Home Kashi Differences between shu and shen pu-erh, their properties and characteristics. What is pu-erh tea, what are the benefits and harms of the drink

Differences between shu and shen pu-erh, their properties and characteristics. What is pu-erh tea, what are the benefits and harms of the drink

The classification of tea adopted in China is somewhat different from the European one we are used to. The tea, which we call black, is considered red by the Chinese, and aged Shu Puer is classified as black. Among the pu-erhs, this variety is the most saturated and bright. And if Shen Puer is more popular with green tea lovers, Puer Shu is preferred by connoisseurs of red teas.

What is Shu Puerh

Black tea Shu Puer or, as it is also called, "earth tea", is made from the leaves of tea trees that grow in the ecologically clean Chinese province of Yunnan. A feature of the production technology of this variety is the accelerated aging of the tea leaf.

If the stage of natural fermentation of green Shen Pu-erh takes many years and even decades, then in the production of Shu, a technology is used that allows you to speed up this stage and overcome it in a much shorter time.

The special processing technology of the tea leaf in the production of Shu Puer affects the taste of this tea: it becomes thick and pronounced, with earthy notes that disappear during long-term storage. The dry leaf has a dark brown hue, almost black, and gives a dark saturated color infusion.

Shu Puer has many varieties or subspecies, here are just a few of them:

  • "Golden Peacock". This tea has a mild, smooth taste with nutty notes.
  • "Cold Island". It has a rich earthy taste with a sweet aftertaste.
  • "Palace". This tea has an "earthy" taste with a hint of wood and notes of prunes.
  • "Old tea heads". Its taste can be described as velvety, with hints of nuts and dried fruits.
  • "Black Dragon Pearl" Portion tea with a soft spicy-woody bouquet, nutty, bready and berry notes.
  • "Soft power". It has a thick taste with woody undertones and hints of nuts, spices and autumn foliage.

There are so many varieties of Shu Pu-erh that it is impossible to list all varieties of this tea or even approximately count their number. However, they are all different. Differences in taste and aroma depend both on the quality of tea raw materials and on compliance with the technology.

Each of the tea factories has its own unique recipe and special storage conditions. In addition, the quality of the finished product is affected by many small nuances and its own production secrets that are not customary to disclose.

Production features

If the history of Shen Pu-erh green tea dates back several centuries, then the processing technology used in the production of black Shu Pu-erh was developed not so long ago, only 40 years ago. It allows you to repeatedly accelerate the process of natural fermentation of tea.

Thus, in a short time, you can get aged pu-erh tea, while retaining its taste originality and useful properties. Consider the features of this technology, which is also called the "wet stacking" method. After assembling the tea leaf, Pu-erh black undergoes several stages of processing:

  • drying;
  • twisting;
  • fermentation;
  • drying;
  • pressing;
  • ripening.

The peculiarity of the production of Shu Puer black tea is the accelerated fermentation process. To do this, the tea leaves that have passed the preliminary stages of processing are piled up and filled with water. The process of debate that began inside the tea heap is called “artificial aging”. Under its influence, the tea leaf changes its taste and aroma.

A few words about pressing tea. The most common forms of Shu Pu-erh pressing are:

  • pancake, which is also called a flatbread or disc;
  • tocha (bowl or nest);
  • brick;
  • twisted shape or mushroom;
  • square;
  • and the shape of a pumpkin.

Each of these forms of pressed Pu-erh comes in different weight classes, from a few grams to several kilograms.

Connoisseurs of Chinese tea, of course, will support the largest format and will only be happy with a weighty tea "pancake" of their favorite variety, and more than one. In this case, you need to take care of the proper storage of Shu Puer. Since this tea easily absorbs foreign aromas, the place where it is stored should be free from foods and objects with a strong smell.

However, hermetically sealed packaging is not suitable for it, this tea definitely needs to “breathe”. Humidity should not be higher than 90%, and the temperature should be moderate. Both too low and too high a temperature will negatively affect the taste of tea.

Brewed Shu Pu-erh in a bowl

But what if you have never tried tea, just want to get acquainted with it, and are not sure that you will like it? For such cases, it is produced in a very convenient packaging format, which is called "mini tocha". Each serving weighs 4 to 8 grams. This one-time format is very convenient not only for getting to know a new variety, but also when traveling when there is no time and conditions for a tea ceremony.

Beneficial features

Shu Puer is inferior to Shen Puer in its antioxidant qualities, but this tea also benefits the body, being a natural biostimulant:

  • improves digestion;
  • breaks down fats;
  • tones and reduces drowsiness;
  • has an invigorating effect;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • increases efficiency;
  • fills the body with energy;
  • improves concentration.

Despite the benefits, with high blood pressure, this tea can be harmful. For this reason, hypertension is one of the contraindications, along with urolithiasis, stomach diseases, insomnia and pregnancy. It is also not recommended to drink this tea on an empty stomach and give it to children under 10 years of age.

How to brew Shu Pu-erh

Shu Pu-erh, like any other highly fermented tea, can be brewed with almost boiling water. For this you need:

  1. Take dishes made of glass, ceramics, porcelain or Yixing clay.
  2. Use soft purified water having a temperature of 95-100 degrees.
  3. Preheat the teapot by rinsing it with hot water.
  4. Take 5-7 grams of tea leaves per 200 ml of water.
  5. Crumble pressed pu-erh into a bowl and pour boiling water over it.
  6. Drain the first water immediately to wash the tea leaf from dust and dirt.
  7. Pour hot water over the tea leaves for the second time and insist for several minutes.
  8. Pour tea into cups and start drinking tea.

The tea leaf can be brewed several times in a row, each time slightly increasing the infusion time. High-quality black Pu-erh can withstand 5-8 brews. This drink is especially good on autumn and winter evenings. It pleasantly warms and invigorates, drives away sad thoughts and helps to focus on what is most important.

Pu-erh tea is known as one of the ancient and elite varieties of Chinese tea, much is said about its taste and healing properties. However, both connoisseurs of tea ceremonies and simple lovers of a tonic drink recommend learning more about pu-erh tea before replacing their usual drinks. The benefits and harms of pu-erh largely depend on the quality of the product, the brewing technique and the number of cups drunk. If you follow simple tips, pu-erh will turn out to be an exquisitely tasty tea and an exceptionally healthy drink.

By the way, the birthplace of pu-erh is the Chinese province of Yunnan, and the specific properties of tea are prioritized due to the variety and production technique. Pu-erh refers to post-fermented teas, that is, subjected to natural or artificial aging with the help of a special fungus from the genus Aspergillus.

Puer tea - production features

Pu-erh is unique in its kind for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is produced exclusively from the elements of the large-leaved tea tree of the Yunnan province. The older and more massive the plant, the higher the quality of the leaves collected from it. The world-famous Chinese tea is made exclusively from large, juicy and fleshy leaves.

Secondly, it takes a lot of time for the harvested leaves to reach the desired condition. First they are pressed, turning into washers. They oxidize naturally, and this stage can take several years. In this way, an elite pu-erh, unique in its properties, is created, which can be very expensive.

Nowadays, a variant has been invented that allows the production of tea composition much faster. To do this, the leaves are collected in piles and watered. This triggers the reproduction of special microorganisms, which by their vital activity increase the temperature in the bale and stimulate the production of juice. Such a fermentation process is controlled by specialists who dry the blanks and, if necessary, moisten them again, preventing the mass from rotting.

The last step is the same anyway. The oxidized raw material is pressed, it is given a special shape, by which you can recognize the manufacturer or product grade. One puck by weight can reach several kilograms. But today, miniature balls designed for one brewing are the most popular.

Types and varieties of pu-erh

Acquaintance with pu-erh should begin with the study of its classification. Initially, the product is divided into three types:

  • Obtained in the classical way. These are large greenish-brown leaves. The tea prepared from them turns out golden-red. The drink smells faintly of smoke, apples and dried fruits.

  • Obtained in an accelerated way. The leaves are small, brown-black or with a golden hue. The smell is sharp, earthy, slightly bitter. Ready infusion can acquire from red and brown to black.

Interesting fact
In ancient times, the birth of a girl in a wealthy Chinese family was accompanied by the creation of tea preparations. They reached the desired state by the time when it was time for her to get married. Pu-erh was considered a sign of wealth and was part of the dowry.

  • It looks like a green variety of tea, but the leaves are covered with a white coating. The drink has a specific smell of meadow herbs and honey.

Further, pu-erh is divided into subspecies according to the type of raw materials (type and size of leaves), fermentation stages. The main thing here is to know that tea aged for 20 years is considered the best. It has a dark green color and cannot be cheap.

Types of pressed pu-erh

Fans of unique tea understand that the beneficial properties of pu-erh do not depend on the province in which it is produced. Despite this, they try to use the same type of product, because each of them allows you to get a drink that is unique in taste and aroma.

  1. Bin cha (flatbread or puck). For their production, raw materials from the largest and oldest trees are used. The weight of the cakes is acceptable in the range from 100 g to 5 kg.
  2. Tocha (nest or bowl). In this case, the portion size should not exceed 3 kg, although the minimum weight can be any.
  3. Juan cha (parallelepiped or brick). The simplest type of product to which no special requirements are imposed.
  4. Fan cha (cube). Its weight rarely exceeds several hundred grams. On the surface of one of the faces there should be an imprint of a hieroglyph.
  5. Jin cha (mushroom). Pu-erh from Tibet. Quite rare and very high quality tea.
  6. Jing gua (gourd). There should be longitudinal grooves on the surface. Initially, the variety was used only by representatives of Chinese royal families.

Any deviation from the above rules should alert. If the shape of the product does not correspond to the declared one or there is a strong discrepancy in weight, most likely the pu-erh is not real or the technology was violated during its production.

The Tistori company is engaged in direct deliveries of tea from China. The main direction is the supply of pu-erh wholesale and retail http://teastory.ru/catalog/puery/

The benefits of Chinese tea, its medicinal properties

Pu-erh must be properly brewed. If you master all the secrets of making a drink, you can count not only on gastronomic pleasure, but also on a therapeutic effect:

  • Development of attention, improvement of memory. Positive changes in this area are noted not only with regular use of the drink, but also after the first test. Pu-erh relieves fatigue, helps to concentrate, after which a person absorbs information better.
  • Weight normalization. This point is especially important for women. There is no point in exhausting yourself with aggressive diets if you can just drink delicious tea. It will reduce appetite, speed up metabolic processes, stimulate digestion and more actively remove fluid from the body.
  • Removal of inflammation. Tea leaves are coated with a coating of essential oils and polyphenols. Together with tannins, they eliminate the harmful effects of microorganisms that cause inflammation. Additionally, the work of the adrenal glands is stimulated, which minimizes inflammatory processes.

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system. A unique drink reduces the negativity that occurs against the background of eating fatty foods. Due to this, there is no feeling of heaviness, and harmful components are quickly removed from the tissues. Tannins reduce the acidity of the stomach, so pu-erh is very useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Fight cholesterol, remove toxins. Against the background of such an impact, the liver, heart and blood vessels begin to work better, the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.
  • Reducing the toxicity of tobacco or alcohol. But this property is more important for men. Of course, a completely tea mixture does not neutralize the negative effects of alcohol or, but it will decrease several times.
  • Decreased blood sugar levels. Pu-erh is useful for diabetics, of course, if you drink tea correctly, without adding sugar and various sweeteners.

Pu-erh is not just considered an elixir of youth and health. The centuries-old use of the drink as a tonic and medicine has proven its effectiveness more than once.

How to brew pu-erh?

The benefits and harms of pu-erh tea have been studied by ancient doctors and proven by modern scientists. And everyone agrees on one thing - the therapeutic effect can only be expected if the drink is properly brewed and consumed.

Tea ceremony at home:

  1. To brew the drink correctly, you need to use earthenware or a special thermos. Moreover, water must not be boiled separately, but in this container. It should be brought to a boil three times, each time draining a third of the liquid, cooling slightly and returning back.
  2. After the third boil, you need to quickly stir the water with a spatula or tongs so that a funnel appears - tea is poured into it.
  3. When the tea begins to boil again, the dishes must be removed from the heat. It is important not to let the tea boil, its temperature should not exceed 98º C.
  4. It remains to wait until the tea leaves sink to the bottom, and the tea can be poured.

In addition to water, pu-erh can be brewed with milk. In general, there are many options for preparing a drink. Each manufacturer offers its own ideal way.

Potential harm of pu-erh

A healthy and aromatic drink has practically no contraindications and does not cause harmful effects. It is only not recommended for people with caffeine intolerance and children under six years of age. In case of kidney disease, pu-erh is drunk with caution: the diuretic properties of the liquid can increase the load on the diseased organ, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition.

It is important to remember that pu-erh is not drunk on an empty stomach and before going to bed. Do not drink a cold drink. No need to be afraid to stir the tea leaves - this makes tea only tastier, richer and healthier.

Particular attention should be paid to the proper storage of the tea mixture. Do not expose it to moisture, grease, dust, foreign odors. It is necessary to ensure that the packaging is always hermetically sealed, do not allow sunlight to hit the tea leaves. If a white coating appears on green or black pu-erh, this is a sign of damage to the product, it can no longer be restored. Compressed briquettes are best kept in wooden boxes with tight-fitting lids.


Tao of Tea

Pu-erh is divided into two completely different categories. Shu Puer and Shen Puer. Shu pu-erh (black, ready-made), and Shen - (green or raw). Shen pu-erh has a very long history going back to the Ancient Tea Road. It is Shen Puer that is enthusiastically collected by real tea gourmets. As for Shu Puer, the technology for its creation was developed not so long ago in 1974. Thanks to innovative express fermentation, we don't have to wait 10-20 years for the tea to mature. Less than 1 year of fermentation is enough to enjoy the aroma and taste of Pu-erh, which is similar to aged Shen for 10-20 years. Usually novice connoisseurs drink and appreciate ready-made Shu Pu-erhs, while experts and collectors appreciate Shengs (raw).

Shen Puer (生) - green or raw

Initially, only Shen Pu-erh existed, the technology of Shu Pu-erh was invented a little later. Its manufacturing technology dates back to the Tang Dynasty, VIII-IX centuries AD. The production of Shen Pu-erh resembles green tea; as a rule, the top sprout with 3-4 leaves is harvested. For the taste of Pu-erh, it is very important to collect flushes with 3-4 leaves, because the 3rd and 4th leaves were on the branch for a very long time, and received stronger mineralization - they accumulated more polyphenols and minerals. To get the best aroma and taste, the 3rd and 4th leaves make a big difference!

To inactivate enzymes, the leaf is fried, but not completely, as in the manufacture of green teas, but only partially. Chinese green teas, after roasting, are dried with hot steam to kill enzymes, and Shen Puer is dried in the sun. Regardless of the class, all Pu-erhs are dried under the sun. Drying the leaf naturally under the sun does not increase the temperature of the leaf, hence the remaining enzymes remain alive. Raw materials dried under the sun and partially fermented are called Mao Cha, further from Mao Cha they make Shu or Shen Puer.

The tea leaf of freshly made Shen Pu-erh is still green. The longer Shen Pu-erh is stored, the darker the color of its leaf becomes in the process of natural oxidation. The taste of fresh Shen Puer is similar to green tea. In the first years of aging, it is similar to white tea, then it becomes closer to oolong tea, even later it becomes close to Shu Puer or black tea. For the first time in 5 years, Shen Pu-erh acquires a yellow-amber color. Then, as Shen Pu-erh matures, it becomes more and more dark in color. It is said that Shen Puer gravitates towards Shu Puer, but never becomes one.

Shen pu-erh has a pronounced fruity aroma, a sweetish taste in which notes of ripe pear, berry overtones, light smoke and the alluring smell of the forest are often heard. However, high-quality Shen Pu-erh can compete with exquisite oolong teas in terms of subtlety of taste and aroma.

Some believe that Shen Pu-erh should be aged for several years and then drunk, some of our customers said that fresh Shen gives an astringent and tart taste. As for aging, this is partly true, but not quite. This taste means that the tea was not harvested in early spring, but in summer. Many people in Yunnan province like to drink fresh Pu-erh, in general they rarely drink ancient tea. Shen Pu-erh harvested in early spring can be drunk almost immediately, it will never be bitter or astringent.

Shu Puer (熟) - black or ready-made

Shu Pu-erh has a much more modest history than Shen Pu-erh. The invention technology of Shu Puer was invented in the middle of the 20th century in 1973-74. The technology lies in the fact that the raw material goes through the stage of wet stacking (fermentation). In fact, the same fermentation occurs in familiar products, for example, kefir, cheese or wine. When making Shu Puerh, haystack-type piles (Mao Cha) are sprinkled with water and covered with a cloth, which raises the temperature inside the piles and speeds up the fermentation of the tea leaf. During fermentation, microorganisms (Aspergillus species, Penicillium, etc.) produce organic acids and the pH of the tea decreases. It is precisely because Shu Puer has an alkaline reaction that you can drink it on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach. By the way, we love him very much for these qualities.

In general, thanks to this simple super idea, you can not wait for years, but in a relatively short time you can get tea similar to Shen Puer aged for years. Aesthetic gourmets believe that the taste of real aged Shen Pu-erh is still not comparable to the artificially created Shu, that it is much coarser and not so thin. Indeed, after a good seasoned Shen Puer, Shu Puer seems rough, and devoid of subtle nuances. Due to this accelerated fermentation, the color of the tea changes to dark brown, with a soft smooth taste, which can be heard woody notes, tones of dried fruits, chocolate, and in the best examples, aromas of flowers, mint and camphor in the aftertaste.

Outside of China, ready-made Shu Pu-erh is the most popular. In Yunnan, on the contrary, the cost of Shu Pu-erhs is always lower than that of Shenovs. Because Shu Pu-erh is often made from leaves from tea gardens that grow in the plains. While Shen Pu-erh is often used raw materials from the highlands, and from old tea trees. In addition, it makes no sense to use high-grade raw materials for Shu Pu-erh, because at the output of 10 kilograms of raw materials, only 7 kilograms of tea are obtained.
Novice aesthetes, as well as "tea drinkers" prefer Shu Pu-erh for their clear and bright taste.

After processing, the leaves of the green and black varieties are either left as they are or pressed into the following shapes:

  • Pu-erh in the form of a pancake (饼茶 bingcha)
  • Pu-erh in the form of a bowl (沱茶 tocha)
  • Pu-erh in the shape of a brick (砖茶 zhuancha)
  • Ball Shaped Puerh

Yunnan Pu-erh is a drink unique in its taste, composition and useful properties, which is native to the city of the same name in the Yunnan province of China.

Teas differ from other drinks, first of all, in the production technology. As a result, the leaves acquire a refined, mild taste over time, it is this property that is most valuable. Real gourmets even collect tea, because over time, such an exquisite treat is not inferior in price to good wine.

The composition of the drink from the Yunnan region contains a small amount of caffeine, which is well known for its invigorating properties. Properly brewed drink, subject to regular use, is useful, and in China it is called the "elixir of eternal youth." There are two types of this tea:

  1. shu pu-erh - ready, black;
  2. a variety called shen - raw, green.

What common

  • The place where tea is grown, harvested and produced is Yunnan Province, located in the southern part of China.
  • Both shen and shu pu-erh are made in the form of pancakes with pressed leaves.
  • For many years, the same specialists have been making tea.

Note: if you want to brew delicious tea that retains all the beneficial properties, aroma and taste, it is important to understand the differences and features of each type.

Main differences

Appearance and color

At first glance, it may seem that sheng and shu pu-erh are the same, because they have the same shape and almost the same color. Often, an inexperienced person cannot find differences in the external characteristics of the two varieties.

Shen leaves vary in color from light to dark green. The drink is clear, light with a slight greenish tinge.

The leaves of shu pu-erh are brown, almost black, the drink has a thick consistency, opaque, rich dark chocolate color.

Fragrance Differences

Aroma is an important characteristic of any product, but especially for Yunnan tea. Many connoisseurs prefer to choose a particular variety of leaves for its delicate aroma. In addition, the aroma is an important difference between sheng and shu pu-erh.

The raw or green variety has a delicate, pleasant aroma with a fruity note. While the aroma of shu pu-erh is heavier, you can detect hints of smoke in it.

Differences in taste

The most important characteristic not only of Yunnan tea, but also of other drinks. That is why when choosing a particular variety, it is important to pay special attention to its taste. Before you find your tea, you will need to try a considerable number of flavors.

The green variety from the Yunnan region has a slight acidity, but the aftertaste is sweetish, as is the aroma.

Note: it is important to brew the drink strictly following the technology, otherwise an unpleasant bitterness will appear in the taste, most of the useful properties will be lost.

If the leaves are not brewed long enough, you will not be able to fully enjoy their amazing taste. Shu pu-erh has a mild taste, no sourness and no bitterness.

Differences in production technology

Before shen and shu pu-erh acquire the appearance and properties familiar to the consumer, the leaves go through a certain technological process. At the same time, the process of making black and green teas differs significantly.

The history of the green drink from Yunnan province has more than seven hundred years, during which time the production technology has been worked out and perfected to the smallest detail:

  1. as soon as the leaves reach the required degree of maturity, they are harvested;
  2. after the raw material is dried in the sun;
  3. then pressed.

The production process of black tea was established in the Yunnan region only forty years ago, namely, in the second half of the 70s of the last century. In order for the leaves to acquire all the unique properties, unique taste and aroma, a rather painstaking work will be required:

  1. raw materials are collected;
  2. put in a pile and fill with clean water.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that inside the heap the sheet begins to rot, this is artificial aging. As a result, the leaves acquire a dark, chocolate color, tart taste and exotic aroma. Only after that the raw materials are pressed into the usual pancakes.

Interestingly, many note the offensive. But that's not the case at all. In addition, the taste and properties of the drink depend on the correct brewing of raw materials.

A few words about making a wonderful drink from China

So, in order for the leaves to fully reveal their unique properties, taste and aroma, it is important to purchase high-quality dishes, use purified water - these are the main rules for tea from China. How to properly brew pressed leaves:

  • The water used is filtered, bottled, the best option is spring, but in urban areas it is hardly possible to find it.
  • Leaves should not be brewed in low grade metal or clay pots.
  • Water must be heated to 90-95 degrees. It should be noted that for black varieties, given the high fermentation of raw materials, it is permissible to use boiling water.
  • The container should be rinsed with boiling water.
  • On average, a glass of water requires from 5 to 7 grams of raw materials or a tablespoon. You can chip off the required volume of leaves with a special knife or awl.
  • The leaves are poured with hot water and drained after five seconds, this will allow the leaf to open and also wash off the dust.
  • Then boiled water is poured into the container again, left for ten seconds and drained.
  • The duration of the third brew is fifteen seconds.

You will surely be able to surprise your guests if you prepare an exclusive tea from pressed leaves in milk. This will require two containers:

  1. for soaking leaves;
  2. to prepare meals.

It is better to use homemade or store-bought milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%. First you need to soak the tea leaves. The dishes for brewing should be heated for 30 seconds on fire, then reduce the flame and bring 300 ml of milk to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear, you need to put the leaves in the milk, after draining the water. After five minutes, the tea can be removed from the heat and poured into cups.

photo: depositphotos.com/AndreyCherkasov, kingkonglive

Shu Pu-erh tea- a variety of black tea that will radically change your ideas about this drink. What makes the shu pu-erh family so different from other teas? All varieties of pu-erh tea are divided into two groups:

  • Shu - black, ready (young) teas,
  • Shen - all other varieties.

It is noteworthy that shu pu-erh appeared only in the 1970s, as a cheaper version of the famous pressed tea. Its price has been reduced accelerated fermentation technology, which makes it “ready” (as the word “shu” is translated) in a short time (only 10-14 years). In general terms, the process is based on increasing humidity and limited access to fresh air. Decades have passed, and the masters have managed to give it a completely original and no less refined taste than that of mature pu-erh. On our website you can read descriptions of several varieties and buy black pu-erh with delivery in Moscow.

The effect of shu pu-erh on the human body

Over time, it turned out that shu pu-erh tea has a beneficial effect. on the digestive and immune systems. Drinking this drink on a customized schedule can save you from:

1) liver diseases ,

2) gastrointestinal tract ,

3) eliminate the symptoms of anemia and fatigue ,

4) excess cholesterol in the blood

Doctors recommend buying shu pu-erh if you have problems with being overweight. This tea cleanses the blood of cholesterol, normalizes high blood pressure promotes a healthy metabolism. In case of food poisoning, black pu-erh quickly removes toxic substances and restores the intestinal microflora.

How to achieve maximum effectiveness of shu pu-erh?

Black pu-erh comes in the same classic pancake, bowl, brick and gourd forms as all other varieties of this tea. It is very rare to find loose black pu-erh tea. We source our tea from leading manufacturers and take great care of proper storage until this unique product reaches you.

shu puerh tea brew in a warm kettle with water not cooler than 95 degrees- this is the only way to get the maximum benefit from this drink and enjoy the taste.

You can buy shu pu-erh in Moscow in tea shops, but only on our website you can get acquainted with the assortment in a relaxed atmosphere, read the description of the teas you like, compare customer reviews and make a choice without haste and pressure from sales assistants.

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