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How to make liver salad. Liver salad - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook liver salad. Layered Vesuvius salad with chicken liver

I finally understood the plan of this lecture in mid-August 1999, when I sat by the fountain in front of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and idly caught the body fluids of walking ladies.

How to recognize the presence of the devil in an attractive, sexy, exciting young woman? For the first time I thought about this many years ago, when I read the program work of Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Institoris "Hammer of the Witches" (Germany, XV century).

You probably haven't looked into this book. And rightly so. The modern mind will classify this text as unreadable. Heavy, difficult language, gloomy medieval formalism, poor reputation of the book (since school days).

And - ingenious finds and insights!

Hammer of the Witches is a perfectly effective, realistic guide. I figured it out when I was barely halfway through. With this old method IT IS POSSIBLE TO DISCOVER A WITCH.

Well, well ... And now why is this needed? Suppose a person has learned recognize witches . On the what is this skill to him?

To see with your own eyes the territory of the devil, to touch the dark energies with your hand is a great spiritual victory. Different people may use it in different ways. About how I personally see this mystical benefit, you

Item 1. The appearance of a witch

This is a young, sexually attractive woman of 20-24 years old, dressed brightly and spectacularly - in all black. Black is definitely dominant. Clothing is fashionable and obviously expensive.

In 7 out of 10 cases, the modern witch is a short-haired brunette. As an option - a brown-haired woman.

Eye color is also an indicator. A sure sign is green eyes; further (in descending order): black, gray, brown. Blue is unlikely.

Most likely jeans. Smart look... yes, of course. Involvement in higher education as an element of appearance.

You can easily find some bohemian notes and signs of a wealthy origin. Usually it quickly becomes clear that in front of you is a capricious, wayward, self-made creature ... which is nevertheless very intriguing.

Important note: there is no secret code on how witches should look and dress. They look so instinctive.

Item 2. The psychology of a witch

In fact, anything. Any sort of twists and turns. Be sure of one thing - nothing sincere ... The modern witch loves to play for herself and those around her an endless intellectual farce, for the sake of the success of which she does not spare even herself. At first glance, this is a deeply selfish and narcissistic creature; but if you look deeper, you will see - the witch loves not so much herself as a spectacular image of herself in the eyes of others.

Kant or Nietzsche may well fall out of her backpack. For the sake of curiosity, ask a question on the topic ... you will get a great answer! The witch will not miss the opportunity to show off.

Nothing open, nothing sincere. Good performance.

IMPORTANT: the modern witch is not aware of the presence of the devil in herself.

This is the fundamental devilish trick. Witches of the late twentieth century are poorly aware that they are witches. (They don't need it.) Therefore, recognition results usually surprise them.

Get ready for it. Before the recognition procedure is completed (and even after that), the witch will sincerely believe that she is an ordinary person.

Don't be embarrassed. Find in yourself the main quality of the new inquisitor - firmness of judgment.

Never doubt, do not regret anything ... and also - try to look great so as not to drop the centuries-old glory of the Inquisition.

Be steadfast, like Torquemada - and you will succeed.

Item 3. Recognition procedure (Middle Ages)

In order to properly recognize a witch, the inquisitor had to become a powerful and skilled psychoanalyst. After all, he had to work with unconscious women; if you are familiar with world literature, you must be aware of the complexity of the task.

Consciously, a woman will never reveal her involvement in the dark side of creation. At least because she herself does not know about it. Carefully staged painful ritual helped medieval inquisitors to release the necessary information and read the secret writing on the soul of a woman. In the pre-Freudian era, torture was the best means of psychoanalysis.

The "Spanish boot", the "iron maiden", the rack and simple tongs for pulling out nails - these are the necessary tools, without which the medieval inquisitor could not penetrate the veil of the female "ego".

With the help of a skillfully constructed phantasmagoria of torture, the woman being tested lost control of the unconscious, and the secret codes became readable. If the woman was innocent - these codes contained one continuous error. However, experienced inquisitors were rarely wrong. As a rule, they received from the suspect a clear, clearly expressed and reliable chronicle of the union of a woman and the devil.

Item 4. Cooperation between a woman and the devil

It should be noted that by the word "devil" I, as a completely progressive mystic, do not mean a fictitious operetta creature, but a certain direction (and experience) of the human soul. One of the root causes of human actions (or rather, their motivations) is traditionally referred to in our culture as diabolical. This truth has so set the teeth on edge that I am too lazy to explain it in detail here. Good and evil, darkness and light are intricately intertwined in the soul of every person; in every soul, if we search, we will find our own representation of the devil. In a woman, this representation is special, not without reason there was a saying that woman is vessel of the devil.

And in some women, the triumph of the demonic takes on especially vivid, dramatic forms. These are the women the inquisitor should be able to recognize. These women we call modern witches.

These women do not spoil cattle, do not cause storms, do not even induce the evil eye. But they manipulate people. And they do it damn well.

They are simply crazy. Through the fault of modern witches, small and large worldly tragedies are played out, asshole and suicide attempts. Men selectively lose potency, families are destroyed. Because of witches, a number of ordinary people behave in extraordinary ways. Following Sprenger and Institoris, I affirm that this is the main sign of the influence of a witch.

Item 5. Recognition procedure (late 20th century)

Modern society has eliminated the use of such safe means as a rack and simple tongs for pulling nails. And although there are constantly enthusiastic researchers who unexpectedly subject selected women to sophisticated torture in order to "understand their riddle", society mercilessly punishes such experimenters. From a modern point of view, these enthusiasts are dangerous criminals and sex maniacs. This method of recognition, alas, is outdated forever.

From the "legal means" we have almost nothing left. good remedy to penetrate the unconscious are drugs, but until they are legalized, the only permitted tool is sex.

Today, the inquisitor will have to have sex with the woman being tested in order to come to a conclusion about the presence of the devil in her. Nothing else has been given yet - realize it!

Sex is dynamite for the subconscious. Not just any, of course. You will have to become a super monster in bed. It is important not only to bring the subject to orgasm - you will need to blow her soul. The body of the new inquisitor must turn into a pitiless rack of pleasure. At the same time, you must maintain an unshakable firmness of judgment, otherwise everything will be in vain.

You will have to continuously analyze incoming information. Here it is important to trust your intuition, use your inner vision... and at the same time you will need to organize a crushing SEXXX that will drive the witch crazy many times over. Only then will you be able to catch the secret code.

We are talking about one instant perception of a large array of information. You will, as it were, look into a dark abyss and intuitively feel devil's place. It cannot be confused or misunderstood.

If everything is done flawlessly, after the end of the procedure you will have no doubts: either you have a witch in front of you, or just a spoiled one. bitch.

Item 6 (conclusion). Why is this needed?

Let us suppose that you are a young novice inquisitor who, by means of an iron phallus and an indestructible firmness of judgment, has clearly recognized a witch in a woman. The beauty is still sleeping, not at all realizing what secret she gave out in the interval between orgasms. And you are thinking with a cigarette in the kitchen - what to do with this witch now? How to use the received information?

In the Middle Ages, your partner would be dragged to the stake in the morning. In our humane time, this is unacceptable.

Several uses can be drawn from a female witch... Not all of them are approved by society.
The dark side of creation is a very powerful area, from which not only negative, destructive impulses originate. You can try, for example, to use a witch for creative inspiration ... Many cultural and art figures preferred to keep this type of woman next to them. In everything that concerns high creativity, the romance of personal life, cooperation with the witch is more than fruitful. (Do not forget, however, that from time to time you will have to sleep with the witch.)

Think for yourself. A powerful source of dark energy falls into your hands, which you can dispose of at your own discretion.

FINALLY - A WARNING. You will need a steel will and a strong mind to resist the onslaught of the witch, not to become her sex slave. Remember that to enslave your lover is the instinctive goal of every witch. There are proven ways to avoid this sad fate ... However, even a brief summary of them is beyond the scope of this short lecture.

How can you recognize a witch? the truest signs

Our ancestors invested in the word "witch" the meaning of "a wise woman, one who knows." Experience, intelligence, the ability to get rid of ailments - this is what characterized those women who were awarded this concept. However, the Middle Ages left its mark on the interpretation of the concept of "witch" and left in history a whole set of rules according to which one can supposedly recognize such women, who were considered wicked.
A look is the first sign by which a witch can be distinguished, even if she is not standing close to you.


This look is very heavy, tenacious, disturbing, as if piercing through and through. At the same time, the witch herself is quite attractive, even charming, self-confident. Something elusive attracts the eyes of everyone around her, some inexplicable charm - some call such charm diabolical. However, at the same time, there may be something of a man in her - a strong physique, an expressive voice. The witch's hair is certainly long and thick - it is believed that it is in them that the strength and power of this woman is contained. The eyes are green or with an admixture of other shades, often of different colors. As for clothing, dark colors predominate, there is a love for floor-length skirts and bright accessories.


Separately, it is worth mentioning moles - among the witch, they are considered the mark of the devil. And, given this, moles can be located in hidden places - in intimate places, under the arm, on the mucous membranes of the lips, in the hair, in the eyebrows, on the palate. Of course, a mole or birthmark can be of the usual size, but most often it is huge, light brown or brown in color, and irregular in shape. Interestingly, if such a stain is pierced, the witch will not feel pain. However, in some parts of her body there are no nerve endings. Most moles are located on the left side of the body, since it is from this side that they are believed to be able to create a negative energy field.


As for the behavior, that witches live a hermit life, since they do not develop serious relationships. However, different people periodically appear in their lives as if out of nowhere, and they disappear just as imperceptibly. By nature, witches are unbalanced, tend to live in disorder. Most of all, such women are annoyed when they touch their shoulder.

Website visitor comments

    When I started reading the description of the witch, I realized that I really know one such self-confident, successful and attractive woman, it’s really hard psychologically nearby, your look loses through, you feel guilty, although you’re not doing anything wrong, while she smiles sweetly. How is this even possible?

    My friend's grandmother was a witch. She lies before her death, and says to her granddaughter: “Come to me, my dear, I will tell you one secret,” and raised her hand .... my friend went to her grandmother, looks at her and waits for her grandmother to tell her the “secret”, and she said “give me your hand” and Masha, my friend, just wanted to take her grandmother by the hand, as her mother runs out of the room and shouts “Don’t touch! Get away from grandma!" It turned out that in this way witches pass on their gift before death. If they are not handed over, they will die in agony. Masha was lucky, her mother stopped her just in time. Although sometimes it seems to me that there is something in her .. mysterious :) Yes, and a mole in her eyebrow, and her face is constantly pale, and sometimes what she says, everything comes true. So maybe she managed to hold her grandmother’s hand then ... but history is silent about this ...

    A real witch lived in my village with my grandmother and everyone was afraid of her, her heavy look. No one spoke to her because everyone was afraid of her. Her chic black hair was mesmerizing and it was as if witchcraft began!

    Oh, I think a witch can always be distinguished from others. They really have a different look, under it you just don’t know how to behave and you seem to be all dumb. I say this because I know this witch, she lives in the villages. granny is already 90 years old, and she terrifies everyone. There are a lot of rumors about her, and very impartial, when I come, I try not to get caught by her.

    My friends always joked with me that I am a witch because I eat and don’t get fat) But seriously, I’m afraid of these witches ... Everything is correctly described in the article, that they are immediately visible in society ... This is understandable about black clothes, and now not only witches prefer black color) But about the penetrating look and green eyes, this is straight to the point! These are just breathtaking.

    And I'm proud that my grandmother, apparently, was a witch! Still, some kind of power must also pass to me :)

Whether we believe in magic or not, it exists. So, there are magicians, witches and sorcerers.

The word "witch" usually includes only bad qualities. It is used to insult the fair sex. The witch, according to most, has an evil power that can only harm. The most interesting thing is that she is positioned with a terrible grandmother in a cap flying on a broomstick. But this is far from true.

How to recognize a witch by appearance?

Cloth witches are usually black in color and hide the entire body. In addition to their image, they add certain decorations that symbolize black magic. In general, everything looks stylish and expensive;

they are very beautiful, therefore they easily attract individuals of the stronger sex, like magnets; the sight of the witch, as if she sees, like an x-ray, through. Looking into her eyes, you can be seriously scared; such a woman has masculine traits. It could be anything. For example, a rough voice or strong muscles, wide cheekbones or massive shoulders; witches never cut their long hair, because they contain all the strength and power; a simple person, in the company of a witch, quickly gets tired and feels weak. She is like a vampire, sucking out all the energy; The "Brand of the Devil" has every representative of black magic. Namely, a birthmark of irregular shape and size. At the same time, it is very hidden and can be located in the most unexpected places, it is difficult to notice it. If such a mole is pierced and blood does not flow, and its mistress does not feel any discomfort, then this is a real witch; the eyes are usually green. But the representatives who inherited such power have different colored eyes. Very beautiful and very dangerous; the age of the sorceress slows down, she practically does not age; sometimes it seems that the witch is just a crazy woman. In fact, she is talking to an otherworldly interlocutor.

In general, the witch looks like a simple woman. But, she can change her appearance.

People have always been afraid of such women. Previously, they were tortured, killed and burned at the stake of the Inquisition. Any beautiful woman could be accused of witchcraft, even if she had nothing to do with evil spirits.


How to protect yourself from evil spells and curses now, in the modern world?

Here are some easy rules:

having some suspicions that a person is a witch or sorcerer, then all physical contact should be avoided. Otherwise, it can be a conductor of negativity; when meeting with people who have knowledge in witchcraft, it will be better to behave naturally and not enter into conflicts; strange, discovered objects, try not to touch them with your hands. They need to be swept away with a broom; the church is a great option for cleansing; you should not be afraid of witches, because fear opens the biofield and, like a magnet, attracts negativity.

Even now, in the modern world, many people are interested in magic and various rituals. In fact, there are very few real sorcerers. These are ordinary people who do not stand out in any way. But, already knowing some features of appearance and behavior, you can easily figure out the sorcerer and protect yourself.

There is a strong conspiracy to see a witch in a dream, for the ritual you will need a dull knife and a candle. So, before you are about to go to bed, light a candle and start cutting the flame of the candle, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

In our world, there are people with unusual abilities. Many of them are proud of this and do not hide their unusualness. However, those who are endowed with a whole range of magical abilities are in no hurry to reveal their true colors. Is your roommate acting weird? What if she's a witch? Below is a complete list of signs of a witch.

The first sign. Appearance. As a rule, witches do not always have an attractive appearance. But despite this, they have an inner magnetism that attracts people and arouses admiration in their eyes. Witches can also be inconspicuous, gray mice. But when the right moment comes, she will show herself from a completely different side. There may be unusual marks and moles on the body of a witch, which are a direct confirmation of hereditary magic.

Sign two. Sight. You can recognize a witch by a tenacious look. She always looks into the eyes of any person without fear, and this look seems to penetrate the body and looks into the future. From the look of a witch, it often becomes uncomfortable.

Sign three. Loneliness. A witch is rarely seen in a large company. She has practically no friends. This is a cat that walks by itself. However, she has a strong connection with her relatives, especially if she is a hereditary sorceress.

The fourth sign. Behavior. She is always confident in herself and her abilities. She never shows negativity towards people in the usual way. This is not a gossip, not a dirty trick, not a rude woman and not a fighter. She solves all her problems in relationships with people in a magical way. So you may never guess in your life that a sudden illness is a consequence of a witch's revenge.

Fifth sign. . Pets are a certain indicator of a person's belonging to the world of magic, they feel magical energy and begin to react. Usually animals have a negative reaction to strangers: they bark, hiss and bite. At the sight of a witch, something incredible happens to them. They become accommodating and friendly. The same miracle happens with small children. If a child, distinguished by isolation and shyness, suddenly behaves freely with an unfamiliar woman, then this is proof that she is a witch. Children have weak energy, and therefore they are drawn to someone who is energetically stronger than them.

Sign six. attitude towards the church. You can recognize a witch in a church. As a rule, she behaves casually there, as if she feels out of her element. But some witches display feigned piety in order to divert all suspicion from themselves. They may attend church frequently and appear to the people around them as obsessed with faith.

Witches have powerful power only if they were already born with certain inclinations, that is, if they accepted a gift from their relative. Hereditary magic is the most effective, because a person receives, in addition to his gift, the abilities of his ancestors. Liked the article? Then be sure to put

Since ancient times, people have been hunting for witches, so their main goal was to hide the external signs indicating the presence of magical abilities. Today, you can only see a woman with a broom and a hat on, so it will be interesting to figure out how to recognize a witch by her appearance. It is important to understand that a large hanging mole on the face, a hooked nose and a hump are all inventions of writers and modern witches are not much different from ordinary women.

How to recognize a witch by appearance and behavior?

Women who have magical powers have an attractive and piercing look, from which many people shiver through the body. Their eyes are bright with a beautiful sheen, and as for the color, they are mostly green. Witches are attractive, so there are always a lot of admirers around them. At the same time, it is worth noting that their beauty has something diabolical. Discussing the appearance of a witch, one cannot fail to note the presence of luxurious hair. It is believed that it is in the hair of the sorceress that her strength is concentrated. Another important point indicating that you have a witch in front of you is the presence of some kind of masculine quality, for example, a rough voice, or developed muscles. When discussing the signs of a witch in a woman in appearance, one cannot miss the description of the clothes that the owners of magical powers choose. Most of their wardrobe is presented in dark colors. On the body of a witch, there will certainly be a mole or birthmark, which is also called the seal of Satan. Most often it is located in the lower back, on the genitals or near the hairline.

Now a few words about the behavior of the witch, which is. She prefers the life of a loner, and the men themselves can not stand next to such ladies. for a long time. It is worth saying that witches are sexually attractive and a little unbalanced in themselves.

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