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We present the most interesting books for women that are worth reading. Here is literature for self-development and self-improvement for girls.

Irina Udilova, Irina Semina, Anton Ustupalov, Olga Frolova. Fulfillment of desires in a feminine way. How to start a new life, easily and simply realize your goals

Our desires are not fulfilled not because we do not make enough efforts for this, but because of the psychological blocks developed in our subconscious. Barriers that hinder the ability to be happy due to insecurity, isolation, loneliness, etc. You need to make yourself happy competently and beautifully, having correctly built a strategy. Farther

Debra Olivier. Find the French in you. The art of being happy

Have you ever wondered why French women, more than other women at any age, are so concerned about their beauty? It was they who managed to uncover the secret that allowed them to develop self-confidence at a subconscious level. Interesting observations about the life and habits of French women, and popular ways in their society to enjoy life. Farther

Natalya Tsarenko. Antistress for women

The life of women, oddly enough, is accompanied by constant stress - at work, in the family, in relationships with men. Every now and then, unfounded speculation and disturbing thoughts begin to appear in my head. With the help of this book, you can not only learn to understand your feelings, but also gain control over them from the inside. Farther

Pamela Blair. Myths about the age of a woman

Doctor of Philosophy, sought-after psychologist Pamela Blair, based on the results of her research, proves to the reader that the statement about best years women are nothing more than a stereotype that has become established in society. A myth that the modern world has long abandoned, realizing that life does not end when a specific mark is reached, age is just a number that does not affect anything. Farther

Even if it seems to you that you are absolutely happy, it is important to understand that you should work on yourself throughout your life. Inside every woman there are hidden forces, awakening in yourself which, you can learn to easily get what you want, experience difficulties, cope with failures, only thanks to energy messages. Farther

Only a few among women know their worth and do not hesitate to demonstrate it in society. However, most of them throughout their lives are not capable of full self-realization due to accumulated complexes, childhood traumas, fear of criticism and condemnation. The authors tell how, with the help of creativity, to gain faith in yourself and start making dreams come true. Farther

It is much easier to start a family when you are young, in love and have a whole life ahead of you, where there is a lot of time for mistakes and stupidity. It is much more difficult to create a family for a woman who has already established herself as a person, having achieved success in her career, but at her mature age has not found her happiness. The famous psychologist will share the secrets that allow you to build happy strong families when you are well over thirty, forty and even fifty. There are no age limits for love, if you want happiness, be happy. Farther

A practical guide for every girl, allowing you to learn to understand yourself and your inner state. The author offers many effective exercises, performing which you can feel like a true woman - understand your desires, interpret fantasies, achieve success in all endeavors. Farther

The book will help every woman feel happy, needed, loved. He will teach you how, following certain tricks, to enjoy life without fear of difficulties. All women can realize themselves in a career, family, society, for this you just need to know how to do it in such a way that others appreciate you. Farther

From time to time, a woman is faced with a misunderstanding of how exactly she wants to live on, what plans and goals to set for life, if all dreams have not been achieved. The author tells how to live in order to get the maximum benefit from life, without bending and adapting to uncomfortable conditions for oneself to the detriment of personal interests. Farther

Often a situation arises when partners are not comfortable in a relationship, but they turn a blind eye to this in order to try to save a family built, if not on love, then on respect. This approach is erroneous: you should leave a dysfunctional relationship without wasting your time and emotional strength on someone who does not deserve it. Psychologist Robin Norwood will tell about all this and much more. Farther

There is no need to blindly follow the advice and guidance of others. The problem of most people is determined by the fear that a person can be judged, ridiculed, misunderstood, start treating him negatively. But everything is extremely simple: if you want to be happy, be, and it doesn’t matter at all who and what will think about this. Farther

An updated version of the book that has saved thousands of families around the world for 20 years and made millions of lonely people happy. Now here again more tips about how to save a marriage, avoid misunderstandings with a partner, build strong relationships. In any situation, we should not forget that even though we all live in the same world, women and men will always think, perceive and feel differently. Farther

Everyone dreams of being ideal parents who raised the best children, but in practice, children who are deprived of independence are increasingly appearing. They do not know how to make decisions, be responsible for their actions, adequately assess all situations due to the fact that their parents surrounded them with excessive guardianship. The book will help you understand how to treat a child in order to cultivate independence in him. Farther

Professor Loretta Breuning personally managed to unravel the formula of happiness, translating this state into chemical reactions and physical processes occurring in our body. She will easily explain which hormone is directly associated with stress, and what specifically influences the positive and negative manifestations of behavioral responses. Farther

Diseases do not appear and disappear just like that, - this is the point of view of psychotherapist Donna Jackson Nakazawa. She analyzed hundreds of works by eminent scientists and found that there is a direct link between the psychological stress experienced in childhood and the diseases that these people developed in adulthood. Farther

Every person has their own addiction. Someone cannot live a day without sweets, others can give up alcohol, and still others are afraid to quit smoking. All of them are united by the impossibility of changing the situation. Nevertheless, the author claims that thanks to this book, absolutely everyone will be able to make friends with their body, learn to hear it and get rid of the main problem - excess weight without diets and exhausting workouts. Farther

A successful presenter, by personal example, shows a million audience of readers that changing your life at any age is real and not at all scary. The most important thing is to sincerely want it. A few basic principles on how to build a happy life by letting go of the past and stop blaming yourself for your mistakes. Farther

Most women themselves are not completely able to answer the question, what do they want from this life and what is happiness for them? An experienced female psychologist opens women's eyes to an alternative opportunity to advance to happiness, emphasizing that you do not need to work hard to achieve everything, you can find another more effective approach. Farther

The unexpected scandalous truth about modern men. A practical instruction containing the rules for attracting and domesticating men, the basic principles of training. The author intelligibly explains what all this is for, and how it actually works in real life, with a lot of examples and rules. Farther

These were the most interesting books for women to read for self-development and self-improvement. If you know something else for girls, share your ideas in the comments. 😉

The book is the best gift. After all, the most valuable thing that it gives is not even information, but the writer's story about his inner world. Books help us live. How to find the most useful books among the variety of modern literature of different genres and trends?

Brain development tool

The flow of information that the brain processes while reading, even if the reader did not remember most of the ideas, has already fed our biological computer. Everything we read stays with us and may someday come in handy.
If you are interested in developing cognitive capabilities, then you need to read information about modern research on this topic.

From popular science literature about the mysteries of the brain, it is interesting to read the book by Chris Firth "The Brain and the Soul." You can also read Lev Vygotsky, Bernstein, Ukhtomsky and Vladimir Bekhterev. These are definitely useful books for self-development.

What path do geniuses take?

It is impossible to become an enlightened and famous person without studying various kinds of literature every day. But in the world of books without a guide, you can get lost. How to select books? What are the most useful books?

Once, the poet, translator and essayist Joseph Brodsky, being a teacher of literature in America, wrote a list of the most necessary works for reading. This is the minimum, Brodsky believed, which will allow a cultured person to maintain a conversation in any society. And of course, these are the most useful books. The list includes about 50 titles. He mentions Plutarch, Lucretius, Sophocles, Shakespeare's plays. As well as F. Dostoevsky ("Demons"), F. Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel".

Also, the master of prose Gabriel Garcia Marquez published a list of books he personally read. Of course, it includes books by American writers, on which Marquez's talent grew. So which books are helpful? There should be no doubt. Useful are those that Nobel Prize winners choose to read.

The most necessary books for self-development

A person who is not engaged in self-development gradually loses the already acquired personality traits. It is important to constantly improve yourself, not stopping there. People of all professions and different mindsets need to set themselves new tasks all the time and solve them. And without books, this is impossible. What are the points of support to look for when forming your list of necessary books? After all, notaries need one list, creative people need other areas, and books of a different format are important. But for the initial search for a real self, time-tested books are needed that allow you to learn the basics of any science. In addition, old recognized treatises (more precisely, the thoughts contained in them) sometimes give impetus to a new development or an unexpected resolution of a complicated issue.

The books of all time are philosophical treatises:

  • Montaigne "Experiments";
  • Boethius "On the Consolation of Philosophy";
  • Aristotle "Logic" and "Poetics" (especially important for those who would like to become a poet);
  • Immanuel Kant "Critique of Pure Reason";
  • Albert Camus The Myth of Sisyphus.
  • Old and New Testament.

These works are listed in the original list of Joseph Brodsky. He selected the most useful books for his list. There are a lot of them, and we will not list them all.

Useful books for leisure

Thanks to the book, a person is able to visit any place on the planet and even fly around the entire space. The world of fantasy absorbs attention precisely by the fact that the reader's imagination overcomes the barrier of reality, like a rocket through the earth's atmosphere. Some books are not only interesting and help to pass the time, but are also designed to become the guiding star of philosophy. The most useful books are those that are not only informative, but also catch the soul, make the reader doubt their inner convictions and correct them. Working with inner values ​​is the lot of not only philosophers, but also ordinary people who seek to improve their personality, habits and life.

From fiction, it is useful to get acquainted with dystopian worlds:

  • George Orwell (real name Eric A. Blair) novel "1984";
  • Aldous Huxley "Brave New World!"

Of the fantastic stories, it is impossible not to recall such a story as "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells, and another story of the writer - "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

Quotes of great people: entertaining and useful

It is impossible to read all the books, but everyone is able to take the time to get acquainted with excerpts and quotes from great minds. Rereading a collection of quotes from time to time is a very useful activity. Through excerpts from books, you can understand whether the topic and idea are close to you or not. Let's take a few quotes.

Karl Jaspers:

"Detachment from the world gives a person freedom, the relationship with him - existence."

Or a quote from Faust:

“Oh, this experience! Smoke, barren mist:

After all, the free spirit surpasses him!”

The reader here has not read the whole book, but he has seen and felt the writer's thought. Every reader can find their favorite phrases and create their own collection of quotes. Quotes from any art books will become a real treasure trove of knowledge. Many wise sayings can be found in the works of V. Nabokov, O. Wilde, Dostoevsky, B. Shaw and others.

Useful and interesting books of the 20th century: a list of the best

Among the poets, writers and philosophers of the 20th century, such books are interesting for self-development:

  • D. Fowles, "The Collector";
  • D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye";
  • M. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita";
  • B. Pasternak, "Doctor Zhivago";
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 100 Years of Solitude.

These books are recognized by the public as the best works of the 20th century. You can name hundreds of other interesting books belonging to the past century that have been awarded. But here those are chosen that make you think about life, morality, loneliness.

ancient epics

We must not forget the old masters of the pen. We list those epics that you need to know in order to understand the history of previous eras:

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign";
  • "Mahabharata";
  • "Ramayana";
  • "Odyssey";
  • "Iliad";
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh.

These few works are the most useful books. The fact that society has kept epics for several centuries speaks of their true value.

You can find a lot of useful information in books. You get the experience of people who have already figured it out - they have learned how to solve problems, build relationships, and have formulated their knowledge in an accessible form for everyone interested. This is why self-improvement books can change your life. In matters of self-development, they are simply irreplaceable. There are many amazing works that help to become better, stronger and happier. Here is a list of twenty books you should definitely read. They can seriously affect your life, as they have already affected the lives of thousands of people.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book really helps to achieve what it promises. This classic was published in 1936 and has since been reprinted numerous times in various formats. The book contains simple steps to improve your communication skills and strengthen relationships, each illustrated with real-life examples from Carnegie himself and people he knows. Even one piece of advice - to use a person's name more often in a conversation - can already transform your life.

Manuel Smith, "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty"

Many people have trouble setting boundaries - they find it hard to stand up for themselves, learn to say no, and defend their beliefs. Some become dependent on others, taking their problems and emotions as their responsibility. In Smith's book, you can find information on how to learn to assert your boundaries with simple techniques, how to open up to those who deserve the energy spent on them, and how to exclude people from your life who ruin your mood.

Bren Brown, "The Power of Vulnerability"

This book is an impeccable motivation, a source of incredible change. In modern society, no one talks about their weaknesses, no one wants to admit their shortcomings. Yet being able to recognize them is a real advantage. The book will help those who are ready to think more broadly, change themselves and their approach to weaknesses. To be successful, you need to be vulnerable and willing to take risks.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages

Many people believe that love is a simple exchange of words and it exists effortlessly. And this is wrong. In fact, maintaining a relationship is not easy at all. After the honeymoon, the relationship gets worse. This book will help strengthen them. You will be able to find out exactly what manifestations of love your partner and you need, start applying them and notice a quick result. The principles described in the book are applicable not only to personal life, but also to everyday communication.

Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"

This book teaches you to live in the present. Perhaps its content is repeated in places, but it helps to understand the essence. It contains examples of how people behave throughout the day in relation to others. This book will help you deal with the clutter in your thoughts and find the serenity of the present moment.

William Irvine, "Stoicism"

Irvine presents the classical philosophy of Stoicism, which is being transformed in modern days, supplementing its reasoning with tools and practical advice that will improve your quality of life. The information is based on personal experience and really helps to become happier and calmer.

Timothy Ferris, "How to Work Four Hours"

This phenomenal book has pushed many people to forget about the standard work schedule. Most likely, you will either like it, or it will annoy, but it definitely will not go unnoticed. Ferris is trying to make people realize that their time is limited and sitting those hours in the office is not the best option.

MJ DeMarco, "A book for those who dare to make money"

There are many repetitions of the same ideas in this book, but it is motivating enough to start doing your own business, and gives you a lot of useful information which is useful to everyone.

Chip and Den Heath, "Resolute"

Many people find it difficult to make decisions. It seems like you need to make a list of pros and cons, but sometimes this does not lead to the best result. The Heath brothers help divide the decision-making process into four steps. It changes your behavior.

Gary Vaynerchuk, "Passion is business"

Vaynerchuk is the owner of a large Internet empire. His book will help you learn how to build a successful online business with step-by-step instructions.

Robert Glover, Stop Being Nice Guy!

This is a very short book, but effective. She describes the Good Guy Syndrome - what causes men to lie, manipulate, cheat and pretend instead of facing reality.

David Deida, The Way of the Real Man

This book is a spiritual guide for a man who wants to be a man - in the traditional sense of the word. How to deal with women? What is masculine energy? How to achieve happiness? The book contains answers to all these questions.

Mark Manson, "Models"

There are many books on how to start dating women, but most of them contain only ready-made phrases or describe too complicated theories. Others focus too much on sex. Manson transforms the approach to meetings with the opposite sex and teaches to get the most positive emotions from communication, behave naturally and feel comfortable.

Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

This book is filled with inspiration. Frankl talks about his life in captivity and concentration camp, about returning home. He is sure that as long as a person has a goal in life, he will be able to survive in any conditions. Just find your purpose.

Maxwell Maltz, "Psychological Cybernetics"

The plastic surgeon's book tells that many people want to change their appearance, but in fact they need internal changes. Maltz talks about relaxation techniques that can help.

James Allen, How a Man Thinks

A short essay that contains an important point - your thoughts determine the reality in which you live.

Dan Ariely, Predictable Irrationality

Ariely analyzes why people do what they do. People seem to be logical, but everything is controlled by emotions. This book will help you deal with the subconscious mind and become a better person.

Robert Cialdini, The Psychology of Influence

This book will help you learn how to manage people not only in personal relationships, but also at work, at job interviews.

Matt Ridley, The Red Queen

Why do men tend to seek multiple partners? Why are women so selective? What is hidden in our genes? Ridley's book will help you understand a lot about relationships.

Rolf Plotts, "Vagabondage"

This book will inspire you to travel. Plotts is sure that it is worth traveling slowly, he shares a list of necessary things and many useful tips.

The book is the best and most reliable source of information. Despite the development of information technology, gadgets and the era of the Internet, books do not lose their relevance. Many of them are instructive with a deep meaning, after reading them you can completely reconsider your life. Therefore, the question often arises of what to read for self-development for a man.

Experts are constantly updating the top lists of the best books that every person needs to read throughout their lives. Among them are those that are more suitable for the male half of society as a motivator and impetus to improve the quality of life. It is important to attribute it extremely responsibly to reading, otherwise it will just be a waste of free time.

From childhood, every person is invested in the consciousness of the idea that only a person who is learning and striving for self-development can be considered a full-fledged and formed personality. There is truth in this, but you should not place high hopes solely on books. In fact, self-development for men after reading books should be work on themselves, setting goals and their implementation.

Self-development of each person should begin with 3 foundations, namely:

  1. Physical exercise. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body, each person must be physically strong and fit.
  2. healthy eating. Health depends on a balanced diet, including mental abilities and the assimilation of new information by a person.
  3. Mental self-regulation. This can be reading useful books, self-development trainings, attending seminars, meditation, etc.

Do you read literature for self-development?


Today, the method of reading books with a deep meaning for reassessing life is especially popular. It is also not uncommon for regular books to be replaced with audiobooks, making the reading process easier. This method of developing personality and new skills is considered the most comfortable, convenient and not expensive. And if you combine it with the indicated first points, you can achieve the maximum result.

Expert opinion

Viktor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

The main guarantee of successful development of a personality in oneself is the desire and aspirations of a man. If it does not exist, no book will be deposited in the memory and subconscious.

Top 10 Best Self Development Books for Men

For many men, self-development and self-improvement is hard physical work that takes strength and energy. In fact, psychologists believe that only an unloved occupation and work that does not suit a man can take away vital energy and free time. Reading smart books will help you set goals and set priorities in life correctly.

The top 10 includes the following books for the male half of society:

  1. Written by Shorter Lawrence, The Lazy Guru's Book. Flow. Results. Easily". In the book, even the yellow cover relaxes and calms the man, helping to assimilate new information. The book will teach you to identify laziness in yourself, as well as retrain it into the engine of the process. That is, after reading a man learn to be lazy, but at the same time improve the quality of his life.
  2. Author Alex Novak, book “Open book. Change the world, starting with yourself". This book is impossible to open at first, but after that it will become simply unrealistic to close. The whole secret is in its original design and lack of a cover. Thus, a man is motivated immediately to read it. The book is self-development for men according to the program, which lasts 60 days, inside there are tasks of increasing complexity. And the results are posted on the social network to control the participants over each other.
  3. Written by Ellenberg Jordan, How Not to Make Mistakes. The Power of Mathematical Thinking". Since men have well-developed mathematical abilities, he makes decisions faster and is thus prone to business. The author reveals mathematics in a new role. And the main plus of the book is the ease of writing and, accordingly, reading.
  4. Written by Michael Mikalko, Creative Hacking. How to see what others don't see. An expert on creative and creative thinking in his book offers several formulas that will push men to rethink the approach to creating ideas. Here you can learn 9 thinking strategies that were derived from the experience of the legendary men of the world.
  5. Written by Madhavan Guru, Think Like an Engineer. How to turn problems into opportunities. The author himself is a successful engineer, but the narrative will be much deeper in meaning than any bolts and nuts. The author proposes to consider all life problems with a systematic approach.
  6. By Chris Bailey, My Productive Year: How I Tested the Best-Known Personal Effectiveness Techniques on Myself. The author first tested on himself all sorts of methods for improving the quality of life, after which he identified effective and ineffective methods, describing everything in the book. In total, 25 techniques are presented that can be adopted into your life.
  7. Author Mikhail Labkovsky, book “I want and I will: accept yourself, love life and become happy”. If a man is concerned about self-development, where to start the path to self-improvement, it is better to start with this book by a famous psychologist. Thanks to the advice and information in the book, a man will learn to see the good in everything, accept himself and his life, and find harmony.
  8. Authors Douglas Moss, Alex Narbut, Dale Carnegie. A Complete Course in Communication Techniques. In one book fit 33 of the most valuable advice of the famous specialist Dale Carnegie, as well as practical exercises that allow you to discover new abilities and skills.
  9. Author Mason Curry, Genius Mode. Daily routine of great people. If you read this book, you can reveal the secrets of many geniuses, whether they are artists, writers, chemists, scientists, etc.
  10. Written by John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How to think more effectively. Practices for developing your brain". For men whose brain is overloaded with information, which interferes with achieving goals at work and at home. The author will offer methods to improve the functioning of the brain, memory, concentration, and increase efficiency.


In fact, the list of useful books on which the self-development of a man is based can be continued endlessly. First of all, a man must draw up a plan for himself to improve his life and activities, and then just start any action. Reading books is the easiest and most inexpensive way for self-improvement, which today enjoys unprecedented popularity.

About the book: diary for creative people. Each page is different - one page for every day. It encourages daily surprises, observations and actions that are different from what you have done before. One day she will ask you to learn how to draw, another day she will ask you to describe a birthday from your childhood, and the next day she will say nothing at all (write whatever). This notebook, diary or self-development book may become your partner or companion for the whole year.

Feature of the book: new idea every day. It broadens your horizons, motivates you to do things that you may not have done before.

Who is it for: for creative, looking for new experiences, who want to diversify their lives.

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2. "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life"

About the authors: Raymond is an American futurist who develops devices to increase life expectancy and speech recognition. I am convinced that in the near future the human brain will not be able to keep up with the development of computers and science, as a result of which it will no longer understand them. Terry founded a medical center in Colorado. Explores nutritional supplements and anti-aging methods.

About the book: Did you know that you can halve the death rate from heart attacks among men through sex? This is proven by a study conducted by a well-known British medical journal. In the book you will find a lot of interesting studies like this one. Transcend provides proven steps to improve your health. You will learn how sleep affects human brain activity, how to simplify the life of your digestive system, how to establish a healthy diet, how to effectively relax, and many other useful and interesting things.

Feature of the book: step-by-step instructions will improve your well-being and increase the number of active years of life. There are many interesting studies that confirm most of the conclusions of the authors.

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3. Whole Life: Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals

About the authors: Les is a well-known American business coach who has been researching the field of goal setting and achieving goals for over 30 years. Creator of an effective system for concentration and focus on goals. Jack Canfield founded Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken bouillon for the soul"). He is the co-author of the book series of the same name (). Mark is the creator and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, a well-known coach.

About the book: you will not meet a magic wand with Harry Potter and you are unlikely to learn something new (if you have read a lot of useful information and watched educational videos before). The main advantage of the publication is in the competent and clear structuring of the material, which can be easily used right now. The authors point to the main problem, an obstacle on the path of each person to success - the lack of a constant focus on the important. 10 strategies will inspire you, help you focus on the essentials every day and develop good habits.

Feature of the book: each chapter provides step by step instructions to achieve the goal, charges, inspires and motivates. Use it as a "magic pendal" and a road map on the way to success.

Who is it for: for everyone who wants to reach the top in business and personal life. From the "Must Read" series.

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4. "Be the best version of yourself: how ordinary people become extraordinary"

About the book: Probably one of the best self development books out there. Dan analyzed his life path, thanks to which he deduced 4 qualities inherent in successful people:

  • successful people are ready to take risks, but deliberate and conscious;
  • successful people are always disciplined and stick to it in everything;
  • successful people are generous and do it from the bottom of their hearts, rather than expecting something in return;
  • Successful people get along well with others.

Dan, using examples (his own and others'), shows how ordinary people have achieved and are achieving success. He confirms that success can be achieved through perseverance and perseverance, despite his abstract to the edition: « Everything you know about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn't work - not for you, not for anyone else." Maximum effort and constant learning. Read in one breath.

Feature of the book: makes you look at your life, actions, views from the outside (sometimes extremely unpleasant) and start acting, changing, being the best version of yourself. No "water". Use as a "magic pendal".

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5. “Get out of your comfort zone. Change Your Life: 21 Ways to Increase Your Personal Efficiency

About the author: Brian did not study well and did not finish school, he traveled the world for 8 years as part of the crew of a cargo ship. He worked as a sales agent (within a year he became the best in the company), two years later he became a sales manager, and after 3 - vice president (at the age of 25). World renowned consultant, speaker.

About the book: when the question arises “Which books for self-development to choose?”, then this one must be read one of the first. World bestseller. The author puts at the reader's disposal 21 proven efficiency-improvement techniques for getting quick results in your personal and professional life. To implement them in your life, you need to develop the right habits. Brian identified three factors in forming a good habit:

  • hardness;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance.

All these qualities can be developed by anyone, if there is a desire. This publication will help you do it easily and naturally. The roadmap for building the right habits is in your hands. Read in one breath. One of the world's best-selling personal productivity products (circulation over 1.3 million copies, translated into 40 languages).

Feature of the book: simple and effective ways, available to everyone, will help you set and achieve goals in the shortest possible time. Motivates and inspires.

Who is it for: for everyone without exception. From the "Must Read" series.

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6. “This year I…: how to change habits, keep promises or do what you have long dreamed of”

About the book: every person at least once said to himself: "Tomorrow I will start doing ..." or "In the new year I will ...". According to statistics, only 8% of people actually do what they planned. Others find plenty of reasons not to. This edition is very similar to the previous edition - to achieve success, you need to develop good habits. Ryan identifies 5 main stages to fulfill their dream (92% of people give up their dreams at one of these points):

  • preliminary reflection - at this stage it is not yet clear what the final goal looks like and we are not able to formulate it precisely;
  • thinking about the task - we think how to do it;
  • preparation - we decide to do it in the near future;
  • action - we begin to act;
  • maintenance of action - we carry out our plan until we do it.

The entire book is built around 5 main steps. This is another roadmap in your hands for the implementation of the plan. Despite the easy presentation, there is a lot of work to be done (6-9 months, according to the author). For some, this will seem like a lot, but for most, it is negligible. The simple truth is that life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to achieve results, be ready to work.

Feature of the book: It teaches you how to set goals and achieve them. Lots of examples and practical exercises.

Who is it for: for those who want to change themselves for the better, get rid of bad ones and acquire good habits.

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7. "The Gift of Midas: Why Some Get Rich and Some Don't"

About the authors: Donald Trump is a billionaire, media personality, writer, founder and president of one of the largest construction companies in the world, the Trump Organization. Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, writer, and investor. Author of several dozen bestsellers on financial literacy, creator of the world-famous CASHFLOW educational game.

About the book: books for self-development are inconceivable without Robert Kiyosaki. Donald and Robert share their experiences in the same book for the first time. The name of the publication "Gift of Midas" can be misleading, because the gift is given from birth. Here, the authors tell on the example of the fingers of one hand what skills and knowledge are needed to achieve success in business:

  • thumb - strength of character;
  • index finger - concentration;
  • middle finger - brand;
  • ring finger - relationships;
  • little finger - little things matter.

After reading the book, you will understand or better understand what skills you need to develop in order to succeed in business. The authors provide a direction rather than a ready-made instruction. All material is presented in an engaging and easy manner. Read in one breath.

Feature of the book: you will learn what needs to be developed to achieve heights in business. Vivid examples from the life of Donald and Robret (both achieved success and lost everything, but then achieved even more) perfectly complement the recommendations of the authors.

Who is it for: for beginners and professional entrepreneurs.

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8. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Tale of Wish Fulfillment and Destiny"

About the book: a fictional story about a millionaire lawyer who, after a heart attack, decided to change his life. He sold all his possessions, including the plane and the Ferrari, and then left for India in search of answers to numerous questions. After some time, he returned, rejuvenated, finding peace of mind and harmony. What happened to him and how did he turn from a person with a pre-infarction condition into an athletic, healthy, and most importantly peaceful happy man? It reads easily and naturally.

About the authors: Jack is a former FBI special agent who has taught his colleagues methods of influence and persuasion for almost 20 years. Founder of a law enforcement and security training company. He has written a number of books and articles on psychology. Marfin is a psychology bestselling author and has worked for Singapore Airlines for over 20 years.

About the book: in short, the book shows how to make friends with anyone. You will learn how to recognize verbal and non-verbal cues from other people. How to increase your communication skills at times, learn to find a common language with others. Each technique was used in practice by a former intelligence agent whose task was to recruit ambassadors and spies of other states in the interests of the United States. Read in one breath. Entertaining and educational.

Feature of the book: no theory, only practice from a former FBI agent (20 years of practice) on personal examples. Simple tricks will allow everyone to achieve the location of any person.

Who is it for: for sellers, parents and anyone who wants to form friendships with others.

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10. "Speed ​​Reading: How to Memorize More by Reading 8 Times Faster"

About the author: Peter Kamp founded the speed reading company of the same name. Peter himself has trained many employees of large companies, the White House and businessmen. The developer of a unique speed reading system, has been doing this for over 20 years.

About the book: An excellent book for self-development of the skill of speed reading. Peter proved that speed reading is a skill, and any skill can be trained. In just 6 weeks, you will master all the techniques, devoting 20-30 minutes a day to exercises from the author. In a week you will read 30% faster and absorb information more efficiently. The publication has everything you need to prepare: simple exercises, a checklist (for tracking results) and descriptions of each lesson. Thanks to this edition, you can quickly study all the books for self-development.

Feature of the book: simple, effective and interesting exercises.

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