Home A fish Emily games. Game Emily's Cafe: Home sweet home online All games emily home sweet

Emily games. Game Emily's Cafe: Home sweet home online All games emily home sweet

The housewife simulator is called Delicious 11: Emily's Home Sweet Home, and this game will allow you to manage and equip your home. In order to fully settle down in a foreign city and region, you need to constantly work on so that people do not think anything bad. And therefore, the girl will always try not to lose her face, since her reputation is most important, like any other woman. In addition, the protagonist intends to really live here for a long time, and possibly start a family. Since the girl does not possess sufficient life experience, then it remains only to succumb to intuition.

When it comes time to meet new people, you have to look closely at that. Who is in front of you. The fact is that all settlements are distinguished by their unique social and psychological characteristics, and if one city is a normal place to live, then another will be extremely dangerous for you. That is, you just need to be constantly vigilant, and then the citizens will give themselves away. In addition, in order to implement their plans, they will have to gradually become stronger. After all, your house itself and other problems force you to make new decisions that you can’t think of instantly, or read about them in a textbook.

Put all your affairs aside and download this exciting game from the category on our website. Tension and fatigue will leave you. It's time for relaxation and entertaining adventures. The heroes of the game will not let you get bored. You will like original and interesting levels, passing which you can get a reward. You can take your free time and get a lot of pleasure from it.

Added corrected version of the game
Emily's Home Sweet Home- the eleventh part of the beloved series "Delicious" from the studio Blue Giraffe and Gamehouse.
Help the O'Malleys family with repairs in their dream house. After a warm welcome, some neighbors have different attitudes towards the arrival of newcomers. So Patrick and Emily are in for turbulent times. In addition, as it turned out, their house is on the verge of a court arrest. Will our heroes save the building and turn it into a corner of paradise?

Features of the Platinum edition of the game:
* help your beloved family rebuild and renovate their dream home,
before it's too late;
* complete 60 main and 30 additional time management levels
* enjoy beautiful wallpapers and concept art.

Game interface language: English

Welcome to the Delicious Emily's Home Sweet Home game, where you will meet Emily's old friend again. The beauty has been in business for a long time, she worked in different establishments for several years, serving and managing cafes with various cuisines. During her career, Emily sang to meet her beloved man, get married and baby Paige was born. The young mother did not stop working, combining care for the child and work. The girl gained experience and opened her own cafe, but misfortune befell him - there was a fire and the building fell into disrepair. But the heroine did not lower her bows - this is not her style, but she opened a cafe right in the open air to earn money for repairs. Let's help an enterprising and purposeful girl in the game Delicious Emily's Home Sweet Home. Receive guests and serve them quickly, the size of the tip depends on it. Gradually, Emily's relatives will be involved in the work to help with the cleaning, even the little daughter will be able to contribute to the accumulation of money for the construction of a new cafe. Gradually, day by day, the range of dishes and additional products will expand, try to quickly and deftly complete orders to earn three gold stars. With the money received, you can start repairs and at the same time improve the current working conditions and skills of the heroine herself. Delicious Emily's Home Sweet Home game features clear colorful graphics and interesting plots, you will not just mindlessly serve ready meals, it is much more interesting to do work when certain goals loom ahead, they are gradually being fulfilled and you contribute to this. Play on any device: computer, tablet, smartphone. Fans of simulators and economic strategies will be delighted with the new toy, this meeting is especially pleasant, because you have known the main character for a long time and are looking forward to continuing her adventures. Your expectations will come true, the game is really cool, it will be difficult for you to tear yourself away from it.

Emily's hopes and fears. Game for girls and girls! Emily's Hopes and Fears is an exciting business simulation game about business lady Emily and her family. Thanks to Emily's efforts, her family and catering business keep afloat. There are more than enough clients. Everything would be fine if it were not for the daughter's illness, which now requires a large sum for treatment. Money must be earned, and you girls must help a lovely family to do this. Will have to mobilize on customer service. There are many customers, and in order not to lose them, you must try not to disappoint them. With a successful game, new dishes will appear in the restaurant with each level. This will attract even more visitors, which means you can earn even more money and then Emily's fears for the life of the child will disappear. Only hopes will remain - the disease will be defeated. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Emily's hopes and fears

Restaurateur Emily: Holiday bustle. Game for girls and girls! "Restaurateur Emily: Holiday Bustle" - an exciting game for girls about the restaurateur Emily, her family, restaurant and New Year celebration. Emily's restaurant is in full swing. Guests of the restaurant and its owners meet New Year. Emily goes out of her way to please her clients, her family, and especially her tiny daughter, Carol. Girls, help Emily create a restaurant festive atmosphere, accept and fulfill customer orders on time, and, of course, earn as many gold stars as possible. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Emily's Restaurant: A Message in a Bottle. Game for girls and girls! Emily and her daughter find a bottle on the ocean shore, from which they extract a message from ancient times. The message will take Emily and you girls back to 30 years ago. At the time, Emily's successful restaurant was just small cafe. The cafe was run by her relatives. Girls, join Emily's family and help them make their little place a success. A rich menu, fast and correct customer service will help the establishment earn an excellent reputation, which will attract customers even more. In this case, the cafe will increase the profit that relatives will invest in the development of the institution, and in the end, in the end, it will become the same as it was transferred to the restaurateur Emily. Good luck!

Welcome to Emily's house. Game for girls and girls! "Welcome to Emily's House" - Best game for girls from a series of games about business, cleaning and repairing your own home. Emily's family has recently got a big house and now it needs to be put in order. Especially in a deplorable state of the living room. With it, and will have to start repairing. This event will require significant finances, and Emily's family has little of them. To get money, the family will urgently need to start a home business. And when the money is earned, access to the children's room will be unlocked, where you will also have to put things in order. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Emily's original life story. Game for girls and girls! The original story of Emily the Restaurateur is an exciting, big game about business, family and a business woman who is ready to combine her business with pregnancy. Emily and Patrick's family dreamed of having a second child. But their hopes were not destined to come true. And now: Emily is pregnant and will soon become a mother. Girls, join this original family story and help Emily balance her successful restaurateur business with the challenges of her pregnancy ahead. Watch the miracle of new life being born and don't forget to support cute restaurateur Emily in all her new and old projects. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

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