Home Product ratings Pickled hot peppers: recipes, and how the Georgian method differs from the Armenian one. Recipes for preparing hot peppers with honey for the winter Canned hot peppers with honey

Pickled hot peppers: recipes, and how the Georgian method differs from the Armenian one. Recipes for preparing hot peppers with honey for the winter Canned hot peppers with honey

Supermarket shelves are overflowing with bright, beautiful jars of different vegetables, fruits and even berries. But store-bought products cannot be compared with canned goods prepared at home. When you open another jar on a cold winter evening, you simply enjoy a homemade delicacy. Lovers of delicious preparations will appreciate this recipe. I suggest preparing hot peppers in honey sauce for the winter, which will delight all lovers of spicy foods. Hot pepper with honey goes well with meat dishes. It can be used as a snack for strong drinks alcoholic drinks, add in small portions to first courses or sauces. From this quantity of products two 450 g jars are obtained.

- bitter pepper 330 g;
- black peppercorns 6 pcs.;
- allspice peas 6 pcs.;
- bay leaf 2 pcs.;
- water 500 g;
- salt 25 g;
- table vinegar 50 g;
- honey 110 g.

To prepare, take a large hot pepper, preferably red. Vegetables should be firm to the touch and not damaged. Remove bad peppers. Rinse, cut into portions. The green tail does not need to be removed. If you use a small one hot peppers, it does not need to be cut into pieces. To reduce the heat, remove the seeds. Wear disposable gloves to avoid burns.

Prepare small jars with lids. They need to be thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized in a way convenient for you. Fill the jars with chopped peppers.

Now prepare the marinade honey filling. Pour into a saucepan or saucepan cold water. Add salt, honey, bay leaf, black and allspice. Bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir until the honey and salt dissolve. Pour vinegar into the boiling solution, stir and turn off the heat.

Gradually, so as not to crack the jars, pour hot honey marinade to the very top of the jars. Cover with sterile lids.

Now all that remains is to sterilize the jars. Line a deep pan with a piece of cloth. Place jars of pepper. To prevent the jars from cracking, take hot water and pour waist-deep cans into the pan. Send it to the fire. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes after the water in the pan boils.

Seal and turn over, wrap well. If you do not want to wrap them, place the jars, lids down, in the hot water in which they were sterilized and leave until completely cool. Store in a cellar or pantry. Bright and tasty preparations for you!

Best regards Svetlaya.

Another preparation for spicy lovers -

I offer all spicy lovers an excellent appetizer for any meat and poultry, soups and borscht. And putting pickled hot peppers on the holiday table or taking them to a picnic is a must!

Every year I try to prepare such peppers; I always buy them at the market from Caucasians. This year I got green, there was almost no red... Of course, multi-colored looks very festive and impressive, but green is so green!!!

A friend advised me to put honey in pickled hot peppers, she said that the taste would be softer, so for me this year, pickled hot peppers are relatively new blank. So, we need hot pepper, sugar, honey and table vinegar 9%.

Wash the pepper, cut off the tails, prick the body of the pepper with a fork several times.

Pack the peppers tightly into the jars, sprinkling them with sugar. When we fill the jars almost to the end, add 2 tablespoons of honey and pour in table vinegar. The pepper will become soft in half an hour, you can compact it and add more. That's what I do.

I indicated approximate proportions, I have 700 gram jars, I put about a third of a glass of sugar in them, 2 tablespoons. honey and pour in as much vinegar as it takes.

You see, there is quite a lot of sugar here. Shake the jar a little to disperse the sugar, but it will melt anyway.

You can try this pepper in a couple of months. The jars stand well in the pantry; the vinegar may cause the peppers to change color a little - to olive.

Recipe for preparing pickled hot peppers for the winter with the addition of honey

Bitter (hot) peppers are rich in vitamins A, B, C. The alkaloid capsaicin, which gives the vegetable its spiciness, promotes hair growth. By consuming hot peppers, the production of endorphins is stimulated, which means blood circulation increases, blood clots are prevented, appetite increases, stress decreases, and much more. Following advice traditional medicine, a spicy vegetable that copes well with radiculitis, rheumatism, and arthritis if rubbed into the skin.

There are many recipes for preparing hot peppers, taste qualities are also different from each other, regardless of the fact that he still remains spicy. To the question: “How to seal pickled hot peppers for the winter?” Below is a recipe for a special pepper roll with honey. Preserving in honey is an unusual, savory addition to your dishes.

Ingredients for a 1.5 liter jar:

  • - hot pepper – 1 kg
  • - honey – 150 g
  • - vinegar 9% – 300 ml

How to prepare pickled hot peppers for the winter with honey

1. Sterilize jars with screw caps.

2. Wash the hot peppers thoroughly; there is no need to remove the tails.

3. Pour honey into the bottom of a glass container - 2-3 tablespoons, depending on which jars you took (the recipe provided contains 3 containers: 780 l, 450 l and 200 l). It is necessary to distribute 150 g of honey proportionally.

4. Line the hot peppers vertically in the container to the very top.

5. Pour 9% vinegar.

6. Screw on the lids and turn them over for half an hour to check if they are tightly screwed on.

7. Hot pepper with honey is ready.

After 3 months, pickled hot peppers with honey are ready for use. Lovers of such a stunning taste can eat the pepper as a bite with other vegetables and cereals.

Enjoy your preparations!

Olesya Nikolaevna shared the recipe for preparing pickled hot peppers with honey for the winter.

Tsitsak - a cool recipe for salted hot pepper in Armenian from Maxim Punchenko:

Two recipes for preparing hot peppers for the winter: pickled hot peppers with honey and salted green hot peppers tsitsak in Armenian. Preparing peppers for the winter...

Recipes for preparing hot pepper with honey for the winter

In winter, when truly fresh vegetables and fruits are very rare on store shelves, homemade preparations help diversify the diet. Don't limit yourself to traditional pickled cucumbers and tomatoes - let your home buffet be filled with unusual, gourmet snacks, such as hot peppers pickled in honey.

This preparation for the winter will add a refined note to the simplest everyday dish, and a jar of hot bright red peppers in a golden honey marinade will become a real decoration festive table. Simple recipes You will find unusual snacks in our article.

It is generally accepted that hot pepper appetizers are not an acquired taste. However, everyone should definitely try it at least once to understand how harmonious its tart, pungent and spicy taste is. The sweetness of honey, in turn, sets off the sharp taste of the vegetable, softens it and makes it richer.

This snack goes perfectly with traditional soups(borscht, solyanka) and a variety of meat, poultry or fish dishes. The spicy aroma of bitter pepper awakens the appetite, and the natural bitterness stimulates the stomach.

However, it is worth remembering that such spicy dishes not recommended for use by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc.)

Pickling hot peppers for the winter will not take much time: even if you are new to homemade preparations, you can easily cope with their preparation. But remember: it is better to prepare hot pepper dishes with rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation.

Selecting products for preparations

Both fresh and dried vegetables are suitable for preparing homemade pickled peppers and honey for the winter. In order for dishes to acquire a truly unique taste and aroma, you need to use only natural honey for their preparation.

Depending on the recipe, either fresh, liquid linden or flower honey, or crystallized honey will be suitable. If the season of liquid honey has already passed, but you want to treat yourself unusual snack, melt a little candied honey in a water bath - it will again acquire its viscous and plastic consistency.

Just don’t heat it directly over a fire: at temperatures above 46 degrees, honey irreversibly loses most of its beneficial properties.

Before you start preserving, hot peppers must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel, and also cleared of seeds.

Spicy bitter chili peppers with vinegar and honey

A tart appetizer that combines bitterness and sweetness will help diversify meat dishes, giving them an exotic touch. The recipe is very simple! To prepare it, you will need:

  • 2 kg of hot, bitter small chili peppers;
  • half a liter of boiled water;
  • half a liter of table vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid natural (linden or flower) honey;
  • 4 teaspoons fine table salt.

Place the peppers in a pre-prepared, sterilized glass container. Don't pack them too tightly: leave room for the marinade. Add sugar, honey, salt and vinegar to the water, bring the marinade to a boil over moderate heat.

Pour the boiling marinade over the chili peppers placed in jars and immediately roll them up. The spicy snack is ready! The pickling can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar all winter.

Multi-colored hot peppers in a cold honey-vinegar marinade

Another simple recipe canning peppers with honey, its advantage is the simplicity and speed of preparation.

For pickled multi-colored hot peppers you will need:

  • 3 kg of multi-colored hot peppers;
  • Candied honey;
  • Table vinegar.

Place the multi-colored hot peppers, washed, dried and peeled from stems and seeds, into glass jars, without trying to do it too tightly.

Such preservation does not require sterilization: the acid contained in vinegar and the natural bitterness of pepper are natural antiseptics that prevent the growth of bacteria. You can store the preparations all winter not only in the refrigerator, but also in the cellar and even in a cool pantry.

Hot pepper in honey-oil marinade

Recipe for bitter peppers in honey-oil marinade for the winter:

  • 3 kg of hot bitter peppers (red or orange);
  • 1/2 l sunflower oil;
  • 1/2 liter of table vinegar;
  • 0.4 kg of natural honey;
  • 2 table. spoons of fine salt;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

At the bottom sterilized over steam glass jars Place a few bay leaves and add 4-5 black peppercorns. Wash the hot pepper thoroughly, dry it, remove the seeds, and then cut it into three parts and put them inside each other like a nesting doll.

In a deep bowl, mix oil, honey, vinegar and salt, bring the marinade to a boil over moderate heat and pour it over the pepper. Preservation is standard: sterilize for 10 minutes and roll up the jars. Canned peppers can be stored all winter in the refrigerator or cool pantry.

Tip: small cherry tomatoes added to hot peppers will make the marinade more aromatic and rich, while also acquiring a delicious spicy taste.

Hot pepper in fragrant marinade with honey and cinnamon

A recipe for sophisticated lovers: a mixture of aromas and spices make pickled peppers truly exquisite. To make pickled hot peppers with cinnamon and honey, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg of hot peppers, seeded;
  • 1 liter of 6 percent vinegar (or 350 ml of water mixed with 9 percent);
  • 250 g of natural (linden or flower) honey;
  • 350 ml vegetable oil(refined sunflower oil is best);
  • 2 heads of garlic, peeled and divided into cloves;
  • 20 g table salt;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • clove seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice.

The pepper is cleared of seeds and cut into 3-4 parts. From the remaining ingredients you need to make a marinade by mixing them and bringing to a boil. The peppers are blanched for 5 minutes in the marinade, then placed in jars and filled with boiling brine.

All that remains is to close the jars with lids - the fragrant preparation, which will delight you all winter, is ready!

Recipes for preparing hot pepper with honey for the winter can be different. We offer the most interesting and easy to implement. Ready dish It will definitely delight you with its exquisite taste.

Bitter (hot) peppers are rich in vitamins A, B, C. The alkaloid capsaicin, which gives the vegetable its spiciness, promotes hair growth. By consuming hot peppers, the production of endorphins is stimulated, which means blood circulation increases, blood clots are prevented, appetite increases, stress decreases, and much more. Following the advice of traditional medicine, the spicy vegetable copes well with radiculitis, rheumatism, and arthritis if rubbed into the skin.

There are many recipes for preparing hot pepper, the taste also differs from each other, regardless of the fact that it still remains spicy. To the question: “How to seal pickled hot peppers for the winter?” Below is a recipe for a special pepper roll with honey. Preserving in honey is an unusual, savory addition to your dishes.

Ingredients for a 1.5 liter jar:

  • – hot pepper – 1 kg
  • – honey – 150 g
  • – vinegar 9% – 300 ml

How to prepare pickled hot peppers for the winter with honey

Procurement stages:

1. Sterilize jars with screw caps.

2. Wash the hot peppers thoroughly; there is no need to remove the tails.

3. Pour honey into the bottom of a glass container - 2-3 tablespoons, depending on which jars you took (the recipe provided contains 3 containers: 780 ml, 450 ml and 200 ml). It is necessary to distribute 150 g of honey proportionally.

4. Line the hot peppers vertically in the container to the very top.

5. Pour 9% vinegar.

6. Screw on the lids and turn them over for half an hour to check if they are tightly screwed on.

7. Hot pepper with honey is ready.

After 3 months, pickled hot peppers with honey are ready for use. Lovers of such a stunning taste can eat the pepper as a bite with other vegetables and cereals.

Enjoy your preparations!

Olesya Nikolaevna shared the recipe for preparing pickled hot peppers with honey for the winter.

Tsitsak - a cool recipe for salted hot pepper in Armenian from Maxim Punchenko:

Supermarket shelves are overflowing with bright, beautiful jars with different vegetables, fruits and even berries. But store-bought products cannot be compared with canned goods prepared at home. When you open another jar on a cold winter evening, you simply enjoy a homemade delicacy. Lovers of delicious preparations will appreciate this recipe. I suggest preparing hot peppers in honey sauce for the winter, which will delight all lovers of spicy foods. Hot pepper with honey goes well with meat dishes. It can be used as a snack for strong alcoholic drinks, added in small portions to first courses or sauces. From this quantity of products two 450 g jars are obtained.

- bitter pepper 330 g;
- black peppercorns 6 pcs.;
- allspice peas 6 pcs.;
- bay leaf 2 pcs.;
- water 500 g;
- salt 25 g;
- table vinegar 50 g;
- honey 110 g.

To prepare, take a large hot pepper, preferably red. Vegetables should be firm to the touch and not damaged. Remove bad peppers. Rinse, cut into portions. The green tail does not need to be removed. If you are using small hot peppers, they do not need to be cut into pieces. To reduce the heat, remove the seeds. Wear disposable gloves to avoid burns.

Prepare small jars with lids. They need to be thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized in a way convenient for you. Fill the jars with chopped peppers.

Now prepare the marinade honey filling. Pour cold water into a saucepan or saucepan. Add salt, honey, bay leaf, black and allspice. Bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir until the honey and salt dissolve. Pour vinegar into the boiling solution, stir and turn off the heat.

Gradually, so as not to crack the jars, pour hot honey marinade to the very top of the jars. Cover with sterile lids.

Now all that remains is to sterilize the jars. Line a deep pan with a piece of cloth. Place jars of pepper. To prevent the jars from cracking, take hot water and pour it into the pan up to the waist of the jars. Send it to the fire. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes after the water in the pan boils.

Seal and turn over, wrap well. If you do not want to wrap them, place the jars, lids down, in the hot water in which they were sterilized and leave until completely cool. Store in a cellar or pantry. Bright and tasty preparations for you!

Best regards Svetlaya.

Another preparation for spicy lovers -

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