Home Main courses Semolina casserole with cottage cheese recipe. Lush cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven recipe with photo step by step. Cottage cheese casserole with semolina - lush, like in a kindergarten

Semolina casserole with cottage cheese recipe. Lush cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven recipe with photo step by step. Cottage cheese casserole with semolina - lush, like in a kindergarten

Cottage cheese casserole is healthy and tasty dish for your child. The recipes proposed in this article will help feed your baby with a delicious and tender casserole, which is based on such useful product.

And adults will also like this dish - hardly anyone will refuse a piece of tender curd miracle. Impossible to resist!

Cottage cheese casserole is an economical and more dietary alternative to overseas cheesecake. The cooking method is not complicated. Just mix the ingredients, put the mass on a greased baking sheet and bake at a certain temperature for the specified time.

You can effectively supplement it with fruits and dried fruits, sprinkle cocoa or powdered sugar on top - in general, what is enough for your imagination. What could be tastier and healthier? Make a cottage cheese casserole, and you will not regret it.

Advice! Do not open the oven during the cooking of the cottage cheese casserole before the set time has elapsed - this may lead to a sharp drop in the total mass in the form

In general, cottage cheese pastries, and in particular, cottage cheese casserole no less tasty and the next day after cooking. After all, it is a complete delicious dessert. Juicy, soft and sweet! It is very satisfying, but this does not affect your flawless figure.

You can arrange a real feast and serve curd dessert with sour cream, berry jam or condensed milk. Who can resist such beauty?

Curd must be fresh and good quality especially if you are cooking for children. If the cottage cheese is dry, then you should add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. Cottage cheese for casseroles is better to wipe through a sieve. If you use a blender during cooking or food processor, then the cottage cheese can not be wiped.

Cottage cheese casserole in the oven like in kindergarten

This casserole has a very pleasant taste - tender and so fragrant, this recipe takes us back to a carefree childhood, where kindergarten we were treated to a wonderful casserole, so loved by all of us.

Bon appetit and good memories to you!

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 4 things. egg
  • 3-4 st. l. semolina
  • 6-8 art. l. Sahara
  • butter for greasing the mold

Cooking method:

Add eggs to mashed cottage cheese

Pour the required amount of sugar according to the recipe.

Adding semolina

Definitely vanilla sugar for flavor

Mix with a mixer until smooth

The mass should turn out tender and beautiful.

Leave it in the bowl for 10-15 minutes - let the semolina swell

Gently level the mass in the form of a tablespoon or spatula.

We put the form in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes

Bon Appetit!

Lush cottage cheese casserole with apples

Be sure to try this recipe for cottage cheese casserole with apples. Simple and appetizing! And how wonderful apples sound in cottage cheese, what a perfect flavor combination.

It is very important to cut apples without peel into thin plastics, then they will have time to bake in the curd mass. Surprise your loved ones with a wonderful cottage cheese casserole! Good luck to all cooks!

You will need:

  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 2 pcs. apples (large)
  • 3 pcs. chicken egg
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • 1 pc. table salt
  • 1/2 tsp soda (no slide)
  • 30 g butter for greasing the mold

Cooking method:

Cottage cheese is desirable to rub through a sieve

If the cottage cheese is homogeneous and not grainy, then you can simply crush it slightly with a crush

Add eggs to the cottage cheese, leaving one yolk separately to grease the surface of the casserole

Add vanilla sugar and mix everything well.

Add sugar, salt and soda to the curd mass

Pour semolina into the mixture, leaving a small amount in the cup for sprinkling the form

Set aside the bowl with the curd mass for 10-15 minutes - let the semolina swell

Then we clean the washed apples from the peel, cut them in half and remove the core

Peeled apples cut into thin small slices

After 15 minutes, mix the curd mass with apples

Grease the mold generously butter and sprinkle with semolina, put the mass on a baking sheet

Gently smooth it out with a spoon or spatula.

Beat the yolk with a fork and pour over the curd mass in the form

Smooth the yolk with a spoon, smearing it with the entire surface of the future curd casserole

This is how we ended up with the finished product

We put the form in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes until the crust is browned

Due to the yolk, the casserole turns out to be very beautiful and rosy, we check its readiness with a toothpick

Bon Appetit!

Cottage cheese casserole in the oven with flour

Also a great option for cottage cheese casseroles on your table. The only difference is that a small amount of wheat flour is added according to the recipe.

This slightly changes the consistency of the curd mass, but the casserole turns out to be invariably tasty and fragrant. Take note of the recipe and arrange a healthy morning breakfast at home!

You will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese 9% fat
  • 3 art. l. wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 PC. egg
  • 1 st. l. sour cream 15%
  • 20 g butter

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, and mix it with sour cream
  2. Add egg, sugar and flour to the cake, mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Grease a baking dish generously with butter
  4. Put the resulting mass into the form
  5. Bake for about 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes
  6. Serve the casserole with jam, condensed milk or sour cream

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for lush cottage cheese casserole with semolina

Delicate cottage cheese casserole with raisins will appeal to both adults and children. And not only for cottage cheese lovers

You will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 1-3 pcs. egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 5 st. l. sour cream 15-20% liquid
  • 50 g raisins
  • 1/3 tsp table salt
  • 30 g butter for the mold

Cooking method:

Start by pouring raisins hot water and leave for 20-30 minutes

In a convenient cup, mix the semolina with 3 tablespoons of sour cream, and set the mixture aside - the semolina should swell

In the meantime, we wipe all the cottage cheese through a sieve into a deep bowl

Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve for splendor ready meal. If this is not done, then you will not get the desired effect of juiciness and tenderness in a curd casserole!

Mix cottage cheese with semolina and sour cream

A mixer or immersion blender will help to achieve complete homogeneity of the mixture.

Drain the water from the raisins and dry well on all sides with a paper towel.

Add it to the curd

We spread the mass into it and gently level the surface with a spoon or spatula.

Before baking, grease the future casserole with the remaining sour cream, distributing it over the entire surface

We place the form with the curd mass for 40 minutes in a preheated oven to 180 degrees until golden brown

Bon Appetit!

The most delicious cottage cheese casserole in the oven

Delicious and fragrant cottage cheese casserole with butter - what could be tastier? Such healthy breakfast for the whole family.

Serve it to the table with sour cream, honey or jam. It's very tasty and satisfying!

Try to cook a casserole according to this recipe, and you will get a fragrant beauty with raisins on the table. Raisins, by the way, can be replaced with dried apricots. Good luck and happy experimenting!

You will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 1 PC. egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar
  • 100 g raisins
  • 1/2 tsp table salt
  • vanillin

Cooking method:

  1. Be sure to rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, and mix it with softened butter
  2. Separately beat eggs with sugar
  3. With a mixer, mix the cottage cheese, vanilla, eggs with sugar and semolina into a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Let the curd mixture stand for 10-15 minutes so that the semolina swells well
  5. At this time, prepare the form, grease it with butter, sprinkle on top breadcrumbs or semolina
  6. Put the mass into a mold, smooth its surface with a tablespoon, bake for 30-35 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe. Lush cottage cheese casserole with milk

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Cottage cheese is a useful product, which, unfortunately, not everyone loves and eats. Especially often they are neglected by children, because they are real fussy. Do you want all household members to appreciate curd dishes in a new way? It's simple, it will help you - airy curd casserole with semolina, the recipe of which will be given below. The casserole according to this recipe will turn out to be similar to the most delicate soufflé, and if you flavor it with various fruits and beautifully serve it to the table, then even the most fastidious non-hochuha will not be able to resist.

Recipe for airy cottage cheese casserole in the oven without additives


We'll need fatty cottage cheese(500 g) - you can store (9%), you can take a farmer's. It must certainly be fresh. You also need 3 eggs, about 60 g of butter, three tablespoons of sugar, semolina and sour cream. For flavor, add a pinch of vanilla.

Cooking process

First, melt the prepared piece of butter on a warm stove. Send sugar, sour cream and semolina to it in a saucepan. Stir the contents. Now beat the eggs into the mass, mix everything thoroughly again, and only then add the cottage cheese and vanillin. Now the most milestone cooking - you need to beat everything well with a blender. This should be done at medium speed for at least 10 minutes. As a result, after such actions, you will get a delicate creamy mass.

Take a baking dish with a diameter of about 25 cm. Lubricate its bottom and walls with oil, crush with breadcrumbs. Pour the resulting curd mass into it. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Cottage cheese casserole in the oven will be ready in 50-60 minutes, but it is worth considering that everyone can have different sizes of shapes, as well as the power of the oven for users is different. To accurately determine the readiness of the casserole, use the old proven method - pierce the product with a toothpick. If it is a little damp inside, wet grains of casserole will remain on the toothpick. When it is completely ready, the surface of the stick will remain dry.

Any casserole is very difficult to pull out of the mold while hot, so wait until it cools down a bit. The easiest way to extract it is by turning the form over a pre-prepared large dish. Serve with sour cream or jam.

Casserole in the oven with semolina and cherries

If you love cottage cheese paired with fruit, cherries are a great filler. Its taste is rich, it perfectly complements the tender curd soufflé.


Fat cottage cheese - 500 g (you can use the mass, not the whole product); 3 yolks, 1 protein; semolina - 3 tbsp. l.; medium-fat kefir - 100 ml; sugar - 3 tbsp. l.; cherry (can be fresh, can be frozen).

Separate the yolks from the protein, beat them with sugar. Set one egg aside for now, we'll need it later. Add cottage cheese to the resulting sweet mass. After mixing thoroughly, pour kefir here, pour semolina.

If you bought fresh cherries, wash them and use a pin to carefully remove the pits from the berries. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, transfer half of the curd mass into it. We spread the cherry on top, and on it the second part of the cottage cheese. Using a spoon, spread the mass and apply a layer of egg white. We send the form to the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. Baking time - 45-50 minutes.

Oven casserole - recipe with tangerines and apples

This casserole is for lovers fruit desserts. It turns out unusually tender and juicy, and what a festive and appetizing look it has!


Half a kilo of cottage cheese; 80 g sour cream; 100 g of sugar; semolina - 3 tbsp. l.; egg - 1; a pinch of soda; vanillin - 5 g; juicy apples - 3 pcs.; tangerines - 4 pcs.

In addition to apples and tangerines, you can add the most different fruits- apricots, peaches, kiwi, bananas, as well as berries, such as strawberries.

If you bought cottage cheese with strongly pronounced grains, granular, then it is better to immediately grind it through a metal sieve. If you are using a homogeneous mass, this is not necessary. Beat the egg with sugar and vanilla and combine with the curd mass. Using a blender, thoroughly beat the cottage cheese with the sugar-egg mixture. The more you beat, the more tender the dessert will turn out. Add sour cream to this mass, mixing it with a spoon. Now it's time to add semolina. Try to mix everything together so that the semolina is evenly distributed.

Peel the apples from the skin and cut into slices. Divide the peeled tangerines into pieces. Take a round baking dish and grease it with a thin layer of oil. Apply semolina to the oil (both on the bottom and on the walls). First, we send half the apples into the mold and fill them with part of the curd mass. Then lay out the tangerine slices in a circle, pour the remaining mass again, trying to cover the fruit. The last layer is apples. Try to lay them nicely, in a spiral. Sprinkle apples with sugar. When baked, it will melt and apple slices a caramel layer is formed. This is delicious!

Send the form to the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Baking time 50 minutes. When the dessert is ready, do not immediately remove it from the mold, let it cool. Otherwise, the casserole may fall apart, as it is unusually tender.

Any casserole with semolina, the recipe of which is given here, will appeal to children. Why am I so sure? Yes, because they are not only pleasant to eat, but also outwardly they resemble a cake. If you ever try to make a cottage cheese dessert according to one of the proposed recipes, your household will certainly ask for more.

Olga Samoilova, www.site

  • homemade medium-fat cottage cheese in a package of 0.5 kg
  • 3 spoons of semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 heaping tablespoons of sugar (but look at your cottage cheese, it can be sour and you will need more or less sugar if the curd is sweet)
  • 3 spoons of sour cream
  • 70g milk
  • vanillin, you can add raisins, dried apricots, apples or prunes
  • jam for watering (a great option -).

How will we cook:

Initially, you need to buy a good homemade cottage cheese. Medium or oily is best. But if there is none on the market, you can take fat-free, but flavor it with sour cream or pour in a little kefir.

Arriving home, first of all, pour semolina with milk, let it stand, swell. In the meantime, wipe the cottage cheese, or beat with a blender, or just mash with a fork, the consistency will depend on this. If you knead the curd with a fork, the casserole will be denser, if you wipe it or use a blender, it will be softer and more airy.

If you use dried fruits, soak them in boiling water, if fresh berries or fruits, steam them first, or bake them so that the juice comes out, otherwise your casserole will look like porridge. Grease the form with butter, sprinkle with flour.

Now we have everything prepared, you can start conjuring over the casserole.
In the cottage cheese, add beaten eggs, swollen semolina, dried fruits, vanilla sugar, and what else are you going to add there.

Everything, the casserole is ready to go to the oven. We turn it on, setting it to 180 degrees, and leave it there for 50 minutes, up to an hour. But look, suddenly everything will happen faster there - ovens are different.

Advice: well, if you have a detachable form, then the casserole is perfectly removed and retains its shape. By the way, do not immediately take it out hot, let it cool, because its shape may fall apart.

As our casserole with semolina and all sorts of goodies cools down, you can immediately cut it, put it on plates, pour over with jam or sour cream, and with a cup of tea or fresh milk - a miracle, what a delicious treat!

Advice: very nice and tasty casserole with the addition of orange pumpkin. This pumpkin is sweet and beautiful. You need to boil the pumpkin a bit or bake it, then puree it, and then add it to the curd. You can still melt the chocolate and pour it over the already prepared casserole, you can grate it with a grater and decorate it on top, for flavor you can grate the zest of an orange, chop the nuts - the taste will be richer.
See also: - Treat your household with a delicious treat!

How to cook delicious casserole- follow-up advice

If there is any doubt that you will succeed in the casserole, read our tips, they will tell you how to do everything right.

1. Some people think - the more eggs I put, the tastier it will be - the wrong train of thought! More eggs means more rubbery texture.
2. Someone thinks flour is better add - wrong, with semolina is much more tender and tastier. And the most delicate taste will be if you add ready-made semolina, by the way, the product also holds its shape better.
3. So that the semolina does not fall off, how to pull it out of the oven - do not put soda in it.
4. The laying of products should be as follows: beating eggs with sugar, introducing cottage cheese, introducing semolina, adding other ingredients.
5. For a good baking of the casserole, do not make it too high.
6. You can add to the casserole: sour cream, kefir, yogurt, you can take wheat, oatmeal flour, any nuts, dried fruits in the form of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, pumpkin, carrots are suitable from vegetables, apples, pears, cherries, strawberries from fruits.

Today I want to offer a simple recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven. I have made it several times already and each of them turned out well. Each process is done quickly, easily and usually there are no difficulties with anything. Here I do everything according to the principle, mixed and baked. Cottage cheese can be taken home or from the store, this is not so important, but it is desirable that it is not dry.

A recipe for cottage cheese casserole is being made in the oven with semolina, so I do not add flour to it. It also has a positive effect on the tenderness of baking and airiness. If you want to get it more magnificent, then take not half a kilogram of cottage cheese, but a whole kilogram or a small form in diameter.

As a result, you will have a magnificent cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven, which you will probably want to make many more times. You can serve it with jam, condensed milk or with berry sauce, which you can easily prepare yourself. I also recommend to look, in the oven with a delicious sauce.


  • Curd - 500 g
  • Semolina - 100 ml. (measured with a glass)
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 ml.
  • Sour cream - 100 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter (grease the mold)

How to make cottage cheese casserole in the oven

The recipe for cottage cheese casserole is extremely simple. First of all, I pour sugar into a bowl and add one whole egg and one protein there, and leave the second yolk for later. I beat all this with mixers for literally 2 minutes. Then I add salt, soda, semolina, sour cream, milk and vanillin to this mass.

Next, mix everything and pour the cottage cheese. Since I have lumps of cottage cheese, I pierce the mixture with a blender until smooth. Last I add washed raisins and dried with paper towels.

Once again I stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can also add candied fruits or other dried fruits at this stage if you like. As a result, there will be an excellent cottage cheese casserole without flour.

I grease the form with oil and sprinkle a little semolina on the bottom and sides. It is more convenient to take a detachable form. Then I pour the curd mass into it and level it with a spatula. I mix the remaining yolk with a spoonful of sour cream and grease the top of the casserole with this mixture to get a golden crust.

I bake it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 50 minutes. From above, it turns out to be a delicious box, and inside it has a soft texture. This is really the most delicious and airy cottage cheese casserole in the oven, which then needs to be carefully removed from the mold with a spatula.

Here is a recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Now I shift it to a dish, cut off pieces and serve it to the table. I like to eat it with jam, honey or condensed milk. Try it and you make it, and with what to serve it, decide to your taste. Bon Appetit!

Making this delicious treat is a simple solution that allows each family member to have a delicious and nutritious treat for breakfast, which subsequently provides a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. What can we say about the positive mood guaranteed for each participant in the morning meal? Learning how to cook a casserole according to classic and author's recipes is easy - step by step instructions with photos will help you quickly study the corresponding culinary section.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Master numerous possible options dishes to delight loved ones with original delicacies, complemented by fruits, candied fruits, sweet sauces. At the same time, you will be sure that the cooked treat will be healthy and satisfying. Children are especially interested in such casseroles - this is a big plus, since parents who take care of regularly expanding and modeling the correct diet of a child often have to face difficulties associated with the unwillingness of kids to eat some healthy and valuable foods.

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