Home Porridge Cold smoked halibut dishes recipes. Halibut, cutting and smoking. Do-it-yourself hot smoking

Cold smoked halibut dishes recipes. Halibut, cutting and smoking. Do-it-yourself hot smoking

One of the representatives of the flounder family is halibut, which is also called sole. The asymmetry of the skull characteristic of this family is present in halibut, but it is not as noticeable as, for example,. The body is shaped like an oval, it is flat and elongated along the ridge. The dorsal fin begins almost above the upper eye and stretches along the entire body. On the opposite side, in the area of ​​the pectoral fins, a characteristic bend is noted on the body of the halibut.

The species includes three known genera:

  1. White-skinned halibuts are listed in the Red Book; they are giants, as they reach up to 4 meters or more in length. This also includes Atlantic halibut.
  2. The Arrowtooth halibut genus is represented by Asian and American species; these fish do not grow more than 80, while their weight varies within 3 kg.
  3. The black halibut gave its name to the genus; as the only representative, it will be larger than the Asian halibut, and its mass amounts to tens of kilograms.

The habitat of halibut is the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but black halibut can be found in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as in the Bering and Barents Seas. This habitat is associated with an abundance of animal food, because halibut is a predator. In addition to small plankton, he does not mind eating cod, sand lance, herring or pollock. The body shape, similar to that of a flounder, suggests that the halibut is considered a bottom-dwelling fish. In some reservoirs, its activity is carried out at a depth of up to 700 meters. The average life expectancy of our “hero” is 25-30 years.

Useful properties of fish meat

White halibut is considered the most expensive fish of the family in question. Its meat has exceptional benefits for the body, and is not only famous for its sour taste. The catch of these representatives is not commercial in nature, since this fish is already on the verge of complete extinction. Those individuals that we meet on the counter belong to the arrow-toothed or blue-barked representatives. Despite its somewhat greater availability, halibut is very expensive for the average consumer. But it is good as any dish, and its caviar is sold as a separate snack.

Halibut stands out among other fish due to its unusually white flesh. At the same time, its taste qualities correspond to its outlandish status.

The high fat content makes the fish very delicate in taste. Liver fat will replenish the supply of vitamin A. Compared to the fat content in the liver of other fish, there is 200 times more fat here. Omega-3 acids are a life-saving miracle for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Do not forget about other vitamins, these are groups D, B, E, as well as nicotinic and glutamic acid.

With high fat content, the calorie content of halibut per 100 grams is only 140 thousand calories. With such indicators it can be considered dietary nutrition. It consists of 80% water. There is quite a lot of protein in halibut meat; they account for 19% of the total mass.

Protein has no effect on weight gain, although it is a building material in the body; it, along with fats, is absorbed in a short time. That tiny proportion of carbohydrates that is present in fish is not even taken into account. But microelements really benefit the body, because they reach us in their pure form.

Perhaps no other product can boast such a set of quite rare and valuable elements such as selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, molybdenum, iodine.

Any fish in large quantities is contraindicated for humans. Halibut was no exception. Fish smoked at home contains carcinogens, so it should be consumed with caution by people suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. But if you use the product as a snack, you can get a specific aroma, great taste, health benefits and a reason to feast.

Do-it-yourself hot smoking

Smoking halibut at home is available to everyone who has a private home or cottage. You can consider the option with liquid smoke, however, this process cannot be called smoking. Any smoking is accompanied by natural smoke passing through the fibers of the product. It is a good preservative, so it prevents the product from developing microbes.

The essence of preparing fish for smoking is that it is treated with salt and spices. But it is salt that removes moisture from the fibers, affecting the structure of fish meat.

By and large, properly salted fish is ready to eat, it is easily digested and harmless. But salting is followed by smoke treatment.

It turns out everyone's favorite product that can be stored well in the refrigerator. But this only applies to cold-cooked fish. Hot smoked halibut should be consumed as quickly as possible.

Fish is rarely found on sale chilled. Due to long transportation, the fish have to be frozen so that it does not disappear. Naturally, this does not benefit the preservation of vitamins and somewhat changes the taste. But if you prepare the smoked delicacy yourself, you can save a lot of money. In addition, hot smoked halibut is almost impossible to find in stores.

To prepare the carcasses, you need to follow the basic instructions step by step. Fish is quite expensive, and hardly anyone would agree to risk such money. The entire cooking process is divided into several stages: cutting the carcasses, salting and smoking itself.

You will have to skip the first stage, since the halibut is sold gutted. It is advisable to cut the carcass into strips of 7 cm, since large dimensions of the fish will require an appropriate size from the smokehouse. In addition, such cuts will be smoked in a matter of minutes, which will allow you to organize outdoor recreation and quickly get to the table.

The recipe for salting fish is based on dry marinating.

  • Coarse salt is poured into a suitable container.
  • Black, red pepper and chopped bay leaf are added to taste.
  • The mixture is rubbed into the halibut pieces, making sure there is enough salt to cover each piece.
  • The carcasses are wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Subsequently, excess salt is removed from the carcasses with a towel or napkin.
  • The salted fish is lightly aired to remove moisture. The duration of this procedure can be determined by the appearance of the pieces. If they begin to turn gray and dry out, then it’s time to start smoking the halibut.

The fire in the barbecue is lit in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to control the temperature of the smoke. Some experts advise not to start smoking until all the wood has turned into coals. Sawdust or wood chips are placed in the smoking box. It is better to use alder chips, as they contain less resin. The smoke temperature reaches 120°C degrees.

Under such conditions, fat and juice will certainly be released from the carcasses. If they get on sawdust, an unpleasant burning smell will appear. It is recommended to build a tray under the sieves. The sieves themselves are lubricated with oil to make it easier to remove the fish.

The smoking process at high temperatures is not that long. After 25-30 minutes, you should check the degree of readiness of the halibut. The smokehouse lid opens slightly and you can try to tear off the fin; it should come off easily if the dish is cooked. After the cooking process has come to an end, it is recommended to cool the fish. It tastes best when cold. It is advisable to eat the resulting delicacy immediately, since it will not be possible to preserve it for a long time.

Cold smoking

The store sells smoked halibut, this is the so-called cold smoking. Recipes self-cooking more in demand and popular.

  • Firstly, cold smoked halibut retains its original taste.
  • Secondly, meat without heat treatment retains more nutrients, it remains high in calories and nutrition.
  • Thirdly, the shelf life of fish smoked using this method in the refrigerator reaches several weeks.

The halibut carcass for cold smoking should be as fatty as possible. After selecting and defrosting the fish, you need to measure its mass. The marinating mixture is made according to the following proportions: per kilogram of fish, take 20 g of salt, as well as 5 g of sugar. The resulting dry marinade must be thoroughly rubbed into each carcass. After this, the halibut is moistened with lemon juice and stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. From time to time it is necessary to stir the fish for uniform salting. The color of the future dish can be improved with onion broth. The fish should be soaked in it for at least half an hour.

Before smoking, you need to dry the fish. The less moisture remains in the fibers, the less likely it is that an expensive product will spoil. Please note that halibut attracts not only people, but also insects, so during the drying period you will have to ensure the integrity of the fish.

Cold smoking will last a day. This is the distinctive feature of halibut, since other fish can be smoked for several days. The smokehouse device allows you to treat the fish with smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed 25°C degrees. The smoking process must not be interrupted to prevent the halibut from spoiling. Especially large pieces can be cut so that the meat is smoked throughout its entire thickness.

Smoked halibut is served as an appetizer. It cannot be consumed as a main dish due to its high fat content. But it goes perfectly with any dish. Due to the special fiber structure of halibut meat, it does not require long-term salting or energy-intensive smoking. The yellowish tint that appears on the fibers indicates that it is time to remove the fish from the smokehouse and send it for airing. This must be done, otherwise a bitter taste will appear.

Country smokehouse. From the construction of the smokehouse to proper preparation and food storage Kozlov Anton Valerievich

Cold smoked halibut

Cold smoked halibut

Halibut fillet pieces are salted and sprinkled with black pepper. Salting time is 12 hours. Then the pieces of fish are washed, cleared of pepper and placed on a sieve. Smoked in 2 stages. The first stage is 4 hours. Before the next stage, the fillet is moistened with a cloth soaked in vodka and sprinkled with a mixture of white and black pepper. The second stage is 18 hours of smoking.

The most delicious smoked fish is fresh, fresh from the smokehouse! But if there is a need to store fish, you should remember that smoked fish Store in a clean, dry place at a constant temperature of 3 °C. Storage in the refrigerator without special packaging is acceptable for no more than one week. The fish has a pronounced taste during the first 3 days after smoking; as it is stored, the quality of the fish is lost.

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Using a very sharp knife, make a cut from head to tail along the ridge. We make an incision to separate the abdomen. We make an incision along the fins from head to tail. And another cut near the head.

We separate the fillet from the bones, pressing a very sharp knife against them as much as possible.

We also separate the second fillet.

Turn the fish over and separate the two fillets from the other side in the same way. So we got four fillets and fish soup.

I cut the halibut into fillets and left one piece to smoke. I have long been interested in the technology of smoking in a frying pan. The halibut was salted, wrapped in film and left in the refrigerator overnight.
Smoking halibut
The next day. Prepare the mixture for smoking: 3 tablespoons of alder chips, 2 tablespoons. Chinese tea with smoked taste, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. sugar, a few peppercorns (crush). Wrap the mixture in foil in an envelope and make holes with a knife (4-6) in the upper part. Make sure not to puncture the bottom layer.
Now you need a suitable frying pan with a tight-fitting lid and some kind of stand on legs. I have a stand for sterilizing jars somewhere, but I couldn’t find it, I took a stand for an alcohol lamp, of course it’s not ice, but for the first time I thought it would be fine. You can adapt some kind of grating...

Place a foil envelope in the pan. Now the stand has legs.
She laid fish on it. Now turn on high heat and close the lid, wait 7-10 minutes so that our wood chips and tea begin to smolder. The pan will become hot. Then turn the heat down and, without opening the lid, cook for another 10-15 minutes. Fish is a very delicate product, so it reaches full culinary readiness after 15 minutes of hot smoking. Turn off the heat and leave for 30-40 minutes, again without opening the lid.
And then....

In conclusion, I will say that the cooking time depends on the fish. It took my orphan piece 10 minutes to turn golden. That's all. In the last lines I hasten to say that.... the taste is extraordinary, although I would like the fish to be denser, it's still a little loose, but that depends on the fish.

One of the most delicious products obtained using the cold smoking method of fish is, without a doubt, halibut. This is a fish of the flounder family, very fatty.

Cold-smoked halibut acquires an exceptional taste, rightfully elevating this product to the elite category. Therefore, cold smoked halibut in stores is very expensive, although it is not as rare as it was just a dozen years ago.

If you really love cold-smoked halibut, you can learn to cook it yourself using the automatic “Dachnik”. The name itself suggests where it can be used, since such a device, of course, cannot be placed in a city apartment.

She will do the most tedious and time-consuming part of the work for you - she will monitor the adjustment of the required parameters, because cold smoking halibut requires smoke of a certain temperature and quite a lot of time.

The process of cold smoking halibut is quite complex, so when you enjoy the taste of the finished product, you understand why it costs so much.

Cooking process cold smoked halibut

So. For smoking, take halibut weighing approximately 3 kg. It is cut into fillet pieces, which are salted and, additionally, a little black pepper is added. Salting continues for 12 hours. Then you need to rinse the salted fillet pieces for at least 3 hours, and carefully remove the pepper. That's it, the halibut is ready for smoking.

Now the pieces of fish are placed on a sieve, placed in the smoking chamber, the “Dachnik” smokehouse is activated and smoked for 4 hours. Attention! After 4 hours, you need to remove the pieces of fish from the smokehouse and blot them with a cloth soaked in... vodka! Now sprinkle again with a mixture of white and black pepper and return to the smokehouse, where the process will continue for another 18 hours. That is, compared to other fish, cold smoking of halibut is carried out relatively quickly.

The temperature of the smoke is kept within 25-30 degrees; if it is lower, the duration of exposure will be longer.

Of course, every smoking lover has his own little tricks and secrets; you can’t tell everything. But it can be argued that if you get carried away by this business, then you will soon have your own little secrets and special recipes, the execution of which gets better and better from time to time will be facilitated by such a wonderful thing as. After all, another big advantage should be considered the repeatability of the result, which can extremely rarely be obtained using a homemade smokehouse.

Halibut – white fatty fish. For those who love fish, this is a real delicacy. It is wonderful in any form: fried, boiled, salted. But smoked halibut is considered especially tasty. It can be used as great snack, add to salads or use for canapés and sandwiches. You can cook halibut yourself in several ways - in a hot smokehouse, cold smokehouse using liquid smoke. This process is not entirely simple, but the result will appeal to gourmets.

Composition, calorie content of smoked halibut

In addition to their excellent taste qualities, halibut is considered a very valuable fish. It is beneficial for the presence of a large amount of omega-3 acids, which are indispensable for the health and strengthening of the body. Also, halibut has a rich composition of vitamins and minerals.

Most of the fish fillet is easily digestible protein. The product is easily digested, absorbed, and does not cause heaviness in the stomach. But it is recommended to consume it in small portions, since the calorie content is quite high.

For 100 g of smoked product there is:

  • Protein – 15.74 g.
  • Fat – 15.30 g.
  • There are no carbohydrates.
  • Calorie content is 213 kcal.

Consumption of fish is contraindicated for those with individual intolerance and for young children.

Hot smoked halibut

To cook using the hot method, you will need a small home smokehouse, some spices, and alder wood chips.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the fish and dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Cut into portions of 7-8 cm.
  • Mix salt and a little black pepper. Generously rub the pieces with the resulting mixture and place in a cool place for 3-4 minutes.
  • Place a handful of wood chips in the smokehouse and place a fat tray on top of it. Pour a little water onto the pan so that the dripping fat does not burn.
  • Place foil on the grill so that the fish can be easily removed later. Be sure to make holes in the foil to allow liquid to drain.
  • Place the steaks on the grill and close the smoker.
  • Cook for 30 minutes. Then let cool slightly and serve, garnished with herbs and lemon.

Hot smoked halibut can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. You can extend the period by using the freezer. Then it will be edible for a month.

Cold smoked halibut

For the cold smoking method, a special smokehouse is required. It can be either home-made or purchased in a store. Now you can purchase a domestically produced device at an affordable price, which is not inferior to foreign analogues. Cooking food in such a smokehouse greatly simplifies the process and does not require constant monitoring or special skills. In addition to the smokehouse, you will need sawdust and some spices.


  • Choose a good fatty fish, weighing about 3 kg.
  • Wash it, dry it, cut it into steaks.
  • Rub thoroughly on all sides with coarse salt, you can add a little of your favorite spices.
  • Place the steaks in a container and refrigerate for 12 hours.
  • Wash off any remaining salt and let the fish dry.
  • Load steaks into smoker. After 4 hours, remove and blot with a napkin previously moistened with vodka or dry white wine.
  • Then place back and cook for another 18 hours. The smoke temperature should be kept at 25-30 degrees. If the temperature is lower (20-22 degrees), smoke for 3 hours longer.
  • Hang the finished steaks in a draft. There they should dry for about 12 hours. During this time Strong smell will fade and the taste will become richer.

This dish can be stored for a long time. The timing depends on how the fish is stored. If you first wrap it in food parchment and place it in the refrigerator, it will be usable for 30-40 days. When frozen, fish can be preserved for up to 9 months.

Recipe with liquid smoke

The taste of this dish will be reminiscent of cold smoked halibut. However, preparing fish is much easier and faster. Using liquid smoke is considered harmful, but in small doses this ingredient will not cause any harm.

Will need:

  • Halibut carcass.
  • A handful of onion peels.
  • Sugar, salt.
  • Liquid smoke.
  • Water.
  • Lemon juice.


Rinse the whole carcass and dry with a towel. Prepare the curing mixture: 30 g of salt + 5 g of sugar per 1 kg of halibut. Rub the carcass on all sides with the dry marinade, sprinkle with lemon juice (1 tablespoon is enough). Place in a suitable container, cover, and refrigerate for 3 days. During marinating, the carcass must be turned several times to ensure even salting.

Halibut is a tasty, tender, fatty white fish. This appetizer will take pride of place on any table, because smoked halibut is an elite delicacy. It appeared on the public market about ten years ago, and today it can be purchased in almost every fish store, but it is by no means cheap. Much more profitable. This can be done in an electric smokehouse both at home and in the country. When smoking at home, you are confident in the quality and freshness of the selected fish, and for excellent taste, you can also add your favorite spices.

Halibut should be included in the diet from time to time, since it is rich in vitamins, Omega-3 acids, and thanks to the method of processing with smoke, the beneficial substances are preserved almost in full.

Cooking cold-smoked halibut is quite difficult, but the most delicate taste completely pays for all the effort. The finished dish will become a complete cold appetizer or an ingredient in a salad, but more on that later, first you need to smoke it.

Cooking cold smoked halibut according to a traditional recipe

We choose a fatty carcass weighing about three kilograms. Cut into pieces, salt and pepper. Choose. In order for the fillet pieces to be well salted, you need to wait 12 hours. We thoroughly wash the fish for half an hour, dry it and start smoking.

Place the pieces on a sieve so that they do not touch each other - this is necessary for good air circulation. In the “Dachnik” smokehouse, halibut is smoked for 22 hours. An important point: after 4 hours, the fish must be taken out and blotted with a clean cloth soaked in white wine or vodka. Place the halibut back in the smoker, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers (black and white work well) and smoke for another 18 hours.

Compared to other types of fish, halibut smokes quickly. It is important to monitor the temperature of the smoke; it should be within +25-30 degrees. The lower the temperature, the longer you need to smoke. So, at +20 degrees white fish smoked for at least 25 hours. It is convenient to monitor the temperature in the smokehouse using a special thermometer.

Each smoker has his own secrets for preparing delicacies; it all depends on the existing smokehouse, the choice of wood chips, the chosen recipe, because there are many of them. We bring to your attention several options for smoking the most delicate fish.

Recipe with sugar, lemon juice and liquid smoke

The following recipe will appeal to gourmets, because it uses spices, lemon juice and sugar. Cooking couldn't be easier - instead of a smoker, you'll need liquid smoke. That is why this recipe can be used by readers who do not yet have a smoker. So, let's start cooking:

  • We buy fresh or frozen carcass. If you bought frozen, you need to defrost it without hot water and microwave oven. We don’t cut the carcass, but smoke it whole.
  • Before starting cooking, weigh the fish and prepare a mixture of the following ingredients: for each kilogram of fish, take 20 grams of salt and 5 grams of sugar.
  • Wipe the halibut with the resulting mixture, sprinkle with lemon juice, place in a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for three days.
  • During marinating, the fish must be turned over occasionally.
  • After marinating the fish, prepare a decoction of onion peels in the following proportion: add a handful of onion peels to a half-liter jar of water, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, then let cool. The carcass needs to be rinsed well under running water. cold water, dry, place in cool broth for 40 minutes, and turn over from time to time.
  • We take the fish out of the marinade, dry it and coat it on all sides with liquid smoke. The most convenient way to do this is with a pastry brush. We hang it in a cool room by the tail for a day. Place a bowl below into which the fat will drip. It turns out to be a delicious “cold” halibut. It will keep in the refrigerator for five days.

Liquid smoke will come in handy if you don’t have a smokehouse

Please note that hot smoking of halibut cannot be done without a special oven or smokehouse using liquid smoke alone, but for the cold method this recipe is good for its simplicity.

How to cook halibut using the hot method?

At home, halibut can turn out no worse than store-bought halibut. To do this you need your own smokehouse and, of course, fish. We bring to your attention delicious smoked steaks.

  • We cut the washed halibut carcass into steaks.
  • Rub with a mixture of salt and peppers (black, white, pink, red);
  • Marinate for several hours.
  • We put foil on the grill - this is necessary so that the fish can be easily removed from the grill. Don't forget to make holes in the foil for the fat.
  • Place in the smokehouse for 25–30 minutes.
  • Note: If you choose poor sawdust for smoking, the halibut may taste bitter. Choose alder chips or mix three tablespoons alder sawdust with another chip. Pour a little water into the pan so that the released fat does not burn and thereby spoil the taste of the finished product.

As you can see, smoking halibut is not difficult, and the result is amazing - the tasty, buttery fish will appeal to everyone who is lucky enough to try it. Don’t forget to share your recipes on the blog, perhaps yours will turn out to be the most delicious.

What is a fish like halibut? The harm and benefits of this product will be described below. We will also tell you about the features of this fish and its use in cooking.

general information

Halibut fish, the benefits and harms of which are known to few, is very popular among consumers. It is often called the “sea tongue.”

The fish in question belongs to the flounder family and the flounder order, which live in the northern seas. Halibuts are of very important commercial importance for many countries.


The color of this fish can vary from light olive to black. The halibut's eyes are on the right side of its head. This fish is a predator and prefers to live at great depths or at the very bottom.

Spawning of marine life occurs in the winter season. With the onset of the summer season, halibut can be found near the shores at medium depths.

Experts distinguish several varieties of this fish. Some of them have long been listed in the Red Book. Small representatives of the flounder family reach only 2 kg, while the weight of large ones often exceeds 300 kg.

In what form is halibut sold in stores? The harm and benefits of this product are determined not only by the properties of its meat, but also by the method of its preparation. Mostly frozen or fresh halibut is found on sale. In addition, such fish can be purchased smoked or canned.


What properties does halibut have? The harm and benefits of the fish in question depend on its chemical composition. In turn, the latter is directly related to the type of halibut and its habitat. The same applies to the taste of fish and its energy value.


Experts say that the further north the fish in question lives, the fatter it is. At the same time, it cannot be noted that the fats contained in this product are not harmful, but unsaturated.

Halibut meat contains omega-3 acids, vitamins A, B12, D and E, as well as seven different types of amino acids. In addition, this fish is enriched with minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and others.


Halibut caviar, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of debate among many experts, is very often used in cooking. It is a partial product. In other words, during the production process natural casing, in which the eggs are placed, is not removed.

The ready-to-eat product is obtained by salting, as well as long-term aging (at least 10 days) in special wooden boxes. After this, the caviar is thoroughly washed and placed in barrels, where it is kept for another 2 weeks.

Partial caviar of the fish in question is considered a rather valuable species. It has earned its popularity among consumers thanks to its unusual taste.

Halibut eggs are quite large in size and have a natural beige color. But to give the product a more interesting appearance, some manufacturers often paint caviar black.

This product is often used to make canapés, sandwiches and tartlets. In Japan, it is popular in the same way as it is used to create various

Halibut liver is also actively used in cooking. She is several times more useful than the famous one

Calorie content

Is halibut high in calories, the harms and benefits of which should be known to all consumers? Each type of this fish has its own calorie content. For a lean product it is approximately 105 energy units. As for the calorie content of fatty halibut, it is equal to 142 units.

A special feature of the product in question is its unique ability to absorb oil and other dressings during frying. All cooks should definitely remember this fact, especially those who prepare dietary dishes. After all, after frying, halibut becomes even more caloric than at the very beginning of cooking.

Halibut: benefits and harm

A photo of this fish is presented in this article.

Experts believe that with the help of halibut meat you can quickly improve your vision and also normalize your metabolism. This fish also has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system, helping to stop inflammatory processes and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Regular intake of the product in question significantly reduces the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which, in turn, reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.

By including halibut in your diet, you can easily support normal liver function. Also, the use of this product in combination with appropriate therapy can save patients from cancer in the early stages of development.

In addition to the benefits, using halibut in cooking can also cause significant harm to health. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people who suffer from hepatitis.

Also, this fish should not be included in your diet if you have allergies or individual intolerances. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the product in question can be consumed only in limited quantities and only after consulting a doctor.

Cold smoked halibut, the benefits and harms of which we also consider, as well as salted halibut, is extremely undesirable to include in your diet for young children and the elderly. Such fish will not bring any benefit to kidney and liver diseases.

The best and safest way to prepare the mentioned product is baking and boiling. Halibut that was caught in a polluted body of water can also be harmful.

In order not to harm your body, experts recommend carefully choosing fish in the store. It should also be prepared correctly and not abused during meals. If you follow these simple rules, eating halibut will only bring benefits.


How is arrowtooth halibut prepared, the benefits and harms of which were described above? Such fish can be processed by all known methods. If this product is used for preparing holiday dishes, then it is best to combine it with various vegetables.

Caviar and canned halibut make sandwiches, snacks and salads very tasty and nutritious. Lean types of this fish are ideal for weight loss. They should be consumed 3-4 times a week, and then you will be provided with a beautiful figure.

In medical practice, halibut is used to treat Alzheimer's disease, as well as to relieve pain from keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

It should also be noted that halibut meat helps slow down macular degeneration. Some medicines are produced from the liver of this fish.

Companies producing cosmetic products also noticed the beneficial properties of the fish in question. Experts have found that halibut fat helps heal minor cuts and wounds, and also makes the skin smooth. Creams based on this product are also valuable because they prevent skin irritations and allergies, eliminate wrinkles, give skin elasticity, treat chronic dermatitis and fight acne.

Almost everyone loves fish, and in general one cannot help but like such a variety of white fish as halibut. It is rich in vitamins and microelements, has a very delicate, but at the same time rich taste. Due to the high content of Omega-3 acids, this fish is recommended to be included in the menu for the prevention of many diseases.

There are many options for preparing halibut, but it is especially tasty when smoked. In addition, smoked halibut becomes wonderful cold snack, which will decorate any table, or an ingredient in a wonderful salad.

Of course, you can buy ready-made smoked halibut in the store, but it is better to cook it yourself, because in this case you will be confident in the freshness and quality of the fish. Smoking halibut at home does not take much time, and the process itself is not particularly labor-intensive, but the result is excellent. So if you want to try it, we'll tell you how to smoke halibut at home.

First, choose a fish carcass, it should be fatter and thicker. In principle, it doesn’t matter whether the fish is fresh or frozen. Then we weigh it and for each kilogram of fish we prepare a mixture of 20 g of coarse salt and 5 g of sugar. Rub the fish with this mixture, put it in a bowl or on a plate, sprinkle it with lemon juice and, covered with a plastic bag, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. During this time, we periodically turn the fish from side to side. When the time is up, make a decoction from onion peel: Add some husks to 0.5 liters of water, heat it up and let it cool. Wash the fish, dry it, place it in the broth for 30-60 minutes, turning it over periodically.

Then we take out the fish, dry it again, and using a pastry brush, coat it on all sides with liquid smoke (it is sold in stores). We hang the halibut by the tail (in a cool room) for one day, do not forget to place a plate under it where the fat will drip. After a day, you will have cold smoked halibut, which can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that hot smoked halibut, which can be seen on store shelves, is almost impossible to make at home, since it requires a special oven.

You already have smoked halibut, and now we want to offer a delicious salad recipe with this amazing ingredient.



Wash the mung bean salad leaves and place on a plate. Fetu and fresh tomato cut into cubes, halibut into large pieces, and sun-dried tomato into thin strips. Mix all the ingredients, season them with olive oil and lemon juice and place the salad on the leaves.

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