Home Vegetables Shortcrust pastry apple roll. Apple Pleasure… Shortcrust Dough Quick Rolls Shortcrust Dough Apple Rolls

Shortcrust pastry apple roll. Apple Pleasure… Shortcrust Dough Quick Rolls Shortcrust Dough Apple Rolls

flour products with apples have been famous among many housewives since the old days. Since ancient times, our mothers and grandmothers often baked various charlottes with apples, pies with apple jam or jam and others. This delicacy differs from other pastries in a special, pronounced aroma and the most delicate taste. More recently, the recipe […]


Flour - 450 g;

Butter - 220 g;

Sour cream - 220 g;

Vanillin - 5 g;

Baking powder for dough - 20 g.

Any apples - 4 pcs.;

1 cup of sugar;

Lemon juice - 35 ml;

Lemon zest - 40 g;

Eggs for lubricating rolls - 1 piece.

Flour products with apples have been famous among many housewives since ancient times. Since ancient times, our mothers and grandmothers often baked various charlottes with apples, pies with apple jam or jam and others on holidays or on ordinary everyday weekends. This delicacy differs from other pastries in a special, pronounced aroma and delicate taste. More recently, a recipe for delicious rolls with apples has become popular. Its difference is that the dough for such products is started in butter, it turns out crumbly, melting in the mouth. Sweet and sour fruit gives the rolls an unsurpassed pleasant, moderately sweet taste. Even when cooled, they retain their taste for a long time, do not harden, so they can be taken with you on a long trip and used as a quick snack with sweet drinks or tea. Below, we describe in detail the complete step by step cooking, as well as indicate the entire list of ingredients and suggest what products can replace some of them, for a more budget option.

Sand rolls with apples

As the main ingredient for the test for such delicious rolls with apples, we will use medium-fat sour cream and butter. But, if you can not buy butter, it is permissible to replace it with ordinary creamy margarine. The taste and aroma will not change from this, everything will turn out the same crumbly, soft.

Step by step cooking

Step 1:
Put the butter in a deep cup, it must be slightly melted.

Step 2:
Add sour cream, vanillin to the butter, thoroughly roast everything with a whisk.

Step 3:
Pass the flour through a sieve, mix with the baking powder and slowly, in small handfuls, pour into the oil mixture.

Step 4:
Knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands until a smooth, soft, non-sticky consistency.

Step 5:
Prepare the filling: wash the apples, peel, grate on a grater with large teeth. Add to applesauce lemon juice, sugar, lemon zest, mix everything.

Step 6:
Roll out the rested dough into a thin layer, a rectangular shape.

Step 7:
Spread the filling in the middle of the layers.

Step 8:
Cover the filling with one edge of the dough, then overlap with the other.

Step 9:
Cut into small rolls, about 5 cm wide.

Step 10:
Divide the egg into yolk and protein, put the second in the refrigerator, and lightly beat the yolk with a fork and grease the rolls.

Step 11:
Bake in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

Tips for housewives

Quick rolls with apples from tender sour cream shortcrust pastry do not stale for a long time. However, you are unlikely to be able to check it ...

Baking with apples


For test:

  • wheat flour - 350 grams
  • sour cream - 200 grams
  • softened butter - 200 grams. Can be substituted for margarine
  • baking powder - one teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar - two teaspoons

For filling:

  • medium-sized apples - five apples
  • lemon juice two tablespoons
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams
  • lemon zest or cinnamon


Chicken egg - one egg for greasing

  1. Place butter, sour cream and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Beat everything with a mixer or whisk until smooth.
  2. Sift flour into another bowl and mix with baking powder. Put half of the flour into the sour cream mixture and mix until smooth.
  3. Gradually add the remaining flour, knead soft dough that does not stick to hands. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.
  4. In the meantime, the apples must be peeled, cut into four parts and cut off the core. Grate apples on a coarse grater.
  5. Pour in lemon juice so that they do not darken. Add yellow lemon zest or cinnamon. You can also add raisins, dried fruits if desired. Apple filling for a quick roll with apples is ready.
  6. Ready dough take out from the refrigerator. Cut into two parts. Roll out one half of the dough into a 15cm x 30cm rectangle at least 6mm thick.
  7. Put the filling in the middle of a rectangular layer in the center. Wrap the layer first from one side to the filling, then from the other side. It turned out one long roll.
  8. Cut it into small rolls about 6 cm in size.
  9. In the same way, prepare quick rolls with apples from the second half of the dough.
  10. Whisk the egg for lubrication with a fork and grease the rolls.
  11. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  12. Place the rolls on a greased baking sheet. Bake for about twenty-five minutes until nicely golden.
  13. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

A very tasty pastry.

Its amazing aroma has attracted all my household members to the kitchen. I'm not even talking about taste and contrast (sweet and sour, crunchy and tender, white and red)!
It would seem that there is nothing easier than baking this unpretentious shortbread roll, which smells so delicious of apples. But the first time it didn't work for me.

After analyzing the possible reasons for the failure, I decided not to give up and take this roll by storm. Actually it is difficult to cram this baked into the framework of the concept of strudel!

The reason for the marriage, as I suspect, alas, was my greed - I wanted a huge pie. Guests were expected tomorrow. In the end, I treated them - my spreading strudel made of shortbread dough, with pieces of apples sticking out of it, did not scare anyone. Can prey embarrass a hungry predator?

But, nevertheless, I still have questions about the sand strudel.
This time, I undertook to bake a smaller strudel so that my oven would not faint from fright.
After reviewing the available literature, I have come to the conclusion that shortbread dough I need super dry. Therefore, I took a little more fat, and replaced a certain amount of flour with starch, which, just, gives crunchiness.

Sand strudel with apples

(recipe, photo and step-by-step instruction)

First I washed the apples. With the help of a special contraption in the form of a metal tube, I cleaned them from the core. I left the peel - the apples are beautiful, bright. In addition, the aroma and taste will be better felt. She put the fruit that had been pierced through into a bowl of salt water so that it would not “rust”. After kneading, I will return to them again.

I take the zest off the lemon. I grind. I squeeze the juice from half a lemon.

I arm myself with a knife, and according to all the rules for preparing shortcrust pastry, I chop margarine, adding sugar, eggs, salt, lemon juice to it in turn. I sift the flour on top, mixed with starch and soda. I chop again into dry flakes and finally knead a soft dough. I wrap in cling film. I send it to the fridge.

I packed photos of all the processes of making shortcrust pastry for apple strudel into a slider.

We chop margarine

Add granulated sugar. We continue to cut.

We introduce an egg. We chop ...

Add salt and juice of half a lemon...

Sift flour mixed with cornstarch and baking soda. Chop into small pieces

We knead the dough with our hands. We send it to the refrigerator.

I cut the apples into cubes. It would be possible to grate, but I decided that for the layers of shortcrust pastry (the same roll!) To bake, you need space for hot air to circulate. And the filling, which lies in a dense layer (in the form, for example, mashed potatoes) of this very circulation, will significantly interfere. Another thing is apple cubes, which lie haphazardly, and in the first - most, for shortcrust pastry, important - minutes, allow hot air to move freely. Of course, in the end, apples, under the influence of temperature, will soften and settle. But, first, the layers of dough have time to dry.

Now it's time to turn on the oven. While the dough is rolling out, the chopped apples are unfolding, and the roll is twisting, it will warm up to the desired temperature.

For shortcrust pastry, a fairly strong heat is needed, otherwise the product will blur (which actually happened to me for the first time - my stove could not cope with a huge monster!). Therefore, I turn the knob 250 degrees.

I turn on both levels of heating - both lower and upper. If my oven had a fan, I would bake this strudel on convection. But, alas, I use the services of a modest little portable oven and, every time, I have to find ways - to turn it into a loyal employee.

While the oven is heating up, roll out the dough into a thin layer. This must be done quickly and efficiently. In the experiment with that, my failed roll, I had to tinker. The dough was sticky and torn. A film with tracing paper, of course, helped - on one bed, covered the other, and on top with a rolling pin.

Quick rolls with apples made from tender sour cream shortcrust pastry do not get stale for a long time. However, you are unlikely to be able to check it ...

Baking with apples


For test:

  • wheat flour - 350 grams
  • sour cream - 200 grams
  • softened butter - 200 grams. Can be substituted for margarine
  • baking powder - one teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar - two teaspoons

For filling:

  • medium-sized apples - five apples
  • lemon juice two tablespoons
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams
  • lemon zest or cinnamon


Chicken egg - one egg for greasing

  1. Place butter, sour cream and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Beat everything with a mixer or whisk until smooth.
  2. Sift flour into another bowl and mix with baking powder. Put half of the flour into the sour cream mixture and mix until smooth.
  3. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.
  4. In the meantime, the apples must be peeled, cut into four parts and cut off the core. Grate apples on a coarse grater.
  5. Pour in lemon juice so that they do not darken. Add yellow lemon zest or cinnamon. You can also add raisins, dried fruits if desired. Apple filling for a quick roll with apples is ready.
  6. Remove the finished dough from the refrigerator. Cut into two parts. Roll out one half of the dough into a 15cm x 30cm rectangle at least 6mm thick.
  7. Put the filling in the middle of a rectangular layer in the center. Wrap the layer first from one side to the filling, then from the other side. It turned out one long roll.
  8. Cut it into small rolls about 6 cm in size.
  9. In the same way, prepare quick rolls with apples from the second half of the dough.
  10. Whisk the egg for lubrication with a fork and grease the rolls.
  11. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  12. Place the rolls on a greased baking sheet. Bake for about twenty-five minutes until nicely golden.
  13. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

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