Home Preparations for the winter Cottage cheese cookies puff recipe. Puff pastry from cottage cheese, butter. Curd sugar puffs quickly. How to make cottage cheese cookies

Cottage cheese cookies puff recipe. Puff pastry from cottage cheese, butter. Curd sugar puffs quickly. How to make cottage cheese cookies

I have been looking for a recipe for cottage cheese cookies for a very long time that my children would like. And finally it happened! Cookies according to this recipe turn out to be similar to puffs, they are very tasty, tender and just melt in your mouth. And most importantly, the kids love it!

First, the cottage cheese must be well kneaded with a fork with softened butter. Cottage cheese is better to choose soft!

Mix the baking powder with part of the sifted flour and gradually add to the curd-butter mixture, mixing well.

Then add the remaining flour and knead the dough. It should be soft and not stick to your hands. Flour can be less or more, its amount depends on the moisture content of the selected cottage cheese. Ready dough put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes (or more).

When the dough is cool enough, we take it out of the refrigerator and roll out a layer about 0.5 cm thick. We cut out cookies of any shape, I cut it out with a glass.

Pour sugar into a bowl. We dip our cookies on one side (pressing a little so that the sugar can stick to them). There is no need to add sugar to the dough! Cookies turn out sweet anyway.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease vegetable oil. We spread our cookies on a baking sheet and send them to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

There are many different pastries, but one of the most interesting and delicious is cottage cheese. puff pastry from which you can bake very tasty and delicious cookies. Of course, you will have to tinker a lot with this test, but the result is worth it.

This dough is slightly cooked in an unusual way: first you need to rub into flour on a grater butter, then add cottage cheese, sugar and an egg with salt. Delicious it cottage cheese cookies it will only work if all the cooking conditions are met. Mix the dough well and roll out thinly.

Dust lightly with flour and fold it into an envelope or just in two. Roll out again and lightly sprinkle with flour, make folds again and put the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. After that, it is necessary to carry out all the same manipulations with it and in no case forget to crush each fold with flour.

After the dough has been repeatedly wrapped, it can be prepared for baking, for this you can cut out any figures and put them on a baking sheet that is greased with vegetable oil. Send a baking sheet with cookies to the oven for 15-20 minutes. Then put on a dish and serve.

Real puff curd cookies are always made without filling. Many housewives put grated hard cheese into the dough when rolling, then the cookies, in addition to being puff and curd, also turn out to be cheesy. You can cook such a dough without sugar, and then you can put ham and hard cheese inside the cookies.

Many people will like these cookies. Often there are situations when you cook one cookie, but it turns out completely different, but do not despair, since any pastry is already a sign of the talent of a real culinary specialist.

Usually I get pastries the first time, without a “test version”, but with cottage cheese cookies, everything somehow did not add up to an ideal recipe either from the first, or from the second, or from the fifth time. That cottage cheese cookie turned out to be “rubber”, then raw inside, then hard.

And now, thanks to a series of experiments, culinary observations and, of course, the accumulated experience, the perfect recipe for delicious curd cookies has been found.

Friends, due to your numerous requests in the comments on the site and on social networks, I shot a video recipe for this cookie for you. Do not judge strictly, this is one of my first video recipes.

VIDEO: The perfect recipe for cottage cheese cookies!

This is exactly how a real cottage cheese cookie should be: crispy on the outside, and with a soft puff structure inside. But all in order, all the secrets of cooking are described below.

If you still have not changed your mind about making cottage cheese cookies, write down the recipe. At first glance, it may seem that the portion is large, but it is not, and there are not so many cookies.


  • Cottage cheese - 400 grams
  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Flour - 300 grams
  • Baking powder - 10 grams (1 sachet)
  • Sugar - 7-8 tablespoons

How to make cottage cheese cookies:

We cut the butter into pieces, and send it to the oven, or microwave, so that it becomes soft.

I don't have a microwave, so I put the butter in the oven for 20 minutes at 40 degrees.

We choose cottage cheese for cookies of medium fat content, but not very dry.

If you mix cottage cheese and butter with just a spoon, then in ready-made cookies grains of cottage cheese will come across on the cookie crust. Which in the process of baking will become hard, and greatly spoil the taste of cookies. Ideally, you can use cheese mass for this recipe. But I have natural cottage cheese from the market, so I need a blender.

Add flour and baking powder to the cream cheese mass. Flour is best added in small portions, you may need a little more or less flour from the amount indicated in the recipe.

We knead not hard dough, divide into two parts and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

We do this so that the butter in the dough cools, the dough becomes elastic and easy to work with.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator, and roll one ball into a thin layer no more than 3 mm thick. It turns out quite thin, but we will fold it in 4 layers, so it’s quite a normal thickness.

With the help of a glass or a cup, we cut out blanks from the dough. I used a cup with a diameter of 9 cm. A glass of a smaller diameter did not fit: the cookies are too small.

Thanks to this method, the cookies will turn out with beautiful smooth edges, and the same thickness.

Pour sugar into a plate (I used a little cane, for greater clarity, because white sugar merges in color with the dough). Dip one side of each circle in sugar.

Then fold the circle in half, sugar side inward.

Dip only one side of the semi-circle in sugar again.

Again, fold the sugar inside, dip again in sugar on one side only and lightly squeeze the curd cookies with your fingers so that they do not “open” during baking.

We spread our cookies on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, sugar-free side down.

Regarding sugar: because of such a layering, the cookies seemed too sweet to me. Therefore, you can do the topping at the "semicircle" stage. For a child, I sprinkled cookies only on top, and this did not affect the quality of the cookies themselves. After all, we are preparing homemade cookies, and decide how much sugar to put.

It should be noted that when the baking sheet is completely filled with cookies, do not rush to fill the second one. If the cottage cheese cookies sprinkled with sugar stand at room temperature for a long time, the butter will begin to melt, and sugar will flow after it. In the oven, such cookies will “float”, sugar will flow onto the baking sheet in the form of caramel, and as a result, the cookies will turn out to be tasteless.

Therefore, we remove the rest of the dough in the refrigerator. And we will continue to make cookies when the first batch of cottage cheese cookies is on the way.

In the case of cottage cheese cookies, it is very important to observe the temperature regime of the oven. Since we are dealing with one of the types of puff pastry (yes, yes, please don’t be scared), you need to bake cookies at t of at least 210 degrees. At this “shock temperature”, the moisture from the cookies will quickly evaporate, the layers will rise, the dough will bake evenly, and the cookies will come out with a crispy crust and a soft layered structure inside.

If you make the temperature lower, for example 180 degrees, the moisture from the dough will not have time to evaporate, and you get cookies with a crispy crust - raw inside.

The oven temperature briefing has been received, and it's time to send our cookies out to bake. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees. Turn on the top and bottom heat at the same time. Bake cottage cheese cookies until golden brown for 10-15 minutes.

Make your kids happy - cook a simple cottage cheese cookies with effect puff pastry. Cookies are airy, tasty, with a crispy top sugar crust. Even children can join in the preparation of cottage cheese cookies if you offer them to squeeze figures out of dough with a mold. If you do not have molds, you can use a glass or simply cut the dough with a knife into squares or rhombuses. A significant plus is that eggs are not used in the dough; you can also use butter instead of margarine. You can optionally add grated lemon or orange zest to the dough, this will give the liver a more pronounced taste. So learn how to cook curd biscuits Puff from our step by step recipe with photo.

Ingredients for making cottage cheese cookies Sloika

Cooking step by step with a photo of curd cookies Sloyka

Airy, soft curd biscuits Sloika can be eaten warm or cold. Encourage older children to take it to school with them. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese puff pastry, butter incredible delicious pastries. Curd sugar puffs are quickly prepared and eaten no less quickly. A huge plus of baking is ease of manufacture and a minimum of components.

For baking Puff pastry from cottage cheese, butter, we buy:

- cottage cheese, fat content from 5%

- butter (250 grams), can be replaced with creamy margarine

- wheat flour (up to 450 grams, depending on the quality of the cottage cheese)

- baking powder (1 teaspoon)

- vanillin (a bag, weighing 1 gram)

- granulated sugar for sprinkling cookies

Initial actions.

- We take out the butter from the home refrigerator. The oil should warm up naturally to room temperature. Softened butter is much easier to mix with cottage cheese.

- We wipe the cottage cheese with a tablespoon through a fine metal sieve. Thus, we rub all the lumps, and the cottage cheese is obtained with a smooth structure. And the cookies will become more puffy.

wheat flour sift through a sieve to remove inclusions and saturate the flour with air.

- Pour the sugar into a small bowl. It will be easier to dip the puff pastry in sugar.

Knead the curd puff pastry.

- Mix vanillin into the curd. Mix with a table fork.

- add butter. Mix thoroughly again with a fork. We achieve complete homogeneity of the mixture.

- Stir the wheat flour into the curd. After each part of the flour, knead the dough diligently.

- the dough is soft, it should not stick to your hands.

- roll the dough into a ball. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. (The dough can be stored in the refrigerator much longer, up to 3 days, so pastries can be prepared as needed from pre-prepared dough.)

Formation of curd layers. Bakery.

- heat the oven to 200 0 C.

- Line a baking sheet with parchment or parchment paper.

- We take out the dough from the refrigerator.

-Pinch off pieces and roll out on a floured cutting board.

- the rolled out sheet of dough should not be thin. To achieve the maximum effect of layered cookies, we achieve ½ centimeter sheet thickness.

- Cut out cookie patterns.

- Immerse one side of each cookie in granulated sugar. Press a little with your fingers so that the sugar is better fixed on the surface.

- With the side without sugar, lay the cookies in one row on a baking sheet.

- Bake for about 20 minutes until nicely tanned.

- Serve ready-made puff curd cookies for tea!

Have a nice and delicious meal! Puff pastry from cottage cheese, butter. Curd sugar puffs quickly.

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