Home General issues Recipe: Dried meat - incredibly tasty and very easy to prepare. Dried meat - the best recipes for cooking a delicacy at home

Recipe: Dried meat - incredibly tasty and very easy to prepare. Dried meat - the best recipes for cooking a delicacy at home

Marinade is cooked from these ingredients, to obtain which it is necessary to bring water with spices to a boil, cool and strain. Then the meat itself is put into it.

A piece of pork should “float” in the marinade for at least three days, while the liquid should completely cover the meat from above. Twice a day for better absorption, it is necessary to turn over in the container.

Next stage:

At the end of three days, the salted pork neck is removed from the marinade, dried with napkins and placed under the press. For a piece of 2-3 kg, this can be a 20-liter container of water. It removes excess liquid from the meat in 3-5 hours, after which the future dried neck is ready for further cooking. A spicy powder is prepared for it, which is obtained by mixing:

  • crushed coriander;
  • ground black pepper;
  • adjika dry;
  • paprika.

All ingredients are taken in one teaspoon, except for coriander and paprika, which are added in the amount of a tablespoon. Everything is homogeneously mixed, the meat is rolled in spices from all sides, wrapped in several layers of gauze.

Meat aging

For the first week, the salted pulp lies in gauze in a closed container in the refrigerator, after which its storage conditions change. Gauze must be tightly tightened with twine, which will contribute to the release of excess juices.

Dry-cured meat should be blown in the wind at a positive temperature not exceeding 8 degrees Celsius for a month. Finding such conditions is not always easy, especially if it is winter or summer outside. In this case, the dried neck is ideally obtained in refrigerators with the No Frost system: the meat is blown from all sides, but at the same time it is in the cold.

Due to the fact that the meat itself in this part pork carcass with thin layers of fat, the dry-cured neck is tender, soft and tasty. Its only drawback is that it is rather difficult to cut into thin slices, since the consistency of the meat is quite dense, but this does not adversely affect the taste.

Bon Appetit!

Thanks to Elena Kirichenko for the recipe and photo.

To cook jerky in modern home conditions, the main thing is to choose the right necessary ingredients and strictly follow the recipe. There are a lot of recipes for drying meat today, so you can easily choose the one that you like.

Recipes for curing meat at home

One of the most simple recipes curing meat involves a minimum of ingredients. In order to dry the meat on it, you will need:

Pork tenderloin; - two types of pepper - black and red; - salt at the rate of a third of a glass per half a kilogram of meat; - a few tablespoons of sugar; - Bay leaf.

This meat is cooked in brine. To prepare it, take water (1 liter for every 500 g of meat) and put it in a saucepan on the fire to boil. Add salt, sugar, bay leaf and a tablespoon of each type of pepper to the water. Boil the brine, then remove the laurel from it and set to cool. Then place the tenderloin in cold brine for 5 hours. All this time, keep the container with brine and meat at room temperature. Then put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this period, remove the meat and place it under the press for an hour. Then rub the piece with a mixture of peppers and wrap in clean and dry cheesecloth and place it in a closed container, after which put the whole structure back in the refrigerator for a week.

Under the press, the meat must be placed on an inclined plane. This is necessary so that all the juice from the piece of the stack

After 7 days, remove the meat, roll again in spices and again wrap in gauze. Now it remains only to place it in a well-ventilated place for another week. Then it can be eaten.

The Italian version of the home-cured meat recipe has a large number of ingredients and a different approach to drying. So, for example, to prepare jerky according to this recipe you will need: - 700 g of salt (in some cases, 800 g); - apple or rice 6% vinegar - 1 bottle; - 3 cloves of garlic; - a mixture of peppers; - coriander seeds; - sweet paprika; - chilli; - dried garlic; - star anise; - fresh rosemary - 1 branch or dried rosemary - 1 tsp; - meat (preferably pork neck) - 2 kg.

The method of preparing dried meat in this way is as follows. Put the pork in a long dish (a duckling will do) with a flat bottom that is the size of a piece of meat. sprinkle pork neck salt quite generously so that the whole piece is covered with it. Then place the container in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this time, remove the meat and rinse it thoroughly under running water from salt. Next, you will only need to prepare the brine, which in Italian is called agliatta.

To prepare an agliatta, take Apple vinegar(you can mix it with wine to give more interesting taste meat), add 1 tbsp. salt, a little black pepper, crushed garlic and rosemary. Then put the meat in the brine and soak it well there.

Next, you'll need powder. It must be made from a mixture of coriander, several types of peppers and star anise, which must first be ground in a mortar. Add a handful of salt and the remaining rosemary to this mixture. Roll the meat generously in this powder and wrap in parchment. It is desirable to give it a round shape, since this is how the liquid will better come out of it. As the juice flows out, change the parchment to dry. In this form, the meat should lie in the refrigerator for 30 days.

Try not to take a large piece of meat. After all, too large volumes can significantly increase the drying time. Sometimes a few extra hundred grams make the meat dry up to 6 hours longer

In most cases, the list of jerky recipes contains a recommendation to take pork. However, beef can be dried just as well. In this case, the dish turns out to be more useful and less high-calorie. For it you will need: - 1 kg of beef tenderloin, divided into small pieces - about 3-5 cm in diameter; - 20 g large sea ​​salt; - 60 g of black pepper; - dry spices (you can choose the ones you like best): cumin, cumin, coriander, sage, rosemary, garlic, paprika, thyme - 1 tbsp each. (if there is a lot of meat, more can be).

To begin with, clean the meat of everything superfluous - films, veins, etc. Then pour salt mixed with black pepper into a suitable container. Put the meat on this mixture, then sprinkle it again with salt.

Experts say that it is better to take coarse salt, because fine salt is absorbed too quickly and in too much quantity. If sea salt is not at hand, you can use rock salt.

Cover the tray with foil and place the container in a cold place: on the balcony in winter or in the refrigerator in summer for 12 hours. Then take out the salted meat and clean it well from salt, you can even rinse it. Dry and rub with spices, then wrap the piece in clean and dry gauze and put it in a place with good ventilation. In a week the meat will be ready.

Homemade food can and loses to factory food (shop, cafe, restaurant, etc.) in terms of the beauty of serving ready-made food, packaging and other secondary matters, but wins in the main. Own control over food preparation is a great thing in an age where counterfeiting and deceit are rampant. In the old days, every farm could wither meat or sausage. Everyone had their own dry-cured sausage, part of it was sold in the markets. Everything is available now. Any products. Why not revive the traditions of preparing high-quality meat preparations that are pleasing to the eye and good for health. First of all, the absence of chemicals, preservatives, GMO soybeans, etc. Let's try to wither some lamb. Together with beef, it is the cleanest and safest meat. Pork is also excellent in dried form. It is advisable to purchase it after the meat has passed sanitary control. Judging by the surge in recipes for making homemade biltong - this is the name of African jerky, beer lovers are finally tired of these pressed sawdust called "chips" ...
There are several options for how to make properly jerky at home, we will cook the meat in several stages and take 12 days.

Taste Info Meat second courses / Meat snacks


  • lamb - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse salt for salting - 0.3 kg.

How to cook homemade lamb jerky

Let's take a decent piece of lamb. We need pulp. We do not pay attention to fat, films, membranes and other tendons. The meat does not need to be washed, this will be done later.

Cut the meat into plates or strips about 1.5 centimeters thick.

Now the main thing begins. We will not have obscurantism with tons of salt, as in the preparation of jamon. We salted fat all our lives different ways one of them was dry. The dishes for the product allowed the brine to drain, thereby dehydrating the fat and meat. Why catch unnecessary secretions from meat with a large amount of salt, which then goes to waste? Take a colander or other perforated container and put it in any dish where excess liquid from the meat will drain. Evenly, on all sides, sprinkle each piece of lamb with salt and put in a colander. You can add more salt.

We press the salted meat with a plate of a suitable diameter and set oppression on top. It can be anything weighing at least 1 kg. (we use a bottle of sunflower oil).

In this form, lamb is salted for 1 day at room temperature and then 2 days in the refrigerator. During this time, you need to turn the pieces 1 time per day and drain the unnecessary brine from the lower container. Then the meat is washed from salt and soaked for 30-40 minutes in cold water. You can lay it out on a cloth and let it dry for half an hour.
The second stage of home curing of meat is drying it in the air with a fan.
In the upper part of each piece, pieces of meat are pierced and placed on a regular, durable skewer.

We put the skewer with pieces of meat on any stand (basket from the refrigerator). Then you need to start a regular desktop fan. The meat will dry out quickly, and no flies will be afraid of it. Two days under the fan and the meat is almost ready, if you wish, you can take short breaks in the operation of the fan, but for the first 7-8 hours you need to blow the meat without interruption.
After the fan, remove the meat from the skewer and transfer it to a cloth bag, which we put in the refrigerator - this is the third and last stage.
After a week, home-cured meat will be ready.

Dried lamb has a dark color. This is hematopoietic meat.

We try our biltong and treat our friends to it. Cured meat at home - the best snack to red wines, some like to serve it with beer.

Fatty pieces of dried meat are adored by gourmets.

Dried meat at home is not difficult. The main thing in this process is patience, imagination and time. The drying process is very long and takes about 1 month.

There are quite a few ways to dry meat. But basically, they differ only in whether a separate brine is prepared for the meat, or whether the meat is hung out for drying after some procedures. We will consider the second method a little later, but now I offer you a simple and effective method wilt almost any meat. I assure you that the meat declared in the following way will be both tasty and will lose little in weight, and will look and smell like the most exquisite delicacy.

So, in essence, the process consists of 3 stages:

1. Preparation of brine and soaking meat in it (3-4 days)

2. Finishing meat in the refrigerator (6-7 days)

3. Direct drying itself (6-7 days)

All times given are approximate, please refer to the condition of the product.

Let's start from the first stage - we prepare the brine and soak the meat in it:

1. Cut the meat into pieces. I recommend making longitudinally elongated pieces.

2. Prepare the brine: for 1 kg of meat you need about 2 liters of water. Bring the water to a boil, add 4-6 tablespoons of salt, 1-2 bay leaves, a couple of cloves, allspice to 1 liter of water. If you go to lend meat easy lemon flavor - add lemon peel. Boil for 1-2 minutes, cool until room temperature. We remove the bay leaf and lemon peel, if you put it.

3. In the brine, cooled to room temperature, immerse all the meat and leave for about 5-6 hours. Then we put it all in the refrigerator for about 3 days.

It's time to move on to stage 2: finishing in the refrigerator.

1. After 3-4 days, we take the meat out of the brine, put it for 1 hour under a slight oppression of their improvised means, so that the juice can drain. This is done in order to remove excess soaked brine from the meat, which will interfere with drying and make the process indefinitely long.

2. After the press, rub the meat with ground black and red pepper on all sides, if you wish, you can take other spices for meat. For example, I recommend ground cumin and coriander.

Seasoned meat should be wrapped in clean cheesecloth and refrigerated in a covered container for about 6-7 days. After 6 days, you can start curing the meat, re-processing it with spices.

And the final stage is drying.

After the meat “rests” in the refrigerator, it must be removed and again thoroughly rolled in spices. I highly recommend adding paprika to the final deboning.
Red pepper required. Paprika gives a special taste, aroma and appearance to the cooked meat.

In addition to this, try rubbing dried garlic on the meat.

Hang the meat in a dry and warm place. If you are going to hang it on an open balcony, then be sure to wrap it in clean gauze, this will get rid of insects.

After about 6-7 days, the meat will be ready to eat.

It is best to store in the refrigerator, where such meat can be stored for up to three months.

The taste is much superior to more purchased sausages. However, to the same extent they surpass them in prices. Therefore, lovers of delicious food sadly pass by tempting shop windows, allowing themselves this luxury only on major holidays. But gourmets in vain limit themselves to their favorite dish, since it is not so difficult to make dry-cured meat at home. Of course, you will have to wait - the process is quite lengthy. However, you can adjust the flavors by adding the spices you like and removing the ones you don't. In addition, dry-cured meat, made at home and with love, will definitely be from high-quality sources and with an unexpired expiration date.

Just wither raw beef, poultry or pork can only be done by those who have special equipment. The rest must marinate the meat first.

"Wet" curing

home cooking raw meat starts with brining it. Let's start with traditional way using brine. It will take about a liter for every pound of meat. The water is boiled, salt dissolves in it (two heaped spoons per liter), a little sugar is added, a full tablespoon of red and black pepper, peppercorns and bay leaf - like on pickles. It will boil for three minutes - it turns off and cools down. The bay leaf should be discarded - it will add bitterness and not a very pleasant smell. The meat is cut into medium, dipped in brine and left in it for five hours right in the kitchen. Then put in a cool place for three days. Then the liquid is decanted, and the meat is placed under the press until moisture stops appearing, after which a mixture of red and black pepper is rubbed into it (other spices can also be added). The slices are wrapped in clean gauze, placed in a resealable bowl and placed in the refrigerator for a week. During this time, they are qualitatively marinated. The meat is again rubbed with spices, wrapped in a clean cut and hung out in a dry place where it will not interfere. A week later, dry-cured meat (at home it has reached the desired condition) is served on the table. In the refrigerator, it will not spoil for three months.

"Dry" method

This option, how to make dry-cured meat at home, is usually chosen by those who believe that beef (pork / poultry) is too saturated in brine with unnecessary moisture. A whole piece is taken and very carefully rubbed with a mixture of spices from two tablespoons of salt, one - sugar, half - coarsely ground black pepper, the same amount of crushed juniper berries and chopped seven bay leaves (everything is calculated per kilo of raw materials). The future dry-cured meat is tightly wrapped in cling film, a weighty load is placed on it, and the whole structure is put in the refrigerator for at least a week. You will have to regularly drain the meat juice, otherwise the product may deteriorate. Then the chunk is dried, rubbed with the same composition of seasonings, laid out on a wire rack and hidden back for two weeks. Turn over at least once every two days! Ready dry-cured meat is wrapped in paper or put into a paper bag. Please note: cooked according to this method, it will “live” in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.

Spicy beef jerky

So far, we've covered the basics, so to speak. They can be used to cook any dry-cured meat at home. However, there are many refinements, by applying which you can get more delicious treat. For example, you can do differently with beef - the result will be much more aromatic and will “ripen” faster. A large piece of meat is taken, cleaned of excess veins and cut along the entire slice into thin strips - 5 centimeters each, not thicker. 10 washed large blackcurrant leaves, two “burdocks” of horseradish, a couple of cinnamon sticks, a full spoonful of chopped ginger, 400 grams of salt, bay leaf and peppercorns are placed in boiling water (2 liters). This amount of brine is enough for as much as 10 kilos of beef. The trick is that the pieces of meat are dipped in brine for three minutes, then cooled, strained and hung in gauze bags for 10 days in a dry and dark place. Temperature is not as important as good ventilation and lack of light.

Quick Drying

You can also get dry-cured meat using the oven. The recipe involves cutting the beef into very small pieces (about 5 x 5 cm). Moreover, before the main processing, the washed and dried meat is removed into the freezer, so that it is easier and smoother to cut. Sprinkling is made of salt (60 g), ground black pepper (10 g) and hot red pepper (5 g). Beef cubes are rolled in it, left for 10 minutes to soak with spices and laid out on a wire rack so that they do not touch. The oven is heated to 40 degrees, a grate is placed in it and left to dry for half a day.


For this method, the beef will have to be cut even more thinly - two centimeters wide, and in shorter strips - along the length of the grill grate. Spices (cinnamon, black pepper, red pepper, salt) are mixed in a ratio of 2:5:5:60. All the pieces are rubbed with the mixture, laid out at intervals on the grate and dried for about seven hours. The disadvantage that such dry-cured meat has is a short shelf life. Two weeks, no more. However, it gets eaten much faster. Pork can be dried in the same way, only cumin is taken instead of red pepper, and the meat is chosen leaner.

Dry-cured pork

Most of the people are sure that it is contraindicated to dry pork: they say, it is fatty, it is not fully saturated and quickly disappears. You just don't know how to cook it! In our opinion, the only drawback that home-cooked pork (raw-cured meat) has is that it cannot be made in a large piece. But if you cut it into small slices, it will come out delicious! Pieces should be no larger than 4 centimeters. Each is rolled in a mixture of coriander, a set of Italian or other herbs, white and black pepper (their amount is up to you), a tablespoon of coarse salt and a teaspoon of sugar. All this is enough for half a kilogram of pork. The pieces are stacked in a tray, sprinkled moderately with vodka (half a stack is enough) and settle for 14 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Juice must be drained! Then the excess liquid is removed, and the marinated meat in a gauze bag is hung on the ledge in the kitchen for one and a half to two weeks. Enjoy your health!

Dried chickens

You can also cook dry-cured meat from poultry. The recipe, again, should not cause any particular difficulties. The simplest of options: a carcass of any size is taken, carefully rubbed with salt inside and out, wrapped in parchment (for lack of it, it can be in cellophane, but you have to ventilate it), tightly tied with twine and hung in the pantry (or in the garage, if it doesn’t stink of gasoline. Actually, where anything as long as it's dark and cool). You can eat after a couple of months. And it can be stored up to three years.

Sun-dried with garlic

It is clear that the method described above is, rather, a method of harvesting, rather than preparing a treat. If you want something tasty, you will have to try, since you can cook dry-cured chicken meat only separately from its backbone. That is, the carcass will have to be thoroughly washed and separated from all the meat parts from the bony ones. The pulp is cut into thin strips, the garlic is finely chopped and ground in a mortar with salt at the rate of half a glass of the latter per head of garlic. Strips are rubbed with this mixture, laid out in bags (our people recommend old but clean nylon socks) and hung out in the warmth, but in a draft for 10 days.

Juniper chicken thighs

Many in childhood dreamed that scientists would breed chickens with ten legs - then children would get more tasty parts of the body. Those who remained faithful to children's ideas and did not exchange them for rules diet food, is our recipe.

We take the legs, wash them and rub them abundantly with salt (for 10 kilograms of legs - 300 g of salt), mixed with cinnamon (a teaspoon) and sugar (5 tablespoons). All wealth is laid out in a voluminous bowl, sprinkled with juniper berries (1/5 kilogram). Another 300 g of salt is dissolved in hot water(10 l) and boiled with cloves and peppercorns. The legs are poured with a filtered solution, a weighty press is placed on them for 3 hours. At the end of the salting, the legs are filtered, wetted and dried for a month in a fairly cool (about 10 degrees) room. That's when happiness comes!

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