Home Meat Roasting young potatoes in the oven. Oven baked potatoes recipe with spices. Warm salad with new potatoes, bacon and mustard dressing

Roasting young potatoes in the oven. Oven baked potatoes recipe with spices. Warm salad with new potatoes, bacon and mustard dressing

Since the potato came to us from America, it has become the most popular and beloved treat for many generations. People have learned to make a lot of goodies out of potatoes, culinary specialists of all countries add it to most meat and vegetable dishes. Potatoes in the oven deserve special attention, because, in addition to the benefits mentioned, it becomes more fragrant, tender and tasty. The recipe for potatoes in the oven should be adopted by every housewife, since today potatoes in the oven can decorate any table. Moreover, when thinking about how to cook potatoes in the oven, it should be borne in mind that the addition of just one additional ingredient significantly changes the recipe for the final dish. There are, for example, such dishes: potatoes with meat in the oven, potatoes in the oven with chicken meat, potatoes with mushrooms in the oven, potatoes with minced meat in the oven, potatoes with pork in the oven, potatoes in the oven with cheese. Moreover, the recipe for potatoes with meat in the oven also varies depending on what kind of meat is used in the preparation of this dish. Different meats require different temperatures, cooking times, accompanying spices, etc.

On our site you can find recipes that interest you with photos of dishes. For example, when planning to cook a dish "potatoes in the oven", a photo of this delicacy will help you understand how it should look in the final version. If you have conceived something more complicated, for example, “potatoes with meat in the oven”, a photo of such a dish will be all the more useful to you. It should be noted that all variants of the “potatoes in the oven” dish with a photo win and immediately acquire their admirers. Undoubtedly, there are many such among our readers. Therefore, if you succeeded in your version of the “potatoes in the oven” dish, feel free to send us the recipe with a photo, and we, in turn, will share it with other lovers of this delicacy. Or a variant of the dish "potatoes with chicken in the oven" with a photo, the recipe of which is your invention, can also be offered to other visitors to our site.

The most interesting and common potato recipe is oven-baked potatoes. Many people know how to bake potatoes in the oven, but it's still worth checking out our recipes. There you will find a lot of interesting things, and perhaps discover something new for yourself.

To help the hostess, there are also some tips for storing, preparing and cooking potatoes in the oven:

Store potatoes in a dark and cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Potatoes stored in the light increase the content of the harmful substance solanine.

So that the peeled potatoes do not darken, they must be put in cold water. But you should not keep peeled potatoes for a long time in cold water, as this leads to leaching of starch, and this in turn worsens the taste.

Green and sprouted potatoes must be peeled before cooking.

You do not need to stir dishes with potatoes often, as this increases the loss of vitamins.

Dishes with potatoes and vegetables should also not be heated for a long time and reheated repeatedly. This not only reduces the nutritional value, but also worsens the taste of the dishes.

You should not eat green potato tubers, so as not to harm your health.

Good afternoon, dear readers. New potatoes baked in the oven - hearty and appetizing dish. The tubers are tender, tasty, sweetish, wrapped in spicy oil, with garlic. Yummy. The main thing is that any hostess can cook such a recipe without the hassle. Plus, you can experiment with it. If you still don’t know how tasty it is to bake young potatoes in the oven, then look at our page. Within the framework of this article, a delicious variation of the preparation of the most popular side dish is presented.

First of all, before cooking, sort and sort the potatoes. For the dish you need small or medium tubers, and the smaller the better.

The main thing is to choose potatoes of the same size so that they bake at the same time. Next, select the herbs and spices that you enjoy the most.

There is complete freedom of choice. It can be thyme, rosemary, dill, Provence, Italian or Turkish herbs, bay leaf, garlic and more.

The next step is fat. For example, cream, pieces of lard or bacon. And if you are concerned about the calorie content of the dish, then use vegetable or olive oil or omit it from the recipe altogether.

Well, the last question, with what to serve rustic baked potatoes? This dish is already self-sufficient, so it does not need to be supplemented. You can just cut a fresh vegetable salad. But if you are a fan of more satisfying food, then you can serve chicken, fried zucchini, sour cream, garlic sauce etc.


  • New potatoes - 800 gr.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Butter - 30 g.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • - taste.

This recipe uses Turkish spices: sumac, cumin and saffron. But you can choose others according to your taste.


Wash potatoes and dry well. It is not necessary to clean it, because. the skin is very thin and has many useful properties.

Cut the butter into pieces and add to the tubers. It should be soft and at room temperature.

Add the garlic passed through the press to the potatoes, add all the selected spices and herbs.

Toss the potatoes so that each is covered with a layer of oil and spices. It is most convenient to do this by hand.

Pick up a baking sheet and put all the tubers in it.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the potatoes to bake for half an hour. When it is golden brown, remove from the fryer. But you can more accurately check the readiness by puncturing a toothpick.

If it is tight, then bake the tubers for another 5-10 minutes. I do not advise using a knife or fork, as the tubers will simply fall apart.

Put the finished potatoes on a dish, garnish with chopped herbs and serve.

This interesting and colorful dish is universal, because. perfect for a family dinner, holiday feast or picnic. In addition, it is also very useful, since all the vitamins are preserved in root crops when baked.

Video on how to cook new potatoes deliciously

Bon appetit and good mood! If you liked the recipe for young baked potatoes, share with your friends, press the buttons of social networks.

I love new potatoes, especially those baked in the oven whole, in their skins, with rosemary, garlic, and your favorite spices! Luckily, where I live, baby potatoes are available at the store any time of the year, so I often cook them as a side dish for main courses, especially since they are easy to make!

Whole new potatoes baked in their skins in the oven - a dish for all times, fast, fragrant, tasty!

We will prepare all the products according to the list.

Wash new potatoes under running water and dry with paper towels.

Cover the form with foil so that you do not wash it later, and put the potatoes in the form. I use an old frying pan for baking.

Strip off the leaves from the rosemary sprig. If you don't have fresh rosemary, use dried rosemary.

Sprinkle potatoes with rosemary.

Peel the garlic and finely chop with a knife.

Add the garlic to the potatoes in the pan. Drizzle potatoes with olive oil.

Sprinkle large potatoes sea ​​salt mix well with oil and spices. We cover the form with foil and send the potatoes to the oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 15 minutes.

Then we take out the form and turn the potatoes over to the other side. Cover again with foil and cook for another 20 minutes.

Then remove the foil and cook the potatoes for another 10-15 minutes, until golden brown.

Whole new potatoes baked in their skins in the oven are ready for tasting!

Serve potatoes hot, with pickles or fresh vegetables! Bon Appetit!

The recipe for the most perfect young potatoes. It cooks in the oven very quickly and easily. Tubers do not need to be peeled! The pieces are beautifully browned, but remain juicy inside. Unlike the usual fried potatoes, this dish is not so greasy. The main thing is the spices. Put a lot of them, any seasonings, dry herbs, spice mixtures for vegetables or meat will do.


  • 800 g of young potatoes;
  • 3 art. l. oils (olive, sunflower);
  • salt, pepper, herbs, spice mixes and other seasonings.


  1. Thoroughly wash the new potatoes. Of course, it can also be peeled if the peel has begun to ripen or the vegetable is bought in a store, does not inspire confidence. I have small tubers. We cut them into such slices as in the photo. That is, in half, then again in half or three parts. You should get triangular slices.
  2. We put water on the stove, 1.5-2 liters is enough. Bring to a boil, add potatoes, boil for 2-3 minutes. Since the vegetable is young, this will be enough. If the potatoes are old, then boil for 5-7 minutes. The pieces should not crumble. Drain the water, add oil and spices, cover, shake the pan vigorously so that all this is evenly distributed. Don't forget to salt.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat, but you can also use foil. Lay out the potato pieces. Since the wedges are triangular, they set well and brown wonderfully on all sides.
  4. We send the workpiece to the oven preheated to 220 degrees, cook the pieces until golden brown for another 12-15 minutes. The perfect young potato is ready! The taste will directly depend on the added spices. It kind of reminds me of Lays chips.

Secrets of cooking young potatoes

  • To get a very ruddy and yellowish potato, add turmeric or curry seasoning to it.
  • There are varieties with a high starch content, they boil very quickly, you need to carefully monitor this.
  • You can boil the vegetable in advance, add spices, store in the refrigerator. And at the right time, you can quickly scatter the pieces on a baking sheet and bake in the oven.
  • It is better to use olive oil, it gives a more beautiful color and a pleasant aroma.
  • Ready-made pieces of potatoes can be thrown into the pan, add a little chopped dill and garlic, shake vigorously. You will get a very aromatic dish.

Baked potatoes in the oven. Three step by step recipe with photo

Potato baked in the oven familiar to many since childhood. Delicious, beautiful, ruddy baked potatoes pleasing to the eye and we all really like the taste. Besides cook potatoes in the oven very simple. There are many ways and recipes for cooking, and all of them, of course, deserve respect, because every housewife cooks in her own way.

Today we want to offer you 3 baked potato recipes which are popular in our family. It does not take much time to prepare and the composition of the products is quite simple. Two recipes will be very simple and inexpensive, so to speak. hastily, but the third recipe is worthy of a festive table and it will take a little more time and money to prepare it, but believe me, it's worth it.


Oven baked potatoes with garlic

Baked potatoes with garlic in the oven

This recipe is probably the easiest and almost inexpensive. Every housewife always has products for cooking potatoes according to this recipe. If unexpected guests came to you, then you will very quickly set the table for them and treat them with delicious potatoes.

To make Garlic Baked Potatoes you will need:

  • Medium sized potato;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Garlic - to taste;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1. We need exactly as many potatoes as the halves will fit on a baking sheet. It will need to be washed and cleaned well. If you have young potatoes, then just thoroughly wash off the dirt from it, you do not need to peel it.

Peeling potatoes

Step 2 Place the potatoes in a suitable size pan and place on the stove. We need to boil the potatoes until half cooked, that is, after boiling, boil it for no more than 10 minutes.

Place in a pot of water for boiling

Step 3. As soon as the water in the pot with potatoes boils, add salt. Potatoes should be slightly salty.

Boil the peeled potatoes until half cooked.

Step 4. After 10 minutes of cooking, remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. Cool the undercooked potatoes, then cut each tuber into two halves. Spread it immediately on a baking sheet or just leave it aside.

Cut an undercooked potato in half Pass the garlic cloves through a press

Step 6. Now we take a bowl and mix chopped garlic with vegetable oil and salt in it. Remember that potatoes were boiled in salted water, so don't overdo it with salt.

Mix crushed garlic with vegetable oil and salt

Step 7. We continue ... Put the potato halves on a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment paper or foil. You can not do this, but then the potatoes can stick to the bottom of the pan.

Lay the cut potatoes in half on a baking sheet.

Step 8. Using a brush, generously and evenly spread the garlic mixture over all and each potato.

Using a brush, generously grease the potatoes with garlic oil.

Step 9. While you are busy with potatoes, do not forget to turn on the oven at 180 ° C. And after the oven heats up, send the potatoes to bake.

Each potato must be coated

Step 10 I do not specify the baking time. The readiness of the potato can be determined by its color, as soon as it becomes ruddy, immediately take it out and serve it to the table.

Bake potatoes in the oven until golden brown

Ready-made baked potatoes with garlic are served with any meat or fish. You can take it as a snack and eat it cold, because it was prepared for vegetable oil, therefore, when cold, it will not have frozen fat on it.

Baked potatoes with garlic

Bon Appetit!

Baked potatoes in the oven with pieces of lard

Baked potatoes in the oven with pieces of lard

Here is another very simple recipe. delicious potatoes, which we will bake in the oven with fresh lard. It is even easier to prepare than the previous one. The main thing is that in your freezer there would be a small piece of lard, and it would be better if lard with a meat layer.

This recipe was prepared by my mother when I was a child, and then very quickly and I learned it myself, so that you can also teach your kids how to cook delicious baked potatoes on their own.

To prepare baked potatoes with lard, you will need:

  • Several small potatoes;
  • A small piece of lard or lard with a layer;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black ground pepper- taste.

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. Wash the potatoes well. If the potato is young, then it is not necessary to peel it, if not, then we clean it. We cut the peeled potatoes into two parts and make cuts on it.

Cut a potato into two halves

Step 2. Now we take the fat and cut it into small slices. If the house does not have fresh fat, then you can take salted. It will turn out very tasty too. The skin from the fat must be cut off, otherwise after baking it will be very hard.

Sliced ​​fat

Step 3. So, we have prepared potatoes and bacon, now we continue. Sprinkle salt and pepper on each potato half, then put 1 or 2 pieces of lard. (If your fat is salty, then do not put a lot of salt and pepper, spices are already present in your fat).

Putting fat on potatoes

Step 4. (While preparing the potatoes for sending to the oven, do not forget to turn it on at 180 ° C). After all the potatoes have pieces of bacon on them, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and lay the potato halves close to each other.

We send potatoes with lard to the oven

Step 5. Bake potatoes with bacon in the oven for 30 minutes. The fat should be rendered, and the potatoes should be baked. You can check the readiness of the potatoes by piercing them with a wooden skewer, if the skewer entered freely, then the potatoes are ready.

Baked potato with lard is ready

Before serving, sprinkle the baked potatoes with bacon with fresh herbs, ideal green onion and dill.

Bon Appetit.

Oven baked potatoes with butter and cheese

Oven baked potatoes with butter and cheese

But this recipe for baked potatoes can be called festive. After baking, the potatoes look very beautiful and appetizing, and they taste just great, your guests will be delighted with them. In addition, such potatoes are not often seen on festive table, more and more often at the festivities they cook mashed potatoes so you will be original.

To make Baked Potatoes with Butter and Cheese, you will need:

  • Potatoes (medium size) - 10-14 pieces;
  • Butter (softened) - 80-100 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 50-70 grams;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise - 1-2 tablespoons.

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. It is desirable that the potatoes are the same in shape and size. In this recipe, potatoes must be peeled.

Peel the skin off the potatoes

Step 2. Place potatoes in a saucepan and fill with water.

Place the potatoes in a pot and cover with water.

Step 3. After boiling, salt the water and cook for no more than 10 minutes. The potatoes must be undercooked.

After boiling, salt the water and cook until half cooked.

Step 4. Then we remove from the stove, carefully drain the water and wait until the potatoes cool down a bit.

Drain water from potatoes and set aside.

Step 5. Cut the potatoes in half, into two parts.

Cut the potato into two halves

Step 6. Now we begin to prepare the sauce in which the potatoes will be baked. Butter must be removed from the freezer in advance and thawed at room temperature. The oil should be soft.

Defrost butter at room temperature

Step 7. We rub hard cheese on a coarse grater, namely a coarse grater, so it looks more spectacular after baking.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater

Step 8. Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press.

Squeezing the garlic through a press

Step 9. In a bowl, first mix the softened butter and chopped garlic, mix thoroughly.

Mixing oil with garlic

Step 10. Add grated cheese and mayonnaise to the resulting mass, mix again. It is not necessary to salt the sauce, it is enough that the potatoes were boiled in salt water.

Add cheese and mayonnaise

Step 11 After you prepare the sauce, turn on the oven. While you are preparing the potatoes, it will heat up to the required temperature - 180 ° C.

Now we take out a baking sheet, lay parchment paper or foil on it and begin to lay out the potatoes. Lay it close to each other. Then spread the sauce evenly over each potato, distributing it over the surface of the potato slice.

Coat potatoes with butter sauce

Step 12. Now we send a baking sheet with potatoes to a preheated oven, bake it for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Readiness of potatoes can be checked with a wooden skewer.

We send the potatoes to bake in the oven

It turns out such a beautiful baked potato. Bring it to the table beautiful dish or in portions.

Baked potatoes with cheese

Good appetite!

On our site you can find another recipe for baked potatoes. Read the article.

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