Home Kashi Is it possible to eat pork skewers while losing weight? Diet kebab from vegetables Is it possible to have a kebab while losing weight

Is it possible to eat pork skewers while losing weight? Diet kebab from vegetables Is it possible to have a kebab while losing weight

Among the gastronomic preferences of lovers of delicious food, shish kebab is not in last place. People who take care of their health often ask themselves the question: “How to marinate shish kebab on PP without harm to health”? And is it possible, without depriving yourself of small gastronomic joys, to maintain your health and beauty of the body?

Can barbecue be useful?

As a rule, the most delicious food that we love to treat ourselves to is not 100% healthy. However, if properly prepared and eaten, shish kebab can be harmless. Skewers, marinated and cooked in compliance with the rules of proper nutrition, will not cause significant damage to health.

In meat cooked on charcoal, unlike ordinary fried meat, useful for the human body are preserved:

  • Minerals.
  • Essential amino acids.
  • B group vitamins.
  • extractive substances.
  • fat soluble vitamins.
  • polyunsaturated acids.
According to Petr Rabchevsky, the chef of Burger Heroes burger bars, it is more useful to fry shish kebab on ordinary firewood prepared in advance. For this, wood of alder, birch, linden and oak is suitable. However, the connoisseur claims that the best firewood for barbecue is the wood of fruit trees (cherry, apricot, plum). Such firewood gives a moderate combustion temperature, which allows you not to overdry or overcook the meat.

And the pleasant aroma emitted during the burning of “fruit” firewood will nourish the barbecue with unusual flavor notes and leave a pleasant aftertaste. When using ready-made coal and liquid for ignition, it must be remembered that liquid vapors evaporate within 20-30 minutes.

Attention! Grilled meat contains fewer calories than pan-fried meat. And since the advantages of baked meat are obvious, the kebab cooked on coals according to the rules of the PP can be safely classified as a dietary meal.

Barbecue and healthy eating: useful and harmful combinations

To reduce the possible harm from eating barbecue, you must remember the following rules:

  1. Meat for barbecue should be well marinated with a quality marinade . In an acidic environment, putrefactive bacteria die, causing the process of decay. However, it must be remembered that an acidic environment kills not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria. In addition, vinegar changes the structure of the meat. Therefore, this method is preferable if the meat is tough. If we prefer a marinade with vinegar content, you need to know that for chicken, the marinating time is 3-4 hours, for lamb - 6-7 hours, and for beef - 8-10 hours.
  2. If there are contraindications to the use of acidic and spicy foods (vinegar, spices), then in marinades they are quite possible replace with freshly squeezed juices from lemons, tomatoes or pomegranates .
  3. It is not recommended to use strongly fried, to the coals, shish kebab . Such meat has a harmful effect on the liver and pancreas. Moderately charcoal-roasted meat can rightly be classified as a diet food, ideal for PP.
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of hard liquor (vodka, cognac) in combination with barbecue. It is permissible to drink a glass of dry red wine or 100 grams of vodka (cognac) without harm to health. If there is a need to drink plenty of food, then it is better to do this with mineral water. Alkaline mineral water will not only quench your thirst, but also facilitate the process of digestion. But we should not forget that too much liquid drunk during meals dilutes the gastric juice and complicates the process of digestion.
  5. Fast carbohydrates (white bread, beer) are best replaced with any fresh vegetables and herbs . The high content of fiber and enzymes in greens and vegetables has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. It is no coincidence that meat and fish dishes are served with vegetable side dishes, as required by the rules of proper nutrition.
  6. For better assimilation of shish kebab, it is necessary avoid combining it with foods containing fats and salt (fat, sausage, canned fish in oil).

Following these simple rules, the use of barbecue will not harm your health and will bring real gastronomic pleasure.

Recipes for successful barbecue marinades most compatible with PP

The choice of marinade for barbecue depends on the meat (beef, chicken), its “rigidity” and the gastronomic preferences of the one who will cook and eat this barbecue.

According to Piotr Rabchevsky, the chef of Burge rHeroes burger bars, the dry way of marinating shish kebab is preferable. To do this, mix the spices with olive oil and rub the pieces of meat with this composition. In such a marinade, the future kebab should be stored in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

In the case when there is a need to cook the barbecue earlier than in 10-12 hours, then you can speed up the marinating process. To do this, it is necessary to add mineral water or any drink with high acidity to the already existing “spices + olive oil” composition: yogurt, lemon, pomegranate or tomato juice. In this way, the meat for the barbecue will be ready in 3-4 hours.

We bring to your attention recipes containing the most popular ingredients and the least harmful to health in combination with meat.

Mustard gives meat softness and juiciness. In addition, mustard and its grains (powder) have tangible benefits for the human body. Its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties help in the fight against pathogenic microbes that cause the process of putrefaction in the intestines. Eating mustard contributes to the digestion of heavy food, intestinal motility and the elimination of the fermentation process (flatulence, unpleasant belching).

  • 100 g of finished (or 2 tablespoons of dry) mustard;
  • 2-3 medium onions, cut into rings;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

All ingredients are mixed. Time for pickling 1-3 hours, with storage in the refrigerator. At the request of the cook, mustard is sometimes mixed with sour cream or soy sauce. The mustard in the marinade helps keep the juices in the meat. It is able to soften even the meat of an elderly animal.

1 kg of meat must be taken:

  • mineral water (preferably highly carbonated);
  • 3 medium onions, cut into half rings or rings;
  • salt and spices to taste.

All ingredients are mixed and mixed with pieces of meat. Mineral water should lightly cover the kebab. Store in a cold place for 3-4 hours. If desired, chopped garlic or paprika can be added to this marinade.

The advantages of the recipe - the meat marinates quickly. After 1 hour, you can start frying the kebab. To check the readiness of the meat, it must be cut with a knife. If clear juice flows out of it, then this is a “signal to action”.

For 1 kg of beef meat you need to take:

  • 2 large onions, finely chopped;
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • salt and spices to taste.

The washed meat is mixed with chopped onions, spices and poured with vinegar diluted with water. The meat is marinated for 2 hours at room temperature and only then it is sent to the refrigerator. The disadvantage of the recipe is that not everyone can eat vinegar. It is not advisable to use this marinade option for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. .

Attention! Shish kebab made from frozen meat will be dry. To improve its taste, you can marinate such meat by rubbing it with vegetable oil and spices. The film formed by the oil will not allow the meat to completely dry out.

For 1 kg of meat you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of kefir with a fat content of 2.5% or 3.2%;
  • 350 g of onions;
  • 1 tablespoon of your favorite meat spices

Chopped onions and spices are added to kefir and mixed. Then, meat cut into large cubes is placed in the resulting marinade. This marinade is ideal for poultry meat. Be sure to store the meat in such a marinade in the refrigerator. The recipe is the most suitable for proper nutrition.

Tomato (tomatoes)

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 0.5 l of tomato juice or 0.5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Meat cut into small pieces should be poured with tomato juice, to which spices have been previously added. Alternatively, instead of tomato juice, you can use finely chopped tomatoes mixed with spices. Meat marinated in this way is stored exclusively in the refrigerator. The recipe is accessible even for beginners "barbecue".

For 1 kg of meat you need to take:

  • 3 pcs. large lemons;
  • 350 g chopped onion;
  • salt, a mixture of ground peppers or any other seasoning of your choice - 1 tablespoon.

In the washed and chopped meat, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the lemons, grate the lemon zest there and add spices. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a cold place for 3-4 hours.

According to the well-known culinary specialist and leading blogger on the You Tube channel Stalik Khankishiev, it is not advisable to keep the meat in such a marinade for a long time. He believes that the kebab can unnecessarily saturate the taste of the onion and this will affect the palatability of the final product. This recipe is not only tasty, but also has a healthy content of vitamin C.

Onion marinade

For 1 kg of meat you will need:

  • 400 g of onions;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • salt, pepper and ground coriander - to taste.

To prepare this marinade, you need to juice the onion using a juicer or blender. Onion chopped in a blender can be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. You need to add spices to the juice, mix everything well and place the prepared meat in the resulting marinade. This marinade recipe is ideal for proper nutrition, as it is prepared only from natural products and does not contain preservatives.

Advice! You can add any spices that suit your taste to marinades: coriander, nutmeg, turmeric, curry, basil. The main thing is that they are tested and do not lead to undesirable consequences in the form of an allergic reaction!

Shish kebab of fish, seafood and vegetables

Given that the protein contained in fish and seafood is easily absorbed by the human body, these products are considered to be dietary. Accordingly, barbecue made from fish and seafood is considered ideal for proper nutrition.

Any “red” fish is most suitable for such a barbecue, due to the fact that it has a dense pulp. Pieces of sturgeon, pink salmon or trout can be easily strung on skewers. Delicious in itself, such fish does not need any sophisticated marinades. It is enough to rub it with salt and pepper. In the finished form, the kebab, if desired, can be poured with lemon juice or served at the table with slices of lemon.

Fish with more tender flesh can also be cooked on charcoal.

Only for this it will have to be baked on a wire rack, pre-wrapped with foil. To do this, you can roll up “pockets” from foil, put pieces of fish there and add a slice of lemon and some spices. You can fill such a “pocket” with a piece of fish, onion rings, pieces of sweet pepper with spices. Variations can be different, depending on culinary preferences.

Seafood skewers are distinguished by the speed of their preparation. For cooking shrimp or squid skewers, a marinade made from lemon juice with the addition of olive oil and soy sauce is ideal.

You can bake shrimp, aged in the marinade for a couple of hours, on skewers, frying for 1 minute on each side. For squid, the pickling and frying times are similar.

Shish kebab made from vegetables is an independent dish . Delicious, nutritious, healthy, low in calories, it is rightfully considered dietary.

In order for this barbecue to turn out tasty and juicy, it is necessary to pickle vegetables correctly. For the marinade, in addition to spices and aromatic herbs, you need vegetable oil (preferably olive), lemon juice or fruit vinegar (apple, grape), onion and garlic. If desired, a small amount of liquid honey can be added to the marinade.

In order for the barbecue to be not only a culinary delight, but also to serve as a food suitable for proper nutrition, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules for marinating and cooking it.

Tells candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, nutritionist Rimma Moisenko.

Myth one. When frying on skewers, fat flows out, so barbecue is almost a dietary dish.

Actually. Compared to schnitzel or escalope, shish kebab will really turn out to be less greasy. However, this does not mean at all that pork kebab can be considered a dietary dish. After all, even not very fatty pork is hard to digest, so it is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines. But fish, or grilled, may well qualify for the title of dietary products.

Whatever kebab you choose, it is worth remembering that green vegetables will be the best side dish for it, and there should be more vegetables on your plate than meat. It is good if vegetables are also present on the skewer interspersed with meat. Then it will be more juicy, and the dish will be less high-calorie.

Myth two. Carcinogens - harmful substances that are formed during the frying of foods and can cause malignant tumors - are afraid of acidic marinades.

Actually. It is not true. Even if you keep the meat in vinegar for a week, this will not affect the formation of carcinogens in any way. But still, there are ways to reduce the amount of harmful substances in barbecue. Do not use firewood igniters when preparing it. When burned, they release harmful substances that "settle" in the meat. In addition, lighter fluids can cause a severe allergic reaction.

If you like houses, get a vertical barbecue. This method of frying does not allow the meat to be saturated with combustion products.

Myth three. Children are not allowed to eat barbecue.

Actually. Starting from the age of three, a child can eat a piece of barbecue. But the piece intended for the baby should not have a burnt crust. Yes, and adults do not stand up to the state of coals.

cooking barbecue


Ingredients: 600 g of pork, a head of garlic, 100 ml of dry white wine, pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: Cut the pork pulp across the fibers, peel off the films, lightly beat off, dip in dry white wine, salt and pepper a little, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Thread pieces of meat on skewers, fry over coals until tender.


Preparation: Wash the chicken (or chicken fillet), cut into large portions. Grate garlic on a fine grater. Add garlic, seasoning to mayonnaise and stir. Grate each piece of chicken with salt, pepper and coat with mayonnaise. Put the pieces tightly in a saucepan, pour the remaining mayonnaise, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator overnight. Thread onto skewers, alternating with raw onion rings as desired, and grill over charcoal.


Ingredients: 800 g of pike perch fillet, 400 g of bacon, lemon, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: Cut pike perch fillet into pieces of 40–50 g, salt, sprinkle with black pepper and let stand for a while. Prepare strips of lard, cut so that pieces of pike perch can be completely wrapped in them. Wrap pieces of fish with strips of bacon, fasten with wooden pins, string on skewers and bake over hot coals. Sprinkle the fish pieces lightly with lemon juice while baking.


Ingredients: 600 g of new potatoes, 200 g of bacon, 2 onions, 100 g of pickled garlic, 200 g of mushrooms, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, 100 ml of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs.

Preparation: Peel the mushrooms, wash, marinate in a mixture of lemon juice and finely chopped garlic. Peel potatoes and boil in salted water until tender. Cool and cut into suitable pieces. Peel the onions and cut into 4 pieces. Peel the garlic and divide into cloves. Roll up the bacon slices. Grease the skewers with vegetable oil and herbs. Alternately thread pickled garlic, potatoes, onions, mushrooms and bacon onto skewers. Grease prepared kebabs on all sides with vegetable oil and pepper. Grill over coals for about 10 minutes.

In spring, barbecue season traditionally opens. A typical picture of a weekend in nature - pieces of pork or lamb oozing fat on skewers, mayonnaise, garlic sauce, ketchup, beer for adults, Coca-Cola for children, packaged juices. The perfect selection of the most harmful things you can eat on a picnic. Harmful, fatty, high-calorie, but sometimes you feel like it ... Is it possible to have a barbecue on pp? Yes! But only if it is a properly prepared diet chicken kebab, the calorie content of which is as low as possible.

If you choose the lean part of the chicken - breast, skinless thighs - then the number of calories in the finished dish can be significantly reduced.

Having correctly selected the marinade, it is easy to cook such meat on skewers or a wire rack that will meet absolutely all the rules of paragraphs.

By the way, during cooking on charcoal, fat is rendered from meat, which means that it is even more degreased.

Losing weight pp-shnikov are especially concerned about the question of how many calories are in chicken skewers? Remember:

  1. chicken breast barbecue has a calorie content per 100 grams of about 120 kcal;
  2. shish kebab from other parts of the chicken- calories from 133 kcal;
  3. skewers of chicken wings has a calorie content of 186 kcal, and the reason for such a high figure is that it is extremely difficult to remove the skin from the wings - namely, “the main fat is hiding there.

Suddenly, the chicken was not at hand, remember that a low-calorie kebab can be cooked on a turkey grill, marinating it first with lemon juice and ginger, which not only break down fats, but also soften dryish turkey meat. Another pp barbecue can be prepared from a rabbit. Its meat is tender, dietary and perfectly digestible.

It is important to consider the balance of proteins-fats-carbohydrates. Proteins in dietary chicken skewers are 18-25 g, depending on which part of the carcass is selected, fats - 12-18, carbohydrates - up to 1 g per 100 g of the dish.

If you cook on skewers, then it is better to choose breast, fillet. They are very tender and bake quickly.

In addition, they are the most low-calorie dishes. On the grill, wings and thighs turn out well.

The fillet should be cut across the grain. It is enough to cut the fillet into three parts.

Traditional options with vinegar, and even more so with mayonnaise, are completely unsuitable for our chicken. Vegetable and fruit marinades are ideal. It is not necessary to marinate the chicken for a long time, otherwise the meat will spread. Turkey, on the other hand, will benefit from an extra hour in the marinade.

Boneless meat is perfectly baked on skewers. Meat on the bone is best cooked on the grill. The thermal conductivity of the bone makes cooking faster. On the grid, this process is easier to control.

Usually on well-heated coals, the chicken is ready in half an hour. If in doubt - pierce with something in the “thickest” place - a reddish or pinkish juice stands out, which means it’s not ready yet.

  • onion, but only onions need almost as much as meat. It should be cut into rings, knead a little with your hands and mix with chicken pieces, leave for 4-5 hours. It's delicious to fry everything together. Salt and pepper - to taste and at will;
  • from kiwi: for 1 kg of meat - 1-2 fruits. Fruits need to be cut into thin circles, put in a bowl, alternating layers. The bottom and top layers are from kiwi. Marinate for no more than half an hour, otherwise fruit acids will disrupt the structure of muscle fibers. Kiwi can be supplemented with lemon, some spices, soy sauce;
  • from onions and tomatoes: for 1 kg of meat - half a kilo of onions and tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of nutmeg. Turn vegetables in a blender into puree and “drown” chicken pieces in it for 2-3 hours;
  • from fermented milk products: for 1 kg of meat - 1 liter kefir or ayran, tana, curdled milk, whey or even regular multi yogurt. It is good to add a mixture of peppers, rosemary, sage, cumin, oregano to the fermented milk product. We keep the meat for several hours;
  • from honey and garlic - a marinade for lovers of unusual mixes different tastes. For 1 kg of meat - 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5-6 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger - 1-2 cm, juice of 1 lemon. Make a sauce in a blender and coat the chicken pieces with it for 4-5 hours. This marinade is suitable for turkey, rabbit, veal.

Don't be afraid to experiment with marinades. A delicious barbecue will turn out if there are 3 components in the marinade: aromatic, softening and flavoring. You can also try combinations of mustard + spices + greens, soy sauce + freshly chopped vegetables + seasonings, etc.

No need to use non-natural means for ignition- they impair the taste of fried foods.

Coal is convenient, but on wood, especially from fruit trees, it turns out much tastier any barbecue.

Although it is more correct to exclude pita bread.

Some vegetables can be baked with meat, it will be both appetizing and healthy.

For example, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, eggplant, zucchini. Eggplant must first be soaked in cold water with salt.

Diet chicken breast or turkey fillet kebab will be juicier if you dip it in the sauce.

Purchased sauces are a mixture of substitutes for all natural plus calories.

Natural sauces are prepared from vegetables and berries. Tomato juice is boiled with onions, garlic, fresh herbs and whipped in a blender. Berry sauces are prepared from gooseberries, red currants, lingonberries with the addition of a drop of honey. The berries are mashed and brought to a boil. My favorite for today is a dietary kefir chicken kebab with a sauce of olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs and ground paprika, cooked in a blender.

Barbecue without harm to the figure.

May - for many means the beginning of "eating" barbecue.
Of course, gatherings with friends in nature around the fire are tempting, but it is important to remember the consequences of fatty foods and alcohol. There are several ways to have a good time, eat barbecue, but not put on weight the next day.

1. Barbecue.
Let's start with a barbecue and a choice of meat.
First of all, choose lean meats, and these are chicken breast and turkey.
Remove skin from meat and excess fat.
Excellent kebabs are made from shrimp, mussels and other seafood. Very light, tasty and goes well with vegetables.

2. Marinade.
Most often, barbecue is marinated in mayonnaise with onions. You can replace mayonnaise with kefir. Chicken breast marinated in kefir with onions, spices…mm..

It is very tasty and not very high in calories.
And for seafood, regular lemon juice is suitable.

3. Snack.
Remove bread, crackers, fatty cheeses, potatoes and other fatty and high-carbohydrate foods. Otherwise, they will provide you with extra weight and heaviness in the stomach, especially when combined with meat.

4. Vegetables.
Take more vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, celery, zucchini, bell peppers and other vegetables of your choice.

5. Alcohol.
If you absolutely cannot refuse it, then drink in moderation. You don't need a headache in the morning. Yes, and a large amount of beer or strong drinks does not bring health. And the calories… There are 215 calories in the 1st bottle of beer. A little. And if you drink 3 liters already runs 1300 calories. So think about whether you need them and whether you will burn them this evening.

6. Water.
Don't forget about water. Drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before meals. Also, for every 100 ml of alcohol, drink 100-200 ml of water (depending on the strength). Alcoholic beverages are highly dehydrating and clog the body with toxins. Plain water will help deal with this.

7. Mode.
Remember, you need to eat every 3-4 hours. Do not starve all day in the hope of a hearty dinner with kebabs.
Eat at your normal pace. You can choose lighter foods during this day - vegetables, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, fruits. Those who use protein meal replacements can replace both breakfast and lunch with a protein shake, and have barbecue for dinner. But moderation is key in everything.

Eat smart!

How to go on a picnic when you are on a diet?

The long-awaited spring has come, and with it the first "mayovki"! Friends and acquaintances gather to have fun in nature. Oh how everyone is waiting for this. Maybe it’s better not to go, because the process of losing weight has just begun and the first kilograms have left? What to do?

Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do in this situation. Firstly, of course, you need to go to barbecue because nature and fresh air are the key to health! You just need to approach this matter seriously and with full responsibility.

What to eat.

If you are organizing a picnic, this article will help you to properly approach a healthy diet. If you are going to such an event, this article will help you choose the right food and drinks. And so the first thing you need choose this meat, from which we make kebabs. The best barbecue is pork, but it is high in calories, so it is better to choose young lamb, namely lamb, which is still dairy or white chicken meat without skin. If, nevertheless, you are not the organizer, but only invited to a picnic, eat any barbecue, but not more than 150 grams.

Try to stretch the pleasure throughout the whole time, and in addition, eat fresh vegetables:

  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes,
  • young cabbage,
  • radish,
  • greenery.

If you are organizing, then make several types of fresh salads and additionally put fresh vegetables just washed.

In addition, you can use not only vegetables, but also fruits:

  • apples,
  • oranges
  • tangerines,
  • kiwi,
  • pineapple and others

except for bananas, cherries and other high-calorie fruits ().

What drink.

What about alcohol? What to drink or not drink at all? It is necessary to choose alcohol according to two criteria.

First, alcohol should not be strong, because in a drunken state it is very easy to break loose and eat everything and in unlimited quantities. Second, alcohol should be the least caloric.

In my opinion, in this case, a glass of dry red wine is best, but do not forget that the amount of alcohol you drink can break your willpower. If you drink 200 ml of wine during the whole picnic, and, as a rule, it is not less than 4-5 hours, it will not be so tragic.

As for beer, this drink does not have a high calorie content, but its glycemic index goes off scale at 100 ml -110 units. Also in its composition there is a substance maltose, which contributes to an increase in body fat.

As a rule, in nature everyone is constantly drinking something. You can do this too, for example, juices and waters (only not sweet sodas), compotes will do the same. Just remember they need to be diluted with water. In the fresh air, no one will refuse freshly brewed green tea or coffee. Therefore, if you are organizing a picnic, prepare several types of tea and coffee. You will definitely be thanked more than once for "fresh" tea or coffee.

I will reveal one secret that will help you lose weight in nature, everyone knows it, but not everyone uses it.

Don't sit, move more. Play volleyball, badminton and other outdoor games. And your picnic will do you good.

The next day after the picnic, arrange yourself a fasting day. And your kilograms will please you.

Finally, I want to wish everyone who is on a diet a wonderful holiday. Don't be afraid to go on picnics, just do it right and live life to the fullest.

After all, a diet is not a sentence, but a healthy lifestyle.

Have a nice holiday!!! If you liked this article, recommend us on social networks. Click on the icons below. I will be very grateful.

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