Home General issues Keeper system what. R-Keeper: what is it. Working to the max

Keeper system what. R-Keeper: what is it. Working to the max

And other establishments of this type. We will talk about one of them in this article. R-Keeper - what it is and how it works, as well as what functions this system performs, you can learn from this article. We note right away that this automation method is in incredibly high demand, as it saves quite a lot of money, and forces too.

R-Keeper program: general provisions

To be more precise, the main purpose of the system is to automate as much as possible, that is, hotels, cafes, restaurants, and so on. Although, as practice shows, similar software is used for other purposes. R-Keeper is suitable for both single and network type establishments. The system has many tools at its disposal that allow you to manage not only the establishment, but also the warehouse, as well as production. But, in addition to this, the program contains a lot of innovative solutions that allow you to more competently organize personnel management. A distinctive feature of the system is that only minimal maintenance is required, therefore, for R-Keeper, the instruction is quite simple, and it does not take long to figure it out. It should also be noted that the utility is suitable for use in institutions, regardless of their size and type, which is extremely important.

R-Keeper system - what is it and how does it work?

For stable operation of the system, several conditions must be met. This is the provision of modern computer equipment, a cable network through which information on a restaurant or cafe will be transmitted. As for the complete software, this includes several of the following modules: for waiters, cashiers, managers and the system. In addition, this also includes a discount system (personalized). You also need to pay attention to the fact that for the effective use of R-Keeper, staff training is simply necessary. The same applies to the adjustment of the system, which must be performed by a specialist. I would like to note that since its foundation, which was back in 1992, the program has only been improved, and today every manager of a restaurant or cafe knows what "Erkeper" is. And now let's move on to the next paragraph, in which we will talk about the capabilities of the system.

Guest Loyalty Management Solutions

So, as noted above, since its inception, the system has only evolved, and today there is a whole host of innovative solutions that allow guests of your restaurant or hotel to feel cozy and comfortable. The presence of R-Keeper 6 allows you to organize an established delivery service. In addition, it will be very useful for customers to be able to monitor the work of the restaurant. But that's not all, as the program provides for automatic reservation of tables in the hall and even an intelligent system for tracking the cash register, which captures the most important events. Regular customers of your establishment can get their own virtual card, which provides a discount on the order, the ability to send an SMS message to the waiter, etc. Of course, all this is convenient, especially considering that this kind of software does not require any special maintenance, does not considering periodic updates.

Cash register and manager level of automation

So, let's talk about how to achieve the most effective results for the institution. It's about automation. The operational method, also known as the cash method, ensures the formation of a sales database as much as possible, and also automates the actual sales process. As for the restaurant office, that is, the managerial level, the main task of this module is to form various directories, to set up access levels and cash levels. It also includes the development of various marketing systems. As for the organization of accounting in the warehouse, for this the R-Keeper system uses a program called StoreHouse. The utility is fully compatible with 1C, which makes the work even more comfortable and fast.

About the possibilities of the service

As noted above, "Erkeeper" is a fairly multifunctional application. Let's see what opportunities both customers and staff get. Firstly, it is almost 100% automation of the work of the cashier, bartender, as well as the availability of an electronic menu for guests of the establishment, using the iPad. There are also systems for pouring beer at tables, reserving seats. Secondly, this is “smart” video surveillance, about which we have already said a few words. A rather important function can be considered the staff of the institution. If necessary, you can turn on the control systems for billiards, bowling, etc. Of course, the capabilities of the "Erkeeper" are not limited to this, and listing all the strengths will take too much time. So let's go further.

How to buy the program?

If you still decide to automate your restaurant or bar, then be aware that the program is paid, and you can only purchase it from an authorized dealer. Currently, it is about 90 cities across the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you need to find a UCS provider, preferably in your city or the nearest city. Before buying, pay attention to the availability of all licenses and permits, as lately there are very often scammers who offer to install unofficial versions. Such software is not updated and will soon stop working altogether. In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to contact the developer directly or official dealers. Be careful and pay attention to the presence of a package of documents, as well as the guarantees that you receive on the "Erkeeper". Wizards must complete the complete setup and connection of the system. All you have to do is send your staff to R-Keeper courses and get to work.


Of course, it is extremely important to know what exactly you are buying. After all, sometimes it happens that the acquisition is completely useless. Let's look at the technical parameters of the Erkeeper service. The first thing to say is that all modules work on platforms with a 32-bit system. As for the operating system, it can be Windows or Linux. Another important point is that all drivers are updated automatically from the station, the same applies to the main program. You don't have to worry about your data being lost as it is stored on an encrypted SQL server. Synchronization of directories is automatic, there is a function of delayed synchronization. Network protocols such as TCP/IP are supported. If there is a disconnection, then everything will automatically resume, you do not need to do anything.

What do you need to know?

It is impossible not to say that the system has a lot of compatible interfaces. For example, 1C: Accounting of the seventh and eighth versions, as well as the Restorun booking system, etc. Without fail, there are special monitors for the kitchen and devices that allow you to call the waiter at any time. Of course, all this is not only comfort, but also service improvement. There is practically no need to do anything, the system will automatically calculate the amount of the order and issue a check. We have already dealt with R-Keeper, what it is and what the system is for, you should have understood. Of course, we can not say about the weaknesses. Firstly, it is dependence on uninterrupted power supply and the Internet. If you provide all this, then you can be sure that the "Erkeper" will not let you down at the most crucial moment. Since all important information is stored in the cloud, you can not worry about safety - everything is securely protected.


I would like to sum up some of the above. As you may have noticed, the system works on a wide variety of cash registers. This is the station of the cashier, waiter, bartender and, if necessary, the manager. The functionality of each of them differs in the same way as the main purpose. As a rule, all of them are combined into a local network, which allows you to instantly exchange important information, serve customers as quickly as possible and avoid mistakes. Well, that's practically all that can be said about R-Keeper. What it is, we figured out how it works - too. In any case, it is worth installing the program once - and you will understand that it has become much easier to work. The same applies to staff. Your employees will work exactly as long as necessary, and not deal with recalculations at the end of the work shift, because the system will calculate everything for you.

Every restaurant owner sooner or later begins to think about how to take their business to a higher level. For this, some add new dishes to the menu, change the interior or profile of the institution, and someone decides to use technical or software tools.

In order to significantly improve the work of a public catering enterprise, domestic and foreign developers create various computer programs of the appropriate profile. For example, it enjoys considerable popularity.

One of such developments, created by Russian programmers from the UCS company, is the R-Keeper system, which allows you to easily manage all the processes at the enterprise, process orders and receive reports on-line.

The history of the creation of the program

The first version of the program appeared in 1992. The R-Keeper software is constantly updated and improved by its creators, which makes it very popular among restaurant and cafe owners both in Russia and around the world. Companies using R-Keeper in their establishments include: Burger King, Subway, Chocolate Girl and others.

System from UCS companies is a reliable software solution that allows you to fully automate an enterprise, significantly increase sales, reduce costs, keep track of orders, generate reports, control production, warehouses and employees, develop a system of discount cards for visitors.

The R-keeper software product is perfect for managing both a small cafe and a large restaurant chain.

The customer can purchase only those modules that are necessary specifically for his institution.

Benefits of R-keeper

R-keeper differs from analogue programs in that it allows you to:

  • fully automate the work of cashiers and bartenders;
  • automatically schedule employees' working hours (Time Keeper module);
  • create an electronic menu on the iPad;
  • automate delivery;
  • control the bottling of beer;
  • keep inventory records (Store House module);
  • install intelligent video surveillance for cash registers;
  • control the game of bowling and billiards (Pool Jet module);
  • create a system for visualizing orders and bookings for hostesses;
  • automate fast food establishments, including using the drive thru system;
  • manage delivery (module Delivery);
  • create mobile terminals for placing orders at the tables;
  • from one office to manage the entire chain of restaurants;
  • prevent possible fraud on the part of employees;
  • hierarchically structure the menu and divide dishes into categories;
  • authorize access to the system;
  • use modifiers;
  • work with Hard Copy and Card Pay System magnetic cards;
  • use "hot" keys when working;
  • issue fiscal and preliminary checks to customers;
  • automatically transfer the order to the appropriate production unit;
  • accept for payment the currency of different countries and credit cards.
The system will function perfectly in conjunction with other programs, such as "1C: Accounting" or Restorun.

Program installation

The program modules are designed for platforms with 32-bit systems. The operating system of the computer can be either Windows or Linux. The program and system drivers are updated automatically. All user data is securely encrypted and sent to the SQL server, all information is stored in the "cloud".

The program provides the functions of automatic and delayed synchronization of directories, as well as automatic resumption of disconnections. R-keeper supports TCP/IP network protocols.

The system involves the installation of special kitchen monitors, devices for calling waiters and printing checks.

It is impossible to find the program on the Internet, you can buy R-keeper only from official dealers, the list of which is published on the UCS website.

Price and user service

Installation of software, cash modules and terminals takes 3-4 days. The kit includes a training video course, as well as a free demo version of the program. Pay license and services customers can in installments, within one to two months. Sellers provide technical support to customers 24 hours a day, the first month of service is free.

The cost of the software depends on the configuration. A "seasonal" kit, designed specifically for control, financial and inventory accounting on-line in small establishments, costs about 77,000 rubles.

A package for a cafe with 200 seats, including one station for waiters and one workplace for a manager/accountant, will cost the entrepreneur about 128,000 rubles.

The price of a modular package for large restaurants with 4-5 halls, including two waiter stations and one workplace for an accountant, is 180,000 rubles.

Reviews of catering workers

Entrepreneurs who have already installed the R-keeper system in their establishments say:


“At first, when my cafe just opened, we did all the calculations in Excel. It took too much time, and I thought about how I could speed up and simplify both my work and the work of my employees. I used both Self-Assembly and Traktir, and then I found out about R-keeper and settled on it. The program has a very user-friendly interface, many special functions, handy little things, thanks to which we save a lot of time.”

“I installed the program very quickly. Help, if any questions arise, in the technical support service at any time you can get. My accountants, waiters and bartenders liked R-keeper very much! The system works without failures and "jambs". It is very convenient for me to work with readers and a printer. I recommend to everyone!"

“I can only praise the R-keeper program. The software takes into account all the requirements of users, with this makes it very easy to use. My employees were able to master the system in just an hour! The technical support service employs competent specialists who are always ready to help. The program was installed very quickly, it has been working without failures for a year. The system is reliable, proven, I advise all restaurateurs.”Previous post iiko Program - a comprehensive solution to catering problems

    R-Keeper is the most popular restaurant automation software with a wide range of features. It is used by thousands of restaurateurs in different countries. Even the 2014 Olympics in Sochi were served by restaurateurs with the help of this program. In St. Petersburg, the R-Keeper program can be purchased not from dealers, but from the branch of developers - in the company USES SPb, which is located on Moskovsky Prospekt.

    I've been working with this program for 4 years, I'm satisfied with everything. Simple and easy to use and at the same time contains many useful functions. There are no problems in reporting either, you can find any information of interest quickly and easily. Modifiers greatly simplify the work of waiters, which can be divided into groups and use your own individual group of modifiers for any dish.

The R-Keeper program is a specially developed software that is designed to automate the work of a restaurant, bar or cafe. This is such a convenient and perfect product that it is used by restaurateurs in 47 countries, it is installed in more than 40 thousand catering establishments.

The company "21 Vek Consult" assists in the selection of R Keeper modules necessary for your business, the purchase and implementation of software. Installing and configuring the program takes a few hours and takes place on the job. Automating a restaurant with us is easy.

I want the program right now!

I want the program right now!

What is R Keeper

R-Keeper is a program for automating a bar, restaurant, cafe and any other catering establishment. As much as the 1C accounting automation system became a revolutionary solution in its time, the R Kiper program is considered to be just as innovative for the restaurant business.

Any restaurant from the inside is a set of constantly recurring tasks that need to be solved quickly, accurately and accurately. Starting from the acceptance of an order and its transfer to production, ending with the purchase of products for the kitchen and the preparation of financial statements. The profitability of the business and the quality of customer service depend on this. Therefore, restaurant automation is a way to minimize possible errors and get rid of routine, freeing up time for more important and interesting tasks.

The main principle of bar automation

Automation of the restaurant is the selection and installation of software. Speaking figuratively, R Keeper consists of two main parts:

  • Interface for working with clients. Allows you to conveniently and clearly present the menu, accept customer orders and payments, promptly process them, issue finished products;
  • Interface for organizing internal work. A very voluminous and multifunctional part of the program, covering all the main mechanisms of the internal work of a catering establishment.

The minimum possible set for installation includes only two modules - a cashier and a manager. Bar automation in this case will be the most budgetary, but effective.

Modules for restaurant automation

The possibilities of R-Keeper are truly endless. But the convenience and versatility of the system
lies not only in the extensive functionality, but in the modularity of the program. This means that you can choose exactly the package that is needed to solve the problems of your business. Why pay more for a car when all you want is a bike?

Do you need a manager and cashier module for prompt customer service? Please. If you want to make the delivery service convenient, additionally order the R Keeper Delivery module. Do you need delivery not now, but only after 4 months? Let's install this module later.

Restaurant automation provides for the possibility of using the following additional systems:

  • Automatic table reservation;
  • Discount system - R-Keeper CRM;
  • intelligent video surveillance;
  • Control over the work of personnel;
  • Control of self-bottling of beer on the tables;
  • Online visualization of incoming orders in the kitchen - KDS / VDU;
  • Receipt of cash and their use - Cash Management;
  • Solution for automating the delivery department - R-Keeper Delivery;
  • Warehouse accounting StoreHouse;
  • Employee time tracking.

Using all the functionality of R Keeper, you can easily manage not just one restaurant, but a whole network of catering establishments, while significantly reducing the cost of maintaining the staff of administrators, coordinators and managers. Automation of the restaurant allows you to perform all the work with a minimum of errors due to the human factor.

I want more information!

Are you a restaurant, bar or cafe owner? Do you want to install R-Keeper in Moscow or any other Russian city?

We will help you buy an R-Keeper license from partners, provide all the necessary POS equipment for implementation, set up the system, conduct staff training, provide technical support 24/7.

Possibility of subscriber service of the restaurantin Moscow and Moscow region.

What is R-Keeper and what is it eaten with?

The R-Keeper automation system has been on the HoReCa market since 1992. Its developer is the company

UCS, R - Keeper is a registered trademark. Over 22 years, more than 30,000 catering establishments have been equipped with this automation program.

The software product has won the hearts of restaurateurs so much that today almost any restaurant automation system (for example, iiko or PCT Restaurateur) is habitually called "rkeeper". And restaurateurs from the Caucasus all, as one, call her "archieper" :)

Here are just some of the companies that use this automation system in their establishments: Shokoladnitsa, KFC, Arkady Novikov's group, Burger King, Rosinter restaurants, Subway, Cinnabon and many others.

Key features of the program:

  • The operation of the program under DOS does not require powerful and expensive equipment (the POS client in version 7 can run on Windows and Linux);
  • The StoreHouse accounting module provides full control over the warehouse;
  • Rapid training of personnel after the implementation of the system. Special courses are not required, a few lessons are enough;
  • Download r-keeper via Torrent from the Internet and using the program for free will not work, the license key is not cheap;
  • The automation program has a modular principle, you pay only for the necessary functionality. Nothing extra;
  • Installation R-keeper 7.0 is technically simple and takes little time.

Key features of R-Keeper automation system:

  • Can be used in cafes, restaurants and fast foods: the work of the cashier, bartender, waiters, managers and kitchen is automated;
  • All POS equipment is directly connected to the system: stationary and mobileterminals, printers, cash desk (cash register);
  • In 2016, integration of R-Keeper with EGAIS is possible;
  • Support for mobile terminals for waiters via Wi-Fi;
  • Integration with intelligentvideo surveillance in the cash area;
  • Support for electronic menu system based on iPad;
  • Visualization of incoming orders in the kitchen;
  • A special beer bottling control system directly on the tables in the hall;
  • Automation of the delivery service;
  • Automated accounting system in the StoreHouse module and warehouse reports for the manager;
  • Convenient planning and accounting of employees' working time;
  • Bonus deposit loyalty system for your customers;
  • Opportunity to work with a chain of restaurants from one office.
  • Integration with 1C Accounting.

How much does it cost to implement an automation and accounting system?

You can determine the cost of R-Keeper by the number of automated jobs. You need to buy one license for each workstation! These include: waiters' stations, cash stations, computers of accountants and managers.

You will find the prices of ready-made solutions below (the software is purchased by you from an authorized dealer):


Price, rub

for Cafe, Bar, Mini-bakery, Hookah bar, Cookery, Shop
1 checkout

56 200

1 checkout

137 000

with waiter service
1 cash desk + 1 waiter station + advanced software functionality

237 400

1 checkout

198 400

no waiter service
2 cash registers + advanced software functionality

293 800

1 checkout

137 000

2 workstations + advanced software functionality

We will help you install R-Keeper in restaurants in Moscow and other Russian cities!

Our company has been successfully providing restaurant automation services in Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 6 years.

We will help you buy R-Keeper from our partners, perform a turnkey installation, provide and set up POS equipment (including an online cash register for FZ-54). Next, we will connect the restaurant to EGAIS, Mercury , we will set up R-Keeper, and train the staff to use the automation system (working with the menu, warehouse, etc.).

For restaurateurs from other regions of Russia: if you have access to the Internet in your catering establishment, we can carry out automation remotely - using programs for remote computer control (Team Viewer, Remote Administrator, etc.).

With our help, you purchase a software license from partners, and the necessary POS equipment will be sent to you through transport companies. Further, under our guidance on the phone, you connect it, and we carry out remote configuration via the Internet.

Working with us, you get:

  • Licensed software (purchased from our partners - official dealer);
  • Operational installation (3-4 days and you're done!);
  • Certified POS equipment (terminals, cash registers);
  • Training course on working with the system;
  • Interest-free installment payment for the license and services for 1-2 months;
  • 1 month R-Keeper service - IS FREE!
  • Round the clock technical support in 24/7 mode.

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