Home desserts Aberdeen Angus cows. Marble beef

Aberdeen Angus cows. Marble beef

When talking about marbled beef, many people call it a "Japanese fetish". Indeed, Kobe-produced Japanese marble beef, has become widespread throughout the world, and in its homeland this meat has become one of the main components for dishes national cuisine. What is it - marbled beef, how it is grown, and what can be prepared from it - let's figure it out in order.

Japanese gobies are provided with a heavenly life, they are drunk with beer and massaged with straw brushes with sake to classical music. All for the sake of meat, about which the Japanese say that "even a toothless one can eat it."

Marbled meat is meat in which intramuscular fat is distributed in such a way that it creates a "marbled" pattern of thin white veins. This product is not historical for Japan. Since the 17th century, it was forbidden to eat beef in the country for everyone, except for warriors during campaigns and patients who had a prescription from a doctor. Only after the Meiji Revolution of 1868 was the ban lifted. Then the Japanese aristocracy was shocked by the young emperor Mutsuhito, who was the first to eat a piece of beef in public. Not that after that the Japanese became meat eaters (they still eat ten times less beef per capita per year than Europeans, according to statistics), but the industry began to develop. Local Japanese cows, medium-sized and muscular, which had been used for centuries to work in rice fields, began to be crossed with European beef breeds. In 1910, this selection was banned, but by that time the concept of "wagyu" - "Japanese cow" had already appeared, which applies to four breeds: Japanese black, Japanese brown, Japanese hornless, Japanese short-horned.

More than 80% of all wagyu in Japan today are Japanese black (the result of crossbreeding wagyu with European breeds such as the Swiss Brown, Shorthorn, Devon and Aishire).

Of all the Wagyu breeds that exist in the world, they are the most prone to producing marbled meat. Yes, there are other breeds whose meat “marbles” with proper care of animals (for example, Angus and Shothorns). But wagyu marble meat is considered a reference.

One of the best places to produce Japanese beef is the city of Kobe in Hyogo Prefecture. The Europeans who tried it first called the beef there: Kobe beef. Today, the term "kobe beef" is applied to marbled beef in other countries, especially in the United States.

Unlike European appellation cows, which roam freely in the meadows most of the year, wagyu are mostly kept in stalls so that there is where to get fat from. Beer and massage are part of the marbled beef mythology. The quality of kobe meat, as zootechnologists have proven, is not affected by either, although many farmers do use these methods. And they have arguments.

Beer is given to cows in the summer for appetite, when the heavy, humid heat that characterizes much of Japan discourages the animals from eating. Massage is simply necessary for cows that are in stalls with almost no movement. Only regular massage can maintain muscle tone. And sake is used during massage for the sake of smoothness and silkiness of the skin, because cows should look their best at exhibitions. The Japanese are sure that the quality of Japanese kobe marbled beef is affected by the condition of the skins of chickens.

How marbled kobe beef is grown

There are not so many water meadows where cows could be walked in Japan. The green Matsuzaki Valley has become a traditional “resort” for calves: they don’t breed their own cows here, but only raise those brought from different prefectures.

Proper nutrition for wagyu is only natural food and no artificial additives. It has long been known that corn and barley lighten fat, giving it that same boiled white color.

The diet is very important: marbled meat can only be obtained from an animal that is gaining weight very evenly. Marbling is also associated with age: in calves up to a year and a half, only subcutaneous fat develops, then renal, and only then intramuscular. Therefore, for marble meat never slaughter bulls younger than 30 months.

Japanese marbled beef has gained worldwide fame, but it is very difficult to export it outside of Japan, because the Japanese are jealous of their products. Therefore, farmers in other countries began to grow wagyu, especially in the United States. In America, in 1993, two bulls and a heifer of the "correct breed" Tajima appeared. One of the bulls was named Fukutsuru. Today it is the most famous bull in the world, because it was thanks to him that Wagyu cows spread so quickly in America and Australia: the number of descendants of Fukutsuru goes to hundreds of thousands. In 1994, 35 more animals were brought to the USA. As a result, today most of the beef called "kobe" is produced in California and Australia, as well as in Argentina, New Zealand and some other countries.

The Japanese do not hide how marbled beef is grown - they raise cows in closed stalls. But the Americans are sure that the best meat is obtained from grazing, and they send the bulls to the stalls for “finishing the taste” only a few months before slaughter. At this time, they are put on a diet as close as possible to the Japanese: corn, alfalfa, barley and wheat straw.

But American and other farmers do not shy away if there are no Fukutsuru descendants in their stall. Marble today and the meat of other breeds. In the USA, in general, official certification for marbling exists only for Angus bulls - CAB (Certified Angus Beef). This badge guarantees that the beef has been aged for at least 28 days, has medium (15-25% body fat) or high (greater than 25%) marbling, less than one inch of subcutaneous fat, and does not weigh more than 454 kg fresh carcass.

Categories of Japanese Marbled Beef

In Japan, marbled meat is divided into five categories according to quality, and according to the properties of the cut - into classes A, B and C. The fifth category is the best meat: light pink, completely penetrated by the thinnest fatty layers. It almost never leaves Japan: it immediately goes to auctions, where the owners of the best Tokyo and Kyoto restaurants buy it for crazy money. The fourth and third categories are the most common: the meat is slightly darker, slightly less marbled, but also very soft and aromatic. The first and second categories of Japanese beef are of little interest to foreign buyers, because it is not so different from good meat from other countries, so restaurateurs prefer cheaper Australian or Argentinean counterparts.

The letter designation indicates the place of the cut:

class A - the softest pieces of the front of the thick edge;

B - pieces of a thick and thin edge from the middle of the carcass for steaks and nabe);

C - the back of the thin edge, the toughest (as marbled meat can be tough) piece, which is usually allowed on carpaccio and tartars.

In the United States, the official USDA quality scale is based on regular beef. Marble is not even the highest (by Japanese standards) category easily exceeds the standards of the highest class for American Prime beef. Therefore, farmers adopted their own system: silver (almost Prime, marbling percentage - 10-15%), black (15-25%) and gold (highest category, more than 25%).

Chianina breed

The name "Chianina" comes from the Chiana Valley, which stretches in Tuscany from Arezzo to San Casciano. It is not really known when the breed appeared, however, antique images of bulls, very similar to the Chianina, date back to the 4th century BC. BC e. According to legend, it was these bulls that Tiberius sacrificed to Capitoline Jupiter in honor of his triumph, perhaps they were harnessed to the plow of Romulus, plowing a line among the stones for the first walls of Rome.

The Romans and Etruscans valued these bulls for their efficiency, and the snow-white color looked especially good during triumphal processions and sacrifices.

Chianina - the largest breed of the currently existing, and perhaps one of the most beautiful - almost two-meter giants weighing under two tons, short-necked, black-nosed, with a dry and neat head, crowned with short straight horns with a "porcelain" tint - they look like this as if drawn with a single stroke of the pen.

For the last half century, it has not occurred to anyone to harness a bull to a plow, and selection work is aimed at increasing muscle mass on the back and shoulder blades: this part goes to the famous Florentine steak. Incredibly tender chianina meat with a special taste, which is described as "oily", contains almost no fat (ten times less than in chicken). Since since ancient times, these cows have been raised mainly for draft work, they have little fat, they give very little milk, but there is practically no cholesterol in their meat, which is regulated by law. The strictest quality control is carried out, up to the fact that for each individual from birth a special passport with a pedigree is established, certifying the origin.

What to cook with marbled kobe beef

Opinions about what to cook from marbled kobe beef differ among the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and the United States. The Japanese prefer to cook marbled meat.

The most popular dishes are shabu-shabu or sukiyaki. Both are thinly sliced ​​beef, boiled very quickly in a simmering broth and served with vegetables, mushrooms and complex soy-based sauces. As a last resort, in Japan, marbled beef is served raw - in the form of sashimi. The Japanese, of course, know how to fry meat, but they rarely do it.

Americans prefer to carve their usual steaks from marbled beef and fry them in a pan or on coals. This dish gained particular popularity after the statement of scientists that wagyu marbled meat contains much more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than ordinary beef, the benefits of which have long been known (and much less harmful saturated fatty acids).

So far, Russian farmers are predominantly marbled with Herefords, which are far from the first place in the world ranking in terms of their predisposition to marbling. However, you can buy Russian marbled meat: Herefords are one of the best meat breeds in the world, so regular steak their meat is excellent.


In Florence, bistecca is served almost everywhere, from tiny trattorias to Michelin-starred restaurants. The product is not cheap, but if somewhere a dish is declared on the menu for more than 70-80 euros per kilogram, you should look elsewhere.

Of course, there are strong people who can eat a whole kilo of meat, but in general, one serving of bistecca is designed for two or three, depending on appetite.

Even if you always and everywhere ordered well-done meat, forget about it in Florence. Bistecca alla fiorentina is a special gastronomic event. Do not get carried away with antipasti or thick soups before trying it.

Marble beef - what kind is this? Many users have not even heard of such meat, and all due to the fact that raising animals for the subsequent creation of marbled beef is an expensive process.

The variety of meat received an unusual name due to its special appearance: the streaks of fat are arranged in such a way that they are surprisingly similar to marble patterns. However, marbled beef steaks are valued not for their visual appeal, but for their unusual taste.

Do you know how marbled beef is obtained? Initially, only the Japanese produced a rare variety, using the meat of young tojima gobies and wagyu cows. Breeds of cattle were used to create elite beef.

Production of marbled beef

To get real marbled beef, bulls are kept in cramped stalls, similar to raising geese for foie gras. Only observance of a special regime, menu and procedures makes it possible to obtain excellent meat.

Until the age of six months, calves are fed exclusively with milk and herbs from wild meadows. Then, as they grow older, the livestock is placed separately and treated with grain. After slaughter, the meat is subjected to a special treatment, which is kept in the strictest confidence. For its unique taste, marbled meat is appreciated by all gourmets of the world.

How much does marbled beef cost? The price of marbled beef per kg is about 30 thousand rubles. Of course, not everyone can afford such a luxury: even at this price, you can buy marbled meat in Moscow only in a few specialized stores.

Degree of marbling: what is it?

Fat layers, which are distributed in a special way over a piece of meat, form marbling. The fat should be white and distributed evenly throughout the steak.

The high calorie content and impeccable taste of marbled beef have made it a popular dish. Oven marbled beef steak is a common order in the most expensive restaurants in the world.

The highest quality meat is in the back of the animal, as the muscles receive minimal stress. When a steak is cooked, the fat melts, giving the meat its flavor and tenderness. Marbling comes in three categories:

  • prime;
  • choice;
  • select.

Select requires a gentle roast, and prime is fried over medium heat. Prime - the highest quality marbled beef steaks.

Marble meat: recipes for cooking in a slow cooker

Properly cooking marbled beef is easy. What is the difference between marbled beef and regular beef? Not only cost and taste, but cooking time. For example, in order to fry a steak, it will take only 20 minutes.

Marbled beef steak

Making a marbled beef steak is not difficult at all. Striploin, ribeye will do. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • meat tenderloin - 250g;
  • spices and salt;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml.

The meat should be washed and rubbed with spices and salt. Marinate the tenderloin for half an hour. Pour oil into the multicooker and put the meat. Cook beef in the "frying" mode without a lid. Flip the steak after 10 minutes for even roasting.

It is the open lid that allows you to get a crust. If the piece of meat is too thick, you will have to fry the meat from the sides. Then choose the "baking" mode to get the perfect taste. Leave the meat inside the multicooker for 30 minutes. Due to the destruction of tough connective tissue, marbled beef will become soft.

Steam Meat

You can steam the marbled beef steak. Surely you noticed a small number of ingredients for recipes. By itself, the taste of beef does not require additions. For creating delicious dish prepare:

  • marble beef - 300g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • spices, salt.

Rinse the meat and soak in salted water for several hours. Rinse the tenderloin and rub with spices. Drizzle with oil and place in a multicooker dish. Fill the cup hot water in the amount of 4 measuring cups.

Select steam mode and cook for 35 minutes. Steam meat with a side dish will leave an unforgettable impression. Cold meat is useful for slicing or as an ingredient for sandwiches.

And another rare recipe in a slow cooker especially for you

Classic marbled beef steak

To create this culinary masterpiece you need:

  • beef - 200g;
  • minced garlic;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • salt, spices.

Chunks no more than 3 centimeters thick are rubbed with garlic, salt and spices. In the slow cooker, the "frying" mode is selected and the beef is cooked until an appetizing crust is formed. The inside of the steak should remain pink. Then the meat is cooked in the “stewing” mode for another 20 minutes.

Finely chopped onions, peppers are stewed for 10 minutes on the fat that remains after cooking the steak. fresh tomato cut into several pieces, and add to the vegetables. The steak is served hot with vegetables.

Italian sauce

To reveal the taste of meat, try to cook extraordinary gentle sauce. It will require the following ingredients:

Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour the cooked meat over before serving and garnish with sprigs of mint and rosemary.

Lingonberry topping for marbled steak

Cowberry topping will be an ideal addition to premium meat. To prepare the sauce you need:

  • spicy salt;
  • prunes - 20g;
  • lingonberries - 140g;
  • dry red wine - 100g;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • dried ginger - 3 gr.

Place cranberries in a pan, heat up. Add wine. Prunes are steamed in advance, also added to the topping. On the final stage put salt, ginger, vinegar. For 3 minutes, cook over low heat, and then grind into a puree with a blender.

Secrets of cooking marbled beef

In order not to spoil the delicacy, it is important to know some cooking rules. Marble meat does not have to be marinated. Its delicate texture does not require long heat treatment. To add flavor notes, you can withstand the tenderloin in the marinade for no more than 6 hours.

Overheating the steak on the fire, you run the risk of turning the meat into "rubber". Thick pieces can be cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker. Better undersalted than oversalted! During cooking, do not salt - this is done either before steaming, or already before serving.

Ideal ingredients for marbled meat are rosemary, basil and olive oil. Fruit and vegetable cuts will help to diversify the taste, savory sauces. Now knowing what marbled beef is, you can create culinary masterpieces on one's own.

The most expensive meat in the world is marbled beef. This is a product for real gourmets, which is often put on a par with such delicacies as black caviar and foie gras. What is so unusual about a simple piece of beef? Why is it classified as a premium product?

This name is meat delicacy received for a special appearance. Each piece of marbled beef seems to be pierced with a thin cobweb of adipose tissues, which form a bizarre pattern reminiscent of the pattern of natural stone. Pale pink meat with ornate white stains is really very reminiscent of marble - as if an artist had worked on it. In addition, the product is valued for its amazing taste, juiciness and compliance with gastronomic processing.

During the heat treatment, the snow-white layers of fat inside the marbled piece of meat dissolve, literally melt, like snow in the spring sun. Thanks to this, the marbled meat is filled with juice and becomes tender. The thinner the fat patterns and the more of them, the higher the indicator of the so-called "marbling". This means higher prices and better quality. Professionals distinguish three categories of marbled beef meat:

  1. Primetop grade,
  2. Choise- selected meat,
  3. Select- regular marbled beef.

The marble pattern on the meat is the result of the hard work of the farm workers. To get premium beef, you need to create special conditions for keeping bulls. For six months they are on a milk diet, then they graze on ecologically clean meadows. Juicy green grass and fresh air do their job: the calves gain weight well. Then matured animals are fattened with grain, their cereal diet is wheat, corn and barley. At the same time, they are not subjected to physical stress, which is very important for obtaining meat without coarse muscle tissue.

According to the classical rules for fattening calves for the production of marbled beef, in addition to the unique nutrition system, animals are also required to drink beer to improve their appetite and special vibration massage to calm music. It is in such conditions that the inhabitants of Japanese farms are kept. By the way, it is this country that is a pioneer in breeding cattle breeds that produce marbled beef. There, such meat is called food, for the use of which "you do not need to have teeth." Not surprisingly, in such conditions, oriental bulls produce beef that melts in your mouth.

Classical music is not played on our farm, but we can get marbled meat as well as the Japanese. Historically, in our country, raising calves using a unique technology began with the light hand of Nikita Khrushchev. He was so impressed with the taste of marbled beef steak, which he tasted in the United States, that a special farm was soon equipped to fatten animals using this method. In Russia for a long time this meat was a delicacy for the highest circles. And only in recent years, premium beef began to be served in restaurants.

It is quite possible to cook a royal dish at home. It is only necessary to choose marbled beef meat of excellent quality - environmentally friendly and fresh.

Unforgettable taste sensations are guaranteed!

A true culinary delicacy is marbled beef. Its thinnest fatty paths, passing through the entire pulp, are heated at the moment of heat treatment, impregnate the meat piece and make it especially juicy and tender.

Marble beef - what kind of meat is it?

This is one of the famous delicacies that many gourmets dream of trying. The meat got its name due to the fact that the cut looks like a stone, speckled with veins. This effect is due to the layers of fat that are in the muscle tissue and make the meat incredibly juicy, light and tender. This is achieved by raising animals using special technologies. Bulls are restricted in movement and fed only grain in the last three months. Marble effect is only in the meat of young bulls.

What is the difference between marbled beef and regular beef?

Marble meat is obtained only from special breeds of bulls. At the genetic level, they have the property of forming fatty threads inside the meat. Animals are raised according to special principles. The difference from the usual one lies in the special formation of veins that create a unique pattern and a special delicate taste meat. The threads melt during cooking, thereby impregnating the meat, making it fragrant and juicy.

Ribeye steak

The most famous marbled beef steak in the world. This dish is prepared in many restaurants, but it costs decent money. Therefore, we offer to save money and cook the famous dish at home.


  • butter- 25 g;
  • ribeye steak - 1 pc. (height 4 cm);
  • garlic - 1 crushed clove;
  • thyme - a branch;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • refined oil;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Take out before cooking meat product from the cold and let it lie in the room for an hour and a half.
  2. Prepare a frying pan. It should be cast iron and have a thick bottom. Put on medium flame.
  3. Take a waffle towel. Wet the meat. Lubricate with refined oil.
  4. Sprinkle salt on a plate. Pepper on top. Roll the steak. Place in skillet. Each side will take one and a half minutes. Press with tongs while frying. The meat should brown evenly.
  5. Reduce the flame. Place butter, garlic and thyme in a skillet. When melted, water the steak. It will take about six minutes to fry.
  6. Remove from heat and place on a warm surface. You can use a warm plate. Hold for seven minutes.

How delicious to cook on the grill?

The beauty of this recipe is that marbled meat is used, which in itself turns out to be the most tender.


  • sea ​​salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • marble steak - 4 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • ground chili ancho - 2 teaspoons;
  • strong natural coffe- 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • shallots - 2 teaspoons finely chopped;
  • garlic - 1 clove, squeezed through a press;
  • ketchup - 125 ml.

Today we will tell you how to cook marbled beef hearty and tasty. But before revealing the secrets of creation unusual dishes using such meat, you should find out what this product is in general, and why it has such an original name.

General product information

Marble beef is the world's most famous meat delicacy. It got its name due to the great similarity with the stone of the same name. After all, the cut of such meat is also dotted with various veins. It should be noted that this effect is achieved due to the presence in this product of thin layers of adipose tissue, which are located in the muscular system of the slaughtered animal. This fact makes the meat piece surprisingly juicy and tender.

Marble beef: how is the animal raised?

How such animals are raised should be discussed separately. After all, if you have been farming for a long time, then this information will help you produce the presented delicacy on your own.

Compared to other parts of the carcass, marbled beef is quite expensive. It should be noted that such meat can only be obtained from gobies that were grown using a special technology. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the animal is fed exclusively with grain for 3-4 months before slaughter. At the same time, bulls are maximally limited in movement.

It should also be said that high-quality marbled beef, which has a special tenderness, is taken only from the carcass of young animals.

What can be prepared from the product?

Cooking marbled beef does not take much time from housewives. After all, as mentioned above, such meat is taken only from young animals, which means that, by definition, it cannot be tough and sinewy.

From such a piece, fried steaks are very tender and tasty, as well as goulash, chops, main dishes with vegetables on the stove and in the oven.

Marbled Beef Steak: Step by Step Recipe

Cooking such meat is a pleasure. After all, in order to fry it properly, there is no need to stand at the stove for a long time. It should also be noted that there are several stages of roasting marbled beef steaks. Which one to choose is your own business. We will only tell you how to make the Well don dish. On the cut, such a steak should have a uniform gray color, no blood should be visible on it.

So, before telling you how to cook marbled beef, you should list all the ingredients that we need to create the above dish:

  • marbled meat - about 1 kg;
  • French herbs (savory, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, basil) - add to taste;

Preparation of the main ingredient

The marbled beef steak, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be equally tasty in a frying pan, in the oven, and on hot coals. We decided to tell you about how to cook such a dish on a conventional stove. After all, this method is the simplest and fastest.

How should marbled meat be roasted properly? Beef for this is purchased without bones. It must be rinsed well in cool water, and then dried with paper towels or waffle towels. Next, a large piece should be cut into wide steaks across the fibers with a sharp knife. Moreover, the thickness of all products should be the same (about 2 centimeters). Otherwise, the steaks may turn out to be at different stages of frying.

pickling process

To make the marbled beef steak as tasty, juicy and fragrant as possible, it is recommended to keep the chopped meat in a dry marinade for some time. To do this, each piece of chopped product should be flavored with French herbs, salt and a mixture of peppers, and then put in a bowl, close the lid and leave in this state for 30 minutes.

Heat treatment process

After the marbled beef has absorbed all the fragrant spices and herbs, you can safely proceed to its direct frying. To do this, put a deep saucepan on medium heat and pour a sufficient amount of olive oil(approximately 1-1.2 centimeters). Next, carefully place a piece of meat flavored with spices in a heated dish and fry it until all the blood is baked. In this case, it is recommended to regularly turn the steak with culinary tongs. This is necessary so that it cooks evenly.

Similarly, all remaining pieces of marbled meat should be thermally processed.

How to properly present a dish to the dinner table?

After the steaks are evenly fried, they should be placed on large portioned plates, and some side dish should be placed nearby. For example, such meat is very tasty along with fresh or stewed vegetables, herbs, mashed potatoes or pasta.

Cooking Marbled Meat Chops Together

What other dishes use marbled beef? Many people know the recipe for cooking chops. But not everyone knows that such a dish using the mentioned meat turns out to be incredibly tender and tasty. After all, marbled beef itself is very soft, and after beating it literally melts in your mouth.

So for self cooking delicious chops, we need the following components:

  • marbled meat - about 1.5 kg;
  • a mixture of peppers in a mill - use at your discretion;
  • breadcrumbs - use at discretion;
  • salt is not very large - apply to taste;
  • refined olive oil - use for frying (add at your discretion).

Meat processing

Before cooking tender and juicy chops from such meat, it should be well processed. To do this, the product must be washed in cold water and then dry using paper towels. Next, marbled beef must be cut into wide pieces (across the fibers) 3-4 centimeters thick. After that, each piece must be carefully beaten off with a ribbed hammer. Finally, the beef chops should be seasoned with a mixture of peppers and salt. In this state, it is desirable to withstand them at room temperature about half an hour.

Roasting on the stove

How is marbled beef prepared? The recipe for chops recommends using special breadcrumbs. They must be poured into a large plate, and then carefully roll all the beaten and seasoned pieces of meat in them.

We decided to cook this dish in the oven. But if you immediately place marbled beef there, then it will “shrink” quite quickly, forming a regular baked piece of meat. Thus, to prevent such a situation, it is recommended to first fry the product in a pan, and only then place it in the oven.

So, to prepare chops, you should take a deep saucepan, pour oil (1-2 centimeters) into it and heat it up very strongly. Next, each piece of beef needs to be fried at maximum heat on both sides for 1-2 minutes.

Cooking in the oven

After all the chops are lightly browned, they should be laid out in an even layer on a baking sheet, and then placed in a preheated oven. It is recommended to bake such a dish for no longer than 40 minutes.

How to present to guests?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making delicious and tender marbled beef chops on your own. After cooking the meat, it should be put on a plate and served to guests along with any favorite side dish. Yes, it's perfect for it. mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, greenery, pasta, buckwheat porridge, boiled rice, etc.

Making delicious beef roulade

We talked about how to make steaks and chops from such meat. However, marbled beef (how bulls are grown to obtain this product was described a little above) is ideal not only for preparing the dishes mentioned. For example, a roll baked in the oven is very tasty and tender. To prepare it, we need:

Meat preparation

To prepare the roll, you should purchase a fairly large piece of beef. It must be washed well, and then cut so that in the end you get a thin, but wide enough layer. If desired, it can be slightly beaten off using a culinary hammer.

After all the described actions, a layer of marbled meat must be flavored with a mixture of peppers and salt, and then set aside for a while.

Filling preparation

The creation of any roll involves the use of fillings. We decided to use pickled mushrooms and vegetables for this. They should be finely chopped, put in a pan with oil and fry until golden brown for 15-17 minutes.

Formation process

In order for marbled beef meatloaf to turn out not only very tasty, tender and juicy, but also beautiful, it should be properly formed. To do this, you need to take a large cutting board and put a layer flavored with spices on it. Next, the meat piece must be greased on both sides with low-fat mayonnaise. After that, it should be covered with a small layer of fried mushrooms and vegetables. It is also desirable to use finely chopped fresh herbs as a filling.

At the end, the beef layer must be tightly wrapped in a roll. So that it does not open during heat treatment in the oven, it is advisable to tightly tie it with a rope or secure it with toothpicks.

For more fragrant dish shallow cuts should be made in the surface of the formed marbled meat roll, and then thin slices of garlic should be carefully placed there. So that during the baking process this dish is covered with a beautiful golden brown, it is also recommended to lubricate it with fresh honey.

How to bake in the oven?

To bake meatloaf in the oven, it should be carefully moved into a deep dish or onto a baking sheet. If desired, such a dish can be prepared both in foil and in a culinary sleeve.

It is recommended to bake meat with mushrooms in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 45-55 minutes. During this time, the roll should be well baked.

Properly presenting the dish to the dining table

To produce the desired effect on your guests, the meatloaf should be presented correctly. To do this, it must be carefully removed from the oven and placed on a large plate. Next, you need to remove all toothpicks or a rope from the stuffed piece of meat, and then cut into portioned pieces 1-1.6 centimeters thick.

Serve such a dish to invited guests, preferably with a side dish or salad from raw vegetables and greenery.

Summing up

As you can see, cooking marbled beef at home is not very difficult. It should also be noted that dishes using such meat are incredibly tender, tasty and juicy.

If you want to get a more aromatic steak, chops or roll, then it is recommended to pre-process the purchased piece of beef, season it with spices and leave it aside for soaking. I also want to say about the choice of this product. For roasting in the oven or on the stove, it is best to purchase chilled meat. But if you can’t find one, then you can take frozen beef once. As for fresh meat, to create fried foods it doesn't fit. This is due to the fact that dishes from such a product turn out to be tough, even though you used a young marble piece.

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