Home Drinks and cocktails Victoria Karpukhina: Big encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and spices. Getting coconut oil at home. Black flower in the kitchen

Victoria Karpukhina: Big encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and spices. Getting coconut oil at home. Black flower in the kitchen

Name: The Great Encyclopedia of Spices, Seasonings and Spices (2015)

Release year: 2015

Publisher: AST

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Description of the book "Download for free the book The Great Encyclopedia of Spices, Seasonings and Spices"

Name: Big encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and spices
Karpukhina Victoria
Publisher: AST
Series: Big Book of Health
Year: 2015
Pages: 300, 71 ill.
Language: Russian
Format: rtf, fb2
The size 9.6 MB

Description Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food,” Hippocrates said. We keep this in mind when applied to meat, vegetables and fruits. But we do not think that most of the spices in the kitchen are medicinal herbs. A significant part of them can be bought at a pharmacy. Like all medicines, herbs can heal or harm. How to make the best choice? This requires encyclopedic knowledge, and even better, this book is in the kitchen cabinet! Almost all spices and spices that we use in cooking from pepper to parsley are healing. They not only improve the taste of dishes, but also heal us! But each seasoning is valuable for its beneficial properties. Therefore, you need to add spices to food as varied as possible! And do not forget that each spice has its own contraindications, this is not as scary as it might seem. Just choose for yourself others with the same benefit and be healthy! This publication is not a medical textbook. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.

Victoria Karpukhina

Big encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and spices

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food supplements. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I'll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. Found out that there are many different spices you can buy in the market. And if you guessed correctly, then the food is simply excellent! Even my friends did not understand that I fed them dumplings from the bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for making my table much tastier and much healthier thanks to your book. Now I can add something of my own to each serving, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, at least from one pan I impose! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I love to experiment with different seasonings - for each dish I choose my mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is useful! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are different things, but now she showed her your book, and she was inspired! Now she asks if I added everything that is most useful and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronika, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed hops-suneli according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you dear!

Tetiko, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such an amazing book! It's unbelievable how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the fridge! I have been fond of different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the main thing to my diet dishes! This is just a miracle. Even the nastiest diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars are now in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty and do not stand idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I suffered, choosing something that was both tasty and healthy, but quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now not the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our big family!

Stephanie, 40 years old

To the pharmacy - only for spices!

In every house in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds, and overseas, accustomed to a mild or hot climate. They are interesting to us as fragrant components of the dish, and as a manifestation of wildlife, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice known to them in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed records for us. The arsenal of spices in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, in India and China was quite wide.

Many of the herbs we are rediscovering today. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought drugs in a pharmacy exclusively to taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help, and how this or that remedy can harm. With spices, things are exactly the same: we buy some for salvation, others to exacerbate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for an ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live for a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example for you. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced discomfort after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart area. Garlic, which is remarkable in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body, can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vasospasm. What now, do not eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative impact and increase the benefits!

The modern, well-being-conscious person needs quick, easily accessible, and specific information: Nervous breakdown - take it easy with mint; tired - here's a broth with cloves; there is a long work ahead - stock up on bergamot; overcooled and feel unwell - immediately brew hibiscus; overcome diseases and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

Victoria Karpukhina

Big encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and spices

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food supplements. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I'll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. Found out that there are many different spices you can buy in the market. And if you guessed correctly, then the food is simply excellent! Even my friends did not understand that I fed them dumplings from the bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for making my table much tastier and much healthier thanks to your book. Now I can add something of my own to each serving, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, at least from one pan I impose! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I love to experiment with different seasonings - for each dish I choose my mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is useful! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are different things, but now she showed her your book, and she was inspired! Now she asks if I added everything that is most useful and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronika, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed hops-suneli according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you dear!

Tetiko, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such an amazing book! It's unbelievable how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the fridge! I have been fond of different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the main thing to my diet dishes! This is just a miracle. Even the nastiest diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars are now in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty and do not stand idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I suffered, choosing something that was both tasty and healthy, but quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now not the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our big family!

Stephanie, 40 years old

To the pharmacy - only for spices!

In every house in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds, and overseas, accustomed to a mild or hot climate. They are interesting to us as fragrant components of the dish, and as a manifestation of wildlife, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice known to them in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed records for us. The arsenal of spices in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, in India and China was quite wide.

Many of the herbs we are rediscovering today. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought drugs in a pharmacy exclusively to taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help, and how this or that remedy can harm. With spices, things are exactly the same: we buy some for salvation, others to exacerbate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for an ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live for a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example for you. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced discomfort after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart area. Garlic, which is remarkable in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body, can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vasospasm. What now, do not eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative impact and increase the benefits!

The modern, well-being-conscious person needs quick, easily accessible, and specific information: Nervous breakdown - take it easy with mint; tired - here's a broth with cloves; there is a long work ahead - stock up on bergamot; overcooled and feel unwell - immediately brew hibiscus; overcome diseases and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

To turn your lunch not only into a gastronomic joy and energy boost, but also into a tool to fight infections and colds, chronic diseases, nervous strain, age-related changes, to organize a repulse of constant oncological attacks on cells, you need not only healthy foods, but also the right selected spices. Spice charms prepared from those plants that since ancient times representatives of different peoples have placed in their homes for the spiritual purity of their homes. More specifically, spices. However, let's understand the culinary concepts in order to use them appropriately.

Seasonings, spices, spices - what's the difference

What are called seasonings, spices, spices, and how do they differ from each other?

Everything that makes food more appetizing can be called a seasoning for food: spices, spice mixtures, sauces, ketchups, sour cream and even jam! Poured pancakes with sour cream or cherry jam - here's a wonderful seasoning for you. But we will talk about sour cream last. Because the most useful seasoning for the body is vegetable oil, a concentrate of useful substances contained in oil plants. We also will not disregard the multi-component classic sauces, which perfectly stimulate the appetite, serve as an energy boost and transfer the vitamin and mineral composition of the ingredients to the dinner.

The concept of spice includes flavor enhancers of various origins: salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, mustard paste, soy sauce, prepared herbs, etc. Many of them are excellent antioxidants and have a number of other useful properties.

But what are spices? Fragrant herbs, or rather, what is used for seasoning: leaves, roots, flowers or even pistils, for example, like the most expensive spice - saffron. Many garden plants are considered spices - onions, garlic, herbs. They give the dish a special aroma, bring their own notes to the taste. Most of the spices are medicinal herbs, and some of them can only be bought in pharmacies so far! Spices or spice mixtures often work as good immune stimulants and antioxidants.

Our Encyclopedia includes fragrant gifts of the plant world from different countries, which have not only aromatic, but also healing properties. We will pay special attention to the origin of spices, if only because the traditions of preserving the beneficial properties of plants have been developed in their homeland for centuries, and the results of reasonable use are perfectly reflected in health.

A pinch of traditional Chinese Five Spice blend contains more antioxidants than a glass of fresh berries. Two or three petals of the most expensive spice saffron can do wonders for women's health. And fragrant cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife can prevent an impending cold. And by the way, a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, dried oregano, and turmeric outperforms a glass of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and one pomegranate or kiwi for antioxidant properties. Another thing is, is it possible to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon without damage to health? Of course not! But the constant use of the necessary spices, especially in winter, when the forest is covered with snow and far from the berries, is a complete replacement for the necessary batteries.

From this book, you will learn everything you need to know about the seasoning that you love or are just about to try. Be sure to be surprised at how many discoveries you have in the field of culinary herbs, gravies and flavor enhancers.

Gather sad, but necessary information about the features of commodity substitutions in the field of seasonings. But quickly console yourself with a new trustworthy choice!

Learn to combine spices and spices in a magical way for the best taste and aroma, but, most importantly, to improve your own health!

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food supplements. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I'll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. Found out that there are many different spices you can buy in the market. And if you guessed correctly, then the food is simply excellent! Even my friends did not understand that I fed them dumplings from the bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for making my table much tastier and much healthier thanks to your book. Now I can add something of my own to each serving, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, at least from one pan I impose! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I love to experiment with different seasonings - for each dish I choose my mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is useful! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are different things, but now she showed her your book, and she was inspired! Now she asks if I added everything that is most useful and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronika, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed hops-suneli according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you dear!

Tetiko, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such an amazing book! It's unbelievable how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the fridge! I have been fond of different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the main thing to my diet dishes! This is just a miracle. Even the nastiest diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars are now in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty and do not stand idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I suffered, choosing something that was both tasty and healthy, but quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now not the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our big family!

Stephanie, 40 years old

To the pharmacy - only for spices!

In every house in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds, and overseas, accustomed to a mild or hot climate. They are interesting to us as fragrant components of the dish, and as a manifestation of wildlife, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice known to them in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed records for us. The arsenal of spices in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, in India and China was quite wide.

Many of the herbs we are rediscovering today. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought drugs in a pharmacy exclusively to taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help, and how this or that remedy can harm. With spices, things are exactly the same: we buy some for salvation, others to exacerbate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for an ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live for a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example for you. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced discomfort after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart area. Garlic, which is remarkable in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body, can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vasospasm. What now, do not eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative impact and increase the benefits!

The modern, well-being-conscious person needs quick, easily accessible, and specific information: Nervous breakdown - take it easy with mint; tired - here's a broth with cloves; there is a long work ahead - stock up on bergamot; overcooled and feel unwell - immediately brew hibiscus; overcome diseases and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

To turn your lunch not only into a gastronomic joy and energy boost, but also into a tool to fight infections and colds, chronic diseases, nervous strain, age-related changes, to organize a repulse of constant oncological attacks on cells, you need not only healthy foods, but also the right selected spices. Spice charms prepared from those plants that since ancient times representatives of different peoples have placed in their homes for the spiritual purity of their homes. More specifically, spices. However, let's understand the culinary concepts in order to use them appropriately.

Seasonings, spices, spices - what's the difference

What are called seasonings, spices, spices, and how do they differ from each other?

Everything that makes food more appetizing can be called a seasoning for food: spices, spice mixtures, sauces, ketchups, sour cream and even jam! Poured pancakes with sour cream or cherry jam - here's a wonderful seasoning for you. But we will talk about sour cream last. Because the most useful seasoning for the body is vegetable oil, a concentrate of useful substances contained in oil plants. We also will not disregard the multi-component classic sauces, which perfectly stimulate the appetite, serve as an energy boost and transfer the vitamin and mineral composition of the ingredients to the dinner.

The concept of spice includes flavor enhancers of various origins: salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, mustard paste, soy sauce, prepared herbs, etc. Many of them are excellent antioxidants and have a number of other useful properties.

But what are spices? Fragrant herbs, or rather, what is used for seasoning: leaves, roots, flowers or even pistils, for example, like the most expensive spice - saffron. Many garden plants are considered spices - onions, garlic, herbs. They give the dish a special aroma, bring their own notes to the taste. Most of the spices are medicinal herbs, and some of them can only be bought in pharmacies so far! Spices or spice mixtures often work as good immune stimulants and antioxidants.

Our Encyclopedia includes fragrant gifts of the plant world from different countries, which have not only aromatic, but also healing properties. We will pay special attention to the origin of spices, if only because the traditions of preserving the beneficial properties of plants have been developed in their homeland for centuries, and the results of reasonable use are perfectly reflected in health.

A pinch of traditional Chinese Five Spice blend contains more antioxidants than a glass of fresh berries. Two or three petals of the most expensive spice saffron can do wonders for women's health. And fragrant cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife can prevent an impending cold. And by the way, a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, dried oregano, and turmeric outperforms a glass of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and one pomegranate or kiwi for antioxidant properties. Another thing is, is it possible to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon without damage to health? Of course not! But the constant use of the necessary spices, especially in winter, when the forest is covered with snow and far from the berries, is a complete replacement for the necessary batteries.

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