Home Salads and appetizers How to cook barley pickle. How to cook pickle with pearl barley and pickles. Lenten pickle with champignons

How to cook barley pickle. How to cook pickle with pearl barley and pickles. Lenten pickle with champignons

Foreigners who first arrived in our country try pickle soup and are surprised. Taste qualities dishes seem strange to them, because the classic recipe with pearl barley includes pickles. But for our compatriots such a soup - you will lick your fingers! Therefore, let's look at the most delicious of its varieties.

Soup pickle with pearl barley and pork: a classic recipe

  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • pork on the bone - 500-550 gr.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 60 gr.
  • pickled cucumber - 2-3 pcs. (depending on size)
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • barley - 160 gr.
  • brine - in fact (about 120 ml.)

If you still have no idea how to cook pickle, we offer you step by step recipe dishes with pearl barley and pickles. Additionally, you will need your favorite spices and pickle from cucumbers.

1. So, rinse barley a couple of times, then soak in filtered water for 2-3 hours. The grains should swell.

2. Wash the meat, send it to the pan with cold water. After a 5-minute boil, drain the first broth, transfer the pork to hot water and simmer until tender (1.5 hours).

3. After the specified period, remove the meat, pour barley into the resulting liquid. Boil it at medium power for about a third of an hour.

4. During this period, it is necessary to wipe the carrots, chop the cucumbers into cubes and chop the onion, then make a fry out of them.

5. After 5 minutes, a little water and tomato paste are introduced into the pan, then all the ingredients languish for another 8 minutes.

6. When the frying is ready, move it to the broth along with the meat (previously divided into pieces). Throw diced potatoes, spices here. Salt.

7. Continue simmering the pickle soup until the potatoes soften. The classic recipe with pearl barley is accompanied by an infusion of brine according to your taste 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Rassolnik on beef with pearl barley

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • beef on the bone - 500-550 gr.
  • potato tubers - 5 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • pickle from pickles- 120 ml.
  • barley - 0.2 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.

Since you can cook pickle soup on beef with barley, it makes sense to take a closer look at this diet recipe.

1. From the night barley must be thoroughly washed and kept in cold filtered water for 7-8 hours. If this is not possible, leave the cereal for at least 3 hours.

2. Rinse the beef thoroughly, dry it, chop into large pieces. Send in cold water, cook for 1 hour 20-30 minutes at medium power.

3. For the allotted time, it is necessary to chop the onion and wipe the carrots, and then fry the vegetables. Cut potatoes into cubes, cucumbers into rings.

4. Put the cucumbers in a clean skillet with oil and fry for 7 minutes, then stir in the frying and send everything together to the broth. Add potatoes and cereals to this.

5. Boil barley soup pickle until the potatoes are ready, the recipe does not involve adding salt, but be guided by your taste.

6. When the potatoes soften, pour in the brine, add aromatic herbs. Turn off, let stand for a third of an hour, taste!

Pickle on chicken broth in a slow cooker

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • barley - 130 gr.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 40 gr.
  • chicken broth - 1.8 l.
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.

It is worth considering pickle soup, or rather its classic recipe for a slow cooker. The dish is also prepared with pearl barley, the scheme is almost identical.

1. You need to soak the grits overnight in order to facilitate the cooking process in the morning and reduce the time spent on cooking.

2. We start by preparing the roast. For this purpose, it is necessary to chop the onion and rub the carrots, then send the ingredients to the multicooker bowl and set the frying function.

3. After about 2 minutes, add cucumbers chopped into small squares and tomato paste. Detect another 3-5 minutes, do not forget to stir.

Pickle for the winter

  • carrot - 470 gr.
  • tomatoes - 500 gr.
  • vegetable oil- 60 ml.
  • barley - 150 gr.
  • cucumbers - 950 gr.
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • water - 130 ml.
  • 9% vinegar - 50 ml.

Harvesting pickle is not difficult. Often such a soup is rolled up for the winter. Consider a simple recipe and get down to business.

1. Prepare all components according to classical technology. If necessary, remove the shell from the tomatoes so that it does not come across in the soup in the future. Rinse pickled cucumbers, chop into small cubes.

2. Pickle soup can be added and salted cucumbers. The classic recipe will not get worse from this. Next, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Rinse the onion, do the same with barley. Chop the vegetable. Grains can be soaked in boiling water for 1 hour.

4. Send the chopped tomatoes to the pan with oil. Mix in the required spices. Simmer food until moisture evaporates.

6. In parallel, prepare 2 cans of 0.5 liters. Sterilize them with lids. Pour in ready soup to the brim.

7. Roll up the container. Turn the jars over and wait for them to cool completely. Remove the pickle blank for storage in a dark place.

Pickle with sausage

  • cucumbers - 180 gr.
  • smoked sausage - 260 gr.
  • potatoes - 220 gr.
  • barley - 160 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • greens - to your taste
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • water - 3 pcs.

Pickle with sausage has a rather unusual taste. Soup with your favorite spices and pickles will not leave you indifferent. The recipe is simple.

1. Rinse the grits several times. Soak barley with water for a while and wait for it to swell.

2. After that, drain the liquid and send the cereal to the pan. Pour in fresh water (3 liters) and turn on the stove. Prepare onions with carrots, fry them in oil.

3. Chop the sausage into small cubes, send to the pan with vegetables. Chop the cucumbers and stir in the sautéed ingredients. Simmer covered over low heat for 5-6 minutes.

4. Pickle soup turns out to be really tasty, if you rely on a classic recipe. A barley dish is not complete without potatoes.

5. Peel and chop the potatoes. Pour it in when the cereal softens. A few minutes before full cooking, add frying and your favorite spices.

6. Add a small amount of cucumber pickle to the pan. Crumble fresh herbs into the finished soup, if desired.

7. Bring the dish to a boil and turn off the stove. Cover the pan with a lid, leave the soup to infuse. Serve with sour cream and breadcrumbs.

Since it is not difficult to prepare a pickle, it can be harvested for the winter. The barley dish has a pleasant aroma and great taste. Step by step recipe won't let you make a mistake. Do everything according to the instructions.

A good hostess never throws food away. In skillful hands, there is a use for everything. For example, the brine in a jar of pickles can be turned into traditional soup Russian cuisine - pickle. I often cook this soup in the winter season, when it comes time to open jars of cucumbers rolled up in the summer. At the moment when only a few cucumbers remain at the bottom of the jar, it's time to cook the pickle. The soup according to this recipe turns out to be tender, slightly acidic and lightly salted - we love it with the whole family.

Total cooking time - 45 minutes (excluding the time for soaking barley)
Active cooking time - 20 minutes
Cost - $ 0.8
Calorie content per 100 gr - 17 kcal
Servings - 8

How to cook pickle


Broth - 1 l. . Meat, but you can cook pickle on vegetable broth and even water.
Brine - 400 ml. (cucumber)
Cucumber - 4 pcs. (salty)
Pearl barley - 1/2 cup
Potatoes - 3 pcs.
Carrot - 1 pc.(you can also use parsley and celery root)
Bay leaf - 3 pcs

Ingredients are given based on a 2-liter pan. But I like a thick pickle, so you can take a pot and a bigger one.

Tip: the more cucumbers and brine are used, the richer the sour-salty taste of pickle.


Soak barley for 2-3 hours, then drain the water, pour another 4 glasses of water and cook until tender.

Barley should become soft, and the water in which it was boiled should become cloudy. Drain the water in which the barley was cooked. Usually it takes me 20 minutes to cook already soaked barley. I always boil barley separately precisely because of its ability to release “mucus” when cooked. If you cook cereals along with other ingredients, then the pickle will turn out cloudy and not so tasty.
While barley is cooking, pour the broth into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cut potatoes into cubes. Grate carrots on a fine grater. Grate cucumbers on a coarse grater.

Add potatoes to the boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes. Fry carrots and cucumbers in a pan with vegetable oil for 5 minutes, then add to the pan with broth and potatoes.

Tip: Carrots and cucumbers can be boiled immediately. But if they are pre-fried, then the taste of pickle will open even brighter and it will be tastier.

Next in the pan is brine, pearl barley, bay leaf. Everything is cooked together for another 5 minutes.
Before turning off the fire must try pickle. If salt is not enough, then add. If the pickle turned out to be too salty, then dilute it with broth / water and bring to a boil again.

Cover the pot with a lid and turn off the heat. The pickle must stand for another 10 minutes to fully reach and reveal its taste. Serve hot with sour cream and rye bread. Bon Appetit!

    This is a simple recipe for a classic pickle that has all of its main ingredients. Prepare a piece of pork (300-400 g) with a bone. It can be replaced with chicken or beef. Put the meat in a saucepan with water, add salt and begin to cook the broth over medium heat. After boiling, do not forget to remove the foam.

    Take half a glass of pearl barley and rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Pour the cereal into the pan where the meat is cooked. Barley is cooked with meat for at least 1.5 hours. Most The best way cooking barley for pickles and cereals is its soaking overnight in a thermos. In this case, barley is cooked in 30 minutes.

    Wash three potatoes, one onion and one carrot.

    Let's clean the vegetables. Peeled potatoes must be placed in a container with cold water. You will need it a little later.

    Cut the onion and carrot into small pieces.

    Take out one pickled cucumber from the brine. A cucumber, like a glass of brine, is an absolutely necessary component of a pickle.

    We cut the cucumber in the same way as carrots and onions.

    Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and all the cuttings to the pan. Put the skillet on medium heat.

    Stir the vegetable dressing and fry it until the onion is cooked. At this time, our barley broth is almost cooked. From it you need to remove a piece of meat, cool it and separate the pulp from the bones. The soup returns to the fire. Add pieces of meat and vegetable fry from the pan to it. Cook for at least 20 minutes.

    We take out the potatoes from the water, cut them into cubes and add them to the pickle. Continue to cook over low heat until the potatoes are cooked.

    Add a glass of cucumber pickle to the pickle. This action is designed for lovers of the "real" pickle. It cannot be skipped. Bring the soup to a boil and add a mixture of vegetable seasonings, paprika (all in a teaspoon). 2 minutes before the end of cooking, put two bay leaves in the soup.

    Rassolnik "Classic" is ready. Serve it in deep bowls, garnished with fresh herbs. Each plate should have a piece of meat.

Every family cooks differently. But there are tricks that will improve the taste with any recipe.

  1. If brine is added to the broth, it should be boiled and strained.
  2. Cucumbers should be pickled, not pickled. As a last resort - marinated without vinegar.
  3. Cucumbers are added after potatoes. Because because of their acid, potatoes can turn black and become tough.
  4. Barley is better to cook or just pour boiling water in advance and separately. Then the soup will be transparent, and the cooking time will be reduced.
  5. Be careful with salt. Do not pour it into the broth when cooking meat. It is better to add salt after the introduction of cucumbers.
  6. Rassolnik is tastier when it is infused for a couple of hours.


Hearty and rich soup, which perfectly warms in the cold.


  • 300 g pork ribs;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of water;
  • 4 tablespoons of pearl barley;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 pickles;
  • ½ cup cucumber pickle;
  • 2 bay leaves;


Rinse, cut and fill the ribs with water. Cook first over high heat. When it boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Simmer the ribs over low heat with the lid closed for 40-50 minutes.

At this time, pour over boiling water, put in a colander and rinse the barley. Alternatively, boil in a separate pan. In this case, add the grits to the soup before frying.

Peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Pour it into the soup along with barley when the ribs are cooked. Bring to a boil and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

At this time, make a roast: fry chopped onions in vegetable oil, carrots and cucumbers grated on a coarse grater (they should be hard). Enter the frying into the soup along with the rest of the oil.

Simmer the soup for five minutes over low heat, then pour in cucumber pickle. Add bay leaf, pepper and salt if necessary. After 2-3 minutes, the pickle will be ready.

2. Classic pickle with rice and kidneys


Offal perfectly set off the sourness of cucumbers. Another such variant of pickle is called Moscow.


  • 500 g of beef or pork kidneys;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of water;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • greens - for serving.


Remove the films from the kidneys and cut each into three or four parts. Usually, in order to get rid of the specific taste, the kidneys are soaked for several hours in cold water and boiled for a long time. But the process can be accelerated.

To do this, sprinkle the prepared kidneys with soda. After ten minutes, pour vinegar. After another ten minutes, thoroughly rinse the kidneys with vinegar, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, rinse the kidneys, pour in fresh water and cook under the lid for another 30-40 minutes.

At this time, rinse the rice, clean and dice the vegetables. Fry onions with carrots butter. Salt and pepper a little. If desired, you can add a tablespoon of tomato paste to the frying.

Remove and cool the kidneys. Throw in soup and rice, and after 15 minutes - fried onions and carrots.

Kidneys and cucumbers also cut into cubes and send to the broth. Throw a bay leaf and taste for salt. Salt if necessary. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot with a lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Serve with sour cream and herbs.


Traditional sour-salty delicate taste, but without meat. Suitable for post.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • ½ l of brine;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • salt and black ground pepper- taste;
  • a bunch of parsley and / or dill.


Boil and lightly salt the water. Pour pre-washed, and after five minutes - chopped potatoes. If the potatoes are quickly boiled soft, then after ten. For more satiety, you can add canned or pre-boiled beans.

Peel and chop the onion, rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Send half of these vegetables to the soup, and fry the other in vegetable oil. When the onion becomes translucent, add the thinly sliced ​​cucumbers and tomato paste. Simmer for five minutes.

When the potatoes are cooked, add the roast to the soup. Cook for another 5-7 minutes over low heat. At the end, add brine, bay leaf, chopped herbs and pepper. Salt if necessary. Remove from heat after five minutes.


original combination fish broth, cucumber pickle and spicy spices. Sometimes fish pickle is called Kalya. But the latter is only a prototype - its recipe is more "rich".


  • 500 g of pike perch;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 30 g butter;
  • ½ cup brine;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
  • parsley - for serving.


Fill the fish with water, add one onion, peppercorns, parsley root and bay leaf. Boil for 30-40 minutes. Any fish can be used, including. If using canned food, cut the cooking time in half.

When the fish is completely boiled, catch it and separate it from the bones. Strain the broth. Add washed rice. Simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes.

Grate carrots and cucumbers on a coarse grater. Cut the remaining onion into small cubes. Saute vegetables in butter for 3-5 minutes. Add brine to them, pepper and simmer for another 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Send the roast with the fish to the broth. Check the soup for salt and keep on fire for a few more minutes. Serve with chopped greens.


The sourness of pickles goes well with the mushroom flavor. And due to pearl barley, the soup turns out to be very satisfying, even if you cook a lean version.


  • 300 g beef on the bone;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of water;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 tablespoons of pearl barley;
  • 150 g fresh porcini mushrooms;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.


Pour the meat with water, add peppercorns, bay leaf and salt a little. Boil for 60-90 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam.

At this time, boil or just soak barley. Cut potatoes, carrots and cucumbers into strips, onions into half rings.

Mushrooms can be used any: forest or champignons, fresh or dried. In the latter case, the mushrooms should be soaked in cold water for 20-30 minutes.

Drain and cool the beef. Strain the broth and run barley into it, and after 7–10 minutes, potatoes. Remove from the bone and cut the meat. Put it back in the soup.

Fry onions with carrots in vegetable oil. Add the garlic passed through the press, tomato paste (you can tomatoes in own juice), cucumbers and chopped mushrooms. Pour a ladle of broth into the pan and simmer for about ten minutes.

If you are using dried mushrooms, run them into the soup along with the potatoes.

Enter the roast into the broth. Season with salt if needed and let simmer for a few more minutes over low heat. Serve with sour cream.


Chicken broth, seasoned with cucumbers, acquires a spicy and sour taste. The soup is both hearty and light.


  • 1 chicken carcass;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of water;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 4 tablespoons of millet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • salt - to taste.


Boil the chicken. Fill it with water, salt, add peppercorns and bay leaf. After an hour, catch the skeleton and remove the meat from it.

Strain the broth and add diced potatoes and washed millet to it.

While they are cooking (about 20 minutes), fry chopped onions, carrots and cucumbers in vegetable oil. Add a ladle at the end chicken broth and a spoonful of flour. Stir and simmer for about five minutes.

Enter the finished frying into the broth along with chicken meat. Boil the soup for another 3-5 minutes and serve.


A quick take on the traditional pickle. Hearty and very tasty.


  • 2 ¹⁄₂ l of meat broth;
  • 1 tablespoon of rice;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 500 g minced meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.


Boil the broth. It is desirable that it matches the type of minced meat. Pour rice into it, and after 5–7 minutes - potatoes cut into strips.

Chop the onion and mix it with minced meat. Salt, pepper and shape meat balls. You can use ready-made ones, then it will take even less time to cook the soup. Send the meatballs to the soup when the potatoes are almost ready.

Fry onion with carrots in vegetable oil. When the onion becomes transparent, add the cucumbers grated on a coarse grater, garlic passed through a press and tomato paste. Simmer for about five minutes.

Add the roast to the broth along with the bay leaf and chopped herbs. Salt if necessary.

What pickle are you making? Write your favorite recipes in the comments.

Soup with barley and pickles is a popular first course, known to most people as "pickle". Soup can be prepared traditional recipes, or you can deviate from the classics to improve taste and to satisfy individual preferences.

The soup has been known since the beginning of the fifteenth century. In these times, slightly acidic vegetable stew was considered the food of the poor. But when they began to cook soup with meat, this spicy and invigorating first course became a favorite among the rich. Often, pickle with vegetables, veal or mushrooms was consumed cold, like okroshka, beetroot or cabbage soup.

There are a large number of different recipes making this soup. Two mandatory ingredients remain unchanged - pearl barley and pickles. Remember that in pickle - the main syllable is "pickle". Therefore, along with the main ingredients, it is an essential ingredient in the soup.

Modern soup with pearl barley and pickles is very popular. In addition, this soup is very useful.

Barley contains a huge amount of vitamins and a useful antifungal substance - hordecin. It successfully fights fat deposits, removes toxins from the body, has a positive effect on the hormonal background, strengthens the immune system, and is useful for allergies, diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.

You can cook such a healthy soup quickly enough. Every hostess will cope with this task.

Pearl barley is processed barley grains. Barley should be creamy-white in color, fresh with a pleasant smell and without any impurities. It is best to boil the cereal in advance, as this process takes a lot of time. To make the cereal boil faster, it is soaked for 2 hours and washed well. Until half cooked, the cereals are boiled for about 20 minutes. Until fully cooked - at least half an hour.

How to cook soup with barley and pickles - 15 varieties

Especially tasty, rich, rich and thick soup is obtained on young veal and with pickled cucumbers. Bright, with a special sourness, the taste of cucumbers is transferred to the soup and not a single person, even those who do not like pearl barley, can resist the treat.


  • veal - 600 g
  • pearl barley - 200 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • bay leaf
  • vegetable oil
  • seasoning
  • spices.


Rinse the meat and pearl barley well, pour cold water over it and cook with the addition of spices to your liking for at least one and a half hours.

Prepare dressing: fry finely chopped onions and carrots in oil. Add pickled cucumbers, cut into strips. Put out.

Potatoes are also cut into strips and sent to the broth. When the potatoes are cooked, season the soup with fried vegetables. Boil and pour finely chopped dill into the soup. Boil for a few minutes.

Remove from fire. Let the soup stand for half an hour and serve.

Barley soup can be cooked with any meat. But with pork it turns out especially tasty! Try it!


  • pork - 300 g
  • pickles - 3 pcs.
  • pearl barley - 100 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • sugar
  • bay leaf
  • garlic
  • spices
  • seasonings.


Pork cut into portions, pour cold water and put on fire. After 30 minutes, add pre-soaked barley.

After 20 minutes, send sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes into the broth.

Grate carrots and cucumber. Finely chop the onion.

Fry the onions in butter with the gradual addition of carrots and cucumbers. All is well put out.

Grate the tomatoes and send to fry along with tomato paste. Simmer, add some salt and sugar.

Send the roast to the pan. Add spices, bay leaf and chopped garlic. Boil no more than 10 minutes.

Serve to the table with the addition of sour cream and sprinkled with herbs.

Soup with cucumbers and pearl barley after cooking should stand for at least 15 minutes. The taste will become richer.

gentle chicken hearts loved by both children and adults. Please your family and friends!


  • chicken hearts - 500 g
  • the first cereal - 100 g
  • pickles - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • spices.


Rinse barley thoroughly and send to a saucepan with hot water. Cook for 20 minutes.

Peel chicken hearts from veins and films, rinse and send to the cereal.

Prepare vegetables: cut carrots into strips, onions and cucumbers into cubes. Fry the onion in oil with the addition of carrots and pickles. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Cut potatoes into cubes. Put the potatoes and vegetable fry in the pan.

Cook until potatoes are ready. Salt, add spices and bay leaf at the end of cooking.

Let the soup brew a little and pour into bowls. Serve sour cream separately.

It is better to cook barley separately so that the soup does not become cloudy and slimy.

Classic Russian soup with a kidney with a special taste and aroma. The Grand Master shares the secret of cooking. Enjoy!


  • chicken broth - 2 l
  • beef kidney - 1 pc.
  • barley - 100 g
  • pickles - 7 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • salt.


Boil barley beforehand.

Remove fat from the kidney, pour cold water. Change the water several times. Boil the kidney and rinse well.

Finely chop the onion and cucumber. Put in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer until the cucumbers are soft.

Cut potatoes into cubes and add to chicken broth.

Finely chop the onion and carrot. Fry in oil.

Cut the kidney into slices. Put the kidney, cucumbers, vegetable fry and pearl barley into the soup. Add spices, salt and bay leaf. Boil and remove from fire.

Leave for a few minutes. Sprinkle soup in bowls with chopped parsley.

Just a wand - a lifesaver, not a soup! Cooking is quick and easy. And the taste is amazing!


  • minced beef - 400 g
  • pearl barley - 100 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • greenery
  • pepper.


Put water on fire. Form meatballs from minced meat.

Put pre-soaked barley into boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes.

Cut the potatoes into slices and lay them on the grits. Cook until half cooked.

Prepare vegetable dressing: fry chopped onions with grated carrots and chopped pickles.

Send meatballs to the pan. Boil until potatoes are fully cooked. Put the roast and pour half a glass of cucumber pickle into the soup.

Salt. Add spices. The soup is ready!

Cucumbers and brine are introduced into the soup after the potatoes are fully cooked. Otherwise, the potatoes will be tough.

For soup, you can take any fish: white, red or even canned. The soup turns out with a pleasant sourness, hearty and very tasty. Use only hot.


  • white fish fillet - 500 g
  • pickles - 3 pcs.
  • barley - 150 g
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.
  • capers
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • canned tomatoes - 300 g
  • Dill
  • olive oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Chop carrots, chop onion and garlic. Fry in a saucepan olive oil onions with garlic and carrots.

Put the washed barley into a bowl. Add crushed chili pepper. Pour in broth or water. Boil 10 minutes.

Finely chop the celery and pickles and send to the broth. Boil a little and put the canned tomatoes in a saucepan.

Cut white fish into pieces. Send to soup with capers. Salt and add pepper. Boil 10 minutes.

Put the tomato paste and finely chopped greens into the soup. Boil 2 minutes. The soup is ready!

Cucumbers can be cut into slices or cubes. And you can grind on a grater. It all depends on your personal preferences. The taste of the soup will not change.

The recipe is quite simple and will not cause any difficulties in cooking. But the soup is just amazing! Absolutely everyone likes it.


  • beef tongue - 500 g
  • beef on the bone - 1 kg
  • barley - 100 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • spices
  • salt.


Soak the barley for a day beforehand.

Put the washed barley, tongue and meat into the pan. Pour cold water over and cook until done.

Pull out the tongue and meat, cut into pieces and put in the broth.

Fry chopped onions and diced cucumbers with the addition of tomato paste and spices. Boil 5 minutes.

When serving, add sour cream and herbs.

This soup is delicious even without meat! Cook and surprise your family.


  • barley - 150 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • sugar
  • onion -2 pcs.
  • pepper
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • greenery
  • salt.


Soak barley overnight in water. Put the washed barley in salted water. Cook for 20 minutes.

Cut potatoes into cubes and send to barley. Cook until soft.

Cut the carrots and onions into strips and simmer for a few minutes. Add tomato paste, spices and sugar. Simmer over low heat.

Grate pickled cucumbers.

Add stir-fried vegetables and cucumbers to soup. Boil 5 minutes. Put greens, garlic and bring to a boil.

Fragrant soup is ready.

Cucumbers for soup are better to take salted, not pickled. They should be elastic, as soft cucumbers quickly become overcooked.

It just doesn't get any easier: just 4 ingredients! But the result will surprise you. Check out this easy and delicious soup recipe.


  • pork ribs - 500 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • barley - 100 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • pepper
  • salt.


Boil pork ribs and pearl barley together.

When the meat and cereals are ready, add the potatoes cut into bars into the soup and cook until almost cooked.

Grind cucumbers, and also send to the soup. Boil until the potatoes are fully cooked and the cucumbers are soft.

Salt if necessary. Add pepper. Bring to a boil and set aside.

Invite loved ones to the table!

A step-by-step description of delicious and healthy soup- pickle with chicken. Be sure to try!


  • chicken - 1 pc.
  • barley - 100 g
  • pickles - 8 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • brine - 1 cup
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • allspice
  • Dill
  • salt.


Boil barley and chicken in advance in different pans.

Roast lavrushka and allspice right on the burner. Send spices to the pan with meat, they will give the maximum flavor.

Prepare vegetables: cut potatoes into small cubes, onions and carrots into strips, grate pickles.

Put pickles in a ladle, add water and boil for 10 minutes.

Fry the carrots in a frying pan with the addition of onions.

Pull the chicken out, separate from the bones, cut into pieces and put back into the pan.

Send the potatoes to the broth. Boil 10 minutes. Add the finished barley, vegetable fry and pickles to the potatoes. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Add assorted different peppers. Boil and set aside from fire.

Keep covered for a few minutes. Serve with chopped dill and sour cream. You can eat!

Rassolnik with delicious sausage reminiscent of childhood. The secret of the taste is that all the ingredients are pre-fried in olive oil. It turns out incredibly tasty!


  • boiled sausage - 400 g
  • pickles - 4 pcs.
  • barley - 100 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • salt.


Boil barley in advance.

Cut vegetables: potatoes, pickles and onions into cubes, grate carrots.

Place potatoes in a bowl of water. Boil 10 minutes.

Fry all vegetables separately in olive oil and put in a pan with potatoes. Send the finished boiled barley there.

Cut the sausage into cubes and also add to the soup. Boil a little. Salt. Add pepper to taste.

Bon Appetit!

To make the texture of the soup homogeneous, it is better to peel the cucumbers and free them from seeds. If the cucumbers are not rubbed, but cut into cubes, then we recommend pouring boiling water over them before laying. In that case, they will not lose their shape.

The pickle recipe is from a 1959 cookbook. Isn't it interesting to make such a soup?


  • beef - 500 g
  • pearl barley - 100 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 2 tsp
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • cucumber pickle
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • salt.


Boil the meat with the addition of onions, carrots and spices until tender.

Rinse barley, pour boiling water and leave to infuse.

Remove the cooked meat and cut into pieces. Discard onions and carrots.

Rinse the steamed barley and send it to the broth to cook for 30 minutes.

Cut vegetables into strips.

Fry onions with carrots. Separately stew pickles with tomato paste.

When barley is ready, put potatoes and onions with carrots. Boil for 7 minutes, put the cucumbers with tomato paste and boiled meat in pieces, pour in the cucumber pickle. Cook for 10 more minutes.

Serve with sour cream.

Cucumbers and brine are quite salty. Salt the soup at the end of cooking.

This soup is good to cook in the summer or during fasting. The soup with mushrooms is especially good.


  • barley - 100 g
  • pickled cucumbers - 300 g
  • champignons - 300 g
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • greenery
  • pepper
  • salt.


Fry the barley in a pan for 5 minutes. Rinse and send to a pot of water. Cook for 20 minutes.

Prepare vegetables: cut potatoes into slices, onions into half rings, carrots into strips, pickles into cubes.

Put potatoes with pickles in a saucepan. Boil 10 minutes.

Fry the onion with carrots and add to the soup.

Cut mushrooms and fry in a dry frying pan. Put in soup.

Add spices, pour in brine, cook for 10 minutes.

No time to cook? There is a way out: cook soup - pickle with stew. Fast, nutritious and satisfying.


  • stew - 1 jar
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • barley - 100 g
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • greenery
  • pepper
  • salt.


Boil barley in advance. Put the cereal and diced potatoes in a saucepan. Boil 10 minutes.

Cut vegetables and pickles and fry: fry carrots in butter, add onions, pickles and stew. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Pour the liquid from the stew into the broth.

Send the roast to the soup. Mix. Add salt, garlic and pepper.

Boil. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Interesting soup recipe. Satisfies hunger and relieves hangovers.


  • barley - 100 g
  • pickles - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf
  • celery root
  • black peppercorns
  • allspice
  • parsley root
  • celery greens
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • cucumber pickle
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Cook barley in advance. In a saucepan in oil, fry the diced vegetables: onion, celery root, carrots and parsley root. Add bay leaf and spices. Simmer until vegetables soften.

Pour hot broth over, add diced potatoes. Boil 10 minutes.

Grate pickled cucumbers and send them to the soup. Pour in the brine and cook for 5 minutes. Remove soup from stove.

Pour a little soup into sour cream, stir. Pour sour cream into a bowl and stir. Boil. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Choose any recipe and cook with pleasure!

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