Home Product Ratings What to do with red viburnum berries. What to make from viburnum - step-by-step recipes for drinks and preparation for the winter in dried or frozen form

What to do with red viburnum berries. What to make from viburnum - step-by-step recipes for drinks and preparation for the winter in dried or frozen form

Kalina is a beautiful shrub and a valuable medicinal plant: its fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins! Delicious jams and marshmallows, fruit drinks and compotes are prepared from viburnum, rubbed with sugar and made into jelly. Fragrant brewed from dried berries healing tea. It is very important to cook viburnum correctly so that the dish is not only healthy, but also tasty - without bitterness. This is easy to do if you know a few secrets and follow the simple rules for harvesting, which will be discussed now.

When we talk about viburnum, the first thing that draws the imagination is the image of a shrub or a small tree with clusters of red berries. In fact, many different varieties of viburnum are now cultivated, each of which is good in its own way. For example, the berries of viburnum pride and viburnum Karls have a beautiful blue-black color, while viburnum wrinkled-leaved fruits are blackish-purple. More details about these and some other species are described in the article (description of species, features of care, placement on the site). You can learn about the intricacies of planting and reproduction from the following materials:

Useful properties of viburnum

Viburnum berries contain pectins and a large amount of vitamins: A, C, B 9, E and K. In addition, they contain antioxidants that help eliminate harmful radionuclides from the body. Therefore, by preparing several jars of viburnum jam in the fall, you will provide yourself and your loved ones with a healthy treat for the entire winter period.

IN traditional medicine use viburnum flowers, berries, seeds, leaves and even bark. Kalina helps with high blood pressure, bronchial asthma, eczema and some infectious diseases. It is used to reduce bleeding and as an excellent sedative. Kalina was used even in cosmetic purposes- to lighten age spots and freckles. More information about the miraculous effect of viburnum on the human body is described in this article:.

Important. Despite all the useful properties, there are contraindications for the reception. It should not be used by people with increased blood clotting, with urolithiasis and during pregnancy.

Rules for collecting viburnum

They are very simple, but they must be observed.

Everything has its time

Viburnum berries ripen already at the end of August - September, but it is recommended to collect them after the first frost. The fact is that they are a little bitter, and after they are seized with frost, the taste becomes sweeter.

Special approach

Viburnum is harvested in dry weather: the brushes are carefully cut with scissors, trying not to shake off the berries, and carefully put into a container.

A rich harvest of viburnum has been harvested, and the question arises: how to properly preserve it? There are several ways to do this: fresh storage, freezing and drying.

Storage of fresh viburnum

In a cold room
Kalina can be stored fresh for a long time. To do this, the clusters are carefully hung on tight ropes in a cool room (cellar or basement).

In a refrigerator
Viburnum brushes are put in a clean, dry pan or tray, cover the dishes with a lid and put in the refrigerator, on the vegetable shelf. Thus, you can keep the berries fresh for about six months.

Storage of frozen viburnum

Viburnum berries are cut off from the brushes, packaged in bags with a “lock” or trays and stored in a freezer. At any time, you can get viburnum and make anything from it: tea, fruit drink, and so on.

As we have already said, the taste of viburnum only improves from frost, so dishes prepared from frozen berries will be even more appetizing than from fresh ones.

Storage of dried viburnum

Viburnum brushes are carefully washed and laid out on a baking sheet pre-lined with parchment paper. The oven is turned on at +50 ... + 60 ° C and the viburnum is set to dry, leaving the door slightly ajar.

You can also dry viburnum berries in the open air. To do this, choose a place in the shade, lay out the clusters on cloth napkins or tie them in bunches and hang them up.

Completely dried berries are cut off from the brushes and put in glassware or linen bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas.

And they make it from viburnum delicious preparations for the winter: juices and jams, grind with honey and sugar, prepare fruit drinks, compotes, mashed potatoes, jelly and even delicious jam.

  • viburnum berries - 2 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g per liter of juice.


  1. Kalina (if possible, it is better to take it from a freeze), wash it.
  2. Pure berries are put in a saucepan, poured with water and, bringing to a boil over low heat, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. The berries are squeezed through gauze folded in several layers, the broth is filtered.
  4. Sugar is added to the resulting juice, boiled over low heat until it dissolves completely.
  5. Hot poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.
  6. Store in a cool place.
According to the same recipe, you can prepare juice from viburnum with honey, replacing 200 g of sugar with 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Such juices can be drunk in their pure form, and they also make delicious jellies, sauces and marshmallows.

For cooking you will need:

  • viburnum (berries) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Viburnum berries are cut off from the brushes, washed, and allowed to drain.
  2. Blanch 5 min. in boiling water.
  3. Sugar syrup is prepared from sugar and water, the berries are poured and left for 12 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the viburnum is put on a small fire, brought to a boil and boiled for about half an hour, periodically removing the foam until the mass thickens.
  5. The finished jam is poured hot into sterilized jars, rolled up and stored in a cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Viburnum berries are washed and mixed with sugar.
  2. Lay out in clean jars, pasteurize for 30 minutes, cork and put away for storage in a cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • citric acid - 10 g.


  1. Pre-prepared viburnum juice is mixed with sugar and boiled until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Add citric acid and boil for about 2 more minutes.
  3. Ready viburnum syrup is hot poured into sterilized bottles, corked and stored in a cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.


  1. Washed berries are blanched for 5 minutes. in boiling water.
  2. Then poured cold water and cook over low heat until they are soft.
  3. The fruits of viburnum (along with a decoction) are rubbed through a sieve.
  4. Sugar is added to the resulting puree, put on a small fire and boiled to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  5. The finished mass is poured into a thin layer (literally a few millimeters) on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dried in an oven at a temperature of +40...+60°C.
The marshmallow is ready when it easily pulls away from the baking paper. It is rolled up or cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, sprinkled with sugar, put in a cardboard box and stored in a dry, cool and ventilated room.

For cooking you will need:

  • viburnum berries - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 2.8 kg;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. Washed viburnum berries are poured with water and boiled until they soften.
  2. Then they (along with the syrup) are rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Sugar is added to the resulting viburnum puree and boiled over low heat until it is completely dissolved, and then another 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the fire is turned off, the jam is allowed to cool and the procedure is repeated again: boil again for 15 minutes. and let it cool down again.
  5. Then again put on low heat, bring to a boil, laid out in clean sterilized jars and rolled up.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum juice - 500 ml;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 250 g.


  1. Water is boiled and mixed with viburnum juice.
  2. Sugar is added to the juice and water, the mixture is brought to a boil (by this time the sugar should dissolve completely). After that, the fire is turned off and the juice is allowed to brew for about 5 hours.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • starch - 5 g.


  1. Powdered sugar is mixed with starch.
  2. Washed berries are sprinkled with a mixture of powdered sugar and starch, poured onto a baking sheet (layer thickness should be about 1 cm), covered with parchment paper.
  3. Kalina is dried on a baking sheet for about 12-15 hours, poured into clean jars and, closed with lids, stored in a cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 600 ml.


  1. Kalina is washed and, without compacting, put in clean sterilized jars.
  2. Sugar syrup is prepared from water and sugar.
  3. Kalina is poured with sugar syrup and sterilized at a temperature of + 80 ° C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 15 minutes, liter - 30 minutes.
  4. Seal and store in a cool place.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Kalina is washed, allowed to drain and blanched for 5 minutes. in boiling water.
  2. The berries are placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled until softened.
  3. As soon as the viburnum has become soft, it is rubbed through a sieve along with the broth.
  4. The resulting puree is mixed with sugar and boiled for 50 minutes. over low heat, stirring often and periodically removing the foam. Then hot viburnum jelly is laid out in sterilized jars and corked.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • apples (any) - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.


  1. Kalina is washed and juice is squeezed out of it.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the core, peel and cut into small slices.
  3. The slices are mixed with sugar, water is added and boiled until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Viburnum juice is added to apples, brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes. over low heat, stirring often and removing the resulting foam.
  5. The finished jam is poured hot into sterilized jars, corked and stored in a cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 0.5 kg;
  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.


  1. Kalina is washed, blanched for 5 minutes. in boiling water, rub through a sieve.
  2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.
  3. Shredded pumpkin is poured with water and boiled until softened over low heat.
  4. Boiled pumpkin is crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
  5. Viburnum puree, sugar are added to the pumpkin puree, everything is mixed well and left for 5-6 hours.
  6. After the specified time, the mixture is put on low heat and, after boiling for 30 minutes. after boiling, pour into sterilized jars and cork.
  7. Store jam in a dark cool room.
For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece (large);
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. Kalina is washed, blanched for 5 minutes. in boiling water.
  2. Sugar syrup is made from sugar and water and allowed to cool.
  3. Kalina is poured with cooled sugar syrup and left for 5 hours, after which the berries are taken out.
  4. The lemon is washed, the zest is rubbed on a fine grater, the juice is squeezed out of the pulp.
  5. Lemon zest and juice, vanilla sugar are added to viburnum syrup. Put the syrup on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  6. The viburnum berries are poured with ready-made syrup, put on low heat and, after boiling for 5 minutes (from the moment of boiling), leave for 5 hours.
  7. Then the jam is brought to a boil again and boiled for another 40 minutes. on low fire. Hot is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up and put away for storage in a dark, cool room.

Raw viburnum jam with orange

For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • orange - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. Viburnum berries are washed and crushed with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Oranges are thoroughly washed, peeled and also crushed in a meat grinder or in a blender.
  3. Crushed oranges and sugar are added to the viburnum puree, everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out in sterilized jars, covered with plastic lids and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Viburnum and rowan jam

For cooking you will need:
  • viburnum - 1 kg;
  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • water -1 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. The fruits of viburnum and mountain ash are washed, poured with water and boiled until the water boils away by half. By this time the berries should be soft.
  2. ,

Recipes with viburnum.

Kalina is a symbol of integrity, support, fortitude and courage. A lot can be said about her. After all, it gives us a good mood, strong immunity, a charge of vivacity. Let's open it from the other side, and learn a lot of new things.

Dried viburnum, useful properties

Kalina is a symbol of the sun, energy, activity. Any dishes from viburnum will provide an influx of energy into the body. It's very good immunostimulant but again in small doses.

People have long noticed that she is able to cure any disease. Berries contain:

  • iron
  • amino acids
  • a lot of vitamins
  • phytoncides that kill all pathogenic bacteria.

You need to collect these miracle berries right away after the first frost, they just at this time lose their bitterness and are saturated with microelements. To save all the vitamins you need:

  • Cut the berries carefully.
  • Dip in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • Then take them out of the water and leave to dry.
  • Can be dried in the oven if desired.

viburnum contraindicated people with low blood pressure, arthritis, high acidity, women who are carrying a child. For everyone else - it is simply irreplaceable! Love yourself and the gifts of nature!

Viburnum sauce for meat: recipe

The sauce is prepared as follows:

  • If you picked a viburnum directly from a bush, wash it and put it in the freezer for two hours so that the berries freeze and the bitterness disappears.
  • In order for the skin to become softer and the stone to separate easily, pour the berries for 5 minutes. in boiling water, thanks to this you can then very easily grind it into a puree.
  • After the berries have boiled, pour them into a sieve with large cells so that the pulp passes faster, grind.
  • Then pour the viburnum pulp into a saucepan, and cook for no more than 10 minutes, if you increase the time, the sauce will be more liquid.
  • Add sugar when it boils, add salt and spices to taste - it can be black and red pepper, if desired.
  • After boiling, boil for 10 minutes, add citric acid.

If you want to roll up in jars for the winter, then in a pre-sterilized liter jar pour the sauce, and sterilize for 30-35 minutes. The longer it sits, the tastier it will be.

Video: Mind-blowing viburnum sauce

Viburnum compote: recipe

In order to cook such a fragrant and very delicious compote that will delight your whole family does not require special culinary skills. First of all, you will need:

  • Berries - 750 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • 50 g sugar or 15 g honey
  • Take the berries, remove twigs and any damage, and rinse well under running water.
  • Squash them with a wooden spoon. Pour the juice that will stand out from the berries into a convenient container.
  • Boil water, let it cool, and only then pour the berries into it.
  • Put on fire, and cook for 15 minutes, while constantly stirring with a wooden spoon to preserve all the properties.
  • In the resulting compote, add juice, and sugar or honey.
  • If you want to close this compote for the winter, then thoroughly wash the jars and sterilize them.
  • Pour the compote into jars and roll up the lids.
  • Take to a cool place after complete cooling.

If you are not going to store the drink, then after cooling it is ready to drink. Do not be afraid to add spices to taste, they will emphasize the peculiarity and enhance the flavor.

Video: Viburnum compote for the winter

Kissel from viburnum

It is very easy to prepare it. For this you will need:

  • 3 glasses of viburnum
  • Quince yellow - 2 pcs. (it all depends on the number of servings)
  • Water - 4 l
  • 1.5 cups sugar (best to taste)
  • 3 art. l. starch

As well as in the preparation of compote:

  • Rinse the viburnum and separate the berries from the twigs.
  • Remove the seeds from the quince and cut into thin slices.
  • Pour the starch in advance with running water.
  • Throw sugar into boiling water, mix thoroughly, and only then put the rest of the ingredients prepared so far.
  • Boil everything for no more than 4 minutes.
  • Then add starch, stirring thoroughly over low heat.
  • After 2 min. compote is ready, remove it from the stove and cool.
  • While it has not frozen, pour it into beautiful molds, for decoration, when serving, you can decorate with clusters of viburnum.

All your relatives and friends will appreciate such a tasty and, most importantly, very healthy drink that goes well with buckwheat cookies or cherry desserts. surprise more often wonderful recipes your relatives, and they will definitely appreciate all your efforts.

Video: Healthy and tasty viburnum jelly

Fruit drink from viburnum: recipe

To please your friends with such a wonderful drink, take:

  • 0.5 l water
  • 300 g sugar
  • 0.5 kg viburnum

Cooking is not difficult at all:

  • Wash the berries and let dry.
  • Then pour the viburnum into the pan and mash with a wooden spatula.
  • Add water and mix thoroughly, and put on fire.
  • Pour the sugar and mix well again until it is completely dissolved.
  • Let it boil for a minute.
  • Now you can turn it off, cover with a lid and wait until it cools completely.

When the juice has cooled, strain it and enjoy the true taste and aroma.

You can also prepare this drink with the addition of various spices:

  • Crush fresh viburnum berries directly in a glass with a fork.
  • Then transfer to boiling water (as in the first recipe).
  • To get rid of bitterness, add 2 tbsp. l. cane sugar, mix well.
  • Then add fragrant spices to taste: cinnamon and star anise. And freshly squeezed orange juice will add a special piquancy to the fruit drink.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes.

A delicious and healthy drink is ready. Bon appetit everyone!

Video: Morse from viburnum

Pies and pie with viburnum: filling recipe

In order to cook pies with a taste like that of a grandmother, for the filling, take:

  • 500 g berries
  • 2-3 tbsp. l flour
  • 100 g sugar

Your next steps:

  • Put the viburnum in a bowl, drain the excess juice. It is very good for blood circulation, so do not pour it out, but drink it.
  • Then add flour and sugar to the berries, mix.
  • Roll out the dough and cut into pieces for future pies.
  • Put the stuffing prepared earlier in each pie. And mold the shape that you like the most.
  • Put the workpiece on a baking sheet, greasing it with vegetable oil in advance.
  • Leave them for 30 minutes, covered with a thin towel.
  • Next, preheat the oven to the desired temperature and place a baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes.

Very delicious pies with viburnum are ready! They can be safely pulled out of the oven and invite friends to visit. Serve with fragrant tea or others healthy drinks from viburnum.
To prepare the filling for the viburnum pie, take some more grapes. So the taste will be very unusual:

  • 200 g viburnum and grapes
  • 100 g sugar
  • egg yolk
  • lemon juice


  • Sort the viburnum, rinse and dry.
  • In a bowl, combine with grape slices. If the grapes are very large, cut them in half, removing the seeds.
  • Sprinkle with sugar, pour over lemon juice, mix thoroughly.
  • Lay carefully on the rolled out dough, cover with the second part of the dough.
  • Lubricate with yolk diluted with a little water.
  • Then bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

A pleasant combination of sweet and light bitterness gives the cake a special touch. Bon appetit everyone!

Video: Pies with viburnum

How to make viburnum jelly?

  • You only need sugar and viburnum in a ratio of 1: 2

Necessary actions:

  • Clean well-washed viburnum from twigs.
  • Then fill it with boiled water for 15 - 20 seconds to remove the bitterness.
  • The water must be warm so as not to kill everything healing properties this berry.
  • Strain through a saucepan using a coarsely grooved surface.
  • Gently squeeze the juice with a wooden pestle and mix with sugar. When the juice sits in the refrigerator, it will thicken and become jelly-like.
  • This juice, precisely due to pectin, which is very abundant in viburnum, will turn into natural jelly, without any preservatives. If seasoned with honey, the consistency will be more liquid, if with sugar, you will get a full-fledged jelly.

Despite the fact that you have prepared very delicious treat, remember that you can not abuse it! Everything should be in moderation. Use it for 1 tsp daily, and you will feel a charge of vivacity and inspiration.

Little kids will definitely appreciate this delicacy and look forward to a new day. Use the gifts of nature wisely and get great pleasure from it, a new charge of strength and energy for the whole day.

Video: Viburnum jelly

Jam from viburnum and apples: recipe

cook very delicious jam, very easy. You'll need:

  • 300 g viburnum
  • 1 kg apples and sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp cinnamon

Do the following:

  • Wash viburnum well, clean from twigs.
  • Remove bitterness with boiling water, as described earlier.
  • Wash the apples, cut the core and cut into small strips of medium thickness.
  • Pour them with water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes, so that the skin becomes soft.
  • When the apples are ready, grind them with a blender until a slurry is formed.
  • Combine viburnum with apples and add spices for taste. Cook until fully cooked.
  • Pour into jars, sterilize for 20 minutes. and roll up.

Now you don't need to be afraid of winter cold. Enjoy the spicy aroma and unsurpassed taste. Your family will definitely love this recipe. It doesn't require much effort. Even a novice hostess can handle it, the main thing is to have a great desire and do everything as written in the recipe.

Video: Jam from viburnum

Kvass from viburnum: recipe

Kvass has long been considered a cooling drink that brings real pleasure and wakes you up after sleep. One sip returns strength, gives vigor and uplifts the mood. Oh oh useful properties viburnum has been said a lot.

If you are still in doubt whether to do or not to do, then of course choose the first option. Only by preparing it, you will feel what many people talk about. And you can share it simple recipe with everyone. It will not take much time and effort from you, and the result will undoubtedly please you. For kvass you will need:

  • 10 liters of water
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 30 g yeast
  • 1 kg viburnum

Cooking kvass:

  • Fill a suitable pot with water.
  • Be sure to add malt, well-washed and selected viburnum and yeast.
  • When you mix all this in one container, it should not be very steep so that you can mix freely.
  • Simmer over low heat for at least 10 hours. After that, set aside to cool.
  • For further fermentation, transfer kvass to a warm place for 9 hours.
  • Healing kvass is ready.

Kvass from viburnum: a recipe without yeast

For a recipe without yeast, you will need half the ingredients than in the previous version:

  • Carefully sort the berries, wash and separate from the branches.
  • You can experiment and add some more berries. Kalina goes well with all kinds, adding its zest and unique taste.
  • While you are making berries, pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • Turn off the syrup and let it cool down a bit.
  • Mix with berries and leave for two days, covered with a thin mesh.
  • After two days, remove the mesh and again mix thoroughly and strain through the mesh, folding it into three layers.
  • Pour the resulting juice into jars, and set to ferment for another seven days.
  • Kvass is very useful, it helps to strengthen the whole body, get a boost of strength and prevent the manifestation of many diseases.

Natural, without any preservatives and dyes. Try to cook it yourself to see for yourself and recommend this recipe to your friends.

Tea with viburnum: useful properties, recipe

Tea is very relevant in the season of the spread of various colds. It's very easy to prepare.

First option:

  • As in all the previously described recipes, I carefully wash the berries, pick and crumple in ceramic dishes in order to preserve all the vitamins.
  • For 0.5 cups of fruit - 300 g of boiled water.
  • When the mixture has cooled, strain and add honey to taste.

Recipe two:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l fruit, and pour 1 cup boiling water.
  • After two hours, the fragrant brew is ready!
  • Add honey to taste to the slightly cooled tea and enjoy.
  • Such tea will not only relieve stress, but also perfectly strengthen your body.

Option three:

  • To all of the above, you can add mint.
  • Or complement the taste with a slice of lemon and regular black tea.

Fourth option:

  • For children who often get sick with a sore throat, you can brew a handful of sea buckthorn in a cup along with viburnum and give it to drink.
  • The tea is sour, very pleasant when the mucous membranes are affected, it removes inflammation and restores the circulatory system.
  • This decoction can also be drunk by adults. The main thing is to stick to the prescribed doses.

Whichever of the proposed recipes you cook, they all perfectly relieve stress after a hard day at work, strengthen the immune system and energize. Discover your favorite recipe and share with everyone.

Video: Miracle tea with viburnum for colds

Viburnum berry: distribution, types, composition, medicinal properties, benefits and harms. When to collect, how to store viburnum and what can be prepared from it.

Kalina is a red berry, the fruit of the plant of the same name, which is a shrub with pale pink or white flowers. According to one version, the tree owes its name to the bright color of the fruit, resembling red-hot metal. But the berries of other varieties can be painted in pink-orange and black.

In autumn, viburnum bushes become an ornament of parks and gardens, they are planted in school yards, grown in summer cottages and garden plots. But even more the tree is transformed in winter, when bright carmine clusters dress up in white caps of snow.

Species and distribution

About 140 species of viburnum grow in nature, but medicinal properties possesses only one - viburnum ordinary (viburnum red). The plant is unpretentious: it easily adapts to both cold and heat, without much difficulty endures both summer drought and winter frosts. But the most common viburnum is in the temperate zone - in Central and Asia Minor, Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Andes, Siberia and Madagascar. A moisture-loving and shade-tolerant tree grows mainly in deciduous, pine and mixed forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes, among swampy shrubs, in birch forests, in clearings, clearings and forest edges. In the warm regions of Ukraine and Russia, viburnum is found almost everywhere, the most common species are red viburnum, bare, expanded, Buryat, birch-leaved, cylindrical, Bureinskaya. In Russia, artificial landings can be found even in the north - in Ussuriysk, Arkhangelsk, Solikamsk, Kotlas and the Solovetsky Islands.

History and application

Viburnum berries are used to make juices, fruit drinks, jelly, jelly, jams, marmalade and raw jam. As a filling, it is added to pies, meat and poultry dishes. Kalina has long been used in peasant life: from young flexible branches, craftsmen wove wreaths, baskets, vases, barrels, boxes and other household utensils.

In Russia, viburnum was an indispensable participant in wedding ceremonies; in the old days, not a single folk festival could do without it. Viburnum branches were decorated with girlish wreaths and wedding loaves, and a bouquet of fiery red bunches was placed on the table in front of the young - as a symbol of a happy married life. Interestingly, viburnum is the only berry in which the bones are shaped like hearts. Among different peoples, this pretty tree is a symbol of maternal love, girlish beauty, and the warmth of the parental hearth. Previously, a viburnum bush was planted next to the house so that its inhabitants would live in goodness and prosperity.

The composition and calorie content of the berry

Kalina has a rich useful composition. Its fruits are diabetic products, they contain tannins, pectins, essential oils, phytoncides, organic acids, vitamins C, E, K, A, R. Viburnum contains a lot of valeric acid, there is folic acid, and there is 2 times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in this berry than in raspberries: this allows us to attribute viburnum, along with blueberries and wild rose, to the best means for blood renewal among wild plants.

Small red berries are also rich in minerals: potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, chromium, copper, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, iron, cobalt, etc. But the most valuable part of viburnum is viburnin glycoside: it gives the berries a bitter taste and provides them healing properties.

Caloric content of fresh viburnum - 26 kcal, dried - 200 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits and medicinal properties

People have known about the beneficial properties of viburnum berries since ancient times. healing power plants is enclosed in its bark, berries and flowers. Viburnum fruits are one of the best natural antibiotics. Decoctions prepared from them are useful for sore throat, cough, bronchitis, hypertension and heart disease. The abundance of tannins and pectins makes viburnum useful for normalizing the digestive tract, and a variety of vitamins and minerals - an excellent cure for psychological and mental trauma. Enough to eat one dessert spoon fresh berries daily to prevent digestive problems and ward off depression.

To strengthen the immune system, viburnum berries are ground with honey - this gruel will supply the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements. Kalina is indicated for stress, depression, beriberi, ulcers, gastritis, atherosclerosis, edema and kidney disease. Compresses from the juice of fresh berries are used to treat acne, remove freckles and age spots.

Kalina - how and when to collect?

Kalina is harvested after the first frost - then the obvious bitterness disappears, the berries acquire a pleasant tart taste, sweet, with a slight bitterness. In addition, in such berries, the concentration of nutrients is higher. But if it is not possible to wait until frost, use in a simple way. Collect the viburnum as soon as the berries turn a rich red color, and put it in the freezer for a short time - the effect will be exactly the same. And then you can do the processing or leave the berries frozen.

Kalina - how to store a healthy berry?

You can store viburnum frozen together with bunches, or by separating the berries from the twigs. Kalina should be washed under running water, dried. To make the berries take up less space, they are separated from the branches, poured onto a tray, put in the freezer and frozen. Then they are packed into bags.

You can store viburnum without freezing. In this case, the collected berries do not need to be washed. Clusters of viburnum are tied into small bundles and hung in a cool place - on the balcony, in the attic. But the balcony must be glazed, otherwise the birds will decide that a feeder has been organized for them.

For more long-term storage viburnum can be dried. To do this, the berries are first dried (they are not separated from the stalks), then they are dried in the oven at a temperature of 40-55 degrees. After drying, they are separated from the branches and stored in linen bags in a cool place.

Kalina - what can be prepared from it?

Recipe 1. Viburnum mashed with sugar. Cooking is somewhat troublesome, but as a result you get delicious jelly, very very useful. Kalina needs to be washed, separated from the twigs, put in a saucepan and crushed with a crush. Now put a colander on a tall saucepan, put viburnum in small portions and wipe with a wooden spoon. The pulp and juice will drain into the pan, and the cake will remain. Don't throw it away! When all the berries are rubbed, add sugar to taste. Usually, 500 grams of sugar is enough for a liter of viburnum puree, but this is a matter of taste. Let the sugar dissolve, put the viburnum in jars, put it in the refrigerator. Pour the cake with water, add sugar and cook the compote.

Recipe 2. Viburnum jelly. Pour a kilogram of berries for five minutes with boiling water. Drain in a colander to drain the water and transfer to an enamel bowl. Pour warm water (30-40 degrees), wait until the berries become soft. After that, wipe the berries in the same way as in the previous recipe. Mix berry puree with sugar (proportions 1:1) and cook over low heat for about an hour. Arrange in banks, roll up. There are fewer vitamins in jelly, but it can be stored for a very long time.

Recipe 3. Viburnum syrup. For a kilogram of berries, you need 500 grams of sugar and a liter of water. Wipe the berries through a sieve, pour the cake with a liter of boiling water and strain. Combine liquid with berry puree, heat, add sugar and simmer over low heat for five minutes. Pour into bottles and add to tea to taste.

Pay special attention to the first recipe, where the berries are not cooked. You will spend no more time than on other recipes, but with this method of preparation, viburnum retains all its useful and medicinal properties.

Contraindications and harm viburnum

Most species of viburnum have poisonous fruits. But even edible berries can be harmful to health if eaten in handfuls without a sense of proportion.

Viburnum is contraindicated for pregnant women, hypotensive patients, people suffering from high acidity of gastric juice, suffering from gout, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, having stones in bladder and ducts. Also, you can not use this natural medicine for serious kidney disease and a tendency to increased blood clotting.

Viburnum ordinary - an unusual berry. In spring, we admire its white color, enjoy its unusual aroma, and on dull autumn days, bright red clusters cheer us up. We believe that viburnum represents beauty, love and kindness. We prepare a healing potion from it, because in addition to aesthetic pleasure, the plant has great health benefits.

- a natural healer, folk healer, and for many families - also a talisman. Let this wonderful bush decorate your garden, give joy and health to loved ones, bring peace and prosperity to your home!

Only in late autumn do we remember about the recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter - in the deserted gardens, red clusters of viburnum bloom until frost. Do not be too lazy to make healthy vitamin treats from these wonderful fruits - faithful helpers in the fight against winter colds and bronchitis.

Kalina red recipes for the winter

Kalina is an unusual berry, because it was not for nothing that our ancestors considered it a cure for all diseases. Whether it will be a rare variety of viburnum with burgundy berries, or elegant red viburnum - recipes for the winter of jam, fruit drink, juice are passed on in every family from generation to generation. Often we remember the cherished jars when we get sick or get sick colds(for which winter days are so generous) our children. A spoonful of viburnum jam in tea or frozen viburnum berries grated with sugar will help you recover much faster. But let's treat viburnum, not only as an effective remedy, but also as, all the secrets of cooking which we will learn.

If you ask a modern housewife how to store any berries, vegetables or fruits for the winter in order to leave the maximum amount of all useful substances in them, then we will get the same answer - freeze. In the days of our grandmothers, refrigerator freezers were so small that the very idea of ​​storing crops in them seemed ridiculous. Now, when our freezers are large and spacious, do not require defrosting, we can safely subject part of the harvest to the freezing procedure. That's just to do it according to all the rules.

Freezing is beneficial for viburnum - it gets rid of bitterness that we do not need. We cut off the bunches of viburnum from the bush, without separating the berries from the twigs. With such bunches, I carefully wash it so that there is no dirt left on the berries, we look through the bunch, getting rid of crumpled berries that begin to rot. It is advisable to freeze the berries no later than two hours after picking them. No, it will not deteriorate at all during this time, because the viburnum is stored for a long time in the refrigerator, and not just in the freezer. Just by hurrying, you will have time to save the maximum amount of all useful substances in red berries. Having distributed the clusters in sealed plastic bags, we send them to the freezer for a quick freeze. In order to save space, after freezing, you can separate the berries from the branches and send them back to the bag, but in bulk. Frozen berries can be used as a component of which help us fight disease.

One more healthy recipe- viburnum ice. Viburnum juice or just berries are poured with water and poured into molds. This ice can be used to wipe the face, and also used for soft drinks.

Kalina cooking recipes for the winter

But as we remember, we need not only the benefits of viburnum, but also its delicate, noble taste. The task of all users viburnum cooking recipes for the winter is to preserve its natural taste, not clogging it in any way with other tastes. The simplest recipe is viburnum grated with granulated sugar.

Kalina may well replace us with sweets or ascorbic vitamins if you make the next treat - viburnum in powdered sugar. To do this, we need to cook sugar syrup from 100 ml of water and 300 grams of sweet sugar. You can add a small amount of citric acid to this mixture. We dip clean and dry berries one by one into sugar syrup, extract and roll in powdered sugar. Place the resulting dragees on a flat surface and room temperature dry for 6-8 hours. We put the finished sweets in cardboard boxes. Sweets can be stored at room temperature. Another type of sweets, when viburnum berries are dipped in warm honey and also dried. we already know, but in this case it plays the role of a preservative for viburnum berries.

Viburnum ordinary recipes for the winter

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins viburnum vulgaris, recipes for the winter very often represented by the so-called "raw" recipes, that is, those that exclude heat treatment berries. Own sour viburnum juice + sugar provide the necessary preservation of the finished product.

So, one of the most delicious recipes for blanks for the winter viburnum with a photo- raw viburnum jam with orange. For him, wash and dry the viburnum berries with paper towels, put them in a bowl. At the same time, in a separate bowl, place an orange cut into small cubes, pulp and zest together. We fill the viburnum berries with sugar at the rate of 1: 1, set aside for several hours until the viburnum releases a sufficient amount of juice. After that, mix the viburnum with orange cubes (by this time they also allocated a sufficient amount of sour juice). ready mix stir with a spoon to help the sugar dissolve faster. You can store such raw jam in a jar in the refrigerator, use it as an independent treat or dilute it with water. And if you add more sugar (the proportion will be 1.5: 1), then you can safely store the rolled up jars at room temperature. Together with an orange, you can use and which will complement the benefits of viburnum.

You probably noticed that in the previous, and in many other cooking methods viburnum vulgaris, recipes for the winter with photos which we have dismantled and will dismantle, the bones are not removed from the jam. The thing is that not only the pulp of viburnum berries is considered healing, but also its bones. Therefore, you should also include them in your diet, use jam with seeds in your usual for us.

Kalina - recipes for the winter

Traditional jams, jelly, marmalade viburnum - recipes for the winter from this berry simply cannot be counted. The most delicious sweets can be prepared if you first steam the viburnum, give it the opportunity to simmer in own juice.

My viburnum berries and place in a heat-resistant pan, without sugar and water. We put the pan on a small (170-180) fire in the oven and steam it in our own juice for a sufficient time. In this case, the berries should become soft, turn into a homogeneous mass. Pour the finished berry puree with sugar syrup (at least 800 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries per 200 ml of water) and put on fire. On a small fire, the jam is already being prepared traditional way- in two doses until boiling. The break between “approaches” is about eight hours, so that the berries have time to completely cool and infuse. Pour the finished hot jam into jars and sterilize.

The process of making viburnum jam is even longer, but the result of your efforts will be highly appreciated by the household. To prepare jam, we need 3 kilograms of fresh pure viburnum berries and sugar to taste (weight in the range from a kilogram to two, depending on how much you have a sweet tooth). Since for jam we need to rid the berries of seeds and skins, and do it with fresh berries not easy, we will boil the berries first. Just fill all the berries with clean cold water (just to cover the surface of the berries) and put on fire. When the berries become soft, turn off the fire. We wipe the viburnum along with the broth through a sieve. Since the berries contain coloring pigments, it is better to carry out this procedure with gloves. As a result, after considerable effort, we got berry puree. We need to boil it, get rid of excess liquid. We add all our granulated sugar to the berries and put on fire. Five minutes after boiling, you can turn off the jam and pack in jars. The jam will turn out to be quite thick, so use small jars for preservation so that you don’t suffer later in the process of getting treats.

We mentioned natural viburnum treats that can replace our usual sweets. Another one of this number is pastille. It is prepared on the basis of jam, which you prepared according to the previous recipe. Jam is poured with a layer of 2 millimeters into a heat-resistant baking dish (ceramic), which is moistened with water and put in the oven on a very small fire (50-60 degrees) for several hours. The finished marshmallow is rolled in powdered sugar, chopped nuts and any other topping. You can eat it right away, or you can prepare it for future use by putting it in a jar and closing it tightly with a lid.

Delicious viburnum - recipes for cooking for the winter

What other ways are there to include in your diet delicious viburnum. Recipes for the winter also include a number of tinctures, wines with the use of viburnum berries. Whether such preservation is considered healthy or not is a private matter, but we will share the recipe for viburnum tincture.

To prepare the tincture, we need a liter of water, half a kilogram of berries and a liter of alcohol or vodka. Knead the berries with a mallet so that they let the juice go, fall asleep in a three-liter jar, pour water and alcohol. The more water there is, the lower the degree of the final product will be. Under a plastic lid, the tincture stands for a week, it is advisable to shake its contents every day. After careful straining, we get a ready-made tincture, which we can pour into bottles. It should be used as a drug, that is, no more than 100 grams per day.

Another useful recipe is viburnum sauce, which is suitable for

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Red viburnum is a beautiful shrub whose berries have a healing effect. Few people know, but from its fruits you can make not only tasty and healthy juice but also a wide range of other products. Where is red viburnum used? Recipes for the winter, harvesting viburnum - this is an opportunity to stock up on healing compounds that will support the body in the difficult cold season.

Kalina is an amazing shrub, as its fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and radionuclides. Therefore, you can prepare for the winter, colds and simply strengthen your immunity with sweet and very healthy foods. Viburnum is harvested for the winter, recipes involve the use of not only fruits directly, but also viburnum flowers, seeds, leaves and bark. Each of these remedies is useful for a specific disease - from cardiovascular to infectious, with bronchial asthma or high blood pressure.

How to collect?

Preparations for the winter from viburnum must be done taking into account some features. How? First you need to properly collect the berries. Experts advise doing this immediately after the first frost: the fruits of the shrub themselves are too bitter, and after light frosts the bitterness disappears, the berries become sweeter. You need to collect them in dry weather, and carefully cut the brushes with scissors without shaking off the berries. The collected fruits must be carefully folded. You can store the harvested crop in different ways:

But most often, viburnum is harvested for the winter in the form of various conservation.

Let's start with juice

Viburnum juice is a great way to fight a cold. There are a huge number of ways to harvest it, but we note that with such processing, useful substances are concentrated in the berries. You can prepare juice with the addition of sugar, sugar syrup, and sour lovers can refuse such components. There are a huge number of recipes for blanks for the winter from viburnum, but in order to properly prepare them, you need to take into account a number of rules:

  1. Berries should be washed thoroughly.
  2. Then the fruits are thoroughly squeezed and filtered - this allows you to remove excess bitterness from them.
  3. For greater safety, honey can also be added to the juice - in a ratio of 1: 1.

In the simplest version, the juice is prepared as follows. First, whole berries are pre-boiled until softened. We drain the water and squeeze the juice, which is given about three hours to settle. Now is the time to add granulated sugar - 125 g per liter. The whole composition is heated over low heat until the sugar dissolves, then you need to strain the product and quickly pour it into the jars.

The original recipe is viburnum juice with honey. It will appeal to those who do not eat sugar. To make juice, just one kilogram of viburnum berries, a glass of water and honey (we add it to taste) are enough. Many recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter suggest the presence of such a component as honey. This is explained by the desire to remove the bitterness of the berry and give the product some piquancy. After selection, the berries are washed and scalded, passed through a juicer. Water, honey are added to the finished juice, the whole product is mixed and put on fire. You can drink viburnum juice in its pure form, or you can use it in the preparation of sweets - marmalade or marshmallows.


If you like unusual tastes, then you will definitely like viburnum. Recipes for the winter harvesting viburnum allow you to make a variety of. Jam is one of the common products. There are a lot of recipes, consider the most popular.

With sugar

To make jam according to this recipe, you will need a kilogram of berries, 1.3 kg of sugar and a glass of water. When cooking, washed and dried berries are used, which are first blanched for five minutes in boiling water. Sugar and water are mixed to obtain a syrup, which is poured over the prepared berries. In this form, the composition is left for about 12 hours. Then it should be boiled over low heat, wait until it boils, but do not forget to periodically remove the foam. Hot jam is poured into jars.

With oranges

Preparations for the winter of red viburnum are an opportunity to pamper yourself in the autumn and winter cold with healthy delicacies that are also very tasty. A special flavor can be given to this product if you mix viburnum with oranges. It is not a shame to put such jam on the table - it turns out to be so beautiful in appearance. To prepare a delicacy, we need one and a half kilograms of fresh viburnum, a few oranges and two kilograms of sand. Kalina is separated from the branches, washed, and then crushed in a combine or blender. We get berry puree, where granulated sugar will be added first. Make sure the mixture is well mixed. We are waiting for all the sugar to dissolve. Now my oranges, cut them into quarters, you can pass them through a blender or peel them. It turns out mashed potatoes, in which we add viburnum with sugar and mix again - our delicious jam is ready! It remains to decompose it into banks, roll up and put away in a cold place.

with an apple

Kalina red for the winter can be harvested in many ways. Many cannot consume products from this berry in its pure form, so we offer a recipe for delicious jam, in which apples are added. For cooking, the following ingredients are needed: two kilograms of viburnum, five kilograms of apples and granulated sugar. Viburnum berries are separated from the branches, moved, washed, put in a bowl, where they need to be crushed until a puree consistency is obtained. We take a bowl, put gauze on its bottom, transfer the puree here, and carefully filter the viburnum juice. We don't need puree.

We take apples and wash them, get rid of the seeds, cut them thinly. We put the apple slices in a saucepan, cover with sugar, after which the composition is simmered over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved in it. Remove the pan and wait for the applesauce to cool. Add viburnum juice to the cooled puree, mix and send it to the fire again. The mass boiled, so you need to immediately turn off the fire, and quickly spread the jam in jars.

Lemon with vanilla

To make the taste of viburnum jam even tastier, you can add aromatic ingredients such as lemon and vanilla sugar to it. This combination will amaze any gourmet who loves the combination of sweet aromas and sourness. In addition to the traditional viburnum, granulated sugar and water, we only need one lemon and a pinch of vanilla sugar. It is the combination of taste and aroma of these last ingredients that gives the overall refined taste.

First we need to prepare the berries. The berries are carefully separated from the twigs and washed under saline. It is done like this: a tablespoon of table salt is added to a liter of water, the solution is thoroughly mixed. Now it's time to start the sugar syrup: after mixing water with sugar, bring the mass to a boil, put the berries in it and leave it like this for five to six hours. While we wait, prepare the rest of the ingredients: peel the lemon, squeeze the juice out of it.

Now you need to get the viburnum from the syrup and add the zest there, put the mixture on the stove and wait for it to boil. After that, the syrup is boiled for about five minutes and filtered through layers of gauze or a sieve. Syrup and viburnum are combined in a separate bowl, the mixture is cooked slowly for about 8 minutes. Let the mass cool down - this may take up to four hours. Now we put the jam on the stove again and wait until it boils, then cook until ready. At the very end of the process, add lemon juice, vanilla, mix the ingredients thoroughly. We can state the readiness of the most delicious jam, which will attract the attention of everyone with its aroma! It remains to decompose it into banks!

with pumpkin

Harvesting red viburnum for the winter is an opportunity to make the most unexpected products that will remind you of summer in the cold season. Unusual jam can be cooked from viburnum, if you add pumpkin to it. To create this culinary masterpiece, you will need one kilogram of viburnum and pumpkin, a glass of water and one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar. The most interesting thing in this recipe is that both berries and branches will go into the pan, just rinse them and select the good ones.

In the meantime, it's time for the pumpkin. We clean it well and get rid of the peel, seeds. Cut the flesh into small pieces to make it easier to boil them. We send the pieces of pumpkin to the pan and boil it until soft in a small amount of water. You can use a blender, a regular sieve, or a food processor to grind softened pumpkin. Washed berries, and we take them along with twigs, grind with a sieve or several layers of gauze. We get mashed potatoes, which must be added to the berry mass, and then add sugar. We wait a couple of hours until the mass is mixed, then cook the product over low heat for about 40 minutes, remembering to constantly stir and remove the foam as it forms.

viburnum syrup

Various products can be used to treat and prevent many diseases. Original recipes for the winter using red viburnum are syrups that can be added to pancakes, ice cream, jelly. Harvesting the product should be done in late autumn, after the first frost. If you plan to take the composition as a prophylactic, then you need to do this in a course - three weeks, one tablespoon of syrup three times a day.

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