- If there is not enough sourdough, then the cooking time can increase to 10 or more hours.

It is important to catch the moment when the yogurt is already beginning to thicken. It takes an average of 1.5-2 last hours out of 6 (if you cooked according to our scheme). Here you can adjust the density of the final product: keep the whole two hours or turn off the yogurt maker shortly after (or at any time during the last two hours) when the contents of the jars become thicker. Do not forget that after the refrigerator, the yogurt will become denser again by 1.5.

Later, having worked out your own scheme, and choosing the consistency of the finished product you need, you can simply track the time and no longer approach the yogurt maker from the moment you turn it on until the end of the process.

When ready, you can use the yogurt immediately or let it cool and refrigerate to stop the process supported by the yogurt maker. Before use, you can add any ingredient to taste, such as pieces of fruit, jam, nuts, etc.

Enjoy your meal!

To date, there is simply a catastrophic situation in the production of dairy products. High-quality and useful products have a rather high price, and easily accessible products for verification turn out to be a regular fake or contain harmful substances. Any fermented milk product can be not only of poor quality, but also dangerous to health. That is why recipes for making yogurt in a yogurt maker at home have recently become popular.


Being engaged in the independent production of yogurts, you can fully control the entire process. At the same time, you can independently choose the components used, which gives a guarantee of quality. It is also worth noting that the recipe for homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker contains only natural ingredients, and lactic acid bacteria for its manufacture undergo the strictest medical control. This method is especially good because it is possible to use various mixtures and starter cultures, which are sold in specialized stores and pharmacies, to create the final product. This makes it possible to select exactly those bacteria and cultures that the consumer needs at the moment.


The base that the yogurt maker recipe uses is milk. It must be chosen very carefully. It should have a high fat content and no extra impurities. Therefore, this component is not worth saving. The choice of bacteria depends only on personal preferences or the desire to obtain a particular product. Their number must be compared with the instructions for use and the volume of milk.


The recipe for yogurt in a yogurt maker is quite simple. It is necessary to mix the starter with the amount of milk indicated on the package. Then it is poured into containers and placed in a yogurt maker. In it, the mixture should be eight hours at a constantly maintained temperature. However, it should be noted that before starting cooking, the milk must be boiled. Also, the recipe for yogurt in a yogurt maker requires strict adherence to the temperature regime. Therefore, before adding sourdough to milk, it is necessary to let it cool down. Each fermented milk culture has its own cooking parameters, which will be indicated on the packaging.

yogurt maker

This device is designed to maintain the temperature. Therefore, it does not matter in what form it is made. The recipe for yogurt in a yogurt maker simply involves placing the product inside the device and starting the latter according to the operating instructions.


After the yogurt is cooked, various fruits or other ingredients can be added to it. However, it is best to let it cool down and store it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to put additives in it before use, since it is in this form that yogurt will be stored longer. Each individual product has its own expiration date, which is indicated on the sourdough packaging, but it cannot exceed five days.

The growing popularity of homemade fermented milk treats makes any yogurt recipe a godsend. Here are some popular recommendations and original recipes that will help you prepare this tasty and nutritious product.

The set of ingredients for homemade yogurt can be extensive and consist of many items. As additives to the main elements, you can use:

  • fresh or frozen berries and chopped fruits, candied fruits;
  • cereals, bran, any nuts;
  • cocoa or melted chocolate bars;
  • coffee or honey;
  • condensed milk, various jams, jams;
  • vanilla sugar and vanilla;
  • freshly squeezed juices, fruit puree, syrups.

But the basis is always sourdough and, used for mixing with it, milk. Both ingredients are widely represented on the market, but the relative quality of the first can only be guaranteed by a purchase in a pharmacy, in extreme cases, in a health food store. Popular options for this ingredient are:

  • sour sour cream or kefir;
  • natural types of yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • probiotics Symbilact, Vitalact, Acidolact;
  • starter cultures from Vivo Streptosan or Bifivit;
  • serum acidophilus.

It is easier to purchase milk for mixing with sourdough, at any available outlet. It is important that it is not a milky drink, and it must be boiled before mixing.

In the process of searching for suitable elements, it is worth listening to some recommendations from experienced housewives, for example:

  • ladies who are worried about the calorie content of their menu should pay attention to this indicator in the initial components, on which the calorie level in the final result depends, but you should not worry too much, the delicacy is well absorbed and is not deposited in the form of fat;
  • when using live yogurt as a starter, it is advisable to take the most expensive one, in which there are no additives, with a minimum shelf life, which allows us to hope for a minimum of dyes and flavors in the composition;
  • for a home-made recipe, starter cultures under the brands of Evitalia or Activia are most often recommended, their use eliminates the appearance of extraneous tastes and odors, provides maximum benefit;
  • to make the mass thick and tender, the best option would be to choose homemade milk, fresh only from under the cow;
  • the pasteurized analogue from the store should be as fat as possible, this affects the density of the mixture, in this case boiling is not required, warming up within 40 ° C is enough;
  • many positive reviews can be heard about fermented analogues prepared at home by fermenting fresh milk.

To make such a starter, 130 grams of milk is enough. If the product is from under the cow, it must be boiled, then cooled to body temperature, removing the foam from the surface. It is enough to heat the store analogue to the same temperature. In the milk prepared in this way, add:

  • vial of Bifidumbacterin;
  • up to three sachets of Narine.

The components are thoroughly mixed, the finished mixture is left alone for a day, ensuring the temperature regime is not more than 40 ° C. For this purpose, a container with the mixture is placed in any warm place wrapped in a towel or placed in a yogurt maker.

Classic recipe

Classic yogurt excludes the addition of sugar and its analogues during the preparation process. Various sweetening options, such as jam or fruit syrup, finely chopped fresh fruit, are added later when the mass has cooled and is ready to eat. You need to prepare such yogurt exclusively from two elements:

  • milk with a fat content of at least 3.5% from 750 ml to 1 liter;
  • packages of dry fermenting substance or a jar of Activia.

In a step-by-step version, the cooking process is as follows:

  1. The first step is to prepare the milk. If a fresh product is selected, it will need to be brought to a boil and immediately cooled under ice water. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 40°C. It’s easy to check it, dip your finger into a container with a drink, if you don’t feel heat, then everything has cooled down to body temperature and is ready for use. If available, you can use a cooking thermometer, which will be more reliable.
  2. Containers and lids for them must be boiled. If you have a dishwasher, washing at high temperatures will suffice. After drying, the jars will need to be closed with sterile lids and left until the ingredients are mixed.
  3. Prepared Activia should be transferred to a small cup of about 50 ml. Add the same amount of milk and mix thoroughly. This will achieve greater homogeneity of the mixture. If you mix the entire volume of the components at once, it will be more difficult to achieve good uniformity. Pour the prepared mixture into a container with milk and mix thoroughly again.
  4. If a fermenting substance is used, add a teaspoon of milk to the bottle with it and shake well. Dry analogue is poured into Art. spoon of the dairy product and beat with a whisk or blender until completely dissolved. Then the fermenting composition is poured into the rest of the milk and mixed again.
  5. The prepared mass is poured into jars from the yogurt maker kit. For insurance, they can again be doused with boiling water. The containers are closed with scalded lids.
  6. Banks are placed in the tray of the device and covered with a lid. At a temperature of 38 to 40°C, the cooking time will be from 6 to 8 hours. We set the desired hours on the timer and set an alarm for insurance. When using Activia or Evitalia, the cooking time will be less. In any case, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with.
  7. When the timer goes off and the alarm goes off, the jars need to be moved to a cold place and held there for 4 to 6 hours. This will make the final product denser.

It can be served in its pure form or with natural additives from fruits, freshly squeezed juices, and other additional components.

Treats for the little ones

Homemade fermented milk products are often recommended for babies from an early age, usually from ten months. This will minimize the baby's intake of harmful food additives, which are still present in factory-made baby food, albeit in small doses. For mothers who are familiar with the classic way, preparing a fermented milk treat for babies is not difficult. However, in this case, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  • it is undesirable to use store-bought types of starter cultures, it is better to cook it yourself;
  • no need to add sugar or honey to the composition, which has strong allergenic properties;
  • sweet aftertaste can be created with natural additives from applesauce or its analogue prepared from other fruits;
  • do not forget that a fermented milk product prepared in this way is stored for a maximum of 3 days, and with the addition of fruits up to 12 hours, so it is recommended to use it immediately after preparation and carefully calculate the required volume in advance.

In this case, it is not necessary to describe a detailed method of cooking, the procedure differs little from the classic version, taking into account the listed features. The milk component is brought to the desired temperature, mixed with sourdough, then mixed with one of the types of puree. The cooking time is at least 5 hours.

List of original recipes

Yogurt with Activia

In this case, instead of the standard fermenting component, Danone drinking Activia is offered in the amount of 5 tbsp. spoons. The only condition is to make sure that this ingredient is extremely fresh. To the two main components, you can add nuts or bran of any kind. The cooking process is identical to the one described above:

  1. boil and cool the homemade dairy ingredient, bring the store to the desired temperature;
  2. pour a small amount of it into a bowl with Activia and mix until smooth;
  3. then mix the workpiece with the remaining milk;
  4. if additional components are used, lay out a small amount of them at the bottom of each jar;
  5. we lay out the mixture in containers and rearrange them in the pallet of the apparatus;
  6. Set a timer for 6 to 8 hours.

The longer the time, the thicker the consistency will be at the end. But you need to be careful, busting over time can result in excessive acidity and loss of taste. After the device is finished, we rearrange all the containers in the refrigerator and keep it there for up to 4 hours.

Sour-milk dessert with jam

This recipe is almost similar to the previous one; Activia is also recommended as a fermenting substance. But an additional element in the composition is jam, which can be supplemented with nuts. The composition contains:

  • fatty dairy product from 3.5 to 6%;
  • Danone up to 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • any kind of jam spoon for each jar;
  • nuts of your choice.

We prepare according to the well-known scheme:

  1. boil the milk base;
  2. pre-mix a small amount of it with Activia;
  3. mix the components completely;
  4. put a spoonful of jam on the bottom of all containers and add nuts if desired;
  5. we rearrange in the pallet and set the timer for 4 - 8 hours.

After cooking, give time to cool in any cold place. It is advisable to mix the complex composition before use.

Greek yogurt with vegetables

This type of fermented milk treat is an important an element of the popular Greek appetizer sauce Tzatziki. From it you can make a topping for a cake or use it for the same purposes with ice cream. True, the latter is an amateur. Naturally, it is useful in itself. In the recipe:

  • a liter of milk component of medium fat content;
  • sourdough from Evitalia.

Below is a step-by-step recipe for preparing a Greek delicacy.

  1. We mix the last one with a small amount of the first ingredient so that the mixture comes out homogeneous. Then finally mix with the rest of the composition.
  2. We put it in jars and put it in the container of the device for a known time. If there is no special apparatus, you can get by with an ordinary stainless steel pan, which we wrap with a towel and keep overnight to thicken.
  3. To bring to readiness, wrap the mixture in several layers of gauze and hold for up to 4 hours. The output should be up to 500 gr. soft and thick texture.
  4. Then it can be used as a cream on the cake or served on its own, mixed with finely chopped banana or sprinkled with chocolate chips.

After reading the rules for choosing products and instructions for making homemade yogurt, it will not be difficult for you to treat your family and guests with a healthy dessert. Original recipes for a sour-milk delicacy will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. And if the delicacy starts to take on an ordinary taste, you can always diversify it with a variety of delicious fillers.

Fermented milk products, by right of popularity, can be called people's favorites. They are tasty and very useful. Therefore, manufacturers of kitchen appliances could not ignore consumers - adherents of healthy dairy cuisine. Today we can choose from a wide range of household appliances and devices for preparing dairy products, which will remain natural and safe for health.

In this article, we will look at how to make homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker and offer some proven recipes for making it. After all, in fact, dairy products of industrial production are practically sterile and do not contain the declared useful substances. We guess about it, don't we?

Yogurt is one of my favorite dairy products! Even children know about its beneficial properties for digestion! But is this product really that great on grocery store shelves? Agree that factory-made yogurts cannot contain the widely advertised bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in sufficient quantities.

If this were the case, then they would not stop fermenting and would spoil very quickly. However, this is not a reason to be upset - after all, it is very easy to make delicious products from milk at home! Making yogurt in a modern yogurt maker is very easy! The amount of ingredients we need for recipes is minimal, and you can beat them as you like, making countless recipe options!

Recipe classic


  • – 120-150 g + -
  • — 1000-1300 ml + -
  • Sourdough - + -


If store-bought milk is pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized, then we heat it to 37 degrees. If draft or rural milk was taken, then it must be boiled, and then cooled to the same temperature, having previously removed the foam from the surface.

We dilute sugar in warm milk and, adding the starter, mix thoroughly or beat with a mixer or blender.

Pour the finished mixture into containers and set them in a yogurt maker for 5 hours.

* Cook's advice
It is very important that the temperature of the milk before adding the starter to it is no more than 40 degrees. The most comfortable ambient temperature for maximum reproduction of lactobacilli is 37 degrees. At temperatures above 40, microorganisms die, and our favorite product may simply fail - there will be no one to ferment the milk.
To make sure the milk is at the right temperature, you need to mix it thoroughly, mixing the cooler upper layers with the hotter lower layers and - the easiest way - to test it with your finger. If the temperature of milk is practically not felt, then it is close to body temperature - 37 degrees. If the milk is lukewarm, then it is better to be patient and let it stand a little more. This is the case when we do not need to hurry.

About sourdough

There can be a great variety of sourdough options.

It is possible to use "live" yogurt, but in this case it is better to buy the most expensive one, without additives and with the shortest possible shelf life, otherwise we will transfer all preservatives and dyes from the store to our homemade yogurt.

Specialized starter cultures are also sold - for the preparation of fermented milk products at home. The most famous and sought-after hostesses are "Evitalia" and "Laktina". As a rule, yoghurts based on these starter cultures are always easy to prepare, turn out well, are tasty and have no admixture of foreign smells and tastes, which is a very pleasant feature!

The third option to ferment milk is to prepare the ferment yourself.

How to make sourdough


  • - 130 ml + -
  • "Bifidumbacterin"- 1 vial + -
  • "Narine" - 3 sachets + -


Milk is heated to 37-39 degrees.

We add “Narine” and “Bifidumbacterin” to the heated milk and provide the resulting mixture with a temperature of about 37 degrees for a day (it is important that no more than 40!). To do this, you can put the future sourdough directly into the yogurt maker or in any sufficiently warm place, after wrapping it with a towel.

"Narine" and "Bifidumbacterin" are pharmaceutical products, which in no case should be scared! This is just a concentrate of the microorganisms we need. Ready sourdough is stored in a cool place for about 5-7 days without becoming unusable. For every 1000 ml of milk, we need 2 tablespoons of cooked sourdough.

Homemade yogurt for kids

Dairy products are useful not only for adults. They are needed and extremely important for the health of babies from the tenth month of life. The most popular manufacturers that provide us with dairy products for children still cannot help but add thickeners and substances that increase the shelf life to their products. And this is absolutely not necessary for the body of a small child.

Therefore, it is better to feed the child with natural, self-cooked, “live” fermented milk products. The recipe for making yogurt in a yogurt maker for young children is not fundamentally different from the basic recipe, but there are a few nuances that should be considered.

Yogurt for kids up to a year


  • — 250 ml + -
  • Sourdough - 1 tsp. l. + -
  • Applesauce - 100 g + -


As in previous recipes, we heat the milk to body temperature and add the starter to it. Thoroughly mix milk with applesauce.

We spread it in a container and put the mixture in a yogurt maker for 5 hours.

Important differences between children's yogurt and adult yogurt are that, firstly, you should not add a store-bought product as a starter, and, secondly, you do not need to sweeten it with sugar or honey. Sugar is harmful to the child's body, and honey is a strong allergen, and it is better not to give it to children under the age of one.

Applesauce can be replaced with chopped apples, pears, bananas, soft dried fruits - depending on the preferences of the child.

It is important to remember that this type of yogurt is stored for no more than 2-3 days, but it is better to eat it within the next 24 hours. And if it contains fresh fruits or berries, then it should be consumed immediately or stored for no more than 10-12 hours. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare the appropriate volumes.

Variety of home production

The recipe for homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker can be modified each time with minor nuances and flavors, but the difference between the variations will be striking!

For example, lovers of such a noble aromatic drink as coffee can add 4 tablespoons of freeze-dried coffee per liter of milk. Sweet tooth for the same portion of the product - 100 grams (1 bar) of any chocolate, which must first be melted in a water bath and then mixed with milk. Perfect for both bitter and milk, and white chocolate.

Those who do not like sweets can simply remove sugar from the homemade yogurt recipe in a yogurt maker - and you get a great product without sweeteners. For spice, you can add a little finely chopped fresh dill to it.

In Tibet many hundreds of years ago, a stunning symbiosis of beneficial bacteria and microscopic fungi was discovered. They fermented milk, giving it excellent taste, as well as incredible beneficial properties for the body.

People began to notice that after the systematic use of this leaven, many ailments recede - these were stomach diseases, and problems with the sexual sphere, and even oncological diseases! To this day, Tibetan milk mushroom enjoys unimaginable popularity all over the world!

It's great that humanity has gradually realized that scientific and technological progress can bring with it not only benefits for us, but can also destroy not only the environment, but also our internal environment!

The biological properties of bacteria that are favorable for the intestinal microflora ensure its normal functioning, so the recipe for making homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker will help solve this problem in the most natural way.

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