Home A fish Bear cake with sour cream recipe. Cake "Bear in the North": recipes and confectionery secrets

Bear cake with sour cream recipe. Cake "Bear in the North": recipes and confectionery secrets

Probably everyone has ever tried the most delicious and popular Bear cake. It, like almost all grandmothers, makes it for the arrival of their beloved grandchildren, even if these grandchildren are over 30 years old. Chocolate and sour cream cake differs not only in amazing tenderness and taste, it is non-greasy and not cloying, it is eaten in one sitting. And it fully corresponds to the song of Winnie the Pooh: “Cake is a very strange thing, here it is, and it is gone!”

The cake is made for a long time, at least 1.5 hours. But the simplicity of execution and the availability of ingredients allows even novice cooks to cope with cooking.

Name: Cake “Bear” Date added: 09.11.2014 Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes Servings per recipe: 12 pcs. Rating: (1 , cf. 5.00 out of 5)
Product Quantity
For test:
Flour 500 g
Sugar 1 st.
Sour cream (at least 20% fat) 350 g
Butter (melted) 2 tbsp
Cocoa 2 tbsp
Soda (extinguished with vinegar) 1 tsp
Vanilla 1 sachet
Salt 0.5 tsp
For cream:
Sour cream 1.2 l
Sugar 1.5 st.
Vanilla 1 sachet
For glaze:
Butter 50 g
Sugar 4 tbsp
Cocoa 3 tsp
Cream 2 tbsp

Cake recipe “Bear”

First, make the cakes: mix butter, sour cream and sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then pour exactly half of the resulting liquid mass into another bowl and add cocoa there. Add a cup of flour to each bowl. Divide the salt, vanilla and quenched soda equally and add to each bowl. Then, gradually pouring the remaining flour (about 0.5 cups into each bowl), knead the dough. It should turn out smooth, soft, elastic and stick well from the hands. Put both pieces of dough - light and dark - in a bowl, cover with a clean towel and let "rest" for 30 minutes.

Now each piece of dough must be divided into 3 parts, and each part rolled into a thin round cake. It is advisable to roll out immediately on special paper for baking, so as not to transfer the cakes and not tear them. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 200 ° for 10-15 minutes. Take out the baked cakes and let them cool.

Cake "Bear" after baking and decorating with icing

Mix all the cream ingredients well with a mixer. Spread the cooled cakes one on top of the other, smearing on top sour cream. It is supposed that the bottommost cake is dark, and the topmost is light, but this does not really matter. Cover the top layer with cream as well.

Make glaze - mix sugar, cocoa and cream, put on fire and, stirring constantly, dissolve all the sugar. Add oil and heat until a homogeneous silky mass is obtained. Frost the top of the cake and, if leftover, the sides. Place in the refrigerator so that the cake is well soaked. Ideally - for a day, at least - for a night.

Delicious "Bear" is ready! And remember - you can’t spoil this cake, it always turns out delicious!

For the test

  • 0.5 liters of sour cream;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 3 art. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter (50 g);
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda(or 1 sachet of baking powder).

For cream

  • 3 cups sour cream (30% fat or more)
  • 1 glass of powdered sugar;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (optional)

For decoration

  • 1 glass walnuts;
  • 0.5 bars of dark chocolate (50 g).


Mix flour with baking powder butter melt in the microwave.

Mix sour cream with sugar until sugar is almost completely dissolved, and then add melted butter. You do not need to beat the mixture, just stir well.

Now we just have to mix the flour mixture with sour cream and add cocoa to one half of the dough. In order to equalize the consistency of dark and light dough, set aside 3 tablespoons of flour in a bowl - exactly as much as we add cocoa to half the dough.

We add the rest of the flour to the sour cream mixture, and then quickly knead the dough, the consistency of which resembles a very thick sour cream.

It is not necessary to knead for a very long time so that the cakes do not turn out too dense. But make sure that the mixture is homogeneous - without flour lumps.

Divide the resulting dough in half. In one half, add the reserved flour, in the other - cocoa powder. We sift both through a sieve, and then quickly stir the dough in each bowl.

As a result, we get two bowls with a light and dark dough, reminiscent of very thick sour cream. Of course, it is impossible to roll such a dough into a cake, so now I will show you how to flatten the dough into cakes - we need to bake three light and dark cakes.

Let's start with a light test. We will need three cut plastic bags. We spread them on the table and put 1/3 of the light dough in the center of each package. Then we collect together the edges of each package to get such a “knot” with dough (no need to tie!).

To bake three light cakes, we need three sheets of parchment paper. We spread a sheet of paper on the desktop, put it in the palm of our hand and open the knot, turn it over, and then with a quick movement place it in the center of the baking paper.

Then, either simply with your hands, since the dough is very soft and pliable, or with a rolling pin, flatten the dough into a round cake. We prepare in advance a form by which we will equal the cake - a round plate or a lid from a pan of the right size. The cake under the polyethylene should be slightly larger than the prepared form.

Carefully remove the plastic wrap from the cake. We transfer a sheet of baking paper along with the cake to a baking sheet (you can transfer it by dragging the sheet onto a cutting board, and then also gently drag it from the board to the baking sheet).

We bake the cake in the oven, preheated to 190-200 gr.S. The layers for the “Bear in the North” cake are baked very quickly, since the cakes themselves are thin, and the dough is tender and soft. Baking time - about 8-10 minutes, the cake should be slightly golden. The main thing is not to overexpose the dough in the oven, you don’t need to bake until brown, otherwise the cakes will turn out dry and dense, and in the end the cake will turn out to be just as dry and dense.

We put a form on top of the baked cake, according to which we will equalize the cakes (a plate, a lid from a pan, a bottom from a cake mold, etc.), and then carefully cut off all the excess with a sharp knife. We collect the scraps in a separate plate - they will be useful for decorating the cake.

When the cake has completely cooled, turn it over on the table with a paper sheet up and carefully remove the baking paper from it.

Next, in exactly the same way, bake the remaining two light and three dark cakes. The dough with cocoa is baked at the same temperature and the same amount of time as the light one, but it is more difficult to visually determine the readiness of the dark cake, so it is better to measure the time required to bake the light cake and send cocoa cakes to the oven for the same time.

We dry the collected scraps on a baking sheet in the oven, and then grind them into crumbs, which we will use to decorate our Bear cake.

Now let's start making the cream. Cake "bear" - sour cream, so for him it is best to take fat sour cream, at least 30% fat. You will also need a glass of powdered sugar (it dissolves better than sugar), crumbs from cakes, crushed nuts and a little grated chocolate.

Mix cold sour cream with powdered sugar, adding it gradually - spoon by spoon. You can mix with a mixer, or you can just use a spatula. If desired, add a bag of vanilla sugar to the cream.

Now let's start assembling the Bear cake. We place a dark cake on a dish and generously cover it with sour cream. Lightly sprinkle the cake over the cream with crushed nuts. Next, place a light cake on top and again cover with cream and sprinkle with nuts. We continue until all the cakes are collected.

We cover the top and sides of the cake with sour cream, and then decorate it to your liking. I cover the middle of the cake with a lid from the pan (so that the pattern is clearer) and sprinkle the remaining free edge with ground nuts.

We decorate the sides of the cake with crumbs of cakes, and sprinkle the center, which was hidden under the lid of the pan, with grated chocolate.

Let the finished cake stand room temperature 4-5 hours (or more, up to 12 hours) so that the cakes are saturated with cream and become even softer and more tender. Then we remove the cake in the refrigerator, let it cool completely and can be served with tea.
Cake "Bear" turns out to be very tender, homemade and very, very tasty. It will perfectly decorate your New Year's table.
Bon Appetit!


If you couldn't buy fat sour cream, there is an easy way to thicken sour cream with a fat content of 20-25%. To do this, take a colander, cover it with gauze in 4 layers, pour 1 kg of sour cream on top and leave to stand for several hours (at least 4-5 hours). As a result, the whey will drain, and you will be left with 600-700 gr. thick tender fatty sour cream, which is ideal for making cream.
Cake "Bear" is prepared based on the recipe of Irina Khlebnikova.

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

cake bear

1 hour 30 minutes

335 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

When I was 9 years old, I first saw my grandmother's recipe book. Among the various sweets, I met this same cake. The recipe for the Bear cake is quite simple and very similar to sour cream. From that day on, for all the holidays, I demanded this sweetness. Delicate biscuit melted in your mouth, and now this cake is a sweet memory of childhood.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: bowl (2 pcs.), plate, measuring cup, board, baking sheet, saucepan.

Required Products

To make a cake "Bear" with your own hands, you will need the following ingredients.


For cream:

Recipe #1

Recipe number 2.

Recipe number 3.

Cake history

The history of this cake began in the Middle Ages. In ancient times, women made dough from the remains of sour cream. They fried the cakes in a frying pan, smeared them with sour cream and stacked them on top of each other. The decoration was in the form of honey.

Nowadays, hostesses decorate the Bear cake with nuts, chocolate, jam, jam, marmalade and other ingredients.

How to make a Bear cake at home: a step by step recipe

I decided to step by step rewrite the recipe for the Bear cake from my grandmother's notebook. I have no doubt that you will not only be able to repeat it, but also cook it better.

Stage 1.

Required Ingredients: butter, sugar, sour cream.

Melt the butter and beat with sugar until the mixture turns white. Then add sour cream, mix until smooth and sugar is completely dissolved.

Do not mix the dough for a long time. This will ensure that the cakes do not rise during baking.

Stage 2.

Required Ingredients: baking powder, cocoa powder, flour.

half ready mix pour into a separate bowl. In each of the containers you need to add a teaspoon of baking powder.

In one bowl, add cocoa powder and a glass of flour, and in the other - just flour. Gradually add flour to the mixture and mix thoroughly until soft dough. It should flow well from the hands and not be too thick.

Stage 3.

The dough must be divided into 6 cakes, that is, you should get 3 dark and 3 light parts. Then they need to be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Stage 4.

We turn to the description of how to bake cake layers for the Bear cake.

After half an hour, the cakes need to be rolled out. This will be quite difficult to do, since we do not add eggs. Then the cakes should be placed on a baking sheet, greased with oil.

On the cakes you need to make several holes with a fork. Each cake is baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

As a result, we get 6 fresh cakes. Since they will have uneven edges, I recommend that you put a plate on the cake and trim carefully.

You need to cut the cakes in a hot state, when they are soft.

When forming a cake, the cakes need to be alternated, that is, light / dark.

Cream recipe for Bear cake

After we have made the cakes for the future Bear cake, we proceed to the preparation of the cream.

Required Ingredients: sour cream, sugar.

Sour cream needs to be beaten, adding sugar along the way. The mass should be airy and tender.

The second cream recipe.

Required Ingredients: 5 egg whites, powdered sugar, crushed walnuts.

Beat the egg whites while adding sugar. Beat until fluffy and mix with a glass of walnuts.

The third cream recipe.

Required Ingredients: softened butter, milk, powdered sugar, cocoa.

Butter should be beaten with powdered sugar, gradually adding milk. When the mass is fluffy, add cocoa powder and beat well until smooth.

I have no doubt that your Bear cake will turn out exactly the same as in the photo.

In the Middle Ages, baked bread fried on both sides was considered a cake.

How beautiful to decorate and serve the Bear cake

After we have prepared the Bear cake, we proceed to the design.

When preparing this cake for ourselves, we don’t really think about decorations. Basically, sprinkle the “top” with nuts and serve with tea. But if you are preparing a Bear cake for a child’s birthday, then I have several options for decorating it.

After you have missed all the cakes and cooled the cake, you can put paper strips on the “top” and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Then we remove the strips and put walnuts in their place.

On the Internet, you can find many options for making this cake in the form of a bear. It can be decorated with grated chocolate and cream. With white cream we make the bear's stomach, chest, eyes and ears. We make eyes from raisins, and a nose from chocolate dragee. We will have a mouth made of red marmalade, and on the paws you can put pieces of prunes in the form of fingers.

Another decoration option is mastic. From it you can make a bow tie or a wreath with bright flowers. It all depends on your imagination.

If your child likes a certain color, then the cream can be dyed with a special food coloring. At the same time, in the process of preparing the cake, you do not need to add cocoa powder to the cream, but simply increase the amount of powdered sugar.

This completes the preparation of our cake. Since I used the classic instructions for making the Bear cake, I would be interested to know the variations of your recipes, with possible improvements which you can post in the comments.

Thus, we have prepared the Bear cake, which is an excellent decoration for a sweet table. Don't be afraid to get creative while cooking to perfect the recipe. Use your knowledge and experience to cook delicious and beautiful dishes.

Bear cake in the north is one of the rare desserts, because it was prepared by our grandmothers. This dessert does not require any rare products, in those days the housewives tried to please their relatives with a simple, and at the same time delicious dish without spending too much.

The delicate taste of the cake is combined with its aesthetic appearance, besides, this culinary miracle can be quickly and easily baked with your own hands. I suggest that you no longer delay the moment of tasting and start studying the recipe.

Bear in the north, a traditional step-by-step recipe

2 cups of sugar; half a liter jar of sour cream; 480 g flour premium; a large spoonful of cocoa; 5 g of soda; a glass of peeled walnuts; 2 tbsp. spoons oils

The classic cake is soaked with sour cream, it is he who makes it so tender. It is important to keep the treat in a cool place for several hours (preferably send the cake to the refrigerator for the whole night), then it will have time to soak.

The cake is quite high in calories, a 100-gram serving contains 500 kcal. But the good news is that it will take you one hour to prepare the dessert, the rest will be done for you by the refrigerator and time.

Cooking steps:

  1. To bake a bear cake in the north, knead the dough. Melt butter in a fireproof bowl, add a glass of granulated sugar.
  2. Stir to make a homogeneous mixture and remove from heat.
  3. Pour in the right amount of sour cream, soda (you don’t need to extinguish it additionally, sour cream will act as vinegar).
  4. Now add one and a half cups of flour and knead the dough.
  5. Pour half into another bowl and add cocoa powder.
  6. Divide the remaining flour evenly and pour into each of the parts.
  7. Working diligently with a spatula, knead two types of dough: light and dark. The consistency of the dough should allow you to roll cakes out of it.

As you noticed, the cake is baked from eggs, which means that you will have to tinker a little with the rolling of the cakes.

Trying to roll out the dough with a rolling pin will not lead to anything. Another way to form cakes will help solve the problem: you need to roll 6 balls, and then, flattening them with your palm, stretch them in all directions with your fingers.

From each half you should get three blanks. Later:

  1. Bake the cakes in turn hot oven heated up to 200 degrees. Before sending the baking sheet to the oven, prick the cake in several places with a fork or knife. This tip will help to avoid large bubbles on the surface of the cake.
  2. 8 minutes after the start of baking, the cake will brown. This means only one thing: it's time to get it.
  3. While the cakes are warm, trim them on one plate. This must be done without tightening, cold cakes will break. Do not throw away the scraps, they will come in handy in order to sprinkle the cake.
  4. Let's start preparing the cream. Everything is simple here: mix the remaining sour cream with sugar and beat. If you use a mixer, the process will go faster. If only a hand whisk is among the kitchen helpers, it’s also not scary, you will achieve your intended goal in any case, only a little slower.

Assemble the cake:

  1. Place one of the cakes on a dish.
  2. Apply a layer of sour cream, sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  3. Top with another layer of contrasting color and repeat the layer of cream and nuts again.
  4. Alternate the cakes, changing either light or dark, each time layering them with cream and sprinkling with chopped nuts.
  5. With the rest of the cream, smooth the top and sides of the cake and decorate with nut crumbs mixed with chopped trimmings.

Leave the cake to soak in the cold, then cut into portions and call everyone to take a sample. Bon Appetit!

The Mishka cake has undergone changes over time, and now many chefs have adapted to cook it not with walnuts but with peanuts. The taste of such innovations has not suffered, and you can see for yourself. You only need to buy the right ingredients and bake a cake at home.

So, let's start with the purchase of products. You will need:

3 cups sour cream; half a kilogram of flour; 480 g sugar; 20 g of cocoa and the same amount of butter; 5 g soda and a glass of peanuts

In order to cook the cake, you will need one hour, and for it to soak and become tender, be prepared to wait half a day. Information for those who monitor their weight: a 100-gram portion of a treat contains neither more nor less than 500 kcal.

And now let's start kneading the dough:

  1. Sift the flour and divide it into two equal parts.
  2. Pour melted butter and sugar into one of them. Then send sour cream (one glass) and quick soda. Do not worry, there will be no unpleasant aftertaste, the soda will be extinguished by the acid of sour cream.
  3. Knead the mass until smooth and divide in half.
  4. To one part, add cocoa powder and half of the remaining flour. In the other - just flour.
  5. Divide each part and bake 3 cakes of the same diameter. Before sending it to the oven (which, by the way, must be turned on in advance and heated to 200 degrees), prick the cake with a fork.
  6. As soon as the surface of the cake becomes ruddy, and this will happen after 7-8 minutes, take it out and trim it by attaching a plate. Don't wait for the cakes to cool or you'll run into a coloring problem. Pound the scraps with a rolling pin and set aside, you will need them a little later.

Layer the cake with cream, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat two cups of sour cream with a mixer.
  2. Add the rest of the sugar and mix again with a "kitchen helper".
  3. Roast the peanuts in a dry frying pan, peel and chop.
  4. You can use a regular rolling pin or a mixer, all methods are equally good.
  5. Assemble the cake by alternating the layers by color and spreading each of them with sour cream. Sprinkle the top of the dessert with crumbs from the scraps (that's what it came in handy for).

Many people like the cream, which includes butter and condensed milk. This layer turns out tender and lush, thanks to thorough whipping. Well, and her taste qualities generally beyond praise.

The variation of the cake, which we will now consider, assumes the presence of condensed milk not only in the cream, but also in the dough.

So prepare the following ingredients to make the cake a success: a jar of regular condensed milk and a jar of boiled milk; 3 eggs; 2 cups of flour; 0.3 kg of sour cream; 4 large spoons of cocoa; 10 g of soda; a pack of oils; vanilla sugar optional.

In one hour you will cope with baking cakes and picking up a cake. Let the dessert soak overnight and you will get a tender and delicious treat, 100-gram portion of which contains 600 kcal.

The dough is very easy to knead.

  1. Mix a can of condensed milk with eggs and sour cream (all 300 g).
  2. Add flour with soda.
  3. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts, mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder into one of them.
  4. Fill the greased form with the first half of the dough and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees. Do the same with the other half. Cool the cakes and cut in half lengthwise.
  5. Thus, you got 4 cakes: 2 dark and 2 light. Form the Bear cake in the north by stacking the cakes and spreading with cream, which is quickly prepared using an electric mixer.
  6. Beat soft butter with boiled condensed milk and add vanilla sugar. Leave the last cake clean, you will apply a layer of fondant on it.
  7. Making fudge comes down to mixing and boiling a tablespoon of sour cream and two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Before the mixture is completely cool, pour it over the cake and smooth with a hot knife.

You will need: 480 g flour; 250 g sugar; 2 eggs; 4 proteins; ½ cup honey; a glass of powdered sugar; a small spoonful of soda quenched with a tablespoon of vinegar; 200 g of any nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts).

Knead the hard dough:

  1. Rub sugar with eggs.
  2. Add liquid natural honey, slaked soda and flour.
  3. Knead the mass until it becomes plastic and, wrapping it with a film, put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. In the morning, divide the dough into 6 parts and roll them into cakes one by one. Bake round cakes in a hot oven for just a few minutes. As soon as the cake is browned, take it out of the oven and cool.
  5. The cream is prepared by whipping chilled proteins with powdered sugar. Form a cake by alternating cakes with a protein layer. Ready meal leave in a cool place to infuse and soak for 6-8 hours.

When everything is ready, you can get to work.

Before preparing the dough put the oven on. By the time it is ready, the temperature inside the oven will already be 180 degrees. Exactly what is needed.

Use the oven while it is heating up. Pour the nuts into a small cake pan and place in the oven to roast. The same can be done with oil. It will melt gently, will not ignite. For this recipe, what you need.


Pour sugar into two bowls. Divide melted butter in half. Whisk together sugar and butter.

Add sour cream to each serving and a teaspoon of baking powder, stir to react. The sour cream will start bubbling. Previously, soda was added to cakes, quenched with vinegar. But baking powder mixed with sour cream gives a much milder reaction and a better effect.

Add sour cream to sugar and beat well until smooth.

Add flour to a portion of dough for white cakes. To portions for chocolate - and flour, and cocoa, sifted through a sieve.

Beat both portions of the dough. The dough should be soft and smooth.

Remove nuts from oven and let cool.


V the usual recipe dough can be kneaded by hand. But then you need to add more flour to it. Since this does not affect the final result, try to stop at the rate of 1 glass per serving. Less flour - less centimeters on the sides!

In a portion of the dough, approximately 540 grams are obtained. From it you need to bake 3 cakes. Each cake is about 180 grams and 22-24 cm in diameter.


How to bake even and identical cakes from such a soft dough? Not so hard! You will need a baking sheet and baking paper.

On paper, draw circles of the required diameter. To do this, use a plate, a lid from a frying pan, etc. of the right size.

Divide the dough evenly around the circles. Bake in three steps, two cakes. Each batch of cakes is baked for about 8-10 minutes.

Ready cakes to cool on paper. Remove the roasted nuts from the top film. This is quite simple to do by rubbing them in portions between the palms.


Beat sour cream and sugar for cream in a mixer at maximum speed. Now it can be done quickly and effortlessly. Grind nuts in a blender.


Alternate dark and light cakes, lubricating them with 4-5 tablespoons of cream and sprinkling with nuts. Leave some nuts for decoration.

Pour the rest of the cream on top of the cake so that it drains around the edges. Let the cake harden for several hours (6-8) in a cold place.

Grind chocolate to decorate the cake. Can be grated or punched in a food processor.

Chocolate must be cooled very well before being crushed, for example, in a freezer. Before you send the tile to the grinder, without unfolding, tap it on the edge of the table from all sides. Thus, you do not have to break the tiles with your hands and the pieces will remain as cold as possible and will crumble perfectly.

Scrub the sides of the cake with drips with a spatula or a pastry scraper, carefully picking up the drips from the bottom up, and then to the side.

Decorate the cake with chocolate on top in the center, pour nuts around the edge. You can decorate additionally with culinary beads or figurines.

Here you go, famous cake"Bear in the North" is ready. Can be served with tea!

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