Home Kashi Decaffeinated coffee beans, ground and instant - how they do it, an overview of brands with prices and contraindications. Natural decaffeinated grains - do they exist? Ground coffee lovers prefer brands

Decaffeinated coffee beans, ground and instant - how they do it, an overview of brands with prices and contraindications. Natural decaffeinated grains - do they exist? Ground coffee lovers prefer brands

Enjoy the taste of natural coffee with all its aromas and flavors, but at the same time - without feeling the influence of caffeine - you can! For those who care about their health, or want to reduce the amount of caffeine to get rid of insomnia, nervousness or tachycardia, there is decaf coffee, and if it is grain and you grind it before cooking, the taste and smell will be even stronger. We talk about all the features of making and choosing decaffeinated coffee beans, debunk myths and warn about the risks.

Today, manufacturers use 4 methods for isolating a stimulant from coffee beans at once. The amount of caffeine will vary by brand and technology, but will most likely be around 0-7mg per cup. The average cup of regular coffee contains about 70-140 mg of caffeine.

The first stage is always the same: the grains are soaked in very hot water for a long time to open the pores. Not only caffeine is released into the water, but also aromatic oils that give the very smell and aroma of your favorite drink.

  • Soaking beans in a solvent that actively breaks down caffeine. The solvent is then removed by high temperature drying and roasting.
  • Removing the grains and cleaning the water itself with a solvent, and then placing the grains in it so that they absorb the aromatic components back.
  • CO2 Treatment - Under pressure, the gas becomes liquid, releasing caffeine, then the liquid is distilled into a reduced pressure vessel, where the gas turns into a gas, and the stimulant settles.
  • Swiss water method, the most environmentally friendly and expensive. The grains are kept in water for a long time so that the caffeine comes out, then it is filtered out with a charcoal filter, and a new batch of grains is placed in the water. The water is already saturated with aromatic oils, so they do not leave the grain, but the alkaloid actively passes into the water. The grains from the second batch retain their taste qualities but do not contain caffeine.

After processing, the coffee beans are dried and then roasted. Removing caffeine does have some effect on General characteristics drink - it usually has a milder taste and smell compared to the usual one.

If your decaffe coffee is too weak, both in terms of smell and taste, choose a stronger roast to get a full-bodied taste.

TOP 5 decaffeinated coffee bean brands

You may need to experiment when you first switch to decaffeinated coffee beans. However, you will be able to find decaf that tastes very similar to the drink you have been enjoying for years.

Magnificent aroma and variety of shades of taste - this is all loved by many Lavazza. And of course, the company makes 100% Arabica bean decaf for espresso, medium roast. The taste is fresh, dense, without excessive bitterness.

The cost of a soft package of 500 g is approximately 900 rubles.

A company little known in the mass market, but often it is this coffee that is purchased for coffee shops and restaurants. 100% Arabica with a mild taste, delicate aroma, chocolate and nutty shades are felt. The taste is not too dense, but quite rich.

The price for a package of 1 kg is about 2500 rubles.


This is a Russian brand that is well known to customers, as it offers options for drinks for every taste, and at the same time very budget. The aroma is subtle, delicate. The taste is refined, with a slight bitterness, hints of chocolate and wine are felt. Variety - Arabica.

The price for a pack of 200 grams is about 350 rubles.

Arabica bean drink, medium roast. The drink has a mild, refined taste and a fairly strong aroma, so that all lovers of the smell of coffee will like it. Pleasant velvety aftertaste.

The cost of packing 500 g is about 650 rubles.

For this drink, the really best grains of elite varieties with a recognizable taste and aroma of high-quality Arabica are selected. The taste is balanced, both sweetness and bitterness, and slight sourness, notes of chocolate are felt. Contains a minimum amount of caffeine - up to 0.05%.

Cost per tin can 250 g - about 1000 rubles.

Grain and instant drinks are very different in taste. If you have tried the brand's freeze-dried concentrate and you didn't like it, you should try the grain one.

If you choose grains, you can already be sure that the drink will be good and healthy. For this type of coffee, only the best beans are selected, which undergo additional control after roasting. Many useful trace elements and substances are better preserved if the beans are ground just before cooking. But there are other clear benefits:

  • Helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • Protects the liver;
  • Improves the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • May enhance brain activity;
  • Removes less calcium from the body.

For the most part, decaffeinated grains contain the same amounts of magnesium and other vitamins as unprocessed grains. But the content of antioxidants can be reduced by 15-20%, depending on the processing method.

3 myths about decaffeinated coffee beans

Despite the fact that this type of favorite drink has been known to people since 1900, the production features and specific properties of decaf remain little known, many are seriously mistaken in these matters. Let's debunk the biggest doubts:

  1. Decaf coffee is not made from chicory, not with chicory or barley additives, and not even from genetically modified beans and varieties. In Brazil, they found a variety with a reduced content of this stimulant, but for mass production, all manufacturers use all the same beans as for a regular drink, only the caffeine is removed from them. And as in natural, the better the grains of decaffe, the more interesting their aroma and taste.
  2. The chemical solvents used to remove the alkaloid aren't all that bad if you drink coffee in moderation. If you drink a couple of cups a day, it will not spoil your health. If you drink more than 4-5 servings daily, it is better to choose grains treated with CO2 or the Swiss water method.
  3. Caffeine-free doesn't mean it's not there at all. Yes, there are options with a content of less than 1%, but, nevertheless, the minimum is still present. For cheap brands, especially those not from the European Union, the content can easily reach up to 3-5%. Not much, but for sensitive individuals this may be enough.

You can drink your cup of decaf daily for years and decades. Doctors say it won't hurt anyone. Especially if you choose decaffeinated coffee beans over instant coffee.


  1. Decaffeinated bean coffee is the healthiest, most flavorful and tastiest compared to other types that have undergone the same processing.
  2. You can find products that do not use chemical solvents, although they usually cost a little more.
  3. Such a drink has its advantages and disadvantages, but for those sensitive to caffeine, this is an excellent solution.
  4. Doctors do not recommend consuming more than 3-4 cups of decaf per day on an ongoing basis.
  5. If the taste seems weak to you, try the strongest roast.

An invigorating drink made from the fruits of the coffee tree is perhaps the most popular on the planet. However, not everyone can safely use it. It would seem that a simple solution to the problem could be decaffeinated coffee. But the situation is not clear. Both true and decaffeinated drink can be fraught with both benefits and dangers.

Coffee beans include more than 2,000 different components, and about 75% of all these substances are absolutely not absorbed by the body.

Of those that are useful, we can distinguish:

  • coffee oil - 14%;
  • aromatic substances (in particular caffeic acid) - 6.5%;
  • components with astringent properties - 5.5%;
  • mineral complex - 5%.

Due to the low digestibility, the calorie content of coffee fruits does not exceed 9 kcal per 100 g.

Scientists are still debating whether caffeine is more beneficial or harmful. It is known that its content in grains reaches 1.5%. For such a potent substance, this is quite a lot.

In large doses, caffeine excites the nervous system and can provoke tachycardia. People with a predisposition to hypertension and with an unstable psyche should not often drink a drink from ordinary grains. In this case, how justified is it to replace the usual coffee with decaffeinated coffee?

How decaffeinated coffee is made

In fact, the technology to free beans from caffeine was invented by accident. In the 1900s, a merchant from Germany transported his cargo by sea. The ship with the goods was caught in a storm. The grains got wet, and the owner considered them hopelessly spoiled.

But the enterprising businessman decided not to write off the losses, but to try to dry the product and use it again like regular coffee. He was deeply amazed to find that the grains had not lost their flavor. The only thing that affected the difference was the lack of an invigorating effect.

This laid the foundation for extracting caffeine from beans. It turns out that the alkaloid can simply be dissolved and pulled out. Naturally, it will not be possible to remove all of it.

Even the most advanced technologies leave up to 1-3% of caffeine from its original weight in grains.

One of the most expensive methods of extracting the substance is soaking the fruit in hot water and then filtering the liquid. The grains are steamed with boiling water. Part of the caffeine, along with aromatic compounds, enters the water.

The solution is filtered, and all the necessary components except the alkaloid are returned back to the extractant liquid. The operation is repeated many times until the concentration of caffeine reaches acceptable limits. The resulting drink retains most of the useful and flavoring substances.

The cheapest method is to extract caffeine using chemical solvents. The grains are soaked in a specially prepared product, then rinsed many times.

This method produces coffee of lower quality. Along with the invigorating alkaloid, some flavoring substances also leave. In addition, there is a risk that some of the chemical solvent will remain in the grains.

A third alternative is steam treatment using carbon dioxide. A fairly reliable method in which caffeine is evaporated and the largest amount of extractive compounds remains. However, when grains are treated with carbon dioxide, undesirable transformations can occur, as a result of which a certain proportion of harmful substances appears.

Decaffeinated coffee: benefits and harms

Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to conclude that caffeine is not so harmful to health. Consumption of a natural drink reduces mortality among women. Strange, but for some reason, this effect is not detected in men. Moreover, both caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks are absolutely equivalent in this sense.

However, the benefits for the male half of humanity can still be traced:

  • coffee reduces the risk of prostate cancer;
  • it improves the quality of the seed;
  • reduces the risk of developing gout.

It is useful for adults to drink decaffeinated coffee to stimulate brain activity and normalize liver function. With regular use of the drink, stress resistance increases and the likelihood of developing diabetes decreases.

However, the frequent inclusion of decaffeinated coffee in the diet can adversely affect the kidneys. The drink has a diuretic effect. It washes out useful minerals in particular calcium. A strong love for coffee can turn into brittle bones.

Recently, conclusions follow that decaffeinated coffee is not so safe for the heart and blood vessels. It raises the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. Moreover, this property was not found in a drink with caffeine.

Is it possible to drink a drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women are prone to hypertension. They are not forbidden to consume the original drink, but it is better to manage no more than one cup a day.

Decaffeinated coffee is a good mood booster. However, it must be remembered that it may contain residues of chemical extractants. Therefore, the amount of such a drink is also better to limit to two cups.

At breastfeeding all the substances that the mother uses, one way or another, get to the baby. Do not forget that decaffeinated coffee still contains a fraction of the alkaloid.

One cup a day immediately after feeding may not be noticed by the baby. But the abuse of the drink will undesirably affect his emotional state.

Brands and types of decaffeinated coffee

In view of the popularization of decaffeinated coffee, all recognized manufacturers are striving to include this type of drink in their product line.

In beans

Whole-grain coffee lovers should take a closer look at the Colombian Arabica brand. For the manufacture of the product, grains with a natural low caffeine content are used.

As a result of processing, a worthy raw material is obtained for the preparation of a fragrant drink with a thick taste.

Ground coffee

Ground coffee lovers prefer brands:

  • "Green Mountain";
  • "Lavaza Decafenato";
  • Cafe Altura.

These samples are similar in quality and have approximately the same cost.

Instant decaffeinated coffee

In this segment, the same brands that are most popular in the regular freeze-dried coffee section are leading:

  • "Ambassador";
  • "Jacobs";
  • "Nescafe".

Instant decaffeinated coffee is the least preferred. In addition to the remnants of chemical extractants, it also contains anti-caking agents that adversely affect the gastric mucosa.

Daily decaffeinated coffee intake

Decaffeinated coffee still contains a small amount of a stimulant, so it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities either.

Absolutely harmful, as well as infinitely useful products does not exist. The reliability of this statement can be seen on the example of coffee. Even an ordinary, not devoid of alkaloid drink in moderate doses will not be able to cause harm. Conversely, indefatigable consumption of decaffeinated coffee can adversely affect health.

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Remarkably, decaffeinated coffee was discovered as a result of a combination of circumstances. At the beginning of the 20th century, a German entrepreneur was transporting coffee beans for sale, but on the way he got into a severe storm. The bags with the goods got very wet, the grains were soaked with salty sea water.

After arriving at the place, the merchant planned to get rid of the goods, realizing that it was hopelessly damaged. Nevertheless, German frugality won over common sense and the entrepreneur decided to try to return the beans to their marketable condition. The coffee was thoroughly washed, dried and roasted. The drink obtained from these grains came out fragrant and tasty, but with one drawback - it no longer invigorated and toned. So, quite by accident, a new type of coffee was invented - decaffeinated.

Anyone who is interested in learning about how decaffeinated coffee is made will find information about the evolution of production useful. Over a long period of time, technology has changed and improved. Today, there are three most popular options for the production of decaffeinated coffee:

  • traditional;
  • evaporation;
  • water.

The first option involves soaking coffee beans in water, followed by treatment with a solvent, the second was invented by the Germans and the third is the author's idea of ​​the Swiss.

The decaffeinated bean drink has gained particular popularity in America. In the United States, natural ground coffee is chosen, giving preference to instant coffee, considering it to be stronger and more aromatic. It has its adherents of such coffee in other countries of the world.

The level of caffeine in beans depends on how roasted they are. Even so-called decaffeinated coffee still has a small amount of caffeine. The degree of naturalness is higher in custard, as instant coffee subjected to chemical treatment, which is reflected in its beneficial properties.

Natural decaffeinated grains - do they exist?

Decaffeinated grains are not a myth or a successful publicity stunt. Indeed, there are plants whose fruits, as a result of natural decaffeination, contain practically no caffeine.

The most famous are the fruits of the Coffeaarabica and Coffeacharrieriana trees. In the first case, one gets natural coffe Arabian, in the second - Cameroonian. The special composition of coffee beans is obtained due to gene mutations to which plants are subjected. Instead of caffeine, they contain completely harmless theobromine.

Wonder trees grow in Brazil. They were opened in 2004, the drink obtained from the fruit is called Coffeaarabica. Experiments are planned with plants in the near future to cross them with trees whose fruits contain caffeine to obtain new types of coffee.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands

Given the demand for a decaffeinated drink, manufacturers have taken care of expanding its range. Now, almost every manufacturer produces decof. Fans of a drink without a tonic effect can buy it in any supermarket, from the simplest to the elite varieties. The most famous brands of decaffeinated coffee are:

  • Grandos Express;
  • Aromatico;
  • Grandos Extra Mocha;
  • LavAzza.

Coffee blends are produced in Colombia, Germany, America and Switzerland.

About the dangers of caffeine-free pleasure

Due to the content of caffeine in it, traditional coffee can not be drunk by everyone and not always. As an alternative, many people opt for decaffeinated drinks, believing that they are not harmful to health and can be included in the diet in unlimited quantities. In fact, the harm and benefits of specially processed coffee beans are almost the same.

To begin with, we recall that a decaffeinated drink still contains caffeine, albeit in a small amount, especially when compared with regular natural coffee.

On average, 10 cups of a "safe" drink contains about the same amount of alkaloid as two cups of regular coffee. This means that it is not recommended to consume it uncontrollably, especially for people with health problems.

The second point is the use of a special solvent - ethyl acitate for processing grains. It is used for baiting insects. The chemical is dangerous to humans, can cause cirrhosis of the liver. During processing, coffee beans are washed out, but chemical residues remain even after brewing them with boiling water. It turns out that wanting to protect themselves from the effects of caffeine, many unconsciously poison the body with a chemical every day.

The effect of the drink on the composition of the blood is also negative. Its daily consumption will lead to an increase in the number of free fatty acids, which in turn will lead to an increase in protein levels, damage to the walls of the arteries, and sooner or later will cause arteriosclerosis.

The benefits of decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeination is the process necessary to rid drink drinkers of the pain associated with its consumption. side effects. Ready coffee does not tone up, does not change the course of the biological clock and does not give a feeling of happiness, but at the same time it retains its taste, aroma and delivers no less aesthetic pleasure. The beneficial properties of the drink include:

  • lack of dependence;
  • the ability to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cancer;
  • delicate effect on the nervous system;
  • the ability to speed up metabolism;
  • activation of the process of removing toxins from the body;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • the possibility of consumption during pregnancy without risk to the baby.

For a taste in coffee drink without an alkaloid, cinnamon, vanilla, toppings, cream and milk are added. Even people with heart disease can afford to drink it, but always in moderation. To taste, it is completely identical to classic coffee, while it contains less caffeine than regular black tea.

Non-alkaloid drink for nursing - is it possible or not?

Breastfeeding moms find it hard to give up years of habits, including coffee. However, they understand that caffeine, which is part of their favorite drink, negatively affects the baby, so they are looking for alternative options for lactation.

It is necessary to choose coffee without an alkaloid content, taking into account some features of the drink. It is necessary that the grains are natural, high-quality roasting and grinding. It is better to refuse soluble options both for the period of breastfeeding and after it.

Given the negative properties of decaffeinated coffee, a nursing mother should think several times before making a choice in his favor.

It is not known what will cause more harm - the chemicals used to process beans or the caffeine in the classic version of the drink. One way or another, you can allow yourself to enjoy a cup of a fragrant drink once or twice a day, always after feeding.

As for the brewing method, it would be correct to brew coffee with boiling water, thus reducing the amount of caffeine, if it is present there. Milk, cream, cinnamon can be added, but not forgetting that their number does not affect the caffeine content in a cup of coffee.

In conclusion, we note that for pregnant women, during lactation, decaffeinated coffee is a dubious option. To be sure of the safety of the drink, it is worth choosing proven varieties of natural coffee beans, limiting their consumption to one cup of the drink per day.

As for the rest, again, reviews of decaffeinated coffee are mixed. Someone is sure that ground coffee without alkaloids is just a godsend, someone continues to drink classic version drink, controlling the daily rate.

One way or another, but when making your choice, you need to remember the measure. A few cups a day of your favorite caffeinated or uncaffeinated coffee will certainly not cause significant harm to health, while the lack of control in its consumption will cause problems even for those who choose the best elite varieties.

How nice it is to drink a mug of an invigorating drink in the early morning or after a hard day. Coffee helps restore energy, which is why it is so popular. However, many people cannot drink it due to cardiovascular disease. Now you can buy decaffeinated coffee, which is called decafinato or decaf for short, but it also has its own benefits and harms, so it’s better to consult a doctor before buying.

What is Decaffeinated Coffee

From ordinary harmless coffee differs only in the minimum content of caffeine. This component belongs to the group of alkaloids that can harm the body. In order for the hazardous substances to be removed, the beans must go through a decaffeination process. The taste and invigorating properties of the drink, for which it is so valued, remain unchanged.

How do they do

After research by scientists, it has been proven that the fruits of the coffee tree contain more than 400 aromatic substances. In order to perform the decaffeination technology, green, unroasted beans are processed first. After that, the components are placed in special solutions to remove caffeine. The process is repeated several dozen times until the desired concentration is reached.

It is possible to use low-caffeinated plant varieties so that extraction takes less time. Manufacturing companies use various methods to remove caffeine. The following technologies are the most effective:

  1. Straight. First, the grain is treated with hot steam for half an hour, after which ethyl acetate or dichloromethane is used for 10 hours. In order for the chemical reagent to be completely removed, it will take the same amount of time. The drink obtained in this way is safe because ethyl acetate is obtained from fruits.
  2. Indirect. The grains are placed in hot water for a few hours, then removed and the caffeine is extracted with dichloromethane or ethyl acetate. In this case, the evaporation method is used to separate from the solvent. After several extraction cycles, the beans will be rid of the harmful substance, but retain their aroma and acidity.
  3. swiss water. In this method of removal, coffee beans are drenched in boiling water to release the caffeine. Water is driven through a special carbon filter, which retains unnecessary, but passes useful substances. The resulting solution is called green coffee extract. The filtration process should continue until the dose of caffeine drops to 1-2%.
  4. CO2 extraction. This technology uses carbon dioxide, which is in a special chamber under high pressure, reaching up to 300 atmospheres. Pre-grains are treated with steam, placed in a container with carbon dioxide for 10 hours. After depressurizing the tank, the CO2 is removed by evaporation and the caffeine can be removed by filtration.

Benefits and harms of decaffeinated coffee

It has been proven that decaffeinated coffee beans have a positive effect on the body of an adult, which is as follows:

  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • increases mental and physical performance;
  • the work of the digestive system improves (if there are no chronic diseases);
  • reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes;
  • there is a better absorption of glucose by the body;
  • reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, it is noted that this type of coffee has a diuretic effect, so it is well suited for the prevention of gout and prostate cancer in men. However, it should be borne in mind that all these positive properties are preserved only if a person drinks no more than 4 cups per day. A decaffeinated drink is very useful for pregnant women, it reduces the risk of miscarriage.

The product also has negative properties. The main harm lies in the fact that the production of the product requires exposure to various chemicals that adversely affect health. Excessive consumption of a caffeine-free beverage can lead to:

  • intraocular pressure will increase;
  • there is a risk of developing glaucoma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will occur;
  • dehydration will occur.


The main contraindication to drinking ground or instant coffee without caffeine is children under 12 years of age, because the invigorating properties that are so appreciated by adults can harm the fragile nervous system child. Be sure to consult a doctor for certain categories of patients with a diagnosis:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • lack of calcium;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer.

Decaffeinated coffee brands

Now in stores you can buy several different types decaffeinated drink. The main varieties are ground and soluble. The rise in popularity of decaffeinated coffee has led many manufacturers to release such a product. Elite varieties from foreign companies are best purchased in specialized stores that sell such products.


Most manufacturers produce instant drink in sublimated form. There are some of the most popular brands:

Ambassador Platinum Decaf

  • characteristics - produced in Switzerland, the Arabica variety is used, which results in a pleasant mild taste that does not have bitterness;
  • pluses - pleasant aroma, invigorating effect;
  • cons - not found.

Jacobs Monarch Decaf

  • characteristics - country of manufacture Germany, made from Arabian Robusta and Arabica, has a caramel flavor with chocolate notes;
  • pluses - the taste is similar to ordinary instant coffee or chicory, it is cheap;
  • cons - not found.

Carte Noire Decafeine

  • characteristics - produced in Russia from Cameroonian Arabica beans. This is a sublimated drink;
  • pluses - it has a very bright coffee smell and taste;
  • cons - there is a slight bitterness, which is felt 2-3 minutes after drinking a cup.


A drink obtained by roasting and grinding grains must be boiled in a special Turk before use. According to coffee lovers, it is distinguished by a characteristic rich aroma and slightly bitter taste. The most popular varieties ground coffee decaffeinated are:

  • characteristics - the country of origin is the Netherlands, the grains were brought from Latin America;
  • pluses - made using carbon dioxide extraction. Virtually indistinguishable from natural;
  • cons - not found.
  • characteristics - produced in Italy, a mixture of Cameroonian Robusta and Arabica was used in the creation;
  • pluses - it has excellent taste characteristics with a taste of chocolate;
  • cons - there is a slight bitterness.

Grandos Colombia

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks of our time. But not everyone can afford to use it in its traditional form, so manufacturers have begun to produce an alternative version - without caffeine. Although at present harm and benefit are highly controversial issues. Let's try to figure this out.

How the product is made

Decaffeinated coffee beans, as well as instant coffee, are obtained using the process of decaffeination - that is, the removal of this substance from coffee fruits. This procedure is carried out different ways, but the most popular can be called "European". To do this, the coffee beans are dipped for some time in hot, but not boiling water, after which it is drained, and the caffeine is removed in a special solution. Most often, methylene chloride or ethyl acetate is used as a solvent. Then the grains are poured with boiling water, rinsed and dried. In this case, the product may lose some of its useful properties, but the cost of this method is the lowest.

Even after processing the grains 12 times, it is still impossible to completely remove caffeine from them - the percentage of this substance in the final result will be from 1 to 3. The taste will differ from traditional drink for the worse, because a small part of the solvent will remain in the grains. Sometimes compressed gas is used to remove caffeine from coffee fruits. But it is believed that the drink obtained in this way contains substances harmful to human health, therefore this method is used infrequently.

"Caffeine free" trees

There is a decaffeinated product that produces a product by so-called natural decaffeination. These are the fruits of trees of special varieties - Coffeaarabica (Arabian coffee) and Coffeacharrieriana (Cameroonian coffee), which, due to gene mutations, contain theobromine instead of caffeine. They are native to Brazil and were discovered in 2004. The drink, which is made from their fruits, received the same name - Coffeaarabica.

In the future, it is possible to cross such trees with others, the fruits of which contain caffeine, to develop new varieties of coffee.

swiss way

At the end of the twentieth century, the so-called "water" method was developed in Switzerland. The use of solvents in this case is not required. The method consists in the fact that coffee beans are dipped for a certain time in very warm water, which removes caffeine from them, as well as aromatic oils. Then the liquid is drained, and the tool is used, which determines the uniqueness of this method - a charcoal filter. Water is passed through it, as a result of which caffeine is neutralized, and aromatic oils remain.

Others are lowered into the resulting liquid, after which caffeine is removed from them while preserving the oils. The result is a drink without caffeine, but with a wonderful taste and aroma. This method is higher at cost, but you can overpay for excellent taste.

Decaffeinated Drink Brands

It is found on the world market without caffeine, as well as an instant drink. You can buy them in almost any grocery supermarket, but true connoisseurs of elite varieties are better off going to specialized departments. The most popular are "GrandosExpress", "GrandosExtraMocco", as well as famous brand decaffeinated coffee - "Aromatico". These products are produced in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, USA and Colombia.

The dangers of decaffeinated coffee

There is an opinion that decaffeinated coffee beans are practically harmless. But this is not entirely true - the decaffeination of the product occurs with the help of chemicals, therefore, in the end, the drink will be spared the harm of caffeine, but endowed with a "bouquet" of other substances that have a detrimental effect on the human body. Therefore, the true harms and benefits of decaffeinated coffee deserve special attention.

The danger of frequent use of the product may be as follows:

  • Increased intraocular pressure, which increases the likelihood of developing glaucoma.
  • Increased production of gastric juice, which leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dehydration of the body. The drink is a natural diuretic, so in order to protect yourself from urinary tract diseases, after drinking one cup of coffee, add one glass of water to your daily intake.

  • The leaching of calcium from the bones of the body. True, this problem is solvable. It is recommended to take vitamins and eat foods that contain this element, such as cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cream, nuts.
  • Provoking the growth of cancer cells. This point has not yet been proven by scientists, but there are several confirmations of this hypothesis.
  • The development of dependence leads to increased fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, and in severe cases, to depression.

Of course, if you drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, the listed points will not affect you, but excessive consumption of the drink will not lead to anything good. Therefore, in order to neutralize the harm, and the benefits of decaffeinated coffee were maximum for your body, it is advisable to observe the measure and not get carried away with this product.

Benefits of decaffeinated coffee

This drink can also have a positive effect on the body of an adult. are as follows:

  • Improving physical and mental performance.
  • Increasing stress tolerance.
  • Reducing the risk of developing type II diabetes. This is due to the fact that when drinking a drink, the brain begins to better absorb glucose.
  • Reducing the likelihood of gout, particularly in men. But for this you need to drink 4-5 cups a day.

  • Improved digestion. Drinking coffee after a meal will help your body absorb it better.
  • Reducing the risk of prostate cancer by 20%. Moreover, this item is performed regardless of the caffeine content in the drink.
  • Improvement of reproductive function in men. It is believed that the product is able to increase the activity of spermatozoa.
  • Worthy of special attention beneficial features coffee for pregnant women.

Drink benefits for pregnant women

Expectant mothers should avoid caffeinated drinks. But decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women will even be useful. There are studies confirming that the use of this product reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. But, of course, you should not drink coffee in excessive amounts because of this - 2-3 cups a day will be enough.

Ultimately, whether or not to drink a drink is up to you. But it should be remembered that in large doses any medicine will become a poison, and vice versa. If you drink 1-2 cups of the drink a day, you can get a lot of positive emotions, while minimizing harm. And the benefits of decaffeinated coffee will be quite significant for your body.

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