Home Nutrition Grilled potatoes. Potato baked in foil on a fire. How to bake potatoes on coals with stuffing

Grilled potatoes. Potato baked in foil on a fire. How to bake potatoes on coals with stuffing

We continue the theme of food on vacation. Few trips to nature are complete without potatoes. Our recipe is charcoal-wrapped potatoes. It perfectly complements, and most importantly - it is prepared very, very simply.

There are many recipes for cooking potatoes on the coals. The easiest is to put the washed, unpeeled potatoes in the coals, sprinkle with them and bake until tender. Depending on the heat and the size of the potatoes, the cooking time can vary from 15 to 40 minutes.

The degree of readiness is determined by piercing the baked tuber with a knife. Well-baked potatoes break easily.

It turns out a little different than in the previous case, but it is prepared in almost the same way. The only thing is that each potato is wrapped in a sheet of foil.

We wash the potatoes well with a brush and leave the skins to dry completely.

Cut the foil into sheets according to the number of potatoes.

We wrap each potato in foil, well kneading the edges around the tuber.

We bury the potatoes in foil in the coals and leave for 20-30 minutes, after which we remove and evaluate the degree of readiness of one of the tubers. Everything is fine? We catch the rest of the potatoes and distribute them among the picnic participants.

Potatoes with bacon on the coals

You don't need any special preparation for going on a picnic. Salt, herbs, lard and cleanly washed potatoes in their skins. Foil and knife.

Cut the fat into slices; cut the potatoes lengthwise into three or two pieces. On each individual sheet of foil, we fold the potatoes into “sandwiches”, observing the order of potato slices: a piece of potato, a little salt and spices, a slice of bacon - and repeat the whole sequence again. We close with a slice of potatoes and wrap it well with foil so that the structure does not fall apart during the cooking process.

Such potatoes with bacon in foil on coals are cooked for about 20-30 minutes. If the potatoes are small, the cooking time is reduced.

In the same way, you can cook potatoes with cheese instead of or together with lard.

What to serve with baked potatoes

There are a lot of options for delicious additives to potatoes baked in foil on coals. Here are some ideas that you can implement at home and take with you or cook in the same place, in nature. It can be.

Grilled potatoes are a great addition to barbecue and fresh vegetables. We offer you several recipes suitable for a picnic. We wish you culinary success and a good outdoor recreation!

Grocery list:

  • 100 g mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • some dill and parsley;
  • 0.4 kg of fat with a layer;
  • young garlic - a few cloves;
  • spices (pepper, salt, Provence herbs);
  • foil;
  • 1 kg of young potatoes.

Cooking instructions

Step number 1. We lay out the ingredients listed above in front of us. Let's start with processing potatoes. We wash each tuber with water. The skin does not need to be removed. Just wipe it with a sponge to get rid of dirt or pieces of earth. Cut the potato in half.

Step number 2. Mushrooms should be rinsed with water. Then crush them into slices.

Step number 3. Tear off a piece of foil. We take into account the moment that we need to wrap the potato several times with it. What are the next steps? On a piece of foil next to put two halves of potatoes. That's not all. On one half we place a piece of lard, and on the other - a little garlic, parsley and dill (on a small branch). We also put a plate of champignon on the fat. Salt and sprinkle both halves of the potato with spices. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Step number 4. Now we connect the two halves of the potato, pressing them tightly. We make sure that the filling does not fall out. Wrap with foil. Do the same with the rest of the potatoes. Put them in a bowl.

Step number 5. Kindle the grill. The formed coals must be stirred up. We fold the foil rolls into the recess. Sprinkle them with charcoal on top. After about 20-30 minutes, the potatoes with bacon on the grill will be ready. If you want to speed up this process, then use medium-sized tubers.

Step number 6. We serve our fragrant potatoes to the table. Each bundle is carefully unfolded. Let our dish cool down a bit. In the meantime, you can cook meat or fish on the grill. In any case, you and your friends (relatives) will have a pleasant meal in the bosom of nature. What could be better?!

Rustic grilled potatoes in foil

Required Ingredients:

  • vinegar- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • some greenery;
  • medium potatoes - 10-12 pieces;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • favorite spices;
  • two small onions;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • 6 art. l. olive oil.

Practical part:

  1. On the grill with high sides, in which the potatoes will be cooked on the grill, lay out the foil in 2 layers. Now let's do a visual inspection. There should be no holes or crevices in the foil. Be sure to make a margin in height to wrap the edges (completely wrap the potatoes).
  2. We leave the brazier alone for now. We wash the potato tubers with a brush without removing the peel. Then cut into two halves.
  3. We coat the foil in the grate with oil. Now lay out the potato halves (next to each other, not on top of each other). Sprinkle with onion rings.
  4. We make a dressing for our dish. Combine wine vinegar, pepper and salt. We stir with a spoon. The grains of salt should completely dissolve. We also add chopped garlic and oil (6 tbsp. L.). We mix. Pour two thirds of the resulting dressing over the potatoes. Place a couple of ice cubes on top. Cover it all with foil, sealing the edges tightly.
  5. It is necessary to prepare the coals in the grill in advance. Baking time for potatoes is 30-40 minutes. It all depends on the size of the tubers. Readiness is checked with a regular toothpick. Carefully remove the foil with the contents and put on a dish. Remove the top layer. Drizzle the potatoes with the remaining dressing. Sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Potatoes cooked on the grill, served with fresh vegetables, fish or meat dishes. Suitable drinks are: natural juices, kvass, dark beer and red wines.

Another option

Grocery set:

  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • spices;
  • 150 ml refined oil.


  1. We wash the potatoes and clean them of dirt. The skin does not need to be removed. It is advisable to use small tubers. They will bake faster.
  2. Put the potatoes in a separate bowl. Pour in the oil and juice obtained from half a lemon. We mix.
  3. We wash the greens. It can be cilantro, parsley or dill. We grind them. We send it to a bowl with potatoes.
  4. Remove skins from garlic. Chop into slices. Add to potatoes. Salt. Sprinkle with your favorite spices. Mix again.
  5. Thread potatoes onto skewers. We send to the grill. We bake using a large amount of coals. The remaining marinade can be gradually watered tubers. Your relatives and friends will certainly enjoy fragrant potatoes on the grill. The recipe is easy to follow. Minimum time and minimum products. And the result is simply amazing - a hearty and tasty dish.


Now you know how to cook potatoes on the grill. The article provides several recipes with different ingredients. Choose any option and have a picnic.

Potatoes on the fire - favorite treat on a camping trip. For its preparation, a cauldron or a grate is not needed. It may seem that there is only one way to bake it, but experienced tourists know more than one recipe for a smoky dish. How to bake potatoes on a fire different ways?

simple recipe

Before baking potatoes, you need to let the fire burn for at least an hour so that enough coals and ash are formed. When red coals are formed, and the flames become small, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of the fire, put the tubers into it, lay red coals on top and bake.

How long are potatoes baked? It depends on the size of the tubers, and on the heat of the coals. To check readiness, you need to pull one potato out of the fire and pierce it with a stick. If it breaks, then it's ready.

They eat baked potatoes hot, with salt and green onions

in foil

Recipe 1

When going on a hike, it is easy to put foil in your backpack. It is useful for cooking potatoes on a fire.

Tear the foil into pieces according to the number and size of tubers. Each piece can be lubricated with oil if desired, but you can not lubricate. Wash potatoes and wrap each in foil. You can also put garlic in there. Wait until the fire burns out, the fire goes out and smoldering coals remain. Put the wrapped tubers in the fire and sprinkle coals and ash on top. Leave for 40 minutes. Eat hot, sprinkle with salt and bite onion feathers.

Even an empty potato baked in a campfire is very tasty.

There is always an opportunity to make it more spicy and rich. For example, cook potatoes with garlic and cheese. For 10 tubers you will need 0.2 kg of cheese, four cloves of garlic, to taste ground pepper and coarse salt. The tubers need to be washed and cut into two halves, crush the garlic. Put a slice of cheese and garlic on each half of the tuber, pepper and salt, wrap in foil, bury in coals and bake for half an hour.

Recipe 2

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 6 young small tubers;
  • 200 grams of fat;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • salt and other seasonings to taste.


  1. Rinse the potatoes, dry thoroughly, cut each tuber, not reaching the end of about 2 cm.
  2. Cut the salo into very thin slices.
  3. Mix chopped garlic and spices (pepper, bay leaf, etc.) without adding salt.
  4. Grate the potatoes with the prepared mixture and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Put lard into the cuts of the tubers, wrap each in two layers of foil.
  6. Make a depression in the center of the fire, place the potatoes there, cover with coals and ash and bake for 30 minutes.

Salt ready meal while eating

Tip: do not throw garbage into the fire where the potatoes will be fried, especially plastic items that, when burned, can release toxic substances. For garbage, it is recommended to kindle a fire separately.

Recipe 3

First, they put the potatoes in a warm fire, and while they are baking, prepare the filling.

This will require:

  • grated cheese;
  • butter;
  • Dill.

All this is taken into account. Butter, grated cheese and finely chopped dill are kneaded with a fork, mixed and cleaned in a cool place. The finished potatoes are taken out of the fire, cut from above, not reaching the bottom, pushed apart, crushed the pulp, a portion of the filling is placed and the halves are connected. When all the tubers are stuffed, put back in the fire for a couple of minutes.

Can be fried differently. large potatoes cut into two halves, make indentations in each with a spoon or knife and fill with stuffing. It can be minced meat, cheese with garlic, mushrooms, herbs and more. Fold the halves and wrap tightly in foil. Bake in the coals of a fire.

For the filling, you can take other ingredients, for example, mushrooms, onions, lard, herbs, garlic

Recipe 4

This dish is called accordion. In addition to potatoes, you will need any products: cheese, meat, chicken, lard, brisket, bacon, vegetables, herbs, onions, garlic, mayonnaise, spices, butter.

Prepare the potatoes: wash, dry and make cuts along the entire length, but do not cut through. Put the chosen filling into the cuts: thin slices of brisket, cheese or circles of vegetables. Top with oil or grease with sour cream, sprinkle with spices, chopped garlic, chopped herbs.

Each stuffed tuber should be properly wrapped in foil and put in a fire.

On skewers

Shish kebab is prepared not only from meat. To cook potatoes on skewers on a fire, you need cheese and boiled pork. Peel the tubers, rinse and cut into circles 2 cm thick. String potatoes, slices of boiled pork and cheese alternately on skewers. Wrap the kebab in foil and set over the embers of a fire. As a support, you can use pieces of wood or stones found in the forest. If the potatoes are young, you can pre-boil them until half cooked.

If you want to get golden brown, you need to fry skewers without foil

If there is no fire

It is impossible to make a fire, but you want potatoes with smoke and a delicious peel. Then you need to cook it, like on a fire, but in an ordinary stove. It's simple, but there are a few secrets.


  1. Rinse the unpeeled potatoes thoroughly, you can even go over each tuber with a brush. Do not wipe.
  2. Mix a small amount of flour with salt and roll each potato in this dry mixture.
  3. Put on a baking sheet and place in the oven for an hour at 180⁰C. If you need it faster - under the grill.
  4. There are ready-made potatoes with butter, herbs and garlic.

At a picnic, there is nothing better than a baked potato in a fire. The simplest recipe, familiar to every schoolchild, can be successfully diversified, the main thing is not to be lazy and fantasize.

Fry the potatoes in coals for 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes and the strength of the coals.

How to roast potatoes over a fire

Potatoes on a fire in foil
1. Wash potatoes well from the ground, remove moisture with paper napkins.
2. For each potato, prepare a square-shaped sheet of foil to wrap the whole potato in it.
3. Wrap each potato tightly in foil, being careful not to tear the foil.
4. Use a shovel or other metal tool to stir up the coals and make indentations almost to the very ground or bottom of the barbecue.
5. Put the potatoes in foil into the recesses, lightly cover with coals on the sides and top.
6. Bake the potatoes in the coals for about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
7. Salt ready-made potatoes during meals.

How to fry potatoes on a fire without foil
1. Wash the potatoes well, clean from the remnants of the earth with a brush.
2. Remove moisture from potatoes with a towel or paper napkins.
3. With a shovel or other metal object, stir up the coals and make indentations almost to the very ground or bottom of the barbecue.
4. Put the potatoes in the recesses, lightly cover with coals on the sides and top.
5. Bake the potatoes in the coals for about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
6. Salt potatoes during meals.

How to fry potatoes on skewers and a grill


Sunflower oil - 40 milliliters
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to make sliced ​​potatoes at the stake
1. Wash young potatoes well, clean off the ground with a coarse brush, but do not cut the peel.
2. Remove excess moisture from potatoes with paper towels.
3. Cut dried potatoes into thick circles 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
4. Put the potato plates on skewers, leaving a distance of 0.5 cm between the plates, or put them on the grill.
5. Pour abundantly on potatoes from all sides sunflower oil sprinkle evenly with salt.
6. Fry the potatoes over the fire, turning occasionally, 15 minutes on each side.
7. Check readiness by piercing the potato plates with a toothpick or fork.

How to fry potatoes with lard on skewers

New potatoes - 1 kilogram
Salo - 300 grams
Rosemary - a few sprigs
Pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste

How to make sliced ​​potatoes on a fire with lard
1. Wash young potatoes well, clean off the ground with a coarse brush, but do not cut the peel. 2. Remove excess moisture from potatoes with paper towels.
3. Cut dried potatoes into 0.5 cm thick circles.
4. Cut the cold fat with a sharp wide knife into thin plates a couple of millimeters thick, about 3 centimeters wide, so that they are slightly smaller than the potato plates.
5. Thread potato and lard plates onto skewers, alternating them with each other.
6. Salt and pepper the potato skewers.
7. For each skewer with potatoes, prepare a sheet of foil so that you can wrap the whole potato in it.
8. Rinse the sprigs of rosemary, divide with your hands into as many as you get skewers with potatoes.
9. Wrap each potato skewers tightly in a sheet of foil along with a sprig of rosemary.
10. Keep the potato skewers over the coals for 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
11. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the foil from the potatoes, hold the skewers over the fire for 5 minutes until the potatoes are reddened.


The advantage of frying potatoes wrapped in foil over a fire is that this is how potatoes not charred and will not be stained with ashes, unlike potatoes without foil.

Any potato is suitable for frying on a fire, but it should not be sluggish.

Potatoes in foil can be fried on a fire together with lard. To do this, make a deep, almost through, transverse incision in the middle of each potato and put thin slices of fat there. Then wrap the potatoes tightly in foil.

To determine potato readiness fried on a fire, you need to pull one potato out of it, unfold the foil a little and pierce it with a knife - it should be soft.

Traditional roasted potatoes are eating along with the skin. If the potatoes were fried in foil, before serving it should be slightly expanded, but not completely removed. This will prevent you from getting dirty in the ashes.

Potatoes before frying on a fire can be preliminarily pickle. To do this, it must be peeled, cut into rounds, pour marinade, marinate for 30 to 60 minutes and fry on skewers.

To roast potatoes on the fire evenly and in the middle did not remain raw, it is better to cook it in foil and with pieces of lard. Lard should be thinly sliced ​​and each piece strung on a skewer between potatoes or put in a deep cut in the middle of a whole potato, then wrap the skewers or whole potatoes in foil.

- Marinade with lemon and garlic: mix the juice of half a lemon and 150 milliliters of vegetable oil, add 6 crushed garlic cloves, any chopped herbs, salt, pepper.

- Marinade with mayonnaise or sour cream: mix mayonnaise or sour cream with chopped dill, add a few chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper to taste.


On a winter evening, we cook baked potatoes in the oven, and in summer it's time to bake potatoes on a fire, in nature. Hot, fragrant, with a smoky and crumbly middle, such potatoes even without the addition of kebabs - delicious dish in the world!

You can just bake in coals, but now I suggest cooking potatoes in foil on a fire: this way its peel will remain clean, not smeared with soot; the tubers will bake more evenly, and the cooking time will decrease.


  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces per person;
  • Salt, vegetable oil for submission.
Potatoes for baking on a fire are best suited small - so that they bake faster; clean - then it can be eaten directly with the peel, without peeling; correct form- it’s more beautiful and, if you decide to clean it all the same, it will be more convenient. Choose a crumbly variety with yellow flesh.


To begin with, we make a fire - such that in the end we get a sufficient amount of coals in which it will be possible to “hide” the potatoes completely.

While the fire is burning, prepare the food. Wash potatoes thoroughly and dry. Divide the baking foil into squares large enough to wrap the tuber.

Wrap each potato in foil (shiny side out, matte inside). It turns out such silver potatoes, I really like them!

The flame is no longer visible, are there hot coals in the fire? It's time to put in the potatoes. We rake the coals with a stick and carefully lay silver potatoes on their lower layer.

Then from above, again, with the help of a stick, so as not to get burned, we rake up a layer of coals from the sides - so as to cover the potatoes.

Now you can relax while you wait, or put a grate on top of the coals and cook bruschetta over the fire - a great addition to a baked potato! And we had barbecue on top.

How long to bake potatoes in foil on charcoal? Depending on the size of the tubers - from 40 minutes to 1 hour. If the potatoes are very small, do not overdo it so that it does not turn out too dry.

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