Home Meat How to make raspberry syrup for the winter. Making raspberry syrup for the winter: two different recipes This will require

How to make raspberry syrup for the winter. Making raspberry syrup for the winter: two different recipes This will require

Raspberry syrup will not only delicious treat, but also a useful component in the preparation confectionery. Since my family is very fond of cakes, not one holiday is complete without this dessert. But as everyone knows, cake layers need to be soaked in syrups. It is for this purpose that I close raspberry syrup at home for the winter according to this recipe. Cakes soaked in this syrup are incredibly tasty. I also like to add this syrup to sour creams for the same cakes. Desserts come out fragrant, beautiful and tender. I recommend everyone to stock up on these. berry syrups for the winter.

Required Ingredients:
- raspberries - 500 grams;
- granulated sugar - 400 grams;

Rinse the raspberries just in case. If you buy them on the market, then it is imperative to wash them, since it is not known who they were collected by, and what kind of bugs crawled over them. I wash the raspberries under a stream of cold plain water. Then I throw it in a colander and wait for drops of water to drain. Also after that, you can fold the raspberries on paper napkins. If you do this, you will see that they have absorbed a lot of water.

No less delicious.

After that, squeeze the raspberries through a fine sieve to extract the juice. This way you will also remove hard bones that are not needed in the syrup.

Pour sugar into it.

I pour the juice into a metal bowl and put it on fire. At first, you can make the maximum power, but as soon as the syrup begins to boil, reduce the heat. I stir the syrup so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

As soon as the syrup boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil for 30 - 40 minutes. This way you get concentrated raspberry syrup. Pour hot syrup into jars.

Cover with lids and let cool under a towel or blanket.

The cooled syrup can be stored in any cool place.

Such a blank will always be useful to you and will become useful. As well as

Hello, friends! It is time to prepare fruit and berry juices and syrups. Today we will prepare raspberry syrup with you, however, the method that we will consider is universal and suitable for almost any ripe berries and fruits, so use it to cook syrups from all those fruit and berry raw materials that are still found in our open spaces at this time. boundless homeland. The only and basic condition for obtaining juices and cooking syrups is the full and unconditional ripeness of the fruit.

Of course, it is easier and faster to use a juicer to extract juice, but for soft fruits and berries, a wooden pestle is quite suitable, and, by the way, when squeezing juice in this way, more vitamins will remain in the juice. The method is very simple - first we crush the berries with a pestle, after which they must either be heated or put in a cool place for a day. By the way, the second method is preferable, since keeping the crushed fruit allows the juice to flow naturally, which preserves the taste of fresh fruit in the juice.

Next, the juice must be filtered, and then add spices to it and mix with other juices, and then cork into bottles. To prepare syrups, sugar is added to the juice and this mixture must be boiled. For thick syrup More sugar is required, less for a lighter one. This is the norm of sugar that must be observed: 250 g of sugar per 600 ml of juice for a “lighter” syrup and up to 500 g of sugar per 600 ml of juice for a thick one.

Both types of syrups can be used for preparing refreshing drinks, glazing desserts, as a liquid for preserving fruits. In general, there would be syrup, but there is always something to do with it 🙂 . So:

How to make raspberry syrup.

First, crush the berries. We select fresh and ripe raspberries, selecting spoiled and unripe ones. Put these berries in a wide cup and gently mash them with a pestle (you can, of course, with a spoon, but this is both more difficult and less useful). Cover the cup and leave it in a cool place for about a day.

The next step is straining. On an empty cup, place a piece of cloth and pour the raspberries and juice onto the cloth.

Now we squeeze the juice. We collect the ends of the fabric in a knot and twist them around the raspberries. Holding the loose ends of the fabric with one hand, rotate the ends of the fabric with the other, squeezing out the juice. If you want to prepare only juice, then after this stage you can bottle it. To prepare the syrup, proceed to the next steps. By the way, do not throw away the gruel remaining after squeezing the juice, it can be successfully used to make fruit butter or cheese (these recipes were previously described).

The next step is heating the juice. Pour the juice into a non-oxidizing pan (enamelled or stainless steel). We stir sugar in it (the amount is indicated in this article above). Heat the syrup over low heat to dissolve the sugar in it. After that, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. With a metal slotted spoon, remove the emerging foam. In no case should the mixture be boiled, otherwise the taste of raspberries will disappear, and vitamins will be destroyed.

And the last milestone of our efforts will be the bottling of the juice and their corking. Pour the syrup into heated bottles, leaving about 2.5 cm of free space from the top of the bottle. Seal each bottle either

Would you like to make raspberry syrup? Real, sweet, delicious raspberry syrup without any preservatives or additives. Which can be used in desserts, cakes, pour over ice cream. I hasten to tell you how to easily and effortlessly prepare raspberry syrup at home.


  • Raspberry juice - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • citric acid - 2-3 grams.

Step by step recipe, orhow to make raspberry syrup

  1. Natural raspberry juice, which we get by pressing. Grind the berries through a sieve, then strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth. You can still extract juice from the pulp by filling it with water for 3-4 hours and squeezing again.
  2. Pour the resulting raspberry juice into enamel pan, put on low heat, heat, gradually adding sugar.
  3. After complete dissolution of sugar, filter the syrup through cheesecloth, add citric acid, and heat to 95°C without boiling.

Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Pour raspberry syrup into small jars, so it will be more convenient to use.

Store in a dark cool place.

Everyone knows how many vitamins are in raspberries, so they often close raspberry jam for the winter or simply grind the berries with sugar. I'm making raspberry syrup. Of all raspberry recipes This one has taken root in our family most of all - it always turns out delicious and beautiful. It's a little more trouble, but the result is worth it, believe me!

Recipes with raspberries
varied and original. Among the many options for using this berry, perhaps the most popular way to dispose of raspberries was and remains raspberry jam- In winter, this is an absolutely amazing treat for tea! In the summer, I recommend trying raspberry juice - it is light, fragrant and perfectly quenches thirst.

Do not know, how to make syrup? Oh, well, then it was not in vain that I photographed the process and did step by step master class- look, here you are detailed instructions how to preserve raspberries for the winter. The blank turns out to be universal - it is also suitable as a basis for fruit drinks, and sauce for pancakes, and a component of dressings for salads. It’s hard to say that you can’t cook with it - in my opinion, the aroma of raspberries is so bright and modest at the same time that the syrup can be added to almost all dishes.


1 kg of raspberries;

0.5 kg of sugar.

We sort raspberries, wash them. Grind with a blender. Now the hardest part: getting rid of the bones. We will need either a sieve, or a very small colander, or gauze. I had a colander. We grind the raspberry mass through a colander. You can help yourself with a spoon. If the bones still remain, then your colander is still large. My advice - take gauze.

Place the seedless raspberry mass in a saucepan, add sugar, put on a small fire. Stirring, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the sugar.

Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

I love to add raspberry syrup to ice cream, my husband usually pours it over chocolate muffin, and mom indulges herself with pancakes with him.

A syrup made from raspberry juice and sugar. Ready raspberry syrup has sweet taste and intense ruby ​​color. One of the most famous and legendary cocktails in which raspberry syrup is used is the Clover Club, an admirer of which at one time was the famous American writer Mark Twain.

raspberry syrup recipe

  1. Crush the prepared raspberries (you can use a meat grinder), filter through a double layer of gauze.
  2. Measure the resulting juice and add sugar in proportion to 1 liter of juice 1.25 kg of sugar, or in a ratio of 1 to 1, depending on the sweetness of the berry.
  3. Combine everything in one pan and heat, after complete dissolution of sugar, add citric acid. Boil well, remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. Filter through sterile gauze, pour into sterile jars and close tightly or roll up.

Raspberry syrup in cocktails

The use of raspberry syrup in cocktails began at the beginning of the 20th century, and over time its popularity has only increased. Today, in addition to alcoholic cocktails syrup is also added to milkshakes and used in desserts.

In the production of raspberry syrup, pectin is removed from raspberries during the fermentation process so that the syrup does not thicken in the future and maintains the desired concentration. An open bottle can be stored for up to 3 months, the main condition is a cool, dark and dry place.

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