Home Bakery Kislovodsk donuts recipe. Donuts, like in childhood. Ingredients for Fluffy Donuts

Kislovodsk donuts recipe. Donuts, like in childhood. Ingredients for Fluffy Donuts

Oksana has a lot of links, be sure to check it out. And step by step photos.
I took the liberty of copying the recipe...

As always, I didn't get it right.
The dough was liquid, but the donuts turned out airy. I've wanted to bake these for a long time.
I also have a double portion like Oksana, it turned out a lot :)

Dough (double portion) - for 20 donuts of 45 gr.
530 gr. wheat flour 1st grade
60 gr. Sahara
30 gr. margarine
1 egg
5 gr. salt
16 gr. fresh yeast
380 gr. water (for ros. flour of the 1st grade 310 gr.)

60 gr. powdered sugar
deep frying oil

The dough is prepared in a bezopare way of a weak consistency (moisture content 43%). To do this, water heated to + 35 ... 40C is poured into the container, previously diluted in water with a temperature not exceeding + 40C and strained yeast, sugar, salt, add melange or chicken eggs, add flour and mix everything thoroughly for 7 ... 8 minutes. After that, melted margarine (or vegetable oil) is introduced and the dough is kneaded until it acquires a uniform consistency and is easily separated from the walls.

Close and leave for 3...4 hours for fermentation (preferably at a temperature of +35...40C). When the dough has increased in volume by 1.5 times, it is punched for 1-2 minutes and again left for fermentation, during which the dough is punched 1-2 more times. The dough made from flour with weak gluten is punched 1 time.

(I have a fermentation time of 2 hours, mashed 2 times)

When cutting dough for fried donuts and molding products, DO NOT use flour, and lubricate the inventory and equipment vegetable oil. Flour is charred during deep frying, this reduces the quality of the fat and as a result deteriorates appearance products.
The dough weighing 500 ... 1000 g is rolled up on a table greased with vegetable oil into a tourniquet and portioned (in a word!) into pieces weighing 50, 55 and 35 g. Pieces are formed into balls, laid out on tables greased with vegetable oil at a distance of 4 ... 5 cm from one another.

Because My dough was liquid, this method of molding did not suit me. I had to take the dough with a spoon and form balls on a floured board

After 5-6 minutes of proofing, the dough is turned over to the other side and shaped into rings or balls.

Just like Oksana, I just make a recess in the ball and stretch it into a ring, and immediately deep-fried

After 20 ... 30 minutes of proofing, donuts are fried in fat. Ready donuts are sprinkled with refined powder. In the process of frying, the products are turned over. It is forbidden to fry in a stovetop dish. A little about frying oil - sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, peanut, a mixture of 50% refined vegetable oil and 50% cooking oil. My favorite is a 50%/50% mixture of vegetable oil and lard or grapeseed oil. Donuts should be fried at a temperature of + 180 ... 190C and the mass of one bookmark should not exceed 1/4 of the mass of deep fat.

These donuts, GOST, are delicious to disgrace, even with my almost complete indifference to deep-fried dough.
True, donuts are not a quick idea, it takes 4 hours to ferment the dough. But our recipe has been transformed to a convenient schedule, using the “donuts through the refrigerator” technology, which is very convenient: I knead a portion of the dough, let it ferment, then put it in a bag to save space and put it in the refrigerator. At any time you take out the dough, cut it into balls and after half an hour you can start frying donuts. And how delicious!
You come home from a walk in the air, and there ...

You will need:

530 g flour
16 g pressed yeast
5 g salt
60 g sugar
310 g water
1 egg (50g)
30 g softened butter

How to cook:

1. Kneading: stir the yeast in water, add the egg, stir. Add flour, sugar and salt, stir with a wooden spoon until the flour is completely moistened. Add oil and mix with a spoon soft dough. Fold the dough with a “Euro letter” on four sides (starch-fold).

2. Fermentation: cover the bowl with the dough with a lid or wrap it with a film and leave for 20 minutes, after which the dough is again folded on four sides Make two more additions with an interval of 20 minutes - that is, a total of 3 additions per hour (the very first after kneading the dough does not count). Leave the dough to ferment for another hour. Total fermentation time at room temperature- 2 hours. Transfer the dough to a bag greased with vegetable oil, tie it so that the dough has room to grow in volume, and put it in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours.

3. Shaping and proofing: On donut day, with oiled hands, divide the dough into pieces weighing 30-35 g (the size of Walnut), roll into balls, cover with oiled film and leave for 30 minutes.

4. While the dough is resting, put a saucepan with vegetable oil on a medium-low fire and heat it to 175-180 C. The oil is hot enough, if small bubbles immediately appear around the DRY wooden stick immersed in it.

5. Pierce the ball-blank with a finger in the center and, rotating on the index fingers, stretch it into a ring. The hole should be quite large, it will tighten during the frying process. Immerse in oil and fry on one side until golden brown, and only then turn over with a wooden stick to the other side and fry until cooked through.

6. Remove the finished donut from the oil (again with a wooden stick) and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

It is important to understand that you need to fry donuts, like any other dough, in well-heated (but not hot!) oil, very slowly, over moderate heat, resisting the temptation to increase it. Only then the dough will not absorb excess oil, it will be properly baked inside, remaining golden on the outside.

Bon appetit!

Donut is considered one of the most popular confectionery in the world. Lush yeast donuts are loved by people of all ages, despite the product's high calorie content and high fat content. After all, what could be tastier than a delicious donut with a cup of coffee?

In the United States, National Donut Day is celebrated every first Sunday in June. The idea to celebrate such an unusual holiday belongs to members of the American Salvation Army. They have been doing this since 1938 in honor of those of their members who served donuts to soldiers during the First World War. On this day, many chain bakeries in the United States treat donuts for free.

June is still far away, and if you want donuts, this recipe is for you. Of course, this dish cannot be called dietary, but sometimes you can treat yourself.

delicious donuts


  • 500 ml milk
  • 125 g butter or margarine
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 g sugar
  • 11 g dry yeast
  • 600 g flour
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • vanillin optional
  • 0.5 st. warm water


1. Mix milk with water and heat a little.

2. Dissolve yeast in milk. Add sugar.

3. Stir and let the yeast come to life.

4. Add eggs butter, salt, vanillin. Whisk.

5. Add flour in parts, stirring with a spoon. Then put the dough on the table and knead, adding flour. The dough should be very soft, this is the main secret of delicious donuts.

6. Cover the dough with cling film and leave for 1.5 hours in a warm place. During this time, the dough should double in volume. If there is time, the risen dough can be kneaded and left for another hour.

7. Form from ready dough balls of the same size, put the balls on a greased sheet of baking paper and leave for 20 minutes.

8. Poke a hole in each piece and gently stretch the dough to form a donut.

9. Then lay out a few deep-fried products so that they float freely.

10. After the donuts are fried on one side, carefully turn them over and fry on the other side until golden brown.

11. Take out donuts in a sieve or on a napkin. You can sprinkle them with powdered sugar if you like.

yeast donuts on milk turned out airy and very tasty. Bon appetit!

There are many funny theories about the origin of the donut. According to one of them, donuts were invented by the captain of the Danish fleet Hanson Gregory. He stood watch and ate mince pie. Suddenly a storm arose, and the captain had to take hold of the helm with both hands.

Finding nothing better, he put his pie on the handle of the steering wheel. In reality, the shape of donuts is most likely due to the fact that the dough with a hole is fried faster and more evenly.

Recently, in Russia, the American version of donuts, donuts, has become very fond of. Multi-colored buns with icing and various fillings conquered not only children, but also adults. But doctors and nutritionists are calling for limiting the consumption of donuts, especially those prepared in fast food establishments.

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