Home Drinks and cocktails Confectionery art theory foundations. The emergence of the art of confectionery. My achievements in confectionery

Confectionery art theory foundations. The emergence of the art of confectionery. My achievements in confectionery

Today, the world knows a huge number of sweets: from sweet syrups to delicious cakes. Sweets, caramel, chocolate... All of this once did not exist. What's the story confectionery?

The word "confectioner" means "boil in sugar" and comes from the Italian "candiere". Confectionery art began to develop in Italy at the beginning of the 16th century, since it was at this time that sugar appeared. Previously, sweets were purchased exclusively in Europe from the Arabs, who are considered the oldest confectioners in the world, using sugar since 850. Until now, the Arab countries and the East are famous for their rich assortment of various sweets. Europe paid special attention to baking cakes and cookies, while the Arabs, meanwhile, found out that sugar can be boiled and melted. With the help of candling, you can cook a huge number of amazing sweet dishes, delicious desserts and unusual confectionery.

First of all, berry and fruit juices, as well as fresh berries and fruits. Now they not only decorated fruit cakes, but also made independent products. Some newly minted confectioners tried to cook food in the form of mashed potatoes, others - in a crushed state, and still others - whole. It was as a result of such experiments that people learned and fell in love with the taste of syrup, marmalade, marmalade, jam, confiture, preserves and candied fruits.

Sugar was boiled both in its pure form and with the addition of a small amount of dyes, spices, nuts, milk, and wine. The syrup could be both thin and thicker, which provided the basis for the preparation of candy, fudge, toffee, toffee, caramel and much more.

But the confectioners were not going to stop there, trying more and more new combinations of flavors and food products. Starch or flour was added to sugar, which made the mass more elastic and sticky. This is how everyone's favorite halvah, nougat, Turkish delight and so on appeared.

The first sweets appeared in ancient Greece and were stuffed with fruits, and in ancient Egypt sweets were made on the basis of dates with the addition of nuts and honey. Almost until the 20th century, sweets were produced exclusively at home, but later large manufacturers turned their attention to confectionery products, and today any confectionery company can offer customers a wide range of sweets.

Gained immense popularity and chocolate, which was brought to Europe from Mexico. Today, chocolate is one of the best-selling sweets.

Confectionery products have a lot of different advantages. They have a high nutritional energy value, excellent taste and pleasant aroma, which are to the liking of both adults and children. Each firm that produces sweets keeps its secrets and secrets, which are available only to the most faithful workers.

Everything ingenious is simple, which is why confectioners were able to create so many new and unusual dishes from the most common ingredients.

Modern confectionery art has been formed thanks to centuries of experiments by amateurs and professionals, dreamers and innovators who have put their soul into sweet creations. And although our main goal is to find the best culinary school for you and organize admission, today we are pursuing an educational mission. How? We expand your horizons by talking about incredible facts related to the art of confectionery. After reading, you are sure to be inspired to prepare a dessert with a twist.

It all started in Egypt

Did you know that the first masters of confectionery art appeared not in France, but in Egypt? Until the 7th century, European sweet tooths were content with fruits in different types eat them fresh and dried. But the Egyptians actively experimented and pampered themselves delicious desserts from honey, spices, seeds, grains and sweet fruits. The Muslim invasion in the 7th century allowed the treats to migrate to Europe, where the confectionery frenzy literally began.

Italian origin

However, for several centuries, the Arabs maintained a "monopoly" on sweets. The fact is that they knew and used sugar since 850, and the Europeans put it into circulation only at the end of the 15th century. It was from this time that active development began, the center of which was Venice. The word “confectioner” itself comes from the Italian verb “candiere”, which means “boil in sugar”. By that time, the Latin word “confectioner” was in use, that is, a cook. As a result of accidental confusion, in the XVIII century Europeans began to call "confectioners" all those who knew how to cook sweets.

The secret past of pasta

A few years ago, the traditional French pasta dessert conquered the whole world. Delicious sweetness made from protein, sugar and ground almonds literally melts in your mouth and captivates with a variety of flavors. And if everything is clear with the public's love for pasta, then his past is foggy. The gastronomic encyclopedia Larousse refers the origin of this dessert to Venice and the Renaissance. Many believe that pasta was first cooked in France in Cormerie several centuries earlier. The third version says that the delicacy was nevertheless brought from Italy after 1560.

We do not have a time machine to unravel this mystery, but we know for sure that you can learn how to cook the perfect pasta at a culinary and pastry school. For details about programs and tuition fees, please contact STUDIES & CAREERS consultants in any of the convenient ways.

Exact science

From the first lessons, students of confectionery schools understand that the “sweet business” is an exact science, where proportions, temperature and cooking time cannot be neglected. Compliance with the recipe is the success of any dessert. Thus, the pastry direction is recognized as one of the most difficult in cooking.

chocolate river

We are sure that you have watched the colorful film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Remember the huge river that flowed through the kingdom of the protagonist? Yes, yes, we are talking about an endless chocolate flow. We reveal the secret, this river was "prepared" from real chocolate with the addition of 500 liters of water and cream.

Polish dessert in France

In the beautiful 50s, a Polish pastry chef Alexander Mika worked in Saint-Tropez, who owned a pastry shop. One fine day, he put on the counter a dessert made according to the recipe of his beloved grandmother. The treat was a sugar brioche, cut into two parts, stuffed with custard and whipped cream. After 5 years, Roger Vadim, together with his team, came to the Cote d'Azur of France to shoot the film "And God Created Woman." By a happy coincidence, it was Alexander who was engaged in catering, treating the actors delicious delicacies. The main performer of the film, Brigitte Bardot, was amazed by the Polish dessert and gave it the name "La Tarte Tropezienne", i.e. "Tart Tropezienne".

For details on where you can learn to become a confectioner, check with STUDIES&CAREERS specialists.

advertising ideas

Today, doing a confectionery business and not having your own Instagram is simply indecent. Examples of delicious pages from popular confectioners and ordinary mothers on maternity leave, which sometimes give them a head start.

Multi-storey and unrealistically stylish cakes to order from the Moscow confectionery studio "Annushka Cake". The number of sweet "exhibits" is amazing. The portfolio of studio masters has everything: from photo cakes to skyscraper cakes, from conceptual cakes in the form of gifts from the world of haute couture to children's cartoons. In a word, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Chocolatier from Mexico named Jose Ramon Castillo is an American TV star and participant in various cooking shows. In addition to his beloved Castillo, he also posts his products, which are distinguished by bright colors and positive forms. Apparently, the Mexican really likes to indulge in icing and feast on chocolate women's shoes.

The author of the Ivcakes account, Victoria Sagirova, loves flowers, greenery and minimalism very much and does not work with mastic in principle, making cake decorations exclusively from cream. According to the creator, the project was originally born as a “cake for yourself and your loved ones”, but over time it grew into something more. Now anyone can order Victoria cakes, being sure of the naturalness and freshness of the products.

The creations of Dinara Kasko from Kharkov are not just confectionery art, but also confectionery architecture. By education, the girl is a designer-architect, and she creates her confectionery products using 3D modeling and 3D printing technologies. Dinara's talent has been repeatedly appreciated at international competitions.

The Instagram of a journalist, food photographer and author of several books on culinary topics Anastasia Zurabova is very full of goodies. Anastasia is the ideal of many women who manage to raise children and fulfill themselves, tirelessly doing what they love.

A beautiful and tasty account that sells cake stands, photo backgrounds and wooden decorations for flowers and confectionery.

Instagram of the charming confectioner from Milan, Gianluca Fusto, who consults restaurants and pastry shops, and also gives master classes in different countries peace. There are so many fans of the Italian’s work that fakes appear on the account every now and then.

An account with a huge number of desserts from food blogger and traveler Andrey Rudkov. The photographs are brought to the highest degree of appetizing, and many products are specially presented in the cut or in the process of eating, so that the viewers salivate.

An excellent example of self-branding is the page of Nina Tarasova, a consultant in the field of confectionery art, who travels with master classes all over the world. In her blog, the girl shares not only beautiful photos of products, but also an equally interesting process of their creation.

Darina Kossar is a food photographer and food art specialist who creates amazing works of fruit, berries, chocolate, whipped cream and other products. In her hands, the goodies are transformed into edible animal paintings, landscapes, portraits of stars and famous places from different countries.

When Lilia Vasilyeva draws on her cookies and gingerbread, time stops for her. For five years now, Lilia has been doing her own thing and creating a unique sand and chocolate chip cookie, gingerbread, meringues and other gift sweets, sometimes putting predictions in them.

High confectionery art from the French confectioner Cedric Grolet, who works at the Le Meurice hotel in Paris. The filigree technique of this master and the ability to create confectionery fruits that are indistinguishable from real ones brought the Frenchman a whole army of admirers. The account has almost a million followers, and each post gets tens of thousands of likes.

Page of the Moscow cafe YUMBAKER | Cafe with an emphasis on “expensive” black. Initially, the project began as an online cafe for Moscow mother Yulia Maryukha, who baked her first cake in 2010 for her daughter's birthday, after which she was so imbued with this activity that today many confectioners will envy her.

Wedding, cakes, donuts and cupcakes from HOORAY magazine! An account where you can find not only goodies, but also many inspiring ideas for organizers and decorators of wedding celebrations.

Bright and positive account about home baking from an American woman named Ruth, who married a Canadian, moved to live in Toronto and began to do what she loved. The author of the blog brings up children and maintains his culinary blog Cook Til Delicious.

Another Instagram account from the representative of the "old guard" - chocolatier Philip Bertrand. His titles "chef" received back in the 90s. Bertrand is one of the people who today determine the global trends and guidelines for the professional activity of confectioners.

A bright page of a young happy mother Larisa, who brings up two daughters, travels the world and delights her subscribers with colorful cakes, pastries and other sweets.

An example of an inspiring confectionery page by Natalie Eng from Singapore. Photos of the girl are imbued with love for France, where she often visits with a unique Parisian spirit.

Yann Duytsche makes the best panetonne pie in Spain, owns his own bakery, runs pastry classes and writes books. A real pro in his field, whose talent attracts people from all over the world.

If you're looking for inspiration to create eclairs, then your best bet is to take a look at the ingenious creations of Joaquim Prat. Prat owns the Maitre Choux confectionery in London and is considered one of the creators and trendsetters of eclair fashion.

Confectioner Ekaterina Shulzhenko draws her inspiration from nature. AT confectionery art the author prefers cream cakes, which are beautifully decorated with berries.

We receive many letters with feedback, gratitude, impressions, joy about participating in the gingerbread program. But one of them became a little special. The man shared his story, his feelings - deeply and sincerely.

We hope you enjoy the essays of one of our students, or rather, now a graduate.

  • Expectation.

You know how it happens… everyday life, monotony, scheme… And then you decided on something and everything changes, and you don’t sleep at night, in anticipation of when the long-awaited date will come, when there will be a beginning.

This is exactly how I felt before the start of the gingerbread art program “Gingerbread Master”. On the night before the first lesson, I hardly slept, and time moved so slowly. And this night turned out to be the first among the sleepless tasty nights, saturated with the aroma of cinnamon and cardamom, clear lines and tenderness of scales ...

Like many, before this program, I watched the video course "Gingerbread from A to Z" and it hooked me. This course showed that everything is possible, take it and do it - simply, beautifully, easily. The process was fascinating, the result pleased me and my family. And, of course, I wanted more. I wanted to try other dough recipes, learn the secrets of decorating, and I just wanted joy, warmth and light, and I found all this.

The work that captivates us makes us stronger, better, makes us ourselves.

  • Magic.

Sometimes the magic starts with a simple, beautiful and clean kitchen. Perhaps many have not noticed this, but it is so important when nothing distracts, when everything is clear and accessible. As they say, "beauty is when there is nothing superfluous."

Each gingerbread dough plays on its notes, and tactile sensations make it clear the melody: honey - foamy, airy, when you knead it, you stand on your toes, you want to fly, goat - viscous, cool, here the organ and pipes play in the background, and the dough according to the recipe of Julia Asher can be call it light, modern and slightly jazzy.

Magic, elusive magic.

Here you are given a set of ingredients, the same set, and step-by-step instruction on application, and the result is always different. The process of preparing gingerbread goat dough is mesmerizing: spices intoxicate your head with their aroma, sugar, during the caramelization process it turns on the “I want to eat sweets” function, when boiling water is added, the heart stops, and how happy the eye is when soda works its miracles, turning the fragrant mass into a double foamy pleasure . You knead the dough and think - what will it be like? This magical process combines everything - mood, ingredients, expectations, thoughts, lunar phases, cosmic energy. And as a result, the dough is always a little special, different, unique: sometimes light and light, sometimes dark and caramel, but always incomparably tasty. Elena said that goat dough brings happiness.

Checked! I now have a lot of happiness in the house)

  • Doubt.

I want to do everything at once, and a lot, and more, and longer. No sleep, no eating, but only baking gingerbread and making icing. This "want" comes after the doubt: can I? You look at the insanely beautiful gingerbread, and then at your curves and again in doubt. Oh, they, oh, these doubts are happiness blockers. Away! You just need to step over, and the main thing is to do it - the first, second, fifth, seventh, tenth gingerbread and now an excellent result.

And still doubts overcome when choosing the equipment of a gingerbread master, because you want to buy a lot, everything seems necessary and necessary. The goods market offers a lot of cuttings, nozzles, dyes, stamps, etc., but it turns out that most of this is not needed, or inconvenient to use, or short-lived, and many thanks to Elena, who enlightened and showed everything, and also reduced costs).

Doubts do not let go when sending photos for homework. Everything seems awkward and awkward. Only the support of other students in the facebook group saves. Thank you for the responsiveness and activity of all the students of the school: the “old ones” show where to strive, and the new ones delight with their diligence and zeal.

We are all learning, we are developing, we are not standing still - this is important, and how can we be ashamed of this.

  • Relatives and loved ones.

After class on different painting techniques gingerbread you begin to be surprised at the simplicity of creating masterpieces. Probably, everything ingenious is really simple. Favorite techniques appear, they somehow define themselves. And when preparing and decorating a gingerbread, you start thinking about the person to whom you want to give this particular gingerbread. “Lace” will please mom, and uncle will make a “stamp”, nieces, of course, each bear in “volumetric fill”, but beloved grandmother - a heart in the style of “stitch”.

Working with frosting is a little crazy. The icing loves the counting rhyme, and only by the counting rhyme can you understand what it is ready for: to be basic, or filling, or it can become a lady of voluminous figures. Now it’s clear why she is called “royal” - she is naughty. You just need to make friends, let her rest under a damp towel and she will answer you with her generosity and beauty.

There are so many new things ahead, so many discoveries, ideas, ideas, and it's so nice to follow this gingerbread path!

  • Opening horizons.

After the third lesson, you begin to believe in yourself and your strengths, you see what beauty you have created, how it surprises your relatives and friends, and it surprises you, and now you want more.

You are ready, you are sure, you can conquer new horizons!

The hand is already confidently drawing the contour line, the eye easily determines how much water needs to be added to dilute the glaze to the desired consistency, the heart beats the rhythm of the desired scales.

Gingerbread postcard! This is the art of patience and the interweaving of lines. And this is also the work of a jeweler: dots and lines, buds and petals, roses and leaves - and all this is subtle and without the right to make a mistake.

3D forms! It's like creating a cartoon. Imagination does not draw strict forms here, but only cheerful, perky and bright.

This is how you do something, you do a lot, and suddenly you realize that your Love is 3D gingerbread shapes.

A fungus-house for the little inhabitants of the forest, and a family of hares immediately falls in love with itself with its fluffy tails). And then the thought is to urgently make other families of animals: chanterelles, bears, hedgehogs .... thoughts add up the stages of work, and the imagination completes the result.

Definitely! It is mine!

  • My little dream house.

A lot of people dream of their own home, and so do I. For a long time. A dream is a picture that you create in detail and that you aspire to. What will my home be like? Light, kind, large, iridescent, with flowers and berries, currant and raspberry bushes, the aroma of happiness. And so creating Gingerbread house, you start thinking about your big. Roof color, balcony, smooth walls, door, window - how beautiful.

This is true construction! Small construction, where every detail is important: to process everything, sharpen and check the walls so that they fit perfectly with each other, clean from sweet grains, cook glass from caramel - mmm ... and you understand that this is already a dream from childhood - to live in a sweet home to eat.

With tenderness, you fill the walls with pastel glaze, make a lawn and a path, patiently cover the roof with tiles, a chimney with bricks, and suddenly - a balcony.

Sometimes your ideas about how it's done are just the opposite. You don’t believe that this is possible just like that - a glazed balcony and not a drop of dough.

You understand that every detail of the house requires its own special attention and attitude, a personal approach. You make a door and hear that it starts to creak a little when carnations and a handle appear on it.

And here is my house! So amazing and so uncollected. From excitement, the breath stops, the hands tremble a little ... Calm, only calm. And here is the result, which pleases.

A little crooked, my first, my own gingerbread house!

And one thought - I will not let anyone eat it.

And after a few days, you imperceptibly burst the flowerpot)))

Confectionery products have been known in Russia for a long time. Initially, they were produced on the basis of honey, then sugar. For many years, "sweet" production remained a small craft. In small family workshops, sweets, marshmallows, and jams were made. Gradually, the best of them acquired a permanent clientele, served parties, weddings, and other family celebrations. Later, on the basis of handicraft production, the first confectionery factories began to appear. The most famous of them, perhaps, is the Moscow factory of the Abrikosovs, founded in 1873.

At present, it is JSC "Confectionery Concern" Babaevsky "", the logo of which depicts a red two-story building in the Art Nouveau style, located on the street. Malaya Krasnoselskaya. The history of the Abrikosov family, the founders of the first factory production of confectionery in Russia, is connected with him. The founder of the dynasty of confectioners Stepan Nikolaev was born in 1737. in the family of a serf in the village of Troitskoye, Penza province. From a young age, the boy was fascinated by the confectionery craft, with pleasure he cooked marshmallows and marmalade from the apples of the landowner's garden. In 1804, having begged the mistress to give him freedom, Stepan left for Moscow, where he later organized a small handicraft confectionery production with his sons. Stepan was especially successful with apricot marshmallow. Some believe that thanks to this he received the nickname "Apricot", which later turned into the official surname of the Abrikosov family.

For more than half a century, the family confectionery business has been developing. The whole family worked, they themselves harvested berries and fruits, the children wrapped caramel in paper in the evenings. In 1880 the factory and trade "Association of A.I. Abrikosov and sons" was established. By this time, many confectionery factories were operating in Russia and there was strong competition in the food market. More modern in terms of technology and equipment were the factories "Einem" (now OAO "Krasny Oktyabr" Confectionery Factory) and "A. Siu and K" (Bolshevik confectionery factory). However, the best marshmallow was produced only at the Abrikosov factory. By the beginning of the twentieth century. 1900 people worked here.

For personal merits in organizing a confectionery enterprise in Russia, Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov, the grandson of Stepan, was awarded the title of hereditary honorary citizen of Moscow. Among the Abrikosovs there were many talented people in various fields: famous scientists, artists, diplomats, artists, lawyers, philosophers. The family was engaged in patronage and social activities and, of course, made a great contribution to the development of confectionery production.

In 1840 in Russia, a confectionery factory of the trading house "N.D. Ivanov and sons" was opened. The development of the industry as a whole was significantly affected by the influx of foreign capital into the country.

In the second half of the nineteenth century. foreigners built the largest factories in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kyiv, Odessa.

For the development of confectionery production, it was necessary to have high-quality raw materials, especially sugar. It appeared in Russia in the 12th century. But only in 1718. By decree of Peter I, the first plant in Russia was built in St. Petersburg, producing sugar from overseas raw materials. In 1801 In the 18th century, a factory appeared that processed domestic raw materials - sugar beets - into sugar, which contributed to the further development of confectionery production.

Present day.

In 2003, a new life began at the Babaevsky concern. He, like other leading enterprises of the country, became part of the largest Russian holding "United Confectioners". Among them are the famous industry leaders - "Red October" and "Rot Front", as well as 14 regional factories.

Combining the efforts of enterprises, taking into account their specifics and advantages, the introduction of a unified system of distribution and purchase of raw materials will increase the holding's share in the domestic confectionery market from 15% (today) to 20%.

Over the next five years, the United Confectioners holding plans to invest over $200 million in the development of production and distribution. About 100 million US dollars are planned to be invested in the construction and equipment of the most modern in the country confectionery factory on the territory of the Babaevsky concern, where the production facilities of OAO Krasny Oktyabr will be relocated. And before the end of this year, about 19 million US dollars will be allocated for the purchase of the latest German equipment for the Babaevsky concern.

Capital investments in production will pay off handsomely, allowing you to open additional jobs and master the production of new types of products.

Today United Confectioners is the largest confectionery concern in Russia. The holding successfully competes with Western transnational corporations, which have already launched their production in our country and produce chocolate and sweets with Russian names.

"United Confectioners" is now practically the only major domestic manufacturer capable of maintaining national trade marks with a long history, to preserve and pass on to posterity the taste of real Russian chocolate, which was enjoyed not only by our fathers and grandfathers, but also by their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

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