Home Bakery products Carp in the oven so that there are no bones left. Fried carp “Boneless. The best carp dishes

Carp in the oven so that there are no bones left. Fried carp “Boneless. The best carp dishes

    For processing and cooking carp, you will not need any non-standard equipment: only a knife, kitchen scissors, a frying pan and a fish cutting board.

    How to fry carp

    There will be no intrigue: we will reveal the secret of cooking carp without small bones at the very beginning of this recipe. Thin bones penetrate only the upper part of the carcass - the fish back (large bones - ribs are located in the lower part). Therefore, it is necessary to act in this area - on the back of the fish. Lay the gutted carp on a kitchen board and with a sharp knife make parallel cuts (every 7-10 mm) along the entire back, starting from the tail and ending with the head. Do the same on the other side of the fish carcass. These incisions will crush small bones. And already further, during heat treatment, the shortened pieces of bones will soften and seem to evaporate from the carp.

    It is convenient to make incisions by holding the fish with one hand by the head or tail, so you should remove the inedible parts of the carp only after they have been applied. Cut off the fins and tail with scissors, cut off the head of the fish with a knife.

    Cut the carcass into portions: from a small carp you can make 4 servings, and from a larger fish - 6 or more.

    Put the pan on the fire and pour refined oil on its bottom. While it is heating, sprinkle flour on a plate. Rub each piece of fish with salt and then roll in flour. At the same time, you do not need to try to get the flour into the hollows in the cuts made: if it is there, it will not fry in the pan, but will turn into a thick gruel. Therefore, it is best to sprinkle with flour only the outer sides of the portioned pieces.

    If the oil is already hot, put the pieces of carp in flour into the pan.

    Fry the fish until golden brown on one side, then on the opposite, and then on the remaining sides that require frying.

    That's all: carp without small bones is ready! Thanks to the secret that we told you about, small bones evaporated so much that they became invisible.

Carp is a simple, freshwater fish and often not appreciated. I remember, back in Australia, I was surprised to see how in the fish markets carps, along with eels, were sold at a price many times lower than ocean fish, considering freshwater fish "weedy". In Russia, the attitude towards carp has also changed now and more often people ask for dorado and sea bass. But in China, Korea and Japan, carp have always been treated with respect.
Perhaps the people are scared off by the unpleasant feature of the carp, which manifests itself in the wealth of Y-shaped bones, which, like needles, can pierce the tongue and stick into the throat, and choosing them means losing your appetite. But there is a way that the Chinese use. It allows you to make a carp without a single bone, and they disappear on their own - and no chemistry!

In China, carp has long been associated with the concept of fish (yu), that is, it is a fish for all fish, and quite rightly so. The red carp was especially revered, because, as it is believed, it drives away evil spirits with its appearance, like all red ones. Carp is also considered a symbol of longevity, and therefore dishes from this fish often serve as a decoration for the festive table.
Take, for example, the carp in sweet and sour sauce, which I prepared today, making sure that the freshwater fish boneless- it's simple.
I cleaned and gutted a fresh carp, separating the head "under the fins", as shown in the photo. The incisions around the head must be made in such a way that all the insides along with the gallbladder can be easily removed with it.

Then I separated the fillet from the backbone. To do this, make an incision from the back with a sharp knife along the dorsal fin, with the other hand pressing on the fish closer to the belly so that the incision opens slightly and it is easier to cut further. The second half of the fillet on the other side of the fish is also separated.

Each half must be washed in extremely cold water so that the fish meat becomes elastic, and it is even better to lower it into water with pieces of ice.
I dry the fish with a towel. I put half of the carp skin side down on the cutting board, and make cuts obliquely from the tail, holding the knife blade at an angle of about 45 degrees. The main thing is not to cut the skin!

After going through the end like this, I repeat the cuts obliquely so that they intersect with those that I made before. It turns out some kind of "Christmas tree".

For the convenience of frying, I cut the halves of the fish into portions and sprinkle with salt.

Everyone needs to be dipped in batter. To prepare it, I take four tablespoons of flour and two - corn starch. I dilute them with warm water with the addition of the protein of one raw egg, until the density of liquid sour cream. Dipping each piece of fish in batter, so that it penetrates all the cuts, I throw it gently into corn oil heated to 180 degrees. It's better to take a wok, but I used a regular pan, since a wok is useless on an electric stove.

The pieces must be immersed in boiling oil. Caution - spraying it can cause severe burns! Turning the fish over, I make sure that each piece is well fried and has acquired a dark golden color. The hot oil dissolves the calcareous bones of the fish, and if the flesh remains underdone, the bones may remain.

I spread the fried pieces on a steel sieve so that the oil drains and moisture evaporates. She can ruin the dish! Meanwhile, in the remaining oil in the pan, I also fry the ridge with the tail and the head of the carp in batter.
On the dish I put the carp's head upside down, lay out the ridge, and on it a slide along the entire length - pieces of fried fish.

Top the fish with sweet and sour sauce.

It can be bought ready-made in a bottle of Thai production, preheated with toasted fresh ginger. The second option is to do it yourself. To do this, fry grated or finely chopped ginger, chopped hot red pepper in a small amount of oil and slowly pour, without removing from heat, a solution of starch in water with sugar and salt so that it all thickens with spices. Then add the juice of one lemon or vinegar, stirring the sauce. Tasting the mixture, you can add salt, sugar or acid to taste, so that everything is enough and harmony reigns. The density should be like that of kefir.
I pour the sauce over the fish, and the dish is ready! Checked - no bones.

Carp in our country is a fairly common fish, it has been tried and loved by many, because it is a tasty and versatile fish, from which you can cook a lot of wonderful dishes. We will talk about how to cook carp and the most delicious dishes that can be made from it.

Carp has spread around the world from China, where it was bred artificially. That is, in nature, such a fish simply did not exist, and carp is an artificially bred breed of carp, brought from China to Europe in the 12th century. Today it lives in ponds and rivers around the world, and several breeds of it have been bred - scaly, mirror, framed, naked. It is not found only in the waters of South America, Madagascar and Australia.

It is very easy to buy fresh carp, as it is sold live - it tolerates transportation well even over long distances. However, not every housewife takes full advantage of this availability of this fish, and the reason for this is the most famous drawback of this fish - the abundance of small bones.

However, because of this, you should not refuse dishes from this fish - there are many ways and tricks on how to butcher carp quickly and without any problems. In addition, it is not only publicly available, but also inexpensive, has delicious juicy meat, slightly fatty, so a variety of fish dishes are prepared from it.

How to cut a carp

Having bought live fish, do not refuse the offer to clean it, but it is better to gut it yourself at home:

  • First you need to remove the dorsal fin, making shallow cuts on both sides of it along its entire length, then you need to pull the fin, wrapping it with a towel so as not to cut yourself, in the direction from the tail to the head;
  • Next, from the head to the tail, make an incision on the abdomen, carefully remove the liver and gallbladder (if it is torn, rub the places where the bile got into with salt or cut them out);
  • Remove the rest of the insides, gills and eyes of the fish, the film covering the vertebral bone must be cut along;
  • Rinse it with cold running water and then cut the fish depending on the cooking method.

How to clean carp from scales

If it is not possible to clean the carp immediately in the store, then do not despair, you can easily do it yourself. Don't let the old-fashioned methods scare you when it was cleaned with an anti-scale knife and the whole kitchen was dirty. there is a simple proven way to clean carp from scales.

  1. To do this, put the fish in a deep cup and pour boiling water for 30 seconds.
  2. Pour out the hot water and put the fish under a stream of cold water so that it cools and does not boil from boiling water.
  3. Further, the fish can not be taken out of a cup of cold water, and placing your hands in the water, run your fingers against the scales, it will easily separate.
  4. If the fish is large and the scales are very thick, it is difficult to separate, then you can once again pour boiling water for 10-20 seconds, again under cold water. Now the scales will definitely move away with ease.
  5. You can also help yourself to separate the scales with a knife, but do it carefully so as not to cut the already steamed skin of the fish.

And now for the most interesting:

How to butcher a carp and get rid of small bones?

In China, in the homeland of carp, its fillet, having been cleaned of large bones, is simply ground into minced meat, and during the cooking process, the ground small bones soften and partially dissolve.

If the fish is cooked whole, then even in this case it is possible to cope with small bones: for this, before frying, stewing or baking, as well as steaming, deep cuts are made on the carcass of the fish from the back along its entire length, and they are made crosswise - the more frequent cuts you make, the more small bones will be crushed and softened during the heat treatment.

In addition, this technique allows the fish meat to be better saturated with seasonings and spices and cook faster.

The next way to cut carp into fillets will also help get rid of small bones.

How to fillet carp

  • cut off the head
  • along the ridge, cut the fish in half lengthwise into two halves,
  • cut off the backbone, fin and small bones adjacent to it,
  • cut the costal bones neatly in one layer,
  • feel for a groove with sharp bones in the fillet with your fingers, step back 5 mm from them to the left and cut the fillet to the skin, holding the knife at an angle of 45 degrees,
  • do the same, stepping back from those bones 5mm to the right,
  • tear a strip of bones from the skin,
  • also remove small bones in the tail of the fish.

As you can see, if you are willing to take the time to carp carp and remove the bones, then it is quite possible to turn a fish from a bony into a tender fillet.

The best carp dishes

There are also special recipes for cooking carp, focused on the fact that this fish has a lot of small bones, one of the most famous among such carp dishes is Chinese.


  • 1 fish about 1.2 kg in weight,
  • corn starch,
  • vegetable oil,
  • handful of pine nuts,
  • fresh green peas

Sauce Ingredients:

  • 6 tbsp. cold water and ketchup / tomato paste,
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara,
  • 1-2 tbsp rice vinegar,
  • 1 cm fresh ginger root
  • 1 stalk leek white part,
  • 1-2 tsp corn starch,
  • salt.

How to cook Chinese carp in sweet and sour sauce

Clean and gut the carp, separate the head, separate the fillet from the spine without removing the skin from it, also remove the costal bones, but do all this so that the fillet with the skin remains attached to the tail.

Lay one fillet skin side down on the work surface, make cuts across the fillet, holding the knife at an angle, cutting to the skin, but without damaging it - this is done in the direction from the head to the tail.

Bread the head and fillet in starch, fry them separately in deep fat, heated to 190 degrees, put on a paper towel and dry.

For the sauce, dilute the tomato paste with water, mix with vinegar, salt, sugar - it should turn out sweet and sour to taste.

Heat the vegetable oil, quickly fry the finely chopped leek and ginger, add the sauce, bring everything to a boil, add starch diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1 with water and thicken the sauce by pouring 2-3 tablespoons into it. oil left in the fryer.

Put the fish with the head on a plate, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with a pot and toasted nuts.

It also turns out very tasty carp with vegetables.


  • 1-2 fish
  • 250 ml sour cream
  • 100 g smoked bacon,
  • 6-7 potato tubers,
  • 3 bell peppers
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 3 bulbs
  • red ground pepper,
  • butter,
  • flour,
  • salt.

How to cook carp with vegetables in the oven

Cut the fillet with rib bones and skin into portions, stuff the fish with lard, grate with pepper and salt.

Cut the potatoes into slices, boil until half cooked, put in a frying pan, greased with oil, put fish pieces on top, then chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers.

Pour everything with melted butter and bake until tender in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees, pouring sour cream mixed with flour at the end.

Carp with vegetables in the oven is ready. Bon Appetit.

It is very simple and tasty to cook carp in wine.


  • 200 ml red wine
  • 500 g potatoes
  • 1-2 bulbs
  • 1 fish
  • 1 garlic clove
  • pepper,
  • greenery,
  • salt.

How to cook carp in wine

Clean the fish, rinse, cut into medium-sized pieces, grate with pepper and salt, roll in flour, fry on both sides until browned.

Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic, put to the fish, pour in a little water and wine, pepper, close the lid and simmer until cooked. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Royal fried carp


  • 700 g fish fillet,
  • 3 glasses of milk
  • 2 eggs,
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil,
  • 2 tbsp. flour and breadcrumbs,
  • salt.

How to cook fried carp

Rinse the fillet, cut it into portions, pour milk over it and leave for half an hour.

Salt the flour, roll the fillet pieces in it, dip them immediately in a beaten egg, bread in breadcrumbs. Fry the fillet on both sides until browned for 15 minutes.

It would seem that such a name is Royal fried carp, but in fact such a simple way of cooking.

However, with regard to this fish, this often happens - after all, it is really a very tasty fish that is difficult to spoil. By learning to cope with the main problem of carp - an abundance of bones, you can cook the most mouth-watering dishes from this wonderful fish.

  • To prepare carp fillets with sauce or cutlets with fillets, the rib bones are cut off, but for cutlets, as well as rolls, you can prepare the carp differently - gutting without peeling the scales, cut off the fillets on both sides, removing the skin from the scales, and the remaining bones, heads, tails and fins are used to make broth (gills must be removed).
  • The fish is cooked as a whole, and cut into pieces of 100 g in weight. If pieces of carp weigh more than 500 g, they should be placed in cold water, and smaller ones should be placed in boiling water. It is believed that carp cooked in large pieces is tastier and juicier than anything else.
  • When cooking fish, the water should constantly boil slightly. It is boiled as a whole with a weight of 1-1.5 kg for 50-60 minutes, in pieces of 100-150 g until cooked, 15-20 minutes of cooking is enough.
  • Small carp should be cooked whole, large - in pieces, it is believed that it turns out tastier if you fry the fish with the skin on.
  • Tastier fried carp will turn out if, after cleaning and washing it, then cutting it, put it in 15-20 in salted and peppered milk, after that it is breaded in flour and fried - best of all in a cast-iron pan with plenty of oil until blush and, covering cover, bring to readiness.
  • Fatty carp can be stuffed with leaner pike or zander.
  • It goes very well with minced meat, best of all with pork, this combination is suitable for making cutlets and meatballs, the proportions of fish and minced meat are one to one.

Useful video: How to cook carp with herbs

Author of the article "How to cook carp"

Carp is a simple freshwater fish that is often neglected in our time because of its unpleasant "swampy" smell and a large number of sharp bones, which can pierce the tongue or get stuck in the throat and which are very inconvenient to choose. However, in Asia - Japan, China and Korea - carp is highly valued. It is to Chinese cuisine that the so-called “squirrel carp” belongs - carp cooked in a unique way, one that removes both an unpleasant smell and all the bones from the fish. Despite the fact that Chinese cuisine is considered difficult to prepare, cooking carp so it's easy enough.

You will need

  • Fresh carp - 1 pc.
  • Sharp fish knife.
  • Large skillet or wok.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Water.
  • Ginger.
  • Hot scarlet pepper.
  • Starch (for sauce)
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Lemon.


1. brush fresh carp and gut him. Separate the head “under the fins”.

2. Try to make incisions around the head in such a way that, together with it, it is easy to remove all the insides. Don't throw your head away!

3. Separate the fillet from the ridge on both sides. To do this, cut the fish from the back along the fin with a sharp knife and at the same time press on it with the 2nd hand so that the cut opens slightly - it will be easier to cut.

4. Wash each half in a hefty cold water - this will make the meat elastic. Drain.

5. Put half carp on the board, skin side down, make cuts at the tail end diagonally with a knife at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. After that, make the same cuts in the opposite direction, so that they intersect with the first "herringbone". Repeat the same with the 2nd half. Take care not to cut the skin.

6. Cut the halves of the fish into portions (it’s more comfortable to fry), salt.

7. Prepare the batter. Mix flour with starch, stir the egg in warm water and pour water into flour with starch until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

8. Thoroughly dip each piece of fish in the batter.

9. In a deep frying pan or wok, heat vegetable oil (corn is better). There should be enough oil so that the pieces of fish are completely immersed in it.

10. Gently toss the fish pieces into the simmering oil, fry the entire piece to a deep golden brown.

11. Put the fried pieces in a steel sieve so that the oil drains.

12. Fry the head and spine of the fish in the remaining oil.

13. Put the fried head on a dish, place the backbone, lay fried pieces along each length around it, so that the final result resembles a fish carcass.

14. Pour the finished dish with sour-sweet sauce. You can use store-bought or make your own sauce. Fry finely chopped ginger and hot scarlet pepper in a small amount of oil. Dissolve starch in water with sugar and salt. Pour the ginger and pepper with the resulting mixture, without removing them from the heat, until everything thickens. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour over the resulting sauce, stirring, until the consistency of kefir. The sauce must be tasted, from the fact that all the ingredients are added to taste.

Be careful when lowering pieces of fish in oil - splashes can burn you hard! Make sure that the pieces of fish are properly fried, on the contrary, the bones will not dissolve.

Carp has very tender and tasty meat, but this freshwater fish is considered the most bony. The number of large and small bones in this fish is the same, regardless of age and size. But it is easier to get rid of them in fish that are large and weigh more than 2 kilograms. To cook boneless carp, you need to spend a little more time carving the fish than you would like. But the result will be fully justified.

Use the following tips when preparing carp dishes.

Carp will turn out tender and juicy if you use only vegetable oil. If you want to cook a whole fish, it is better to start cutting it without the head. So the fish will get rid of the unpleasant bitterness and smell of the swamp. Use scissors and a sharp knife to cut carp. When removing the insides, it is also worth getting rid of the white film.

Rinse the carp carcass well under clean cold water. After that, proceed to remove the bones. Cut the carcass along the ridge line on both sides with a thin knife. The ridge should be removed carefully and gradually, in small parts, while getting rid of large bones. The carcass will retain its integrity and beautiful appearance thanks to a dense fillet.

Now with a sharp knife you need to make transverse cuts on the outer and inner sides of the carcass at a distance of half a centimeter from each other. This will allow the small bones to bake well and soften.

How to cook carp in the oven with a side dish

Carp baked in the oven with a side dish is quite easy to prepare. You will need these ingredients:
One live carp (preferably more than 2 kg.)
Seasoning for fish - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - two cups
Ground black pepper - half a tablespoon
Onion (medium size) - two heads
Lemon - two pieces
Vegetable oil (refined) - one and a half cups
Sour cream 20% fat - 200 g
Hard cheese - 100 g
Potatoes (large) - 4 pieces
dried dill

Recipe for baked carp in the oven with vegetables

Carp must be cleaned of scales, cut off the head, gutted, rinsed under cold water. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and marinate carp in it for 15-20 minutes.
While the fish is pickling, prepare a cast-iron dish or a baking sheet in which you will bake the fish, brushing it well with vegetable oil. Onions should be cut into rings, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
Mix wheat flour with spices for fish, dill and vegetable oil until a thick slurry is formed. If the seasoning does not contain salt, add to taste. Divide the mixture evenly. Spread one part evenly over the bottom of the baking dish. In this case, the vegetable oil should completely cover the gruel. Spread the onion rings on top in a dense, even layer to cover the flour substrate.
The second lemon, which is left, cut into even slices and put on top of the onion rings. All this will give the carp an additional appetizing flavor.

Turn on the oven to heat it up.
The carp has already marinated and changed color a little. Now it needs to be rubbed on both sides with sour cream, which must first be mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. Put the cooked fish on a baking sheet with a lemon-onion pillow. With the remaining flour gruel, gently grease the fish and the fragrant pillow on top.
Wash potatoes, peel and cut into slices no more than 3 mm thick. Spread in an even layer over the fish.
Put the dish in the oven. Carp should cook for 30-40 minutes. At the same time, watch, from time to time, the process of cooking fish. When boiling juice starts to stand out, pour it over the carp several times. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Remove the finished dish from the oven. Wait a couple of minutes until the juice in the pan stops boiling. Now you can divide the fish and garnish into portions, and serve to guests.

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