Home Products Roll of fresh herring. Herring rolls. Herring rolls, recipe with photo

Roll of fresh herring. Herring rolls. Herring rolls, recipe with photo

First of all, we fillet salted herring, removing everything unnecessary from the pieces - the head, entrails and bones. Then carefully remove the skin from the fish so as not to damage the surface of the loin parts and leave them whole.

We put fish fillets on a board lined with cling film for convenience. We combine the abdominal parts of both sirloin parts and put them overlapping. Cover the top of the fillet with the same piece of cling film.

We take a kitchen hammer for chops and with the side with small tubercles (usually it is intended for tender meat, such as chicken), we begin to lightly beat the herring in wide parts. Our task is to beat the fillet so that a more or less uniform layer is obtained over the entire surface. To prevent the cling film from tearing, you can cover the top of the herring with a cotton towel.

When our fillet is leveled, we roll out the melted cheese or spread it with a fork if it is too soft for you. By the way, instead of processed, you can take cottage cheese or cream cheese.

On a layer of processed cheese lay out finely chopped pickled or pickled cucumber.

Sprinkle the cucumber with the same size cubes of sweet pepper and finely chopped herbs. Do not overdo it with the amount of cheese, cucumber and pepper, otherwise it will be difficult to wrap such a “plump” roll properly later.

We wrap the herring roll, helping ourselves with cling film. Try to wrap as tight as you can. Wrap the fish "sausage" by analogy with sweets from both ends and transfer to the freezer for 2-3 hours no more.

While the herring roll is cooling, cut out circles from thin slices of rye or wheat-rye bread with a glass of a suitable size.

Herring roll with melted cheese and cucumber is a great option appetizing snack, which will not take much time and effort. This appetizer can be prepared with different fillings, lovers of experimenting in the kitchen will definitely like it!
Suitable as a filling bell pepper, pickled mushrooms, olives, capers, pickled red onions, chopped omelet with greens or Korean carrots. Instead of vegetables, you can take seafood, such as squid or mussels.

Taste Info From fish and seafood


How to cook herring roll with melted cheese and cucumber

To prepare the roll, you need to take a large herring, it is desirable that it be lightly salted. If you got salty fish, hold it in milk for 30 minutes. This must be done when the herring is already deboned. Don't forget to blot the fish with paper towels afterwards.

First, cut off the head of the herring, open the abdomen from below and remove all the insides.

Lay cling film on the work surface. Open the herring and cut out the ridge, using tongs, remove all the bones.

Remove the skin from the herring and put the fillet halves back on the film. Cover the top of the fish and beat lightly with the back of the mallet to even out the surface of the herring.

Open the film and brush the herring fillet with melted cheese. If you use processed cheese, which has a pasty consistency, I recommend that after twisting, send the roll to the freezer for 3-4 hours.

If you take processed cheese in a briquette, before preparing the roll, hold it for 15 minutes in the freezer so that it is easier to rub. To impregnate a roll with such cheese, put it in the refrigerator, its consistency is elastic, without freezing.

Cut fresh or pickled cucumber into plates, put on the cheese layer.

Roll the roll like rolls with a film, tie the ends tightly with food thread.

With a sharpened knife, cut the herring roll with cheese and cucumber into portions for serving.

This appetizer is served cold, you can pre-cool the roll in the refrigerator, and then cut it.

Beautifully lay out the finished herring rolls on a flat plate. You can first place dried pieces of dark bread on a plate, and place rolls on them. The second option is convenient for a buffet table. Decorate your plate with ready meal pomegranate seeds, black cumin and dill.

Cooking Tips:

  • Instead of herring, you can use mackerel or horse mackerel.
  • Greens, fried or pickled mushrooms can be added to processed cheese. Instead of fused cheese will do cream or cottage cheese.

The first were meat rolls. In an ancient Roman cookbook, among other recipes, there is one called "Apicius". They say that the instructions are very reminiscent of the cooking process meatloaf. And that was 5 centuries BC! It is also known that in the Middle Ages such a dish was often prepared in Europe. Everything is clear here: the Roman Empire had a huge impact on all the countries of this part of the mainland. A lot of time has passed, the recipes have changed, but the idea has remained!

Online " With taste» You can find all kinds of recipes for rolls. Toppings are varied and suitable for all occasions and tastes. Nevertheless, we do not stop replenishing both our and your cookbooks with new variations on the theme of snacks. This time we offer to cook a roll from herring with all kinds of herbs and egg-cream sauce. Very original and delicious.



You can roll the traditional biscuit or get creative with the filling and serving. But when you want something non-standard and no less tasty, buy a herring, chop the greens and cook this original treat. Do you know the same fans of something unusual? Make sure they have that link.

1. Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings. Put in a container, pour in the vinegar and pour in the sugar. Pour warm water, mix and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes.

2. Peel the herring from a thin film, cut off the head, fins and tail. Carefully divide the fillets into two and remove the backbone. Use tweezers or hands to remove all the bones. Rinse the fish under running water and remove the inner black film. Wipe the finished fillet with a paper towel.

3. Put the herring on the board and cover it with cling film. Beat it with a kitchen hammer so that it is of uniform thickness on all sides.

4. The fillet should be about 3-5 mm thick.

5. processed cheese remember with a fork or grate on a medium grater. Although you can cut it into thin plates.

6. Connect two herring fillets together, overlapping each other in the form of a rectangle. Spread melted cheese on top in an even layer.

7. Put the pickled onion on the cheese, which is well squeezed from the marinade and excess moisture. Top, in the center, put the apple cut into thin bars.

8. Gently roll the herring into a roll and wrap it with cling film. Send the snack to cool in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, or better leave it overnight. The roll should form well and take shape.

9. To beautifully serve a snack on the table, cut out circles of approximately the same diameter from the bread with herring. To do this, use a special serving ring or take any round mold, like a glass, a glass or cookie cutters.

10. You should get beautiful circles of bread. Instead of black bread, you can use a baguette, which you don’t have to cut at all, or an ordinary white loaf.

11. Carefully cut the herring roll into rings about 1 cm thick. I recommend doing this in polyethylene, and then remove the package from the pieces. So the roll will hold better.

12. Put herring rolls on bread and decorate them with fresh herbs before serving.

See also the video recipe on how to cook a herring roll.


To cook herring stuffed with cheese and cucumber, we need:

herring - 1 pc. or 2 fillet halves;

boiled egg - 2 pcs.;

processed cheese - 1 pc.;

garlic - 1 clove;

bell pepper - a couple of bars;

fresh cucumber - a couple of sticks.

Cooking steps

Prepare products. Eggs pre-cook hard-boiled and cool. Peel the eggs. Grate eggs and processed cheese on a fine grater, add garlic, passed through a press, mix the filling well.

Put 1/2 of the prepared cheese and egg filling on one half of the herring fillet.

Arrange cucumber and pepper slices on cheese filling and press down slightly.

Place the rest of the filling on top of the vegetables.

Put the second half of the herring on top of the filling.

Wrap the appetizer tightly in cling film, tie it well on both sides and put it in the freezer for an hour, then send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Release the finished snack from the film and cut into portioned pieces. Herring stuffed with cheese and cucumber is very beautiful, bright and tasty snack, which can be served on the festive table.

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