Home Salads and appetizers Grind coffee. How to grind coffee at home. Other ways to get ground coffee beans

Grind coffee. How to grind coffee at home. Other ways to get ground coffee beans

Sometimes incredible coincidences happen in life: suddenly you want coffee, but the coffee grinder is broken, there is no ground coffee in the house, but you don’t feel like going anywhere at all. The question arises: "How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder?". We'll have to apply all the vaunted Russian ingenuity, imagination and, possibly, engineering thinking. You can try to wrap the grains in a towel and crush them with something heavy (a rolling pin or a hammer), but you are unlikely to achieve at least some decent grinding. But it will turn out to facilitate the subsequent work of kitchen appliances that are not intended for grinding.
A chopper with sharp knives is found in a blender or food processor, however, if you still want to use the latter, it is better to stop at a blender. Be sure to grind in a sealed container, otherwise the coffee will scatter throughout the kitchen. You can also grind coffee in a meat grinder, but here you need to take into account the nuance that coffee absorbs all odors very well. Even if you wash all its parts down to the smallest hole, there are probably some invisible food residues in it. To clean them too, place all parts of the meat grinder in a hot detergent solution for 5-10 minutes, and then wipe thoroughly with a sponge. Rinse in hot, then in cold water and wipe dry. If the meat grinder comes with spice grinders, use them.
Let's say that all the appliances at home are electric, but there is no electricity right now, how to grind coffee without a coffee grinder in this case? Surely you have a small spice grinder, it is often sold immediately with them: pepper, nutmeg, cane sugar. The mill may not be able to cope with the task of grinding evenly. So that it turns out as such, and the mill itself does not break, first break the grains with a heavy object in a towel.
The last option is a mortar, which is often purchased for grinding spices and anything that comes to the mind of the hostess. The mortar and pestle are made of stone, so they are heavy enough to do the job. But it can take a lot of time, and while you patiently crush the grains, the aroma from them will disappear along with the essential oils.
As the saying goes, "you never know where the night will find a Cossack." It may happen that you find yourself on a hike or on a picnic with coffee beans, but without a mill. How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder in this case? Look around, there are probably a couple of rather large stones somewhere nearby. Choose a couple of more or less flat ones and get started. First, break the grains, and then grind them between the stones. Yes, that's right, but you thought that at the dawn of civilization in the Middle East, coffee grinders were used to drink a cup of aromatic drink? Before the mill was invented, people had to find their own ways to grind coffee without a grinder.

The most popular products in the category - Coffee beans

1167 rub.

676 rub.

700 rub.

1926 rub.

2999 rub.

1564 rub.

569 rub.

2801 rub.
The most popular products in the category - Ground coffee

319 rub.

683 rub.

Bean coffee has advantages over ground and instant coffee, fully showing the aroma and taste of roasted beans. The aromatic oils that give this drink its characteristic qualities evaporate over time, best preserved in hermetically sealed beans. However, when making such a purchase, people often wonder how to grind coffee without a coffee grinder.

In this case, to prepare your favorite tonic drink, you will have to use non-traditional methods. If you don't have a coffee grinder, roasted beans can be ground using the tools available in the kitchen.

To make coffee from roasted beans at home, you need a coffee grinder. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder, rolling pin, hammer, mechanical mill, mortar and pestle, blender. If you have to brew coffee on vacation or outside the city, the beans can be ground between 2 smooth clean stones that come across on the beach, or chopped by pressing the flat side of a knife with a wide blade to a flat surface (table, board).

Grind coffee with a grinder

As a coffee grinder, you can use a manual or electric meat grinder, pre-washed and dried to eliminate odors. It is necessary to fall asleep in it 2-3 tbsp. l. roasted beans and turn the knob clockwise. The first grinding will be coarse, so if necessary, the mass can be re-passed through the meat grinder by installing a grate with small holes on it. By repeating this process several times, you can get medium and fine grinding.

The disadvantage of this method is the possible metallic taste and shade of the smell of the resulting drink.

Grind with a rolling pin

If you have a rolling pin at home, you can also grind coffee with it. To do this, you need to take a tight dry bag for freezing food and pour the right amount of grains into it, place it on a flat flat surface (table, cutting board), distribute the grains so that they lie in 1 layer. First, tap the bag with a rolling pin, breaking the grains, and then roll it, kneading the mass for grinding. Grinding will be fine or medium.

If there is no tight package, you can use parchment paper. Instead of a rolling pin, it is permissible to take a glass bottle or a cylindrical jar.

How to grind coffee with a hammer?

To grind coffee, you can use a meat mallet or mallet. To do this, put 1 layer of grains between 2 sheets of parchment paper or in a tight freezer bag, place on a flat surface covered with a towel, and tap it evenly with a hammer (not too hard). Continue until you get the desired degree of grinding - coarse or medium. It will be difficult to obtain fine grinding in this way.

Use of a mechanical mill

It is not necessary to grind coffee after spices, nuts or seeds in a manual mill, as it absorbs odors into itself, and then the resulting drink will have an unusual taste and aroma. If you don’t have a manual coffee grinder, you will have to take a spice grinder, after rinsing and drying it, in order to get rid of unnecessary odors if possible.

A portion of grains, designed for a cup of coffee, must be poured into the device, close the lid, and then rotate the handle until the entire mass is in a special container under the millstones. You will get a uniform medium grind.

This grinding lasts from 1 to 15 minutes, depending on the required number of servings.

Grind coffee in a mortar

In a porcelain or faience mortar, you can grind coffee with a pestle. To do this, pour 5-10 g of coffee beans (1-2 tablespoons) into the mortar and knead them with a pestle along the walls, covering them with your hand from above so that the grains do not fly out. After 5-10 seconds, you can begin to crush the mass by moving the pestle from top to bottom. This can be continued until the finest grinding is obtained, suitable for brewing in a Turk and even a mug (powder). To make the mass homogeneous, the grains must be poured in small portions.

Grind in a blender

Using a blender, you can also grind coffee. A submersible model is not suitable for this, only a stationary one. You need to put 100 g of fried beans inside, close the lid, select the mode with the lowest speed. Within 10 seconds, you need to turn on the blender several times for 2 seconds and immediately turn it off to avoid heating the blades and additional frying of the mass. The result is a coarse, uneven grind suitable for a drip coffee maker or a French press.

After the process is completed, thoroughly rinse the blender with a soda solution and rinse with water to eliminate the coffee smell. Do not frequently use the blender as a coffee grinder, as this can damage it or dull the knives.

Manual grinding

If you have to decide how to grind coffee beans, you can try the manual method of grinding beans. Grind the roasted beans in a mortar, meat grinder or hand mill, grind with a rolling pin or hammer, grind between 2 stones or with a knife blade. All of these methods are simple and effective.

At the same time, you should think over the method of preparing the drink in advance, since each of them has its own type of grinding in order to obtain a product of the selected strength, desired taste and aroma properties, which has absorbed all the useful components and trace elements. Grinding options can be as follows:

  • rude;
  • large;
  • average;
  • thin;
  • ultra-thin;
  • fine powder.

Large and coarse are suitable for a French press and a geyser coffee maker, fine, ultra-fine and powder are suitable for Turks, the average is considered universal.

Conclusion: do not deny yourself the pleasure of preparing your favorite drink, even if there is no electric coffee grinder at home or it is out of order. Experimenting with different ways grinding beans and preparing coffee, you can gain new experience and compare the quality of the resulting drink with the traditional one that has already become familiar.

The degree and quality of grinding coffee beans plays one of the most important roles in the process of preparing a fragrant drink. As we already said in the article "" - the taste and aroma characteristics of coffee completely depend on the quality and quantity of their extraction from coffee powder. The extraction rate depends entirely on the choice of the degree of grinding of the coffee bean.

To prepare the "ideal cup" you must strictly observe the proportion between the degree of grinding and the extraction time.

Approximate dependence of the degree of grinding on the extraction time

Fine grinding- extraction time 1-4 min. Suitable for brewing in a Turk or a cup. To obtain a fine grind, it is better to use professional coffee grinders.

Medium grind- extraction time 4–6 min. Ideal for use in espresso and moka machines.

coarse grinding- extraction time 6–8 min. Ideal for drip coffee makers and French presses.

The finer the degree of grinding, the higher the extraction rate

In the science of coffee preparation, one can distinguish many different degrees of grinding - from coarse with a grain size of about 0.5-0.6 mm to the so-called grinding "to dust", which by the way is commonly called "for Turks or for brewing in a cup".
Getting a uniform grind is the task of a professional industrial roller coffee grinder. This is expensive equipment and even after it ground coffee sieved through a system of sieves to meet the requirements of the standard.
When grinding grain at home, it is almost impossible to obtain a uniform mixture. Therefore, a convention has been adopted - if small particles predominate in the coffee powder, then the grinding is called fine, if it contains more large particles, then, respectively, coarse grinding.

The type of grind must match the selected coffee preparation method.

It is always necessary to choose the degree of grinding depending on the method of making coffee.

Freshly roasted coffee theoretically and practically cannot be stored for a long time. And ground coffee reduces storage time even more. For freshly roasted coffee, the shelf life is estimated at two to three weeks maximum, as the quality of the ground beans rapidly begins to decline immediately after grinding. One day of storage open form coffee powder is made from delicious drink.. ordinary coffee.

The thing is that in the process of roasting green coffee, the grains are, as it were, "inflated" due to the gases released in them. Microscopic bubbles of nitrogen dioxide are formed, which, as it were, "seal" aromatic volatile substances inside the grain. During the grinding process, this gas is released and some of the aromatic substances are released into the wild! The aroma is magical! How!!?? Have you met him yet?? Then hurry up to choose your coffee variety in the catalog of freshly roasted coffee!

Another part of the substances under the influence of contact with air begins to oxidize, and again, along with it, the aroma and taste disappear ...

How to grind coffee at home?

There are many different types of coffee grinders available on the market today. One of the most convenient and easy to use are electric coffee grinders. Coffee in them is ground as a result of rotation of a special knife. The degree of grinding in them must be established experimentally. It depends on the weight of coffee beans to be ground and the grinding time. The main thing here is not to overexpose the grinding process in time. Grinding too long in an electric coffee grinder will cause the coffee powder to overheat. During the grinding process, the powder heats up and we advise you not to open the grinder lid immediately after grinding. You have to wait a bit until it cools down. Well, after use, carefully remove the remnants of the powder from the inside of the cup with a dry cloth or .. a toothbrush specially purchased for this purpose.

The most popular drink in the world is coffee. It is an integral part of our daily life. It is drunk by people of all religions and nationalities. The amazing aroma of freshly ground coffee does not leave indifferent any of the coffee lovers around the world. The quality and taste of the drink itself is largely dependent on the grinding of coffee beans. If you grind coffee incorrectly, you can spoil its taste, using even the most elite varieties. The type of grinding depends on the preferred method of preparing the drink. How to grind coffee correctly?

There are many ways to prepare this drink, they all require different grinding of coffee beans. Before grinding coffee, you need to decide which way it will be prepared. For its preparation, a coffee machine, a geyser or drip-type coffee pot, a French press can be used, these can be variants of traditional Turkish coffee, espresso or drinks created on its basis (latte, cappuccino, americano, latte macchiato, ristretto) .

How the extraction process will take place depends on the grinding of the beans. useful substances and micronutrients. Typically, coffee packages are labeled with information about the recommended methods for preparing the drink. It's best to stick with them. It is worth knowing that with coarse coarse grinding, a less saturated and strong drink is obtained. To obtain the most useful and aromatic drink, pulverized into powder are suitable. But coarse coffee is not suitable for espresso, and using a fine grind will result in a burnt and bitter-tasting drink.

Grinding coffee beans is milestone to reveal the aromatic properties and taste of the oils contained in the grains. Each method of brewing coffee requires a certain fineness of grinding. Adjusting this indicator can significantly affect the quality of the drink. There are such types of grinding coffee beans: coarse or coarse, medium, fine, powdered or ultra-fine.

Coarse grinding is suitable for brewing a drink in a traditional coffee pot, in a French press. Coffee brewed in this way does not seem quite strong, but contains a lot of caffeine and invigorates well.

For lovers of French presses, coarse grinding is also suitable. A good option for them is the medium grinding. The technology for preparing a drink using these devices does not involve the use of fine grinding, as the sieve of the coffee maker can clog, and besides, the thick gets into the drink itself.

For almost all methods of brewing coffee, a medium grind, recognized as universal, is suitable.

For coffee makers with filters, a fine grind is used. It keeps longer and is ideal for making the strongest and fragrant coffee- espresso, which is prepared using the most various kinds and modifications.

Powdered or ultra-fine grinding is used to make true Turkish coffee in cezve or cezve. For the Turkish version of the grain, it is necessary to grind it almost to the state of powder. You can grind coffee so finely using a hand grinder. According to connoisseurs, the older it is, the more fragrant and tasty the drink will be.

It is believed that it is better to grind good coffee because of the low speed of its work, during which the grains and the resulting powder do not heat up so much and do not lose their aroma. This time-consuming process for true coffee lovers is a kind of ritual.

The correctness of the selected grinding is checked by extraction. If the coffee turned out tasty and rich, it means that the grinding degree was adjusted successfully.

It is important to remember that good coffee(ground) should be ground immediately before brewing, because after grinding, the aroma quickly disappears from it. It is better to buy already ground grains in the nearest coffee houses or specialized stores, where consultants will tell you how to choose the right kind of your favorite drink (depending on the preferred method of preparing it).

The secret of a delicious cup of coffee depends on grinding degree of coffee beans. It should also be remembered that the aroma and taste of coffee is best revealed when it is ground just before brewing. For each method of preparation of a drink, a certain degree must be used. grinding coffee beans. If you do not know what kind of grinding is required to prepare a fragrant hot drink, then when using fine grind coffee there will be a greater saturation of caffeine and a bitter aftertaste, and coarse ground coffee has a lower aroma, since all the aromatic substances cannot be extracted from the thick.

Continue to discuss the topic: How to grind coffee correctly? can be very for a long time. Before you start grinding coffee beans, you should think about how you will prepare hot drink. Exists four main types of coffee grinds.

Coarse ground coffee used to prepare a hot drink in geyser coffee makers. The size of the coffee particles will be about 0.8 mm in diameter. To obtain the full aroma of the drink, it should be infused for 6-8 minutes.

coarse grinding can be obtained in 10 seconds in the simplest coffee grinder.

Medium grind coffee beans considered universal. It is suitable for almost any method of brewing a drink. Medium-ground coffee is used mainly for making a drink in a French press. To fully reveal the aroma of the drink, it is necessary to infuse it for 4-6 minutes, the duration of grinding is no more than 13 seconds.

Finely ground coffee is used for tiled coffee makers and espresso machines. Coffee beans need to be ground for 20 seconds and infused during espresso preparation up to 30 seconds, and for filter coffee makers up to 4 minutes.

Ultra fine coffee grind, which in consistency resembles a fine powder, is used to brew coffee in a Turk according to the principles of the East.

It's no secret that the main tool for grinding coffee are. But the degree of grinding depends not only on the technological features of these small devices, but also on the duration of their work. Keep this in mind when you grind coffee beans. And remember that before you start grinding grains, they need

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